View Full Version : Warrior Builds

09-29-2014, 12:11 PM
Just bored and curious at work but I was wondering what kind of build is everyone running with or has enjoyed in the past. There has been alot of combat improvements recently so that adds alot of variety. Obviously there are some tried and true staples but things like tactics, RP, gear and obviously exp can make things vary. Are most warriors still using THW? TWC? shields? Just wondering.

Personally, I use a 2x blunt, 2x shield and 2x TWC build and enjoy most situations. Ever since shield trample was released I have worked it into all of my builds even when I was using THWs. I never get tired of trampling a room then ambushing heads with dervish up. I would probably still be using a THW based build if the right weapon came along because of RP though. While not as good as dervish, exec stance ambushes might be fun too.

09-29-2014, 01:04 PM
2.6x PF
2x THW, CM, Dodge
1x MoC, Perc, FA, Surv
150 ranks AU
50 ranks Climb, Swim, AS, MIU
30 ranks Amb and Trading

Using a greataxe for arpee reasons and rocking dex/agi enhancives. Currently level 46.