View Full Version : script checker thingie

10-13-2014, 07:57 PM
Okay so this is a modified script of Tillmen's script called...I think it was called scriptcheck.


CharSettings['count'] ||= Hash.new

always_ignore_strings = /STRING 1|STRING 2|ETC/

always_show_strings = /STRING 1|STRING 2|ETC/

stuff_inside_ands_to_ignore = /kobold|rolton|etc/

ands_to_ignore = /^You notice (a|an|some|the) (#{stuff_inside_ands_to_ignore}( \((dead|stunned|flying|prone|sitting|sleeping|knee ling)\))?)((((, )?((a|an|some|the) (#{stuff_inside_ands_to_ignore}( \((dead|stunned|flying|prone|sitting|sleeping|knee ling)\))?))){1,20})?( and (a|an|some|the) (#{stuff_inside_ands_to_ignore}( \((dead|stunned|flying|prone|sitting|sleeping|knee ling)\))?)))?\.$/

ignore_spell_prepping = /^\w+ gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid\.\.\.$|^\w+ traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition\.\.\.$|^\w+ utters a light chant and raises (his|her) hands\, beckoning the lesser spirits to (his|her) aid\.\.\.$|^\w+ traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment\.\.\.$|^\w+ murmurs a simple\, mystical chant\.\.\.$|^\w+ appears to be focusing (his|her) thoughts while chanting softly\.\.\.$|^\w+ gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to (his|her) aid\.\.\.$|^\w+ makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase\.\.\.$|^\w+ makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements\.\.\.$|^\w+ traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase\.\.\.$|^\w+ intones a phrase of elemental power while raising (his|her) hands\.\.\.$|^\w+ recites a series of mystical phrases while raising (his|her) hands\.\.\.$|^\w+\'\w+ hands glow with power as s?he summons elemental energy to (his|her) command\.\.\.$|^\w+ traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase\.\.\.$|^\w+ begins a musical chant\.\.\.$|^\w+ traces a sign that contorts in the air while s?he forcefully incants a dark invocation\.\.\.$|^\w+ begins drawing a faint\, twisting symbol as s?he utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones\.\.\.$/

ignore_spell_ups = /^A light blue glow surrounds \w+\.$|^The air thickens and begins to swirl around \w+\.$|^\w+ suddenly looks more powerful\.$|^\w+\'\w+ body seems to glow with an internal strength\.$|^\w+\'\w+ veins stand out briefly\.$|^A deep blue glow surrounds \w+\.$|^\w+\'\w+ eyes narrow in concentration\.$|^An aura of resolve suddenly fills \w+\'s expression\.$|^A misty halo surrounds \w+\.$|^Dark red droplets coalesce upon \w+\'s skin. The sanguine liquid is visible for only an instant before it sinks into (his|her) flesh\.$|^\w+ gets an intense expression on (his|her) face\.$|^A dull golden nimbus surrounds \w+\.$|^\w+ is surrounded by a white light\.$|^A dim aura surrounds \w+\.$|^\w+ begins to breathe more deeply\.$|^A faint slick sheen makes the air about \w+ visible\, then sinks into him and disappears\.$|^\w+ stands tall and appears more confident\.$|^A brilliant aura surrounds \w+\.$|^An opalescent aura surrounds \w+\.$|^\w+ begins to sing of heroic deeds and appears to be bolstered\.$|^As \w+ sings\, the air sparkles briefly around him\.$|^\w+ sings of Kai\'s many triumphs\, lifting (his|her) spirits\.$|^\w+ begins singing and focuses (his|her) voice into a vortex of air centered on (his|her) left arm\.$|^\w+ begins to sing of valiant legends and appears to be more protected\.$|^\w+ begins singing and focuses (his|her) voice into a vortex of air shaped like a sonic .*\, centered on (his|her) right hand\.$|^\w+ begins singing and focuses (his|her) voice into a vortex of air centered around (his|her) body\.$|^As \w+ sings\, you sense the mana around him begin to swirl and move with a subtle grace\.$|^\w+ begins to sing a sibilant melody\. Suddenly\, mirror images of \w+ appear in the area\, making it difficult to tell which is real and which are the illusions\.$|^As \w+ sings\, a squall of wind briefly swirls about him\.$|^\w+ appears to be keenly aware of (his|her) surroundings\.$|^A scintillating light surrounds \w+\'s hands\.$|^\w+ becomes calm and focused\.$|^A (silvery|bright|brilliant) luminescence surrounds \w+\.$|^\w+ stands taller\, as if bolstered with a sense of confidence\.$|^(His|Her) body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura\.$|^\w+ appears somewhat more powerful\.$|^\w+ begins moving faster than you thought possible\.$|^\w+ appears considerably more powerful\.$|^\w+ suddenly disappears\.$|^A translucent sphere forms around \w+\.$|^Glowing specks of light red energy begin to spin around \w+\.$|^\w+ is surrounded by a shimmering field of energy\.$|^\w+ appears somehow changed\.$|^\w+ looks considerably more imposing\.$|^\w+ bristles with energy\.$|^A layer of hard\, shifting stone forms around \w+\.$|^\w+ looks more aware of the surroundings\.$|^\w+ looks more nimble\.$|^Gold\-traced pale green ribbons of energy swirl about and coalesce upon \w+\.$|^\w+ seems to blend into the surroundings better\.$|^The air about \w+ shimmers slightly\.$|^\w+ appears to be listening intently to something\.$|^(His|Her) eyes begin to shine with an inner strength\.$|^\w+ is surrounded by an aura of natural confidence\.$|^\w+ begins to move with cat\-like grace\.$|^\w+ suddenly looks much more dextrous\.$|^\w+ looks charged with power\.$|^\w+ is surrounded by a writhing barrier of sharp thorns\.$|^A dense fog gathers around \w+\, but soon fills the room\.$|^An invisible force guides \w+\.$|^A wall of force surrounds \w+.$|^A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the floor to encompass \w+\, swiftly sinking into (his|her) skin\.$/

movement_to_ignore = /^(Novice |Apprentice |Journeyman |Lord |Great Lord |High Lord |Grand Lord |Lady |Great Lady |High Lady |Grand Lady |Maiden |Chronicler |Mistress )?[a-zA-Z]+ (just went through|just came through|just|strides|begins to walk|just stumbled) (entered|came trudging |trudged away moving |strode |away moving |came crawling |skipped merrily |came sashaying |gracefully sashayed |came marching |went |crawled |limped |marched off to the )?(a half\-timbered pale grey stone guildhall|climbed a spiral staircase|a wooden hatch|a dark opening|arrived\, skipping merrily|north|northeast|east|southeast|south|south west|west|northwest|out|up|down|in\,?|in gracefully|through an archway|arrived)( but suddenly trips and goes flailing out of sight| flailing (his|her) arms wildly while trying to right (himself|herself))?(\!|\.)$/

if $frontend == 'stormfront'
fam_window_begin = "<pushStream id=\"familiar\" ifClosedStyle=\"watching\"/>"
fam_window_end = "<popStream/>\r\n"
fam_window_begin = "\034GSe\r\n"
fam_window_end = "\034GSf\r\n"

while line = get

next if line =~ /^\[.*?\]\-[A-z]+\:|^\[server\]\: "/
next if line =~ always_ignore_strings
next if line =~ ignore_spell_prepping
next if line =~ ignore_spell_ups
next if line =~ movement_to_ignore
next if line =~ ands_to_ignore
mod_line = line.gsub(/[0-9\s]+/, '')
CharSettings['count'][mod_line] = CharSettings['count'][mod_line].to_i + 1
if line =~ /([A-Z]{2,1000})/ and line !~ /^Your SIGN OF ([A-Z]+) is no longer effective.$/ and line !~ /\s*(Strength|Constitution|Dexterity|Agility|Discip line|Aura|Logic|Intuition|Wisdom|Influence)\s+\((S TR|CON|DEX|AGI|DIS|AUR|

puts("#{fam_window_begin}Unrecognized game line.\r\n#{Time.at(Time.now).strftime("%B %e, %Y at %I:%M %p")}\n#{fam_window_end}")
if line =~ always_show_strings
puts("#{fam_window_begin}Unrecognized game line.\r\n#{Time.at(Time.now).strftime("%B %e, %Y at %I:%M %p")}\n#{fam_window_end}")
unless CharSettings['count'][mod_line] > 5
puts("#{fam_window_begin}Unrecognized game line.\r\n#{Time.at(Time.now).strftime("%B %e, %Y at %I:%M %p")}\n#{fam_window_end}")


Basically what this does is send every game line to the familiar window along with an echo reading "Unrecognized game line."

After the same line has been seen 5 times it will no longer send that line or the echo warning to the familiar window.

Any string you enter in the always_show_strings variable will always show up in the familiar window along with the echo warning, no matter how many times that line has been seen before.

Any string you enter in the always_ignore_strings variable will never show up in the familiar window, no matter how many times that line has been seen before.

Basically this script will be helpful if you are doing tasks that require a lot of repetitive commands and game lines so you can quickly see when an unrecognized game line pops up in the familiar window. Highlight "Unrecognized game line." in your strings and assign a sound to it and you will be notified both visually and with a sound when the game sees a game line you haven't seen before.

Be sure to always add afk script check lines to the "always_show_strings" variable in case the GMs decide to use the exact same afk script check over and over again.

Please keep in mind I am not advocating afk scripting. This is to help you easier see the afk script checks, not circumvent them.

10-13-2014, 08:13 PM
Okay so this is a modified script of Tillmen's script called...I think it was called scriptcheck.


CharSettings['count'] ||= Hash.new

always_ignore_strings = /STRING 1 GOES HERE|STRING 2 GOES HERE|ETC/
always_show_strings = /STRING 1 GOES HERE|STRING 2 GOES HERE|ETC/

if $frontend == 'stormfront'
fam_window_begin = "<pushStream id=\"familiar\" ifClosedStyle=\"watching\"/>"
fam_window_end = "<popStream/>\r\n"
fam_window_begin = "\034GSe\r\n"
fam_window_end = "\034GSf\r\n"

while line = get

next if line =~ /^\[.*?\]\-[A-z]+\:|^\[server\]\: "/
next if line =~ always_ignore_strings
mod_line = line.gsub(/[0-9\s]+/, '')
CharSettings['count'][mod_line] = CharSettings['count'][mod_line].to_i + 1
if line =~ always_show_strings
puts("#{fam_window_begin}Unrecognized game line.\r\n#{fam_window_end}")
unless CharSettings['count'][mod_line] > 5
puts("#{fam_window_begin}Unrecognized game line.\r\n#{fam_window_end}")


Basically what this does is send every game line to the familiar window along with an echo reading "Unrecognized game line."

After the same line has been seen 5 times it will no longer send that line or the echo warning to the familiar window.

Any string you enter in the always_show_strings variable will always show up in the familiar window along with the echo warning, no matter how many times that line has been seen before.

Any string you enter in the always_ignore_strings variable will never show up in the familiar window, no matter how many times that line has been seen before.

Basically this script will be helpful if you are doing tasks that require a lot of repetitive commands and game lines so you can quickly see when an unrecognized game line pops up in the familiar window. Highlight "Unrecognized game line." in your strings and assign a sound to it and you will be notified both visually and with a sound when the game sees a game line you haven't seen before.

Be sure to always add afk script check lines to the "always_show_strings" variable in case the GMs decide to use the exact same afk script check over and over again.

Please keep in mind I am not advocating afk scripting. This is to help you easier see the afk script checks, not circumvent them.

Here is a link to the anarchist's cookbook online. Please keep in mind I am not advocating anarchy, improvised explosives or ways to steal your neighbor's electricity. This is to help you more easily avoid having these things happen to you, not help you do them. Riiiiiight. ;)

10-13-2014, 08:15 PM
Here is a link to the anarchist's cookbook online. Please keep in mind I am not advocating anarchy, improvised explosives or ways to steal your neighbor's electricity. This is to help you more easily avoid having these things happen to you, not help you do them. Riiiiiight. ;)

Hey I have never advocated afk scripting and I have gone on record numerous times saying I think afk script checks are a good thing.

What I don't think is a good thing are script checks that are designed to be sneaky. This takes out the sneak.

10-13-2014, 08:21 PM
I've been chatting happily away on LNet and missed script checks. Not having a script to check for script checks would have gotten me busted on multiple occasions.

10-13-2014, 08:39 PM
Someone report me for AFK scripting, I have been playing 20 years without one script check!

10-13-2014, 08:42 PM
GTK version for wizard or Profanity?

10-13-2014, 08:44 PM
GTK version for wizard or Profanity?

It should work for Wizard. I'm using it right now on Wizard :p

10-13-2014, 09:43 PM
Because making it obvious completely removes the point of a check in the first place you fucktard. Why bother to check for AFK scripting if you're going to make impossible to fail. JESUS FUCK you dumb fucking cunt.

I must be doing something right if I managed to piss someone off this much ;)

I also like how this person thinks this script will somehow allow people to pass an AFK script check while AFK.

Do people not know what AFK means? Or do they actually want people to get busted for AFK scripting even if they aren't AFK scripting?

I knew a lot of adults who act like children play this game but this has really opened up my eyes.

10-13-2014, 09:43 PM
It should work for Wizard. I'm using it right now on Wizard :p

Hi, I'm checking to see if you're being attentive to the PC window. Please respond within 1.3 seconds or I'll be forced to report you to Pantiecor.

10-13-2014, 09:44 PM
Hi, I'm checking to see if you're being attentive to the PC window. Please respond within 1.3 seconds or I'll be forced to report you to Pantiecor.


10-13-2014, 09:44 PM
I must be doing something right if I managed to piss someone off this much ;)

I also like how this person thinks this script will somehow allow people to pass an AFK script check while AFK.

Do people not know what AFK means? Or do they actually want people to get busted for AFK scripting even if they aren't AFK scripting?

I knew a lot of adults who act like children play this game but this has really opened up my eyes.

That wasn't me, just so you know. You can tell by the lack of shart jokes.

10-13-2014, 09:45 PM


10-13-2014, 09:46 PM

What's he gonna do? Turn my rep brown? I'll just retire after getting everything from my inbox and selling it.

10-14-2014, 02:19 PM
I did a cut/past from this original post and put it into the old scriptcheck.lic file where appropriate. Seems to run but now I'm seeing a "Unrecognized game line" after regular normal happenings... Thoughts?

10-14-2014, 02:26 PM
I did a cut/past from this original post and put it into the old scriptcheck.lic file where appropriate. Seems to run but now I'm seeing a "Unrecognized game line" after regular normal happenings... Thoughts?

What do you mean by regular normal happenings?

10-14-2014, 02:38 PM
Lemme know when this things on repo tgo so I can download it! =)

10-14-2014, 02:39 PM
Lemme know when this things on repo tgo so I can download it! =)

You can create a lich script and just copy and paste this on over :D

10-14-2014, 02:40 PM
What do you mean by regular normal happenings?

You remove a salamander skin from in your dark leather longcloak.Unrecognized game line.
You drop a salamander skin.
Unrecognized game line.
You remove a salamander skin from in your dark leather longcloak.
Unrecognized game line.
You drop a salamander skin.
Unrecognized game line.
Your mind is completely saturated. It is imperative that you rest immediately!
Unrecognized game line.
Syntarsus put a flimsy orase runestaff in his runestaff harness.
Unrecognized game line.

Puts most stuff (regular happenings) in the familiar window, each followed by the "Unrecognized game line."

10-14-2014, 02:40 PM
Lemme know when this things on repo tgo so I can download it! =)
I think it's on the ;oldrepo still. That's where I first got it.

10-14-2014, 02:41 PM
I'm also getting unrecognized line without actually having an unrecognized line showing every now and then as well.

The fog borders on impentrable and only the closest reeds are visible. The twisting path narrows as it winds to the northwest, disappearing into the fog. Every footstep creates a sucking sound as the mud protests passage, while previous foot and paw prints are filled with water reflecting the available light. Overhead, the dark limb of a tree extends over the path, connected to a dead tree hidden somewhere in the surrounding fog. You also see a rotting chimera.
Unrecognized game line.
The thick fog reduces visiblity to the surrounding reeds, great brown and tan stalks that rise high over head and frame the twisting soggy pathway. Muted screams from unknown inhabitants filter through the thick, white wall of mist that hides their origin and location. Occasionally, something splashes through the water and mud just beyond the wall of reeds, drawing close, then fading away. You also see a necrotic snake and a rotting chimera.
Unrecognized game line.
Unrecognized game line.
Unrecognized game line.
Unrecognized game line.

10-14-2014, 02:52 PM
You remove a salamander skin from in your dark leather longcloak.Unrecognized game line.
You drop a salamander skin.
Unrecognized game line.
You remove a salamander skin from in your dark leather longcloak.
Unrecognized game line.
You drop a salamander skin.
Unrecognized game line.
Your mind is completely saturated. It is imperative that you rest immediately!
Unrecognized game line.
Syntarsus put a flimsy orase runestaff in his runestaff harness.
Unrecognized game line.

Puts most stuff (regular happenings) in the familiar window, each followed by the "Unrecognized game line."

Yes that's what the script does. After it sees the same line 5 times it will no longer send those lines to the familiar window.

You can add "You remove a" to the always ignore variable and it won't send any line that starts with "You remove a" to the familiar window. Same with "You drop a".

Eventually the script is bound to see every normal game line 5 times. Except of course people talking and what not, not much you can do about that except add that sort of stuff to the ignore list. Likewise you can set the the number lower, to 3 for example, instead of the script needing to wait 5 times before it ignores the line.

I'm not aware of a way to weed out legitimate game lines from GM script checks so the best thing to do is to just set the script to ignore lines after it's been seen so many times.

I'm also getting unrecognized line without actually having an unrecognized line showing every now and then as well.

The fog borders on impentrable and only the closest reeds are visible. The twisting path narrows as it winds to the northwest, disappearing into the fog. Every footstep creates a sucking sound as the mud protests passage, while previous foot and paw prints are filled with water reflecting the available light. Overhead, the dark limb of a tree extends over the path, connected to a dead tree hidden somewhere in the surrounding fog. You also see a rotting chimera.
Unrecognized game line.
The thick fog reduces visiblity to the surrounding reeds, great brown and tan stalks that rise high over head and frame the twisting soggy pathway. Muted screams from unknown inhabitants filter through the thick, white wall of mist that hides their origin and location. Occasionally, something splashes through the water and mud just beyond the wall of reeds, drawing close, then fading away. You also see a necrotic snake and a rotting chimera.
Unrecognized game line.
Unrecognized game line.
Unrecognized game line.
Unrecognized game line.

Most likely you have strings that are being squelched in the front end but lich still sees them and is sending the Unrecognized game line warning to the familiar window without the actual game line though because it's squelched by the front end.

Try disabling squelches to see if you still get the warnings without any game line.

10-14-2014, 02:54 PM
I was just about to post that, I'm pretty sure that came from squelched lines in my EEEEEEEEVIL BOT HEALING SCRIPT!

10-14-2014, 03:13 PM
On the advice from someone who wishes to remain anonymous I have changed the script so anytime it sees two or more capital letters in a row it will always send that line to the familiar window as well. This is so a script check that is in ALL CAPS will always be sent to the familiar window with a warning.

So "ARE YOU THERE" will be sent to the familiar window, but so will "ARe you there."

Of course this will pick up legit instances of capped words but I'm not aware of this happening too much in game on a normal basis. Regardless if you don't like this feature you can always remove that part from the script.

10-14-2014, 03:26 PM
On the advice from someone who wishes to remain anonymous I have changed the script so anytime it sees two or more capital letters in a row it will always send that line to the familiar window as well. This is so a script check that is in ALL CAPS will always be sent to the familiar window with a warning.

So "ARE YOU THERE" will be sent to the familiar window, but so will "ARe you there."

Of course this will pick up legit instances of capped words but I'm not aware of this happening too much in game on a normal basis. Regardless if you don't like this feature you can always remove that part from the script.

Was it the shart repper?

10-14-2014, 03:39 PM
On the advice from someone who wishes to remain anonymous I have changed the script so anytime it sees two or more capital letters in a row it will always send that line to the familiar window as well. This is so a script check that is in ALL CAPS will always be sent to the familiar window with a warning.

So "ARE YOU THERE" will be sent to the familiar window, but so will "ARe you there."

Of course this will pick up legit instances of capped words but I'm not aware of this happening too much in game on a normal basis. Regardless if you don't like this feature you can always remove that part from the script.

Incoming script checks of ArE yOu ThErE?

10-14-2014, 03:48 PM
Okay, thanks for the explanation. Also, nice thought on the CAPS thing. Of course, I'm sure they've just read about it too so like said posted above...

"Are you three?" "We noted that as a misspelling."

10-14-2014, 04:30 PM
Was it the shart repper?


Incoming script checks of ArE yOu ThErE?

Okay, thanks for the explanation. Also, nice thought on the CAPS thing. Of course, I'm sure they've just read about it too so like said posted above...

"Are you three?" "We noted that as a misspelling."

True, I'm sure the GMs are going to try and work around this type of thing.

But then again if they are really concerned about catching afk scripters and not just scripters then they shouldn't be so sneaky in the first place :p

10-14-2014, 04:35 PM

True, I'm sure the GMs are going to try and work around this type of thing.

But then again if they are really concerned about catching afk scripters and not just scripters then they shouldn't be so sneaky in the first place :p

By the same token, if people aren't inattentively scripting, they don't need this script.

10-14-2014, 04:40 PM
By the same token, if people aren't inattentively scripting, they don't need this script.

True, but the other side of the coin is YOUR FACE!

10-14-2014, 04:42 PM
True, but the other side of the coin is YOUR FACE!

I'm on no currency that I'm aware of.

10-14-2014, 04:45 PM
By the same token, if people aren't inattentively scripting, they don't need this script.

Bullshit. I don't use these scripts to not pay attention, I run them because it makes it about a thousand times easier to spot things in the screen scroll caused by having multiple characters attacking at once. Especially when some of the attacks look like this...

X utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
X gestures at a necrotic snake.
X hurls a roaring ball of fire at a necrotic snake!
AS: +327 vs DS: +243 with AvD: +57 + d100 roll: +93 = +234
... and hits for 55 points of damage!
The roaring ball of fire strikes a necrotic snake, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to head. That hurt a bit.

A burst of flame from X's roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a rotting chimera.
... 20 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right arm burns skin bright red.

A burst of flame from X's roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a gaunt spectral servant.
... 10 points of damage!
Glancing blow to the stomach.
Good thing it won't be eating soon.

A burst of flame from X's roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a rotting chimera.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to left leg. That hurts a bit.

That's 22 lines for ONE attack.

10-14-2014, 04:47 PM
Bullshit. I don't use these scripts to not pay attention, I run them because it makes it about a thousand times easier to spot things in the screen scroll caused by having multiple characters attacking at once. Especially when some of the attacks look like this...

X utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
X gestures at a necrotic snake.
X hurls a roaring ball of fire at a necrotic snake!
AS: +327 vs DS: +243 with AvD: +57 + d100 roll: +93 = +234
... and hits for 55 points of damage!
The roaring ball of fire strikes a necrotic snake, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to head. That hurt a bit.

A burst of flame from X's roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a rotting chimera.
... 20 points of damage!
Burst of flames to right arm burns skin bright red.

A burst of flame from X's roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a gaunt spectral servant.
... 10 points of damage!
Glancing blow to the stomach.
Good thing it won't be eating soon.

A burst of flame from X's roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a rotting chimera.
... 5 points of damage!
Minor burns to left leg. That hurts a bit.

That's 22 lines for ONE attack.

Sorry, but the original script writer has already agreed with me. You have found a secondary and unimportant use (abuse) of this script. Reported.

10-14-2014, 04:47 PM
Sorry, but the original script writer has already agreed with me.

That's slander good sir! Reported!

10-14-2014, 04:50 PM
Sorry, but the original script writer has already agreed with me. You have found a secondary and unimportant use (abuse) of this script. Reported.

Lots of scripts written for completely automated use in Shattered get heavy use by people paying attention to the game in Prime, too. Your argument is invalid.


10-14-2014, 04:51 PM
Lots of scripts written for completely automated use in Shattered get heavy use by people paying attention to the game in Prime, too. Your argument is invalid.


Okay. I wasn't really paying attention anyway. Is that warriorbird?

edit: reported.
edit2: !

10-14-2014, 04:58 PM
and how are you fully attentive to all 3 windows at once?

First, I don't play three characters, I play two.
Second, I have them arranged in a manner on my screen that allows me to watch both characters at the same time.
Third, my characters always run together so if something happens in the room they both see it.
Fourth, if you weren't a dumbass I wouldn't have to explain this.

10-14-2014, 04:58 PM
I updated the script again to add timestamps!

*gives you a playful kick in the shin.
Unrecognized game line.
October 14, 2014 at 03:55 PM

Please note this script is designed to make it easier for people running scripts to notice and respond to afk script checks. This script is not designed to help facilitate afk scripting. If you use this script to help you get away with afk scripting then just know you are a bad person.

10-14-2014, 05:00 PM
First, I don't play three characters, I play two.
Second, I have them arranged in a manner on my screen that allows me to watch both characters at the same time.
Third, my characters always run together so if something happens in the room they both see it.
Fourth, if you weren't a dumbass I wouldn't have to explain this.

I don't understand why people think it's so hard to pay attention to more than one game window at a time.

Here are a couple of ways:

The windows can be resized; this is especially even easier in WizardFE. You can put game windows side by side.
More than one monitor, hello!

10-14-2014, 05:03 PM
I updated the script again to add timestamps!

*gives you a playful kick in the shin.
Unrecognized game line.
October 14, 2014 at 03:55 PM

Please note this script is designed to make it easier for people running scripts to notice and respond to afk script checks. This script is not designed to help facilitate afk scripting. If you use this script to help you get away with afk scripting then just know you are a bad person.


10-14-2014, 05:05 PM

Hey, I did my part. I informed them they are a bad person.

10-14-2014, 05:11 PM
I don't understand why people think it's so hard to pay attention to more than one game window at a time.

I don't either. I just have one character using a shrunken down Wizard, no problem seeing everything for both characters. And in fact, it's layered in a way so that when I am out hunting with them even my lnet window is almost completely blocked off so that I don't watch the chatter in there instead of my characters.


10-14-2014, 05:11 PM
Hey, I did my part. I informed them they are a bad person.

Does it start over if you kill the script? Or does it save the lines somewhere.

I don't use lich except for go2 but I'm tempted to give it a shot.

Not that I really need it since it's my attitude that gets me in trouble and not the script checks themselves. Sometimes I wish I was more mature.

10-14-2014, 05:12 PM
I don't either. I just have one character using a shrunken down Wizard, no problem seeing everything for both characters. And in fact, it's layered in a way so that when I am out hunting with them even my lnet window is almost completely blocked off so that I don't watch the chatter in there instead of my characters.


Also shit, Wizard FE brings back some memories. *TEAR*

10-14-2014, 05:19 PM
Does it start over if you kill the script? Or does it save the lines somewhere.

It saves the information to your hard drive so you can stop and start the script whenever you want.

Keep in mind this is on a per character basis though so each character would need to see the same game line 5 times. Any line added directly to the script will work for all characters though.

I don't use lich except for go2 but I'm tempted to give it a shot.

Sometimes I wish I was more mature.

Ppppppphhhhhhhbbbbbbbbtttttt to that.

10-14-2014, 05:29 PM
I don't understand why people think it's so hard to pay attention to more than one game window at a time.

Here are a couple of ways:

The windows can be resized; this is especially even easier in WizardFE. You can put game windows side by side.
More than one monitor, hello!


Commence the red rep. I have the new 4k TV from Seiki that is 39" and a 28" regular monitor. Just know that its hard to have my "team" logged in. I have a picture of it somewhere and its a mess. Its even worse when you have the TV on with football and stuff.

10-14-2014, 05:32 PM

Commence the red rep. I have the new 4k TV from Seiki that is 39" and a 28" regular monitor. Just know that its hard to have my "team" logged in. I have a picture of it somewhere and its a mess. Its even worse when you have the TV on with football and stuff.

Give me that set up now!!!!11

Also I disabled the caps thing on my version of the script for now. It's an awesome idea but I just noticed that COL signs falling off are in all caps and it was driving me crazy. I'll leave it on the script for now in case others find it useful. When I'm feeling less lazy I'll make it so you can add those lines to the ignore list without the script still posting them because of the caps in them.

10-15-2014, 03:42 PM
Alright I fixed the problem with signs falling off triggering the caps word alert. Also I fixed it so typing INFO doesn't trigger about 10 alerts because each stat (STR) (CON) etc are all in caps as well.

If anyone comes across any other normal messaging that is in all caps let me know so I can add it to the script.

10-15-2014, 03:44 PM
Alright I fixed the problem with signs falling off triggering the caps word alert. Also I fixed it so typing INFO doesn't trigger about 10 alerts because each stat (STR) (CON) etc are all in caps as well.

If anyone comes across any other normal messaging that is in all caps let me know so I can add it to the script.

...or you could just be at the keyboard. Whichever you prefer.

10-15-2014, 03:45 PM
...or you could just be at the keyboard. Whichever you prefer.

You're giving me a choice now? :D

10-15-2014, 04:18 PM
...or you could just be at the keyboard. Whichever you prefer.

I only play gemstone with voice commands.

10-15-2014, 06:23 PM
...or you could just be at the keyboard. Whichever you prefer.

I'm probably going to regret this, but I'm going to try to explain a viewpoint to you that is not your own.

Because of the nature of the game and the way scriptchecks are performed, people have in the past (will continue to in the future) failed scriptchecks while they are at the keyboard and staring at the screen. After years of playing this game, it becomes second nature to skim the flowing wall of text for important bits, and filter out most of it. Most scriptchecks blend in with the rest of the screen scroll rather than stand out as something important. It's easy to ignore these checks even if your eyes actually pass over the words. In addition, the checks may not even be on the screen for more than a tenth of a second, but you're still responsible for reading them and recognizing them as scriptchecks rather than more of the endless background noise. It's so bad that at least one person has actually gotten a scripting violation without actually running any scripts.

Being at the keyboard does not remove the need for a script checker thingie, and in fact not being at the keyboard makes the script checker thingie useless.

The scripting policy simply says you need to be responsive. The script checker thingie helps you be responsive; not just to script checks, but also anything else going on in the game. You could actually carry on a conversation with someone in the middle of an invasion, or notice someone nodding to you in TSC amidst all the healing and spelling up.

Perhaps you still read every word that comes across your screen. Maybe the idea that the flower girl or fortuneteller might actually say something new this time excites you. And I suppose you don't have carpel tunnel syndrome yet. But even so, maybe you should just let people play the game in the way they enjoy it, because if everyone were given the choice to play it your way or not at all, there would be no game left for you to play.

10-15-2014, 06:28 PM
Being at the keyboard does not remove the need for a script checker thingie, and in fact not being at the keyboard makes the script checker thingie useless.

I assumed some people were setting this script checker and others like it to make a loud noise if it thinks they are being checked. This way they can ignore their computer and do other things around the house. Is this not possible?

10-15-2014, 06:31 PM
I assumed some people were setting this script checker and others like it to make a loud noise if it thinks they are being checked. This way they can ignore their computer and do other things around the house. Is this not possible?

While possible. My GM said 15 seconds was too long...

Sooo how fast can you run in your house to be less than 15 seconds away?

10-15-2014, 06:42 PM
While possible. My GM said 15 seconds was too long...

Sooo how fast can you run in your house to be less than 15 seconds away?

I don't think the 15 seconds rule is representative and you did not receive a warning. Besides, I'm sure people can keep their laptop going near their television or their afk scripting amounts to doing something in another computer window. Personally, I have designed an intricate leather harness so that I might continue to play Gemstone during coitus.

This issue has been talked to death. I'm pretty confident that afk scripters will be caught and punished. People who are halfway afk and able to snap back in time to pass a check through various mechanisms... . It's not something I am going to worry over.

10-15-2014, 06:59 PM
I don't think the 15 seconds rule is representative and you did not receive a warning. Besides, I'm sure people can keep their laptop going near their television or their afk scripting amounts to doing something in another computer window. Personally, I have designed an intricate leather harness so that I might continue to play Gemstone during coitus.

This issue has been talked to death. I'm pretty confident that afk scripters will be caught and punished. People who are halfway afk and able to snap back in time to pass a check through various mechanisms... . It's not something I am going to worry over.

Apparently, if you believe the other log posted, they will review what you have been doing over X amount of time...like depositing coins every 30 minutes for 20 hours. So even if you respond to every check you can still be accused of AFK scripting.

10-15-2014, 07:52 PM
Tillmen is kicking ass and taking names!

I assumed some people were setting this script checker and others like it to make a loud noise if it thinks they are being checked. This way they can ignore their computer and do other things around the house. Is this not possible?

Yes. However in the case of my particular script you would be running back to your computer frequently until you managed to add a lot of strings to the ignore settings. Even though I've been running this script for a few months now several normal game strings still manage to slip in on a daily basis. It's worth it to me though because I can quickly look to see it's a normal game string and not worry about it.

So yes this script can help people afk script, however they would still at least have to be within ear shot of their computer. This script will not help someone afk script if they leave their script running while they go to work.

Just because something can be used for bad intentions doesn't make the thing itself bad or necessarily make anyone who uses it bad.

10-15-2014, 08:25 PM
Updated the script again to come preloaded with spell prep messaging by anyone being ignored.

You know stuff like:

* traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...

Spell prep messaging from Minor and major spiritual, minor and major elemental, empath, bard, wizard, rangers and sorcs have been added. Don't have messaging for monks or paladins or anything else not listed. Give me those if you want them added.

I've put these into their own variable so you can just delete that part of the code out if you would prefer not to have them ignored by default.

10-15-2014, 08:26 PM
Updated the script again to come preloaded with spell prep messaging by anyone being ignored.

You know stuff like:

* traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...

Spell prep messaging from Minor and major spiritual, minor and major elemental, empath, bard, wizard, rangers and sorcs have been added. Don't have messaging for monks or paladins or anything else not listed. Give me those if you want them added.

Have you updated it to tase crotches in the event of a check?

10-15-2014, 08:30 PM
Have you updated it to tase crotches in the event of a check?

Close to perfecting it.

10-15-2014, 08:32 PM
Yes. However in the case of my particular script you would be running back to your computer frequently until you managed to add a lot of strings to the ignore settings. Even though I've been running this script for a few months now several normal game strings still manage to slip in on a daily basis. It's worth it to me though because I can quickly look to see it's a normal game string and not worry about it.

So yes this script can help people afk script, however they would still at least have to be within ear shot of their computer. This script will not help someone afk script if they leave their script running while they go to work.

Just because something can be used for bad intentions doesn't make the thing itself bad or necessarily make anyone who uses it bad.

Because I'm a dick and enjoy watching these people squirm.

require 'net/smtp'

message = <<MESSAGE_END
From: Private Person <me@fromdomain.com>
To: A Test User <test@todomain.com>
Subject: SMTP e-mail test

This is a test e-mail message.

Net::SMTP.start('localhost') do |smtp|
smtp.send_message message, 'me@fromdomain.com',

10-15-2014, 08:35 PM
Because I'm a dick and enjoy watching these people squirm.

require 'net/smtp'

message = <<MESSAGE_END
From: Private Person <me@fromdomain.com>
To: A Test User <test@todomain.com>
Subject: SMTP e-mail test

This is a test e-mail message.

Net::SMTP.start('localhost') do |smtp|
smtp.send_message message, 'me@fromdomain.com',

Yes, you could indeed modify this script to send you email alerts and probably even text messages anytime the script picked up an unrecognized game line :p

But as I said until you get most normal game messages ignored you're going to be getting a lot of false positives.

Also I have no idea how to get your character to actually respond to a script check remotely, unless you have a tablet or laptop with you that is playing the game.

10-15-2014, 08:42 PM
Yes, you could indeed modify this script to send you email alerts and probably even text messages anytime the script picked up an unrecognized game line :p

But as I said until you get most normal game messages ignored you're going to be getting a lot of false positives.

Also I have no idea how to get your character to actually respond to a script check remotely, unless you have a tablet or laptop with you that is playing the game.

I'm only good at googling. :(

You would have to be an expert coder in all sorts of platforms to be able to do that. You would probably need to code something into your SMTP server to redirect to a new piece of code (no idea what this would be called) and then somehow into Wizard/Lich. But I think at this point you would have to modify Lich itself.

Maybe Tillmen would know?

10-15-2014, 08:51 PM
I'm only good at googling. :(

You would have to be an expert coder in all sorts of platforms to be able to do that. You would probably need to code something into your SMTP server to redirect to a new piece of code (no idea what this would be called) and then somehow into Wizard/Lich. But I think at this point you would have to modify Lich itself.

Maybe Tillmen would know?

If one could get game text sent to their phone through some app whenever it's an unrecognized, and one also had the ability to supplement the script via same smart phone with entered commands/words... I want at least 50% of the cut for coming up with this. And the groin taser attachment.

10-15-2014, 09:06 PM
I'm only good at googling. :(

You would have to be an expert coder in all sorts of platforms to be able to do that. You would probably need to code something into your SMTP server to redirect to a new piece of code (no idea what this would be called) and then somehow into Wizard/Lich. But I think at this point you would have to modify Lich itself.

Maybe Tillmen would know?

You could do this in 10 seconds

10-15-2014, 09:07 PM
You could do this in 10 seconds

Well, that's the easy part. The hard part is using your phone to enter commands back. Unless that's in there and I'm not seeing it?

10-15-2014, 09:27 PM
Well it would be pretty dumb as a programmable messaging service if you couldn't text ENTER to win, read the docs.

10-15-2014, 09:50 PM
Another update. Added spell up messaging "A silvery luminescence surrounds blah blah blah" to be ignored. Again this only includes minor spiritual, major spiritual, minor elemental, major elemental, empath, bard, wizard, ranger and sorc spell ups. Also once again they are in their own category in case you want to delete that part from the script.

10-16-2014, 03:26 AM
You could probably save yourself some grief by adding a couple of RegEx lines for movement or other common lines.

^\w+ just arrived\.$
^\w+ just (went|stumbled) (west|east|north|south|up|down)\.$

Might even be better to just do a variable for directions and walk movements.

10-16-2014, 09:59 AM
I only play gemstone with voice commands.

Rookie. I rolled up a monk and I configured my FE to recognize my Wii remote.

10-16-2014, 10:07 AM
Rookie. I rolled up a monk and I configured my FE to recognize my Wii remote.

I just switched to my connect interface. Whose the rookie now?! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyeah!

10-16-2014, 11:41 AM
I just switched to my connect interface. Whose the rookie now?! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyeah!

Probably me, the only console I have in the house is the wii that the boys play mario on, I've not consoled since xbox (which I left at my old job in the break room because it would get more use there than with me when I left).

10-16-2014, 02:05 PM
Sorry to hear you're giving up on ;bigshot. I like the little 'surprise' that's in there though.

10-16-2014, 03:11 PM
Sorry to hear you're giving up on ;bigshot. I like the little 'surprise' that's in there though.


10-16-2014, 03:29 PM
Who put Jeril into bigshot?

10-16-2014, 04:13 PM
You'll have to find it to know. Don't want to ruin any surprises.

10-16-2014, 04:20 PM
You'll have to find it to know. Don't want to ruin any surprises.

I mean... Where did he say he was giving up bigshot?

10-16-2014, 04:53 PM
I mean... Where did he say he was giving up bigshot?
Read my post above. Sorry, not trying to be mean about it. Just don't want to spoil anything more than I may already have.

10-16-2014, 05:46 PM
You could probably save yourself some grief by adding a couple of RegEx lines for movement or other common lines.

^\w+ just arrived\.$
^\w+ just (went|stumbled) (west|east|north|south|up|down)\.$

Might even be better to just do a variable for directions and walk movements.

It's like you're reading my mind! I added movement ignores to the first post for anyone who wants to add them to their script.

This should catch all movement types (trudging, marching, etc etc) moving in all common directions (north, south, up, down, in, etc etc.) I've also started adding some non standard movements as well (entering/exiting a hatch or building for example.)

10-16-2014, 07:06 PM
It's like you're reading my mind! I added movement ignores to the first post for anyone who wants to add them to their script.

This should catch all movement types (trudging, marching, etc etc) moving in all common directions (north, south, up, down, in, etc etc.) I've also started adding some non standard movements as well (entering/exiting a hatch or building for example.)

Awesome! I was just thinking of lines that would change constantly and how annoying it would be. e.g. Anything with a name!

Why don't you put them in variables to make it easier to read and/or update? I don't how to create variables with Ruby so I'm just throwing in some random syntax. Plus its easier to see any errors and make regex changes.

var titles (Novice |Apprentice |Journeyman |Lord |Great Lord |High Lord |Grand Lord |Lady |Great Lady |High Lady |Grand Lady)
var movement1 (came trudging |trudged away moving |strode |away moving | came crawling |skipped merrily |came sashaying |gracefully sashayed |came marching |went |crawled |limped |marched off to the )
var movement2 (arrived\, skipping merrily|north|northeast|east|southeast|south|south west|west|northwest|out|up|down|in\,?|in gracefully|through an archway)

movement_to_ignore = /^$titles?\w+ (just|strides|begins to walk|just stumbled) $movement1?$movement2( but suddenly trips and goes flailing out of sight| flailing (his|her) arms wildly while trying to right (himself|herself))?(\!|\.)$|^$titles?\w+ just came through (a wooden hatch|a dark opening)\.$|^$titles?\w+ just went through (a dark opening|a wooden hatch)\.$|^$titles?\w+ just climbed a spiral staircase\.$/

10-16-2014, 07:07 PM
Awesome! I was just thinking of lines that would change constantly and how annoying it would be. e.g. Anything with a name!

Why don't you put them in variables to make it easier to read and/or update? I don't how to create variables with Ruby so I'm just throwing in some random syntax. Plus its easier to see any errors and make regex changes.

var titles (Novice |Apprentice |Journeyman |Lord |Great Lord |High Lord |Grand Lord |Lady |Great Lady |High Lady |Grand Lady)
var movement1 (came trudging |trudged away moving |strode |away moving | came crawling |skipped merrily |came sashaying |gracefully sashayed |came marching |went |crawled |limped |marched off to the )
var movement2 (arrived\, skipping merrily|north|northeast|east|southeast|south|south west|west|northwest|out|up|down|in\,?|in gracefully|through an archway)

movement_to_ignore = /^$titles?\w+ (just|strides|begins to walk|just stumbled) $movement1?$movement2( but suddenly trips and goes flailing out of sight| flailing (his|her) arms wildly while trying to right (himself|herself))?(\!|\.)$|^$titles?\w+ just came through (a wooden hatch|a dark opening)\.$|^$titles?\w+ just went through (a dark opening|a wooden hatch)\.$|^$titles?\w+ just climbed a spiral staircase\.$/

You could do that but I already got all of the normal ones in there so there is no need to update it.

Just the odd movements need to be updated.

10-16-2014, 07:11 PM
You could do that but I already got all of the normal ones in there so there is no need to update it.

Just the odd movements need to be updated.

Yeah but if Simu adds in more titles you are going to be kicking yourself! (JOKES!)

10-16-2014, 07:15 PM
Yeah but if Simu adds in more titles you are going to be kicking yourself! (JOKES!)

Darn GMs always messing with my scripts! :(

I actually think there are several other prename titles but I don't think they are standard.

10-16-2014, 07:24 PM
Darn GMs always messing with my scripts! :(

I actually think there are several other prename titles but I don't think they are standard.

Well according to certain people, GMs "frequent" these threads so make sure that REGEX is TIGHT.

I could see them.... "PiNkMonSteranswerme just arrived."

10-16-2014, 07:32 PM
Well according to certain people, GMs "frequent" these threads so make sure that REGEX is TIGHT.

I could see them.... "PiNkMonSteranswerme just arrived."

I suppose technically the GMs could fool this script check all they want. If they are purposefully trying to fool this script check then they are just being huge douche bags about it.

As I said at that point they aren't trying to catch afk scripters, they are trying to catch scripters.

If they don't want my business that bad they can just let me know face to face without all of the subterfuge.

10-16-2014, 07:37 PM
I suppose technically the GMs could fool this script check all they want. If they are purposefully trying to fool this script check then they are just being huge douche bags about it.

I've always wondered, what happens if you get a GM check and a squelch is involved? Like if I squelched flower girl, because 20 years of seeing those lines is enough. And they run checks using "flower girl." Completely boned?

10-16-2014, 07:39 PM
I've always wondered, what happens if you get a GM check and a squelch is involved? Like if I squelched flower girl, because 20 years of seeing those lines is enough. And they run checks using "flower girl." Completely boned?

Yes. I wouldn't suggest doing something quite so vague. Eventually all of her speeches will be caught and squelched. Or you could just add each thing you see her say directly to the script.

10-16-2014, 07:40 PM
Yes. I wouldn't suggest doing something quite so vague. Eventually all of her speeches will be caught and squelched. Or you could just add each thing you see her say directly to the script.

Oh I was just thinking a general gag in SF or Wizard. Slightly off topic heh.

10-16-2014, 07:43 PM
Yes. I wouldn't suggest doing something quite so vague. Eventually all of her speeches will be caught and squelched. Or you could just add each thing you see her say directly to the script.

For example I have this squelched while out hunting:

^(He|She|It) had an? .* on (him|her|it)\!$

So if the line says:

She had an ayanad crystal on her!

It would be squelched.

If the line said:

She had an ayanad crystal on her.

It would not be squelched.

Sure, a GM could run a script check that says:

She had a tell me if you are at the keyboard right now on her!

It would be squelched too. But the GM would have to be the world's largest douche bag to do that.

But that's not to say a GM wouldn't do something like that so use something like that at your own risk.

Personally I don't think GMs are going to go through those kind of lengths to catch afk scripters. Just depends on whose shit list you're on I suppose :p

10-16-2014, 07:43 PM
Oh I was just thinking a general gag in SF or Wizard. Slightly off topic heh.

Yeah, I wouldn't recommend just squelching "flower girl" anywhere :p

10-16-2014, 07:53 PM
For example I have this squelched while out hunting:

^(He|She|It) had an? .* on (him|her|it)\!$

So if the line says:

She had an ayanad crystal on her!

It would be squelched.

If the line said:

She had an ayanad crystal on her.

It would not be squelched.

Sure, a GM could run a script check that says:

She had a tell me if you are at the keyboard right now on her!

It would be squelched too. But the GM would have to be the world's largest douche bag to do that.

But that's not to say a GM wouldn't do something like that so use something like that at your own risk.

Personally I don't think GMs are going to go through those kind of lengths to catch afk scripters. Just depends on whose shit list you're on I suppose :p

Ha! Be careful now!

I would take a script warning for that. Just to prove definitively that GMs doing script checks are giant douche bags. But then again the white knights would still defend them I'm sure.

10-16-2014, 09:36 PM
It wasn't long ago that the flower girl was talking with us at Town Square. They definitely take over the NPCs occasionally.

10-16-2014, 09:39 PM
I remember getting an RPA during an interaction where the GM took over the flower girl, and while he was controlling her, I asked her about sex.

GM kicked me in the shins and I got stunned and everything. It was funny as hell.

10-16-2014, 09:48 PM
The flower girl has been a girl for waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long.

10-16-2014, 09:57 PM
The flower girl has been a girl for waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long.

It's gonna be a nice day for a white wedding.

10-19-2014, 03:18 PM
I updated the original post with more titles and movements added to the movement_to_ignore variable.

I also added two new variables ands_to_ignore and stuff_inside_ands_to_ignore. You only need to add this line to the line checking part of the script:

next if line =~ ands_to_ignore

The stuff_inside_ands_to_ignore is the variable you add stuff to.

For the most part this script works great to eventually weed out all normal game lines. The main problem is stuff that isn't exactly the same each time, like "Bob waves to you." Sure after seeing Bob waving to you five times the script would no longer alert you to that but what if Susan waves at you? Suddenly it's not the exact same line. This is mostly only a problem if you have the script running while socializing in town or if you're hunting with a partner or something.

The biggest problem while hunting is the "You notice a kobold, a rolton and a kobold." line because it can change so dramatically every time you enter a room.

"You notice a kobold and a rolton."
"You notice a kobold."
"You notice a kobold, a rolton, a kobold, a kobold and a rolton."

The script is probably never going to catch all of these lines.

This is where you add stuff to the stuff_inside_ands_to_ignore variable! Every time you notice something new just add it to the variable.

Add kobold to the variable and suddenly lines like these:

You notice a kobold.
You notice a kobold, a kobold, a kobold, a kobold and a kobold.

Won't be sent to the familiar window.

Add rolton also and lines like these disappear as well:

You notice a kobold and a rolton.
You notice a rolton, a kobold, a rolton, a kobold and a rolton.

The script will ignore up to 20 things inside of the "You notice" line.

The nice thing is that if you only have kobold and rolton in the variable then this line still shows up as an unrecognized line:

You notice a kobold, a rolton and a rat.

This is so you have to actually see the line first to make sure it's a legit line.

If a GM decides to test you by adding a critter like a Flying Rolton of Doom to the game the script will still recognize the following line as an unrecognized line:

You notice a rolton, a kobold and a Flying Rolton of Doom.

Don't add the "a", "an", "some" or "the" part of things to the variable.

So only add "white staircase" to the variable, not "the white staircase."

Yes this requires some effort on your part but suck it up :p

10-23-2014, 06:11 PM
there supposed to be a next if line =~ stuff_inside_ands_to_ignore line as well?

10-23-2014, 06:14 PM
there supposed to be a next if line =~ stuff_inside_ands_to_ignore line as well?

Nope. The stuff_inside_ands_to_ignore variable is used in the ands_to_ignore variable.

10-23-2014, 06:30 PM
Oh. I tried putting boar, viper, ogre in there but it didn't seem to be doing anything. Is it supposed to keep all the variables of those critters from popping up as unrecognized while out hunting?

10-23-2014, 06:33 PM
Oh. I tried putting boar, viper, ogre in there but it didn't seem to be doing anything. Is it supposed to keep all the variables of those critters from popping up as unrecognized while out hunting?

You have to separate each item with a pipe symbol |

So /boar|viper|ogre|example 1|example 2/

What this would do is when you enter a room and see this line:

You notice a boar, a viper, an ogre and an ogre.

Or this line:

You notice an ogre and a viper.

Then the line won't be sent to the familiar window.

It will probably take a few days to add most of the stuff you see while out hunting but it's worth it in the long run. Eventually just unique stuff would show up like "an awesome vultite sword of doom."

Or unique critters that a GM created as a possible script check.

10-23-2014, 06:45 PM
I wouldn't remove all lines with those creatures though.

Instead I would do something like

A (boar|viper|ogre) (swings|attacks|bites)
You notice [a|an] (boar|viper|ogre)

10-23-2014, 06:46 PM
I wouldn't remove all lines with those creatures though.

Instead I would do something like

A (boar|viper|ogre) (swings|attacks|bites)
You notice [a|an] (boar|viper|ogre)

Naww, it just removes them from the You notice line, it won't ignore anything else the critter does.

10-23-2014, 06:53 PM
Naww, it just removes them from the You notice line, it won't ignore anything else the critter does.

Ah hah right. Because of the combinations of critters can make the line combinations fairly unique.