View Full Version : Albert and the shark

10-28-2014, 11:37 PM
[Feywrot Mire, Cedar Clearing]
Draped with soft blankets of moss that flutter to-and-fro of their own accord, spindly cedar trees ring the area. Their branches stretch out overhead, creating a brittle web across the dark sky. In the center of the clearing, the ground is slightly lumpy, though firmly packed, and riddled with a light dusting of ashes. Several blackened cedar stumps jut out of the ground in front of a particurlarly wide arc of grey-green moss. You also see the Laelithonel disk, the Deckits disk, an oak-framed ebon parchment sign and a games sign up list.
Also here: Lord Elliven, Leloo, Merll, Laelithonel, Miss Solainne, Huckster Curiz, Beastman Oongar, Zarston who is sitting, Radeek, Phever, Gweneivia who is sitting, Deckits, Lord Neelin, Malrocky, Gravedigger Resonancer, Truje
Obvious paths: north

In the Common language, it reads:
~*~ Sing Me An Epitaph ~*~
Hosted by: Oongar
Number of Players: 20
1. Each player will be given a piece of paper to create a short song about.
2. Each player will be given 15 minutes to write a song.
3. Each player will be given 3 minutes to present song and paper.
4. Each player will be judged in Consistence with Death, Time, Content, and Style.
5. Prizes will be awarded to the top three Players.

The sign up list contains the following names:

(1) Elliven
(2) Resonancer
(3) Radeek
(4) Truje
(5) Deckits
(6) Neelin
(7) Malrocky
(8) Laelithonel
(9) Phever
(10) Gweneivia
(11) Zarston
(12) Mogonis

The sign up list is closed.
Leaving the game for more than a few minutes is NOT allowed.
Leaving the room is NOT allowed.
You may only be on ONE list at a time. Joining another will remove you from the first.

Solainne exclaims, "You get extra points if you work something about beards into your songs!"

Solainne says, "Okay.. not really. But it would be awesome."


Curiz offers you a thin waxy piece of paper. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

You accept Curiz's offer and are now holding a thin waxy piece of paper.

In the Common language, it reads:
Albert enjoyed the finer things in life, until he got eaten by a shark.

[I get to work.]

Oongar shrilly exclaims, "An tha last wun!"

Oongar nods to you.

Neelin chuckles.

Phever cocks her head at you.

You clear your throat.

You sing:

"Albert, his name, all dressed in his fine
He went to the back and stood in a line
A cane, a hat, a gold pocket watch too
He danced as he waited to go to the loo"

You sing:

"But, oh no, this line, it's so long and so far
He shouldn't have stayed so long in this bar
But the women, the ladies, so classy and pretty
Where else can he pee in this fair coastal city?"

You sing:

"With manners and tact, Albert carried himself
He couldn't ignore that establishment's top shelf
But nature was calling, with an urgent alarm
If I pee in the ocean, what could I harm?"

You sing:

"So in his shoes, so shiny and new
Albert removed himself from the line to the loo
He sauntered on down to where the coast meets the sea
Oh, Lord Kai, how I have to pee"

Radeek chuckles.

Merll just left.

Leloo turns to you and cheers!

Phever leans softly against Radeek.

You sing:

"Afraid to be seen, as he dropped his pants low
Wait, is that Albert peeing below?
And as Albert relieved, he slipped on a rock
And into that ocean he fell like a block"

Leloo clasps her hand over her mouth.

Laelithonel giggles.

Gweneivia covers her eyes with her hands.

Neelin grins at Curiz.

Solainne chuckles.

You sing:

"Then along swam a shark, so hungry and feared
Then Albert got pee all up in his beard!
But problems not over, that shark came by
Poor Albert's fancy life, the end is nigh"

Gweneivia gags.

Oongar blinks.

You sing:

"Wanting to chomp, the shark neared for a snack
Poor Albert, he thought, here comes an attack!
He punched and he kicked, but he couldn't squelch
That shark ate him whole, and let out a belch"

You bow.

Solainne says, "And now you know how womenfolk feel... always havin to wait in a line."

Phever applauds you.

Curiz chuckles.

(OOC) Radeek's player whispers, "Oh god...I'm dying here."

Elliven just left.
Elliven just arrived.

Phever nods quickly at Solainne!

You recite:

"Sank you, sank you! I'm 'ere all night"

Oongar applauds.

Speaking quietly to Solainne, Neelin says, "We all wait for merchant work though....."

Neelin wails!

Curiz chuckles.

You offer your waxy piece of paper to Curiz, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.

Laelithonel cackles!

Deckits grins at you.

Radeek applauds.

Speaking heartily to you, Curiz asks, "Whats your paper read?"

Neelin quietly says, "First and foremost."

Truje laughs!

Neelin quietly says, "Thank you to the Event Planners for letting us participate."

Neelin quietly exclaims, "Thank you!!"

Malrocky says, "Thank you."

Malrocky bows.

Curiz has accepted your offer and is now holding a thin waxy piece of paper.

Neelin points at Solainne.

Neelin points at Curiz.

You recite:

"Sanks for stayin'! They saved the worst for last"

Neelin points at Oongar.

Oongar shrilly says, "Yoo ael sing gud tonite."

Leloo gives you a friendly hug.

Oongar nods.

Leloo giggles.

Leloo looks over at you and shakes her head.

Gweneivia smiles.

Curiz heartily says, "Paper reads Albert enjoyed the finer things in life, until he got eaten by a shark."

Leloo whispers, "You did great."

Curiz put a thin waxy piece of paper in his leather pouch.

Leloo whispers, "That was really funny."

Gweneivia softly says, "Pee in the beard doesn't sound that fine to me."

Leloo turns to you and cheers!

Elliven says, "Cept me."

You say, "Sharks. They don' care if yas wearin' suede or rags."

Gweneivia just nudged you.

Neelin smirks at Gweneivia.

A faint silvery glow fades from around Laelithonel.

You exclaim, "They wanted beard! They got beard!"

Radeek says, "Pee in da beard makes it a horror story I reckon."

You agree with Radeek.

You say, "Don' fall into where yas peein'."

You say, "Yas get more than pee in the ol' beard."

Elliven stands up.

Leloo giggles.

Leloo says, "Imagine what Albert has in his beard in that sharks stomach."

Leloo shudders.

Truje says, "Why? Sharks pee there every day."

[They hand out toy trolls and goblins.]

Oongar shrilly exclaims, "We got the results!"

Neelin just opened a tiny void blue silk sack.

Neelin struggles to get the kitten but fails.

Neelin wails!


Oongar shrilly asks, "Yew awl want them?"

Neelin quietly says, "Or not."

Neelin nods at Oongar.

Neelin quietly exclaims, "Yes!"

Gweneivia nods enthusiastically!

Curiz heartily exclaims, "If you would like a troll or a goblin, whisper to me which ya want.. one per person!"

Deckits adopts an agreeable expression.

A bird calls out, its loud cackle echoing throughout the mire.

Neelin quietly exclaims, "Share the NOOOOOs with us!"

Neelin makes a rude suggestion to Leloo and gets a firm punch for it.

You ask, "Do the goblins look like that one?"

You point at Oongar.

Curiz offers Gweneivia a snarling toy swamp troll.

Leloo's ivy choker writhes slightly, the vine's tendrils creeping and shifting slightly as it repositions itself along her neck.

Gweneivia accepts Curiz's toy swamp troll.

Gweneivia beams!

Laelithonel wrings her hands.

Curiz offers Zarston a scowling green toy goblin.

Zarston accepts Curiz's green toy goblin.

Curiz offers Laelithonel a snarling toy swamp troll.

Oongar shrilly exclaims, "Tird place!"

Laelithonel accepts Curiz's toy swamp troll.

A foul smelling odor suddenly surrounds Gweneivia.

Curiz offers Elliven a scowling green toy goblin.

You say, "I takes a troll."

Neelin applauds Zarston.

Elliven accepts Curiz's green toy goblin.

Oongar shrilly exclaims, "Malrocky!"

Elliven lets out a cheer!

Oongar points at Malrocky.

Gweneivia agrees with Zarston.

Alasatia snuggles Laelithonel, who responds by cradling an arm around her.

Malrocky blinks.

Curiz turns to Malrocky and cheers!

Gweneivia applauds Malrocky.

Laelithonel carefully placed a snarling toy swamp troll in her ebon leather book-bag.

Elliven says, "Well sung all."

Curiz offers you a snarling toy swamp troll. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.

Laelithonel licks Alasatia's cheek sloppily. Yuck!

Gweneivia grins.

You accept Curiz's offer and are now holding a snarling toy swamp troll.

You raise your toy swamp troll skyward!

Alasatia claps her hands.

You hug your toy swamp troll, and it lets out a loud belch!

A green mist envelops Gweneivia causing her to choke and gag.

Malrocky bows.

Truje says, "Goblin."

Leloo grins at you.

Malrocky says, "Thank you."

Curiz applauds Malrocky.

Oongar recites shrilly:

"Secund place!"

(Mogonis holds up his toy swamp troll near Leloo's face for comparison.)

Gweneivia just got bitten on the forehead!

Curiz offers Truje a scowling green toy goblin.

You say, "Hmm."

Leloo laughs!

Leloo gives you a playful kick in the shin.

Gweneivia winces.

You hug your toy swamp troll, and it lets out a loud belch!

Truje accepts Curiz's green toy goblin.

Oongar shrilly exclaims, "Gweneivia!"

You exclaim, "I choose troll!"

Curiz offers Phever a scowling green toy goblin.

Zarston turns to Gweneivia and cheers!

Gweneivia gasps.

Oongar points at Gweneivia.

Laelithonel applauds.

Neelin turns to Gweneivia and cheers!

Phever accepts Curiz's green toy goblin.

Curiz turns to Gweneivia and cheers!

Gweneivia softly says, "No way."

Curiz applauds.

Alasatia lets out a cheer!

Elliven applauds Gweneivia.

Phever applauds.

Zarston gives Gweneivia a lingering kiss.

Radeek applauds.

Oongar nods at Gweneivia.

Leloo says, "Yeah cause all you get to do is make out with a troll."

Gweneivia softly says, "Cats always win."

The mirror images surrounding Phever undulate and grow stronger.

Phever renews her songs.

Phever says, "Thank you."

Truje turns to Gweneivia and cheers!

Leloo says, "They're your kind."

Leloo nods to you.

You smirk.

Oongar recites shrilly:

"An ferst place!"

Gweneivia grins.

Oongar shrilly exclaims, "Mogonis!"

Neelin quietly says, "Good luck to all."

Neelin nods.

You hoot.

Oongar points at you!

Leloo gasps.

You exclaim, "Me!"

Zarston applauds you.

Leloo lets out a cheer!

Gweneivia turns to you and cheers!

Curiz applauds you.

Neelin quietly exclaims, "Grats Mogonis!"

Phever applauds you.

Leloo gives you a friendly hug

Alasatia claps her hands.

Radeek applauds you.

Curiz lets out a cheer!

Truje turns to you and cheers!

Leloo flings herself against you, bounces off you, and giggles madly!

Leloo giggles.

Truje turns to you and cheers!

You exclaim, "I almost didn' even join!"

You cackle!

Laelithonel applauds you.

Leloo laughs!

Gweneivia softly exclaims, "Pee master!"

You bow.

You bow.

Truje turns to you and cheers!

Elliven exclaims, "Well Done!"

Oongar shrilly says, "Winners yoo awl get to follow her."

Malrocky applauds.

Oongar points at Solainne.

You exclaim, "Sank yas!"

Gweneivia stands up.

Curiz heartily exclaims, "Congratulations winners! And thank you for everyone who participated and listened!"

Deckits rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Leloo kisses you tenderly on the cheek.

Leloo whispers, "See!"

You hug Leloo, who wraps you in a warm embrace.

Leloo whispers, "You did great!"

Gweneivia snuggles Zarston, who responds by cradling an arm around her.

Leloo giggles.

Leloo gives you a friendly hug.

Solainne asks, "Would the winners please join me?"

You quietly whisper to Radeek, "I thought yours was pretty good!"

Curiz heartily says, "And anyone who hasn't yet gotten a troll or a goblin, and wants one, please whisper to me which you'd like."

You join Solainne.
Malrocky joins Solainne's group.
Gweneivia joins Solainne's group.

Leloo rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Elliven's green toy goblin just gave him a hicky!

Leloo grins.

Gravedigger Resonancer just went through some draping grey-green moss.

Speaking to your toy swamp troll, you say, "No peein' on me."

Curiz offers Leloo a scowling green toy goblin.

Leloo accepts Curiz's green toy goblin.

Leloo bounces around happily.

Meril just arrived.

Leloo's green toy goblin just gave her a hicky!

A vacillating aurora spirit floats in, following Meril.

Elliven put a scowling green toy goblin in his sorcerer's cloak.

Gweneivia hugs Zarston, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

Oongar shrilly exclaims, "Thank yoo awl fer performin!"

Zarston nods.

Leloo gasps.

Zarston gives Gweneivia a lingering kiss.

Leloo exclaims, "Ow!"

Gweneivia gives Zarston a lingering kiss.

Curiz agrees with Oongar.

Elliven says, "Thanks."

The sound of metal on bone comes from Deckits's mouth.

Lord Elliven just went north.

Zarston nods.

Radeek whispers, "But yours was downright hilarious."

You grin.

Truje says, "Good telling all."

Truje smiles.

Lord Elliven just arrived.

Lord Elliven just went through some draping grey-green moss.

Oongar shrilly exclaims, "Oongar see yew awl fer storytell in tu day!"

Speaking to Oongar, Laelithonel exclaims, "Thank YA!"

Miss Solainne's group just went north.