View Full Version : SA and dex orb of +10 or more

08-11-2014, 10:35 AM
Recently lost my staff in the temple and they won't replace it, since it was replaced in january. I am having to try and replace it myself.

I had a +11 Spell aim orb and a +10 dex orb in the staff. If anyone has either orbs please let me know what you are asking for them.

**Update** I replaced the dex orb but still need a SA orb of +10 or higher Please!!

08-11-2014, 10:36 AM
Did they say if someone picked up it? I looked for awhile, cleared the place a few times over, with no luck.

08-11-2014, 10:37 AM
Are you losing your weapon due to being disarmed or what's going on?

08-11-2014, 10:39 AM
bump for in game insurance or simucoin insurance so we can use our nice items!

08-11-2014, 01:26 PM
I was wandering...it got knocked out of my hands, killed wander and ran right back literally 3-4 rooms and staff + mob was gone. It literally couldn't have had time to do anything but pick it up and vanish. Several of us cleared the floor a few times. Janitor had it but it has been replaced in the past and they wouldn't. Anyway, I do know the risks, they suck but i do know. No point in having anything decent if you can't use it though...so help me out! Got the dex orb just need the SA orb now :) Thanks!

08-11-2014, 01:44 PM
Ahh. I was going to suggest try using the ;disarm-no-more script but if you noticed it just 3-4 rooms later and it was already gone it most likely wouldn't have helped anyways.

Sheesh, that got snatched up fast.

08-11-2014, 01:50 PM
I might have some orbs for you, but my computer with all my data on it crashed. I know I HAD 1-2 SA orbs north of +10, but can't say for sure where they're at. As soon as I can search my orb stash I'll check for you.

08-11-2014, 02:25 PM
Thank you, would appreciate it :)

08-11-2014, 02:30 PM
I was looking at disarm-no-more will that also work with just plain wander? I don't use bigshot in there but do wander quite a lot. Honestly I can't see how it would have worked in this situation because it disappeared so fast, I think just bad luck on timing, but would like it for the future.

08-11-2014, 02:33 PM
I was looking at disarm-no-more will that also work with just plain wander? I don't use bigshot in there but do wander quite a lot.

That depends; does wander put your weapon away? I've never used wander so I'm not sure if it does or not.

Honestly I can't see how it would have worked in this situation because it disappeared so fast, I think just bad luck on timing, but would like it for the future.

Yeah if it disappeared that fast it's unlikely the script would have helped. It's possible since the script tries to pick your weapon back up the instant it's on the ground, but we'll never know :/

08-11-2014, 02:48 PM
Doesn't a successful Disarm Weapon CMAN put you in at least 5 seconds of RT? Were I staring at my screen while using wander, I'd have 5 seconds to stop the script and inwardly scream while trying to pick my weapon back up.

As for disarm-no-more, perhaps I should download that one but it wouldn't help when a siren grabs my dropped weapon during RT.

08-11-2014, 02:57 PM
I was looking at disarm-no-more will that also work with just plain wander? I don't use bigshot in there but do wander quite a lot.

I just realized you were probably asking if it would stop the wander script and go back to find your weapon. In which case with the version I just now uploaded it should.

As for disarm-no-more, perhaps I should download that one but it wouldn't help when a siren grabs my dropped weapon during RT.

Yeah unfortunately if the critters are quick on picking up your weapon and you're stuck in roundtime there isn't much you can do. At least the script should stop your movement and move you back to the room it last saw your weapon in :D

08-11-2014, 06:21 PM
It did put me in a short rt, i run with haste so it wasn't much that's why i did get wander stopped just a few rooms away. Unfortunately not fast enough to not leave the room at all :(

It did work with wander, really well. Stopped, picked up the staff and continued on. Very nice :) Thank you.

08-12-2014, 09:54 AM
Found a dex orb, now i just need a Spell Aim of +10 of higher.

08-12-2014, 10:10 AM
I really wish they'd update the janitor to quit taking people's shit, especially within seconds like this.

With most critter equipment being crumbly now, there's no reason for the janitor to run on "normal" items when there are people still in the area.

08-12-2014, 02:05 PM
It seems like having the janitor not clean up registered items would be a no brainer. If a critter is holding a registered item when they're about to despawn they should just drop it. The fact that they're willing to replace items lost to the janitor suggests they also think this is broken, you'd think it'd be easier just to fix it...

08-12-2014, 03:30 PM
We realize it's an issue and agree that updates are needed. We do have some plans for it, but it's just a matter of time.

GameMaster Estild

http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Discussions%20with%20Simutronics/The%20Bad,%20and%20the%20Ugly%20(general%20complai nts)/view/9220

08-12-2014, 10:20 PM
Yeah, it's pretty shitty that two out of three capped areas feature item theft. It's one thing to keep this kind of nonsense in game for those who claim they enjoy the rush, but at least give the rest of us the option to go somewhere else. It works out for me because I prefer the Rift, but most players seem to avoid it like the plague. Sucks for them, huh?

They should really either get rid of item loss or give us a reliable way to mitigate it. Items are only lost to archaic mechanics, too. It's frustrating! If I could go back and kill every monster in the temple until I find the one that took my weapon, I should be able to do that! Even worse if it's like what happened here and your item disappears in seconds.


08-12-2014, 11:01 PM
This conversation reminded me of the awesome items I lost to the old death/decay mechanics. The janitor took my pocketed cloak. It was a cloak. With POCKETS.

08-13-2014, 10:24 PM