View Full Version : Frontier Days 5114: Crossing Frontiers

08-29-2014, 12:51 PM
Crossing Frontiers

Time to forget about our differences for a while and participate in some friendly discourse and gift giving. House Sylvanfair invite you to join them in their Grove on Feastday, day 30 of the month Phoenatos at 3:00 by the elven time standard, to share your concerns with others about the current turmoil and lend an ear to others. Refreshments will be provided.

OOC: Reminder, this is tomorrow at 3pm! A low key event, for about an hour, to sit and chat about recent events. Since everyone is gathering for Frontier Days, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to encourage those who have not been able participate in the Cross Into Shadows storyline much so far, an IC chance to get up to speed.