View Full Version : Necropolis guide, brief and not comprehensive
2019 Update ( -- includes how to find it.
This is based on the high-level instance only. I don't know what's different in the others.
2016 update: ;go2 necropolis to get to the staging area. Pay 25 (twice) to drop in. You need 25 redeemed tickets (from digging, DG, etc.)
You can leave without finishing by going to the starting room and searching. There's a path.
It's tough to get lost. Only a couple of places where you legitimately have two choices (it's a stretch to say even that). The rest are brief walks that sort themselves out pretty quickly.
Search sarcophogi and coffins to either spawn a critter, get some loot, or have random stuff happen (quake, poison, etc)
You want a skull, horn, and basilisk. You'll find them on critters. Put them in doors to proceed. You can save extras to use on your next run, too.2016 update - skeleton, ghoul and lich. 2019 update - same.
If you want to go backwards through doors, you'll want a claw, fang, and serpent.
The other things that look like they might open doors (hoof, drake, horse, etc.) appear to be useless.
I don't know what to do with the room with discs, but apparently you can't use it if you're less than three people. It comes up early. If you end up there, go out, go north, put your skull in that northish door, and keep going that way. The disc room leads to death or injury.
If it's a door/passageway/tunnel/stairway/whatever and doesn't have a spot to put something in, it's probably trapped. Apparently 408 works, but I haven't been able to disarm that way. Volners, use sym trans so you don't get killed or maimed. If in a group, only the leader gets killed/maimed. Bring herbs.
A dead end is probably a place where you're supposed to JUMP. You do a lot of jumping in the middle part of the necropolis.
In the gondola, you want to be going northish. n ne ne n n seems to be the quickest route. You're at the end when you see a dock. Go dock. To be clear: going "n" once requires entering "n" 2-3 times.
When you have to kneel - don't stand up til you go through the second fissure. It'll bonk your head hard (potentially rank 2 head wounds, I think).
PRAY at the luukos statue. That sets up the boss fight. Lots of HP (but 711 works just fine :-). Grab the ruby eye the harb drops and put it in the door. That gets you to the heart room.2018/2019 Update - fight the Big Bad when you infuse heart 6 times. Each time costs you one spirit
Sepulcher for new heart, mote for upgrading your heart. Search the sepulcher and then rummage it to rotate through the choices I think. If in a group, only one at a time should work the sepulcher so you don't both accidentally end up with the wrong type of heart. (I take no responsibility for being wrong here and you messing up your choice.) 2018 update - no more hearts
Your options for a new heart are 3x/day 211, 712, 2606, or 313. 1606 is the only one of those that doesn't show on loot-found scrolls, and it's awesome. When you use your heart there's a chance that it, and random things you're wearing, will become cursed. If that happens, you'll also get four rounds of crits directed at you.
Upgrade is to 4 max charges and 360 min per charge instead of 480 min per charge, less chance of being cursed, and different activation messaging. Heart is likely to be further upgradable in the future.
You can only pray for the boss monster every two hours. If you get to the boss monster room and can't pray to spawn it, you may be SOL sitting there for a while. (If you go with a group, you can all pray and all but one will have a spare eye to get out of a situation like that.)
There are hounds breathing fumes. Get purify air if you can.
Toughest non-boss critter is the dragoon, which always comes in with a warhorse. It doesn't show up very often. It seems to always have uncommon weapon/armor. It can swing at 725 or so. (in the top-level instance)
Chimeras have a scorpion tail cman that can put you prone and stunned. (in the top-level instance)
Something boils but I forget what. (in the top-level instance)
Lots of undead, and a lot of it is non-corp. (in the top-level instance)
2016 Update hearts, ethers, essenses, spirit
I haven't done most of this myself, so I don't have all the details. This is what I've gathered from others.
Max number of charges is 5x/day. If you already have that, grab yourself a new 3x/day heart instead.
Prismatic ether (T5 prize, or 2500 simucoins) can uncurse your heart. I believe that permanently turns it into a ball of ether or some such. It's weightless, or nearly weightless, or something like that, I think.
Prismatic essense (T5 prize, no simucoin purchase) adds a charge to your heart, letting you "make up" a missing year.
You can uncurse as many hearts as you like.
You can take any number of uncursed hearts through the "ending" scene. I guess it's in that rift just past the exit.
The ending scene adds an additional function to your uncursed heart - it lets you infuse a spirit point into it once per day, and then "withdraw" the stored points later.
The size of your heart's "spirit bank" is equal to the heart's number of charges per day.
10-26-2014, 07:15 AM
You can bring the boss out every 2 hours.
10-26-2014, 08:00 AM
You can sanct in the boss room to rest/recover, the hall outside the boss room will dispell it.
For the 25-50 group, the only spells I see the boss cast are ewave and dispell.
10-26-2014, 11:11 AM
we did it this morning, noticed that the harbinger's defense was lower after the 2nd time we exited to heal up
10-26-2014, 02:12 PM
we did it this morning, noticed that the harbinger's defense was lower after the 2nd time we exited to heal up
Because the first time you did the pray, at your level, second time it was me, at mine.
I think that goes for everything. If you go as a mixed group have the lowest level character do the searching and praying, the encounters will/should modify to their level.
10-26-2014, 02:27 PM
Ok. How do you disarm the traps. 408 don't seem to work like last year.
10-26-2014, 02:36 PM
I led the way using symbol of transcendence. Made all the traps non-lethal and pretty easy since I could heal the health damage immediately after. I tried 408 from a scroll on one of them several times, it didn't seem to work.
I will add that I am 1x perception and I spotted more than I set off.
10-26-2014, 02:45 PM
I led the way using symbol of transcendence. Made all the traps non-lethal and pretty easy since I could heal the health damage immediately after. I tried 408 from a scroll on one of them several times, it didn't seem to work.
I will add that I am 1x perception and I spotted more than I set off.
problem is not in Voln
10-26-2014, 02:51 PM
There is a way for *any* character to get past those traps.
10-26-2014, 02:55 PM
this was a bible for me this morning. i've been through 3 times today. got all my guys through except one. hit up Taajir later for the 50-75 trip. we need a healer.
There is a way for *any* character to get past those traps.
I still got hit.
10-27-2014, 10:41 AM
Thanks Goat, I am going to be taking quite a few of my girls through. One is a rogue so I guess she can disarm the traps, one is Voln and the rest aren't and many quite young. I'm sure I'll have the easiest time with it since I'm a healer and will probably go through with a big group. I'll make sure to load up the girls with tons of herbs before we venture through them. If anyone wants to PM me how to get past the traps without 408 for my young ones, I'd really appreciate it. Level 20 ranger not mastered in Sunfist is probably going to have some problems.
10-27-2014, 10:47 AM
I found last year that being in GoS and keeping sigil of major protection up helped immensely with the traps. Sigil of resolve should also help a bit. You'll still want to bring a lot of herbs though.
10-27-2014, 10:50 AM
I found last year that being in GoS and keeping sigil of major protection up helped immensely with the traps. Sigil of resolve should also help a bit. You'll still want to bring a lot of herbs though.
Thanks. I plan on bringing tons of herbs!
From Wyrom on the official, re: traps
"You must pass two checks in order to disarm traps. No more being able to blindly disarm. If you can't see the traps, you can't disarm it. And you must be skilled in MIU and/or Arcane Symbols. "
"If you LOOK at a trapped exit, and see the tripwire, with that skill, you should have a CHANCE to disarm it. There is no guarantee to disarm any trap anymore in the Necropolis."
Anyone mind sending me the trick to the trap disarming please? Also I'm trying to set up a run at 2pm est today for a 50-75 group. I'm taking my 53 wizard. Please meet up in the thrak inn trophy room at around 1:30-1:45 if you'd like to go. thx!
With 202 ranks in AS, MIU, and Perception no trap has ever gone off on me. I don't know how to disarm them, I tried "disarm trap" and that didn't work. I just look at the door, see the trap, go door "You spot the tripwire and easily step over it"
Been through 3 times and never gotten banged yet.
> I just look at the door, see the trap
Level 100
72 ranks of perception
157 AS
101 MIU
I have never seen a trap when I looked.
10-27-2014, 10:44 PM
You need 202 ranks perception to see it
10-27-2014, 11:07 PM
88 ranks of Perception and Survival. Got hit 3 times trying to go through the first ramp & couldn't see any trap looking.
My 53 wiz led this afternoon and never saw the traps until stepping over them but he used 402 and is 1x perc, as and miu. He also had someone cast light before attempting to go through. He tripped a couple but only for minor damage. My 71 rogue was able to disarm them tonight after looking at the ramp/door/etc. and seeing the traps.
10-28-2014, 04:30 PM
Where does this quest start?
10-28-2014, 06:45 PM
Where does this quest start?
23128, Give the Miner 25000 silvers.
10-28-2014, 08:45 PM
Just finished this solo with my 38 Empath. Biggest helpers to me against the boss were several charged blue crystals, a mana potion and flaming aura items.
10-30-2014, 05:16 PM
3 hours, finally get there, boss kills me, but my buddy kills it on the next swing. :l Yeah. Not doing that again. I'll make due with my heart as it is.
10-30-2014, 05:33 PM
3 hours, finally get there, boss kills me, but my buddy kills it on the next swing. :l Yeah. Not doing that again. I'll make due with my heart as it is.
You can pick up the items from extras people have and run through quick like. There are people doing runs today for others that need help. DONT LEAVE WITHOUT THAT SHIT
10-30-2014, 07:00 PM
3 hours, finally get there, boss kills me, but my buddy kills it on the next swing. :l Yeah. Not doing that again. I'll make due with my heart as it is.
Newb. I still need to run Taajir through (59 bard) so if you're in that range I'm game. I can knock it out in about 20-30 minutes. You do the rowing.
10-30-2014, 08:28 PM
You don't need to kill the boss to upgrade your heart.
You just need a glowing eye from someone else who has. (And plenty of people are killing him more than once.)
Get to the final room, put the eye in, and proceed through the door to upgrade your black ora heart.
10-22-2016, 08:03 AM
10-22-2016, 08:22 AM
Has anyone made the final fully upgraded heart? Any info on it and how it compares to a non-fully upgraded heart? Also, I think we can "finalize" multiple hearts into a spirit battery if we have them? Anyone know?
10-22-2016, 10:03 AM
Having trouble finding the answer to this: where is the entrance to the necropolis/how do I get in?
10-22-2016, 10:05 AM
There is a temple in the graveyard. Theres an npc inside
10-22-2016, 10:58 AM
How feasible is it to solo the Necropolis?
10-22-2016, 11:56 AM
Depends. I tried to solo and got crit killed by a trap pretty quick, level 40 ranger with doubled perception. I think being in Voln would have helped because you can use the symbol that makes you somewhat incorporeal, plus all those undead fighting powers. Also it sounds like more perception is more better for traps.
It's only 25 tickets and a deed if you fail; give it a shot.
BTW Andhunn the ranger is looking for a necropolis group around level 40 if anyone going this week!
10-22-2016, 12:31 PM
If you run the necro half-asleep because you typed the wrong # into go2, don't type "go sigil" at the boss room.
You make your way toward the rhimar sigil and stand in the center. A cerulean aura forms around the icy sigil, freezing you to the core!
... 515 points of damage!
Icy blast deep freezes one perfectly good heart!
The rush of collective knowledge of the undead fades from your mind.
You feel the extra courage wane.
A faint silvery glow fades from around you.
The layer of protection fades away.
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
Your breathing becomes more shallow.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.
...departing in 10 mins...
The rhimar sigil dims and your body shatters, leaving an icy skeletal warrior standing in the center of the sigil!
An icy skeletal warrior swings a closed fist at Xxxxx!
AS: +405 vs DS: +764 with AvD: +17 + d100 roll: +22 = -320
A clean miss.
You get auto-raised if you die in the Necro, which is nice.
10-22-2016, 01:05 PM
Depends. I tried to solo and got crit killed by a trap pretty quick, level 40 ranger with doubled perception. I think being in Voln would have helped because you can use the symbol that makes you somewhat incorporeal, plus all those undead fighting powers. Also it sounds like more perception is more better for traps.
It's only 25 tickets and a deed if you fail; give it a shot.
BTW Andhunn the ranger is looking for a necropolis group around level 40 if anyone going this week!
Made it through with my level 42 Rogue. Most annoying part was the last boss and not being able to hide. Took 25 minutes to kill her.
10-23-2016, 02:14 PM
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>summon ether
You focus on the blue-white flame in your hand and open a passageway through the unstable rift and into a divergent plane of existence. A seering white aura envelops you, cleansing you of all impurities and injuries.
A sense of weightlessness overcomes you as you feel yourself float away, accelerating faster and faster. Intense pressure builds around you, and your body begins to twist, pull, and bend. You feel like you're about to be torn apart and close your eyes when suddenly your surroundings shift.
You open your eyes and see that you're still holding your flame, but glowing shackles tightly clamped around your wrists and ankles imprison you. You see...
[Castle of the Damned, Chamber - ]
Fresh blood stains the floor of the chamber, surrounding a raised platform in the center of the room. Standing before a colossal granite sepulcher is an ethereal lich. A massive black ora door, which is open, leads to the south.
You also see some imprisoned captives.
The surrounding walls are lined with prisoners of all ages, each shackled to the wall by thick, glowing chains that clank loudly in the musty air. New captives, escorted in by faceless beings, are funneled through a massive black ora door.
A paralyzing hush washes over the chamber as a chill slithers down your spine. The lich standing before the colossal granite sepulcher looks at you, clenching a prismatic ether in his hand.
The prisoners along the wall begin to chant softly. "Sustain. Sustain. Sustain..." Each of the imprisoned captives appear as if they are possessed, their eyes rolling in the back of their heads with their mouths open wide in a soulless manner.
As the lich moves to your side, he raises his hands above your body, one holding a swirling colored mass of energy that hovers above his palm. He shrieks, "You... You've caused a ripple in time." The lich turns his back to you.
The lich turns back toward you and hisses, "You must pay for disturbing this place, Alastir. You will never be whole again. You will die here today, Elf, within this fold in time."
The lich continues, "This Necropolis is your tomb, Alastir. It always was. But don't worry... you'll explore it again. And you will recover what I take from you today. You'll not recall this encounter until..." The lich points at your flame, "Until you create that."
You struggle against the glowing shackles that imprison you.
The lich leans over your body, touching a long bony finger against your chest. The clothing on your upper body bursts into flames, exposing your glistening skin. With a razor-sharp, jagged fingernail, the lich drags his finger downward along your sternum, slicing through your flesh with ease. He burrows his hand deep into the incision, the agonizing pain nearly unbearable, but you are unable to cry out.
With ease, the lich peels back your flesh and exposes your rapidly beating heart. The lich's eyes widen, and large drops of saliva drip from his exposed and cracked jaw bones into your open chest cavity. You gasp for breath as the lich clamps his fingers around your heart.
Chanting continues to echo throughout the chamber, gradually drowning out the sound of your own heartbeat. "Die. Die. Die..." As the lich's grip tightens, your breathing slows drastically, and with a single, violent yank, the lich snatches your heart out of your chest, muscles and connective tissues snapping like twigs as he holds on to the blood-filled organ!
With a rattling voice, the lich speaks slowly and clearly, "Power. All you want is power." He raises your heart up into the air, crimson drops dribbling down his arm. "Power. At what cost? Are you willing to give your life for it? Of course you are. Here you lie, helpless, your existence ending. You'll die chasing this power." The lich tightens his grip around your heart, and an excruciating pain slices through your body. His words echo in your mind, forever etched upon the recesses of your memory.
With your heart still in his hand, and its thick blood dripping onto the ground, the lich turns away and plunges your heart into a massive black ora vat, black liquid bubbling up around his skeletal hand. He tosses his head back and roars victoriously, preface to his chilling laughter that echoes violently through the chamber. As the lich raises his hand from the vat, you notice your heart -- once a deep crimson red -- is now encased in black ora. His piercing gaze shifts to meet yours. He extends his hand toward you and slowly uncurls his fingers from their grip around your heart. "See you in a millennium, Alastir."
You begin to lose consciousness as your heart falls into the granite sepulcher.
As you succumb to your fate, you hear the lich shriek, "You don't belong here, not yet!"
Suddenly, everything fades to black.
You regain consciousness after what seems like an eternity and see...
[Feywrot Mire, Pool - 20374]
Ankle-deep cool, clear water fills the area, lapping lightly at the edge of the basin. Worked in the same stone as the surrounding basin, an elaborate statue dominates the center of the pool. The gentle babble of running water disturbs the otherwise quiet and calm nature of this place.
Obvious exits: none
You feel the blue-white flame has fully linked to you.
10-23-2016, 02:26 PM
10-29-2016, 11:38 AM
never mind
So this year there's an enruned black ora heart at the end. I ahve pasted below what happens when you touch it.
Anyone willing to share how to get past that without dying?
[Castle of the Damned, Nadir - ]
Suspended midair in the center of the circular chamber is an enruned black ora heart. At the north end of the room is a massive black ora door, which is closed. Chained to the walls are imprisoned souls, each wailing and pleading for release. A short flight of steps lead upward through a tunnel in the ceiling.
Obvious exits: up
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
>get heart
You reach up and try to remove the black ora heart floating in the center of the chamber. A cerulean aura forms around the icy heart, freezing your blood and turning you into ice from the inside out!
... 503 points of damage!
Icy blast deep freezes one perfectly good heart!
You suddenly feel less protected.
You feel the inner strength leave you.
The layer of protection fades away.
Your breathing becomes more shallow.
The glowing specks of energy surrounding you suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting you begins to falter, then completely fades away.
You no longer feel so dextrous.
Your sense of faith and conviction wanes.
You become solid again.
You feel your forehead pulse as your mind relaxes.
You notice your blood flow go back to normal.
You lose your extra internal fortitude.
You no longer bristle with energy.
The opalescent aura fades from around you.
The visions slowly trickle from your mind, and you are left with the world before you once again.
You feel your extra strength departing.
You feel the aura of confidence leave you.
You return to normal color.
A dark shadow seems to detach itself from your body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The brilliant aura fades away from you.
A white glow rushes away from you.
You feel slightly weakened as the blood in your veins thins.
The dim celadon wisps about your hands flare up once more and fade completely away.
The dim aura fades from around you.
The layer of raw elemental energy surrounding you dissipates.
Darkness punctuated by a constellation of starry pinpoints wells up to the surface of your skin and splinters away with a sound like shattering crystal.
You feel your abilities diminish as the energy provided by your patron fades from around you.
Your boosted confidence and fearlessness fade.
The air about you shimmers momentarily before the evanescent shield surrounding you collapses.
You feel less confident.
The subdued warmth embracing you fades along with the spiritual force surrounding your arms.
Your body pulses momentarily into semi transparency and then returns to normal.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves you.
You lose a bit of focus as the knowledge of future battles drifts from your mind.
The rush of collective knowledge of the undead fades from your mind.
You feel less confident than before.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around you.
You feel the protection of your deity's influence fade.
The bright luminescence fades from around you.
The silvery luminescence fades from around you.
The very powerful look leaves you.
The white light leaves you.
The deep blue glow leaves you.
A faint silvery glow fades from around you.
The powerful look leaves you.
You feel your extra magical awareness leave you.
The shimmering multicolored sphere fades from around you.
The air about you stops shimmering.
You feel the extra courage wane.
The light blue glow leaves you.
It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...
Infuse heart
It takes 5 infused spirit to summon the lich that drops the key to the final room
10-27-2018, 11:14 PM
Where is the necropolis this year?
There's a trail on the north slope, and a portal after that. 27619.
2019 update
Necopolis is in the same place as last year. Lich routing is messed up, as of late night on opening night. Go to room 33 on the narost map, then go trail, portal, passageway.
Cost to enter is 250 seashells: PAY 250 SEASHELLS, twice. They should be redeemed already.
Necessary keys this year are skeleton, ghoul, and lich, same as the last few years.
10-13-2019, 03:48 PM
Remind me again what the prize is for this quest? Some kind of cursing heart or some such?
No more hearts. Those stopped a few years back. You just have a chance at an enhancive drop from the boss. Maybe a bit better chance than Reim. Maybe not. I dunno.
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