View Full Version : Justice History

10-06-2004, 08:12 AM
Lets see who has fun ones.

>justice history

You have committed 22 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
2 counts of assault
2 counts of petty theft
16 counts of murder
1 count of high crimes against the state
1 count of endangering public safety

You have committed 7 crimes in Kharam Dzu in the last six months. They are:
6 counts of murder
1 count of endangering public safety

You have committed 1 crimes in Solhaven in the last six months. They are:
1 count of murder

You have committed 6 crimes in River's Rest in the last six months. They are:
5 counts of murder
1 count of endangering public safety

You have committed 1 crimes in Icemule Trace in the last six months. They are:
1 count of theft

You have committed 5 crimes in Ta'Illistim in the last six months. They are:
5 counts of murder

10-06-2004, 08:18 AM
No restraint.. no strategy.

10-06-2004, 08:30 AM
Lets see yours PB ;p


10-06-2004, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by Kuyuk
Lets see yours PB ;p


You will be generally disappointed in me I'm afraid. I rarely kill anyone in town.. maybe 4 or 5? Most of mine are for petty theft and assault. And since Falgrin is basically in the landing.. it's only 1 town.

I'll post mine tonight when I get in game.

10-06-2004, 11:24 AM
Axhinde's isn't that impressive. I think 4 on Teras and maybe 1 or 2 in the Landing.

Naz has none in the last 6 months. And I've TRIED to start shit just out of boredom.

No one ever wants to fight me, I feel unloved.

10-06-2004, 11:38 AM
this is for my empath, but rings the same with chyrain.

and my empath killed orthorion inside illistim yesterday. too bad, I was hoping for my first arrest ever.

>justice history
You have committed no crimes in the past six months.

10-06-2004, 09:58 PM
>justice history
You have committed no crimes in the past six months.

Yeah yeah...

And for my 20 wizardling:

You have committed 1 crimes in Ta'Illistim in the last six months. They are:
1 count of endangering public safety

You have committed 1 crimes in Ta'Vaalor in the last six months. They are:
1 count of endangering public safety

The Cat In The Hat
10-06-2004, 10:05 PM
You have committed 8 crimes in Kharam Dzu in the last six months. They are:
7 counts of murder
1 count of endangering public safety

10-06-2004, 10:05 PM
My criminal history is boring:

You have committed 3 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
1 count of murder
1 count of endangering public safety
1 count of demonic summoning

10-06-2004, 10:11 PM
You have committed 4 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
1 count of assault
1 count of assault with a deadly weapon
1 count of murder
1 count of disturbing the peace

You have committed 1 crimes in Icemule Trace in the last six months. They are:
1 count of assault with a deadly weapon

Nothing big.

10-06-2004, 10:13 PM
You have committed 1 crimes in Solhaven in the last six months. They are:
1 count of murder

You have committed 9 crimes in Icemule Trace in the last six months. They are:
8 counts of murder
1 count of endangering public safety

In town murders: Solescape: 2, Abztract: 2, Coinner: 2, Shumpster: 1, Silventto: 1, Trane: 1

Just taking out the trash if you ask me.

10-06-2004, 10:15 PM
I have all of you except Kuyuk pwnd.

10-06-2004, 10:41 PM
You have committed 26 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
4 counts of assault with a deadly weapon
2 counts of petty theft
15 counts of murder
5 counts of high crimes against the state

You have committed 4 crimes in Solhaven in the last six months. They are:
4 counts of murder

You have committed 1 crimes in River's Rest in the last six months. They are:
1 count of murder

You have committed 8 crimes in Ta'Illistim in the last six months. They are:
8 counts of murder

It used to be worse but I guess time flies.

10-06-2004, 10:42 PM
>justice history

You have committed 45 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
3 counts of assault
7 counts of assault with a deadly weapon
9 counts of petty theft
15 counts of murder
7 counts of high crimes against the state
4 counts of endangering public safety

You have committed 2 crimes in Icemule Trace in the last six months. They are:
1 count of murder
1 count of endangering public safety

10-06-2004, 10:44 PM
Going to Icemule in the first place is a crime.

10-06-2004, 10:46 PM
damn, bob killed my record :(

K the puny.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-06-2004, 10:50 PM
You have committed 2 crimes in Ta'Illistim in the last six months. They are:
2 counts of endangering public safety

10-06-2004, 10:54 PM
You have committed 1 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
1 count of disturbing the peace

You have committed 1 crimes in Icemule Trace in the last six months. They are:
1 count of endangering public safety

Michiko is a good girl.

10-06-2004, 11:01 PM
You have committed 9 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
3 counts of murder
5 counts of endangering public safety
1 count of demonic summoning

You have committed 6 crimes in Solhaven in the last six months. They are:
2 counts of murder
4 counts of demonic summoning

You have committed 1 crimes in Ta'Illistim in the last six months. They are:
1 count of demonic summoning

All of the demons were when she first learned the spell.

10-06-2004, 11:02 PM
You have committed 16 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
4 counts of assault
4 counts of assault with a deadly weapon
4 counts of petty theft
3 counts of murder
1 count of disturbing the peace

As a deputy.. Falgrin has to maintain a good public image :D

10-06-2004, 11:48 PM
So how hefty do fines of murder go for nowadays? I seem recall Plur and his 'Icemule invasion' costing him over 6m?

10-07-2004, 01:17 AM
You have committed 7 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
3 counts of murder
4 counts of endangering public safety

10-07-2004, 01:25 AM
You have committed 3 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
1 count of assault with a deadly weapon
2 counts of murder

I feel like such a do-gooder now.

[Edited on 10-7-2004 by Snapp]

10-07-2004, 09:01 AM
How does one become a deputy anyway PB?

Fines can get really high, specially when you're banished. Highest I've had one go is 1m for a murder.

They look down upon you when you groin kick someone to death it seems.


10-07-2004, 11:11 AM
You have committed 5 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
5 counts of murder

You have committed 1 crimes in Solhaven in the last six months. They are:
1 count of murder

You have committed 7 crimes in Ta'Illistim in the last six months. They are:
3 counts of murder
3 counts of endangering public safety
1 count of contempt

One was a bad trap. The rest? Qar [Jypsie], Jastio, Abztract, so on.

10-07-2004, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Kuyuk
How does one become a deputy anyway PB?say I'm a deputy!
cman garrote randomn00b
say Gotta keep the park clean!
steal blindlord
cman garrote randomn00b2

10-08-2004, 05:01 AM
>justice history

You have committed 78 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
4 counts of assault with a deadly weapon
18 counts of petty theft
21 counts of murder
29 counts of high crimes against the state
2 counts of endangering public safety
1 count of disturbing the peace
3 counts of contempt

You have committed 6 crimes in Solhaven in the last six months. They are:
3 counts of petty theft
2 counts of murder
1 count of endangering public safety

You have committed 20 crimes in River's Rest in the last six months. They are:
2 counts of assault with a deadly weapon
12 counts of petty theft
6 counts of murder

You have committed 7 crimes in Icemule Trace in the last six months. They are:
1 count of petty theft
1 count of theft
5 counts of murder

You have committed 1 crimes in Ta'Illistim in the last six months. They are:
1 count of petty theft

11-08-2004, 03:05 PM
how does Coinner get 29 counts of high crimes against the state?

i'll post mine once I get out of the stocks.

11-08-2004, 03:21 PM
You have committed 1 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
1 count of endangering public safety

Not much of a troublemaker myself.. that one was a tremors in town when I didn't even know it was a crime.. heh

11-08-2004, 03:25 PM
You have committed 9 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
3 counts of murder
6 counts of endangering public safety

11-08-2004, 10:16 PM
You have committed 20 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
1 count of petty theft
11 counts of murder
7 counts of endangering public safety
1 count of disturbing the peace

You have committed 25 crimes in Kharam Dzu in the last six months. They are:
1 count of hooliganism
2 counts of assault
3 counts of murder
16 counts of endangering public safety
1 count of disturbing the peace
2 counts of contempt

You have committed 11 crimes in Solhaven in the last six months. They are:
11 counts of murder

You have committed 6 crimes in River's Rest in the last six months. They are:
3 counts of murder
1 count of endangering public safety
1 count of disturbing the peace
1 count of contempt

You have committed 10 crimes in Icemule Trace in the last six months. They are:
10 counts of murder

You have committed 6 crimes in Ta'Illistim in the last six months. They are:
1 count of murder
5 counts of endangering public safety

11-08-2004, 11:01 PM
You have committed 38 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
5 counts of assault
5 counts of assault with a deadly weapon
6 counts of petty theft
17 counts of murder
5 counts of high crimes against the state

You have committed 6 crimes in River's Rest in the last six months. They are:
3 counts of murder
3 counts of endangering public safety

11-09-2004, 02:13 AM
You have committed 2 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
2 counts of murder

You have committed 1 crimes in Ta'Illistim in the last six months. They are:
1 count of murder

You have committed 7 crimes in Ta'Vaalor in the last six months. They are:
6 counts of murder
1 count of endangering public safety

11-09-2004, 02:16 AM
You have committed 24 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
3 counts of assault with a deadly weapon
19 counts of murder
2 counts of contempt

11-09-2004, 02:34 AM
You have committed 6 crimes in Wehnimer's Landing in the last six months. They are:
5 counts of murder
1 count of endangering public safety

You have committed 1 crimes in Icemule Trace in the last six months. They are:
1 count of theft

I definitely need to start killing more. Nalina's an Andelas follower with practically no blood-lust!

None of my other chars have been arrested aside from Jesae, and since I've rerolled her god knows how many times, I have no idea how many times she's been arrested. More than Nalina though for sure.

11-09-2004, 03:04 AM
Originally posted by Dhuul
how does Coinner get 29 counts of high crimes against the state?

Because he is stupid.

Cue Carolienaine.......