View Full Version : Premium Alterations

10-13-2014, 02:52 PM

Wasn't sure where to put this (couldn't find a Premium category), so there goes....

I reactivated my premium account and I have a good number of points available. Not sure exactly how the scrolls work (they have changed a lot over time)

I'm pretty sure I understand auto-scipting

Enhancement. If I enhance, say, a suit of armor with health, the directions say that it it will run out after a period of time, depending on how much it's used. Since it's armor, it's on all the time. So say I play 2 hours a day, how long does it last? And do I have to activate it somehow to give me the bonus health for a time, like a charge?

If I enhance or alter an item, does is 'disappear' for the time it takes get be completed? The instructions say it could take a couple of weeks.

Just so I'm clear on scripting: This means that if I interact with the object in some way (TURN, TOSS, WAVE...) it has a show description tied to that interaction, correct? And it is permanent or wear off after time like ehancive?

thanks for any input!

10-14-2014, 10:49 AM
If you alter the item, its appearance is changed forever. Use the ALTER command to see a long list of rules and instructions.

The scripting is also permanent and you understand it correctly.

I will let someone else comment on the enhancives since I have not yet used premium points for that service.

10-14-2014, 11:11 AM
Enhancements: The enhancive charge system is randomized so the duration of a charge is not really predictable, however, the duration can usually be measured in weeks or months rather than hours. I put an enhancement on a cloak that I only wear when I am hunting so I conserve charges that way and the charges have lasted over a year. Enhancive items are "activated" by wearing them, there's no way to turn them "off" except to remove them. You can re-charge enhancive items at the Adventurer's Guild using bounty points you earn by completing tasks. Historically, around Christmastime/New Years, you can also recharge using silvers.

Alters: Your item doesn't disappear while the alteration is processing, you keep your alter scroll handy and communicate with the GM through it. When you're happy, you WRITE ACCEPT on the scroll, and presto-chango, your item is altered.

10-14-2014, 11:18 AM
What is the skill/stat bonus on a premium made enhancive?

10-14-2014, 11:24 AM
Side question: Are premium point enhancive items rechargeable at the AG?

10-14-2014, 11:24 AM
Silvean: It's whatever you want it to be, provided you have the PPs to pay for it.

Wyrmx: Yes

10-14-2014, 11:28 AM
Silvean: It's whatever you want it to be, provided you have the PPs to pay for it.

So a Level 1 enhancive scroll for 1800 PPs can take a base item and turn it into an enhancive with +5 to 2 different stats?

Based on: http://www.play.net/gs4/premium/premiumplus.asp#enhance1

10-14-2014, 11:49 AM
Unfortunately illicit and salacious sites like play.net are blocked on my employer's network :sad: so I cannot read your citation, but that sounds reasonable. I can check when I get home and also find out what I paid for my +8 CON cloak.

10-14-2014, 11:51 AM
I spent a large amount of PPs on armor padding. I now regret this since I can buy armor padding or padded armor with silvers but it's more difficult to find and buy the exact enhancives I need.

10-14-2014, 12:59 PM
Thanks for starting this thread ive been curious what the final bonus would be for a level 4 premie enhancive and forgot all about that site. I will most likely be in the market for some PP before Ebon Gate either way. How long does it take for an item to be created?

10-14-2014, 04:50 PM
Thanks for starting this thread ive been curious what the final bonus would be for a level 4 premie enhancive and forgot all about that site. I will most likely be in the market for some PP before Ebon Gate either way. How long does it take for an item to be created?

Premium enhancives are account-attuned so you wouldn't be able to buy someone else's if you were thinking of that. As Silvean suggested, it's ideal to save your own points for enhancives and pay for others to do padding/enchanting (if you're willing to spend a lot of money on imaginary stuff anyway).

10-14-2014, 05:10 PM

11-06-2014, 07:02 PM
Premium enhancives are account-attuned so you wouldn't be able to buy someone else's if you were thinking of that. As Silvean suggested, it's ideal to save your own points for enhancives and pay for others to do padding/enchanting (if you're willing to spend a lot of money on imaginary stuff anyway).

What do you mean pay for others to do padding? Buy their premium points and make them use them because the enhancives are account attuned? Would they have to hold onto the item for a length of time to get the enchant done or can you keep it on your account and have them use their points?

11-06-2014, 07:11 PM
You need to hand over the item to be padded or enchanted. They then redeem their points for the work and contact you when it is complete.

It can take from a couple days to a couple weeks, depending on GM availabilty and the queue.