08-17-2014, 01:12 PM
I noticed there wasn't already a Picklefest topic, but a lot of people seem to have come to River's Rest for it and it's pretty fun (and if you want a pickle costume, it's definitely the place to be).
It runs until the end of the week, if you're interested in checking it out, but haven't yet.
I also made a map and figured out which shops are in which rooms so you don't have to.
And here's more details on all the shops (but not a full inventory, because that's too much effort):
1. a sturdy green wooden booth: In a Pickle - pickle costumes and such
2. an open-sided peaked canvas tent: Brine There, Done That - pickles!
3. a bright yellow leather tent: Moomph Weaponarium - weapons and such
a modest multi-hued wagon: The Real Dill - makeup, temporary feature alt potions (I'm not sure how temporary, I haven't played around with them)
4. a gaudy bright red satin tent: Fit to be Pickled - clothes, jewellery
a canvas tent: Put it in your Pickle - containers
5. a colorful modwir wagon: Skin Deep - tattoos
starflies - apparently these die quickly...
6. a thin-striped violet silk tent: A Thin-Striped Violet Silk Tent - perfume jewellery
a dark sailcloth tent: Smuggled In, Legitimate Goods - magic items, sheath, armor concealer... misc.
7. a rickety wooden shack: The Ol' Switcheroo - shell game
8. a path of bent grass leading to a tent: Bobbing for Pickles - what it sounds like
9. a wooden gate: Herring Toss - also what it sounds like
10. a sturdy oak cart : Pickle Chips!
08-17-2014, 01:23 PM
is Skin Deep the standard tattoo shop? I need people to try out my stock tattoo database (I really didn't want to work one day)
scroll to the right of the tabs on the bottom to see more categories.
08-17-2014, 01:38 PM
Yes, Skin Deep appears to have the usual stock tattoos. I dunno if there will be a tattoo merchant this festival or not (there have been a few alteration opportunities already, but none for tattoos as far as I know).
08-17-2014, 02:11 PM
Is everything pickle themed? I mean, the clothing, scents, all that stuff? Or is some of it 'normal'?
08-17-2014, 02:38 PM
A lot of it's pretty normal. There are some pretty nice looking clothing pieces. I could c/p log bits, but I didn't get prices and it's close to 4 am here so... :P
Geijon Khyree
08-17-2014, 03:29 PM
Any summary on the enhancive items from Smuggled in, Legitimate Goods? I assume +1 bonus/+2 stat variety.
08-17-2014, 07:26 PM
sturdy green wooden booth
[In A Pickle]
Pickle paraphernalia occupies almost the entirety of this cramped booth. Several different mannequins line the back wall of the booth; to the right are a gnome and halfling mannequins, while to the left are their medium-sized and giantman counterparts. A large green pickle-shaped sign stands between the displays.You notice a dark oak stand with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: out
In the Common language, it reads:
The costumes will only fit certain races - look at the mannequins. Dwarves are considered medium-sized; they might not be tall, but they got girth!
Also, all wares in this shop SMELL great!
On the gnome mannequin:
other (1): a puny dill pickle costume.
On the halfling mannequin:
other (1): a small green gherkin costume.
On the medium-sized mannequin:
other (1): a glossy dill pickle costume.
On the giantman mannequin:
other (1): a giant Moomph pickle costume.
open-sided peaked canvas tent
[Brine There, Done That]
Huge cauldrons of vinegar and spices bubble fitfully here and there beneath the canopy of this tent, the smell and heat enough to bring a tear to the eye and sweat to the brow. Closer to the front, display tables laden with jars, dishes, and a long segmented platter of food are carefully arranged and support a wide variety of treats upon which one might nibble. Alongside the offerings is a hastily written sign.
Obvious exits: out
In the Common language, it reads:
All dis here food was made by me own hands. Help long as ya pay first!
Drinks are on da table fer them what cain't handle the heat!
~ Caitiyn
On the display tables:
other (4): an uncapped jar of pickle brine, a glass of spicy tomato juice, a stout mug of cold milk, some lemony spring water.
In the heavy-lidded jars:
other (6): a few stalks of pickled asparagus, some stringy pickled green beans, some pickled thin red peppers, some chunks of pickled green tomatoes, some crisp dilled vegetables, some spicy pickled winterberries.
In the glass dishes:
other (6): some bright red pickled beets, a clove of pickled garlic, some hot pickled okra, some sliced sweet and sour pickles, some pickled watermelon rind, some plump pickled strawberries.
On the segmented platter:
jewelry (1): a fragrant sliced apple ring.
other (5): a few pickled green almonds, a few cubes of pickled goat cheese, some spiced and pickled black cherries, a beet-pickled quail egg, some slivers of pickled white ginger.
bright yellow leather tent
[Moomph Weaponarium]
An overpowering aroma of brine fills the tent, emanating from an unknown source. Across the tent's ceiling hangs a large white banner, stretching from one wall to the other, and underneath it, multiple stands and tables full of weapons and armor. A stack of pickle jars line one wall, serving as a stand for a square green placard with yellow lettering.You notice a standard wooden stand with some stuff on it and an oversized table with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: out
In the Common language, it reads:
The World Is Full of Brine and Danger;
Why Go Hungry When There is Adventure?;
Let the Emperor's Picklesmithy Give You Aid;
Buy the Finest and Fittest Weaponary Ever Made!
In the Common language, it reads:
~ Moomph Picklesmithery Weapons and Armor: Only the Good Die Hungry! ~
On the wooden stand:
uncommon (1): a golden vaalorn heater edged in faenor spirals.
armor,uncommon (2): a fern-hued imflass wall shield crested with ivory flourishes, a silvery carmiln buckler with celadon striations.
On the oversized table:
armor,clothing (1): some bell-sleeved viridian robes with gold embroidery.
uncommon (2): a moss green ora heaume with elaborate engravings, some bronze suede handwraps with metallic sage threading.
uncommon,weapon (4): a vine-engraved mossbark crook with emerald accents, a burnished vultite hook-knife with a verdant oak handle, a patinaed coppery mithril talon sword with a willow hilt, a leaf-bladed dark faenor dagger with a malachite pommel.
other (1): a peridot-hued leather gambeson with rounded silver studs.
modest multi-hued wagon
[The Real Dill]
A multi-hued handwoven rug spans the distance between the entrance and the back of the wagon, which is rather short considering the modest stature of this wagon. The light hue of the golden oak walls makes the space seem larger than it is, as does the tidy arrangement of tables on the perimeter. On one table is a green-tinged smooth glass dish and a leaf-carved grey wooden platter, above which hangs a green willow-framed mirror. Across the way, a stout pickle barrel rests beneath a set of green metal shelves secured to the wall by sculpted brackets.You notice a colorfully scripted sign.
Obvious exits: out
In the Common language, it reads:
Make your outsides as pretty as your insides with these handy potions, powders, and polishes!
On the shelves are lacquers for the nails. In the dish are lip paints, eyeliners, and eyeshadows. In the barrel, you will find warpaint. And, on the platter you will find potions that will temporarily change your hair and eyes.
The saffron-swirled bottle will give you saffron-flecked lily white eyes.
The dill-hued bottle will give you gold-haloed dill green eyes.
The pickle-shaped peridot bottle will give you ringleted, glossy pickle green hair swept back by peridot-tipped pins.
The clove-hued heavy glass bottle will give you very long, sleek clove-hued hair with slender braids at the temples.
In the smooth glass dish:
other (6): a vial of dark green pigment, a vial of pale jade pigment, a small box of moss green powder, a small box of pickle green powder, an emerald kohl stick, an olive kohl stick.
On the grey wooden platter:
jar (4): a lily white saffron-swirled bottle, a gold-chased dill-hued glass bottle, a clove-hued heavy glass bottle, a pickle-shaped peridot bottle.
In the pickle barrel:
jar (4): an apple green warpaint jar, a pickle green warpaint jar, a cyan warpaint jar, a celadon warpaint jar.
On the green metal shelves:
jar (4): a pickle green glass bottle, a lily white mother-of-pearl bottle, a river blue frosted glass bottle, a cinnamon-hued spherical glass bottle.
gaudy bright red satin tent
[Fit To Be Pickled]
A garland of tissue paper pickles crisscrosses the space between the support poles of the tent, creating a colorful (if garish) display. Assorted metal racks and shelves of silver and gold line the bright red satin walls, hung from the supports above, while a couple of tables sit below.
Obvious exits: out
On the metal racks:
clothing (7): some ebonwood-heeled grey suede slippers with lapis accents, an argent silk blouse with artful lapis beading, some lead-hued leather knee boots with silver side buckles, a pair of dark cobalt wool trousers with pewter buttons, a peacock blue velvet flat cap with a tawny feather flourish, a stone grey fine cotton tunic with white cord laces, a rustic charcoal wool split skirt with jet-hued stitching.
On the shelves:
jewelry (3): a pair of silver multi-strand earrings with pearl accents, a blackened silver bracelet with slender oval links, a gold-chained emerald leaf necklace with spiral links.
uncommon (1): a contoured faenor wristcuff with exquisite wild rose engraving.
other (2): a pale azure water sapphire lily charm, a single orange imperial topaz stud.
On the tables:
clothing (2): a petite ebony velvet wrist purse with narrow crimson insets, an autumnal-hued satin hip sack with iridescent gold lacery.
other (2): a vine-etched fine silver case with a rose clasp, a spherical driftwood case reinforced with silver filigree.
canvas tent
[Put It In Your Pickle]
Pale canvas drapes down from a peaked roof of pine supports. Planks of wood line the ground, creating a temporary floor. A pair of smudged globes hangs from above, covering the small shop with faint golden light. Stacked with items for sale, a large table dominates the center of the room.
Obvious exits: out
On the large table:
clothing (7): a pickle-shaped leather backpack with an onyx clasp, a viridian canvas pouch with silver pickle-tipped cords, a small verdant suede satchel clasped with a silver pickle, a forest green wool cloak clasped with a copper pickle, a moss green velvet cape adorned with vaalin pickles, a green silk backpack embroidered with golden pickles, a willow green velvet bag with an emerald pickle-encrusted strap.
other (1): a green lacquered oak case inlaid with silver pickles.
thin-striped violet silk tent
[A Thin-Striped Violet Silk Tent]
Airy and light, the silk walls of the tent enclosing this area stir with the slightest breeze, and the peaked roof overhead is vented to allow in shafts of natural illumination to brighten the interior. A thick carpet overlays the ground, creating an even surface for the display at its heart that supports a slender jewelry case and a set of narrow shelves.You notice a pale green parchment sign.
Obvious exits: out
In the Common language, it reads:
I will be around during the festival to customize perfume jewelry for customers.
Below, you will find a list of my offerings and which scents they contain.
~ Angenarie
The green cucumber pendant holds the cucumber scent.
The carved oak charm holds clove.
The fel stars hold anise.
The cinnamon stick is cinnamon.
The pickle charm is dill pickles.
The oak cutter pendant is salty sea.
The drawbridge charm is Riverside.
The ship wheel pendant is seaweed.
The gold-chased spun glass pear trinket holds sun-kissed pear.
The thin-chained wedge of lime charm holds spiced lime.
The rum bottle-shaped pendant hold bay rum.
The sea-etched pale blue bottle hold salty sea.
The wavy dark green garnet vial holds seaweed.
The squat bumpy green glass bottle holds dill pickles.
The silver and riverstone-set flask holds Riverside.
The iridescent star-shaped bottle holds anise
The cylindrical red jasper vial holds cinnamon.
The spherical brown glass bottle holds clove.
The slender pale green jade ampoule holds cucumber.
The pale yellow bulbouse glass bottle holds sun-kissed pear.
The oblong pale green glass bottle holds spiced lime.
The leaf-shaped amber glass bottle holds bay rum.
In the jewelry case:
jewelry (4): a gold-traced ship wheel pendant, a translucent green cucumber pendant, a white-sailed oak cutter pendant, a small rum bottle-shaped pendant.
magic (2): a thin-corded walnut aardvark figurine, a silver-strung drawbridge miniature.
uncommon (1): a glossy faenor Moomph pickle charm.
other (4): a thin-chained wedge of lime charm, a clove-hued carved oak charm, a twine-bound string of fel stars, a gold-chased spun glass pear trinket.
On the narrow shelves:
jar (7): an oblong pale green glass bottle, a leaf-shaped amber glass bottle, a squat bumpy green glass bottle, a pale yellow bulbous glass bottle, an iridescent star-shaped bottle, a sea-etched pale blue bottle, a spherical brown glass bottle.
other (4): a slender pale green jade ampoule, a silver and riverstone-set flask, a wavy dark green garnet vial, a cylindrical red jasper vial.
dark sailcloth tent
[Smuggled In, Legitimate Goods]
A large driftwood raft serves as flooring in this makeshift tent of dark sailcloth draped on rope-strung wooden poles. A battered, steel-banded oak trunk sits next to a fluttering tent flap across from a pair of featureless mannequins. A hammock of patched netting is strung from the poles in one corner, next to a small table.You notice a tattered parchment sign.
Obvious exits: none
In the Common language, it reads:
The fetish will help you feel a bit braver.
The tunic will hide your armor, if that's something you're needing.
The choker will purify the air around you.
The pouch contains spheres that will aid you in making a quick getaway.
The sheaths on the hammock are meant for holding thrown weapons.
The crest will help you walk around watery areas.
Don't be drinking all my rum!
In the oak trunk:
clothing (1): a small shadowy black velvet pouch.
uncommon (3): a sharp glaes-tipped lancet, an ash-handled alum hoof pick, a polished ironwood toothpick.
other (1): a yellowed ivory wishbone.
jewelry,uncommon (1): a black vaalin cravat pin.
On the carved oak mannequin:
clothing (5): some knee-cuffed oiled leather boots, some thick leather-padded dark suede gloves, a black oilskin frock coat fettered in tarnished silver, a pair of stiff charcoal canvas trousers, a front-laced jet cotton tunic.
other (2): a sinew-woven ash leather bandolier, a hemp-strung silver crossbones fetish.
On the hammock:
clothing (2): a deep sapphire blue silk sheath, a dark crimson silk sheath.
jar (1): a barrel-shaped green glass jar.
skin (1): a fake muted copper captain's crest.
On the small table:
other (2): a large green leaf-wrapped cigar, a dusty case of rum stamped with crossed pickles.
08-19-2014, 03:32 AM
Who was the one who made the Fleurs Alter costume last year? It was *HILARIOUS*. Can someone find this alter?! Haha.
08-19-2014, 03:34 AM
Who was the one who made the Fleurs Alter costume last year? It was *HILARIOUS*. Can someone find this alter?! Haha.
Tell me it had dewy ivory skin... because sweaty skin costumes are hot.
08-19-2014, 05:57 AM
Nah, it was a hilarious Fleurs-specific alter. She brought in like 10 alts, as per usual, and was altering everything into like pink tassle-bound handbags or something. Someone got really annoyed, bought a pickle costume, and turned it into a giant pink tassle-bound costume.
Then they danced in front of Fleurs. I had tears it was so funny. Note: It wasn't actually pink tassles. I just can't remember, honestly.
08-20-2014, 03:26 AM
I've posted some info relating to the pickle fest on my site and hope it will be useful for future reference. If there are any inaccuracies, please let me know.
I have a few requests:
Request1 If there was a formal opening ceremony and anyone got a log of it, could you please email it to me
Request2 If anyone kept a log of the Recipe Contest, could you forward to me the tasting information for Sovine's recipe. I got booted three times during this presentation and so I am missing many of the comments about Sovine's offering. Don't think the post does this food enough justice!
Request3 LARCH - Would you mind if I used your info about the shops on my site and credit you? Saves me a lot of time when I go back to the Fest late this evening.
08-20-2014, 10:04 AM
Request3 LARCH - Would you mind if I used your info about the shops on my site and credit you? Saves me a lot of time when I go back to the Fest late this evening.
Don't mind in the slightest.
08-27-2014, 05:54 AM
Does anyone know what the eventual price of those shadowy spheres was? They were 3k, but the price was increased about a mistake in pricing was identified. Just need the eventual price for my logs
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