View Full Version : Katana vx bastard sword #s
08-08-2014, 01:59 AM
Ok.. how do these numbers work.. both Vaalorn weapons +18, both swappable one handed and two handed weapons.
Katana in offense stance = 174 with shield ( one hand )
Katana in offense stance = 184 without shield ( two hand )
Bastard Sword in offense stance = 202 with shield ( one hand )
Bastard Sword in offense stance = 202 without shield ( two hand )
Basically double trained Edged Weapons and single trained Two-Handed Weapon
My main focus on this build is to use a spiked shield to sbash, then put it away and wail with two hands on the stunned critter. Still in my training mode so I am trying to figure this out before my 30 days are up. Any input is appreciated. Thanks.
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use......................| 117 29
Shield Use......................| 105 25
Combat Maneuvers..........| 86 19
Edged Weapons..............| 97 22
Two-Handed Weapons.....| 54 11
Multi Opponent Combat...| 50 10
Physical Fitness..............| 96 22
Magic Item Use...............| 35 7
Harness Power................| 54 11
Perception......................| 54 11
Climbing.........................| 30 6
Cereal Killer
08-08-2014, 02:19 AM
If your goal is to wail on them with two handed weapons, then you should double two handed, and theoretically drop one handed if you're ALWAYS going to swing two-handed. You only need the OHE training if you're going to swing the bastard sword or the katana one handed.
I think it's a doable concept, but it would be far simpler to just feint and swing a two-handed weapon, putting the points you would have put into shield use and OHE into dodge, more armor, some ambush (for aimed strikes) and MOC (for multi strikes).
08-08-2014, 02:22 AM
Unless you are swinging a katana for RP, drop it. Either go full on sword and board or full on two handed.
08-08-2014, 08:34 AM
1xing just isn't worth it.
08-08-2014, 01:05 PM
Ok.. this is not what I expected... dropped the shield and edged weapons. Max trained two handed weapons and put the rest in ambush and armor but my AS dropped incredibly swinging a two handed weapon (no shield ).
Do I need to train in edged or blunt as well as two handed to keep my AS up?
08-08-2014, 01:15 PM
Can you check if you're using the GRIP verb?
Jace Solo
08-08-2014, 01:42 PM
Sounds like GRIP is the problem.
Also, get a bastard axe. It's the best. Handaxe in OHE and Battleaxe as THW.
My plan is to be doubled in OHE, SHIElD and THW by cap for the situational. I believe you're probably of the same thought pattern.
08-08-2014, 03:05 PM
ahhh.. did not know about the grip verb.... more testing. Thanks. Part of my influence on this path with the shield is an amazing 6x max light, spiked & flaring one just waiting for me to be of age to use. Just had to make a warrior tuned for it. Love the crit weighting of a Katana and I do like to take an alternate path from the norm. Was trying to avoid another sword and board only character though, thus the one hand/two hand weapon.
Thanks for all the input.
Cereal Killer
08-08-2014, 03:34 PM
One handed weapon and shield isn't a bad path, especially with all of the shiny new shield maneuvers. Warriors are the profession with access to most of them including that sexy shield trample. I would start out just straight OHE or OHB and 3x shield if I had a nice shield waiting for me, putting extra TPs (that I would have put into THW) into auxiliary skills.
08-08-2014, 03:48 PM
When I first started reading this thread the part of me that crunches the numbers said, it is not real smart especially when you are young, but another part of me said Hell yeah, that is cool. Admittedly, that is the part that wants my rogue to swing a katana/wakizashi combo, but that is strictly a post cap goal, since it is really just interesting and not really needed since he can kill most things in one blow from hiding anyhow.
But I say to hell with the naysayers, if it is what you want, go for it, there are plenty enough max efficiency characters around, BE THE REBEL!
08-08-2014, 04:43 PM
As much as I try to avoid the numbers and enjoy the game... I always end up doing the math so I don't waste a point, so this path is a challenge. Glad I have 30 days to try every option. Not like the ol GSIII days. Thanks for the input.
08-08-2014, 05:35 PM
I would not do less then 1x dodge for any reason on a warrior, it's too cheap and awesome to skip.
08-08-2014, 05:37 PM
The training path seems way too broad. I'd ditch the MO and some of the excesses and bump up things to 2x or simply go all two or one handed. Shield charge/bash with morning stars is quite savage too.
08-09-2014, 02:29 AM
{Posted this before reading the previous two posts}
Well.. with all my testing and changing my grip now.. I just can't see the katana working long term as an OHE weapon with the rarity that I will swing it two handed. Crit weight without aiming seems like a waste also. Just sucks up too many points and I realize that I need more stun power from a blunt on the warrior path. Currently with a decent morning star and pushing my shield training near 3x. sbash and shield strike are looking better as well as the defense bonus after mstrike. I have 22 ranks in CM now and do not have the ability to hit one critter twice though. I am sure there is a guide for that somewhere.
Now I have not put any points into dodge and notice several other warrior builds that skip this. Is this to max out the CM for more cman points to spend?
Jace Solo
08-09-2014, 02:59 AM
Cereal Killer
08-09-2014, 11:16 AM
Shields diminish the effectiveness of dodge training. The biggest shields, which most sword and board warriors will use, cuts the defensive bonus of dodging by 46%.
08-09-2014, 11:24 AM
I would never less than 2x weapon armor shield cm and pf if you are doing this path. 1x dodge could be is cheap but not required.
08-09-2014, 12:10 PM
I did this style on my warrior a long time back. I won a coraesine bastard sword, so I wanted to use it to the full potential instead of just picking OHE or THW style use. The difference was ambushing with the weapon as a two-hander was faster than ambushing with it as a one-hander due to dex bonuses and such. Also, it was fun to use shield maneuvers to knock the target down while "turtled", and then use a simple script to wear my shield, swap my grip, and ambush their face.
Another tactic that was great was in swarms, I could go offensive and be a lot more protected with the shield while mstriking until everything was stunned, then swap to two-hander grip and mstrike until they were all dead (this was before some of the more recent shield-based crowd control maneuvers were in existence).
This made my character's playstyle a lot more fun since I had the versatility to berserk with a shield out in warcamps (which was also pretty cool using a coraesine weapon) while using my two-hander style to crush single opponents.
Pretty sure I was 2x Shields, OHE, THW, CM (maybe 1.5 CM) had my armor use up to full plate and 1x Dodge with only 30 ranks in Ambush, and had MOC up to 5 targets (don't think you need more than 30 ranks to open aim well as a warrior, right?). Mastered in Sunfist since it brought the biggest benefits to my warrior.
Jace Solo
08-09-2014, 01:35 PM
I did this style on my warrior a long time back. I won a coraesine bastard sword, so I wanted to use it to the full potential instead of just picking OHE or THW style use. The difference was ambushing with the weapon as a two-hander was faster than ambushing with it as a one-hander due to dex bonuses and such. Also, it was fun to use shield maneuvers to knock the target down while "turtled", and then use a simple script to wear my shield, swap my grip, and ambush their face.
Another tactic that was great was in swarms, I could go offensive and be a lot more protected with the shield while mstriking until everything was stunned, then swap to two-hander grip and mstrike until they were all dead (this was before some of the more recent shield-based crowd control maneuvers were in existence).
This made my character's playstyle a lot more fun since I had the versatility to berserk with a shield out in warcamps (which was also pretty cool using a coraesine weapon) while using my two-hander style to crush single opponents.
Pretty sure I was 2x Shields, OHE, THW, CM (maybe 1.5 CM) had my armor use up to full plate and 1x Dodge with only 30 ranks in Ambush, and had MOC up to 5 targets (don't think you need more than 30 ranks to open aim well as a warrior, right?). Mastered in Sunfist since it brought the biggest benefits to my warrior.
This is who inspired my bastard axe build. If I could get a coraesine bastard axe I'd be the happiest boy in the world.
08-10-2014, 12:35 PM
Based on this thread, I've been TRYING to create a realistic katana build for a paladin... Katana/Shield... However, I'm finding that the TPs simply aren't there... Unless I wanted to compromise on race or stat growth
08-11-2014, 01:28 PM
Based on this thread, I've been TRYING to create a realistic katana build for a paladin... Katana/Shield... However, I'm finding that the TPs simply aren't there... Unless I wanted to compromise on race or stat growth
This is why I never converted my warrior to Paladin so long ago, even though I was drawn to the Paladin class. Once I had a reason to use a changeable grip (bastard) weapon, I had no incentive to lose the advantages of the Warrior's inexpensive weapon skill TP cost.
08-11-2014, 07:55 PM
This is why I never converted my warrior to Paladin so long ago, even though I was drawn to the Paladin class. Once I had a reason to use a changeable grip (bastard) weapon, I had no incentive to lose the advantages of the Warrior's inexpensive weapon skill TP cost.
It's rough, i tried an erithian ranger OHE ambush katana build. Was painful, ended up changing to THW only and then just stopped playing that character entirely. I get enough of the suboptimal training paths on my warrior proper that got most of the play time, so that when i was playing an alt i just wanted to be something imbalanced and blow shit up.
Would probably be pretty workable post-cap though, as a few thousand extra training points tend to make things.
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