View Full Version : Ebon Gate 2014
08-12-2014, 02:52 PM
As announced at Simucon (and over Radio Free Simucon), here are the dates for Ebon Gate 2014:
Platinum: Friday, October 17th @ 9pm through Thursday, October 30th.
Prime and Shattered: Friday, October 24th @ 9pm through Thursday, October 30th.
As in past years, the grounds will be open in Shattered, but there is no guarantee of any merchant work/services.
Tickets will be going on sale on or around October 1st. Put in your requests for time off from work now!
~GM Liia,
Team 3P, Paid Events Guru
08-15-2014, 01:14 PM
Looks like Tamuz got a well deserved promotion, see below about EXTENDED SHOPPING TIME AT EG:
I was speaking with GM Socharis from DragonRealms at Simucon, and we were discussing coding practices in both games. Eventually we got to the idea of a coding challenge, and that's when Solomon overheard us. That's what brings us here...
In the spirit of friendly competition, both games are creating the same new system, and we're being scored on its implementation. Why does this matter to you? PRIZES!
That's right, Solomon has approved some neat prizes dependent on our final score, but we need YOUR help. One of those prizes is extra shopping time at Ebon Gate for attendees, and another is increased rates of Feeder items going out while hunting (for everyone). There are some others I won't mention yet :D
Messaging is an important part of any system, and for this competition, messages from players are worth extra points. The system in question? Spitballs. Yup, we're giving you a way to shoot little wads of saliva and paper at your favorite people! Don't want to be the target of such childish shenanigans? Give us some demeanor-based messaging for throwing the cold shoulder at those vile Spitballers!
Here is the messaging we need, please post everything on this board so we can reference it all in one place, and ideas can bounce around. Please label your messaging, so we have an idea of which category it fits into.
Creating the spitball device. (Rolled up scroll? Piece of note paper? Whatever, just give us some messaging on how to make it!)
A method of loading multiple spitballs at once.
An unfortunate event that might cause stored spitballs to be lost.
A feature line for spitballs currently stuck to a player.
Extra fluff verbs to go with such a wondrous magical artifact as the spitball shooter.
Messaging or extra verbs for profession-specific spitballing.
Messaging or extra verbs for race-specific spitballing.
Messaging for shooting at NPCs and critters.
SGM of 3P
Platinum, Premium, and Promotions
08-26-2014, 05:56 PM
Other things you can expect this year...
*Games, both old and new!
*A costume contest!
*The return of the Midway quest (think carousels).
*A brand new story line... This year’s storyline involves a conflict between a demon-obsessed enchanter and the Chronomages. There will be lots of opportunity for player involvement. There will be magic! There will be battles! There will be temporal chaos! There will even be loot!
New and new-ish stuff for you to buy...
*Insulting limerick cards
*"Sproink" bracers (inherited by his niece, Jiddie)
*Socks.. god, so many socks.
*Spell edibles
*Temporary feature changing candy (a few gross things for EG delight)
*Acuity flaring runestaves
*Society restricted ehancives (they're restricted for masters, so get on it!)
*Spell wands
*Demeanor-sensitive lip gloss (Kiss someone nicely enough, and get a hint of flavor!)
*Removing fluff scripts from existing items
*Custom verbs (delayed service)
*Custom flavor of lipgloss (including a raffle for one with unlimited applications)
*Raffle for witchwood/widowwood items
I can't stop staring at your gif :(
08-27-2014, 11:40 AM
Moaaaaar teasers you say? Shall I swaaaaamp you with information?
Well, as requested you'll be able to find the handsome Treysen again selling adventurous clothing sets, with a fully unlocked set able to be found in the prize feeders.
Also, spiders are returning to the bog from last year.
But the newest shop I'm bringing this year will be something that you locksmiths will love. I teased it a bit on the live stream at Simucon, but here's another clip...
>>wear vamb
>>You place the mechanized vambrace on your forearm and give it a squeeze. A moment later tiny iron gears begin whirling as it latches its iron bands >>securely about your arm.
>>get my lockp
>>You remove a golvern lockpick from in your heavy backpack.
>> put lockp in vamb
>>You slide a golvern lockpick into an empty casing in your mechanized vambrace. A moment later tiny iron gears spring to life as the lockpick disappears into the interior of the vambrace.
Scrimge - FGM
Platinum Minion
08-27-2014, 11:44 AM
Iron man.
08-28-2014, 09:47 PM
Teasers. Right.
You glance down to see an ancient fireleaf runestaff capped with a miniature hourglass in your right hand.
>look runestaff
Dark green elliptical leaves with a vivid ruby-hued underside swirl around the runestaff's length and spiral downward, dissipating into thin air before they reach the ground. The hourglass mounted to the top of the runestaff has two glass chambers separated by a slender neck. Fine grains of sand drain into the lower bulb which is completely full.
There are letters carved into the wood.
>read runestaff
In the Common language, it reads:
*~ Timekeeper ~*
>push runestaff
You thrust your fireleaf runestaff out in front of you and plant the base firmly upon the ground. The miniature hourglass mounted to the top begins to spin, but then slows to rest in its original position.
...and more.
The LOOK of the runestaff changes with the seasons.
"The Trouble With Demons" -- Don't miss it.
Lady Sylvan
08-29-2014, 08:08 AM
I wonder if Ebon Gate is worth the cost. I heard last years sort of sucked. (Plus im just a general account. No fancy teleporter, bankbook, manifest, etc.) What do you guys think?
08-29-2014, 08:19 AM
It depends. On the years with an auction (silver and token), it was certainly worth the costs. You came away with a guaranteed auction level item (not necessarily the one you want, but certainly still valuable). On other years, it's a great place to stock up on all kinds of imbeds and edibles not normally available. I spend about 10 million each year on haste edibles (better than haste imbeds, as they usually hold 20 charges, and, possibly even more important, there are not casting RTs on edibles, thus you can eat your haste edible and swing away immediately)
There is also always some pretty fancy clothing and armor and weapons (usually no more than 4x flaring, but neat descriptions) for sale. And the digging/other game prizes often have auction quality items. A year or two ago, there was a soulstone wand prize from digging. And other items of similair quality/value.
Plus, merchants. Lots of them.
So, if you like items, then yes, it's worth it. If you like getting work done on things, yes, worth it.
And the quest line is usually interesting, with a decent prize (will o'wisp, or other nice pet...)
08-29-2014, 08:56 AM
Last year was my first Ebon's gate I was at in 10 years and I had a blast. I had some good luck at the games and I also thought the necropolis place was pretty awesome. I felt pretty useful disarming traps and field picking.
I am addicted to the carasoul game.
08-29-2014, 09:23 AM
I wonder if Ebon Gate is worth the cost. I heard last years sort of sucked. (Plus im just a general account. No fancy teleporter, bankbook, manifest, etc.) What do you guys think?
It's one of the best RP festivals with unlimited attendance so good crowds and atmosphere. There are a wide range of fun games to play, lots of shops with some very neat items and lots of merchants usually stop by. Personally, I wouldn't miss it!
08-29-2014, 09:27 AM
I love EG, I think the complaints last year were more because we wanted there to be more time to enjoy it versus "it sucked." The quest was really well done. You don't have to be premium to get a carousel. I strongly recommend doing that quest (take notes at every step!).
08-29-2014, 01:26 PM
Bazzelwyn will continue his long-running tradition of offering Enhancive Permanence!
Much like last year, this service is limited to ONCE PER ACCOUNT for the duration of the festival. It will make your fragile, wimply, weak, crumbly enhancive item into a non-crumbly version, so you no longer have to worry about running out of charges and losing it.
Cost is determined based on the potency of the enhancive, so I can't really quote prices to you guys until the time of the service. I'll likely do a few dedicated sessions for just this service (including one or two on the weekend), as the numbers in years past were pretty impressive, then add it to the list of "general" services Bazzelwyn will be providing later in the week.
08-29-2014, 01:28 PM
EG has always utterly ruled, from my (admittedly) somewhat more limited experience of 2 years... heh.
08-30-2014, 12:08 AM
Posted by Qortaz:
Dikar'fyn on 08/29/2014 11:28 PM EDT
Need I say more?
08-30-2014, 10:14 AM
Posted by Qortaz:
Dikar'fyn on 08/29/2014 11:28 PM EDT
Need I say more?
Yes please.
08-30-2014, 10:18 AM
Before we go too far into this thread... if they ever announce adding sighting to bows at EG, I'd be interested in purchasing a slot or two from EG-goers!
08-30-2014, 11:28 AM
Reply Reply
>wear my lipgloss
You dab your finger into your red plum lipgloss and apply a bit to your lips.
>lick my lipgloss
You lick your lips, tasting the distinct flavor of red plum.
>smooch lipgloss
You bite your lower lip, tasting the distinct flavor of red plum.
And for those lucky enough to kiss you (or smooch, messaging varies by demeanor):
You give XXX a lingering kiss. Her lips taste of red plum as they touch yours.
08-30-2014, 11:29 AM
Alright. All I want to know is...
Where's the night gone terribly right lipgloss?
And for those lucky enough to kiss you (or smooch, messaging varies by demeanor):
You give XXX a lingering kiss. Her lips taste of a night gone terribly right as they touch yours.
Awwww yeah.
08-30-2014, 12:38 PM
There will be a limited number of slots to add common flares to your current runestaff this includes adding to mana and acuity.
There will be a very very limited number of adding of uncommon flares, including adding to your acuity and mana.
These services will be raffled and auctioned. There is an additional cost to the winner.
~ Valyrka ~
08-30-2014, 12:41 PM
There will be a limited number of slots to add common flares to your current runestaff this includes adding to mana and acuity.
There will be a very very limited number of adding of uncommon flares, including adding to your acuity and mana.
These services will be raffled and auctioned. There is an additional cost to the winner.
~ Valyrka ~
Wait, whut? Mana and acuity are both limited and very limited??
08-30-2014, 12:45 PM
Wait, whut? Mana and acuity are both limited and very limited??
I asked on the officials already. at first I thought I was nuts because I just woke up and was trying to read it.
08-30-2014, 12:47 PM
I asked on the officials already. at first I thought I was nuts because I just woke up and was trying to read it.
Yeah..... I dunno, haha.
08-30-2014, 12:58 PM
What're the odds they hold an auction this year?
08-30-2014, 01:51 PM
What're the odds they hold an auction this year?
I believe zero in terms of a grand auction
08-30-2014, 01:55 PM
Yep, they said no chance for this year, from officials postings and simucon stream.
08-30-2014, 02:10 PM
Posts by Tamuz:
>>Mana and acuity are both common and uncommon?
Short answer: Yes, depending on their potency.
Longer answer:
Common Flares: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth/Vibration, Vacuum/Void, Mana up to 2 points, Acuity up to 4x. This is "off the shelf" quality.
Uncommon Flares: Disintegration, Disruption, Unbalance, Grapple, Acid, Plasma, Steam, Mana up to 4 points, Acuity up to 6x. This would be some sort of limited distribution, such as a service, a prize for a quest, something raffled off, or found via the Treasure System. Items in here could also appear as "auction quality" depending on their other attributes.
Rare Flares: These include material-based flares and effects (such as kroderine or adamantine), as well as scripted flares, like Knockout, Snake Flares, Bubble Flares, etc. Mana up to 5 points, and Acuity up to 10x fall into this category. These would also be some sort of limited distribution, but this category covers a much wider range than the Uncommon Flares. Some things in here could be auction quality all on their own (a +50 acuity runestaff, for example), or auction quality in conjunction with their other properties.
For flares like Acuity and Mana, we can offer large amounts as auction or raffle quality items. However, we also like to make it a build-up service; something that can be worked towards over multiple events instead of just jumping right to the top.
>>Will the guy who adds the wand slot to runestaves also be at the event?
Yup and I'll be offering that service up again, though I might retire them for a few years after this EG, they're getting too commonplace to be awesome!
Post by Valyrka:
Thanks for clarifying for me Tamuz!
My hero.
One more clarification, for uncommon flares they will be grapple and disintegrate as well as taking mana and acuity to uncommon levels.
08-30-2014, 02:14 PM
krakiipedia has been updates
the flare article is a bit messy if anyone wants to tackle it
08-30-2014, 02:33 PM
krakiipedia has been updates
the flare article is a bit messy if anyone wants to tackle it
Yeah, it doesn't even mention the minimum amount of flair. :(
08-30-2014, 03:58 PM
Yeah, it doesn't even mention the minimum amount of flair. :(
37 is the minimum.
08-30-2014, 04:09 PM
I'll play the teases game!
-- Recently I held a Premium contest for designing men's clothing. At least one part of each winners' entry, and a few others from the runner ups have made it into one of my new shops.
-- My pre-made signature verb list from last year will be back!
-- I've put in some prize feeder items - one 200-count label box, one refilling picnic basket, and a couple pairs of fully unlocked "Shirley" gloves from RTCF.
More teasers to come!
~Just Jainna
08-31-2014, 10:05 PM
Blouse/shirt Teaser! on 08/31/2014 09:59 PM EDT
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I will unlock these to tier two and raffle two tier three in each instance.
Here are a few of the action!
wear my blouse
Shimmying into your blouse, you deftly button it up.
roll my blouse
With a few quick folds, you roll the sleeves of your blouse up just past your elbows.
pinch my blouse
Suddenly noticing a gap between buttons on your blouse, you quickly pull the edges together and close it.
shrug my blouse
You shrug your shoulders, adjusting the fit of your blouse.
remove my blouse
You deftly undo the buttons of your blouse and slide it off.
And a lot more!
09-01-2014, 07:30 AM
Post by Wyrom :
RotFlares - Barely a Teaser on 09/01/2014 12:15 AM EDT
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I made something kind of cool. Waiting on some final numbers before I give any more details. But just speculate on the term "RotFlares." Drigore's player put the idea in my head for them. Hopefully my vision hits the mark!
Post by Kynlee :
Do you have a shield that doesn't quite match your outfit? Or won't fit in your cloak? Or maybe you just can't quite justify cramming a dirty, dusty, gore-encrusted parma in your pelisse. Maybe you would just like the shield to be less conspicuous. Or you could just like gadgets. I have a solution!
G>tap greatshield
You tap an eahnor greatshield, which is in your left hand.
G>push greatshield
Placing your right hand on the back of your eahnor greatshield, you locate a small, bracer-shaped glyph. Pressing your thumb against the glyph, you feel the greatshield grow warm and quickly remove your right hand as a flash of light centers over your left arm. When it recedes, you notice that your greatshield has transformed into a smooth eahnor bracer!
G>tap bracer
You tap a smooth eahnor bracer that you are wearing.
Straight off the shelf, these will transform from a shield into a bracer and back again with a simple push. A shield unlocked to T1 will have three additional verbs (for a total of four), and T2 will add an additional four, for a total of eight verbs. I'll be around during the festival to unlock my shields, and perhaps add the script to some shields you already own. A very, very few will have a chance for a special 'auction' level version, which has 16 total verbs.
Both the shield form and the wrist worn form are alterable, and follow the standard alteration rules. The materials will always match between the two, and cannot be changed. Yay shields!
09-01-2014, 03:57 PM
I'm happy to announce that this year's costume contest categories will be: Most Original, Best Impersonation of Someone or Something, Best Duo/Trio, and Most Original. Participants may enter only 1 category.
Costumes will be judged by the following standards:
Presentation - A 2 minute or less skit explaining your costume.
Authenticity - How well the costume resembles the idea of what you're claiming to be.
Creativity - Variety of the items utilized to create your costume and how well you put it all together.
Originality - Is your idea different or something that hasn't been done before?
09-01-2014, 04:32 PM
Posted by Kynlee:
<Enchantable by players?
Yes! Normal enchanting rules apply. This script will not interfere with enchanting OR ensorcelling!
<Do they take flares/TD boost/enhancive glyphs?
Yes! You can have whatever upgrades you wish done to the shields, unless said upgrade requires a script. (No fusion, sorry!) Flares, td boosts, enhancives, etc are all acceptable!
<When do we get to see the verbs?!
I'll try to find some time this week to tease some of the messaging.
<Will converting our existing shields be a limited service?
I'll be around to offer script adding, but I haven't decided how many of these services I'll be offering.
<Any additional mechanical benefit for the auction level?
No, there is 0 mechanical benefit for this script, regardless of the script level.
Posted by Tamuz:
I've also got 10 slots for shield size conversions. Can go from any size to any other size, though cost increases with more differences in range (ie: buckler to tower shield is more expensive than large shield to tower shield).
Some of them will be auctioned off.
09-01-2014, 06:27 PM
Marstreforn's Ebon Gate - Part 2 on 09/01/2014 05:19 PM EDT
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PERMABLESS raffle for one (1) winner.
A melee weapon of the winner's choice will be able to strike undead without the traditionally required blessing, and will also splash holy water on their foes. The following restrictions apply...
* Must not have a script of any kind
* Must not have weighting, flares, or a Creature Bane of any kind
ENCHANTING raffle for three (3) winners.
+5 to a weapon, shield, or armor. The following restrictions apply...
* Must not exceed a heavy amount of weighting/padding. (sorry, no claidhmores!)
* Armor and shields that provide a magical bonus to Attack Strength are ineligible.
* Weapons that provide a magical bonus to Defensive Strength are ineligible
* No scripted items unless it is just fluff. (ie: no fusion gear or Voln armor)
* Bonus may not exceed +40 after enchanting. Naginatas may not exceed +20.
* An individual item may not be worked on more than once for this service.
NOTE: the inherent ability of a runestaff to provide defense is not a factor in the above restrictions.
NOTE: Creature Banes are a factor in the above restrictions if they add to Attack Strength and bring the total possible bonus over +40.
FLARING raffle for ten (10) winners.
Choice of Disintegration, Disruption, or Unbalance flares on a weapon, shield, or armor. The following restrictions apply...
* Bonus must not exceed +40.
* Must not be a runestaff.
09-02-2014, 03:17 PM
Only have a few at the moment. The rest are waiting on approvals.
* Flaring fletching razors will now be sold off the shelf with limited charges, while raffle versions will be permanent, and ALL of them will have more flare types available. And yes, previously raffled versions will automatically become permanent.
* Bow Sighting.
* I'll be raffling off 4 forehead gems. YAY!
On the lower end scale, there's some scripted apotl and apotla in there for forest gnomeses, temp hair and eye potions, and brand new cosmetic colors (blush, lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner).
~ X.
09-02-2014, 03:39 PM
Marstreforn's Ebon Gate - Part 2 on 09/01/2014 05:19 PM EDT
Links-arrows 6524
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PERMABLESS raffle for one (1) winner.
A melee weapon of the winner's choice will be able to strike undead without the traditionally required blessing, and will also splash holy water on their foes. The following restrictions apply...
* Must not have a script of any kind
* Must not have weighting, flares, or a Creature Bane of any kind
ENCHANTING raffle for three (3) winners.
+5 to a weapon, shield, or armor. The following restrictions apply...
* Must not exceed a heavy amount of weighting/padding. (sorry, no claidhmores!)
* Armor and shields that provide a magical bonus to Attack Strength are ineligible.
* Weapons that provide a magical bonus to Defensive Strength are ineligible
* No scripted items unless it is just fluff. (ie: no fusion gear or Voln armor)
* Bonus may not exceed +40 after enchanting. Naginatas may not exceed +20.
* An individual item may not be worked on more than once for this service.
NOTE: the inherent ability of a runestaff to provide defense is not a factor in the above restrictions.
NOTE: Creature Banes are a factor in the above restrictions if they add to Attack Strength and bring the total possible bonus over +40.
FLARING raffle for ten (10) winners.
Choice of Disintegration, Disruption, or Unbalance flares on a weapon, shield, or armor. The following restrictions apply...
* Bonus must not exceed +40.
* Must not be a runestaff.
I don't understand why a GM would add further restrictions than what is required mechanically along with say an enchant cap. Particularly, the "no scripts of any kind" restriction. You scroll up the EG threads in the same folder on the officials and what are all the sneak peeks? Scripts! Promoting cool scripts on the one hand and then making scripted items ineligible on the other doesn't make much sense to me.
09-02-2014, 03:49 PM
Before we go too far into this thread... if they ever announce adding sighting to bows at EG, I'd be interested in purchasing a slot or two from EG-goers!
They are Whirlin, she posted it today.
09-02-2014, 04:09 PM
Sweet... I'll be in the market for both an enchanting from +35 to +40, and sighting... Because my bow could use some love.
09-02-2014, 04:17 PM
I don't understand why a GM would add further restrictions than what is required mechanically along with say an enchant cap. Particularly, the "no scripts of any kind" restriction. You scroll up the EG threads in the same folder on the officials and what are all the sneak peeks? Scripts! Promoting cool scripts on the one hand and then making scripted items ineligible on the other doesn't make much sense to me.
I think the no script restriction applies to permabless, not enchanting.
09-02-2014, 04:37 PM
I'm annoyed they will not enchant otherwise plain fusion gear. I bought a 7x fusion runestaff as a project piece and you can't even add +5 to the thing at EG. I have never understood their obsession with balance in a game where people have multiboxed scripted wizards spell them up on command. A mechanism for taking weapons and armor from the peak of player enhancement to a slightly higher level through raffles makes sense.
09-02-2014, 08:51 PM
I think the no script restriction applies to permabless, not enchanting.
There's a laundry list of restrictions for each of them. Why would you preclude a fluff script (or any script for that matter), from permabless?
All these multi-level restrictions just keep the right hand from working on what the left hand just released.
09-02-2014, 09:01 PM
There's a laundry list of restrictions for each of them. Why would you preclude a fluff script (or any script for that matter), from permabless?
All these multi-level restrictions just keep the right hand from working on what the left hand just released.
Is this a mechanical issue? Scripts taking up slots used for permabless, ect?
09-02-2014, 09:15 PM
Is this a mechanical issue? Scripts taking up slots used for permabless, ect?
According to the Charts of Clarity -- No.
09-03-2014, 10:26 AM
Custom spell preps anyone? on 09/03/2014 06:25 AM EDT
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I will be raffling/auctioning off three in each instance.
They are a delayed service which must be redeemed within one month from the win date or they are forfeit. They are not transferable.
Make your spell casting spifier!
~ Valyrka ~
09-03-2014, 06:47 PM
I don't understand why a GM would add further restrictions than what is required mechanically along with say an enchant cap. Particularly, the "no scripts of any kind" restriction. You scroll up the EG threads in the same folder on the officials and what are all the sneak peeks? Scripts! Promoting cool scripts on the one hand and then making scripted items ineligible on the other doesn't make much sense to me.
* No scripted items unless it is just fluff. (ie: no fusion gear or Voln armor)
That just seems plain silly. They've basically made it almost impossible to enchant voln armor past 7x (the rare 8x+ potion not withstanding). It costs a ridiculously inflated amount of PP to enchant them now, thanks to the random changes in pp costs for tiered scripts (charging someone the same price for voln flared temp padding that you would for armor with permanent padding is stupid. Just. Plain. Stupid.) Now you can't even get an enchant done at EG? The place where the normal limitations are raised slightly? Bleh.
09-03-2014, 06:57 PM
You can enchant voln armor with potions?
09-03-2014, 07:01 PM
You can enchant voln armor with potions?
I've enchanted 3 sets up to 6x with my 43 wiz, so I'm assuming you can go as high as you want with the necessary potions. I've never seen anything regarding limitations with player enchanting it.
09-03-2014, 07:20 PM
I've enchanted 3 sets up to 6x with my 43 wiz, so I'm assuming you can go as high as you want with the necessary potions. I've never seen anything regarding limitations with player enchanting it.
Because there are none. it's great stuff.
09-03-2014, 07:55 PM
Hmm.. maybe I should sell my potions to a desperate volner then.
8x,9x and 10x.
09-04-2014, 04:20 PM
There is a survey up by Simu regarding EG.
09-04-2014, 04:45 PM
There is a survey up by Simu regarding EG.
Took it. Don't like the idea of simucoins buying eg services.
09-04-2014, 06:44 PM
Took it. Don't like the idea of simucoins buying eg services.
Agreed. The only SimuCoin buying slots one I would even find palatable is the one for a cheaper gate admission to shop and do limited merchants with purchasing add-ons to do games, quest, full merchant access, etc... And even that seems rather icky to me.
09-04-2014, 06:51 PM
For a lower general entry fee I would pay simucoins to finish up the acuity flares on one of my staves. It would probably save me money vs. paying someone else who won the service for their slot.
09-04-2014, 08:37 PM
offer some way to pay for guaranteed services in exchange for money/simucoins
offer a more restricted grounds+games+rp ticket tier that is much cheaper
now that services are guaranteed, limit services per fucking human being, not account.
09-04-2014, 08:40 PM
How would you possibly limit it per person?
09-04-2014, 08:43 PM
Light, Dark, or somewhere in between? on 09/04/2014 08:16 PM EDT
Links-arrows 6576
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These are making their first appearance at Gnomefest (YEAH!) but will also be available at Ebon Gate.
You glance down to see a painted case in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.
>look case
The lid of this painted case has been exquisitely painted, depicting dramatic colorful scenery from one corner to the other. Two of the four sides are adorned with large, rounded enamel moons, one faintly luminescent, while the other is tinted in hazy dark hues. A half-moon, painted in muted yellow tones, is depicted on a third side. In elegant script, the words "Lornon" and "Liabo" have been inked beneath each of the orbs, while no lettering exists beneath the half-moon. Each moon is completely flush with the side of the case.
>open case
The painted case's lid creaks loudly as you open it.
>look in case
Inside the painted case, you see an intricate display of gears and wires. You also see a solid Mularos figure.
>close case
You close the lid of your painted case carefully, taking extra care not to damage any of the tiny mechanical components. The gears inside the case begin to hum quietly.
>push case
You push each moon on the painted case and they sink beneath the surface of the case. Suddenly, you hear a click and a whirring sound. The lid opens, and a small platform rises slowly to the top of the case.
A male figure garbed in plain silk robes stands center stage with arms outstretched and palms up, displaying deeply carved grooves in both wrists. The figure's defined features are indicative of a grimace, but his mouth's curvature is suggestive of a satisfied grin. The stage descends slowly, and drops of deep crimson blood seep from the figure's scars, pooling on the platform as the lid snaps shut.
These cases are completely responsive to any statue/figurine/effigy/statuette, assuming the case likes the alignment of the item.
And, to help supply those who enjoy collecting one of everything, behold the Arkati-o-Matic!
You see an enormous gnomish contraption.
>push contraption
You slide your promissory note into a narrow slot on the side of the gnomish contraption and hear a CLICK. You quickly pull the note out of the slot. Realizing that the value of your note has reached zero, you toss the note in a nearby trash bin.
The sound of cranking gears and a series of low hums emanate from inside the gnomish contraption. After a moment, an item drops down into a small receptacle at the base. Without hesitation, you reach over and remove a fine cedar Eonak sculpture from the collection bin.
Notes: The contraption will take coins or notes. Messaging above (push case) is for T1. OTS messaging is a bit more standardized.
~ Haliste ~
09-04-2014, 11:50 PM
How would you possibly limit it per person?
09-05-2014, 12:07 AM
I don't mind tiered entry. Cheap for game play only or shopping only no services but I hate the idea of Simucoins for events.
09-05-2014, 12:29 AM
Simucoins for services... there really is no reason to tie them to the event then at all. It's kinda stupid then.
09-05-2014, 01:14 AM
I'm annoyed they will not enchant otherwise plain fusion gear. I bought a 7x fusion runestaff as a project piece and you can't even add +5 to the thing at EG. I have never understood their obsession with balance in a game where people have multiboxed scripted wizards spell them up on command. A mechanism for taking weapons and armor from the peak of player enhancement to a slightly higher level through raffles makes sense.
I feel similarly about ET'ing anything beyond 7x. I love the idea of PP's but I don't like that they're the primary method of breaking the 7x barrier.
09-05-2014, 03:35 AM
I feel similarly about ET'ing anything beyond 7x. I love the idea of PP's but I don't like that they're the primary method of breaking the 7x barrier.
I'm curious about how much of that decision was Marstreform's vs simu in general. In the past there wasn't a restriction that I'm aware of against enchanting fusion or voln gear with enchant raffles so why all of a sudden all this new hate for anything scripted? If this is the new world of mechanically beneficial scripts it's fairly disappointing.
09-05-2014, 03:43 AM
I'm curious about how much of that decision was Marstreform's vs simu in general. In the past there wasn't a restriction that I'm aware of against enchanting fusion or voln gear with enchant raffles so why all of a sudden all this new hate for anything scripted? If this is the new world of mechanically beneficial scripts it's fairly disappointing.
Comment on that in the survey if you already haven't done so.
09-05-2014, 04:11 AM
And this is why I hate fusion, and love perfect forging. Because I knew, someday, there would be some random jackass in power who disliked scripts.
09-05-2014, 04:23 AM
And this is why I hate fusion, and love perfect forging.
Or superior forging!
09-05-2014, 06:04 AM
Superior forging is like having sex with a really hot twice removed cousin. Sure it's pretty damn good, but if you had the nuts to hold out for just a bit longer, you'da found someone NOT related to you.
09-05-2014, 06:06 AM
Superior forging is like having sex with a really hot twice removed cousin. Sure it's pretty damn good, but if you had the nuts to hold out for just a bit longer, you'da found someone NOT related to you.
Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
09-05-2014, 06:27 AM
Because you're still jealous of paladins everywhere!!
09-05-2014, 06:39 AM
I'm curious about how much of that decision was Marstreform's vs simu in general. In the past there wasn't a restriction that I'm aware of against enchanting fusion or voln gear with enchant raffles so why all of a sudden all this new hate for anything scripted? If this is the new world of mechanically beneficial scripts it's fairly disappointing.
It's eg, not RtCF.
09-05-2014, 06:54 AM
They've never had a restriction against fusion at EG before, that I know of. Or at least not last years!
Source: I was at EG last year. Got a bunch of fusion shit worked on. Including a set of fusion full plate that got enchanted in that dice contest event.
09-05-2014, 07:23 AM
Because you're still jealous of paladins everywhere!!
Well played, sir. Well played.
09-05-2014, 08:23 AM
Superior forging is like having sex with a really hot twice removed cousin. Sure it's pretty damn good, but if you had the nuts to hold out for just a bit longer, you'da found someone NOT related to you.
Because golvern :/
09-05-2014, 08:55 AM
Yeah I never really got the whole rare metal perfect thing. Not that it isn't awesome, but because I just laughed at the guy who spent 26 million at the slab generator and the only rare slabs he got were two eonakes. Arguably awesome, since they were what, 25lb slabs? But still. And he only got an elegant out of them.
09-05-2014, 09:18 AM
Ouch! I only paid like 10 million for a golvern slab and was able to make a superior. Given the minor difference between that and a perfect I was/am happy with the result. I do wish we had some actual numbers as far as difficulty rates between the different types of metals.
09-05-2014, 10:23 AM
Once upon a time, when we were told we would be able to enchant naturally flaring metals (like drakar), I sought to make a perfect zorchar short sword with my wizard, for my wizard. This was for the day he learned 2WC and could use the short sword (altered into a wakizashi) with his katana and 1sec haste swings.
After spending a stupid amount of time mastering crafting and failing repeatedly to make a perfect forging hammer I gave up the dream.
I still have like 30 zorchar slabs somewhere for that project. I doubt I'll ever revisit it.
09-05-2014, 12:56 PM
It's eg, not RtCF.
I'm aware. The statement still stands. We're not talking enchanting past 8x. We're talking -any- enchanting of voln or fusion armor. It hasn't been restricted at EG before (to my knowledge).
09-05-2014, 01:18 PM
They did enchants on voln armor at last years EG?
Pretty sure restrictions on working on gear with combat scripts has been in place at past EG's. Fusion and Voln are both combat scripts.
09-05-2014, 01:46 PM
There should be EG, EG Lite and EG Premium.
EG is what everyone normally throws their $50 down for. EG Lite should be just shopping, quests, and maybe a "hey if we feel like it" showing of a merchant. EG Premium should have all the "extra" stuff like reserved slots, either paid with simucoins or a higher ticket price.
I hate regular paid events because I just hate sitting for hours waiting for 20 people ahead of me to finish their alteration. They want some magnificent dress or cloak, and I want "a purple penis backpack"(the one from BSC) changed to "a backpack" quite literally. So I would love to have it more structured like CCF. Pay money(or coins) show up at X time and get your 10 things done. High end items from digging or whatever could be totally limited to EG regular.
EG lite could occur after EG and EG Premium happens. I think you could do EG and EG Premium at the same time and EG Premium just gives you access to another area where the merchants just hangout for your appointed time slot.
09-05-2014, 05:43 PM
I just hate sitting for hours waiting for 20 people ahead of me to finish their alteration. They want some magnificent dress or cloak, and I want "a purple penis backpack"(the one from BSC) changed to "a backpack" quite literally. So I would love to have it more structured like CCF. Pay money(or coins) show up at X time and get your 10 things done.
I have no experience with CCF, but I agree with the gist of this.
09-05-2014, 06:07 PM
I have no experience with CCF, but I agree with the gist of this.
For most major things in CCF they said "This is at 6pm for 20 people."
09-05-2014, 07:42 PM
Yeah I never really got the whole rare metal perfect thing. Not that it isn't awesome, but because I just laughed at the guy who spent 26 million at the slab generator and the only rare slabs he got were two eonakes. Arguably awesome, since they were what, 25lb slabs? But still. And he only got an elegant out of them.
Some people really enjoy forging. This is my collection of weapons, most of which came from slabs at the generator.
a carved copper ivory case (registered) (marked)
a perfect rolaren stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect zorchar stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect iron stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect mithril stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect invar stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect white ora stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect kelyn stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect mithglin stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect gornar stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect drakar stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect razern stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect vultite stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect rhimar stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect imflass stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect vaalorn stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect faenor stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect steel stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect bronze stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect ora dagger (registered) (marked)
a plain mithril key (registered) (marked)
09-05-2014, 08:32 PM
Some people really enjoy forging. This is my collection of weapons, most of which came from slabs at the generator.
a carved copper ivory case (registered) (marked)
a perfect rolaren stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect zorchar stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect iron stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect mithril stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect invar stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect white ora stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect kelyn stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect mithglin stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect gornar stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect drakar stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect razern stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect vultite stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect rhimar stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect imflass stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect vaalorn stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect faenor stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect steel stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect bronze stiletto with a polished ivory hilt (registered) (marked)
a perfect ora dagger (registered) (marked)
a plain mithril key (registered) (marked)
What, no golvern? FOR SHAME
09-05-2014, 08:35 PM
Yep. Missing golvern, eonake, eahnor and veil iron. No idea why eahnor is so damn rare to find. At least it used to idea now.
09-05-2014, 08:38 PM
Yep. Missing golvern, eonake, eahnor and veil iron. No idea why eahnor is so damn rare to find. At least it used to idea now.
I think I have some eahnor and eonake from the last time I raided the slab generator. Next time I reactivate I'll pass them to you.
09-05-2014, 08:58 PM
I think I have some eahnor and eonake from the last time I raided the slab generator. Next time I reactivate I'll pass them to you.
Much appreciated and thanks!
09-05-2014, 09:12 PM
Once upon a time, when we were told we would be able to enchant naturally flaring metals (like drakar), I sought to make a perfect zorchar short sword with my wizard, for my wizard.
In the locker you see a perfect drakar lance, a perfect zorchar lance, a perfect rhimar lance, a perfect gornar lance,
You're not the only one that fell for that!
09-06-2014, 02:15 AM
Games and Digging (Lack of an) Update on 09/05/2014 02:29 PM EDT
Links-arrows 6594
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Hey guys, I wanted to push for an update to how games and digging worked so that anyone who played long enough could eventually get something. But the downside to that would be people who routinely found 4 or 5 things (or more) would not see the same Return on Investment (ROI), and it would completely take the "luck" factor out for people who bought their first shovel and found something amazing. It's an extreme balancing act, and one we just need more time to test before we can really get a feel for it.
So those things will be just like last year. We've implemented a slight ceiling this year to what is in the best feeder (you guys call them T5). But you should still walk away with some cool loot if you get lucky to win something.
I wonder what they consider a slight ceiling.
If the T5's are not even worth the time this year I may be a bit pissed. (Congrats, you won a ball with 1 extra script!!)
09-06-2014, 02:21 AM
Scripted silly putty?
09-06-2014, 03:07 AM
In the locker you see a perfect drakar lance, a perfect zorchar lance, a perfect rhimar lance, a perfect gornar lance,
You're not the only one that fell for that!
RSN man... RSN. Naos is still working on it... right?
09-07-2014, 11:06 PM
Re: RotFlares - Barely a Teaser on 09/07/2014 11:01 PM EDT
Links-arrows 6640
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There are two types of damage happening after the flare happens. Damage over Time (DoT) flavoring (low damage) and disease damage. Disease rounds are standard rounds. The RotFlare DoT is 3 times faster than the disease round. Necromancers will cause significantly more disease damage with heavy lore training, using the same seed as ensorcell. The DoT lasts as long as the disease, so necromancers will see the rotting effect last a lot longer. Necromancers will also cause the weapon to flare more often. Really good necromancers will cause it to flare on the first strike. Once the rot effect is happening, it won't flare again until it's over.
In the examples below, each frost giant had varying amount of life left, so try not to use how long it lasted as a judge on how effective the damage was. It's mostly to throw any math people off.
You nock an arrow in your diseased rotbow.
A sickly green aura radiates from your diseased rotbow and seeps into an arrow.
You fire an arrow at a frost giant!
AS: +223 vs DS: +176 with AvD: +23 + d100 roll: +26 = +96
A clean miss.
As an arrow strikes a frost giant, a sickly green aura radiates from the arrow and seeps into its wounds!
... 15 points of damage!
The frost giant's right eye swells suddenly, causing great pain.
The arrow disappears into the local environs.
Darkened sores form all over a frost giant, leaking ooze leaks from the fresh wounds.
... 1 point of damage!
Eyebrow and eyelashes of left eye melted off.
Small pieces of flesh rot off a frost giant's body.
... 10 points of damage!
Poor strike removes hair from head, but little else.
A frost giant losses its balance.
... 10 points of damage!
The frost giant's left eye swells suddenly, causing great pain.
A frost giant's skin cracks open and oozes an inky black ichor.
... 5 points of damage!
Patches of flesh removed from left hand.
Abcesses drain a bloody yellow fluid across a frost giant's body.
... 5 points of damage!
Unpleasant wound to left arm!
Rotting ulcers spread across a frost giant's body.
... 5 points of damage!
Flesh painfully vaporized from side!
A frost giant's breathing appears to be labored.
... 3 points of damage!
Strike to back throws the frost giant off balance momentarily.
Darkened sores form all over a frost giant, leaking ooze leaks from the fresh wounds.
... 5 points of damage!
Flesh painfully vaporized from side!
A frost giant's breathing appears to be labored.
... 1 point of damage!
The frost giant's wrist twisted slightly.
Skin peels off a frost giant's body, exposing rotting flesh.
... 1 point of damage!
Patches of flesh removed from left hand.
A fierce rash spreads across a frost giant's body.
... 5 points of damage!
Surface of left leg etched to little effect.
Small pieces of flesh rot off a frost giant's body.
... 5 points of damage!
Strips of flesh disappear from the frost giant's back.
The frost giant falls to the ground motionless.
You swing a diseased rotdagger at a frost giant!
AS: +448 vs DS: +169 with AvD: +9 + d100 roll: +7 = +295
... and hit for 25 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the left leg.
As a diseased rotdagger strikes a frost giant, a sickly green aura radiates from the rotdagger and seeps into its wounds!
... 15 points of damage!
Chest spasm makes it hard for the frost giant to breathe.
Roundtime: 16 sec.
Blisters form on a frost giant's skin and ooze a putrid dark yellow fluid.
... 10 points of damage!
Eyebrow and eyelashes of right eye melted off.
A frost giant's skin cracks open and oozes an inky black ichor.
... 10 points of damage!
Unpleasant wound to right arm!
Abcesses drain a bloody yellow fluid across a frost giant's body.
... 10 points of damage!
Flesh painfully vaporized from side!
Blisters form on a frost giant's skin and ooze a putrid dark yellow fluid.
... 5 points of damage!
Eyebrow and eyelashes of right eye melted off.
Rotting skin falls from a frost giant's body in large flakes.
... 5 points of damage!
Eyebrow and eyelashes of right eye melted off.
Blisters form on a frost giant's skin and ooze a putrid dark yellow fluid.
... 10 points of damage!
Patches of flesh removed from right hand.
Rotting skin falls from a frost giant's body in large flakes.
... 5 points of damage!
Flesh painfully vaporized from side!
The frost giant falls to the ground motionless.
You gesture at a frost giant.
CS: +309 - TD: +123 + CvA: +25 + d100: +32 == +243
Warding failed!
Massive internal disruption.
... 35 points of damage!
Vertebrae swell in the frost giant's neck, thrusting through the skin.
The frost giant is stunned!
As a diseased runestaff strikes a frost giant, a sickly green aura radiates from the runestaff and seeps into its wounds!
... 30 points of damage!
The frost giant's ears swell, bursting its eardrums.
Blisters form on a frost giant's skin and ooze a putrid dark yellow fluid.
... 5 points of damage!
Blast creates interesting designs on torso, but little damage.
A fierce rash spreads across a frost giant's body.
... 10 points of damage!
Patches of flesh removed from right hand.
A fierce rash spreads across a frost giant's body.
... 10 points of damage!
Patches of flesh removed from left hand.
The frost giant falls to the ground motionless.
Unarmed Combat
You make a precise attempt to jab a frost giant!
You have good positioning against a frost giant.
UAF: 133 vs UDF: 187 = 0.711 * MM: 97 + d100: 92 = 160
... and hit for 6 points of damage!
Quick blow to left knee makes the frost giant wince!
The frost giant starts to favor its wounded leg!
Strike leaves foe vulnerable to a followup grapple attack!
As some diseased rotgloves strikes a frost giant, a sickly green aura radiates from the rotgloves and seeps into its wounds!
... 10 points of damage!
Strike to the frost giant's right arm sprains biceps.
The frost giant no longer favors its leg.
Darkened sores form all over a frost giant, leaking ooze leaks from the fresh wounds.
... 10 points of damage!
Unpleasant wound to left arm!
Small pieces of flesh rot off a frost giant's body.
... 5 points of damage!
Flesh painfully vaporized from side!
A frost giant's skin cracks open and oozes an inky black ichor.
... 5 points of damage!
Surface of right leg etched to little effect.
The frost giant falls to the ground motionless.
With a quick flick of your wrist, you deftly send a diseased rotdagger into flight.
You throw a diseased rotdagger at a frost giant!
AS: +339 vs DS: +176 with AvD: +9 + d100 roll: +26 = +198
... and hit for 15 points of damage!
Minor puncture to the left leg.
As a diseased rotdagger strikes a frost giant, a sickly green aura radiates from the rotdagger and seeps into its wounds!
... 10 points of damage!
Strike to the frost giant's right arm sprains biceps.
The diseased rotdagger ricochets away from a frost giant, landing nearby.
Small pieces of flesh rot off a frost giant's body.
... 5 points of damage!
Flesh painfully vaporized from side!
Skin peels off a frost giant's body, exposing rotting flesh.
... 4 points of damage!
Surface of right leg etched to little effect.
A frost giant's skin cracks open and oozes an inky black ichor.
... 2 points of damage!
Unpleasant wound to right arm!
Abcesses drain a bloody yellow fluid across a frost giant's body.
... 1 point of damage!
Patches of flesh removed from right hand.
Abcesses drain a bloody yellow fluid across a frost giant's body.
... 1 point of damage!
Patches of flesh removed from left hand.
A frost giant's skin cracks open and oozes an inky black ichor.
... 4 points of damage!
Surface of left leg etched to little effect.
Skin peels off a frost giant's body, exposing rotting flesh.
... 5 points of damage!
Blast creates interesting designs on torso, but little damage.
A frost giant's breathing appears to be labored.
... 10 points of damage!
The frost giant's shield arm twists oddly but snaps right back.
Blisters form on a frost giant's skin and ooze a putrid dark yellow fluid.
... 4 points of damage!
Surface of left leg etched to little effect.
The frost giant falls to the ground motionless.
09-07-2014, 11:10 PM
DoT in a game designed to kill shit as quickly as possible...awesome!
09-07-2014, 11:16 PM
Rot flares are a really cool idea, but two comments:
one, as was said DoT is just not part of the typcial GS hunt.
two, how many weapon using sorcerers are there? Not a lot. I know I play one, in Plat, but really, weapon swinging (or bow using) sorcs are a rather niche group.
Edit: I see this works for runestaves as well. Ok, thats better, and really takes away the point of my second comment.
09-07-2014, 11:18 PM
Rot flares are a really cool idea, but two comments:
one, as was said DoT is just not part of the typcial GS hunt.
two, how many weapon using sorcerers are there? Not a lot. I know I play one, in Plat, but really, weapon swinging (or bow using) sorcs are a rather niche group.
Edit: I see this works for runestaves as well. Ok, thats better, and really takes away the point of my second comment.
I'm assuming they'll be available on runestaves as any other flare type.
Stanley Burrell
09-07-2014, 11:27 PM
I hope they have the Darkbox. That thing was the shiznit.
09-07-2014, 11:32 PM
Awesome the rot flares work on bows and not just arrows v
09-08-2014, 02:13 AM
Interesting, I'm super excited about these Rot Flares, but... necromancy lore??
Edited: Ah, Wyrom explained that they're more of a flavor thing, which... is cool. It'd be nice to see more stuff like that. I want blood flares that proc on SL: Blessings or something. :3
Lore limitations aside, it's pretty rad that these seemed to be designed to work with a lot of other stuff, including normal flares. Too bad there's only 5 going out, these sound really fun.
09-08-2014, 02:30 AM
DoT in a game designed to kill shit as quickly as possible...awesome!
I mean, that's a valid point... but I don't think is intended to up your uber-DEEPS by any crazy margin, just more for fun and the wicked flavor of it. The fact that they're DoT-based makes sense given that they don't seem to conflict with normal flare slots, so it's all gravy pretty much.
09-08-2014, 02:32 AM
Also, they work on bows. Imagine how fucking awesome it'd be to shoot someone in the leg and watch their skin fall off a minute later, heh.
...that came out way more sadistic-sounding than I intended. *cough*
09-08-2014, 02:34 AM
I mean, that's a valid point... but I don't think is intended to up your uber-DEEPS by any crazy margin, just more for fun and the wicked flavor of it. The fact that they're DoT-based makes sense given that they don't seem to conflict with normal flare slots, so it's all gravy pretty much.
Didn't the old, old poison weapons poison at a strength of something like how much damage they did dissipating 1 per and stacked? Still not as effected as just lopping something's head off but you could mstrike and do the "cool guys don't look at explosions" thing as all the mobs die the next round or two.
09-08-2014, 02:37 AM
Didn't the old, old poison weapons poison at a strength of something like how much damage they did dissipating 1 per and stacked? Still not as effected as just lopping something's head off but you could mstrike and do the "cool guys don't look at explosions" thing as all the mobs die the next round or two.
They did. Nice for criiters with lots of hp and immune to death by crit.
09-08-2014, 02:37 AM
Didn't the old, old poison weapons poison at a strength of something like how much damage they did dissipating 1 per and stacked? Still not as effected as just lopping something's head off but you could mstrike and do the "cool guys don't look at explosions" thing as all the mobs die the next round or two.
Most valid reason for anything, ever.
09-08-2014, 02:38 AM
09-08-2014, 06:07 PM
Your chance to own an airship! on 09/08/2014 11:33 AM EDT
Links-arrows 6654
Reply Reply
You carefully release your toy airship, and it begins to float above the ground.
You align the toy airship and aim it directly at a war griffin.
A veniom-hulled toy airship soars upwards, performing an elegant loop around the flying war griffin, changing altitude at different points during its flight. With a final graceful flourish, the toy airship gives a brief tilt to starboard, and then to port before stabilizing and beginning its descent.
Its flight complete, the toy airship returns to its original altitude.
You let out a cheer!
You align the toy airship and aim it directly at a greater construct.
A veniom-hulled toy airship zips toward the greater construct, lithely flying between its legs. The miniature vessel performs an elaborate series of pitches and altitude adjustments to complete its revolution around a greater construct.
Its flight complete, the toy airship returns to its original altitude.
You squeal.
You approach the floating toy airship and carefully collect it.
They have built-in All Mine mechanics, so no one will steal your airship as long as you stay in the room with it. Don't leave the room, or the janitor might get covetous though!
Jace Solo
09-09-2014, 03:02 AM
I think the no script restriction applies to permabless, not enchanting.
Yeah! What the fuck is this about?! The ONLY thing I want to finish off my characters endgame weapon (and it being included in his RP) is permabless on my MOTHERFUCKING BASTARD AXE!
Sorry for yelling.
That is bogus and likely grounds for not attending.
Also, GTG, you (or your brother or mother or whoever was playing your guys) suck for not selling that permabless spot front CTF to me when I offered you more than it was worth. Apparently I could have gotten it done then but not now...fucking lame.
09-11-2014, 11:33 AM
I like the restrictions. It ensures less high end items exist. Look at the recent freak of nature lances selling for much less than the money put into them.
Are banes a script? I have a 7x perfect dagger T5 ensorc with vhcw magic bane I'd like to perm.
09-11-2014, 12:04 PM
Restrictions should be soft-capped by ridiculous silver costs, not just outright banned. It helps get rid of excess silver and keep the economy healthy.
Rot flares are a really cool idea, but two comments:
two, how many weapon using sorcerers are there? Not a lot. I know I play one, in Plat, but really, weapon swinging (or bow using) sorcs are a rather niche group.
FWIW, Xoryl is fixskilled back to normal pure and his player is mostly running his other chars lately. I think it's actually just you and me at this point (only including swinging, not firing).
I covet these, but somehow I doubt that when Wyrom said it would co-exist with "most" combat scripts, he meant ironwright flares. Would make for a lovely manifestation of Goat's conflicted nature, though.
09-13-2014, 10:34 PM
FWIW, Xoryl is fixskilled back to normal pure and his player is mostly running his other chars lately. I think it's actually just you and me at this point (only including swinging, not firing).
I covet these, but somehow I doubt that when Wyrom said it would co-exist with "most" combat scripts, he meant ironwright flares. Would make for a lovely manifestation of Goat's conflicted nature, though.
I doubt it would work with the blink script on Taaki's greatsword, as well. Too bad.
He responded to me on the officials:
"I'll need to get with the fusion creator to update the script. Ironwright seem to work, but not sure. They are on the weirder side."
I guess we'll see how that pans out. Might want to ask him about blink, since he has been pretty forthcoming.
09-14-2014, 04:30 AM
My internet access is a bit limited (currently in Afghanistan) and the officals are blocked. Would you mind asking for me?
I asked for you. He says it works with blink.
09-15-2014, 12:54 PM
Thanks. That's awesome. If I manage to get that, that would make it an 8x, t5 ensorcell, perfect forged, MCW, blink greatsword with rot flares. The rot flares are kind of redundant at that point, but still, perfect weapon for the swinging sorcerer....
09-15-2014, 12:59 PM
Holy hell, where did that greatsword come from??
09-15-2014, 01:02 PM
It's in Plat, not prime, so it was easier to get CCF adn RtCF slots.
09-15-2014, 01:02 PM
And why isn't it a greataxe??
09-15-2014, 01:15 PM
And why isn't it a greataxe??
Because greatsword fits the character better, and honestly, at that level of awesomeness, what's a few points of damage factor going to matter?
09-15-2014, 01:20 PM
At that level, the few points bug me the most. It's why I went with a lance. If I was going to do any other base, it'd be a greataxe because it's the most mechanically well off compared to any other base.
09-15-2014, 01:21 PM
It is a sick sword though, no doubt.
09-15-2014, 01:29 PM
Pretty sure it's the best greatsword ever made in Gemstone.
09-15-2014, 01:30 PM
Old-style claids are greatsword base...
09-15-2014, 01:33 PM
Old-style claids are greatsword base...
I know. Unless you're talking about a particular old claid this greatsword is better.
09-15-2014, 01:40 PM
I was hoping to get undead bane at CCF to make it useful against (almost) everything but was not able to get that slot. Ah well.
09-15-2014, 02:24 PM
Once upon a time, when we were told we would be able to enchant naturally flaring metals (like drakar), I sought to make a perfect zorchar short sword with my wizard, for my wizard. This was for the day he learned 2WC and could use the short sword (altered into a wakizashi) with his katana and 1sec haste swings.
After spending a stupid amount of time mastering crafting and failing repeatedly to make a perfect forging hammer I gave up the dream.
I still have like 30 zorchar slabs somewhere for that project. I doubt I'll ever revisit it.
I feel your pain. I spent forever trying to make a perfect gornar forging-hammer for my smith and went through a ridiculous amount of slabs. I can only cringe and be amazed at the poor fool running around with that perfect white ora forging-hammer.
09-15-2014, 05:02 PM
I feel your pain. I spent forever trying to make a perfect gornar forging-hammer for my smith and went through a ridiculous amount of slabs. I can only cringe and be amazed at the poor fool running around with that perfect white ora forging-hammer.
damn, I picked gornar too for my totally-not-mithril-with-maoral-hafted forging hammer of awesomeness. likewise failed.
09-15-2014, 05:08 PM
I feel your pain. I spent forever trying to make a perfect gornar forging-hammer for my smith and went through a ridiculous amount of slabs. I can only cringe and be amazed at the poor fool running around with that perfect white ora forging-hammer.
I feel for you people, I really do.
You tap a perfect zorchar forging-hammer.
09-19-2014, 01:09 AM
Have they talked much more about how the game prizes/hopper/feeder will be this year around?
I have to debate if I want to reactivate and/or buy a ticket or two like last year..
09-19-2014, 01:11 AM
The hopper will be T5 at max...
You were one of the people who got like FIVE of the super rewards from the Hopper.
What Tier was that?
09-19-2014, 01:12 AM
The hopper will be T5 at max...
You were one of the people who got like FIVE of the super rewards from the Hopper.
What Tier was that?
T5 was still the highest they had. I just thought they mentioned something about how T5 weren't going to be that great or large in number maybe...or some effect of you winning less? I could be wrong.
09-19-2014, 01:14 AM
So that soulstone wand and the crate whistle from last year were both T5?
09-19-2014, 01:15 AM
T5 was still the highest they had. I just thought they mentioned something about how T5 weren't going to be that great or large in number maybe...or some effect of you winning less? I could be wrong.
they did a survey that won't apply to this year's EG. they also mentioned that some prizes last year (soulstone wand, crate whistle) were not supposed to be distributed via the games/digging, but it was too late once they were mistakenly put in the hopper. so you won't see prizes of that caliber, but there will be some cool things.
09-19-2014, 01:17 AM
they did a survey that won't apply to this year's EG. they also mentioned that some prizes last year (soulstone wand, crate whistle) were not supposed to be distributed via the games/digging, but it was too late once they were mistakenly put in the hopper. so you won't see prizes of that caliber, but there will be some cool things.
Ah thanks.
Interesting then I guess, considering how they specifically hinted at the Wand as a Prize in the hopper last year. Guess that's their way of covering up they fucked up again.
09-19-2014, 01:18 AM
The only thing I would be interested in is the forging upgrade but if that's doled out via a random fish hook dropping then no thanks.
09-19-2014, 01:19 AM
That doesn't track for a very specific reason.
Gizmo is right, the wand was advertised as part of the hopper pool. Along with the crate whistle.
On the ORIGINAL posting of the EG listing. Not some post 3 weeks later.
So someone's wrong here. It looks like the wand/whistle/all that other crap was meant to be in the hopper.
09-19-2014, 01:20 AM
And FUCK random fishhook shit. I GOT one last year, and all I got were stupid fuck David Caruso goggles. Bullshit. Went through all that waiting around, and I can't even pick something else. PFFT. Fishhooks suck balls.
09-19-2014, 01:22 AM
Caruso goggles?? I got one at the 2012 EG and was given the choice of alteratio, lighten, deepen, feature customization.
09-19-2014, 01:26 AM
Yeah I went up there all excited and said.... this is word for word...
GM: Hi! Congratulations!
GM: Hahaha yep!
Me: So what are my options to pick from?
GM: These goggles. You can customize them.
Me: What else?
GM: Nothing. Just the goggles.
Me: .......
I was pissed.
09-19-2014, 01:27 AM
That doesn't track for a very specific reason.
Gizmo is right, the wand was advertised as part of the hopper pool. Along with the crate whistle.
On the ORIGINAL posting of the EG listing. Not some post 3 weeks later.
So someone's wrong here. It looks like the wand/whistle/all that other crap was meant to be in the hopper.
from 9/5 Wyrom:
>>if the crate whistle, soulstone wand, etc weren't supposed to be in the feeder, why were they put in? I assume they were put in there manually. I recall a discussion about the soulstone wand being too powerful before EG last year when it was announced
Because they were approved for release at EG, and there was a misunderstanding on what to put into the feeder. The ceiling won't be too visible to players, we just are deploying some safety measures we don't accidentally put something in that was never intended. But there were about 10 or so items last year that weren't intended for feeder release. And that's the only thing we'll be more careful about going forward.
The ticket (i.e. scrip) will actually make more people happy, I think. I wish it would have been done this year.
09-19-2014, 01:28 AM
GM: Hey just what you see, pal!
09-19-2014, 01:31 AM
from 9/5 Wyrom:
>>if the crate whistle, soulstone wand, etc weren't supposed to be in the feeder, why were they put in? I assume they were put in there manually. I recall a discussion about the soulstone wand being too powerful before EG last year when it was announced
Because they were approved for release at EG, and there was a misunderstanding on what to put into the feeder. The ceiling won't be too visible to players, we just are deploying some safety measures we don't accidentally put something in that was never intended. But there were about 10 or so items last year that weren't intended for feeder release. And that's the only thing we'll be more careful about going forward.
The ticket (i.e. scrip) will actually make more people happy, I think. I wish it would have been done this year.
Ticket? Or are they talking about their purchased Ticket to EG?
Also, have they been giving any hints as to actual hopper items yet then?
09-19-2014, 01:36 AM
Ticket? Or are they talking about their purchased Ticket to EG?
Also, have they been giving any hints as to actual hopper items yet then?
ticket is the system wyrom is leaning toward. where people accumulate tickets ala chuck-e-cheese and can turn them in for something off a list at the end of the fest, or hold them for next year. it would be similar to the new quest system where you turn in blackscrip for prizes and the number of scrip you earn is based on how you did on the quest (krolvin slave ship).
no hints of hopper items that I can recall
09-19-2014, 01:39 AM
ticket is the system wyrom is leaning toward. where people accumulate tickets ala chuck-e-cheese and can turn them in for something off a list at the end of the fest, or hold them for next year. it would be similar to the new quest system where you turn in blackscrip for prizes and the number of scrip you earn is based on how you did on the quest (krolvin slave ship).
no hints of hopper items that I can recall
I like that idea. A lot.
09-19-2014, 01:40 AM
ticket is the system wyrom is leaning toward. where people accumulate tickets ala chuck-e-cheese and can turn them in for something off a list at the end of the fest, or hold them for next year. it would be similar to the new quest system where you turn in blackscrip for prizes and the number of scrip you earn is based on how you did on the quest (krolvin slave ship).
no hints of hopper items that I can recall
Ahh interesting
09-19-2014, 01:49 AM
The question on the table is...
Are the tickets bound to your character? How are they accrued? As items? Or visible through a command like PREM START to show your current PP amount?
If they're an item, can they be transferred for people to buy and stock up? Hmmm...
09-19-2014, 01:51 AM
I highly doubt they would be transferrable. My guess would be something along the lines of a PREM START kind of thing. And my understanding is that they will be accrued via chests from digging or as rewards from games.
09-19-2014, 01:58 AM
The question on the table is...
Are the tickets bound to your character? How are they accrued? As items? Or visible through a command like PREM START to show your current PP amount?
If they're an item, can they be transferred for people to buy and stock up? Hmmm...
You're awfully curious.. What are you, a spy from another text mud!??
09-19-2014, 02:01 AM
Wait... Aardbark?
Ugh. Whatever. That AA game on the voting site that cheats.
09-19-2014, 02:26 AM
Wait... Aardbark?
Ugh. Whatever. That AA game on the voting site that cheats.
Ardwen's Adventures.
09-19-2014, 06:20 AM
They said tickets would be character bound, just like the blackscrip from Troubled Waters
09-19-2014, 08:01 AM
Hoarding enough tickets over the course of 5-6 years to buy a soulstone wand (or something of its like) would be incredible.
09-19-2014, 11:54 AM
Hoarding enough tickets over the course of 5-6 years to buy a soulstone wand (or something of its like) would be incredible.
Assuming that your widget of real ultimate power is not slated for limited release (1 or 2) and you're the first one to get to it. Otherwise it'll just be another "Fuck you. Pay me again next year for another shot."
09-19-2014, 12:04 PM
Assuming that your widget of real ultimate power is not slated for limited release (1 or 2) and you're the first one to get to it. Otherwise it'll just be another "Fuck you. Pay me again next year for another shot."
True enough. Granted, I haven't looked into the suggested system at all. It SOUNDED neat though.
09-19-2014, 12:12 PM
True enough. Granted, I haven't looked into the suggested system at all. It SOUNDED neat though.
Don't get me wrong, the ability to target what you want with your tickets does sound neat. But prizes have to be approved by Dev for release. Dev has a history of limiting the number of items going out. I just can't see that changing for this new system, which leads me to believe that we will run in to the situation where someone else snagged that thing you wanted and your only option is to pay them again next year and hope that it doesn't happen again.
09-19-2014, 01:49 PM
I don't much care for the ticket idea, but that's probably mostly because I don't much care for the carnival games. To me they're a giant waste of time with very little redeeming value. On the other hand, I'm glad other people are into it.
09-19-2014, 02:29 PM
The ticket costs are what keep me from attending. If they were like, $5 per character or something, I'd be happy with that. But...
Tickets range from $50 for one character to $80 for four characters.
That is obscene.
09-19-2014, 02:32 PM
The ticket costs are what keep me from attending. If they were like, $5 per character or something, I'd be happy with that. But...
That is obscene.
I never really minded the Ticket cost of EG, as I thought it's always been reasonable for a lengthy event. Typically I walk out with much more than I invested, if not I tend to break even and walk away with at least a good time.
Last year I made out well considering I even took off work for the entire week to attend. I was concerned about loss of money I'd have made at work had I not took off, but I still made enough as I would typically for that work week anyhow heh.
It's usually other events I always find to be way too pricey, and still amazes me at how much people spend on this game, considering how small it is and all
09-19-2014, 02:38 PM
I never really minded the Ticket cost of EG, as I thought it's always been reasonable for a lengthy event. Typically I walk out with much more than I invested, if not I tend to break even and walk away with at least a good time.
Last year I made out well considering I even took off work for the entire week to attend. I was concerned about loss of money I'd have made at work had I not took off, but I still made enough as I would typically for that work week anyhow heh.
It's usually other events I always find to be way too pricey, and still amazes me at how much people spend on this game, considering how small it is and all
I've never been to one of these events so I'm just basing my judgement on the fact that it's (a great) MUD game. If I went with one character, I'm basically paying nearly four months in advance for something I may or may not enjoy. If I enjoyed it, great! If not, why'd I pay so much.
I don't want to sound like I'm whining or being bitchy, especially since I've never gone, but the price ticket sort of puts me off. That's all.
09-19-2014, 02:42 PM
I've never been to one of these events so I'm just basing my judgement on the fact that it's (a great) MUD game. If I went with one character, I'm basically paying nearly four months in advance for something I may or may not enjoy. If I enjoyed it, great! If not, why'd I pay so much.
I don't want to sound like I'm whining or being bitchy, especially since I've never gone, but the price ticket sort of puts me off. That's all.
If you enjoy Gemstone, you'll enjoy EG.
09-19-2014, 02:47 PM
If you enjoy Gemstone, you'll enjoy EG.
How do you feel about giving money to a company that uses your money to pay state and federal taxes??
09-19-2014, 02:48 PM
I've never been to one of these events so I'm just basing my judgement on the fact that it's (a great) MUD game. If I went with one character, I'm basically paying nearly four months in advance for something I may or may not enjoy. If I enjoyed it, great! If not, why'd I pay so much.
I don't want to sound like I'm whining or being bitchy, especially since I've never gone, but the price ticket sort of puts me off. That's all.
it's a lot of fun, the GMs work very hard on it. what do you mean by paying 4 months in advance? tickets go on sale Oct 1 for the Oct 24 opening. The only people who ever complain about having a bad time at EG are the ones who won't even look at a map of the grounds because it ruins their immersion.
09-19-2014, 02:50 PM
it's a lot of fun, the GMs work very hard on it. what do you mean by paying 4 months in advance? tickets go on sale Oct 1 for the Oct 24 opening. The only people who ever complain about having a bad time at EG are the ones who won't even look at a map of the grounds because it ruins their immersion.
He meant spending 50$ on one event, versus 50$ on monthly subscription costs which could equate to almost 4 months of an advance
09-19-2014, 02:53 PM
Okay. Well, this is close to a payday so I can swing the cash for this... it'll be a splurge but you guys have me convinced.
09-19-2014, 02:56 PM
Okay. Well, this is close to a payday so I can swing the cash for this... it'll be a splurge but you guys have me convinced.
I'd say out of most Pay Events, this one is worth the most bang for your buck...Unless you are really rich and have a shit ton of cash to blow and wanna go to more expensive ones heh..
Otherwise EG is rather easy to walk away with some fun times, and some decent items/upgrades/new stuff
09-19-2014, 02:56 PM
He meant spending 50$ on one event, versus 50$ on monthly subscription costs which could equate to almost 4 months of an advance
I've paid $125 for 2.5 hours of a Broadway show I hated and fell asleep at (Pippin). I guess I can always justify paying $50 for a week's worth of EG.
Also if you're a smoker or someone who regularly drinks, it is easy to find $50 if you cut back on the other habit.
09-19-2014, 03:00 PM
Most smokers don't easily stop smoking. GR quit though, right!?
09-19-2014, 03:02 PM
Most smokers don't easily stop smoking. GR quit though, right!?
call it incentive... or say you smoke a pack a day, cut back by 20%, that's 4 smokes a day. in 5 days you can have as much as $11 if you live in NYC (last time I saw prices there).
$50 is also about an 1/8th of weed, or even less, last I knew, if you're like pk
09-19-2014, 03:05 PM
Yeah, $50, not that I would know. How dare you insinuate that I break the law!
09-19-2014, 03:06 PM
Most smokers don't easily stop smoking. GR quit though, right!?
"Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world to do. I should know. I've done it a thousand times." -Mark Twain
09-19-2014, 05:49 PM
"Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world to do. I should know. I've done it a thousand times." -Mark Twain
Sounds about right. The more times you quit the easier it is.
09-29-2014, 07:01 PM
Another teaser - magic pots coming your way for Ebon Gate!
You glance down to see a soil-filled terracotta pot with painted leaves along the rim in your right hand and a large floral-painted packet of seeds in your left hand.
>look packet
The front of this packet of seeds has been artistically painted in the likeness of a heavily bewhiskered dwarf, probably the creator of this product. Delicately painted flowers and herbs adorn the edges, and the back of the package has some handwritten notations.
>read packet
In the Common language, it reads:
These seeds will produce magical flowers.
>pour packet in pot
You carefully open a large floral-painted packet of seeds and empty its contents into the pot. Gently, you push the seeds down into the dirt, making sure to cover them completely with loose soil. Within seconds, tiny seedlings begin to push up through the dirt. The pot feels slightly heavier.
You used a seed from your packet of seeds. You have 9 seeds left.
Roundtime: 15 sec.
>look in pot
Unusually colored, moist dirt fills the terracotta pot nearly to the brim. You also see a bold crimson sirenflower.
>get sirenflower
You remove a bold crimson sirenflower from in your terracotta pot.
>eat sirenflower
You take a bite of your bold crimson sirenflower.
You feel more nimble.
That was the last of it.
The pots have 4 tiers. Packets will produce decorative (T1), herbal (T2), magical (T3), and enhancive (T4) flowers. Tier 4 (enhancive) is only available through raffles...mostly. The shop owner will be around during Ebon Gate to unlock pots to T2 and T3, and will raffle off 2 T4 pots.
~ Haliste ~
The M & M Guru
Forest Gnomes
09-30-2014, 03:10 PM
I guess no AFK scripting of games:
As we approach October, I'd like to go over some things about tickets and the games at Ebon Gate.
Buying a ticket that admits two or more characters isn't intended to double, triple, etc your services at EG. The purpose of the admit "more" tickets are to take advantage of profession-only services, participate in the many activities at Feywrot Mire, or grab limited loot from places such as the Necropolis. While we are not administering a limit on services this year, we will be monitoring services over the course of the festival to ensure the event is delivering an exciting experience for those that take the time to merchant hunt. Please note, we are not saying services are guaranteed at an event like Ebon Gate, and we ask that you still put the effort in to gain the limited and more sought after services. But logging off and on repeatedly with another character to continue to gain the same services will be something we ask you to restrain yourself from doing. Again, this is not the purpose of the admit "more" tickets.
With that said, we want to make sure everyone is playing fairly at Ebon Gate. Several years ago, we updated POLICY 18 to include games as a form of AFK scripting, and the consequences should you be deemed inattentive. Starting this year, we will be updating it to a zero tolerance policy that will also block you from all game activity at Feywrot Mire. This can and will carry over to other activities outside EG in the future. Games will include, but aren't limited to, the Key to the Midway, Digging, the Necropolis, the Deserted Cottage, Darkbox, and the various midway games.
The bottom line is, we want everyone to enjoy themselves, but we also want to keep things as fair as we can.
10-01-2014, 03:39 PM
Tickets to Ebon Gate are on sale!
Couple things I'll mention. Our admit "more" ticket prices have increased at each tier, please be sure to review them before making your purchase. You can now purchase an "admit all" ticket in Prime which gives you full access with all your characters (you're still limited to only having one character logged in at a time). Platinum and Shattered are still full access.
In response to players asking for more time at EG to shop, Ebon Gate will be open from the 17th to 30th in all instances. Prime will have from the 17th to 24th to shop and explore the grounds. Games, digging, and the Necropolis will not be active until the 24th at 9pm ET. Platinum will have their merchant week during the first week, and Prime the week after. Platinum will still have access to games, digging, and the Necropolis for both weeks as a perk.
Shattered will be open for both weeks with no guarantee of merchant activity. Games, digging, and the Necropolis won't be active until the 24th at 9pm ET as well.
If tickets aren't showing up in the box office, be sure to clear your internet cache or force a refresh by hitting CTRL + F5 (Apple user use COMMAND/APPLE + R, Linux just use F5).
~Wyrom, APM
10-01-2014, 03:40 PM
The bolded part is something I know I begged and pleaded for, along with others.
10-01-2014, 03:50 PM
Very happy to hear that shopping can happen prior to the event. Awesome idea to get that stuff out of the way as well as pick up items for potential work!
10-01-2014, 09:48 PM
The costume contest dates are as follows:
Plat - Sunday, 10/19 at 7 PM EST
Prime - Sunday, 10/26 at 7 PM EST
I look forward to seeing your costumes!
10-01-2014, 10:07 PM
The Trouble With Demons is this year's storyline, and while I don't want to give too much of it away (at least, not any more than what's already in the blurb about Atob Geen...) I can tell you that there will be one of two items available for you to choose if you participate.
As to what the items are, it would be a disservice to tell you a ton about them, but one of them I have teased already (the runestaff), and the other item's properties have been alluded to a few times. They aren't going to give you uber skills on the battlefield, and they aren't going to create unlimited chocolate cookies for the rest of your life, but they are quite unique. We've worked hard to come up with something that we felt players would enjoy and I think we hit that mark. Then again, maybe I'm just biased.
Nonetheless, let me say this again -- you will have to participate in the storyline finale in order to select a prize.
Finale times:
Plat - 10/29, 7:00 PM EST
Prime - 10/29, 10:00 PM EST
Hopefully this is enough time to get things arranged on your end so that you can be there. Also, let me just say -- GM Mikos is awesome. Also, the artwork for this year is fabulous, and should give you a hint or two about the storyline.
~ Haliste ~
10-01-2014, 10:18 PM
Urglaes slabs!
10-01-2014, 10:43 PM
Profession enhansives? Why not!? on 10/01/2014 10:10 PM EDT
Links-arrows 6821
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There will be several raffles this year for custom censers where the winner can choose 2 enhansive properties from a list of 3 specific to their profession. Clerics, monks, empaths, and paladins will have a profession only raffle for these items.
See you in the mire!
~ Valyrka ~
10-01-2014, 11:41 PM
Illegal Alter Clothing Line - Teaser on 10/01/2014 11:28 PM EDT
Links-arrows 6828
Reply Reply
Ladies and gentlemen, step right up! Are you tired of asking for that tight pair of pants, that would just make your outfit, only to be told..."How would you KNOW they're tight if they're lying on the ground?" Well look no further than the new, patent pending, Illegal Alter Clothing Line! But, but, but, "How does it work?" you say. Very simple, let me demonstrate:
>tap pants
You tap some twill pants with the funny patches on the knees, which is in your right hand.
You see here I have some lovely twill pants in my hands, the kind with the funny patches on the knee...
>wear pants
>tap pants
You tap some tight twill pants riding low on the hips that you are wearing.
Now when I put them on, you can see they are both tight and low riding. Look for the IACL coming soon to a swamp near you.
OOC NOTE: These clothes allow separate long descriptions when held and when worn. HOWEVER most alter rules still apply (NO OPEN BUST LINES OR BULGING CROTCHES). It is always up to the discretion of the merchant if work is to be allowed. Plays nice with MOST existing clothing scripts ie: Naela gowns, Yansio clothing, etc. Adding this service to existing items may or may not be offered at this event.
10-01-2014, 11:41 PM
Re: So... shields on 10/01/2014 11:40 PM EDT
Links-arrows 6829
Reply Reply
The following results may vary, depending on your shield/wristworn alterations!
>push bracer
Placing your right hand on the underside of your zelnorn bracer, you locate a small, aegis-shaped glyph. Pressing your thumb against the glyph, you feel the bracer grow warm and quickly remove your right hand. There is a flash of light centered over your left arm, and you notice that your bracer has transformed into a zelnorn aegis!
>push aegis
Placing your right hand on the back of your zelnorn aegis, you locate a small, bracer-shaped glyph. Pressing your thumb against the glyph, you feel the aegis grow warm and quickly remove your right hand as a flash of light centers over your left arm. When it recedes, you notice that your aegis has transformed into a smooth zelnorn bracer!
>attend bracer
Letting your eyes casually scan your surroundings, you place your right hand on your zelnorn bracer and adjust it slightly on your other wrist.
>attend aegis
Shifting your arm just a bit, you settle the zelnorn aegis more comfortably in your left hand.
>wear bracer
You carefully secure a smooth zelnorn bracer to your left wrist, taking a moment to adjust the fit.
>wear aegis
You sling a zelnorn aegis over your shoulder, then adjust it so it lays comfortably against your back.
>rem bracer
Grasping the zelnorn bracer in your right hand, you twist your left wrist just a bit, then slide off the bracer.
>rem aegis
You sling the zelnorn aegis off from over your shoulder and grip it firmly in your left hand, ready for battle.
<Also, will you be able to replace fluff scripts with this script, or will we need to find a script stripper first? Will there be a chance to get these stripped before/at EG?
I will be adding this script to existing shields. IF I am given a shield with a script which is complete fluff, there is a very strong possibility that I will be able to remove it and add my script. It will be on a case-by-case basis, as I'll have to check the existing script in its entirety to be sure nothing goes awry.
~~GM Kynlee~~
10-02-2014, 08:43 AM
So...they may want to consider a comma before the whole removing your hand thing. Makes it seem your hand is severed.
10-06-2014, 05:00 PM
There are a limited number of +100-Item Permanent Locker Expansions available in the SimuCoin store for those who need the extra room for Ebon Gate.
I just don't understand why they limit items like this in the simu-store. Who is in charge of these boneheaded decisions?
10-06-2014, 05:03 PM
I just don't understand why they limit items like this in the simu-store. Who is in charge of these boneheaded decisions?[/FONT][/COLOR]
Simu continually protests against capitalism by being really bad at it.
10-07-2014, 04:13 PM
The Trouble With Demons on 10/04/2014 04:38 PM EDT
Links-arrows 1
Reply Reply
The storyline for Ebon Gate 2014 is "The Trouble With Demons". I wanted to post the information about it in its own thread to make things easier to find, in case someone had questions about it.
The storyline will give an option of one of two prizes at the end. However, you must be present to win. If there is merchanting going on at the time and you opt to stay at the merchant, or you're in a game playing, or you decide to catch up on shopping, you will lose out on the prize selection. This is not negotiable.
The finale times will be:
Prime: 10/29, 10PM EST
Platinum: 10/28, 10PM EST
The prize you select will be ACCOUNT ATTUNED. I hope this will encourage more of you to participate in the storyline, since you can then pass the item to another character on your account if you so choose.
The two prizes that will be available are:
an ancient fireleaf runestaff capped with a miniature hourglass
a cracked ember-veined fragment
They both have VERY different properties.
The runestaff will offer 1x/day teleportation to a preset location within each realm. In addition, there is a small chance that the runestaff, when held in combat, will provide a slight defensive boost for a short period of time. As I mentioned previously, the LOOK of the runestaff will change for each of the seasons. This also affects some of the messaging.
>wave runestaff
Trails of brilliant orange and crimson leaves swirl wildly through the air and quickly disappear as you wave around your fireleaf runestaff.
>look runestaff
Brilliant orange and crimson leaves swirl around the runestaff's length and spiral downward, dissipating into thin air before they reach the ground. The hourglass mounted to the top of the runestaff has two glass chambers separated by a slender neck. *Fine grains of sand drain into the lower bulb which is completely full.*
There are letters carved into the wood.
>read runestaff
In the Common language, it reads:
*~ Timekeeper ~*
>turn runestaff
As you turn the miniature hourglass on the top of your fireleaf runestaff, the air around you becomes unsettled, and it feels as if time is slowing down... Your mind begins to reel in confusion. After what seems like an eternity, a sudden gust of wind blows through the area, and you feel yourself gradually becoming insubstantial.
When the air around you settles and your mind calms, you realize that your very existence has been catapulted into the past. The sand in the hourglass is now in the upper bulb, trickling slowly into the lower chamber.
>look runestaff
Brilliant orange and crimson leaves swirl around the runestaff's length and spiral downward, dissipating into thin air before they reach the ground. The hourglass mounted to the top of the runestaff has two glass chambers separated by a slender neck. *Fine grains of sand drain into the lower bulb and are slowly covering the bottom.*
The fragment offers glimpses into the past - or the future, once a day. In addition, it allows the user to do some "planar grabbing" once every four days. This allows you to stick your hand into another dimension and grab an item. The items are... interesting. Most of these items are fluff with enhanced interaction abilities. For instance - this is one item you might grab:
You glance down to see a cracked ember-veined fragment in your right hand and a tiny nacreous humanoid skeleton with bat wings and a scorpion tail in your left hand.
>tap skeleton
You scratch the back of the nacreous skeleton's neck, and it stretches its wings out, basking in the attention.
>wear skeleton
The nacreous skeleton cackles wildly as it scampers up your arm and perches itself atop your shoulder.
>look EGPerson
You see EGPerson.
She appears to be a Forest Gnome.
She is average height and appears to be very young. She has bloodshot hazel and purple eyes and pristine, ivory skin. She has shoulder length, golden brown hair matted somewhat. She has a tiny nacreous humanoid skeleton with bat wings and a scorpion tail sitting on his shoulder.
Or you could get something absolutely and utterly disgusting.
>gaze fragment
Shifting your gaze, you use the fragment's influence to pierce the veil between the planes of existence. An other-worldly landscape fills your vision, and you sense an object of potential interest within arms reach. Without waiting to actually see it, you reach out and yank a bifurcated dog tail into your current temporal sphere.
>tap tail
You roll your eyes and wave your bifurcated dog tail in a small circle. "...whoopee..." You mime stifling a yawn.
The demonic plane is full of items for the taking...
And finally:
>peer fragment
Peering into the ember-veined fragment, you fight a sense of vertigo as your point of reference slides effortlessly into the fragment, passing one pulsing river of heat after another. Finally, your progress slows, and the image of a particular place grows distinct and detailed, both in place and in time...
[Tunnel, Feithidmor's Nest]
The stench of decay in this area is appalling. The bodies of children and old people in various stages of decomposition are scattered about. Some are partially eaten, some are virtually nothing but denuded bone and bits of putrefied flesh. Those bodies that still have faces reveal expressions of absolute and unrelenting horror. In one corner of the room is a dark pool of inky, viscous water.
Also here: the body of EGPerson who is lying down.
Your mind spins and you feel yourself being pulled back to the present time. Your head aches mildly.
Choose wisely -- there's no turning back!
Hope to see you all there. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW!
~ Haliste ~
10-07-2014, 04:18 PM
I just don't understand why they limit items like this in the simu-store. Who is in charge of these boneheaded decisions?[/FONT][/COLOR]
Maybe its an attempt at artificial scarcity to encourage people to buy it?
10-07-2014, 04:22 PM
Necropolis Updates on 10/07/2014 11:40 AM EDT
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This year, I was hard at work updating the Necropolis. I won't go into all the updates, as some of them are puzzles. There are four versions of the Necropolis this year, one for each 25-level group. That means levels 1 through 25 will all be contained in one "instance" of the Necropolis. And then it goes 26 to 50, 51 to 75, and 76 to 100. The opt out path has been removed, but there are still ways to opt out if you need to. You'll just have to figure it out. There are rooms that appear to be dead ends, but they are guess-the-verb puzzles. Some require special items. This year, all the items you need are contained in the Necropolis. I tried to make them feel like an old text-based dungeon crawl for what you have to do. So keep that in mind. The throne room was destroyed due to the sink holes in the verge collapsing, so there are 40 new rooms to explore. The Hall of the Dead is a brand new puzzle as well. A little over half of the Necropolis is filled with creatures, the other half is more a straight maze to the final boss.
You may select one of two prizes this year. If you didn't get last year's prize, you can get it, or you can get a second. If you have last year's prize, you can boost it this year. You might think, "Hey Wyrom, why would I boost it when I can just grab a second." I've put a lot of thought into the future of the prize, and that's all I'll say.
Special thanks to GM Liia, Retser, and Spalt for giving me a hand this year. As well as all my alpha testers!
~Wyrom, APM
10-07-2014, 04:27 PM
Illegal Alter Clothing Line - Teaser on 10/01/2014 11:28 PM EDT
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Ladies and gentlemen, step right up! Are you tired of asking for that tight pair of pants, that would just make your outfit, only to be told..."How would you KNOW they're tight if they're lying on the ground?" Well look no further than the new, patent pending, Illegal Alter Clothing Line! But, but, but, "How does it work?" you say. Very simple, let me demonstrate:
>tap pants
You tap some twill pants with the funny patches on the knees, which is in your right hand.
You see here I have some lovely twill pants in my hands, the kind with the funny patches on the knee...
>wear pants
>tap pants
You tap some tight twill pants riding low on the hips that you are wearing.
Now when I put them on, you can see they are both tight and low riding. Look for the IACL coming soon to a swamp near you.
OOC NOTE: These clothes allow separate long descriptions when held and when worn. HOWEVER most alter rules still apply (NO OPEN BUST LINES OR BULGING CROTCHES). It is always up to the discretion of the merchant if work is to be allowed. Plays nice with MOST existing clothing scripts ie: Naela gowns, Yansio clothing, etc. Adding this service to existing items may or may not be offered at this event.
Profession enhansives? Why not!? on 10/01/2014 10:10 PM EDT
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There will be several raffles this year for custom censers where the winner can choose 2 enhansive properties from a list of 3 specific to their profession. Clerics, monks, empaths, and paladins will have a profession only raffle for these items.
See you in the mire!
~ Valyrka ~
Charge? Recharge! on 10/04/2014 01:05 PM EDT
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As usual, Bazzelwyn will be offering recharging services for your magical items. This year will cover Spiritual spells and Arcane spells. That means any circle that's partially Spiritual or wholly Spiritual is fair game. Sorcerer base stuff, sure! All your Heroism spoons, yup! No scrolls, go talk to a sorcerer for those though.
1 item per account per session, but there will be multiple sessions throughout the course of the event.
Commence the rush on Playershop items!
Ready! Aim! TEASE! on 10/03/2014 10:46 AM EDT
Links-arrows 6855
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>read sign
In the Common language, it reads:
Silver mistwood: steam
Silver-fletched/tipped: plasma
Black-fletched/tipped: vacuum
Green-fletched/tipped: acid
Glaes-tipped: disintegration
Vaalin-banded: disruption
Bronze-banded: unbalance
Faenor-tipped: grapple
Blade-tipped: mechanical blades
The blade-tipped ammo can and will break over time. The others rely on magic and not gnomery, and thus, will not degrade over time. Unless you lose them.
>look in display
In the arrow display you see a bundle of blade-tipped arrows, a bundle of glaes-tipped arrows, a bundle of green-fletched arrows, a bundle of vaalin-banded arrows, a bundle of faenor-tipped arrows, a bundle of bronze-banded arrows, a bundle of black-fletched arrows, a bundle of silver-fletched arrows and a bundle of mistwood arrows.
Re: Ebon Gate Tickets on 10/04/2014 03:33 PM EDT
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I've lost track of the teaser threads... this will have to do.
Fans of RainboWear...
Pink is now an option, for those who are able to cycle through colors. In addition, you'll find some new wares in Rainbow's End at Ebon Gate.
>l behind trunk
Behind the oak trunk you see some dainty blue leather sandals decorated with silver clockwork, some black silk slippers covered in crushed emeralds, a pair of green leather boots fastened with mithril buckles and some white satin slippers with tiny velvet bows.
>pul my slip
You stick a finger into your black silk slippers and pull, attempting to stretch them out. You must be retaining water!
>clean my slip
You lick the tip of your finger and rub a smudge off your black silk slippers.
~ Haliste ~
Re: Profession only raffles/events on 10/05/2014 03:15 PM EDT
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I'll be running a raffle for a wyrwood bow that will only be open to folks with ranged skill.
Not exactly a profession, but kinda sorta relevant.
~ X.
10-07-2014, 04:38 PM
The Trouble With Demons is this year's storyline, and while I don't want to give too much of it away (at least, not any more than what's already in the blurb about Atob Geen...) I can tell you that there will be one of two items available for you to choose if you participate.
As to what the items are, it would be a disservice to tell you a ton about them, but one of them I have teased already (the runestaff), and the other item's properties have been alluded to a few times. They aren't going to give you uber skills on the battlefield, and they aren't going to create unlimited chocolate cookies for the rest of your life, but they are quite unique. We've worked hard to come up with something that we felt players would enjoy and I think we hit that mark. Then again, maybe I'm just biased.
Nonetheless, let me say this again -- you will have to participate in the storyline finale in order to select a prize.
Finale times:
Plat - 10/29, 7:00 PM EST
Prime - 10/29, 10:00 PM EST
Hopefully this is enough time to get things arranged on your end so that you can be there. Also, let me just say -- GM Mikos is awesome. Also, the artwork for this year is fabulous, and should give you a hint or two about the storyline.
~ Haliste ~
What's the other item that was teased?
10-07-2014, 04:45 PM
the finale time for plat was changed to 10 pm
10-07-2014, 04:56 PM
What's the other item that was teased?
a cracked ember-veined fragment
Zaigh posted the info in #185 of this thread
10-07-2014, 07:45 PM
Not sure how I missed this one in my earlier updates...
The live games will be every night (except Fridays) so get ready for some fun!
Saturday - Scamp Scatter @ 9:30 pm.
Sunday - Death Dirges @ 9 pm.
Monday - Entrails Toss @ 5 pm.
Monday - Avoid the Noose @ 8 pm.
Tuesday - Dismember Me Fondly @ 5 pm.
Tuesday - Sing Me an Epitaph @ 8 pm.
Wednesday - Bubbling Brews @ 8 pm.
Thursday - Storytelling @ 8 pm.
Dates and times subject to change, should something unforseen come up, but otherwise, these are the times/days! And if anything changes we will let you know!
When we get closer, the FESTIVAL verb will be updated with the correct dates and times, but for now you can read the description of most of these on FESTIVAL 7, 8, and 9.
~Just Jainna
10-07-2014, 09:08 PM
Am I the only one who finds the final prizes a little.... odd? No combat use is sad =(
10-07-2014, 09:28 PM
Am I the only one who finds the final prizes a little.... odd? No combat use is sad =(
Yeah. I'll pass.
10-07-2014, 10:12 PM
I mean don't get me wrong, I think the teleporting staff is interesting but..... mostly worthless.
The fluff pull thing is also worthless.
What is this?!
10-08-2014, 12:55 AM
I mean don't get me wrong, I think the teleporting staff is interesting but..... mostly worthless.
The fluff pull thing is also worthless.
What is this?!
The prizes for those sorts of events don't normally amount to much. The necropolis prize on the other hand is way above and beyond.
10-08-2014, 12:56 AM
I agree, the Necropolis award is spiffy as all get out. But why couldn't they give us something.... useful? For a prize? It's like giving someone a trash can lid and saying HERE! IT'S A PRIZE!
10-08-2014, 10:48 AM
I agree, the Necropolis award is spiffy as all get out. But why couldn't they give us something.... useful? For a prize? It's like giving someone a trash can lid and saying HERE! IT'S A PRIZE!
As far as EG storyline prizes go these are niftier(IMO) than the ones I recall from the last two years. We have had a Madam Zannaba <sp> siegery miniature and a gold ring holder that was neckworn I believe.
10-08-2014, 10:54 AM
My question is.
If I take two on the same account...
Can I take one, get my prize, and log on my other, and get the other prize?? I mean. I paid for two tickets!
10-08-2014, 11:01 AM
My question is.
If I take two on the same account...
Can I take one, get my prize, and log on my other, and get the other prize?? I mean. I paid for two tickets!
They posted that you have to be present at the finale to claim a prize, so I doubt it (since both of your characters can't be logged on at the same time).
10-08-2014, 12:46 PM
I agree, the Necropolis award is spiffy as all get out. But why couldn't they give us something.... useful? For a prize? It's like giving someone a trash can lid and saying HERE! IT'S A PRIZE!
my god, for the 1000th time, THE STORYLINE IS NOT THE NECROPOLIS.
10-08-2014, 12:49 PM
yeah, we know. Now go sit in the corner, drink some tea, and hush up.
10-08-2014, 12:51 PM
yeah, we know. Now go sit in the corner, drink some tea, and hush up.
go jack off to internet porn
10-08-2014, 12:56 PM
go jack off to internet porn
There is internet porn!?
10-08-2014, 06:38 PM
Re: Anything bard specific at EG? on 10/08/2014 06:09 PM EDT
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There will be a limited number of instrument upgrades to master quality. The instrument can only have fluff scripts (if any) and a portion of these service slots will be bard only.
~GM Liia
10-08-2014, 06:43 PM
I think that's HORSESHIT.
Fucking permanent spectral instruments can't be upgraded to Master. BULL. SHIT.
10-08-2014, 07:02 PM
I never heard of perm spectral instruments. I have a couple of EG spectral instruments but was informed they have limited charges.
10-08-2014, 07:08 PM
They do. There are like 3-5 permanent ones in the game. The spectrals from EG are 50, 100, and 200 rubs, then they poof. I stole mine from a friend who lets me use and play it.
10-09-2014, 10:18 PM
Ebon Gate Teaser: Spirit Beasts on 10/09/2014 10:11 PM EDT
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>invoke talisman
You focus your thoughts on a small glass talisman, attempting to align yourself with the spirits floes within the area, and a wash of foreign sensation floods your mind.
You detect the presence of a common rat spirit.
Roundtime: 15 sec.
>attune talisman
You tighten your grip on a small glass talisman, willing it to attune to the presence of the rat spirit lingering in the area.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
>offer talisman
You hold out your clay talisman and reach out with your mind, calling to the rat spirit lingering in the area. Sudden warmth draws your attention to your hands, where beads of blood begin welling from the surface of your talisman. The blood rises in a cloud of sanguine mist that illuminates a shrouded form hanging in the air before you. The spirit drifts closer to a simple clay talisman, its outline glowing as it nears. Golden light spills from the surface of the talisman, consuming the spirit. A thrill of satisfaction echoes up your arm and through your body.
Roundtime: 17 sec.
Why, it's almost like I should try and challenge someone else with one of these spirits!
>point talisman at paidreg
You challenge Paidreg to a Spirit Battle, offering your 1st train rat up against his 1st train roa'ter! (Paidreg has 45 seconds to respond by POINTing his clay talisman back at you.)
Paidreg accepts your challenge to a Spirit Battle!
You raise your clay talisman skyward and call out to the spirit dwelling within. The ephemeral spirit of a twitchy giant rat erupts forth in a blaze of energy and begins advancing on Paidreg, who counters a moment later by thrusting his clay talisman toward you. The spectral form of a plump red roa'ter crackles into existence, rising to defend him!
The battle will begin in 10 seconds.
The spirits begin to clash with one another!
Your giant rat snaps at Paidreg's red roa'ter!
A weak strike!
...13 damage!
A twitchy giant rat gathers a bit of energy from fighting.
What do you folks think? Want to know more?
10-09-2014, 10:19 PM
Spirit animals! GS equivalent of Pokemon?
10-09-2014, 10:28 PM
Gotta collect them all?
10-09-2014, 10:37 PM
Android, I challenge you to a duel. My spirit Rolton vs your spirit Kobold.
10-10-2014, 06:14 AM
Spirit Beasts: A Primer
Spirit Beasts are the spiritual essences of creatures that have dwelled in a given locale. Enterprising players can bind them to a talisman and make them fight for you to gain levels and become more powerful. The talismans are available off-the-shelf. The work? That's on you.
In order to bind a Spirit Beast, you'll need a talisman, purchased at my shop, Ilixil's Bestiary. (You may remember Ilixil, the extremely unfortunate scientist, from that time that he got devoured by his pet shade-skinks. He got better.) More than that, you're going to need to prepare that talisman. Preparing a talisman isn't hard if you have a bit of Magical Items Use training, but the good news is that anyone can do the preparation for you. But how do you prepare a talisman?
Blood. Lots of blood. You're going to have to go out and slaughter creatures that have blood. The stronger they are, the better the quality of their blood will be. That means that beasts from the Rift are going to provide you with some amazing quality life-liquid, and kobolds are... well, not. You can collect this blood using syringes and vials that I also sell. Noticing a trend here?
Once you have a vial full of blood, you're going to pour it on your talisman. If you're exceptionally bad with magical items, your talisman's probably going to break at this point. Otherwise, you'll either succeed famously or not do so well. Good news: you can try again. You won't even need to buy a new vial!
Now you're going to have to find a beast. The good news is that common beasts, the first type that you'll be able to bind, are everywhere. Most of the wilds around your various towns have a few different options. Every beast has its own strengths and weaknesses, which we'll go into soon enough. You can invoke your talisman anywhere to see if you can find a Spirit Beast there.
Once you've successfully invoked a talisman, you can attune it to a specific beast. Finally, once you're sure you've found the beast of your dreams (or at least one that's mildly acceptable) you'll offer the talisman to the beast. Only a prepared talisman can be offered. Anyone can bind a beast, but it will definitely help a bit if you have some Spirit Lore - Summoning skill.
Beast Statistics
Every beast has its own strengths and weaknesses, as I mentioned before. They are all competitive, but may require different tactics to be successful in battle. The traits of beasts are as follows:
Power - The strength of a beast's attacks.
Defense - The ability of a beast to defend itself.
Speed - How fast a beast is.
Insight - How well a beast can determine its opponent's tactics. This is important!
Accuracy - The likelihood a beast is going to hit with its normal attacks.
Health - A measure of the beast's life force.
All of these traits also have different growth rates. A creature may start off with a lot of Power but not grow very much, or may begin with middling Insight but have a quick growth rate!
In addition to these traits are ones that don't generally change:
Special Attack - The typeo of special attack that the creature does.
Elemental Attunement - The element that a creature is bound to. Attuned creatures will do and take more or less damage from other elementally attuned creatures depending on their attunement.
The elements are as follows:
Fire - weakest against Water, weak against Earth, strong against Air, strongest against Spirit
Water - weakest against Spirit, weak against Air, strong against Earth, strongest against Fire
Earth - weakest against Air, weak against Water, strong against Fire, strongest against Spirit
Air - weakest against Spirit, weak against Fire, strong against Water, strongest against Earth
Spirit - weakest against Fire, weakest against Earth, strongest against Water, strongest against Air
The entire reason you want to bind a Spirit Beast is so that you can have it fight other people's Spirit Beasts, right? So you'd best get good at fighting. When you summon your beast, it's going to start attacking its opponent at will. But this isn't just a matter of strength against strength! No, sir. You need to guide your beast in order to have it do its best.
Your creature's going to settle into a stance as soon as it begins the fight: Turtle, Wolf, Serpent, Hare, or Crane.
Turtle is strong against Hare and Crane; is weak against Serpent and Wolf.
Wolf is strong against Hare and Turtle; is weak against Crane and Serpent.
Serpent is strong against Turtle and Wolf; is weak against Crane and Hare.
Hare is strong against Serpent and Crane; is weak against Wolf and Turtle.
Crane is strong against Wolf and Serpent; is weak against Hare and Turtle.
Your creature's Insight may give you a glimpse at what stance your opponent's beast is in, but otherwise you're going to have to watch the fight and try to adjust your tactics accordingly. If it seems like your beast is taking a lot of damage and doing very little, you may want to switch to an opposing stance.
Oh, but it's not as simple as that. If things are going especially bad, you can tell your creature to guard, which means that it will take much less damage at the cost of being poor at attacks. This can be a lifesaver if you're taking a pounding and need some time to figure out how to turn things around. When you're ready to go back on the offensive, tell your creature to strike.
And then there are special attacks! Every beast has a special ability. You should only tell your beast to attack when you're certain that you're in a stance stronger than your opponent's, as special attacks are much more damaging then. They won't do much, and some won't work at all, if you're in a same or inferior stance!
You can customize a lot about your beast! There are potions for sale in my shop that allow you to improve the traits of your beast. These can help you improve already good traits (like making a beast with a lot of Power really, really strong) or shore up ones that your beast lacks (such as enhancing the Insight on a beast that's not very aware). There's a limit on how much potions can do, but I might be convinced to do a little more for you. Wink wink, nudge nudge.
I can also work on your beast's appearance. You want your twitchy giant rat to look like a snarling fanged rodent? I can do it. Want it to look like a snake? Probably not. I can change its basic appearance and the greater detail when you look at it while it's fighting for you. But that's not all! I can even change what its special attack looks like, within reason.
Onward and Upward
Once your first beast reaches its twentieth training (don't worry, that will take a bit) you'll be able to bind your first uncommon beast. Uncommon beasts are a bit harder to find, lurking in special locales. And once you've gotten one of those to its twentieth train, there are rumors abounding about legendary beasts that only exist in a single place. These will obviously take some serious hunting to find, but the good news is that you have pleeeeenty of work to do before then, now, don't you?
10-10-2014, 06:18 AM
Seems cool.
10-10-2014, 07:09 AM
Seems cool.
Ditto. Would love to see a list of critters. A spirit bear would be neat for my T'Kirem dude.
10-10-2014, 07:11 AM
10-10-2014, 07:12 AM
And, seriously.
Spirit rift burrower.
Autowin. Annoying as fuck burrows.
Lady Sylvan
10-10-2014, 07:25 AM
I want a spirit squirrel. Rawr!!!!!!!
10-10-2014, 07:27 AM
You feel a rumble come from beneath your feet.
Dirt and rock explode from the ground beneath you as a spirit Jeril erupts from underground and crashes onto the surface, yelling, "Surprise!"
10-10-2014, 07:30 AM
I'll go for a spirit squirrel only if we can name them.
Fuck yeah.
Lady Sylvan
10-10-2014, 07:31 AM
Okay. Foamy the Spirit Squirrel. Hes mine see! Yaaa See!
10-11-2014, 02:25 AM
Teaser: Jewelry Boxes on 10/11/2014 02:08 AM EDT
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Yesss! My code is cleared so I can share it with you!
Jewelry boxes!
Here's the tease...
>analyze my box
You analyze your cedar jewelry box and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a jewelry box that can turn gems into jewelry. It has 5 levels to unlock and is currently Tier 6 and fully unlocked.
To change the jewelry's article: TURN
To change the jewelry's type: PULL
To change the jewelry's noun: RUB
To toggle use of your custom settings: KNOCK
To activate the box: PUSH
This item can be altered freely as long as it remains some kind of hard, unwearable container. Also, keep in mind that it has an automatic description that cannot be changed that will appear after a custom show, so please make sure your design makes sense.
Custom Settings:
This box can be customized by specific merchants. A custom artcle can be added for every level of unlocking. This article is the first part of the 15/15/15 design, for example "a gold-caged." It must be 15 characters or less.
You can tell that the box is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
End tease!
~Just Jainna
The last time I went to ebon gate there was a group chat set up. I was wondering if that still happens and if someone could provide info. regarding it and how to join it. Thx!
10-13-2014, 11:41 AM
The last time I went to ebon gate there was a group chat set up. I was wondering if that still happens and if someone could provide info. regarding it and how to join it. Thx!
Greedy Bastards is still going
10-13-2014, 02:01 PM
Spirit Beasts: A Primer
Few questions I wonder about:
- Any specific interaction with 218, 920, 630?
(would like to see them compliment each other)
- Will savants have any tie-in?
(seems like a pretty big system to code)
Looks like a good silver sink with the upgrading and potions and stuff.
Teaser: Jewelry Boxes on 10/11/2014 02:08 AM EDT
Links-arrows 7003
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Yesss! My code is cleared so I can share it with you!
Jewelry boxes!
Here's the tease...
>analyze my box
You analyze your cedar jewelry box and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a jewelry box that can turn gems into jewelry. It has 5 levels to unlock and is currently Tier 6 and fully unlocked.
To change the jewelry's article: TURN
To change the jewelry's type: PULL
To change the jewelry's noun: RUB
To toggle use of your custom settings: KNOCK
To activate the box: PUSH
This item can be altered freely as long as it remains some kind of hard, unwearable container. Also, keep in mind that it has an automatic description that cannot be changed that will appear after a custom show, so please make sure your design makes sense.
Custom Settings:
This box can be customized by specific merchants. A custom artcle can be added for every level of unlocking. This article is the first part of the 15/15/15 design, for example "a gold-caged." It must be 15 characters or less.
You can tell that the box is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
End tease!
~Just Jainna
Wut... obviously not the same as the auction jewelry boxes?
10-14-2014, 05:00 PM
All that spirit summoning lore is finally going to pay off!
10-15-2014, 08:55 PM
Two Hander/Polearm Teaser on 10/15/2014 08:07 PM EDT
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Got a couple of weapons that will be going out during the festival that keep with the theme of the party. Pardon my poor swinging skills:
You thrust with a blackened rolaren lance at a demon!
AS: +252 vs DS: +0 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +54 = +341
... and hit for 190 points of damage!
Your rolaren lance pulses with a burst of plasma energy!
... 20 points of damage!
You swing a blackened rolaren battle axe at a greater construct!
AS: +540 vs DS: +235 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +12 = +349
... and hit for 128 points of damage!
Blow cracks a rib and punctures a lung.
Breathing becomes a challenge.
You swing a blackened rolaren battle axe at a demon!
AS: +550 vs DS: +20 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +88 = +653
... and hit for 419 points of damage!
10-16-2014, 05:49 PM
While not much we at least get a brief glimpse across the T5 hopper...
Skimming the feeders, some things I see...
Mana flares.
Bigger than 4x stuff.
Weapons. Armor. UAC stuff.
Things will spells in them.
Unlocked stuff.
~GM Liia
10-16-2014, 06:24 PM
This is the first time I've been to a paid event, let alone EG. Can a few people give a primer on what to expect as far as games? What is digging? Are there strategies to make the most out of the event? Any other input or advice is appreciated.
10-16-2014, 06:37 PM
This is the first time I've been to a paid event, let alone EG. Can a few people give a primer on what to expect as far as games? What is digging? Are there strategies to make the most out of the event? Any other input or advice is appreciated.
shame you missed the Lorekeeper event last week. digging is you buy shovels, you dig, and you hope you get something good.
this year we are getting an extra week in prime at the beginning of the event starting tomorrow where no games will open and no quests can be run. to repeat: SHOPS ONLY.
there are 100+ shops and players like you and me will go around and make an item list on so people know what things are and so it can be used as a reference in the future
during this first week I strongly recommend you take note of which shops have workrooms, become familiar with the map that someone will produce and look for items that you might want worked on in addition to the items you already have that you want worked on. for example, currently I have 10 items to be altered and 7 of the alterations are designed. while you don't have to be so anal about it, being prepared will allow more people to get work done as well as saving yourself time to do other things instead of sitting there dumbstruck and asking the merchant for more time and waiting for the merchant to be done with other people once you get your idea.
If you are unfamiliar with alter rules, read the alter rules
on 10/24 in the evening the games and quests will be opened and merchants will start doing work.
10-16-2014, 06:56 PM
Re: Limited Item Availability on 10/16/2014 06:26 PM EDT
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There is a pair of spectacles in my new shop "Let It Burn" that is limited. The reason for that is that they technically have too many verbs to be sold off the shelf unless they were limited. Enjoy!
~Just Jainna
Jainna's Shop Teasers on 10/16/2014 06:46 PM EDT
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I have 15 shops at Ebon Gate this year. 2 of them are brand spanking new and 2 of them have been refreshed with new inventory!
One of my new shops has items solely designed by players for the Premium contest in July for men's items. There are clothing items and accessories in that shop. It has one item that is limited (spectacles) due to the amount of verbs the script traps.
The two refreshed shops are Sweet Oblivion and Dashing and Slashing.
Two and a half of my shops are still Premium only because they sell things that are for Premium people only. They sell home furniture or transporter devices. My merchant will be around for the latter shop to offer the EG only messaging for your transport devices.
I'll be having raffles in several of my shops. I'll do another teaser with services/raffles!
14 of my shops will be open for the shopping week for Prime.
The other one is the one with the jewelry boxes which will open on Friday (10/17) only for Plat. It will open sometime on opening night (10/24) for Prime. I will announce it. There will be one jewelry box for sale that has a limit on it in the shop. At some point I will be spinning to give out the remaining boxes in my possession, they will be off-the-shelf quality and cost the same as the ones sold off the shelf. They will be limited to 1 per account. If you bought one off the shelf your account won't be eligible to win the spin for one.
I will have two raffles for fully unlocked versions that everyone will be eligible for, regardless of whether you bought one of the off the shelf versions.
My merchant will be around to do very limited unlockings of the off-the-shelf boxes.
~Just Jainna
10-16-2014, 08:16 PM
shame you missed the Lorekeeper event last week. digging is you buy shovels, you dig, and you hope you get something good.
this year we are getting an extra week in prime at the beginning of the event starting tomorrow where no games will open and no quests can be run. to repeat: SHOPS ONLY.
there are 100+ shops and players like you and me will go around and make an item list on so people know what things are and so it can be used as a reference in the future
during this first week I strongly recommend you take note of which shops have workrooms, become familiar with the map that someone will produce and look for items that you might want worked on in addition to the items you already have that you want worked on. for example, currently I have 10 items to be altered and 7 of the alterations are designed. while you don't have to be so anal about it, being prepared will allow more people to get work done as well as saving yourself time to do other things instead of sitting there dumbstruck and asking the merchant for more time and waiting for the merchant to be done with other people once you get your idea.
If you are unfamiliar with alter rules, read the alter rules
on 10/24 in the evening the games and quests will be opened and merchants will start doing work.
Thanks very much. I'd love to throw you some rep but PC still won't let me because I guess I haven't "spread it around enough" yet.
Do we have an actual time? Meaning will the shops open at 12am tonight or some random time tomorrow?
10-16-2014, 08:27 PM
Compiled all the teasers from here and put them in a new post since I was going to start a raffle tracking thread anyway.
10-16-2014, 08:31 PM
The Blackshire Emporium - Forehead Gems on 10/16/2014 07:44 PM EDT
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In the glass display case you see a rose-cut pale pink mistvein ruby with silvery inclusions, a cabochon of dark purple sunset garnet with an iridescent sheen, a shield-cut white starstone swirled with grey and an oval of blue-green fire opal with shimmering indigo inclusions.
a rose-cut pale pink mistvein ruby with silvery inclusions - Beneath the pale pink facets of the ruby, thread thin inclusions of silver web through the heart of the stone like fingers of mist. Each shimmering imperfection runs one into the next, creating a lacy pattern that seems almost intentional.
a cabochon of dark purple sunset garnet with an iridescent sheen - Within the heart of the garnet, shards of orange and magenta flash when struck by ambient light, and the rounded surface of the gem has a coppery iridesence to it. When turned just so, a dim fire ignites in the depths of the garnet, flickering warm shades of crimson and yellow gold that melt into their purple surroundings like the sun dipping below the horizon at twilight.
a shield-cut white starstone swirled with grey - A closer look at this starstone reveals that rather than being a single solid piece of gemstone, it is comprises of a series of crystalline clusters in shades of white, grey, and black. The result creates the illusion of movement on the surface of the gem, wisps of grey creating whorls of contrasting color against the primarily pristine white background.
an oval of blue-green fire opal with shimmering indigo inclusions - Lurking beneath the smooth, rounded surface of this opal are iridescent flecks of green and indigo, mere sparks of color awash in a sea of cobalt. The contrasting hues of the inclusions create within the opal the likeness of a deep lagoon as its face is struck by shafts of bright sunlight, then darkened by passing clouds.
~ X., tease, tease.
Jainna's Raffle Teasers on 10/16/2014 08:29 PM EDT
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I am offering the following raffles this year.
Service/Item Shop Merchant
Premade Signature Verbs - Close Yer Robe - Vemeon
Cobbling Tote - TBD - TBD
200-Count Label Box - Sing Me an Epithet - Nyck
Master Quality Instrument Upgrades - Instrumental Interlude - Andagia
Fully Unlocked Jewelry Box - Treasure Trove - TBD
Script Adding (Shurley Gloves) - A Haphazard Wooden Shack - Archiwald
I'm also planning to offer the following services, hopefully.
Service Shop Merchant
Unlocking handwraps - A Haphazard Wooden Shack - Archiwald
Unlocking or deepening label boxes - Sing Me an Epithet - Nyck
Unlocking shop wares - Like Nobody's Watching - Mortasha
Ebon Gate Messaging - The Golden Rule - Goldilynn
~Just Jainna
10-16-2014, 10:19 PM
Raffle schedule! on 10/16/2014 10:01 PM EDT
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My merchants will be setting up the following raffles. All times are EST:
Friday, 10/17 - 11PM: Magic Pot, The Hairy Potter, Dawdly
Saturday, 10/18 - 10AM: Arkati Box (2), Go Figure, Bisha
Saturday, 10/18 - 1PM: Living Cloak, Rainbow's End, Toffit
Sunday, 10/19 - 10AM: Magic Pot, The Hairy Potter, Dawdly
Sunday, 10/19 - 4PM: RainboWear (shoes), Rainbow's End, Toffit
Sunday, 10/19 - 7PM: Paint Stick, Sacred Moons, Heidily
Monday, 10/20 - 7:30PM: RainboWear (dress), Rainbow's End, Toffit
Friday, 10/24 - 10PM: Magic Pot, The Hairy Potter, Dawdly
Saturday, 10/25 - 11AM: RainboWear (shoes), Rainbow's End, Toffit
Saturday, 10/25 - 3PM: Arkati Box (2), Go Figure, Bisha
Sunday, 10/26 - 1AM: Living Cloak, Rainbow's End, Toffit
Sunday, 10/26 - 10AM: RainboWear (dress), Rainbow's End, Toffit
Sunday, 10/26 - 2PM: Magic Pot, The Hairy Potter, Dawdly
Sunday, 10/26 - 10:30PM: Paint Stick, Sacred Moons, Heidily
Not all raffle tables will be set out at the beginning of the festival. I may or may not announce when they are set up, but there's the schedule.
~ Haliste ~
Farain Farates Faresses and Farurses! Faraffle! on 10/16/2014 10:03 PM EDT
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Farain may or may not be at his shop at EG.
He may or may not be raffling off a set of blades:
a fire flaring golvern longsword
an ice flaring golvern main gauche
He also may or may not burn you alive if you offer him a dress, gown, or anything other feminine when he is about.
What's a magic pot and living cloak?
10-16-2014, 10:29 PM
It's the pot that grows plants. Based on the tier you have it unlocked to it can grow (T1) - decorative , (T2) - herbal , (T3) - magical , (T4) - enhancive plants.
No clue on the Living Cloak.
10-17-2014, 04:38 AM
The EG shop list is open for editing.
It's a free-for-all for editing. If you want to contribute, please remember to do a quick-edit in the shop you're editing (not the whole file please) with "EDITING <date> <time>" and click "Publish" so people don't edit over each other.
Anyone can start a similar list for nifty prize descriptions/loresongs/whatevs.
Denise/Lyradie (Plat)
10-17-2014, 07:26 AM
Are the shops open yet? It's 7:26 EST. How does one actually get there, I can't seem to figure that out yet. I tried Narost but nothing seems to be able to find a path between my current location (landing) and there.
10-17-2014, 07:28 AM
Are the shops open yet? It's 7:26 EST. How does one actually get there, I can't seem to figure that out yet. I tried Narost but nothing seems to be able to find a path between my current location (landing) and there.
Probably won't open till tonight.
10-17-2014, 07:33 AM
Usually opens in the evening, sometimes takes a while on the first day. There will be a gate in most towns to it, in the Landing, IIRC, it is in the Town Square southeast
10-17-2014, 09:01 AM
Are the shops open yet? It's 7:26 EST. How does one actually get there, I can't seem to figure that out yet. I tried Narost but nothing seems to be able to find a path between my current location (landing) and there.
Won't be open until approximately 9pm EST tonight.
Prime: October 17th, 9pm - October 30th, midnight
10-17-2014, 09:30 AM
Are the shops open yet? It's 7:26 EST. How does one actually get there, I can't seem to figure that out yet. I tried Narost but nothing seems to be able to find a path between my current location (landing) and there.
you'll want to read the FESTIVAL verb
10-17-2014, 09:56 AM
I guess I haven't "spread it around enough" yet.
I'm stoked for EG. Do you guys think they will be offering any resist, bane, ensorcell?
Mostly looking forward to the fusion shaman.
10-17-2014, 10:52 AM
I don't think so, the only combat mechanical stuff seems to be permabless, enchant and flares.
10-17-2014, 11:46 AM
Hey everyone, I've updated the FESTIVAL verb. Sorry this took awhile. I originally wanted there to be another function available in there, but it will have to wait until next year. But I hope the revamp will be easier on the eyes. Let me know if anything seems wrong to you, or if there is anything more you'd hope to see (that's not already in the news item).
looks like it was just updated. they're way behind this year on some things, and savants
10-17-2014, 11:48 AM
Is that really a shock that they are behind?
10-17-2014, 11:58 AM
Is that really a shock that they are behind?
no, but I told Viekn to read the festival verb earlier before the announcement was published, and usually it is updated by the first week of October or so.
10-17-2014, 12:01 PM
no, but I told Viekn to read the festival verb earlier before the announcement was published, and usually it is updated by the first week of October or so.
Maybe they're busy cracking heads and taking names!
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