View Full Version : Teiana's Stuff For Sale

08-31-2014, 03:45 AM
sold out

09-01-2014, 02:05 AM

+25 golvern bidenhander
+20 blackjack w/knockout flares
+20 expander weapon (longsword/short sword/dagger)
+20 ruic longbow w/+5 Perception, +2 Ranged Weapon, +2 Dexterity and +2 Ambush bonuses
+30 quarterstaff w/hidden +20 katana
+25 dagger w/+5 Ambush and +4 CM bonuses

09-01-2014, 04:30 AM
kit is gone

a faded two-toned brown leather survival kit

3/20 (medium amount)
auto herb bundler

You analyze your survival kit and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the survival kit for you or have its pockets deepened.

herbs: You carefully add the wolifrew lichen to one of the smaller compartments inside your survival kit.
You find an incomplete bundle of wolifrew lichen in one of the smaller compartments of your survival kit and carefully add your wolifrew lichen to it.
You carefully remove some acantha leaf from one of the smaller compartments inside your survival kit. (removes the whole bundle)
potions: You slip the rose-marrow potion into one of the leather loops lining the inside of your survival kit.
You remove a rose-marrow potion from inside your survival kit, deftly sliding it out of the leather loop that secured it in place.

09-01-2014, 06:33 PM
these items are gone:

a winged blue seed amulet (a small ethereal blue will-o'-wisp)

a veniom-worked black silk gem pouch

2/20 (medium amount)
holds any items, not just gems

a braided black spidersilk harness

3/50 (fairly large amount)
shoulder worn

I have another one of these harnesses for sale on the table and also one that holds 66lbs (on the counter) instead of 50lbs.

I'm also out of diamonds and emeralds at the moment but will restock at some point tonight.

09-01-2014, 07:09 PM

a silvery acorn amulet (a small silvery will-o'-wisp)

In order to unlock certain commands, you must first fully bond to your will-o'-wisp. To bond, you can:
FEED the will-o'-wisp certain items.
INFUSE spirit into the will-o'-wisp.
ATTEND the will-o'-wisp to play with it.

The will-o'-wisp goes through four moods -- annoyed, mischievous/bored, content, and pleased. Mood will determine how it interacts with certain commands. Certain commands can cause its mood to improve or worsen, as well as just holding it or interacting with it. An annoyed will-o'-wisp can injure its handler.

When you use certain commands, it will randomly cause the will-o'-wisp to get hungry, or just by simply holding it or interacting with it. Consider this the upkeep of the will-o'-wisp. It is very picky at what it can eat, and truly desires a particular type of item.

The amulet that the will-o'-wisp comes in can be altered, but it must remain a small seed of some sort. When a will-o'-wisp is inside, the amulet will have idle messaging, but this can be turned off via PROD. The will-o'-wisp itself cannot have its idle messaging turned off when its handlers is interacting with it. In the case where one misplaces the amulet, the will-o'-wisp will not be able to leave the handler's inventory and will need to either find the amulet that is misplaced, or get a new amulet. If neither can be found, you'll need to ASSIST for a replacement.

LOOK/SHOW - Gives some details on the will-o'-wisp current state.
GET/PUT - Can only be placed in a similar empty amulet that the will-o'-wisp came in.
FEED - This is how to feed and bond to the will-o'-wisp.
INFUSE - This is how you can bond with the will-o'-wisp. *
EXHALE - Send the will-o'-wisp some breath.
ATTEND - Play with the will-o'-wisp to bond with it and improve its mood.
LISTEN - Can get a general understanding of the will-o'-wisp's mood.
POKE - A fully bonded will-o'-wisp can be worn like a ring when poked. *
TURN - A fully bonded will-o'-wisp can change the eye color of its handler when turned. *
WHISPER - A fully bonded will-o'-wisp can be whispered a name to attempt to discover their location.
PUT [ITEM] - A fully bonded will-o'-wisp can change the appearance of herbs.
BREAK - This will break the bond the will-o'-wisp has with its handler.
WEAR/REMOVE - A fully bonded will-o'-wisp can hover around its handler's shoulder.
LORESING/DETECT - Loresing or cast Elemental Detection (spell 405) on the will-o'-wisp for info.
* - Has other action depending on bonding level.
+ - All actions are subject to change depending on mood.

a braided black spidersilk harness

3/50 (fairly large amount)
shoulder worn

The braided black spidersilk harness that holds 66lbs is still available.

09-01-2014, 07:37 PM

09-04-2014, 12:17 AM
These are gone:

a skull-clasped black leather hip-satchel

3/65 (large amount)

You analyze your black leather hip-satchel and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.
You can tell that the hip-satchel is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

Perched on top of the black leather hip-satchel is a small, humanoid skull set with ruby eyes and cracked, moldy teeth. Peering within the eyes, you see an occasional glimmer of light, which may be a reflection... or then again, maybe not.

rub: You carefully buff the hip-satchel. After a moment though, something from within giggles as if it tickled.
poke: You pull at the hip-satchel and feel something within pull back.
turn: You turn over the flap on the black leather hip-satchel. Suddenly the flap flips itself back over and closes itself.
open: You open your black leather hip-satchel rather sharply. A muffled "Oooof" followed by several grumbles comes from the direction of the small skull perched on the hip-satchel.
close: You close your black leather hip-satchel and tuck the straps around the small skull perched on it. You hear a muffled voice muttering, "Mmmmph!"

a mist-hued shade-lizard

You analyze your mist-hued shade-lizard and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.
You get no sense of whether or not the shade-lizard may be further lightened.

Twitching and shuddering at odd intervals, the tiny creature appears to be little more than a shadow lent feeble substance. Its mist-hued-cored form wavers like a candle's flame, but the shade-lizard maintains a rough lizard shape augmented by odd, elongated limbs. Each of the six tendril-like legs spreads into a trio of tiny black talons. Twin pinpoints of incarnadine luminescence shine from where the creature's eyes ought to be.

rub: You caress the mist-hued shade-lizard's spine, gently so as not to harm the fragile reptilian shape. A momentary burst of opalescence spreads along the creature's back in response to your touch before segueing into uniform darkness.
turn: You flip the mist-hued shade-lizard over on your palm. The little shadow creature struggles for a few moments like an overturned bug before its elongated limbs retract into its body and sprout anew from its underside. Rotating freely on the shade-lizard's torso, its head and tail simply flip themselves over so the little beast is standing once again. It winks a incarnadine eye at you.
prod: The shade-lizard digs its tiny talons into the skin of your finger as you attempt to prod it in the belly.
pull: As you pull on the mist-hued shade-lizard's tail, it loses substance! Your fingers slip into the shadows that compose the creature, chilling the offending digits to the bone.
pet: You gently probe the body of the mist-hued shade-lizard. As your fingers press against its oily-slick skin, tiny aurorae ripple outward from the point of contact. They limn the nearby flesh in mother-of-pearl hues that are slow to fade.
lick: Abruptly, you decide to lick your shade-lizard. A taste of rot and charred oil washes across your tongue.
tap: You tap your mist-hued shade-lizard on its tiny shoulder, soliciting a wave of pastel hues that echoes along the length of its body before fading into shadow. The creature's incarnadine eyes narrow in what appears to be irritation.
wear: You grip your mist-hued shade-lizard carefully about its neck and hold the creature over your other arm. The shade-lizard seems to sense what is about to happen, and it begins to twitch and quiver with terror. Its keening cries bite at your mind like daggers as you lower it into your skin. Instead of contacting your flesh like a solid being ought to, the shade-lizard sublimates into a slick, chill mist that bites into your waiting flesh. You feel something shift beneath your skin and rub at it, swiftly warming the area. As you withdraw your hand, you note with satisfaction that the lizard has metamorphosed into a vague lizard-shaped mark on your arm.

feature: She has a vague lizard-shaped mark on her arm
rub: You stroke your lizard-shaped mark. It vibrates with a high-pitched keening sound, causing goosebumps to rise out of the surrounding skin.
clench: Closing your eyes and concentrating, you flex your arm, forcing blood into the area immediately surrounding your lizard-shaped mark. A sudden light-headedness skews your thoughts and bearings as the mark draws blood from your body.
tap: You drum your fingers on your lizard-shaped mark, soliciting a wave of darkly rainbowed colors from its surface.
pinch: You pinch your lizard-shaped mark, but its substance wells up around your fingers. Instead of moving in unison with the solid flesh beneath, the outline of the tattoo shatters, sprouting inky tendrils of shadowstuff that twitch like spiders' legs before reforming into a spider-shaped mark.
push: Clenching your jaw, you raise two fingers overhead and jab them into the flesh sporting your spider-shaped mark. Something wet and vile squirms beneath your skin, sending tendrils of cold ricocheting through the surrounding nerves. Your spider-shaped mark gradually makes its way to your leg, explosions of glacial pain heralding its movements as it disappears behind the rolaren case covering your leg.
remove: You focus your thoughts on your moon-shaped mark. Responding to your mental command, your mark glides along your skin like liquid ice, twitching toward the flesh of your hand. Your moon-shaped mark takes on the form of a shade-lizard as it oozes into your free hand.

See also: http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Shade_Skink

09-05-2014, 09:57 PM
Bump. Happy to pull an item you're interested in and negotiate a price.

09-05-2014, 10:31 PM

a weathered leather cinch
a weathered leather sling

weighs 4lbs
holds two weapons

inspect: The cinch seems able to hang one or two weapons from the waist.
analyze: This item is a dual weapon displayer. It cannot have a long description. It isn't unlocked.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the leather cinch for you or have its pockets deepened.
inventory: You are wearing a weathered leather cinch with a weapon1 and a weapon2 hanging from it

a silver-accented white monir water cannon


You analyze your monir water cannon and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.
You get no sense of whether or not the cannon may be further lightened.

close: You close the valve at the front of the monir water cannon.
load: You remove the bladder from the water cannon, carefully filling it with the sweet water, and then snap it back into place.
push: You pump the small bellows on the monir water cannon. The bladder atop the cannon inflates.
fire at target: You take quick aim at Teiana and pull the silver lever on the monir water cannon!
With a click and a loud *WHOOSH*, a torrent of water hurtles out of the cannon directly at her! The spray hits Teiana right in the neck with a loud *SPLAT*, knocking her backwards to land comically on her rear!

As the magic woven in your melody encompasses the cannon and yourself, a potent vision enters your mind...

You see a small, dusty workshop with various metal and wood pieces scattered over every conceivable flat surface. An elder gnome stands at a workbench, his attention focused on a long silver tube. A small gnome boy runs from one side of the tinkerer to the other, standing on his toes to get a better look at what he is doing...

"Father, what are you doing?" asks the gnome child. "Bah. Making things to sell to the gibbering masses when we take the dirigible to the towns." comes the snarling reply. The tinker gnome continues to hammer away at a wide silver tube, the pinging sound ringing off the room's walls. "But what is it?" the child's shrill voice calls out over the clang of the hammer strikes, "It don't look very fun." The gnome ceases hammering and looks at the boy with a scowl, "How can you know that, whelp? It's not even close to being done!" With a scoff he points at a table laden with small parts, "It's got more parts than you can even guess. Parts are wood and parts are metal, and with my expert construction it will weigh a mere 1 pounds!" With a soft chortle and a smirk he says, "Trust me, those I sell these to will find them quite fun." The gnome turns...

The gnome turns back to his work, beginning to fit the silver tube onto the wooden frame. The young gnome moves to the table of parts and examines them closely. "Father, if you sell these how much silver will you get?" The elder gnome gives a toothy grin. "Fair value of course. Add to that the cost of the toil and grief that building these has put me through, not to mention the stress of the unfair world and such," he says quickly. With a gleeful cackle he shrieks, "I will get at LEAST 50000 silvers for each of these!". The boy furrows his brow in confusion and pipes in, "But father these are small parts. I bet the cost for all of these together don't even come nea.." The tinker whirls around red-faced and roars, "HUSH CHILD! You cannot BEGIN to imagine all the effort and unfair toil I've put into these! They should pay me for that! I am entitled! Do you know how unfair life is outside the walls of our home? No? Of course not! Speak not of what you do not know!" Relaxing visibly...

Relaxing visibly, the gnome turns once again to his work. He adds a multitude of small parts including a trigger, valve, and a large flexible bladder to the contraption. As he works on attaching a small bellows, the child weakly says, "Sorry father, I just thought..." With a sigh the elder gnome turns and says, "Yes I know. You thought just a few silvers over the cost of the materials would be enough." Placing his hand on the boy's shoulder he continues, "That's how THEY think. THEY don't fully realize the hardships and unfairness of life. They don't work to create, only use! In time, you will fully understand." The small gnome nods at the words. With renewed curiosity he squeaks, "How does...

With renewed curiosity he squeaks, "How does it work?" Trying to suppress a mischievous grin, the tinker explains, "I call this contraption a "water cannon" Let me show you how it works." The elder gnome picks up a bottle of water and loads the cannon, pouring it into the bladder and re-attaching it. He then inflates the bladder by pushing on the small bellows. "Once that is done, it is ready. Then, simply fire it at the target!", he shouts as he points the cannon at the boy and fires! A torrent of water flies out of the silver tube, splashing the boy in the chest and knocking him on his backside! The child blinks, stunned by what has happened, and then breaks out into a fit of giggles. "Father! I love that!", he exclaims, "You are the smartest in the whole lands!" The elder gnome chuckles and says, "That I am. Now go bother your mother so I can finish this work." He turns back to his bench as the child trots off.

The vision ends and slowly disappears from your mind altogether.

09-06-2014, 04:30 AM

a rune-etched weapons harness

4/50 (fairly large amount)
shoulder worn

09-06-2014, 03:50 PM
this is gone:

a translucent spidersilk backpack

6/160 (incredible amount)
back worn

Added +10 claidh and only one more 140lb encumbrance reducing backpack left.

09-09-2014, 10:54 PM

One of the heavy harnesses has sold, so one left.

Also, only 5 experience orbs left. Not sure if I'll re-stock these so get them while I have them.

09-10-2014, 08:17 PM

+10 claid

a tooled elven back quiver

4/20 (medium amount)
back worn


7x perfect maul - 4lbs, blessable - taking offers
more details here: http://forum.gsplayers.com/archive/index.php/t-73876.html

09-13-2014, 04:55 AM

On a side note, if anyone cares, I've gone from 19 locker characters down to 11! :spin2:

09-18-2014, 11:28 AM
Bedtime bump :sleep:

09-19-2014, 11:04 PM
Bump - PM, AIM: Teiana or contact me in game.

09-22-2014, 05:24 AM

09-22-2014, 07:19 PM

a bone-encased vultite longsword/a bone-encased vultite short sword/a bone-encased vultite dagger

weighs 4lbs
expander weapon -- switch between a dagger, a short sword, and a longsword
5 min wait period between switch

You analyze your vultite longsword and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the vultite longsword for you.

tilt (longsword): Bringing the vultite longsword across your body, you notice the length of bone encased and trace a digit along the surface. The bone feels brittle at first, but seems to hold to its form.
tilt (short sword): You hold your vultite short sword steady to inspect it for nicks and dents along the blade.
tilt (dagger): You turn your wrist and examine the width of your vultite dagger, examing the density of the bone inside.
push: Gripping your vultite longsword tight, you push against the bone and it responds by splintering as it contracts into a smaller weapon. Sinew envelops the longsword and tightens, holding the metal together with the bone.
pull: As you concentrate and place your hand on the vultite dagger, the sinew snaps and trickles ooze while the bone encased inside the dagger begins to crack and extend! Thick sinew reforms and binds the weapon together in a different form.

a dark crimson kelyn dagger with a black leather-wrapped hilt

weighs <1lb
fully unlocked Siolan dagger
+5 Ambush bonus
+4 CM bonus

You analyze your crimson kelyn dagger and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
You can tell that the dagger is as light as it can get.

rub: You gingerly run your palm over the flat of your dagger's blade.
pet: You thumb the edge of your dagger, testing its sharpness, before casting an appraising glance at your surroundings.
push: Holding your dagger's hilt easily within your grip, you ready the blade in an offensive posture.
pull: Flexing your fingers around your dagger's hilt, you extend it in front of you in a defensive position.
prod: You jab experimently at the air with your dagger, testing its balance.
turn: You deftly turn the dagger in your palm, reversing it in one smooth move to hold the weapon carefully by its tip.
flip: With a quick flick of your wrist, you lightly toss your dagger into the air and turn your hand to catch it, momentarily balancing the small blade against the back of your knuckles. To complete the trick, you snag the blade's tip with your thumb and deftly flip the dagger to catch it again by its hilt.
wave: Raising your dagger overhead, you let your hand hover momentarily in that position before you bring it downward in a vicious stabbing motion.
scratch: You tilt your head to the side and raise your dagger to scratch your temple with the point of its blade.
pinch at target: You idly pick at the edge of your dagger's blade as you turn an impassive gaze to Teiana.

The dagger resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 5 to Ambush Bonus.
It provides a bonus of 4 to Combat Maneuvers Bonus.
The dagger looks to have a lot of charges remaining.
You sense that the crimson kelyn dagger will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.

a string of alternating black and white marble prayerbeads

+5 Spiritual Lore - Religion
attuning prayerbeads
neck worn

You analyze your marble prayerbeads and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
These marble prayerbeads are not yet attuned. COVER allows a cleric or paladin to attune the beads to their patron deity.
They may be freely altered but must remain "prayerbeads" or "prayer beads."
You get no sense of whether or not the prayerbeads may be further lightened.

rub: You contemplatively rub your fingers across your marble prayerbeads.
kiss: You raise your marble prayerbeads reverently to your lips.
turn: You wrap your marble prayerbeads around your hand, binding yourself to your deity.
shake: You rattle the marble prayerbeads in your hand, keeping time with a softly chanted prayer to your deity.
pull: You pull a single bead through your fingers, marking off another prayer to your deity.
pinch: You grasp a single bead between your forefinger and thumb, focusing your entire mind and spirit on the words of a prayer to your deity.
gaze: You gaze intently at your marble prayerbeads, opening your soul.
raise: Your raise your marble prayerbeads above your head, appealing for a moment of your deity's attention.
wave: You wave your marble prayerbeads around.

* I haven't attuned these so I'm assuming the messaging is slightly different for a cleric/paladin that is attuned to it.

09-22-2014, 10:10 PM
Loraek - apologies, I ran into connection issues earlier, please contact me and I'll get the remaining item to you asap!

09-24-2014, 05:09 PM

a web-covered midnight black satchel

3/47 (slightly large amount)
shoulder worn

-=Spider Containers=-
These bags house up to 10 living spiders that can be customized.
Off the shelf bags have 1 spider with a randomized description.
Only very special merchants can unlock the bags or add spiders.
You MAY have the spiders altered, but they must remain spiders.
You MAY alter the containers, but must remain web or spidersilk.
Long descriptions on the containers are acceptable, but no shows.
This item is currently Tier 2 with 10 spider(s). It might be unlocked further.
Features supported: WEAR, REMOVE, POINT my sack at {target}, OPEN, CLOSE.
You can tell that the satchel is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

Thick strands of webbing have been woven in a chaotic pattern to create the thick organic mesh of this midnight black satchel. Hollow insect carcasses and bits of debris are interspersed and impossibly tangled within the walls, while thin web-covered straps extend from its sides.

wear: As you put on a web-covered midnight black satchel, you suddenly feel a sharp pain in your hand! You quickly pull back your hand but cannot see any visible wound. A moment later you can feel a strange scratching presence in the back of your mind. It takes a moment to realize that the source is ten large brown spiders with long legs within your satchel.
open: You focus for a moment on the spiders within your satchel. A few moments later a small opening appears at the top of your satchel, revealing ten large brown spiders with long legs, working within to obey your command.
point (person): You glance at Alyxa and concentrate on the spiders living inside your midnight black satchel.
Ten large brown spiders with long legs climb out of your satchel and skitter down your leg to the ground. They scurry directly toward Alyxa. The spiders strike a threatening pose and jabs their forelimbs in Alyxa's direction, hissing menacingly.
The spiders skitter back across the ground, up your leg, and back into a web-covered midnight black satchel.
point (object on ground): You glance at an uncut diamond and concentrate on the spiders living inside your midnight black satchel. Ten large brown spiders with long legs climb out of your satchel and scurry down your leg to the ground.
The spiders skitter over to an uncut diamond and investigate it for a moment, then quickly and cooperatively spin a cocoon of gossamer spiderweb around the diamond.
Dragging an uncut diamond, the spiders skitter quickly toward you, up your leg, and back into a web-covered midnight black satchel. As they drag the diamond into your satchel, the spiderwebs binding it dissolve into dust.
remove: As you remove the midnight black satchel, you suddenly feel your connection to ten large brown spiders with long legs begin to fade, leaving your mind void of the subtle scratching presence.

09-25-2014, 09:01 PM
Bump, added another skin/pelt bundler and sand elemental at the bottom.

09-26-2014, 02:48 PM

09-28-2014, 08:49 PM

Spidersilk harness no longer available:

a braided black spidersilk harness - 500k

4/66 (large amount)
shoulder worn

10-02-2014, 07:40 PM

10-06-2014, 07:06 PM

FWI Shop

3 rooms

10-06-2014, 09:18 PM
Added fully unlocked feature worn glasses (also altered).

a pair of metallic black spectacles with slender rectangular frames

10-07-2014, 04:05 AM

a rolaren-banded golden linden scabbard with ebon-washed streaks

holds 1 weapon (if you want me to test if it holds your weapon, let me know)
belt worn

This particular scabbard has been unlocked once. It has special messaging for GET and DROP for the weapons it is able to hold, which should be any sword-type weapon. It also traps PULL and PUSH, which provide fancy alternate messaging and function like GET and DROP.
You can tell that the scabbard is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

get weapon: You draw a katana from your golden linden scabbard.
drop weapon in scabbard: You sheathe the katana in your golden linden scabbard.
pull scabbard: You push on the crossguard of your katana with the thumb of your opposite hand, loosening it in the golden linden scabbard. With a flourish, you draw the katana forth!
push scabbard: You grasp your golden linden scabbard by the locket with your opposite hand, adjusting its position slightly. With practiced ease, you draw the blade of your katana back across the scabbard's opening before smoothly sheathing it with a barely audible *snick.*

10-09-2014, 06:20 PM
Id like the fuzzy black kitten-shaped satchel - 2m

10-09-2014, 07:32 PM

a fuzzy black kitten-shaped satchel - 2m

5/50 (fairly large amount)

You analyze your kitten-shaped satchel and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is an auto-closing bag. The item can take a long or a show description.
This item may be altered, but the animal must be a kitten, monkey, otter, or something else that has sharp teeth, claws, and a tail.
The talisman part of the show cannot be altered and will remain.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the kitten-shaped satchel for you or have its pockets deepened.

Attached to the kitten-shaped satchel is a dried, miniature talisman. Its black eyes seem to fixate on you and now and then, you glimpse a sardonic half-smile on its face. Numerous wires, like those ofw a puppet run from the talisman to the legs and tail of the satchel.

wear: You place the kitten-shaped satchel on your hip and its legs quickly circle around your waist, securing itself firmly with its claws.
open: You thump the nose of your kitten-shaped satchel and its mouth springs open as it thrashes its head around in all directions. Realizing it was only the call of its master, it nestles itself comfortably back into place.
close: You stroke the back of your kitten-shaped satchel and it eyes the area warily, then swats at its tail before chomping down, sinking its sharp teeth into it.
auto-close: The jaws on your kitten-shaped satchel suddenly clamp down on its own tail with a muffled *WHOMPF*!
remove: You tap the talisman on the front of the kitten-shaped satchel on your hip, and its legs quickly let go from around your waist.

10-12-2014, 03:04 AM

10-12-2014, 09:24 PM

a pair of metallic black spectacles with slender rectangular frames - 1m

fully unlocked
feature worn

These spectacles are scripted items that will alter your UNIQUE feature line when worn. They are not compatible with other feature altering items that use the same field. They may be altered, but the noun must always remain glasses, eyeglasses, or spectacles. They will support a LONG description, but will not support a SHOW.
When worn, the spectacles will use the default feature description of: Perched on the bridge of her nose, she wears a pair of metallic black spectacles with slender rectangular frames that perfectly frame her eyes and lend her a studious air.
The trailing portion of the feature description (the bolded portion above following spectacles) can be altered by a talented, and willing merchant.
This item has been fully unlocked and traps the following verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, RAISE, PUSH, CLEAN, and EAT.
You can tell that the spectacles is as light as it can get.

(normal) - Perched on the bridge of her nose, she wears a pair of metallic black spectacles with slender rectangular frames that perfectly frame her eyes and lend her a studious air.
(raised) - Perched on the top of her head, she wears a pair of metallic black spectacles with slender rectangular frames where they cannot possibly be doing her any good.
(other) - Perched precariously on the tip of her nose, she wears a pair of metallic black spectacles with slender rectangular frames that look as though they may fall off at any moment.

wear: With practiced ease, you slide on your metallic black spectacles and position them perfectly on the bridge of your nose.
raise: You lift the metallic black spectacles off your nose, smoothly sliding them up to rest on your brow.
push: You absentmindedly push the bridge of your metallic black spectacles with your index finger.
remove: In one fluid motion, you slide your metallic black spectacles off the bridge of your nose and snap them shut with a quick flick of your wrist.
eat (not worn): Brow knit in concentration, you absentmindedly nibble on the earpiece of your metallic black spectacles.
clean (not worn): Using a corner of your monkey-shaped backpack, you work at the lenses of your metallic black spectacles, meticulously eradicating any smudges.
raise (not worn): You lift your metallic black spectacles, squinting slightly as you inspect the lenses for smudges.
push (not worn): You push your metallic black spectacles out before you and peer through their lenses, observing your surroundings through the filter of their lenses.
raise (worn on brow): You lift the metallic black spectacles from your brow and slide them down to rest on on the bridge of your nose.
push (worn on brow): You absentmindedly fiddle with the temple of your metallic black spectacles, slightly readjusting them on your brow.
remove (worn on brow): In one fluid motion, you lift your metallic black spectacles from the top of your head and snap them shut with a quick flick of your wrist.

other (ambient): You suddenly notice that your metallic black spectacles have slipped and are now perching precariously on the tip of your nose.
push: Pushing your metallic black spectacles with a single index finger, you slide them back up your nose.

10-14-2014, 04:21 PM

10-14-2014, 10:42 PM

a pale web-covered sack

2/33 (medium amount)
belt worn

-=Spider Containers=-
These bags house up to 10 living spiders that can be customized.
Off the shelf bags have 1 spider with a randomized description.
Only very special merchants can unlock the bags or add spiders.
You MAY have the spiders altered, but they must remain spiders.
You MAY alter the containers, but must remain web or spidersilk.
Long descriptions on the containers are acceptable, but no shows.
This item is currently Tier 2 with 10 spider(s). It might be unlocked further.
Features supported: WEAR, REMOVE, POINT my sack at {target}, OPEN, CLOSE.
You can tell that the sack is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

Thick strands of webbing have been woven in a chaotic pattern to create the thick organic mesh of this web-covered sack. Hollow insect carcasses and bits of debris are interspersed and impossibly tangled within the walls, while thin web-covered straps extend from its sides.

wear: As you put on a pale web-covered sack, you suddenly feel a sharp pain in your hand! You quickly pull back your hand but cannot see any visible wound. A moment later you can feel a strange scratching presence in the back of your mind. It takes a moment to realize that the source is ten gold and black spiders with large eyes within your sack.
open: You focus for a moment on the spiders within your spidersilk sack. A few moments later a small opening appears at the top of your sack, revealing ten gold and black spiders with large eyes, working within to obey your command.
point (person): You glance at Alyxa and concentrate on the spiders living inside your spidersilk sack.
Ten gold and black spiders with large eyes climb out of your sack and skitter down your leg to the ground. They scurry directly toward Alyxa. The spiders strike a threatening pose and jabs their forelimbs in Alyxa's direction, hissing menacingly.
The spiders skitter back across the ground, up your leg, and back into a pale web-covered sack.
point (object on ground): You glance at an uncut diamond and concentrate on the spiders living inside your spidersilk sack. Ten gold and black spiders with large eyes climb out of your sack and scurry down your leg to the ground.
The spiders skitter over to an uncut diamond and investigate it for a moment, then quickly and cooperatively spin a cocoon of gossamer spiderweb around the diamond.
Dragging an uncut diamond, the spiders skitter quickly toward you, up your leg, and back into a pale web-covered sack. As they drag the diamond into your sack, the spiderwebs binding it dissolve into dust.
remove: As you remove the spidersilk sack, you suddenly feel your connection to ten gold and black spiders with large eyes begin to fade, leaving your mind void of the subtle scratching presence.

* there is a one minute cool down period when using the POINT verb.

10-15-2014, 12:47 AM

a pouch-lined harness with contrasting black and white crossed straps

4/50 (fairly large amount)
front worn
Cidolfhus bandolier

You analyze your pouch-lined harness and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
The pouch-lined harness is unlocked, but could be unlocked once more*. It has 12 verbs.
When altering, keep in mind that the harness's messaging references large and small containers, and a row of weapon slots and straps. These can all be altered by a skilled merchant. The should remain plural. Currently, they are set to slots (wands and small weapons), straps (belted weapons), a series of straps (back weapons), large sacks (bundled weapons), narrow tubes (paper and scrolls), small pouches (trinkets), and containers (anything else).
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the pouch-lined harness for you or have its pockets deepened.

The pouch-lined harness is composed of several straps, some lined with a row of slots for smaller bladed weapons or wands, while a series of straps lines the backing. Hanging from the harness are large sacks, narrow tubes, small pouches, and containers.

rub: You pull on the straps of your pouch-lined harness, adjusting the fit.
tap: You slowly drum your fingers on your pouch-lined harness, narrowing your eyes.
push: You take a moment to organize the gear on your pouch-lined harness.
pull: You tug on your pouch-lined harness, contemplating a deep thought.
touch: You idly trace the length of one of the straps on your pouch-lined harness.
wave: You pull on the straps of your pouch-lined harness, giving an intimidating look!
close: You close the various containers on your pouch-lined harness, giving a final pat down to ensure everything is fully closed.
open: You open the various containers on your pouch-lined harness, adjusting your gear for easy use.
put: Reaching over your shoulder, you secure your ipantor short bow into a series of straps on the back of your pouch-lined harness.
get: Reaching over your shoulder, you draw your ipantor short bow from a series of straps on the back of your pouch-lined harness.
wear: You slip the pouch-lined harness around your shoulders and buckle it over your sylvan hunting leathers tightly, adjusting your gear for easy use.
remove: You unbuckle the pouch-lined harness and shrug out of the various straps, freeing yourself from it.

* In a recent update 4 verbs were added bringing the total to 16. The extra 4 verbs are considered 'auction quality' therefore the bandolier can be unlocked once more but in an auction setting only, which is pretty rare.

10-15-2014, 12:48 AM
Just sold a pair of the UAC gloves. Only one pair left if anyone wants it.

10-15-2014, 10:03 PM

8x fulls, max light
7x doubles, fusion, max light
7x full plate
7x aug chain, max light

10-16-2014, 08:45 PM

10-17-2014, 07:59 PM

a lacquered black ruic longbow with polished eahnor nocks

weighs 2lbs
somewhat sighted
+5 Perception bonus
+2 Ranged Weapon bonus
+2 Dexterity bonus
+2 Ambush bonus

You analyze your black ruic longbow and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
The black ruic longbow is a scripted bow. Normal alteration rules apply. The longbow is fully unlocked.
You can tell that the longbow is as light as it can get.

rub: You run your fingertips along your longbow, tracing the grain of the wood.
touch: You run your hands lightly along the limbs of your longbow, checking it for any cracks or flaws.
pinch: You hook two fingertips around the bowstring of your longbow and release it with a vibrating *twang*.
push: You brace your longbow securely against your foot and flex the limbs, insuring that they are sufficiently limber, yet not too springy.
pull: You pull back firmly on the string of the longbow, testing the strength of the draw.
pluck: You give your longbow string a good pluck, testing it for proper tension. The string makes a high pitched *twang* as you release it.
wear: You sling a lacquered black ruic longbow with polished eahnor nocks over your shoulder.
remove: You sling a lacquered black ruic longbow with polished eahnor nocks off from over your shoulder.

The harmonics generated tell you that the longbow assists its bearer with aiming attacks at range.
The longbow resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 5 to Perception Bonus.
It provides a bonus of 2 to Ranged Weapons Bonus.
It provides a bonus of 2 to Dexterity Bonus.
It provides a bonus of 2 to Ambush Bonus.
The longbow looks to have more than your average giantman could count charges remaining.
You sense that the black ruic longbow will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.

10-19-2014, 07:01 PM

10-22-2014, 07:52 PM

10-24-2014, 05:37 PM

10-27-2014, 12:50 AM
Bump. Encumbrance backpacks deepened to 160lbs, hold all your EG crap.

11-24-2014, 07:36 PM
Sold. Only a few items left.

a full-length black leather bodysuit

8lbs (max light)
2-slot fusion
double leathers

You analyze your black leather bodysuit and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
This item can be altered freely by any merchant. This armor is FULLY unlocked. Actions included in this tier are limited to: WEAR, REMOVE, PULL, STARE, HUG, PINCH, POKE, RAISE, CLEAN, TOUCH, WAIT, PUSH.
You can tell that the bodysuit is as light as it can get.

wear: You work your way into a full-length black leather bodysuit, taking care to align the orbs in their chambers properly before use.
pull: You give a key-marked cardinal red orb set in your black leather bodysuit a slight tug, making sure it is still firmly seated in place.
stare: Lamenting past battles lost and won, you hold your hand over a key-marked cardinal red orb set in your black leather bodysuit and stare blankly into the distance.
hug: You lightly run your hands up and down your black leather bodysuit, carefully inspecting the leather for any scarring.
pinch: You reach out and touch a key-marked cardinal red orb set in your black leather bodysuit and give it a slight turn in its setting. A light crackle of energy washes over the orb.
poke: Running your hand up your black leather bodysuit, you forcefully poke a key-marked cardinal red orb, sending a wisp of crackling energy up your finger.
raise: You nervously run your fingers along the inside neckline of your black leather bodysuit.
clean: You meticulously start to clean a key-marked cardinal red orb set in your black leather bodysuit, removing the dirt and grime of battle.
touch: You notice a bit of gory remains stuck to a key-marked cardinal red orb set in your black leather bodysuit. You deftly flick off the offending debris in disgust.
wait: You impatiently tap your fingers across the hip of your black leather bodysuit.
push: As if trying to conceal its radiance, you cover up a key-marked cardinal red orb in your black leather bodysuit with your hands, causing them to glow briefly.
remove: The chamber surrounding a key-marked cardinal red orb flares up momentarily, as you work your way out of a full-length black leather bodysuit.

a hooded black leather longcoat

5/160 (incredible amount)
feature concealer
max light
deepened past max to 160lbs

You analyze your black leather longcoat and sense that there is no recorded information on that item. It may or may not be able to be worked on by a merchant alterer.
You can tell that the longcoat is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

feature: It is difficult to properly see her features as the hood of her longcoat is pulled down over her face.
pull: You pull the hood of your longcoat down over your face, concealing your features.
push: You remove the hood of your longcoat, revealing your features.