View Full Version : Tier 5 wins

10-30-2014, 05:55 AM
Hadn't seen a thread this year. Just won my first one. List what you have gotten!

a saw-toothed krolvin backslasher

+25, heavily crit weighted, made of golvern, short sword base

pumpkin toss

10-30-2014, 07:31 AM
I found a few neat weapons from T5 wins:
5x Drakar Warblade with trollbane looks pretty neat too but can't remember it off the top of my head.

Massive golvern bastard sword. Haven't had anyone sing to it yet. But tested it out and it has rot flares. Watched a silverback Orc suffer to death from it when I was beating it up in defensive stance.

10-30-2014, 07:51 AM
Found a scrying mirror. Peeping Tom style.

There was a creeper who had to have it, so it was sold. :)

10-30-2014, 08:38 AM
Hadn't seen a thread this year. Just won my first one. List what you have gotten!

a saw-toothed krolvin backslasher

+25, heavily crit weighted, made of golvern, short sword base

pumpkin toss

Awesome find.

10-30-2014, 10:35 AM
I wonder if they turned up the feeder rate.

10-30-2014, 10:51 AM
I wonder if they turned up the feeder rate.

Highly doubtful. It started out a little slow and this could be balancing it out.

10-30-2014, 01:34 PM
Hadn't seen a thread this year. Just won my first one. List what you have gotten!

a saw-toothed krolvin backslasher

+25, heavily crit weighted, made of golvern, short sword base

pumpkin toss

That is awesome. I still have one of those old school krolvin backslashers. That's like a better beefed up version.

10-30-2014, 01:34 PM
Hadn't seen a thread this year. Just won my first one. List what you have gotten!

a saw-toothed krolvin backslasher

+25, heavily crit weighted, made of golvern, short sword base

pumpkin toss

Is this the same stats as the original backslashers? I had one of these in the late 90's. Also, are you interested in selling by chance?

10-30-2014, 01:35 PM
Is this the same stats as the original backslashers? I had one of these in the late 90's. Also, are you interested in selling by chance?

The originals didn't have as much crit weighting as the one he found I don't think.

10-30-2014, 01:56 PM
I own 4 krolvin backslashers from over the years. Two of them are serrated Krolvin backslashers that are 5x and somewhat crit weighted. One of them is a Krolvin backslasher that is plain 5x. And the current one I just got.

10-30-2014, 02:09 PM
So far my T5s:
Morphing jewelry w/ enhancives - +10 Sorc Lore:Necro Bonus ; +10 Wisdom Bonus ; persists
7x gloves w/ void flares ; fully unlocked Shurley scripts
5x golvern cuirass ; 12lbs ; +5 TD

10-30-2014, 02:45 PM
My only t5 so far, came from digging...

A tin that makes tarts. woohoo.

It does have a nifty loresong, though, so there is that.

10-30-2014, 02:49 PM
My two wins were a stupid impator long bow +22 somewhat sighted and a wand that uses gems and alters the look of items by what you wave it at.

10-30-2014, 02:58 PM
Highly doubtful. It started out a little slow and this could be balancing it out.

A little slow? holy crap... they killed the T5 pulls this year. The games have sucked. even 90% of the T4 pulls are recycled junk from prior years.

glad some of you are getting luck.

10-30-2014, 03:02 PM
a twisted ebon-hilted dagger - 6x fully unlocked Fana? dagger

10-30-2014, 04:22 PM
a twisted ebon-hilted dagger - 6x fully unlocked Fana? dagger

Haven't heard of Fana. Have you tested that out to see what it does?

10-30-2014, 04:34 PM
>get eb dag
You reach for the ebon-hilted dagger and it nearly springs into your hand, like the return of a long-lost friend. The dagger's hilt melds perfectly into your palm.

>rub dag
You rub your fingertip along the edge of the ebon-hilted dagger's blade, slicing through a few layers of skin. A large drop of blood drips onto the metal and bubbles as it turns to a dark mass. A crimson mist appears within the gooey substance and begins to flow over the blade's edge, dispersing into the air.

>wave my dagger
You wave your ebon-hilted dagger in a sweeping arc through the air, a thick viscous mist rolling off the blade and churning in its wake. You abruptly sweep the weapon back through the turbulent darkness, causing the mist to scatter without a trace.

>clench my dagger
You grit your teeth together as you clench the ebon-hilted dagger tightly, and a sinuous thread of mist begins to wrap and twine itself between your fingers, nearly cutting off your circulation! As you relax your hand, the mist begins to dissipate, and sinks into the blade with a lingering *hisssssss*.

>l dag
Carved into a slender twist, the black ebon hilt of the dagger allows the wielder's fingers to fit comfortably within the sculptured grooves, providing a sturdy grip. Unfamiliar sigils have been etched along the two-toned metal of the blade that has been forged with a slight curve, designed to deliver maximum damage when withdrawn from its victim's flesh. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

>anal dag
You analyze your ebon-hilted dagger and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
You carefully analyze your ebon-hilted dagger and sense that there are some alteration restrictions. Your dagger must be some kind of BLADED weapon. (No runestaves or bows, etc.) SHOWS are fine to add but bear in mind the misty and shadowy nature of the weapon, evident in messaging. Original concept by Fana.

This item is fully unlocked.

You can turn the ambient messaging ON/OFF by PRODding your weapon.

>put dag in my clo
As you prepare to drop your ebon-hilted dagger, jet black tendrils begin to snake and coil around the dagger's hilt, slithering upward. Mere seconds before they twine around your wrist, you release your grip on the dagger and the tendrils retreat.

testing the ambient stuff now

Black tendrils begin to writhe and coil up the dagger, continuing up your arm and around your neck. Nearly strangling you, the ominous fibers sink into your flesh, and you feel a sharp pain along the side of your face.

Black tendrils begin to writhe and coil up Malrocky's dagger, continuing up his arm and around his neck. Suddenly, Malrocky winces, clutching his face in agony.
>l malr
You see Malrocky the Warlord.
He appears to be a Human.
He is tall and appears to be mature. He has silver-flecked blue eyes and tanned skin. He has shoulder-length, sandy brown hair that lays about his face in an unruly tangle of shaggy curls. He has a weathered face and broad shoulders. Inky black threads slither just beneath the surface of his skin, shifting his flesh with disturbing, coiling movements.

Thin dark threads pulse and fade along the hilt of Malrocky's ebon-hilted dagger.

As if searching for Malrocky's hand, shadowy strands of black mist slither upward along the edge of his dagger's blade.

A dark, charcoal-hued mist forms along the length of Malrocky's ebon-hilted dagger. Swirling purposefully, the mass forms a skull-like shape with black chambers for eyes. The shape dematerializes as quick as it formed.

Malrocky's ebon-hilted dagger begins to shake violently in his hand.

A thick, dark liquid drips off the tip of Malrocky's ebon-hilted dagger, but it evaporates before it hits the ground.

Mist-like tendrils slither across Malrocky's ebon-hilted dagger, stretching like fingers toward the weapon's hilt.

10-30-2014, 05:12 PM
I found a 5x runestaff with +5 to Influence and Wisdom Ranks

10-30-2014, 05:16 PM
5x golvern dagger

10-31-2014, 01:25 AM
Interested in selling the Necro bonus item?

10-31-2014, 04:12 AM
A 7x maul. Nothing else

10-31-2014, 04:18 AM
found a huge cap cloak with +8 ranged and +6 dex bonus with no restrictions and a piece of morphing jewelry that has several materials/gems and seems to morph to about 8 wear locations.

10-31-2014, 05:09 AM
A full set of Adventurewear Gear. All 7 pieces, inside a very nicely deepened longcoat. All fully unlocked, even the hood fully unlocked.
A fully unlocked, max deepened/lightened Ranger Animal Companion Treat Pouch. Ankleworn.

10-31-2014, 05:22 AM
What's with ankle worn treat pouches? Who keeps treats in a pouch on their ankle?

10-31-2014, 06:45 AM
The diethx/pk exchange in the smile folder is a t5 win.

10-31-2014, 03:33 PM
Unlocked spectacles and a 5x gladis that really hates trolls

11-01-2014, 01:37 AM
auction-quality tent - "folded green canvas tent" from carousel

11-01-2014, 01:41 AM
+8 pole bonus, +5 str bonus, max light/deep huge amount no restriction longcoat.

11-01-2014, 09:20 AM
Fireworks wand - 26 designs, 11 colors, either room only or realm, I think it's got a certain amount of charges that refill but haven't tested it enough yet.

Could be worse.

11-01-2014, 10:07 AM
Still waiting to find a bard to sing to these things, but I got:
5x twisted kelyn warblade with snake flares (has a necrotic mist-shrouded serpent on it)
At least 7x golvern kite shield - scripted. May have other special abilities, though haven't been able to test it beyond using the AI crystal.

Better than last year for me - I didn't get any T5 wins then - and the previous year I only got a veil iron crystal amulet holder fully unlocked.