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10-06-2004, 06:26 PM
Coup de Grace, anyone?
10-06-2004, 06:42 PM
Another Rogue-only CMAN.....Why is that not surprising?
10-06-2004, 06:45 PM
<<Another Rogue-only CMAN>>
May I ask where you read that? I see no documentation on Coup de Grace and it is very much not a rogue skill (in reality, not necessarily GemStone).
10-06-2004, 06:47 PM
Another Rogue-only CMAN.....Why is that not surprising?
If you're whining about this, it's like me whining that I can't cast 608. Also I'm fairly sure it isn't rogue only.
10-06-2004, 07:03 PM
We'll see, but I've an itching feeling I'm going to be right.
< If you're whining about this, it's like me whining that I can't cast 608. >
Just trying to look out for my interests playing a physical Ranger.
10-06-2004, 07:03 PM
I have a ranger too, we're like cousins.
Originally posted by Artha
If you're whining about this, it's like me whining that I can't cast 608. Also I'm fairly sure it isn't rogue only.
Ok, I'll whine that I can't cast anything in 400's. Rogues have a spell list rangers can't use either.
10-06-2004, 07:07 PM
<<We'll see, but I've an itching feeling I'm going to be right.>>
So you have no idea what you're talking about, basically. Coup de Grace will be made available to warriors and rogues.
10-06-2004, 07:08 PM
Ok, I'll whine that I can't cast anything in 400's. Rogues have a spell list rangers can't use either.
I don't care about 601-607, 608 would make me astoundingly uber.
10-06-2004, 07:12 PM
< So you have no idea what you're talking about, basically. >
< May I ask where you read that? >
< I see no documentation on Coup de Grace. >
608 makes up for the fact that rangers usually don't get as much CM training as rogues and we don't get wspec, it just makes up for AS that rogues already get we have to pay 8 mana for it for one swing. But man, if rangers got access to the 400 circle, then we'd be really awesome (425 would just be amazing). I would miss the TD from MnS though.
10-06-2004, 07:17 PM
<<Stunseed's post.>>
Okay, so going by what I said, you don't know any more than I do.
Unfortunately for you, I read the plans for coup de grace months ago when it was intended to be released. Warriors and rogues.
10-06-2004, 07:21 PM
< you don't know any more than I do. >
Which is why I said "We'll see." If I said, it'll be Rogue only still, perhaps your thought would be valid. I am perfectly capable of being wrong, I have been before and more than likely will be again. < Concuring I am assuming, but for some itching reason it is not changing my mind >
And to Artha...
< 608 would make me astoundingly uber. >
I'll trade you spikethorn and my vine spells for your Stunman and laugh my way to cap.
Edited for a stray -k and stuff.
[Edited on 10-6-2004 by Stunseed]
10-06-2004, 07:24 PM
Wil u tuch mi pp?
10-06-2004, 07:28 PM
< Wil u tuch mi pp? >
I bet if you stick that in your deep fat fryer at work, you could sell a real mini tater-tot.
10-07-2004, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by Stunseed
< Wil u tuch mi pp? >
I bet if you stick that in your deep fat fryer at work, you could sell a real mini tater-tot.
Wow, thats a funny one.
Did I mention how utterly stupid you are for bitching about the Cmans, or whining that you don't have Stunman? You are a semi. Either don't get hit, get hit little enough that you don't need cmans/stunmans, or simply, stop sucking at gemstone.
10-07-2004, 01:43 AM
< You are a semi. >
Chadj's a semi as well, with a hell of a lot better CMAN's than Rangers. But I appreciate the offer to come up with a decent argument.
< Wow, thats a funny one. >
Well, why don't you try coming up with something a tad better than your lame, outdated shit and you might get a little effort.
10-07-2004, 07:37 AM
Nah, I like classics. And I plan on sticking with them. <3
Also, the Cman's that Chadj possesses, in no way help him in defense, and thus, he still doesn't get hit by sheer not-sucking.
10-07-2004, 10:20 AM
Rogues and warriors should always get access to the best CMAN's and they should be the only profession that have exclusive CMAN's much like they have the only practical guilds. I, myself, would love to have charge, wspec1, etc as a wizard but it kind of defeats the purpose of having different classes if you're just going to give them all the same stuff. I play a very physical wizard and I realize I won't ever have access to some of the CMAN's. I'd love to have them but I also realize why I don't get them.
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