View Full Version : Quabu is still a fucking moron.

10-05-2004, 05:19 PM
Log cleaned up and mildly editted (my comments were added in italics).

Suddenly, there is a puff of smoke and a blinding flash of light as Quabu arrives to answer Belnia's assist.
Quabu exclaims, "Hello Belnia! Your up!"
Quabu asks, "How can I help today?"
Belnia says, "I was just wondering whatever happened to the Last Chance Inn, and why am I seeing people with obviously out of theme or silly names here, as it's ruining my enjoyability."
Quabu says, "Well, if a name does not violate POLICY then it is not considered out of genre. So silly names are allowed."

Moron Mark Number One! He doesn't know policy for shit. See my use of the POLICY verb below.

Usage: POLICY {page}

GemStone IV Player Policy

Topics Page Topics Page
------------------------------ --------------------------------
Introduction.................1 Score Lists...................11
Role-Play....................2 GameMasters, Sages and Hosts..12
Abusive/Disruptive Behavior..3 Repair/Replacement Of Items...13
Player vs Player Conflict....4 Unique Items..................14
Solicitations................5 Game Mechanics and Changes....15
Character Names..............6 Quests And Special Events.....16
Bug Abuse....................7 Privacy.......................17
Delays Or Slowdowns..........8 Scripting.....................18
Transferring Characters......9 Violations Of Policy..........19
Character Purges............10 High Maintenance Guests.......20

Your next unread page is page #1.
>policy 6

GemStone IV Player Policy: Character Names

The following guidelines are in place to ensure a high level of consistency among the names of the adventurers within our community. Players consistently creating names that violate the guidelines may be formally warned or face suspension of playing privileges.

- Vulgarity of any sort will not be allowed.
- Racist or racist related terms are clearly unacceptable. (Klan, Towelhead)
- Names clearly in bad taste will not be allowed. (Lykmi Pihole or Monkeyspanker)
- Names of well-known historical or religious figures. (Hitler, God, St. Peter, Gandhi)
- Copyrighted or trademarked names. (Nintendo, Lucasfilm, Chevy)
- Famous Out-of-genre literary figures or well-known literary terms. (Buck Rogers, Chewy Bacca)
- Names taken from movies, cartoons or video games.
- Technology based names. (Laserbrain, Jetfighter, Mouseclicker)
- Names of current or past well-known personalities. (Madonna, Goldberg, Cronkite)
- Garbage names. (xxbdgscy , yyyzzz)
- Names with repetitive letters. Two may be allowed, three will not. (xxfredxx, Ghannndalf, Marrrisa)
- Phrases. (Ima toasteroven, Worldsgreatest Treeclimber)
- Names with titles in them. (Knight Blackness, Mistress Bombshell)
- Silly or out of genre names. (Frogeater Tongueodeath, Bumblebee Tunahead)
- Names created specifically to mock current players.
- Names too similar to names of Staff members or NPCs in game.
- Odd punctuation or capitalization. (Fragel DeLYon)

There may be names within the lands that do not adhere to the above guidelines. The fact that these names were created prior to this revision has no bearing on the creation of new names. We will not argue or debate names currently in the game, if we feel a newly created name violates our guidelines.

If you were sent to re-create your name, but feel your name is acceptable, and you wish to appeal, you must file the appeal in writing to feedback@simutronics.com. Your request will be submitted to the senior staff for review. Be prepared to wait 1 to 2 weeks for a review of your appeal.

If an existing name is found to be a blatant violation of our guidelines, the senior staff may either request or force a name change depending upon the severity of the guideline breech or disruption among the community.

Your next unread page is page #1.
Quabu says, "And out of theme, well that depends what you mean."
Quabu smiles.
You say, "Ahem."
You say, "Just out of curiosity."
You say, "According to policy 6."
You say, "Names like these are not allowed:"
You say, "- Silly or out of genre names. (Frogeater Tongueodeath, Bumblebee Tunahead)"

Moron Mark Number TWO! He completely ignores me.

Belnia says, "I get annoyed when I see names like "Xstealth" or "Ntstalker". They have no business here and even by policy they're a violation, though I suppose they get through the loophole of not having repititive letters."
Belnia says, "And I think DreadRobberts qualifies as a knockoff of a well-known personality, which is also listed under Policy. Additionally, I've seen quite a few anime-based names, which would also qualify as personality."
Quabu says, "You can REPORT them if you see names which you see are out of genre or out of character but I would be careful not to overdo it."
Belnia says, "Yes, that's the problem. I got yelled at when I used to report those, so I stopped."
Quabu says, "Give me a second here."

Moron Mark Number THREE! "Oh shit she's right I need to look it up now!"

Quabu smiles.
Quabu says, "I need to check something."

About Five minutes pass

Quabu says, "Hmm."
(Quabu glances at two paragraphs in his songbook.)

Five more minutes pass

Quabu says, "I am still here."
Quabu smiles.
Belnia says, "You said you were checking on something."
Quabu says, "I am, these two paragraphs."
Quabu taps a crimson leatherbound songbook stamped with a golden lute.
Belnia asks, "Care to share?"
Belnia says, "I'm assuming it's important."
Quabu says, "I can't or I would."

The idiocy is beyond the Moron Mark system.

Quabu smiles at Belnia.
You say, "I'd assume you're referring to this part, available in the Policy 6 verb: There may be names within the lands that do not adhere to the above guidelines. The fact that these names were created prior to this revision has no bearing on the creation of new names. We will not argue or debate names currently in the game, if we feel a newly created name violates our guidelines."
You ask, "However, I believe the names Belnia refers to are recent and do not follow under that Grandfathering Clause, correct?"

Moron Mark Number FOUR! Ignored again.

Belnia asks, "Well, since it seems there's nothing more to be said here, is there a way to report names in poor taste, such that I won't get yelled at for doing so like in the past?"
Quabu says, "I am not saying that."
Quabu says, "I got a conflict to resolve."
Belnia says, "You should probably see to that then."
Quabu says, "That is why I am quiet. It concerns this."
Quabu smiles.
Belnia says, "Since it seems I've missed something here, could you tell me what's going on then, since I am very confused now."

Moron Mark Number FIVE! What the hell did he say?

Quabu says, "That is what I am trying to find out so I can shed light."
Belnia says, "Alright: My concern is with a growing number of what I consider to be out of theme names, or names in very poor taste. Now, in the past when I voiced my concerns of these through REPORT, I was yelled at."
Belnia says, "I am looking for a way to voice my concerns over what I think to be bad names, in a manner that won't result in my being yelled at."
Quabu says, "There has to be some flexibility. You can't say every name in Elathania is a bad name because you think it is bad. Take my name."
Quabu says, "You could claim it is Egyptian and should not be allowed. In actuality, it isn't."

Moron Mark Number SIX! Googled "Quabu." No reference anywhere to Egyptian.

Belnia says, "I am being flexible, but how could a name like "Bombers" not be sent to the LCI? That's such absolutely horrible taste it makes me sick."
You say, "But your name doesn't violate POLICY 6. Ones like, say, Bombers, Xstealth, Wyvernsblood, etc obviously and flagrantly do.."
Quabu says, "Xstealth has been around for years."

The Moron Mark system explodes in idiocy here. We continue to watch, without the benefit of the System.

Belnia says, "Azraeal, just a very blatant variant on the Judeo-Christian Angel of Death."
Quabu says, "Because something is religious doesn't make lci."
Belnia says, "And I really want something done about "Bombers". Absolutely disgusting he hasn't been renamed yet. Very, very poor."
Quabu says, "I can't do anything about it. I am just a GameHost."
Belnia whispers, "I should so make a Jhesus after this."
Quabu says, "It is the truth."
Belnia says, "Well then, where can I find paperwork or post my concerns about it, which is what I've been asking for a way to do since you got here."
You quietly whisper to Belnia, "Do it."
Quabu says, "You want to talk to a GM you can."
Quabu says, "I will refer you."
Belnia says, "No not really, GM referral lines are notoriously slow."
Quabu says, "Well, that is your best option."
Belnia says, "My best option is waiting around for weeks, which is a very poor one at that. No thank you, I am done for now."
Quabu says, "Because I would otherwise recommend Feedback."
Quabu says, "And that may get you a referral."
Quabu asks, "Do you want their email?"
Belnia says, "I am well accquainted with the feedback address."
Quabu says, "I just ask that you remember something."
Belnia says, "What I consider to be a bad name may not be."
Quabu says, "Correct."
Quabu smiles.
Quabu says, "I am not saying I disagree with you."
Quabu says, "Just to consider that."
Belnia says, "Though I'm sure anyone else will agree "Bombers" is in poor taste, which by your own POLICY is a violation."
Quabu rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Quabu asks, "You are sure you don't want the refer?"
Belnia says, "Yes, quite."
Quabu says, "Okay."
Quabu says, "I wish I could help more but what you want is GM or Feedback related."

At this point, Tijay arrives, and casts 7482397498274982742 spells, so I may have missed something in my editting out all the casts. Fucker.

Quabu asks, "Anything else?"
Belnia says, "No."
Quabu vanishes in a puff of smoke!
Quabu arrives in a puff of smoke!
Quabu says, "Sorry, didn't mean to poof like that without saying goodbye."
Quabu smiles at Belnia.
Quabu says, "Have a good day."
Quabu raises his leatherbound songbook skyward!
Quabu vanishes in a puff of smoke!
Belnia whispers, "Awww, he got angry and almost ran off without saying goodbye like a good little host!"

10-05-2004, 05:22 PM
You ask, "However, I believe the names Belnia refers to are recent and do not follow under that Grandfathering Clause, correct?"

Ntstalker and Xstealth are both old names.

10-05-2004, 05:24 PM
Love you too.

10-05-2004, 05:35 PM
<<Quabu says, "You could claim it is Egyptian and should not be allowed. In actuality, it isn't."

Moron Mark Number SIX! Googled "Quabu." No reference anywhere to Egyptian.



He kind of said that. What was he wrong about, exactly? "My name isn't Egyptian." "YOU'RE WRONG NO IT'S NOT."

10-05-2004, 05:39 PM
I read it as a double negative, ie he was saying "My name is not disallowed."

Interpretation and all.

Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<Quabu says, "You could claim it is Egyptian and should not be allowed. In actuality, it isn't."

Moron Mark Number SIX! Googled "Quabu." No reference anywhere to Egyptian.



He kind of said that. What was he wrong about, exactly? "My name isn't Egyptian." "YOU'RE WRONG NO IT'S NOT."

10-05-2004, 05:39 PM
They'll never crack down on the name thing because it might piss off their newcomers to the game that make horrible names.

I feel kinda bad for Quabu there because he's in an awkward situation. What can he say really? "My bosses make policies and don't enforce them.. I agree they are idiots."

10-05-2004, 05:45 PM
Xstealth is definitely grandfathered, and Dredroberts has trained a lot so he won't. But I agree Bombers is definitely LCI material. You should have said give me a referral instead of wasting precious WPM talking to Quabu. Oh, I got you, give me a referral... idiot.

The Cat In The Hat
10-05-2004, 07:31 PM
Dredroberts is only about a year and a half old, *maybe* 2. I met him before he was titled.

[Edited on 10-5-2004 by The Cat In The Hat]

10-05-2004, 07:36 PM
I found this gem in the Marketplace 10 mil and over folder. For those of you who don't know, chain class comes before plate. And I said trained a lot, not old in game wise Cat. He's level 69 in GSIV terms which I think puts him around 90 or 100 GS3 levels. Which is too old to qualify for LCI.


As a point of information for your sales brigadine is actually the strongest form of scalemail, just below the weakest form of platemail.

The Big Q

10-05-2004, 07:41 PM
A few points kids:

1) Bob is right, i was about to say the same thing but then realized that he spoke the truth concerning the egyptian *moron 6* clause.

2) Belnia is a stupid bitch, reporting about names? Give me a fucking break. People are so caught up on this name bullshit. Who in the fuck are you to say that you're the proper judge of a god damn name. Belnia reminds me of Tinkerbel, obviously because it has the Bel in it - - This is the kind of logic you're promoting. Gemstone is basically a chat room where people can interact more often than usual. If the name isn't vulgar or TOTALLY off color, then it should stick. I fail to see the fucking problem with Xstealth when a name like Falgrin is around, Falsmile would be appropriate as well? (No offense falgrin just an example, feel free to flame though).

3). It doesn't matter how long someone has been around, a name is a name -- and if these "newbs" don't keep opening accounts, you lame fucks will loose your precious roleplaying environment because of the lack of funding, or face another price hike. (I include myself in the group lame fucks indicated above).

Thoughts, concerns, etc. u2u me.


10-05-2004, 07:51 PM
And then...

...There was Hammerrhead...

Next time you're bringing up horrid names to a GM, make sure to mention me as I'd love a free LCI :drunk:

10-05-2004, 08:02 PM
<<He's level 69 in GSIV terms which I think puts him around 90 or 100 GS3 levels.>>

He'd be at 97 or 98, depending on how much experience he has until 70.

10-05-2004, 08:08 PM
Right Bob, I was just saying that to point out that most GM's are very adverse to reassigning first names to high level player characters.

10-05-2004, 08:09 PM
Yeah, I'm just obsessive, that's all.

10-05-2004, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell
And then...

...There was Hammerrhead...

Next time you're bringing up horrid names to a GM, make sure to mention me as I'd love a free LCI :drunk:

You're Hammerrhead?


10-05-2004, 08:19 PM
Pwned by the HA's :( (and mispelled name)

10-05-2004, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
Right Bob, I was just saying that to point out that most GM's are very adverse to reassigning first names to high level player characters.

This has to be true.

10-05-2004, 08:24 PM
I agree that Quabu has behaved like a moron in many interactions, and his is board moderating. However, ASSISTing to berate him about why more people aren't LCI'd and argue policy with him is stupid.


10-05-2004, 08:31 PM
The forum policy on the officials really stifles genuine conversation, it's really annoying.

Oh yeah, I'd like an LCI too.

10-05-2004, 09:09 PM
Complaining about policy to a Host is nothing more than a free chance to vent at someone who can't change policy.

Next time, Belnia, take it to the source and send the SGMs and the Product Manager an email.

Silly to you might not be silly to someone else. Pick your battles wisely, as they say.

10-05-2004, 09:16 PM
<<---Not Belnia

10-05-2004, 09:24 PM
Silly to you might not be silly to someone else. Pick your battles wisely, as they say.

Ahem. Notceeblade.

And you still owe me 300k.

10-05-2004, 11:10 PM
<<Belnia says, "I was just wondering whatever happened to the Last Chance Inn, and why am I seeing people with obviously out of theme or silly names here, as it's ruining my enjoyability.">>

I like to make fun of stupid names just as much as the next guy, but when people are so uptight to the point where it "ruins your enjoyability," you really should consider going outside more often.

Just ignore it and blow it off. If he has an OOC name, chances are he's gonna act OOC too, so report him for that, not because you don't approve of his name.

I stole my name off a Monty Python movie. Does that ruin your enjoyability of the game? Probably not.

10-07-2004, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I agree that Quabu has behaved like a moron in many interactions, and his is board moderating. However, ASSISTing to berate him about why more people aren't LCI'd and argue policy with him is stupid.


Coming from someone who has dealt with Quabu, that's almost a compliment.

After eight years of being a battered supporter of Simutronics staff, I look back and wonder how someone like the LameHost in question manages to turn on his computer without electrocuting his nether regions.

I've dealt with Quabu on several occasions and monitored the word vomit he's spewed inappropriately on GemStone's official boards. Kristin and I both tried to be nice and deal with Quabu through feedback over some of the posts he's improperly pulled (and one that he should've pulled for unalloyed vulgarity, that he left up on The Marketplace for over a month.)

The GemStone staff failed us.

It seems as if they're trying to keep the invincible club mentality intact and, in the meanwhile, are ignoring the concerns of a growing number of players. Some of the Quabu incidents I remember:

- The "shit" incident on the official forums, where he forgot to pull a post and left it up for over a month.

- A time when he pulled someone's auction in the Auctions folder because the guy's signature mentioned his player-run shop.

- When he popped down to one of my novices while I was Mentoring in response to that novice's assist. The novice was a Wizard, asking about the main component in Wizard's bolt strength. He made it very clear that he wasn't talking about swinging, but casting. I said Dexterity. Quabu corrected me and told the novice that it was Strength.

There's more, but really, is this worth our time? If this were a real-life job, Quabu's incompetence would've earned him a shell pink shred of paper several times over. The GameHosts are rewarded well enough for their commitment that staff needn't kowtow to them. Besides, there are plenty of people waiting inthe wings to take up the reins.

The Late Tierus's Dream Daemon

10-07-2004, 12:13 PM
Hmmm...I've always been curious. Just how ARE Game Hosts rewarded for their committment, Orendus?

10-07-2004, 12:27 PM
when mentoring I always check the new character lists for welcoming and if I see a questionable name I report it...

Some of the ones I have headed off were:





Some just get through...

I try and catch the ones I can get and ignore the ones grandfathered...


Ps and yes they were all sent to be changed...

10-07-2004, 12:28 PM
If Belnia really was so concerned about it why did she not take LameHost's advice and go for the GM referral. Albeit the waiting list is always long, but if you want something done you have to take action to at least know you tried.

Since I have been back I have seen some of the lamest names like Silentvengeance, a couple names ending in -licker, Troutlicker. Frostmaker, and Trinklecorpse. Cmon give me a break!

10-07-2004, 12:37 PM
If a characters name is that detrimental to the enjoyment of her game, she would have taken the referral and gone on about her business. She wasted time and berrated a game host because he could do nothing to help her as he previously stated.

Point is, the GM's are extremely lenient when it comes to enforcing the name policy and they understand that this could cause them to lose money by turning away potential customers.

I've even reported my own characters' name at his younger levels and asked for a name change, the answer, no.

10-07-2004, 12:58 PM
>>If Belnia really was so concerned about it why did she not take LameHost's advice and go for the GM referral. Albeit the waiting list is always long, but if you want something done you have to take action to at least know you tried. <<

I don't understand this.. I've been in the GM referral line when it was up to 17 or more people.. I usually get my GM to come within 5 minutes of placing a referral.. a majority of the time they just pop on down while I'm still talking to the host. is it because I'm premium? I've never waited more then 15 minutes for a GM Referral.

10-07-2004, 01:05 PM
I've waited over week for a GM referral but that was during the time of the Simucon convention. It would also depend on how long you are logged in at the time and the current referral status.
If it was that serious she shouldn't mind waiting.

10-07-2004, 09:34 PM
It also depends on what exactly the referral is FOR. Sometimes there's only one or two GMs that can deal with specific things, I think.


10-08-2004, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by Caramia
Silly to you might not be silly to someone else. Pick your battles wisely, as they say.
That right there's the deal. Sure, LCI a name that strikes you weird. But call a guy a moron any time he disagrees with you or doesn't kiss your ass? Shee-it.

10-10-2004, 12:41 PM
Heh, I was really surprised when Bonar was LCI'ed. Even after asking for a referral to get my name changed and numerous reportings, Quabu comes down and says, "Your name is not out of genre. There's nothing we can do."



10-10-2004, 12:54 PM
Just how ARE Game Hosts rewarded for their committment, Orendus?

From what I understand, they get points for the time they put in and what type of work they do. These points can then be used to get things for their PCs, like padding or enchants (limited to 7x, though.) Some stuff can, apparently, be quite expensive.

[Edited on 10-10-2004 by Artha]

10-10-2004, 01:49 PM
Are you Kurapira in Disguise?
Are you Kuuurapiiiira in Disguiiiiiiise?

Edited to add: Make someone a Psinet mod and they think theyre fucking hitler

[Edited on 10-10-04 by Nieninque]