View Full Version : Ebon Gate 2014 - Raffles, Feeders, Teasers, and more

10-16-2014, 08:26 PM
Starting up my normal thread for raffles and such. During the week I won't be in game as much during the day so if something comes up please shoot me a PM on here and I'll try to post it as soon as I can.

All times listed here are EST unless otherwise explicitly stated

Thursday at 10:31 PM
[Crazy Gravy] Room#:22529
"One of Pebbi's thief-chomping shrunken heads

Storyline w/ prizes at the end. Be there for the finale or you don't get one!
Plat - Finale 10/28, 10:00 PM EST
Prime - Act I 10/25, 9:00pm
Prime - Act II 10/26, 8:00pm
Prime - Act III 10/27, 10:00pm
Prime - Act IV (Finale) 10/29, 10:00pm

Necropolis - Bigger, badder, better! Now split into age groupings.

*Fully unlocked set of AdventureWear
*200-count label box
*refilling picnic basket
*couple pair of fully unlocked Shirley gloves
*Mana flares.
*Bigger than 4x stuff.
*Weapons. Armor. UAC stuff.
*Things with spells in them.
*Unlocked stuff.
*Black ora jewelry
*an etched golvern handaxe - fully unlocked splitter
*Living Cloak
*+22 grapple flaring cloak
*Unlimited beer keg
*HCP armor
*HDP armor
Dance floor
Lizard mask
Feature concealer garment with climatewear
Coin pouch
Zelnorn buckler
Spider bags
Animated cauldron
Snake weapons
Enhancive clothing and jewelry
Greater black ora jewelry
Weapons with RotFlares
X/day items.
Bacon skillet
Clothing sets

Stuff for you to buy...

*Insulting limerick cards
*"Sproink" bracers (inherited by his niece, Jiddie)
*Socks.. god, so many socks.
*Spell edibles
*Temporary feature changing candy (a few gross things for EG delight)
*Acuity flaring runestaves
*Society restricted ehancives (they're restricted for masters, so get on it!)
*Spell wands
*Demeanor-sensitive lip gloss (Kiss someone nicely enough, and get a hint of flavor!)
*Mechanized vambraces (lockpicks)
*Shop with men's clothing designs from Premie contest
*Blouses/shirts, unlockable to tier 2 and 3 (two tier 3 raffled in each instance)
*Shields that transform into a bracer\
*flaring fletching razors
*Arkati boxes
*Toy airships
*Magic potted plants (4 tiers of goodness - decorative, herbal, magical, and enhancive in that order
*Illegal alter clothing line
*Bundled arrows w/ flares
*Spirit Beasts
*Jewelry Boxes - Limited amount available off-the-shelf
*Spectacles in "Let It Burn" - limited off-the-shelf due to more scripts than otherwise would be allowed.


*Removing fluff scripts from existing items
*Custom verbs (delayed service)
*Custom flavor of lipgloss (including a raffle for one with unlimited applications)
*Raffle for witchwood/widowwood items
*Enhancive permanence (1/account)
*Limited number of slots to add common flares to your runestaff (includes mana to 2 & acuity to 4x)
*Very limited number of uncommon flares (includes mana to 4 & acuity to 6x)
*Pre-made signature verb list
*Permabless raffle for 1 winner
*Enchanting raffle for 3 winners
*Flaring raffle for 10 winners
*Bow Sighting
*4 Forehead gems
*Custom spell preps for 3 in each instance
*Profession censers for clerics, monks, empaths, and paladins
*Spiritual and Arcane recharging
*Wyrwood bow - only open to those with Ranged skill
*Master quality instrument upgrades
*Couple of weapons, THW and Polearm teased, possible bane?
*Jewelry box spins/raffles - For both locked and fully unlocked versions, limited unlocking available
*Cobbling tote
*Golvern longsword (fire flaring) & main gauche (ice flaring)
*Kroderine weapon (2 - 1 open to all, 1 only to those who can use it)
*Kroderine armor OR shield (2 - 1 open to all, 1 only to those who can use it)

The live games will be every night (except Fridays) so get ready for some fun!

Saturday - Scamp Scatter @ 9:30 pm.
Sunday - Death Dirges @ 9 pm.
Monday - Entrails Toss @ 5 pm.
Monday - Avoid the Noose @ 8 pm.
Tuesday - Dismember Me Fondly @ 5 pm.
Tuesday - Sing Me an Epitaph @ 8 pm.
Wednesday - Bubbling Brews @ 8 pm.
Thursday - Storytelling @ 8 pm.
Dates and times subject to change, should something unforseen come up, but otherwise, these are the times/days! And if anything changes we will let you know!

10-24-2014, 11:38 AM
Genose has set up a raffle in Boil and Toil for 3 custom spell preps.

Genose will help you create a custom way to cast spells. This is a delayed service and must be redeemed within two weeks from this date.~VALYRKA

The raffle is for "Genose will help you create a custom way to cast spells. This is a delayed service and must be redeemed within two weeks from this date.".
The tickets sell for 100000 silvers each.
The drawing will be in 10 hours and 46 minutes for 3 winners.
Aprox. 10:30 pm est

Kyrinthe can add grapple or disintegrate flares to your runestaff or she can add to your mana flares or add to your acuity flares on a runestaff. There are restrictions as to how much she can add. There will be an additional charge depending on the nature of your runestaff.

She has set her raffle up in A fine line between.

I will add +10 to your acuity up to +30 and +1 to your mana up to +4 ~VALYRKA

The raffle is for "Kyrinthe can add grapple or disintegrate flares to your runestaff or she can add to your mana flares or add to your acuity flares on a runestaff. There are restrictions as to how much she can add. There will be an additional charge depending on the nature of your runestaff.".
The tickets sell for 100000 silvers each.
The drawing will be in 10 hours and 56 minutes for 2 winners. Approx 11PM est

Raffle tables have been set up all over the place! Okay, maybe not all over the place, but here's a few of them. All times are EST.

Friday, 10 PM - The Hairy Potter: A fully unlocked magic pot [ROOM 64 ROZY MAP]
The raffle is for "The winner of this raffle will win one of Dawdly's magical planters, the soil of which has been prepared to handle seeds from all packet types. Tickets are 50,000 silvers, and the raffle will draw on Friday evening at 10 PM EST. Prize must be claimed by the winner within 5 minutes.".
The tickets sell for 50000 silvers each.
The drawing will be in 10 hours and 1 minute for 1 winner.

Saturday, 11 AM - Rainbow's End: RainboWear shoes, full unlock and customize [ROOM 61 ROZY MAP]
The raffle is for "The winner of this raffle will receive a pair of fully-fancified slippers from Toffit's RainboWear line! Tickets are 25,000 silvers and the raffle will take place on Saturday at 11 AM EST. Winner has 5 minutes to claim the win.".
The tickets sell for 25000 silvers each.
The drawing will be in 23 hours and 3 minutes for 1 winner.

Saturday, 3 PM - Go Figure: Fully unlocked Arkati Box (2) [ROOM 76 ROZY MAP]
The raffle is for "Bisha is raffling off TWO of his fully unlocked Arkati boxes. The winner will benefit more from this item if they are devoted to one deity. Tickets are 50,000 silvers and the raffle will draw on Saturday at 3 PM EST. Winner has 5 minutes to claim their win.".
The tickets sell for 50000 silvers each.
The drawing will be in 26 hours and 58 minutes for 2 winners.

Sunday, 1 AM - Rainbow's End: Living Cloak [ROOM 61 ROZY MAP]
The raffle is for "This raffle is for a Living Cloak, one that changes color on its own, and is a bit fancier than a much older version of this same cloak. It's quite a rare find, but Toffit has opted to share it with one lucky individual! Tickets are 75,000 silver and the raffle will draw at 1 AM EST on Sunday morning. Winner must be present to win, or a new winner will be selected from those present.".
The tickets sell for 75000 silvers each.
The drawing will be in 37 hours and 5 minutes for 1 winner.( LOCATION:OUTSIDE TENT)

[To be set up]
Sunday, 10 AM - Rainbow's End: RainboWear dress, full unlock and customize
Sunday, 2 PM - The Hairy Potter: A fully unlocked magic pot
Sunday, 10:30 PM - Sacred Moons: Unlimited paint stick~HALISTE

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I will not be around much if at all this week for the prime merchant fest. Therefore I'll be starting some raffles a bit early. Two of them just opened in the shop, Heavy Handed. They will pull a couple of hours before the festival officially gets underway. I'll be doing them each hour after that until they are gone, culminating in an auction for a couple of different demon bane weapons. Sorry about any issues this causes to anyone.~SPALT


First 2 are:
The raffle is for "This raffle is for a five times enchant to any of the polearms in the shop, Heavy Handed. This raffle will not cost anyone a chance at winning anything else this festival.".
The tickets sell for 50000 silvers each.
The drawing will be in 6 hours and 53 minutes for 1 winner.

The raffle is for "This raffle is for a five times enchant to any of the two handed weapons(EXCEPT THE CLAIDHMORE) in the shop, Heavy Handed. This raffle will not cost anyone a chance at winning anything else this festival.".
The tickets sell for 50000 silvers each.
Both pull around 6PM

10-24-2014, 11:48 AM
Storyline Schedule


Act I 10/25, 9:00pm
Act II 10/26, 8:00pm
Act III 10/27, 10:00pm
Act IV (Finale) 10/29, 10:00pm

10-24-2014, 01:07 PM
*Fully unlocked set of AdventureWear
*200-count label box
*refilling picnic basket
*couple pair of fully unlocked Shirley gloves
*Mana flares.
*Bigger than 4x stuff.
*Weapons. Armor. UAC stuff.
*Things will spells in them.
*Unlocked stuff.
*Black ora jewelry
*an etched golvern handaxe - fully unlocked splitter
*Living Cloak

What exactly does this mean? "Feeders"

10-24-2014, 01:09 PM
What is an Arkati Box?

10-24-2014, 01:11 PM
What is an Arkati Box?

All the female Arkati have them. They're warm and inviting.

10-24-2014, 01:14 PM
Some boxes are packed with sand or centipedes.

10-24-2014, 01:23 PM
*Fully unlocked set of AdventureWear
*200-count label box
*refilling picnic basket
*couple pair of fully unlocked Shirley gloves
*Mana flares.
*Bigger than 4x stuff.
*Weapons. Armor. UAC stuff.
*Things will spells in them.
*Unlocked stuff.
*Black ora jewelry
*an etched golvern handaxe - fully unlocked splitter
*Living Cloak

What exactly does this mean? "Feeders"

Feeders mean what is used from a pool, for automated games and such that yield prizes.

Like digging and the ever so popular noodling

10-24-2014, 01:30 PM
Can kroderine weapons get guiding light flares from paladin bonding?

10-24-2014, 01:44 PM

Help? I can't seem to buy a ticket...

buy ticket
You don't have 100000 silvers to buy a raffle ticket.

read note
The Wehnimer's promissory note has a value of 6975000 silver and reads, "Hold in right hand to use."

and yes, it is in my right hand.

10-24-2014, 01:47 PM
you need silvers. not a note.

10-24-2014, 02:05 PM

What exactly is this?

Saturday, 3 PM - Go Figure: Fully unlocked Arkati Box (2) [ROOM 76 ROZY MAP]
The raffle is for "Bisha is raffling off TWO of his fully unlocked Arkati boxes. The winner will benefit more from this item if they are devoted to one deity. Tickets are 50,000 silvers and the raffle will draw on Saturday at 3 PM EST. Winner has 5 minutes to claim their win.".
The tickets sell for 50000 silvers each.
The drawing will be in 26 hours and 58 minutes for 2 winners.

10-24-2014, 02:59 PM
have the answer on the boxes. thank you!

10-24-2014, 03:04 PM
What exactly is this?

Actual answer:

Arkati Boxes are props resembling music boxes that can store the random Arkati-themed statuettes that come out of the usual treasure system (for example "a porcelain Lorminstra figurine") and have verb interactions based on the unlock level. For example, you can put a statuette inside the box, close it, and push a button: it'll then perform a little animated routine showcasing the specific Arkati, and the scene messaging gets fancier as the box is more unlocked.

Locked versions are available off the shelf at Go Figure, and come in three types: Liabo, Lornon, and Neutral/Lesser Spirit. Each type will only interact with statuettes of the appropriate alignment.

The gnomish contraption in Go Figure can make random statuettes for a small fee (5000 silvers per statue, I think). Occasionally it'll pop a 340-compatible symbol as well.

10-25-2014, 03:22 AM
These have been set up in the Black Waters of Feywrot Mire.

Tickets are 25,000 silvers.

The Permabless Raffle is set to draw at 2:00PM (tomorrow) for 1 winner.

The Enchanting Raffle is set to draw at 3:00PM (tomorrow) for 3 winners.

PERMABLESS raffle for one (1) winner.
A melee weapon of the winner's choice will be able to strike undead without the traditionally required blessing, and will also splash holy water on their foes. The following restrictions apply...

* Must not have a script of any kind
* Must not have weighting, flares, or a Creature Bane of any kind

ENCHANTING raffle for three (3) winners.
+5 to a weapon, shield, or armor. The following restrictions apply...

* Must not exceed a heavy amount of weighting/padding. (sorry, no claidhmores!)
* Armor and shields that provide a magical bonus to Attack Strength are ineligible.
* Weapons that provide a magical bonus to Defensive Strength are ineligible
* No scripted items unless it is just fluff. (ie: no fusion gear or Voln armor)
* Bonus may not exceed +40 after enchanting. Naginatas may not exceed +20.
* An individual item may not be worked on more than once for this service.
NOTE: the inherent ability of a runestaff to provide defense is not a factor in the above restrictions.
NOTE: Creature Banes are a factor in the above restrictions if they add to Attack Strength and bring the total possible bonus over +40.

FLARING raffle for ten (10) winners.
Choice of Disintegration, Disruption, or Unbalance flares on a weapon, shield, or armor. The following restrictions apply...

* Bonus must not exceed +40.
* Must not be a runestaff.

The raffle is for "The winner of this raffle will receive a kroderine armor OR shield. Armor must be studded leather, or heavier. Shield may be any size. Winning this raffle will disqualift you from the remaining kroderine raffles. Winner must be on hand, or available VERY SOON after to claim their prize.".
The tickets sell for 100000 silvers each.
The drawing will be in 15 hours and 58 minutes for 1 winner.
J>l tic on table
The raffle is for "The winner of this raffle will receive a kroderine weapon of their choosing. No claidhmores, katanas, naginatas, bows, runestaves, unarmed combat gear, or other weapons not normally made out of metal. Winning this raffle will disqualify you from the remaining kroderine raffles. Winner must be on hand, or available VERY SOON after to claim their prize.".
The tickets sell for 100000 silvers each.
The drawing will be in 15 hours and 48 minutes for 1 winner.

These should draw at around 7 PM Eastern tomorrow (Saturday). As always, please check tickets for the EXACT time of the drawing.

The raffle table and raffle crate (two different raffles) can be found in the Cypress Grove of Bazzelwyn's shop (Holly, Wood, and Vine), and is limited to characters of at least level 80 (the cut off for holding the metal). The other kroderine raffles will be open to everyone.

Winning any of the kroderine drawings will disqualify you from winning the remaining kroderine drawings (but no other raffles) for the duration of this festival.

Kroderine is a neat metal that eats up magic! When used in combat, weapons have a chance to flare with a dispel effect. Kroderine armor and shields can release the same dispelling effects when used in combat maneuvers. However, encasing yourself in a giant suit of anti-magical armor makes it impossible to use mana yourself. A shield is less restrictive, but will still make harnessing power difficult. The tradeoff, however, is a chance for a kroderine shield or suit of armor to instantly absorb spells that were aimed at you.

Fully Unlocked and Customized Treat Pouch (1 winner) - on the Porch of Friendly Necessities. The raffle draws around 11 PM ET tonight, and is for rangers only. Winner must arrive within 5 minutes, or their win will be forfeit and I'll find someone else to give it to! After this raffle draws, I'll set up a raffle for another pouch that will draw tomorrow and will be open to anyone. [I believe the ranger only pouch was drawn last night-Friday]

Adding the morphing shield script to an existing shield, fully unlocked (3 winners) - in Brace Yourself, Grobey's Spot. The raffle draws tomorrow (10/25) around 7 PM ET. Fluff script removal will be available for the winners. Winners must arrive within 5 minutes, or their win will be forfeit. Once this raffle draws, I'll set up a raffle for an additional 2 slots.

Custom disk changers (2 winners) - in the Lounge of Time for a Change. This raffle will draw Sunday (10/26) around 6 PM ET. This is a delayed service which requires QC. Winner must arrive within 5 minutes, or their win will be forfeit and I'll find another winner!

This raffle is on Monday:

A raspy voice calls from somewhere nearby, "A raffle has been set up on the Limestone Island, down where Goblyns and Ghules Enterprises set up shop!"

Read the ticket information for full details/guidelines/restrictions -- but in short, this is for a service to take one of the Goblyn/Ghule cloaks from Tier 1 to Tier 3 -- which means the cloak will work like a gold ring. It's set to draw ~8pm Eastern on Monday.


Raffle for shield resizing is set up inside Holly, Wood, and Vine.

It'll go off tomorrow after the kroderine raffles (should be about 7:30 PM Eastern) but as always, check the ticket for exact times. Winners should be on hand, or readily available, to come claim their prizes. This raffle is open to everyone, and will be followed by an auction for 2 more slots of shield resizing (also open to everyone). The raffles and auction on Sunday will be restricted to participants with some amount of Shield Use skill.

10-25-2014, 09:00 AM
Actual answer:

Arkati Boxes are props resembling music boxes that can store the random Arkati-themed statuettes that come out of the usual treasure system (for example "a porcelain Lorminstra figurine") and have verb interactions based on the unlock level. For example, you can put a statuette inside the box, close it, and push a button: it'll then perform a little animated routine showcasing the specific Arkati, and the scene messaging gets fancier as the box is more unlocked.

Locked versions are available off the shelf at Go Figure, and come in three types: Liabo, Lornon, and Neutral/Lesser Spirit. Each type will only interact with statuettes of the appropriate alignment.

The gnomish contraption in Go Figure can make random statuettes for a small fee (5000 silvers per statue, I think). Occasionally it'll pop a 340-compatible symbol as well.

The auction quality box I won at gnomefest also has an additional benefit. If you are attuned to a particular god/goddess and you put THEIR statue/fig etc in the box you receive an instant RPA (500) and +1 to all stats for a while (an hour or two? I didn't keep track). It is attuned to your character so no selling, and the fig is used up (hence my begging for ronan figs on lnet), but kind of neat and not pure fluff, that way.

10-25-2014, 12:25 PM
The auction quality box I won at gnomefest also has an additional benefit. If you are attuned to a particular god/goddess and you put THEIR statue/fig etc in the box you receive an instant RPA (500) and +1 to all stats for a while (an hour or two? I didn't keep track). It is attuned to your character so no selling, and the fig is used up (hence my begging for ronan figs on lnet), but kind of neat and not pure fluff, that way.

That sounds awesome

10-25-2014, 03:16 PM
you have to use silvers

10-26-2014, 05:55 PM
abyran'sa is eligible

10-27-2014, 05:33 PM
Found tier 5 wand that seems to change items appearance and uses gems as it's power:

The creator has also provided the following information:
You carefully analyze your brass wand and sense that there are no alteration restrictions other than common sense. And it must be some kind of wand/rod or other item that makes sense to be waved. SHOWs are allowed.

To use the wand, hold the item to be changed in hand and WAVE the brass wand at the item to be used as the source of the design. The item in hand will be altered using this format:
"[an item] embellished with [a source item] design"
"Embellished" can change to other terms, depending on the material of the item being altered.
The source item can be anything (with some restrictions) that can be targeted with the brass wand except players.
You also sense that the brass wand, though magical, does not uses charges. Instead it requires a gem for power each time it is used.

10-27-2014, 07:12 PM
but what spell is in it?

10-27-2014, 07:50 PM
OK .. figured it out .. pretty neat item. I bought a wooded shield and made it something new. You aim it at something and can alter the item in your hand to reflect that image.

Ghorsa Isle, Plaza Southwest]
A stout marble tower dominates this corner of the plaza, standing nearly fifty feet high. Members of various races wander about, some lingering on the marble benches flanking the plaza. On the far western shore of the river, the ramshackle buildings of the poor quarter are covered by a constant haze. You also see a large mithril gong.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east

>wave wand at gong
You are about to change a shield to a shield carved with a large mithril gong design. If that's to your liking, wave your brass wand at a large mithril gong again within the next 30 seconds.
>wave wand at gong
You wave your brass wand at a large mithril gong. There's a slight distortion in the appearance of the shield you're holding, which promptly fades, and now you hold in your hand a shield carved with a large mithril gong design. the ruby in your wand was consumed in the process.
You wave your brass wand at a large mithril gong.
You glance down to see an ornate brass wand in your right hand and a shield carved with a large mithril gong design in your left hand.

10-28-2014, 05:31 PM
bump for new raffle goodness.

10-29-2014, 10:23 PM
Did you grab more info at the beginning of the storyline? I didn't and not feeling like cleaning this log just yet. Here's stuff from the ending though, feel free to add to it.

Soulrendor swings a massive, skeletal fist and backhands Rohese squarely in the chest, flinging her full against the chamber wall! Stunned by the blow and the impact, Rohese crumples to the ground!

The demon's long skeletal fingers slash across Atob's face from forehead to jaw leaving a trail of gaping and bleeding wounds in their wake!

The left side of his face and his left eye turn black and sizzle beneath a cloud of yellow vapor! Atob screams, and claws desperately at his face in all-consuming pain.

The hourglass flies from his hand and shatters on the chamber floor! Jagged chunks of illthorn and shards of glass skitter across the ground as particles of sand strike the chamber floor and erupt into argent flames, flames that expand and sweep outward, enveloping everything in their path!

The silver wave flows over you, feeling as if a ro'ater has settled on your chest...and your face...and every inch of your body...pressing you in upon yourself! Pushing! Compressing! Condensing! Driving you tighter, closer,...younger?!

As the fabric of your clothing wells up around you, your shrinking body sinks down into the newly forming mound that is your belongings!

The wave of raw energy cascades through the room, it covers each person as it reaches them, and one-by-one they begin to shrink before your eyes! Smaller, younger...smaller, younger... Each one slumps to the ground, collapsing into a tiny heap atop their own newly formed mound of belongings as they transform from adult to infant.

Sweeping forward unchecked, the wave of silvery energy flows over the demon! In less than a heartbeat the process of reversal devours its body, shrinking its once formidable form. Within seconds, a bone white melon-sized egg, studded with blunt ebon spikes, rests on the spot where the demon once stood.

As the wave reaches Olthos, a maroon glow briefly surrounds him, and the wave flows around him without touching him. The temporal flames sweep past the other Chronomages also without affecting them.

At the chamber walls, the wave of energy encounters the layer of crimson haze and is turned back upon itself. The resulting turbulence subsides as the flames flow west along the passage and gradually dissipate.

An infantile giggle erupts from the mound of Atob's belongings, followed by a distinct "Daaa goooo!" Still clutching the faceted eye-gem in his tiny hand, the gem flashes briefly as it sails through the torchlight before shattering into dozens of fragments on the chamber floor!

Olthos says, "The dangers of messing with time travel."

Olthos says, "And now you know... now you see."

Olthos says, "Some day you will learn."

A red-haired chronomage raises her hands into the air, gesturing and chanting in an unfamiliar tongue.

Olthos says, "For now, though, we are done."

When the surge of energy dies down and the impending threat has ceased, Olthos scans the room with wide eyes. "It seems that this wasn't a good choice for dear old Atob, huh? Greed never wins. Never." Olthos kicks aside the dirt and debris as he makes his way toward the spiked egg. "You... you will come with me." He reaches down and carefully grabs the egg, tucking it gently beneath his robe.

Olthos raises his fireleaf runestaff into the air, and the hourglass mounted to the top begins to spin in reverse, waves of ripples rolling inward from the edges of the room.

Nodding at Olthos in unison, the chronomages perform some intricate hand signals as their form slowly becomes more and more hazy. Within a matter of seconds, they disappear.

Speaking to his runestaff, Olthos says, "You have served me well, but it is time... time to move on. I have seen the past, and I have seen the future. I know what will come, and it is obvious what I must do." Olthos glances around the room and chuckles to himself. He lays the fireleaf runestaff upon a mound of debris.

Olthos notices Atob lying atop his pile of belongings. "You need to come with me, too. I know of a young gaggle of goblins who is looking to expand their family. I have the perfect addition for them." With that, he swaddles the infant in some clothing and picks him up off the ground. A quick twist of his crystalline amulet, and they disappear in a brilliant flash.