View Full Version : Teacher: "Most of you had As. I gave you Cs."

10-04-2004, 07:39 PM
So second period I'm chilling out in programming in BASIC. This is a very good thing because I'm good buds with two juniors who sit next to me and we talk all class. Today they realized that I'm a freshman so that was funny. Anyway my teacher starts talking about the progress report grades.

Apparently, the overall grades didn't suck at all, and most people had 80-100 averages. The bad part is my teacher is a dumb bitch. Because the quarter is only half over, we have not taken the quarter exam. That shouldn't affect our current grade, right? NOPE WRONG. She calculated the grades and gave everyone a 65 on a test we're not going to take for weeks, and that one test is 30% of the grade so now basically everyone has a C average until we take the test.

Stupid, stupid bitch.

10-04-2004, 08:07 PM
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Does she not know how to do math and calculate your grades without the test figured in? She must be using some grade-figuring program that doesn't require her to think. I'd complain. Tell her your parents will beat you if you have a C on your progress report.


10-04-2004, 08:08 PM
First, I agree. It sucks, and it's not the brightest thing for a teacher to do.

I'll mention this though, maybe it'll make you feel better.

In college, I took a pre-law class to fulfill my sociology requirements in my sophomore year. The teacher started everyone out with an F. If you walked away from class that day and never showed up, your grade would automatically be an F.

If you showed up, but didn't do any work at all, the lowest grade you could possibly get would be a D.

If you showed up, did the work, but sucked at it, the lowest grade you could possibly get would be a C.

If you showed up, did the work, and it was mostly decent, the worst you could possibly get was a B.

If you showed up, did the work, it was all decent and some of it was actually damned good, you would get an automatic A.

Most of our class got Bs and Cs. Only one got an A - the work was HARD and this wasn't exactly a school for aspiring lawyers. No one flunked, and only two students got Ds.

So - it actually worked out pretty good. Your teacher is starting you out with a minimum grade of C - and again it's kinda stupid but at least you're starting out better than we did.

Feel better now?

10-04-2004, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by Jazuela
First, I agree. It sucks, and it's not the brightest thing for a teacher to do.

I'll mention this though, maybe it'll make you feel better.

In college, I took a pre-law class to fulfill my sociology requirements in my sophomore year. The teacher started everyone out with an F. If you walked away from class that day and never showed up, your grade would automatically be an F.

If you showed up, but didn't do any work at all, the lowest grade you could possibly get would be a D.

If you showed up, did the work, but sucked at it, the lowest grade you could possibly get would be a C.

If you showed up, did the work, and it was mostly decent, the worst you could possibly get was a B.

If you showed up, did the work, it was all decent and some of it was actually damned good, you would get an automatic A.

Most of our class got Bs and Cs. Only one got an A - the work was HARD and this wasn't exactly a school for aspiring lawyers. No one flunked, and only two students got Ds.

So - it actually worked out pretty good. Your teacher is starting you out with a minimum grade of C - and again it's kinda stupid but at least you're starting out better than we did.

Feel better now?

Please don't join the workforce.

10-04-2004, 08:12 PM
Sorry, Jazuela, but you're wrong. If she was figuring things the way your professor did, all the people in Bob's class would have around D's at this point in time. What she did was figure their current GOOD grades combined with a test grade of D (if you use the 90-100 = A scale) because she apparently can't figure out their current grades without the test.

That's stupid.


10-04-2004, 08:47 PM
<<Your teacher is starting you out with a minimum grade of C>>

That's completely incorrect. The minimum is a 0. The maximum is 100.

Most people did well (90+) on the few tests we've had. That accounts for 70% of the grade, and 30% is a test we never took. She gave everyone a 65 and averaged it. So instead of the A- I deserve, I'll be getting a C or better. I could do better on the final test, or I could do worse. That can't be determined before I take it, though.

10-04-2004, 08:49 PM
Tell her your parents said they'd beat you with an electric cord if you got less than a B.

10-04-2004, 08:52 PM
The worst part is I'll have her for another two years (programming in VBasic and programming in C++) so every year I'll be getting stupid, inaccurate grades.

10-04-2004, 10:08 PM
Just take AP classes you select for and pizzown them my nizzown. No worry about dumbshit teachers who can't get the first 3 letters of the alphabet correct.

10-04-2004, 10:30 PM
Sad teachers are still that stupid in High School.

10-05-2004, 08:10 AM
They always will be.

10-05-2004, 02:48 PM
I got the grade today. Luckily my average was high enough (94 I think) that I ended up with an 82 after the non-existent 65 test grade was put in. Being good at BASIC rules.

The Cat In The Hat
10-05-2004, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
Sad teachers are still that stupid in High School.

And we wonder about why the kids are turning out the way they do. Hope they at least have good parents.