View Full Version : Need people to test Lich 4.6

09-11-2014, 06:39 PM
I need people to test out Lich 4.6. This version will use sqlite3 for nearly all settings; so settings shouldn't randomly disappear anymore. I'm still messing around with a lot of the script API, but I won't bother listing those changes until I get further along. I'm planning on writing a scripting reference that will actually be up-to-date and complete.

I moved some of the built in Lich functions into separate scripts. ;favs is now ;autostart. Lich will start the autostart script on startup if one exists, so you're free to write your own if you have a need. Otherwise, autostart works pretty much the same as favs. ;set/;setings is now ;vars. ;alias is still ;alias, but it's in a script now. The zip file comes with the new repository, and all the wonderful features the new repository brings, but it's fairly empty at the moment. There's also ;oldrepo, so you can still get to the old repository easily.

When this version first runs, it will (attempt to) import all your settings into the sqlite database. Old scripts should be able to access these settings the same way they currently do. I've fixed all the bugs that have shown up on my setup, but I'm sure there are more bugs that won't show themselves to me.

edit: instructions are now on https://lichproject.org/download.html

09-12-2014, 11:24 AM
2014-09-12 11:13:17: info: 2014-09-12 11:13:17 -0400
2014-09-12 11:13:17: info: Lich 4.6.0
2014-09-12 11:13:17: info: Ruby 2.0.0
2014-09-12 11:13:17: info: i386-mingw32
2014-09-12 11:13:17: info: Win32.admin?: true
2014-09-12 11:13:17: info: Win32.GetVersionEx: {:return=>1, :dwOSVersionInfoSize=>156, :dwMajorVersion=>6, :dwMinorVersion=>1, :dwBuildNumber=>7601, :dwPlatformId=>2, :szCSDVersion=>"Service Pack 1", :wServicePackMajor=>1, :wServicePackMinor=>0, :wSuiteMask=>768, :wProductType=>1}

lich.rb:1841:in `block in <main>': undefined method `echo' for main:Object (NoMethodError)
from lich.rb:1839:in `each'
from lich.rb:1839:in `<main>'

fix: commented out 1841

2014-09-12 11:15:28: info: 2014-09-12 11:15:28 -04002014-09-12 11:15:28: info: Lich 4.6.0
2014-09-12 11:15:28: info: Ruby 2.0.0
2014-09-12 11:15:28: info: i386-mingw32
2014-09-12 11:15:28: info: Win32.admin?: true
2014-09-12 11:15:28: info: Win32.GetVersionEx: {:return=>1, :dwOSVersionInfoSize=>156, :dwMajorVersion=>6, :dwMinorVersion=>1, :dwBuildNumber=>7601, :dwPlatformId=>2, :szCSDVersion=>"Service Pack 1", :wServicePackMajor=>1, :wServicePackMinor=>0, :wSuiteMask=>768, :wProductType=>1}

lich.rb:1852:in `block in <main>': undefined method `exists' for File:Class (NoMethodError)
from lich.rb:1839:in `each'
from lich.rb:1839:in `<main>'

fix: used `exists?` method

2014-09-12 11:16:21: info: 2014-09-12 11:16:21 -04002014-09-12 11:16:21: info: Lich 4.6.0
2014-09-12 11:16:21: info: Ruby 2.0.0
2014-09-12 11:16:21: info: i386-mingw32
2014-09-12 11:16:21: info: Win32.admin?: true
2014-09-12 11:16:21: info: Win32.GetVersionEx: {:return=>1, :dwOSVersionInfoSize=>156, :dwMajorVersion=>6, :dwMinorVersion=>1, :dwBuildNumber=>7601, :dwPlatformId=>2, :szCSDVersion=>"Service Pack 1", :wServicePackMajor=>1, :wServicePackMinor=>0, :wSuiteMask=>768, :wProductType=>1}

lich.rb:1873:in `block (3 levels) in <main>': undefined method `echo' for main:Object (NoMethodError)
from lich.rb:1872:in `each'
from lich.rb:1872:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
from lich.rb:1870:in `each'
from lich.rb:1870:in `block in <main>'
from lich.rb:1854:in `each'
from lich.rb:1854:in `<main>'

fix: commented out line 1873

2014-09-12 11:17:09: info: 2014-09-12 11:17:09 -04002014-09-12 11:17:09: info: Lich 4.6.0
2014-09-12 11:17:09: info: Ruby 2.0.0
2014-09-12 11:17:09: info: i386-mingw32
2014-09-12 11:17:09: info: Win32.admin?: true
2014-09-12 11:17:09: info: Win32.GetVersionEx: {:return=>1, :dwOSVersionInfoSize=>156, :dwMajorVersion=>6, :dwMinorVersion=>1, :dwBuildNumber=>7601, :dwPlatformId=>2, :szCSDVersion=>"Service Pack 1", :wServicePackMajor=>1, :wServicePackMinor=>0, :wSuiteMask=>768, :wProductType=>1}

lich.rb:1914:in `load': marshal data too short (ArgumentError)
from lich.rb:1914:in `block in <main>'
from lich.rb:1914:in `open'
from lich.rb:1914:in `<main>'

fix: restored to a previous snapshot from this morning of my lich.sav file (I think it was corrupted by not being unlinked properly when it borked on the echos?)

09-12-2014, 01:15 PM
Fixed in Lich 4.6.1 (http://lichproject.org/download/lich-4.6.1.zip)

09-12-2014, 03:25 PM
EDITS: Fully removing all traces of Lich/Ruby from my PC, followed by a restart and clean install has at least allowed sqlite3 and GTK to install. I am back to getting the original error I had with 4.5.4:

2014-09-12 15:50:45: info: 2014-09-12 15:50:45 -0400
2014-09-12 15:50:45: info: Lich 4.6.1
2014-09-12 15:50:45: info: Ruby 2.0.0
2014-09-12 15:50:45: info: i386-mingw32
2014-09-12 15:50:45: info: Win32.admin?: true
2014-09-12 15:50:45: info: Win32.GetVersionEx: {:return=>1, :dwOSVersionInfoSize=>156, :dwMajorVersion=>6, :dwMinorVersion=>1, :dwBuildNumber=>7601, :dwPlatformId=>2, :szCSDVersion=>"Service Pack 1", :wServicePackMajor=>1, :wServicePackMinor=>0, :wSuiteMask=>768, :wProductType=>1}
2014-09-12 15:50:45: info: $lich_dir: C:/Users/Brandon/lich-4.6.1/
2014-09-12 15:50:45: info: $script_dir: C:/Users/Brandon/lich-4.6.1/scripts/
2014-09-12 15:50:45: info: $data_dir: C:/Users/Brandon/lich-4.6.1/data/
2014-09-12 15:50:45: info: $temp_dir: C:/Users/Brandon/lich-4.6.1/temp/
2014-09-12 15:50:45: info: no launch file given
2014-09-12 15:50:45: info: no force-mode info given
2014-09-12 15:50:57: info: gamehost: storm.gs4.game.play.net
2014-09-12 15:50:57: info: gameport: 10024
2014-09-12 15:50:57: info: game: STORM
2014-09-12 15:50:57: info: waiting for client to connect...2014-09-12 15:50:57: info: launcher_cmd: Win32.ShellExecute(:lpOperation => "runas", :lpFile => "Launcher.exe", :lpDirectory => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SIMU\\", :lpParameters => "C:\\Users\\Brandon\\lich-4.6.1\\temp\\lich461.sal")

The temporary file is being created but not opened.

09-12-2014, 03:45 PM
Well that's depressing. In my tests, ShellExecute always succeeded when ShellExecuteEx failed. Try Lich 4.6.2 (http://lichproject.org/download/lich-4.6.2.zip). The debug file should now give the error code if ShellExecute fails.

09-12-2014, 03:50 PM
Okay, full removal: check. Fresh Ruby install: check. 4.6.2 extracted: check. Sqlite3 & GTK install: check. No game launched, error code follows:

2014-09-12 15:56:47: info: Win32.ShellExecute returned 42
Error occurs despite fresh installs of all SIMU and Lich-related software.

09-12-2014, 04:14 PM
Posted to show difference in 4.6.2 and 6.4.1, though I'm not sure if it matters:

info: launcher_cmd: "C:\PROGRA~2\SIMU\Launcher.exe" C:\Users\Brandon\lichbu\temp\lich2333.sal

2014-09-12 16:11:14: info: launcher_cmd: Win32.ShellExecute(:lpOperation => "runas", :lpFile => "Launcher.exe", :lpDirectory => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SIMU\\", :lpParameters => "C:\\Users\\Brandon\\lich\\temp\\lich1252.sal")2014-09-12 16:11:14: info: waiting for client to connect...

2014-09-12 16:11:14: info: Win32.ShellExecute returned 42

09-12-2014, 04:29 PM
As our troubleshooting has wrapped up w/o a fix, I'll leave this here for future troubleshooting:

4.4.22 still works perfectly; I don't have to manually open .sal files or anything.
4.6.1, .2 and .2a all create the .sal file, but none open it.
I am able to manually use Windows RUN to run the .sal if I want.

09-14-2014, 08:51 AM
Working fine in Debian Wheezy after a small change to the source:

In Lich.get_simu_launcher, in the Wine conditional branch, the first attempt to retrieve launcher_cmd returns false (not nil or empty), so it wasn't looking in the other registery location.

09-14-2014, 09:42 AM
How do I get map.dat now? I don't see it or updater in the new repo.

Is there any danger using updater from the oldrepo w/ Lich 4.6?

09-14-2014, 11:08 AM
Working fine in Debian Wheezy after a small change to the source:

In Lich.get_simu_launcher, in the Wine conditional branch, the first attempt to retrieve launcher_cmd returns false (not nil or empty), so it wasn't looking in the other registery location.

Fixed in Lich 4.6.4 (http://lichproject.org/download/lich-4.6.4.zip)

09-14-2014, 11:09 AM
How do I get map.dat now? I don't see it or updater in the new repo.

Is there any danger using updater from the oldrepo w/ Lich 4.6?

I'm planning on having the new repository deal with both downloading and uploading the map database, but until then oldrepo/updater is the way to go.

09-19-2014, 12:33 AM
not sure whats up with my install but when I click the play button next to one of my characters the launcher closes but the game does not launch, does not matter if I have it linked to sge or website. any help would be appreciated can send msinfo if needed.

09-19-2014, 12:42 AM
Can you copy/paste the debug file from lich\temp\ ?

09-20-2014, 05:25 AM
2014-09-20 02:23:11: info: 2014-09-20 02:23:11 -0700
2014-09-20 02:23:11: info: Lich 4.6.4
2014-09-20 02:23:11: info: Ruby 2.0.0
2014-09-20 02:23:11: info: i386-mingw32
2014-09-20 02:23:11: info: Win32.admin?: true
2014-09-20 02:23:11: info: Win32.GetVersionEx: {:return=>1, :dwOSVersionInfoSize=>156, :dwMajorVersion=>6, :dwMinorVersion=>1, :dwBuildNumber=>7601, :dwPlatformId=>2, :szCSDVersion=>"Service Pack 1", :wServicePackMajor=>1, :wServicePackMinor=>0, :wSuiteMask=>256, :wProductType=>1}
2014-09-20 02:23:11: info: $lich_dir: C:/lich - Copy - Copy/
2014-09-20 02:23:11: info: $script_dir: C:/lich - Copy - Copy/scripts/
2014-09-20 02:23:11: info: $data_dir: C:/lich - Copy - Copy/data/
2014-09-20 02:23:11: info: $temp_dir: C:/lich - Copy - Copy/temp/
2014-09-20 02:23:11: info: no launch file given
2014-09-20 02:23:11: info: no force-mode info given
2014-09-20 02:23:18: info: gamehost: storm.gs4.game.play.net
2014-09-20 02:23:18: info: gameport: 10024
2014-09-20 02:23:18: info: game: STORM
2014-09-20 02:23:18: info: waiting for client to connect...2014-09-20 02:23:18: info: launcher_cmd: Win32.ShellExecute(:lpOperation => "runas", :lpFile => "Launcher.exe", :lpDirectory => "C:\\PROGRA~1\\SIMU\\SGE\\", :lpParameters => "C:\\lich - Copy - Copy\\temp\\lich5754.sal")

2014-09-20 02:23:48: error: timeout waiting for client to connect
2014-09-20 02:23:48: info: exiting...

09-28-2014, 06:35 PM
I've tried very hard, and mostly failed to recreate this problem. As far as I can tell, the Simu Launcher is successfully being started, but is exiting immediately without doing anything noticeable.

Apparently, this can happen if the Simu Launcher is given an invalid file name, or a file name to a file that doesn't contain what it's supposed to, or a file name that the Launcher can't access.

The filename seems to be valid. I went so far as to install Lich in the exact location as those having problem, and on the same version of Windows. It just always works.

The sal file seems to have what it's supposed to in it, since after failing to launch, people with this problem can still get into the game by clicking on the sal file.

The Simu Launcher should be able to access the sal file, because some people with this problem have their sal file in a folder that doesn't need admin to access, and the Launcher is successfully being started with admin privileges anyway.

My guess is that there's an on-demand virus scanner on the machines that are having this problem. A virus scanner could possibly delay the writing of, or access to, the sal file for the split second needed to keep the Launcher from using it. The file would then be working by the time the user clicks on it.

So, people having this problem, what virus scanner are you using, and does the problem go away if you turn it off?

09-30-2014, 02:24 PM
I just tried updating. Everything went as planned based on your steps outlined above, however lich seems to be in a loop requesting to install sqlite3. I've been prompted by lich to download it like 10 times now and it downloads it, restarts lich, but then keeps asking again. Here is the message I get...

Lich needs sqlite3 to save settings and data, but it is not installed. Would you like to install sqlite3 now?
Install finished. Lich will restart now.
Lich needs sqlite3 to save settings and data, but it is not installed. Would you like to install sqlite3 now?
And again, and again, and again.

Any help is appreciated.

09-30-2014, 02:57 PM
Open a command prompt as admin (I think there's a special shortcut for this in the start menu that specifically says administrator) and type:
gem install sqlite3

It'll probably give you an error message. Copy/paste it here.

09-30-2014, 03:12 PM
Here is that error message...

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Kevin>gem install sqlite3
ERROR: Error installing sqlite3:
The 'sqlite3' native gem requires installed build tools.

Please update your PATH to include build tools or download the DevKit
from 'http://rubyinstaller.org/downloads' and follow the instructions
at 'http://github.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller/wiki/Development-Kit'

09-30-2014, 03:28 PM
Did you install the 32bit or 64bit Ruby? In either case, I expected it to work for sqlite. gtk2 fails to install with the same message on 64bit Ruby. My guess is that the sqlite3 gem was updated without the precompiled binaries. This really screws up my automated install, but shouldn't be hard to fix manually.

Try this command at that admin command prompt:
gem install sqlite3 --version 1.3.8

if that doens't work:
gem install sqlite3 --version 1.3.7
gem install sqlite3 --version 1.3.6

If you did install the 64bit version of Ruby, I'm not sure what if any version would actually have precompiled 64bit binaries for gtk2.

09-30-2014, 03:49 PM
Negative, same CMD prompt error each time. When I went to the ruby installer website, I clicked on download and chose the first option. I'm assuming that was the 32 bit as the one below it says 64. Should I follow the cmd error prompt and download the DevKit?

If we can't get this way to work, maybe I can just go back to what I was using. I downloaded lich in like February/March. If I go that route, do you know which version of lich was being offered at that point?

09-30-2014, 03:57 PM
Something isn't adding up here... could you type:
ruby --version
at the command prompt and copy/paste what it says?

09-30-2014, 04:11 PM
::sigh:: Fuck me and my lack of attention to detail. Was clicking on the 2.1 version and not following your directions to click on the 2.0 version. Everything works fine now. Sorry Tillmen. Thanks for the help. I'll make sure to donate something for wasting your time.

09-30-2014, 04:14 PM

09-30-2014, 05:00 PM
Ok, so I am able to log perfectly in to game, but there are zero scripts in new version of lich. I have all lich folders (old and new) sitting in my downloads folder. Do I need to do anything so that new lich has all my old scripts available?

09-30-2014, 05:14 PM
If you want your old stuff, you shouldn't start with an empty lich folder. You should make a copy of your old lich folder (the backup, in case something goes horribly wrong). Then extract the lich-4.6.5.zip into the lich folder you want to use, so it overwrites lich.rbw and a few scripts. Then when you start Lich, it'll convert all your old settings and your scripts will be there.

09-30-2014, 10:06 PM
So, people having this problem, what virus scanner are you using, and does the problem go away if you turn it off?I use Ad-Aware, but I keep active scanning disabled. I then tried to open the game with the software not running: no luck; I then uninstalled all my antivirus/antimalware software: no luck.

for posterity:

info: 2014-09-30 22:26:24 -0400
info: Lich 4.4.22
info: Ruby 2.0.0
info: i386-mingw32
info: $lich_dir: C:/Users/Brandon/lichbu/
info: $script_dir: C:/Users/Brandon/lichbu/scripts/
info: $data_dir: C:/Users/Brandon/lichbu/data/
info: $temp_dir: C:/Users/Brandon/lichbu/temp/
DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle
info: HAVE_GTK: true
info: no launch file given
info: no force-mode info given
The system cannot find the file specified.
C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/win32/registry.rb:587:in `read'
C:/Users/Brandon/lichbu/lichbu.rbw:8293:in `registry_get'
info: gamehost: storm.gs4.game.play.net
info: gameport: 10024
info: game: STORM
info: launcher_cmd: "C:\PROGRA~2\SIMU\Launcher.exe" C:\Users\Brandon\lichbu\temp\lich5003.sal
error: wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)
info: waiting for client to connect...
info: connected
info: connecting to game server (storm.gs4.game.play.net:10024)
info: connected


2014-09-30 22:33:56: info: Lich 4.6.5
2014-09-30 22:33:56: info: Ruby 2.0.0
2014-09-30 22:33:56: info: i386-mingw32
2014-09-30 22:33:56: info: Win32.admin?: true
2014-09-30 22:33:56: info: Win32.GetVersionEx: {:return=>1, :dwOSVersionInfoSize=>156, :dwMajorVersion=>6, :dwMinorVersion=>1, :dwBuildNumber=>7601, :dwPlatformId=>2, :szCSDVersion=>"Service Pack 1", :wServicePackMajor=>1, :wServicePackMinor=>0, :wSuiteMask=>768, :wProductType=>1}
2014-09-30 22:33:56: info: $lich_dir: C:/Users/Brandon/lich/
2014-09-30 22:33:56: info: $script_dir: C:/Users/Brandon/lich/scripts/
2014-09-30 22:33:56: info: $data_dir: C:/Users/Brandon/lich/data/
2014-09-30 22:33:56: info: $temp_dir: C:/Users/Brandon/lich/temp/
2014-09-30 22:33:56: info: no launch file given
2014-09-30 22:33:56: info: no force-mode info given
2014-09-30 22:33:58: info: gamehost: storm.gs4.game.play.net
2014-09-30 22:33:58: info: gameport: 10024
2014-09-30 22:33:58: info: game: STORM
2014-09-30 22:33:58: info: waiting for client to connect...
2014-09-30 22:33:58: info: launcher_cmd: Win32.ShellExecute(:lpOperation => "runas", :lpFile => "Launcher.exe", :lpDirectory => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SIMU\\", :lpParameters => "C:\\Users\\Brandon\\lich\\temp\\lich5719.sal")
2014-09-30 22:34:28: error: timeout waiting for client to connect
2014-09-30 22:34:28: info: exiting...

10-02-2014, 06:25 PM
Ok, people who can't log in with Lich 4.6 (without clicking on the sal file), try this here thing here:


It will try to start the launcher with the normal method. If that times out, it'll ask you if you want to try a different method. If both methods timeout, check that the simu launcher is set to always run as admin, and then try again. Let me know if it works or not.

10-03-2014, 12:04 AM
2014-10-02 22:46:50: info: Lich 4.6.5
2014-10-02 22:46:50: info: Ruby 2.0.0
2014-10-02 22:46:50: info: i386-mingw32
2014-10-02 22:46:50: info: Win32.admin?: true
2014-10-02 22:46:50: info: Win32.GetVersionEx: {:return=>1, :dwOSVersionInfoSize=>156, :dwMajorVersion=>6, :dwMinorVersion=>1, :dwBuildNumber=>7601, :dwPlatformId=>2, :szCSDVersion=>"Service Pack 1", :wServicePackMajor=>1, :wServicePackMinor=>0, :wSuiteMask=>256, :wProductType=>1}
2014-10-02 22:46:50: info: $lich_dir: C:/Users/Drew/Desktop/lich/
2014-10-02 22:46:50: info: $script_dir: C:/Users/Drew/Desktop/lich/scripts/
2014-10-02 22:46:50: info: $data_dir: C:/Users/Drew/Desktop/lich/data/
2014-10-02 22:46:50: info: $temp_dir: C:/Users/Drew/Desktop/lich/temp/
C:/Users/Drew/Desktop/lich/lich.rbw:1911:in `load': marshal data too short (ArgumentError)
from C:/Users/Drew/Desktop/lich/lich.rbw:1911:in `block in <main>'
from C:/Users/Drew/Desktop/lich/lich.rbw:1911:in `open'
from C:/Users/Drew/Desktop/lich/lich.rbw:1911:in `<main>'

10-03-2014, 10:42 AM
The first one fails, the second succeeds. LOOKS LIKE SOMEBODY IS ON THE RIGHT TRACK!

2014-10-03 10:47:37: info: Lich 4.6.5a
2014-10-03 10:47:37: info: Ruby 2.0.0
2014-10-03 10:47:37: info: i386-mingw32
2014-10-03 10:47:37: info: Win32.admin?: true
2014-10-03 10:47:37: info: Win32.GetVersionEx: {:return=>1, :dwOSVersionInfoSize=>156, :dwMajorVersion=>6, :dwMinorVersion=>1, :dwBuildNumber=>7601, :dwPlatformId=>2, :szCSDVersion=>"Service Pack 1", :wServicePackMajor=>1, :wServicePackMinor=>0, :wSuiteMask=>768, :wProductType=>1}
2014-10-03 10:47:37: info: $lich_dir: C:/Users/Brandon/lich/
2014-10-03 10:47:37: info: $script_dir: C:/Users/Brandon/lich/scripts/
2014-10-03 10:47:37: info: $data_dir: C:/Users/Brandon/lich/data/
2014-10-03 10:47:37: info: $temp_dir: C:/Users/Brandon/lich/temp/
2014-10-03 10:47:37: info: no launch file given
2014-10-03 10:47:37: info: no force-mode info given
2014-10-03 10:47:42: info: gamehost: storm.gs4.game.play.net
2014-10-03 10:47:42: info: gameport: 10024
2014-10-03 10:47:42: info: game: STORM
2014-10-03 10:47:42: info: launcher_cmd: Win32.ShellExecute(:lpOperation => "runas", :lpFile => "Launcher.exe", :lpDirectory => "C:\\PROGRA~2\\SIMU\\", :lpParameters => "C:\\Users\\Brandon\\lich\\temp\\lich9754.sal")
2014-10-03 10:47:42: info: waiting for client to connect...
2014-10-03 10:48:12: error: timeout waiting for client to connect
2014-10-03 10:48:14: info: launcher_cmd: "C:\PROGRA~2\SIMU\Launcher.exe" C:\Users\Brandon\lich\temp\lich9754.sal
2014-10-03 10:48:15: info: waiting for client to connect...
2014-10-03 10:48:15: info: connected
2014-10-03 10:48:15: error: closed stream
2014-10-03 10:48:15: info: connecting to game server (storm.gs4.game.play.net:10024)
2014-10-03 10:48:15: info: connected
2014-10-03 10:48:27: info: stopping scripts...
2014-10-03 10:48:27: info: closing connections...
2014-10-03 10:48:27: info: exiting...

10-03-2014, 02:28 PM
Is this an issue?

When first starting the new version this appears in Stormfront...

--- Lich: error: marshal data too short
C:/Users/Nicholas/Downloads/lich-4.4.19/lich/lich.rbw:1549:in `load'
C:/Users/Nicholas/Downloads/lich-4.4.19/lich/lich.rbw:1549:in `block in <main>'
C:/Users/Nicholas/Downloads/lich-4.4.19/lich/lich.rbw:2651:in `call'

10-03-2014, 02:39 PM
Is this an issue?

When first starting the new version this appears in Stormfront...

--- Lich: error: marshal data too short
C:/Users/Nicholas/Downloads/lich-4.4.19/lich/lich.rbw:1549:in `load'
C:/Users/Nicholas/Downloads/lich-4.4.19/lich/lich.rbw:1549:in `block in <main>'
C:/Users/Nicholas/Downloads/lich-4.4.19/lich/lich.rbw:2651:in `call'

It seems like it is now.. I have an idea what might be causing it. I'll try to upload a fix tonight.

10-03-2014, 02:57 PM
It seems like it is now.. I have an idea what might be causing it. I'll try to upload a fix tonight.

Hmm, after a restart, that error is gone. Something else I noticed, ;lnet no longer starts automatically, is that a config setting somewhere?

10-03-2014, 03:01 PM
Yeah, that's one of the settings that failed to transfer over because of that error.

;autostart add --global lnet

10-03-2014, 03:11 PM
Nice! Thanks for that, I'm sure the autostart command is referenced somewhere..

I'm able to recreate the error for more scripts, such as sloot. I even re-downloaded sloot from the new repo:

--- Lich: sloot active.
--- Lich: error: marshal data too short
C:/Users/Nicholas/Downloads/lich-4.4.19/lich/lich.rbw:1495:in `load'
C:/Users/Nicholas/Downloads/lich-4.4.19/lich/lich.rbw:1495:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
--- Lich: sloot has exited.

10-03-2014, 04:02 PM
Is there an issue with lnet info sharing in the new version? It's sending 0's on info requests, profession Unknown, etc.:

[lnet: sending stats to GSIV:Maloozar...]

Name: Maloozar Race: unknown Profession: unknown
Gender: unknown Age: 0 Expr: 190077 Level: 12
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Constitution (CON): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Dexterity (DEX): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Agility (AGI): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Discipline (DIS): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Aura (AUR): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Logic (LOG): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Intuition (INT): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Wisdom (WIS): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Influence (INF): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Mana: 78

10-03-2014, 04:38 PM
Is there an issue with lnet info sharing in the new version? It's sending 0's on info requests, profession Unknown, etc.:

[lnet: sending stats to GSIV:Maloozar...]

Name: Maloozar Race: unknown Profession: unknown
Gender: unknown Age: 0 Expr: 190077 Level: 12
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Constitution (CON): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Dexterity (DEX): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Agility (AGI): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Discipline (DIS): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Aura (AUR): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Logic (LOG): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Intuition (INT): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Wisdom (WIS): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Influence (INF): 0 ( 0) ... 0 ( 0)
Mana: 78

You probably don't have ;infomon in the autostart anymore.

Hey Tillmen,

You may want to put in some sort of fail safe for the Marshall data being corrupted in some way on conversion (I had this happen to me too).

I just deleted the sqlite db file and reseeded it, but your average person is just going to think all of the scripts that use Settings don't work anymore.

10-03-2014, 04:39 PM
Is this an issue?

When first starting the new version this appears in Stormfront...

--- Lich: error: marshal data too short
C:/Users/Nicholas/Downloads/lich-4.4.19/lich/lich.rbw:1549:in `load'
C:/Users/Nicholas/Downloads/lich-4.4.19/lich/lich.rbw:1549:in `block in <main>'
C:/Users/Nicholas/Downloads/lich-4.4.19/lich/lich.rbw:2651:in `call'

I had this issue happen too and none of my settings carried over.

10-03-2014, 06:13 PM
So with a few issues because of user error, I upgraded and am able to log in to game. The following may also be user errors somewhere along the way, but here is what I'm running in to...

isigns doesn't work. when I type it, it says active. when I type ;list it lists it there, but it doesn't actually put my signs up.
;lnet doesn't start automatically. I'm sorry, I may be forgetting, but do I need to add this to favs or something? Which, btw...
when I type ;favs it can't find it in directory
when I type ;sloot, here is the code I get: >;sloot
--- Lich: sloot active.
--- Lich: error: marshal data too short
C:/Users/Kevin/Downloads/lich-4.4.19/lich/lich.rbw:1495:in `load'
C:/Users/Kevin/Downloads/lich-4.4.19/lich/lich.rbw:1495:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
--- Lich: sloot has exited.
Oh, as I'm sitting here typing, I just switched back to the game and noticed isigns actually put my signs up, about 2 minutes after I typed it.

Tillmen, I followed your advice and extracted the new files into my old lich folder so that it overwrote the lich file and a few of the scripts. But might there have been something that I didn't do correctly in that process?

10-04-2014, 04:38 PM
Importing settings (the marshal data too short error) and the launcher bug may be fixed in Lich 4.6.6.


It's going to use two methods to start the launcher on Windows. If one times out, it'll ask you if you want to use the other. I know that both methods will fail for different people, but I hope that everyone will be able to use at least one of the methods. Still no idea what's causing it.

10-04-2014, 07:12 PM
Confirmed, lich-4.6.6 resolved the issue for me. Thanks.

It doesn't look like my custom go2 locations got transferred over, but that's not a big deal.

10-05-2014, 01:31 AM
--- Lich: table has exited.
--- Lich: waggle active.
[waggle]>sign of warding
Your dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
[waggle]>sign of defending
[ Sign of Warding: +0:16:30, 0:16:30 remaining. ]
Your dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
[waggle]>sign of deflection
[ Sign of Defending: +0:16:30, 0:16:30 remaining. ]
You feel magical energies distort and flow around you.
[waggle]>sign of warding
[ Sign of Deflection: +0:16:30, 0:16:30 remaining. ]
Repeating the sign has no effect!
[ Sign of Warding: +0:16:30, 0:16:29 remaining. ]
[waggle]>sign of defending
Repeating the sign has no effect!
[ Sign of Defending: +0:16:30, 0:16:30 remaining. ]
[waggle]>sign of deflection
Repeating the sign has no effect!
[ Sign of Deflection: +0:16:30, 0:16:30 remaining. ]
[waggle: done]
--- Lich: waggle has exited.
--- Lich: WAGGLE active.
[WAGGLE]>prepare 115
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Fasthr's Reward spell...
Your spell is ready.
[WAGGLE]>cast 3
You make a complex gesture, increasing the potency of your spell.
A dull golden nimbus surrounds you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[ Fasthr's Reward: +3:00:00, 2:59:59 remaining. ]
[WAGGLE]>prepare 120
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Lesser Shroud spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
You suddenly feel a lot more powerful.
You are surrounded by a white light.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[ Lesser Shroud: +1:00:00, 3:53:14 remaining. ]
[WAGGLE]>prepare 202
You trace a sign while petitioning the spirits to bestow their aid with the Spirit Shield spell...
Your spell is ready.
[WAGGLE]>cast 2
You make a complex gesture, increasing the potency of your spell.
A dim aura surrounds you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[ Spirit Shield: +2:20:00, 3:26:19 remaining. ]
[WAGGLE]>prepare 211
You trace a sign while petitioning the spirits to bestow their aid with the Bravery spell...
Your spell is ready.
[WAGGLE]>cast 2
You make a complex gesture, increasing the potency of your spell.
You feel more confident.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
[ Bravery: +2:20:00, 3:26:46 remaining. ]
[WAGGLE]>prepare 215
You trace a sign while petitioning the spirits to bestow their aid with the Heroism spell...
Your spell is ready.
[WAGGLE]>cast 2
You make a complex gesture, increasing the potency of your spell.
A brilliant aura surrounds you and sinks into your skin. You feel charged with extra vitality.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
--- Lich: WAGGLE has exited.
[ Heroism: +2:20:00, 3:27:06 remaining. ]
You feel more refreshed.
>;,I just did it to prove it to myself
>;,I'll post it.
The wind howling like a banshee can be heard outside.

10-05-2014, 01:43 AM
Should be fixed in 4.6.8 (;repo download-lich)

10-05-2014, 06:55 AM
Lich ruined gemstone. Thanks. Appreciate the continued efforts toward total gs annihilation. Keep up the good work.

10-05-2014, 11:53 AM
Lich ruined gemstone. Thanks. Appreciate the continued efforts toward total gs annihilation. Keep up the good work.


10-05-2014, 12:14 PM
Hey Tillmen,

Having an issue when looking into my inventories or on a table where ;sorter is active. It seems to list everything first, then ;sorter lists everything in order a second time. Has this been brought up yet? Sorry if it has, I was too lazy to look...

K>l in long
In the dark leather longcloak you see an elegant imflass torc, a heavy quartz orb, an uncut emerald, an uncut emerald, an uncut diamond, an uncut diamond, a glimmering blue essence shard, a stained knapsack, an uncut diamond, an uncut emerald, a n'ayanad crystal, an uncut diamond, a glittering scroll, an uncut diamond, an uncut ruby, a small statue, a small statue, a vaalin-rimmed glass bottle, a faceted glass jar, a ruby amulet, a black crystal, a faceted glass jar, a black crystal, a black crystal, a silver samite sack, a radiant ghostly blue leaf, a vaalin-rimmed glass bottle, a small statue, a star ruby, a star ruby, an uncut ruby, a black crystal, an uncut ruby, an uncut ruby, an uncut ruby, an uncut ruby, a star ruby, a star ruby, a star ruby, a star ruby, an uncut ruby, an uncut emerald, a round-cut amethyst necklace, a star ruby, a star ruby, an uncut emerald and a pink spinel.
In the dark leather longcloak:
uncommon,jewelry (1): an elegant imflass torc.
magic (8): a black crystal (4), a heavy quartz orb, a small statue (3).
gem (26): an uncut diamond (5), an uncut emerald (5), a star ruby (8), an uncut ruby (7), a pink spinel.
reagent (2): a n'ayanad crystal, a glimmering blue essence shard.
clothing (2): a stained knapsack, a silver samite sack.
scroll (1): a glittering scroll.
other (3): a vaalin-rimmed glass bottle (uncut diamonds) (2), a radiant ghostly blue leaf.
jar (2): a faceted glass jar (dragon's-tear emeralds), a faceted glass jar (sylvarraend rubies).
jewelry (2): a ruby amulet, a round-cut amethyst necklace.

10-05-2014, 12:16 PM
Hey Tillmen,

Having an issue when looking into my inventories or on a table where ;sorter is active. It seems to list everything first, then ;sorter lists everything in order a second time. Has this been brought up yet? Sorry if it has, I was too lazy to look...

Yeah, I have this issue too ever since I upgraded to the first Lich version that required Ruby 2.0 (a while back).

10-05-2014, 01:39 PM
Hey Tillmen,

Having an issue when looking into my inventories or on a table where ;sorter is active. It seems to list everything first, then ;sorter lists everything in order a second time. Has this been brought up yet? Sorry if it has, I was too lazy to look...

K>l in long
In the dark leather longcloak you see an elegant imflass torc, a heavy quartz orb, an uncut emerald, an uncut emerald, an uncut diamond, an uncut diamond, a glimmering blue essence shard, a stained knapsack, an uncut diamond, an uncut emerald, a n'ayanad crystal, an uncut diamond, a glittering scroll, an uncut diamond, an uncut ruby, a small statue, a small statue, a vaalin-rimmed glass bottle, a faceted glass jar, a ruby amulet, a black crystal, a faceted glass jar, a black crystal, a black crystal, a silver samite sack, a radiant ghostly blue leaf, a vaalin-rimmed glass bottle, a small statue, a star ruby, a star ruby, an uncut ruby, a black crystal, an uncut ruby, an uncut ruby, an uncut ruby, an uncut ruby, a star ruby, a star ruby, a star ruby, a star ruby, an uncut ruby, an uncut emerald, a round-cut amethyst necklace, a star ruby, a star ruby, an uncut emerald and a pink spinel.
In the dark leather longcloak:
uncommon,jewelry (1): an elegant imflass torc.
magic (8): a black crystal (4), a heavy quartz orb, a small statue (3).
gem (26): an uncut diamond (5), an uncut emerald (5), a star ruby (8), an uncut ruby (7), a pink spinel.
reagent (2): a n'ayanad crystal, a glimmering blue essence shard.
clothing (2): a stained knapsack, a silver samite sack.
scroll (1): a glittering scroll.
other (3): a vaalin-rimmed glass bottle (uncut diamonds) (2), a radiant ghostly blue leaf.
jar (2): a faceted glass jar (dragon's-tear emeralds), a faceted glass jar (sylvarraend rubies).
jewelry (2): a ruby amulet, a round-cut amethyst necklace.

You need to turn on the option "Display Inventory Boxes" inside your advanced options. Doing that will fix it.

10-05-2014, 02:13 PM
Heh, there ya go. Thanks!

Not sure how it got reset, but I didn't notice they weren't showing up on the side pane anymore.

10-05-2014, 02:14 PM
You need to turn on the option "Display Inventory Boxes" inside your advanced options. Doing that will fix it.

That did it. Thanks! I don't recall changing that setting when I switched the Ruby 2.0 Lich version, but maybe I did.

10-06-2014, 01:54 PM
I'll poke at this soon and give you any debugging

10-11-2014, 03:21 PM
Not sure really what to do with this, maybe you guys will know. It didn't mess up the script at all and kept running fine. Just found it odd...

The lesser minotaur stomps his hooves in the dirt, lowers his head, and charges in your direction! You leap to the side, nimbly avoiding the charge. Olé!
C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rexml/source.rb:219:in `match'
C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rexml/source.rb:219:in `match'
C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb:424:in `pull_event'
C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rexml/parsers/baseparser.rb:183:in `pull'
C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rexml/parsers/streamparser.rb:16:in `parse'
C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rexml/document.rb:243:in `parse_stream'
Exception parsing
Line: 1
Position: 638
Last 80 unconsumed characters:
head, and charges in your direction! You leap to the side, nimbly avoiding the

10-11-2014, 04:28 PM
That error message can safely be ignored. It usually comes up when the game stream has invalid XML. In this case, I think that funny e on the end is causing it. It could probably be fixed, but it's pretty low priority.

10-11-2014, 05:00 PM
Really? I didn't know it could be that temperamental. Yea, like I said, it didn't interrupt anything. Just thought it was interesting.

10-12-2014, 06:19 PM
Should be fixed in 4.6.8 (;repo download-lich)

Is 4.6.8 out? I tried that command, didn't work.

>;repo download-lich
--- Lich: repository active.
[repository: error: unrecognized command. Try ;repository help]
--- Lich: repository has exited.

10-12-2014, 06:23 PM
You probably have an old version of the repository. Try ;repository download repository

10-12-2014, 06:24 PM
Sorry, I'm an idiot. Found 4.6.9 on first post...

Still getting the marshall error after updating. Should I wipe all settings/sql?

10-12-2014, 06:32 PM
If you have a working Lich 4.4 folder, you should make a copy of that and put Lich 4.6.9 in it.

10-13-2014, 12:18 PM
Not sure if it's just me or an overall thing...

My connection to the game server seems to be down, not sure if anyone/everyone else lost it too. I still have internet obviously, so my issues is that as soon as I typed a command into Stormfront with 4.6.9 the whole program just disappears. Narost is still up and running and I have to exit it, but Stormfront completely vanishes. I try to log back in and as soon as I type a command it turns off again. It used to sit there a bit and say something like "waiting for server" or invalid 'something'. I forget.

10-13-2014, 12:24 PM
Not sure if it's just me or an overall thing...

My connection to the game server seems to be down, not sure if anyone/everyone else lost it too. I still have internet obviously, so my issues is that as soon as I typed a command into Stormfront with 4.6.9 the whole program just disappears. Narost is still up and running and I have to exit it, but Stormfront completely vanishes. I try to log back in and as soon as I type a command it turns off again. It used to sit there a bit and say something like "waiting for server" or invalid 'something'. I forget.

Game is up and working fine for me. I don't use Stormfront, however.

10-13-2014, 01:20 PM
Not sure if it's just me or an overall thing...

My connection to the game server seems to be down, not sure if anyone/everyone else lost it too. I still have internet obviously, so my issues is that as soon as I typed a command into Stormfront with 4.6.9 the whole program just disappears. Narost is still up and running and I have to exit it, but Stormfront completely vanishes. I try to log back in and as soon as I type a command it turns off again. It used to sit there a bit and say something like "waiting for server" or invalid 'something'. I forget.

Can you post the debug file?

10-13-2014, 11:36 PM
Can you post the debug file?

Here's one of them, I have a bunch from around the same time. Found it odd that ruby was still running in the 'processes' of the resource manager. I shut them all down but it still wouldn't log back in until I rebooted the computer. I was able to get in on one account at that time going through eScape or whatever the Java thing is on the play.net site.

2014-10-13 11:14:34: info: Lich 4.6.92014-10-13 11:14:34: info: Ruby 2.0.0
2014-10-13 11:14:34: info: i386-mingw32
2014-10-13 11:14:34: info: Win32.admin?: true
2014-10-13 11:14:34: info: Win32.GetVersionEx: {:return=>1, :dwOSVersionInfoSize=>156, :dwMajorVersion=>6, :dwMinorVersion=>1, :dwBuildNumber=>7601, :dwPlatformId=>2, :szCSDVersion=>"Service Pack 1", :wServicePackMajor=>1, :wServicePackMinor=>0, :wSuiteMask=>256, :wProductType=>1}
2014-10-13 11:14:34: info: $lich_dir: C:/Users/A~/Desktop/lich/
2014-10-13 11:14:34: info: $script_dir: C:/Users/A~/Desktop/lich/scripts/
2014-10-13 11:14:34: info: $data_dir: C:/Users/A~/Desktop/lich/data/
2014-10-13 11:14:34: info: $temp_dir: C:/Users/A~/Desktop/lich/temp/
2014-10-13 11:14:34: info: no launch file given
2014-10-13 11:14:34: info: no force-mode info given
2014-10-13 11:14:37: info: gamehost: storm.gs4.game.play.net
2014-10-13 11:14:37: info: gameport: 10024
2014-10-13 11:14:37: info: game: STORM
2014-10-13 11:14:37: info: launcher_cmd: "C:\PROGRA~1\GSIV\Launcher.exe" C:\Users\A~\Desktop\lich\temp\lich221.sal
2014-10-13 11:14:37: info: waiting for client to connect...
2014-10-13 11:14:38: info: connected
2014-10-13 11:14:38: error: closed stream
2014-10-13 11:14:38: info: connecting to game server (storm.gs4.game.play.net:10024)
2014-10-13 11:14:38: info: connected
2014-10-13 11:19:55: 2014-10-13 11:19:55 -0500: error: nothing recieved from server in 5 minutes

Let me know if you want more.

10-13-2014, 11:38 PM
Here's another one that seems to have a bit more info on it...

2014-10-13 08:47:52: info: Lich 4.6.92014-10-13 08:47:52: info: Ruby 2.0.0
2014-10-13 08:47:52: info: i386-mingw32
2014-10-13 08:47:52: info: Win32.admin?: true
2014-10-13 08:47:52: info: Win32.GetVersionEx: {:return=>1, :dwOSVersionInfoSize=>156, :dwMajorVersion=>6, :dwMinorVersion=>1, :dwBuildNumber=>7601, :dwPlatformId=>2, :szCSDVersion=>"Service Pack 1", :wServicePackMajor=>1, :wServicePackMinor=>0, :wSuiteMask=>256, :wProductType=>1}
2014-10-13 08:47:52: info: $lich_dir: C:/Users/A~/Desktop/lich/
2014-10-13 08:47:52: info: $script_dir: C:/Users/A~/Desktop/lich/scripts/
2014-10-13 08:47:52: info: $data_dir: C:/Users/A~/Desktop/lich/data/
2014-10-13 08:47:52: info: $temp_dir: C:/Users/A~/Desktop/lich/temp/
2014-10-13 08:47:52: info: no launch file given
2014-10-13 08:47:52: info: no force-mode info given
2014-10-13 08:47:54: info: gamehost: storm.gs4.game.play.net
2014-10-13 08:47:54: info: gameport: 10024
2014-10-13 08:47:54: info: game: STORM
2014-10-13 08:47:54: info: launcher_cmd: "C:\PROGRA~1\GSIV\Launcher.exe" C:\Users\A~\Desktop\lich\temp\lich6481.sal
2014-10-13 08:47:54: info: waiting for client to connect...
2014-10-13 08:47:55: info: connected
2014-10-13 08:47:55: error: closed stream
2014-10-13 08:47:55: info: connecting to game server (storm.gs4.game.play.net:10024)
2014-10-13 08:47:55: info: connected
bigshot:10: warning: already initialized constant VERSION
bigshot:10: warning: previous definition of VERSION was here
bigshot:11: warning: already initialized constant RALLY_TIME
bigshot:11: warning: previous definition of RALLY_TIME was here
bigshot:12: warning: already initialized constant REST_INTERVAL
bigshot:12: warning: previous definition of REST_INTERVAL was here
bigshot:188: warning: already initialized constant Bigshot::PRONE
bigshot:188: warning: previous definition of PRONE was here
bigshot:10: warning: already initialized constant VERSION
bigshot:10: warning: previous definition of VERSION was here
bigshot:11: warning: already initialized constant RALLY_TIME
bigshot:11: warning: previous definition of RALLY_TIME was here
bigshot:12: warning: already initialized constant REST_INTERVAL
bigshot:12: warning: previous definition of REST_INTERVAL was here
bigshot:188: warning: already initialized constant Bigshot::PRONE
bigshot:188: warning: previous definition of PRONE was here
2014-10-13 11:18:01: 2014-10-13 11:18:01 -0500: error: nothing recieved from server in 5 minutes

10-15-2014, 03:42 PM
I'm not having any luck getting it to run. I did a clean uninstall and reinstall of all Ruby/Simu software twice, but it just hangs. It will open the client but never connect.

2014-10-15 15:39:40: info: Lich 4.6.9
2014-10-15 15:39:40: info: Ruby 2.0.0
2014-10-15 15:39:40: info: i386-mingw32
2014-10-15 15:39:40: info: Win32.admin?: true
2014-10-15 15:39:40: info: Win32.GetVersionEx: {:return=>1, :dwOSVersionInfoSize=>156, :dwMajorVersion=>6, :dwMinorVersion=>1, :dwBuildNumber=>7601, :dwPlatformId=>2, :szCSDVersion=>"Service Pack 1", :wServicePackMajor=>1, :wServicePackMinor=>0, :wSuiteMask=>768, :wProductType=>1}
2014-10-15 15:39:40: info: $lich_dir: C:/Program Files/lich/
2014-10-15 15:39:40: info: $script_dir: C:/Program Files/lich/scripts/
2014-10-15 15:39:40: info: $data_dir: C:/Program Files/lich/data/
2014-10-15 15:39:40: info: $temp_dir: C:/Program Files/lich/temp/
2014-10-15 15:39:40: info: no launch file given
2014-10-15 15:39:40: info: no force-mode info given
2014-10-15 15:39:43: info: gamehost: storm.gs4.game.play.net
2014-10-15 15:39:43: info: gameport: 10024
2014-10-15 15:39:43: info: game: STORM
2014-10-15 15:39:43: info: launcher_cmd: "C:\PROGRA~1\SIMU\Launcher.exe" C:\Program Files\lich\temp\lich3068.sal
2014-10-15 15:39:43: info: waiting for client to connect...

10-15-2014, 03:52 PM
So just to give some background...I installed Ruby 2.0 and downloaded the 4.6.9 of Lich. I had some issues that finally got worked out...and I finally got Stormfront to connect by downloading the Simutronics Game Entry and using that to connect instead of using the Lich.rw file. Once I got in it loaded the first lich file I had in my Lich folder which was 4.4.19 since I was experimenting with different versions try to get it to work..I put the 4.6.9 back in that folder it loads it just fine now...the only issue I have now is when Narost loads and I get my pop up window with the map..I lose all control of stormfront untill I close the window and Narost shuts down, then I have control of stormfront. Sorry if this is kinda random jut throwing my thoughts together.

10-15-2014, 03:56 PM
You may be the second person I've noticed with a log file that ends prematurely. After it says "waiting for client to connect...", it should wait 30 seconds and either be connected or say "error: launch method (1 or 2) timed out waiting for client to connect". There should also be a message box asking you if you want to try the other method.

I'm hoping that you opened the log file before 30 seconds was up. Is that the case, or did it never pop up the message box and write more to the log file?

10-15-2014, 04:01 PM
You may be the second person I've noticed with a log file that ends prematurely. After it says "waiting for client to connect...", it should wait 30 seconds and either be connected or say "error: launch method (1 or 2) timed out waiting for client to connect". There should also be a message box asking you if you want to try the other method.

I'm hoping that you opened the log file before 30 seconds was up. Is that the case, or did it never pop up the message box and write more to the log file?

Never popped up. Prior to looking at the Ruby extensions and marking them to run as Admin manually it wouldn't even launch the client. I started it up and went out for a smoke. When I came back it was still hanging so I force closed it then popped the log file open.

10-16-2014, 08:20 AM
What might cause this to happen?

--- Lich: waggle active.
--- Lich: error: undefined method `to_i=' for "7":String
waggle:843:in `block in trusted_script'
waggle:983:in `call'
--- Lich: waggle has exited.
When it first happened I did a ;waggle setup, then removed the spell and re-added it and closed it. Seemed to work for a bit then. Now, it's back to giving me this command even if I go back in and change a few things. Should I delete it from my folder and re-install it?

10-16-2014, 08:35 AM
What might cause this to happen?

--- Lich: waggle active.
--- Lich: error: undefined method `to_i=' for "7":String
waggle:843:in `block in trusted_script'
waggle:983:in `call'
--- Lich: waggle has exited.
When it first happened I did a ;waggle setup, then removed the spell and re-added it and closed it. Seemed to work for a bit then. Now, it's back to giving me this command even if I go back in and change a few things. Should I delete it from my folder and re-install it?

Try reducing the lich suck factor under "settings".

10-16-2014, 09:36 AM
Try reducing the lich suck factor under "settings".
Always a helpful reply. Top quality.

10-16-2014, 06:39 PM
Try reducing the lich suck factor under "settings".

Fuck this guy. He doesn't deserve green rep.

10-16-2014, 09:04 PM
What might cause this to happen?

--- Lich: waggle active.
--- Lich: error: undefined method `to_i=' for "7":String
waggle:843:in `block in trusted_script'
waggle:983:in `call'
--- Lich: waggle has exited.
When it first happened I did a ;waggle setup, then removed the spell and re-added it and closed it. Seemed to work for a bit then. Now, it's back to giving me this command even if I go back in and change a few things. Should I delete it from my folder and re-install it?

Typo in the script, should be fixed now.

10-17-2014, 06:59 AM
Typo in the script, should be fixed now.
Thanks Tillmen!

10-17-2014, 11:19 AM
Bug Report:
Updating to GTK2 2.2.2 does bad things to lich, reverted back to 2.2.0 and everything fixed itself

Lich doesn't login correctly from lich.rb
narost causes entire game to freeze when its running

10-17-2014, 03:25 PM
Bug Report:
Updating to GTK2 2.2.2 does bad things to lich, reverted back to 2.2.0 and everything fixed itself

Lich doesn't login correctly from lich.rb
narost causes entire game to freeze when its running
Having the same problems. Did rolling back to GTK2 2.2.0 fix the narost and login problems for you, or were those other problems that it fixed?

10-17-2014, 03:32 PM
Having the same problems. Did rolling back to GTK2 2.2.0 fix the narost and login problems for you, or were those other problems that it fixed?

Fixed those problems I listed

10-17-2014, 05:19 PM
I was finally able to get 4.6.9 up and running. The ruby launcher utility still fails to do anything but hang, but after linking it to the SGE I can get in that way.

10-17-2014, 06:46 PM
Fixed those problems I listed

Good to know!


How do I revert my GTK2 version in windows?

10-17-2014, 07:00 PM
Good to know!


How do I revert my GTK2 version in windows?

run cmd
cd/ to get to root
cd ruby200/bin/
gem uninstall gtk2
enter number you want to uninstall

10-18-2014, 10:36 AM
run cmd
cd/ to get to root
cd ruby200/bin/
gem uninstall gtk2
enter number you want to uninstall

Thanks. Took me a while to figure out how to to install 2.2.0 after uninstalling 2.2.2, but I got there eventually.

For any other noobs like myself, you need to use: gem install gtk2 -v 2.2.0

10-18-2014, 04:42 PM
I'm having a similar issue with ;waggle. Whenever I do ;waggle setup, and the window opens, Stormfront freezes and I have to close everything out. Also, when I try to ;waggle add (spell#), the information won't stick--when I type ;waggle info, it indicates I don't have any spells set. Any thoughts on this?

10-18-2014, 05:48 PM
You probably don't have infomon running. I haven't yet put in any default settings for Lich 4.6, so if you started with an empty lich folder or it failed to convert your settings, you need to set up a few things.

;autostart add --global infomon
;autostart add --global lnet
;autostart add --global alias
;autostart add --global repository download-updates
;repository set-lich-updatable
;repository set-mapdb-updatable
;repository set-updatable lnet
;repository set-updatable repository
;repository set-updatable infomon
;repository set-updatable spell-list.xml
;repository set-updatable gameobj-data.xml

You can leave out any of this if you don't want it to auto start or auto update, but you'll at least need infomon because there isn't much that works without it.

10-19-2014, 12:42 AM
I am a little late to the update... back from a hiatus. I followed the instructions and the Game Launcher displays; I select my character; and then receive this error message:

error:Invalid argument - "C:\PROGRA~2\SIMU\Launcher.exe"

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks. Vivi

10-19-2014, 10:36 AM
I am a little late to the update... back from a hiatus. I followed the instructions and the Game Launcher displays; I select my character; and then receive this error message:

error:Invalid argument - "C:\PROGRA~2\SIMU\Launcher.exe"

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks. Vivi
I get something like this occasionally too. It appears to be because you have multiple instances of the Ruby Interpreter running. I can usually fix it via terminating all instances of Ruby Interpreter in the task manager and then loading up lich anew. If that fails, a system restart generally fixes it for me.

10-21-2014, 12:23 AM
I'm having a tough time with Narost. All seems to be working fine until I start Narost, at which point I can no longer interface with the game. There isn't an error message or anything, it just stops working.

10-21-2014, 12:24 PM
I'm having a tough time with Narost. All seems to be working fine until I start Narost, at which point I can no longer interface with the game. There isn't an error message or anything, it just stops working.

This is because of the version of GTK2 you have installed.
You need to install GTK2 version 2.2.0, below is how.

run cmd
cd/ to get to root
cd ruby200/bin/
gem uninstall gtk2
enter number you want to uninstall
gem install gtk2 -v 2.2.0

10-21-2014, 05:42 PM
Thanks Hazado, I have been struggling to figure this one out...and you nailed it..Worked for me.

10-21-2014, 07:07 PM
This is because of the version of GTK2 you have installed.
You need to install GTK2 version 2.2.0, below is how.

run cmd
cd/ to get to root
cd ruby200/bin/
gem uninstall gtk2
enter number you want to uninstall
gem install gtk2 -v 2.2.0

Thanks, Hazado. This worked like a charm.

10-25-2014, 02:44 PM
So I followed the installation directions and when I try to run lich to let it download and install sqlite3 it tells me sqlite3 isn't installed and asks if I would like to install it.

I click yes and the cmd window pops up like it's going to install it but instead I get some sort of error and the cmd window closes before I can really read what the error is and another window pops up saying the install is finished and to click OK to restart lich. Clicking OK just brings up the request to download sqlite3 again and starts the process all over again.

Should I just download sqlite3 from somewhere else? I tried Googling it but not sure which version I need.

10-25-2014, 02:59 PM
Sounds like you installed either the 64 bit version of Ruby 2.0, or either type of Ruby 2.1. You need the 32 bit version of Ruby 2.0. You could probably make sqlite and gtk work on the other versions, but it'll take a lot more effort than it's worth. Also, you might not want to let Lich install the gtk gem, because it installs the latest version and people are saying the latest version is no good. After getting the correct version of Ruby installed (if that was the problem), open up an admin command prompt and type "c:\ruby200\bin\gem.bat install gtk2 -v 2.2.0 --no-rdoc --no-ri" (without quotes).

10-25-2014, 03:37 PM
Sounds like you installed either the 64 bit version of Ruby 2.0, or either type of Ruby 2.1. You need the 32 bit version of Ruby 2.0. You could probably make sqlite and gtk work on the other versions, but it'll take a lot more effort than it's worth. Also, you might not want to let Lich install the gtk gem, because it installs the latest version and people are saying the latest version is no good. After getting the correct version of Ruby installed (if that was the problem), open up an admin command prompt and type "c:\ruby200\bin\gem.bat install gtk2 -v 2.2.0 --no-rdoc --no-ri" (without quotes).

Thanks Tillmen, that was indeed my bad. I thought a new version of Ruby had been recently released and figured newer = better.

So I downloaded version 2 and everything seems to be working. I guess I already had sqlite3 installed from when I upgraded Ruby earlier because it didn't even ask me to install it this time. I am running v 4.6.9 now.

11-07-2014, 12:00 PM
Anyone who still isn't able to get the frontend to start after clicking the play button, try this one:


Let me know if it works or if it doesn't.

12-02-2014, 05:30 PM
Having some trouble with the sqlite3 thing

C:\Ruby200\bin>gem install gtk2 -v 2.2.0 --no-rdoc --no-ri

ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'gtk2' (= 2.2.0), here is why:
Unable to download data from https://rubygems.org/ - SSL_connect retur
ned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed (

I have the Lich version from website (4.6.11) and I installed rubyinstaller-2.0.0-p598. Am I using the correct versions?


12-02-2014, 05:36 PM
I'm having trouble with sqlite3 as well. Gets stuck in the loop for trying to install sqlite3. Deleted everything, tried a fresh install, still no luck.

ruby 2.0.0p598 (2014-11-13) [i386-mingw32]

C:\Users\Store>gem install sqlite3
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'sqlite3' (>= 0), here is why:
Unable to download data from https://rubygems.org/ - SSL_connect retur
ned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed (

Any help appreciated.

12-02-2014, 06:02 PM
It looks like either your system doesn't trust COMODO CA Limited (the guys that signed the server certificate) or ruby doesn't know where your system keeps CA certificates.

These commands might work:

gem install gtk2 --source http://rubygems.org -v 2.2.0 --no-rdoc --no-ri
gem install sqlite3 --source http://rubygems.org

It doesn't really fix the problem, it just avoids it by downloading insecurely.

What version of Windows are you guys using? I'm wondering if all new installs are going to have this problem.

12-02-2014, 06:05 PM
Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit here

12-02-2014, 06:05 PM
Windows 7 Home Premium here, trying it out now

12-02-2014, 06:06 PM
ew.... Vista

12-02-2014, 06:12 PM
ew... Vista..

Since they're not the same, I'm going to guess that rubygems.org changed their ssl certificate recently. This could be bad.

12-02-2014, 06:13 PM
It worked for me, thanks Tillmen!

12-02-2014, 06:16 PM
Ran those commands on the Ruby command prompt, and was able to get in! Thanks!

12-02-2014, 06:23 PM
New error, I must be special

After hitting play, I get:
error: Win32.ShellExecute returned 2; Win32.GetlastError: 2

12-02-2014, 06:40 PM
Error code 2 seems to be file not found, and the file is the Simu launcher. Try going to the Link tab and clicking the unlink buttons, or reinstalling the Simu launcher.

12-02-2014, 07:01 PM
Error code 2 seems to be file not found, and the file is the Simu launcher. Try going to the Link tab and clicking the unlink buttons, or reinstalling the Simu launcher.

Where should Simu Launcher be installed? Seems my computer is installing in a weird space

12-02-2014, 07:11 PM
It doesn't really matter where it's installed. It just matters that the registry says it is where it is.

12-02-2014, 07:16 PM
So there's no option for unlink, that's not clickable.
Tried reinstalling launcher, no luck.
Tried starting from scratch... uninstalling everything, and then trying to follow instructions on website (install launcher, then ruby, then extract lich)... still no luck!

Attached a screenshot... thanks again


12-02-2014, 07:25 PM
Can you post a couple of the debug files in lich\temp\ ?

12-02-2014, 07:28 PM
2014-12-02 16:21:51: info: Lich 4.6.11
2014-12-02 16:21:51: info: Ruby 2.0.0
2014-12-02 16:21:51: info: i386-mingw32
2014-12-02 16:21:51: info: Win32.admin?: true
2014-12-02 16:21:51: info: Win32.GetVersionEx: {:return=>1, :dwOSVersionInfoSize=>156, :dwMajorVersion=>6, :dwMinorVersion=>1, :dwBuildNumber=>7601, :dwPlatformId=>2, :szCSDVersion=>"Service Pack 1", :wServicePackMajor=>1, :wServicePackMinor=>0, :wSuiteMask=>768, :wProductType=>1}
2014-12-02 16:21:51: info: $lich_dir: C:/lich/
2014-12-02 16:21:51: info: $script_dir: C:/lich/scripts/
2014-12-02 16:21:51: info: $data_dir: C:/lich/data/
2014-12-02 16:21:51: info: $temp_dir: C:/lich/temp/
2014-12-02 16:21:51: info: no launch file given
2014-12-02 16:21:51: info: no force-mode info given
2014-12-02 16:22:04: info: gamehost: storm.gs4.game.play.net
2014-12-02 16:22:04: info: gameport: 10024
2014-12-02 16:22:04: info: game: STORM
2014-12-02 16:22:04: info: launcher_cmd: Win32.ShellExecute(:lpOperation => "runas", :lpFile => "Launcher.exe", :lpDirectory => "C:\\PROGRA~1\\SIMU\\SGE\\", :lpParameters => "C:\\lich\\temp\\lich9036.sal")
2014-12-02 16:22:04: error: Win32.ShellExecute returned 2; Win32.GetLastError: 2
2014-12-02 16:22:06: info: waiting for client to connect...
2014-12-02 16:22:36: error: timeout waiting for client to connect
2014-12-02 16:22:43: info: exiting...


2014-12-02 16:21:09: info: Lich 4.6.11
2014-12-02 16:21:09: info: Ruby 2.0.0
2014-12-02 16:21:09: info: i386-mingw32
2014-12-02 16:21:09: info: Win32.admin?: true
2014-12-02 16:21:09: info: Win32.GetVersionEx: {:return=>1, :dwOSVersionInfoSize=>156, :dwMajorVersion=>6, :dwMinorVersion=>1, :dwBuildNumber=>7601, :dwPlatformId=>2, :szCSDVersion=>"Service Pack 1", :wServicePackMajor=>1, :wServicePackMinor=>0, :wSuiteMask=>768, :wProductType=>1}
2014-12-02 16:21:09: info: $lich_dir: C:/lich/
2014-12-02 16:21:09: info: $script_dir: C:/lich/scripts/
2014-12-02 16:21:09: info: $data_dir: C:/lich/data/
2014-12-02 16:21:09: info: $temp_dir: C:/lich/temp/
2014-12-02 16:21:09: info: no launch file given
2014-12-02 16:21:09: info: no force-mode info given
2014-12-02 16:21:11: info: gamehost: storm.gs4.game.play.net
2014-12-02 16:21:11: info: gameport: 10024
2014-12-02 16:21:11: info: game: STORM
2014-12-02 16:21:11: info: launcher_cmd: "C:\PROGRA~1\SIMU\SGE\Launcher.exe" C:\lich\temp\lich840.sal
2014-12-02 16:21:11: error: No such file or directory - "C:\PROGRA~1\SIMU\SGE\Launcher.exe" C:\lich\temp\lich840.sal
C:/lich/lich.rbw:11078:in `spawn'
C:/lich/lich.rbw:11078:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
C:/lich/lich.rbw:11096:in `call'
C:/lich/lich.rbw:11096:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'
C:/lich/lich.rbw:11106:in `call'
C:/lich/lich.rbw:11106:in `block in <main>'
2014-12-02 16:21:12: info: waiting for client to connect...
2014-12-02 16:21:42: error: timeout waiting for client to connect
2014-12-02 16:21:47: info: exiting...

12-02-2014, 07:33 PM
Hm.. so does C:\Program Files\SIMU\SGE\Launcher.exe or C:\Program Files (x86)\SIMU\SGE\Launcher.exe exist?

12-02-2014, 07:35 PM
Ok, I made those locations exist, and now it works :) Thanks again !

12-06-2014, 08:25 AM
Just did the upgrade and am getting the following message:

--- Lich: error: cannot load such file -- ftools
C:/Ruby200/lib/ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in `require'

How can I fix it please?

12-06-2014, 02:57 PM
It looks like ftools has been depreciated and replaced with fileutils.

I see three scripts in the repository that require ftools. However, none of them seem to actually use ftools. They can probably be fixed just by removing the "require 'ftools'" line.

12-06-2014, 03:52 PM
It looks like ftools has been depreciated and replaced with fileutils.

I see three scripts in the repository that require ftools. However, none of them seem to actually use ftools. They can probably be fixed just by removing the "require 'ftools'" line.

OK I found the offending script and put a # on that line and I don't get the message anymore. And you're right, it doesn't seem to affect the functionality of the script to rem it out.


12-13-2014, 11:57 AM
I moved all my old scripts into my new lich folder however some of the old settings are lost for things like isigils and banks, etc. Where is this information stored or do I just have to get them set up again?


12-13-2014, 12:05 PM
Everything on my end appears to be working rather well on Windows 8.1 upgrade to 4.6. It was incredibly easy and straight forward to get it set up. My wife and I just got a new laptop for Christmas, and getting it set up there was a breeze as well.

Per Rotor's latest comment, I did need to reset things like Isigils, but isigns was fine... And needed to set alias to startup.
Uberbarwiz doesn't work on 4.6.13, but that's not your concern.

12-13-2014, 05:59 PM
I moved all my old scripts into my new lich folder however some of the old settings are lost for things like isigils and banks, etc. Where is this information stored or do I just have to get them set up again?


Lich 4.6 attempts to import your old settings the first time it runs, assuming these settings are in your lich folder. You were supposed to copy the new lich.rbw and scripts to your existing lich folder, so that all your settings are available to be imported. You can just try again with your old lich folder or backup folder.

12-14-2014, 06:30 AM
You were supposed to copy the new lich.rbw and scripts to your existing lich folder, so that all your settings are available to be imported. You can just try again with your old lich folder or backup folder.

Doh! Thought I did that. Tried again and everything seems to be working now! Thanks.

02-05-2015, 08:50 PM
Ever since updating I've been having trouble when using scripts that require you to set a lootsack or gemsack via ;settings change lootsack or gemsack etc. When I enter the command I get a script not found error as if its looking for the script ;set or ;settings.

Any ideas how to fix this? I really miss using gemhoarder :(

02-05-2015, 11:30 PM
Ever since updating I've been having trouble when using scripts that require you to set a lootsack or gemsack via ;settings change lootsack or gemsack etc. When I enter the command I get a script not found error as if its looking for the script ;set or ;settings.

Any ideas how to fix this? I really miss using gemhoarder :(

;vars help

02-06-2015, 06:10 PM
thank you Donquix!

02-06-2015, 06:29 PM

08-05-2015, 03:41 PM
I'm still messing around with a lot of the script API, but I won't bother listing those changes until I get further along. I'm planning on writing a scripting reference that will actually be up-to-date and complete.

I don't suppose this planned scripting reference was finished and published? Maybe with a tour of the XML data sent from the Simu server, tagged into different streams, that are sent to different windows? Upstream / downstream hooks, all that other good stuff?

08-06-2015, 02:32 PM
I don't suppose this planned scripting reference was finished and published? Maybe with a tour of the XML data sent from the Simu server, tagged into different streams, that are sent to different windows? Upstream / downstream hooks, all that other good stuff?

It was not. I haven't spent a whole lot of time working on the new API. There's some other stuff that needs to be done first, which I also don't really have time for.