View Full Version : Large Shoulderworn for EG work.

10-22-2014, 07:08 PM
Not for Sale any Longer, the below convinced me to get it max lightened/deepened myself at EG and sell it for way more.

a gingerline velvet rucksack with murrey fustian straps
can get really light deep (my other is max deep/max light, and holds Huge amount weights 6 pounds empty.)

You carefully examine the velvet rucksack and determine that the weight is about 9 pounds.
>inspect velv ruck
You carefully inspect your velvet rucksack.

You estimate that a gingerline velvet rucksack with murrey fustian straps can store a significant amount with enough space for any number of items.

You determine that you could wear the rucksack, slinging it across your shoulders and back. The rucksack appears to serve some purpose.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of cloth.
>analyze velv ruck
You analyze your velvet rucksack and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This item may be altered by a talented merchant, though it must make sense for the manner in which the rucksack is opened and closed. A small handful of merchants may also be willing and able to customize the manner in which you open and close the rucksack.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the velvet rucksack for you or have its pockets deepened.

10-22-2014, 08:03 PM
You caught a couple very dumb GM. Shoulderworn cap is 100. Imposed by GM's at RTCF/CCF last year. Getting a shoulderworn to huge is hilarious though, good job. No doubt, the GMs thought whatever you gave him was a backpack, didn't check the restriction, and deepened it as such.

Nice item though, good luck on selling. Braided Elvens sell for 4-6mil that I've gotten when selling em, and they end at 5/100, as an oldschool item. A lot of shoulderworns now end at 6/80.

10-22-2014, 09:35 PM
kind of a funny post and not sure why you tried to give me negative rep?, a great shoulder piece in which I had 0 problems getting lightened/deepened, so.. yep.

10-22-2014, 10:17 PM
Welp, now I, in fact, did rep you. ROFL. But thanks for including me in on your conversation in your head. And read the ruleset for shoulderworns, as per postings from GMs on the officials, along with the rest of the container capacities. They will verify what I said. Don't try to act like people can pull off what you did. Good on you for doing so, however. As I said. Good luck in your sale.

10-22-2014, 10:30 PM
I've never heard of what your talking about, they released it, I got mine done, I'm sure others found the same one, sorry your mad about it? I'll give you a butt hurt discount on it if you'd like to purchase it.

there a post with the container limits on the officials somewhere? I'll review it and change my post.

10-22-2014, 10:49 PM
just went over all documents on the officials, nothing relating to container sizes or limitations.. so not sure where your getting your information. maybe your confused?

I guess I should charge way more than 2 mil.

10-23-2014, 04:42 PM
I've never heard of what your talking about, they released it, I got mine done, I'm sure others found the same one, sorry your mad about it? I'll give you a butt hurt discount on it if you'd like to purchase it.

there a post with the container limits on the officials somewhere? I'll review it and change my post.

... He didn't neg rep you initially. He was saying good job. I don't see him being butt hurt at all.

10-24-2014, 10:03 AM
was an aggravating day - perhaps I mis-read, but anyway, decided to not sell it, get it lightened/deepened myself, then sell it for quite a bit more aftewards, ty all for showing interest.