View Full Version : Wide Variety of Weapons/Armor - Fusion, Zested, Enhancive, etc

10-01-2014, 10:57 PM
Various stuff I found in my locker that I am definitely not doing anything with.

1) an onyx-hafted eonake mace - 6lbs, 4x, sancted - MB: 25k

2) a ruby-handled black ora mace - 6lbs, 4x - MB: 25k

3) a small eonake longsword - 3lbs, 4x, vibe flaring, sanctified, +6 ambush bonus - MB: 50k CB: 170k to Cronstintein SOLD

4) a mauve vultite handaxe with a widely curved blade - 5lbs, 4x, zested - MB: 50k CB: 50k to GSIV-Rumple SOLD
>push handaxe
Warningly, you swing your handaxe in a wide arc before bringing it to bear in a defensive stance.
>pull handaxe
You rest your handaxe on your shoulder in a confident display, holding it at the ready.
>wave handaxe
You brandish your vultite handaxe before you, swinging it in a dizzying array of parries and thrusts before you bring it back down to rest by your side.
>raise handaxe
You loft your vultite handaxe up over your head and let out a resounding battle cry!

5) a pale silvery ruic longbow - 3lbs, 4x, fusion bow - MB: 100k

6) a mithglin stiletto - The hardware for this hefty stiletto is wrought from silver. The cross guards are shaped as stylized ivy vines and the pommel shaped as a dove with spread wings. - 11lbs, 3x - MB: 25k

7) a dual-bladed imflass limb-cleaver - 4lbs, +12, +3 to mana recovery, +3 to spell aiming ranks, fire flaring - MB: 35k

8) a glyph-etched rhimar warlance with a stout ebonwood haft - 15lbs, 4x, cold flaring, zested for WAVE - MB: 50k CB: 50k to GSIV-Rumple SOLD
>wave war
You brandish a glyph-etched rhimar warlance with a stout ebonwood haft, and tendrils of frost spiderweb quickly over its surface.
>wave war
You brandish the rhimar warlance impressively, but nothing particularly exciting happens.

9) some seductive ora-tentacled brigandine - 25lbs, 4x - MB: 100k

10) some dank mud-spattered robes - 8lbs, 4x, You sense you could WEAR, LEAN, PUSH, and PULL the mud-spattered robes. It can be further unlocked. - MB: 100k CB: 135k to Draphic SOLD
>wear my robe
You slip your arms into the ragged sleeves of your mud-spattered robes and settle the robes upon your shoulders, releasing a small cloud of dust in the process.
>lean my robe
You shift your weight and cause a small amount of dirt to be released from the layers of your robes.
>push my robe
You resettle the ragged edges of the hood of your mud-spattered robes about your shoulders.
>pull my robe
You draw the ragged ends of your hood up over your head and withdraw into its dark confines.
>rem robe
You slouch your shoulders and allow your robes to slip down your arms into your waiting hands. You give the robes a good shake, loosing any stray debris from the robes.

11) some heavy burlap robes - 8lbs, 4x, fully unlocked anfelt zested - MB: 50k
>wear robes
You don your burlap robes, carefully arranging the folds.
>rub robe
You rub your burlap robes, admiring the superior craftsmanship.
>dust robe
You dust off your burlap robes, removing the debris of battle.
>push robe
You bend, stretch, and twist, making sure your burlap robes are properly fitted for battle.
>pull robe
You shrug your shoulders and tug on your burlap robes, smoothing any wrinkles.
>rem robe
You carefully remove your burlap robes, inspecting them for wear and tear.

12) some old eahnor double chain - 20lbs, +18 - MB: 50k

13) some scratched rolaren double chain - 25lbs, 4x, temp very heavily crit padded, and perm slightly resistant to slashing attacks - MB: 35k CB: 35k to Ashmoreth SOLD

14) some mithril spiked augmented chain - 21lbs, 1x, fairly damage padded, and spiked - MB: 35k

15) some rolaren augmented chain - 26lbs, 4x - MB: 35k SOLD ON BO

16) an eahnor chain hauberk - 22lbs, +18 - MB: 50k CB: 250k to Liltprincess SOLD

17) some pure white full leather - 13lbs, 4x, fully unlocked anfelt zested - MB: 50k CB: 50k to Elgrim SOLD
>wear leather
You don your white full leather, tugging it into place.
>rub leather
You rub your white full leather, admiring the superior craftsmanship.
>dust leather
You dust off your white full leather, removing the debris of battle.
>push leather
You bend, stretch, and twist, making sure your white full leather is properly fitted for battle.
>pull leather
You shrug your shoulders and tug on your white full leather, smoothing any wrinkles.
>rem leather
You carefully remove your white full leather, inspecting it for wear and tear.

18) some forest green elven leathers - 16lbs, 2x, good enchanting project - MB: 25k

19) a suit of red and gold armor - 20lbs, brig base, 4x, female only armor, zested - MB: 100k
>wear armor
As you attempt to struggle into a suit of red and gold armor, you realize its feminine contours would ill accommodate your body. Darn! That would have been cute.

20) some red-laced black leather armor - 16lbs, double base, 4x, female only armor, zested - MB: 100k CB: 100k to Elgrim SOLD

21) some hardened leather scalemail - 25lbs, 4x, dyhne zested(Greater mood messaging) - good project piece, enchant it up, get it flared - MB: 100k CB: 100k to Elgrim SOLD

22) a gold-inlaid leather breastplate - 16lbs, 4x, fully unlocked anfelt zested - MB: 50k
>wear my breastplate
You don your leather breastplate, deftly adjusting the fastenings for a sure fit.
>rub breastplate
You rub your leather breastplate, admiring the superior craftsmanship.
>dust breastplate
You dust off your leather breastplate, removing the debris of battle.
>push breastplate
You bend, stretch, and twist, making sure your leather breastplate is properly fitted for battle.
>pull breastplate
You tug on the fastenings of your leather breastplate, testing the fit.
>rem breastplate
You undo the fastenings of your leather breastplate and remove it.

23) an ebonwood-shafted spear with a blackened oval vultite blade - 6lbs, 4x - MB: 25k

24) a sleek double-bladed dagger painted gold - under 1lb, 4x, lightning flaring - MB: 25k CB: 25k to Astray

25) a fel-shafted slender vultite lance - 12lbs, 4x, fusion lance - MB: 100k

26) an ebon-veined mithglin lance with a pale rowan haft - 13lbs, 4x, lightning flaring, Banner Zested - MB: 200k
>wave my lance
As you wave your mithglin lance through the air, a banner of crackling violet energy bathed in blinding white light streams out behind it. The image of a roiling black storm cloud forms briefly within the violaceous web. After a moment, the banner fades away.
>tap my lance
You tap the end of your mithglin lance against the floor. Crackling violet energy bathed in blinding white light swirls around the lance for a moment before fading away.
>point my lance
You brandish your mithglin lance. Lines of crackling violet energy bathed in blinding white light flow from the tip of the lance to spell out "Illuminate the path of righteousness." The lettering hangs briefly in midair before fading away.

27) an invar-tipped black ora lance - 15lbs, 4x - MB: 50k

28) a silvery mithril-spiked knuckle-blade - Four wide golden rings form the base of this small yet deadly weapon. Each of the rings is ornamented with flame-carved rubies set in an interlocking pattern. Silvery mithril blades are set into the front of each of the rings, their tapered edges honed to a razor's edge. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph. - 2lbs, 2x, somewhat damage weighted - MB: 25k

29) an exquisite black ora knuckle-blade - 2lbs, 2x, temp crit weighting, +4 summoning lore bonus, +5 mana recovery, +4 Influence - MB: 35k

30) a wine-colored vultite longsword etched with a goblet - 4lbs, 4x, zested - MB: 50k
>push longsword
Warningly, you swing your longsword in a wide arc before bringing it to bear in a defensive stance.
>pull longsword
You rest your longsword on your shoulder in a confident display, holding it at the ready.
>wave longsword
You brandish your vultite longsword before you, swinging it in a dizzying array of parries and thrusts before you bring it back down to rest by your side.
>raise longsword
You loft your vultite longsword up over your head and let out a resounding battle cry!

31) an unadorned iron sai - 2lbs, 4x, and Dyhne/greater mood messaging zested - great project piece - MB: 35k CB: 35k to Blanks SOLD

32) a veniom-hilted kelyn sai - under 1lb, 4x - MB: 25k CB: 25k to Blanks SOLD

Notes - Dyhne/Mood Messaging

Analysis -
Greater Armor and Weapon Moods:

This item contains mood messaging depending on flare type, and has a chance to fire off ambient messaging every so often. It will also work for things like bless, elemental edge, and guiding light flares. This item is currently active and will do ambient messaging. You may PROD to make it go dormant.

List of ambient zests - http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?41735-Random-%28official%29-GM-posts&p=1581534#post1581534

10-01-2014, 11:02 PM
updated to include some notes on the dyhne/greater mood messaging

10-01-2014, 11:50 PM
I would like to place the minimum bid on number 15, 16, 31, and 32 please.

top shottah
10-02-2014, 12:09 AM
MB on 3

10-02-2014, 07:24 AM
17 - 50k
20 - 100k
21 - 100k

10-02-2014, 10:44 AM
MB on 13.

10-02-2014, 11:52 AM
Mb 4 & 8

10-02-2014, 12:07 PM
250k on 16

10-02-2014, 12:22 PM

MB on 10 please

10-02-2014, 12:39 PM

top shottah
10-02-2014, 12:43 PM
3. 150k

10-02-2014, 01:47 PM
135k on #10

10-03-2014, 05:02 AM
Is 7 a 2-hander?

10-03-2014, 05:04 AM
Limb-cleaver is an accepted noun replacement for a handaxe base.

10-03-2014, 11:03 AM

10-03-2014, 12:26 PM

10-03-2014, 02:00 PM
3. 170k

10-03-2014, 07:49 PM

10-04-2014, 12:22 PM

10-05-2014, 01:07 PM
and updated. Looks like the next update will be the last unless we get another bid.

10-05-2014, 01:46 PM
24 - MB

10-05-2014, 08:39 PM
Due to the decreased frequency of bidding I will call this auction over at 8pm Monday night, easter time. If at that time anyone wants to make offers on remaining items, you are welcome to do so, but I reserve the right not to accept said offers.