View Full Version : Rapture Cloak

11-02-2014, 11:26 AM
SOLD -thanks folks!

Up for auction today is a Rapture Cloak. A great item for those of you with a dark side... The auction will be a standard once, twice, third and sold type. HOWEVER - I do not update daily, so do not expect it.

I have had a few PMs considering the MB, but no actual offers. I am going to hold out a bit longer and then throw this into the locker. Lots of questions and comments about the price. I will do cash for silvers, I will consider partial coin and item (I have a lot of junk, so unique is the key - and no weapons or armor).

MB: 50M
BO: amaze me

Here's everything I know (from Krakii). I do not know anything else, so if you ask, I do not know (of course others might, so you can ask, but don't expect an answer from me)

1: Basic Name - a black rapture cloak

2: Show - The black rapture cloak is not just black, it appears to absorb all light that comes near it leaving it nondescript and indiscernible.

3: Loresong - Unavailable, as it was worn immediately upon receiving and cannot be removed.

4: Details - Various messaging dealing with darkness, and foreboding evil...

<<Setzier pulls his black rapture cloak in close, protecting him from the light.

<<Setzier throws his black rapture cloak open wide, spraying rays of blackness as the dark haze enshrouding him disperses.

<<Setzier spreads his black rapture cloak wide, sending dark waves rippling through the area.

<<Setzier slowly runs his hand down his black rapture cloak, causing ripples of pure darkness to roll outward.

<<Setzier wraps his black rapture cloak around himself, causing a dark haze to enshroud him.

<<Eyes on the clasp of Setzier's black rapture cloak flare red as he locks it tightly.

<<Eyes on the clasp of Setzier's black rapture cloak flare red as he unlocks it.

Once worn, it cannot be removed. At least, I don't think it can, as it's been years since I've had it and have tried numerous ways. Even the constable doesn't remove it. If you have items within it, and keep it open/unlocked, the constable will remove all the items out of the cloak, and let you keep the cloak. Guess I'll never be able to go streaking again (like I ever did in the first place!)

Thank you! Bid high and bid often!

11-02-2014, 02:26 PM
1. How much can it hold?

2. Can these be lightened or deepened?

3. Who is the Constable and why is he pickpocketing the bearer of this cloak?


11-02-2014, 02:31 PM
1. The newer ones, including this one, hold 140lbs. That is their maximum depth. I'll defer to the OP on weight but I think mine weighed 6lbs empty and could not be lightened further.

2. They can receive epic deepening services right on a character's back if a GM allows it. No guarantee.

3. The constable is a well-known pornography addict.

Lord Orbstar
11-03-2014, 12:36 AM
If the cloak is shut, the constable cant get your stuff if I recall... I have a rapture cloak, but it has been a while since i languished in the dungeon

11-03-2014, 04:30 AM
If the cloak is shut, the constable cant get your stuff if I recall... I have a rapture cloak, but it has been a while since i languished in the dungeon

Not sure what is the point of that other than to become the next Tayre, banned from landing forever until he pays his 120m fine.

11-03-2014, 07:58 AM
First off let me say I am interested in this cloak and have asked the seller to set a private price.

I think this cloak is way cool and if you love it, have the silvers, here's a chance to get it. Too bad there is no buyout price, the seller might get what they ask for, but leaving it open ended puts a buyer in a bad position. I don't think many people are going to swoon over it as once they did, but there will be many people with a bug up their butt for it lol.

The problem, if you plan to wear it, whatever you pay is gone. No trade value once worn. For me, not having any value on the market after you wear it puts the price lower...

In the day, scripted cloaks were unheard of, today it's quite the opposite.

I'd personally love this cloak however. Very unique, in a cursed sort of way lol.

If silvers were no object, I'd offer the MB.

Lord Orbstar
11-03-2014, 08:45 AM
^ concur. It is like collecting ICE age stuff. You do it out of love of history and not really for value or improvement

11-03-2014, 10:20 AM
I have to agree with the posts above. The bond on wear makes this a little harder to find a buyer for as it is stuck with that person forever, and the scripts are becoming more common on cloaks. The excellent Ghule cloak scripts are an example.

Good luck with the sale though! Interesting item.

11-03-2014, 10:33 AM
If I had 50m, I'd bid on this in a second. As someone mentioned previously- this is a piece of Gemstone history. For a very long time, these were the creme de la creme of cloaks. EVERYONE wanted one. It's like finally getting that pony you wanted as a child when you turn 30.

11-03-2014, 10:54 AM
Rheisia I don't think anyone is debating an intrinsic value, but in this specific case you accent the issue very nicely. We all went nuts over those cloaks, but in a time when anything scripted was mind boggling that fact alone! Then add the mystery of non-removable and it is the stuff of legend. It remains legend, and a relic, and at a cost today as it is permanent FLUFF! Lol.

I went back and forth on this, the lure of old world vs the reality of the new. I landed firmly on the reality of the new, with acknowledged history, which is why I've expressed interest. If you end up with this cloak and wear it, more glory to you! I would wear it.

I'm very much looking forward to see if anyone bids, and if so how high, but I am guessing we won't see much movement if anyone does. The use of this cloak blocks future change, much like a vampire is stuck in time and needs new vampires to maintain a connection with the present, so this cloak becomes permanently fixed.... Muhahahhaha.

11-03-2014, 11:10 AM
If the eventual buyer is willing to donate their time to my breeding program, please send me a message. I hope to open a shop selling black rapture socks and scarves.

In response to questions: We will need to stand back to back and promise not to look. I recommend bringing a book or crossword.

11-03-2014, 08:23 PM
If I had 50m, I'd bid on this in a second. As someone mentioned previously- this is a piece of Gemstone history. For a very long time, these were the creme de la creme of cloaks. EVERYONE wanted one. It's like finally getting that pony you wanted as a child when you turn 30.

Mmmmm hmmm

11-03-2014, 08:32 PM
Rapture socks would be torturous.

11-03-2014, 08:49 PM
Rapture socks would be torturous.

Spoken like a man who has not felt the satisfying squish of thirty years of foot slime between his enraptured toes!

11-03-2014, 08:54 PM
Spoken like a man who has not felt the satisfying squish of thirty years of foot slime between his enraptured toes!

Okay, neck penis.

11-03-2014, 08:58 PM
Okay, neck penis.

Okay, you bargain hunter you. Pre-order one pair of black rapture socks and I'll throw in a neck penis for free.

11-06-2014, 05:19 PM
Bumpity Bump

11-06-2014, 05:21 PM
since it hasn't been worn, can I loresing it?

11-12-2014, 11:42 AM
An example of how a interest for a Rapture cloak turns into complete "I could care less" would be my recent experience:

I have a concealer gem, Deeply Hooded Austere Grey Robe, it's a glamour so completely non functional, but had my weather cloak altered to match the appearance. So now have a functional zesty cloak behind the glamour. Very unique, but a rather unusual circumstance.

I'd think anyone that wants personalized appearance would want to stay away from a rapture cloak these days, still a fun and respected relic. Good luck on selling it, clearly there are many who would jump at the chance to own it.

Lord Orbstar
11-12-2014, 04:13 PM
was it ever Lore Sung?

11-17-2014, 11:45 PM
You sing sonorously in Guildspeak:

"Black rapture cloak famed for blackest evil intent e'er you tread,
Dare I sing and learn what purpose of thine there is to dread?"

You detect that the rapture cloak was created by a truely evil craftsman from pure darkness. You are nearly overwhelmed by the strength of the evil foreboding the cloak portends. You feel massive amounts of your mana being drained into the rapture cloak!

You learn nothing new about the cloak.

And by massive amounts of my mana, it meant like... 12 points per verse, all of which returned the same (typo'd) messaging. PFFFT. Cryheart's kroderine armor was worse! I kinda expected it to be completely uneventful given how old these are, so I'm glad it actually had a customized song of some kind.

Glad I got a chance to sing to it though!

11-17-2014, 11:47 PM
And by massive amounts of my mana, it meant like... 12 points per verse, all of which returned the same (typo'd) messaging. PFFFT. Cryheart's kroderine armor was worse! I kinda expected it to be completely uneventful given how old these are, so I'm glad it actually had a customized song of some kind.

Glad I got a chance to sing to it though!

For you, I grant one potato.


11-18-2014, 12:30 AM
My first character had one of the originals, pre setzier in fact. It was hinted by the gms that I talked to that there was supposed to be some kind of quest attached to it's removal, so a group of folks- thalior, celtic, a few other famous olds, took my lowbie character to go talk to Sheru. He showed up and killed us all. From what I understand the person who designed them had some kind of idea for them but left before any of it came to be, and the chance of removal and associated quest was relegated to the dustbin of GS history. One of my favorite GS moments though.

11-18-2014, 12:32 AM
Damn I wish I had kept that log. Epic.

11-18-2014, 07:55 AM
Nice to know there is at least 1 seriously cursed item in game lol.

I mean, now that I reflect with the in game lore (gm gone history with storyline), you'd have to be nuts to put that thing around your neck! I suppose it's possible they resurrect the purpose.... Heh, maybe Thalior and crew will come back too!

Nice relic :)

11-18-2014, 08:13 AM
There is also the black ora jewelry which are cursed as hell.


11-18-2014, 08:29 AM
My first character had one of the originals, pre setzier in fact.

I thought Setzier, a third person, and I bought the original cloaks at an auction during the 90s. Your character was the other person?

11-18-2014, 01:07 PM
I thought Setzier, a third person, and I bought the original cloaks at an auction during the 90s. Your character was the other person?

If it was the first "god" auction or whatever, then yeah I suppose so. I played a lunatic sorcerer, which basically involved a lot of twitching. There were two (?) of those auctions, I was at the first but not the second. 95 maybe?

11-18-2014, 02:02 PM
I played a lunatic sorcerer, which basically involved a lot of twitching.

I play one of those! Without the twitching though.

11-18-2014, 06:14 PM
Thundermin won one of the original cloaks, its how he started his weapon collection.

11-18-2014, 06:24 PM
Thundermin won one of the original cloaks, its how he started his weapon collection.

What kind of weapons?