View Full Version : Avoiding spell burst in Shattered

09-12-2014, 09:24 PM
My shattered warrior is nearing 50, hunting in EN and Skull temple/spell burst are right around the corner. Resting at the Dais, he gets a host of auto-spellups that usually includes 400s, 100s, 503, 509 and sometimes 602 and 618.

Even if I dump a whole bunch of points into magic ranks he's not gonna come close to holding that much mana in his mid-60s. How have other people dealt with this? Do I just have to rest somewhere else?

09-13-2014, 05:15 PM
If you can get a hold of them, they should be able to add an exception in their scripts for you. It may take a few days through a combination of PC and lnet.

09-14-2014, 01:16 AM
It's been a while , but if I remember you can figure out how much in spells you can hold and just use stop spell number in your scripts to end the spell . like stop 103. Also isn't Black Forest an alternative hunting ground.

09-14-2014, 01:56 PM
>stop 401
Stop what?

It looks like stopping spells won't work (maybe you can only stop a spell if you know it?)

09-14-2014, 02:34 PM
Only certain spells can be stopped, like airwall, breeze, and one of the wizard ones.

09-14-2014, 05:20 PM
>stop 401
Stop what?

It looks like stopping spells won't work (maybe you can only stop a spell if you know it?)

Yes, you can only stop spells you know. As others have suggested, hunt or rest somewhere else, at least until you can get things arranged with those people spelling you up.