View Full Version : Professional Reallocation

09-02-2003, 10:42 PM
I don't feel like sifting through 2000 posts on the official boards about this. What are your thoughts? I'm definitely against it, the last thing we need to do is let lvl 100 empaths reallocate into a profession that isn't a joke.

09-02-2003, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
I don't feel like sifting through 2000 posts on the official boards about this. What are your thoughts? I'm definitely against it, the last thing we need to do is let lvl 100 empaths reallocate into a profession that isn't a joke.

I know it's complete bull shit. My sorcerer's spent the entire early part of their years having mana trouble and all that. Why did I go through it, because I knew it would pay off in the end. Now someone can roll up a warrior, get him to level 20, then roll him into a wizard and skip all the tough years. Or some stupid ass empath can heal his way to 40 in no time and then roll him into a hunter. It's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

09-02-2003, 10:45 PM
I actually am looking forward to it, myself. Ilvane is a basically a paladin without any magic anyway for Ronan, so when the profession changes come, I will make her a paladin.

I plan on working out an entire roleplay to go with it too, so that it won't seem strange that suddenly I'm something different. I've been working on it since they decided to make a paladin class. Mostly, just do the roleplay as a quest, and eventually culminating with the actual re-allocation.

After all that, so yeah..I think it's not a bad idea.


09-02-2003, 10:47 PM
And if you mean cleric into paladin, warrior into paladin and those reallocations, I'm against those too. The new professions SHOULD be new. Clerics have ALWAYS been pures, and warriors have ALWAYS been squares. Why all the sudden can they be semi's?

09-02-2003, 10:50 PM
Because it's something new they are offering to certain classes only.

I don't really think it's that far fetched that a warrior could turn to a paladin in development as a person..or an empath into a savant. That is something that isn't far fetched.

Warrior to empath, that would be a bit hard to believe.


09-02-2003, 10:52 PM
It doesn't matter. The new professions should be kept new. Start them on a level playing ground, 0. There is no logical reason why anyone should be allowed to change race, profession, etc.

09-02-2003, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by Ilvane
Because it's something new they are offering to certain classes only.

I don't really think it's that far fetched that a warrior could turn to a paladin in development as a person..or an empath into a savant. That is something that isn't far fetched.

Warrior to empath, that would be a bit hard to believe.


Bull! Why can't Anticor be a paladin then? I've always hunted with a blade using my spells to aid it but I can't move to paladin yet a warrior who doesn't know the first damn thing about magic can all of the sudden go into the trainer and come out lvl 50 w/ 50 spells?!

I also am against professional reallocation I don't know how someone could RP going from warrior to sorc or wizard to rogue. Sure you can have a background story but when you decide to have a new profession you should start out sucking at it. There is a reason you get better at things as you go along/get older/practice them. I have a hard time believing someone healed for 80 trains and practiced MOC, 3 weapon styles, and knew all there was about heavy armor so now they are warriors.


09-02-2003, 10:57 PM
I can kinda understand the cleric/warrior to paladin...to a degree..but the brawling thing, an empath can reallocate into a brawler and all of a sudden be a monk? No go.

09-02-2003, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
It doesn't matter. The new professions should be kept new. Start them on a level playing ground, 0. There is no logical reason why anyone should be allowed to change race, profession, etc.

Hmmm. Why not just start everyone at 0? It is a new game, after all. :D

HarmNone playing devil's advocate

09-02-2003, 11:13 PM
I don't read any of the main boards with any consistancy. How are they handling professional reallocation?

09-02-2003, 11:14 PM
heh, Harmnone, you don't want to make people lose thier minds, do you?

I wouldn't care if I had to reroll Ilvane into a paladin, anyway. It's a roleplay choice for me..so it wouldn't bother me.;)


09-02-2003, 11:16 PM
No one is going to be exactly the same when GS4 comes around anyway. Why not let people play whatever they want? It's a whole new game, let people roll themselves up into anything they want, that way the races and professions are scattered within all parts of the realm rather than just the catacombs when GS4 rolls in. Every person went through the hardships of bringing up a character. If they allow people to change professions or races, so what? At least everyone will be happy. But that might crash the game too huh? :D

~Another devil's advocate

[Edited on 9/3/2003 by CrystalTears]

09-02-2003, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by Snapp
I can kinda understand the cleric/warrior to paladin...to a degree..but the brawling thing, an empath can reallocate into a brawler and all of a sudden be a monk? No go.

Actually, an empath would not be able to reallocate into brawling to become a monk. You must be 2x (I think.. or at least 1.5x) in brawling to make the transition. Pretty much means no clerics, sorcerers, wizards, et cetera.

Personally, I can see a warrior go to monk. But that's just me. I realize I am in the minority to be in favor of some professional reallocation.


09-02-2003, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by peam
I don't read any of the main boards with any consistancy. How are they handling professional reallocation?

Yeah, has something been changed? You guys are talking like everyone can reallocate as anyone, last I heard it was just clerics+warriors = paladins, and people with brawling training = monks.

09-02-2003, 11:48 PM
Yeah, last I saw it was just warriors and clerics for paladins, plus empaths and clerics for savants, and brawlers for monks.

Now if everyone could reallocate, I feel that there should be some limitations. Like an elf/dark elf/sylvan/half-elf can reallocate into any other type of elf. One couldn't just wake up one day and be a dwarf. Another would be for Half-elves being able to become full human, or vice versa. Half-elves and Humans able to be Half Krolvin... you get what I'm saying.

And with professions, in my opinion, there should be some discression there as well. They could only turn into the profession the closest related to theirs. As in Rogues to warriors, or bards and vice versa.

I'm not sure what I'd do with Izalude in all honesty, however going to sleep one night as a rogue and waking up the next day as a pure caster shouldn't fly.

09-02-2003, 11:50 PM
Empaths and clerics can be savants now?

09-03-2003, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by Lady Daina
So are wizards and sorcerers the only professions that do not get any chance at a reallo? Not that I am complaining, mind you, if I want a new profession I will roll one up... just seems kind of odd to me.

The only ones that don't seem to be getting a shot at one of the new professions. But if they decide that we can all reallocate into any of the old professions, then well... they'll have that, take it however you wish.


09-03-2003, 12:25 AM
Go to the main Gemstone page. The poll being asked right now is:

Profession Reallocation

How do you feel about professional reallocation (between ONLY the existing professions, not the new ones)?

They are looking into reallocation between current professions as well....

09-03-2003, 12:25 AM
Offer limited one-way professional reallocation based on mechanical changes that are occurring to each profession. Clerics moving away from swinging and becoming pure casters? Let clerics become paladins. Some sorcerer spells moving to the savant list? Let them become savants. Letting warriors reallocate into paladins just because a couple of them are the most visible roleplayers of paladins hands a freebie to probably the vast majority of warriors that never roleplayed a paladin in their lives, while ignoring the religious paladin roleplayers in other professions.

Or just let everyone reallocate into whatever they damn well want, just make it one time only and irreversible

09-03-2003, 12:29 AM
I dont understand what the point of reallocating into an already existing profession is? You could have chosen that when you started..

09-03-2003, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by Snapp
I dont understand what the point of reallocating into an already existing profession is? You could have chosen that when you started..

Exactly. Now someone rolls up an empath. Heals all day, then one day, BAM the healer who never hunted one critter reallocates into a sorcerer and one of the best hunting classes in the game...... Oh yeah, that makes sense. :rolleyes:

09-03-2003, 12:37 AM
Damn empaths! They will be the death of the game!

09-03-2003, 02:09 AM
If we're talking reallocation between currently existing professions, I'd say I'm not for it. The current professions are fairly well defined, if you want to cast the spells that makes the peoples fall down, be a sorceror. If you want to hide in the shadows, pick boxes and people's pockets, be a rogue. Pretty simple.

However, with the new professions I'm more lenient because the lines are becoming blurred. Paladins are portrayed in a DnD setting as a combination of cleric and warrior. Savants are mentalists, and currently the elemental, wizard and sorceror circles have mentalist-type spells. Monks, eh, who cares.

So, yeah, let limited reallocation take place. Ranger becoming a savant? No. Cleric becoming a paladin? Sure.

09-03-2003, 06:46 AM
I don't even think that it's a sweeping professional reallocation anyway.

From what I gathered, it is only the few that were mentioned above, not everyone.

Cleric and warrior to Paladin.
Brawler to Monk
Wizard to Savant(I wish empath was in this too, but I don't know if that is the case)

Last I checked bards and rangers couldn't really change either. (unless they were brawlers).


09-03-2003, 08:29 AM
You're saying that professional reallocation will be available always? I thought this was a one-time-beginning-of-gs4 deal only. I wouldn't think they'd be stupid enough to let you reallocate into any profession at any time. That's just lame.

09-03-2003, 10:05 AM
I don't see why. The game is changing, everyone's going to be different anyway. I don't understand the big deal of letting everyone reallocate into another profession. Hell let everyone pick another race as well. ::ducks the flames::

09-03-2003, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
I don't see why. The game is changing, everyone's going to be different anyway. I don't understand the big deal of letting everyone reallocate into another profession. Hell let everyone pick another race as well. ::ducks the flames::

I agree with you. All should have the chance to reallocate, not just some. And that I RolePlay this won't cut it with me, cause you can still roleplay that with the profession you already have. It should be all or none.

09-03-2003, 06:10 PM
The entire argument about not being able to RP changing professions is just dumb. How are you going to RP spell changes? Oh, yesterday I could make herbs, but from now on I can't. However, yesterday I didn't know how to dispel spirit spells, now I can? The changes that are coming with GSIV are too vast, regardless of profession changes, to be RP'd. Yesterday my sword couldn't break, now it will snap like a twig? You can't RP any of that anymore than you can RP a profession change, so it's not so different changing races and/or professions. I say, it's a new game, with new spells and new limitations, when people chose the professions and races they did 10 years ago, they didn't necessarily sign up for what they are today. Hell, raising used to be a good way to make exp and spirit used to matter for clerics. So let the people be what they want, once and for all. Not our fault they changed everything around, why should we be the ones to pay the price for it?

09-03-2003, 06:33 PM
Exactly! Yey! I'm not alone!

09-03-2003, 06:39 PM
Rping spell changes is one thing. I'm a wizard...The wizard guild has learned from an elder wizard that had kept the spell to himself until his death, he shared it on his death bed.

Now, I'm a stupid warrior, I relied on my blade constantly. I've never learned a spell because I'm too damn stupid to learn spells. Suddenly, I'm a holy warrior who knows many different spells.

Now I'm an empath. I've never hunted, EVER. Suddenly I reroll into the greatest hunting professions in the game. I spent my first 50 levels only healing an being a vulture. Now I roll into a pure hunting profession that does nothing but hunt.

Professional Reallocation (and racial) is a horrible idea.

09-03-2003, 06:48 PM
Okay but really, so what? Why can't someone roleplay that they healed for the beginning of their life, didn't feel fulfilled and went off to learn the hunting profession. Why is that not possible? You can roleplay any situation out.

Besides the game is changing so much that no one should feel they need to justify the changes in their roleplay. It's being understood that everyone will be different and should roll with the punches.

I personally would like to see all the new professions being played by old and new characters so that there is diversion within the levels. It would be nice to see 100 level savant hunting alongside a 100 level paladin rather than seeing all the new professions crammed into the young areas.

I don't see what's so horrible about it.

09-03-2003, 06:55 PM
You are like a mini Kranar! We disagree on everything!

<<<Okay but really, so what? Why can't someone roleplay that they healed for the beginning of their life, didn't feel fulfilled and went off to learn the hunting profession. Why is that not possible? You can roleplay any situation out. >>>

I'm not going to lie, it bothers ME. Some of my characters who are complete pures, like my sorcerer, were hard to start. The first 20 levels were a bitch, I spent a lot of time hunting and working my ass off risking dying and decaying and everything to be a powerful hunter. Now some empath who's sits in TSC who types ".heal person" who's never had one chance of death can suddenly become something I worked hard for? I hate that idea.

<<<Besides the game is changing so much that no one should feel they need to justify the changes in their roleplay. It's being understood that everyone will be different and should roll with the punches.>>>

99% of the people who want to change classes are doing it because of game mechanic's, they aren't doing it for roleplay purposes....

<<<Besides the game is changing so much that no one should feel they need to justify the changes in their roleplay. It's being understood that everyone will be different and should roll with the punches.

<<<I personally would like to see all the new professions being played by old and new characters so that there is diversion within the levels. It would be nice to see 100 level savant hunting alongside a 100 level paladin rather than seeing all the new professions crammed into the young areas.>>>

That would be nice. It would also be nice for people to have to EARN their 100 levels AS a paladin and not earn their levels are a warrior and then flop them over into a paladin.

This is just how I feel. You are your profession, there is no reason that I can see why you should be able to change...

09-03-2003, 07:08 PM
Should you really matter how someone earned their 100 levels as whatever profession? All professions have their rough spots to learn through.

And yes I do realize people want to change for mechanics reasons and I'm all for that. What I meant about my statement about no one needing a roleplaying reason is saying that people shouldn't feel that they have to roleplay their mechanical choices.

Honestly I don't see why you can't change your profession. People do it all the time in the real world, I don't see why you can't do in the game as well.

Weedmage Princess
09-03-2003, 07:16 PM
Interesting discussion here. Funny, cause I was discussing this the other night with someone in IMs.

I ride the fence on this one...I mean I think it's not that great on one hand (same reasons Sintik cited) then on the other hand, I think it's a good idea. (same reasons Crystal Tears cited)