07-31-2014, 11:18 PM
Hello Everyone;
Welcome to this installment of the GuidesbyWhirlin series. If you're anything like anyone, it's easy to lose track of all of the gemstone events that are going on. And who wants to be bothered with pulling up the Simutronics calendar, when you need to authenticate to your account, get into their forums, and then get into the calendar, or the link will randomly stop working! Seems like a royal pain in the ass to me.
So, we're going to be going over how to get the Simutronics Calendar automatically replicated onto your cell phone. It's surprisingly easy!
Known Shortcomings of this Guide:
If you have an oldschool flip phone, that is not a smart phone. I will not be able to assist you in getting the calendar on your phone... or any calendar for that matter.
This guide is only going to support iPhones, Android, and Windows Phones. I know that there's a new Amazon phone coming out, but nobody really knows what's up with that right now (Unless you're reading this in like, 5 years from now).
Requirement 1: You must have a Google account.
Google probably already has a rather large file about you. From your website preferences, shopping preferences, youtube video preferences and history, and they probably are watching you every time you navigate to a pr0n site. Chances are, you already have a google account, but if you don't, this process will sadly require one.
Requirement 2: Add the Simutronics Calendar to your personal Google calender.
Log into your Google account
Without explicitly logging out, head over to the Simutronics calendar (http://forums.play.net/calendar?game=gemstone)
In the bottom right corner of the calendar, there's a + Google Calendar button. Click that.
This'll allow you the options to add the Simutronics calendars as overlays onto your current calendar (in different colors)... Prompts should auto-pop up to add them to your personal calendars.
From here, things will fork out a little bit, as we talk about device specific stuffs.
iPhone / Android:
If you don't already have your Google account set up on your iphone, navigate into your device's settings to add the account
Iphone: Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account > Google.
Android1: Settings > Add Accounts
Android2: Settings > Accounts & Sync > Add Account
Enter your Google account password. If you have two factor authentication set up (which I recommend), you'll need to generate an application-specific password... However, if you were actually able to properly set up two-factor authentication, you can figure out that part on your own.
If the calendar didn't properly generate on your phone after doing that, on your computer, navigate over to https://www.google.com/calendar/syncselect This will allow you to select which calendars are being synced down to your iDevice.
Windows Phone:
Similarly to above, add the Google account to your synced accounts under Settings > E-mail + Accounts > Add an account
Enter your Google account info. Two factor as above if necessary
The calendar will only pull the default calendar. Navigate your phone to http://m.google.com/sync/settings This will prompt a list of devices attached to your Google account, and you can manage the calendars that are pushed that way.
Windows 8 / Outlook:
Less good... but you can export the Google calendars, and import them into outlook
Of course, this is a point-in-time pull...
Navigate to your Google calendar and go into Settings
Go to the calendars tab up top.
From here, under your personal calendars, there's an import/export option hyperlink. This will create a zip file
Head to the calendar app/outlook/whatnot, and use the import function there.
I'm sure everyone here was aware that it would be a possibility to get everything synced up... but it just requires a tiny bit of work... For everything except Win8/outlook, it'll be a one-time, 5 minute investment, and it should help remind you to attend those premium raffles, special events, scheduled invasions, and all other types of stuff.
Welcome to this installment of the GuidesbyWhirlin series. If you're anything like anyone, it's easy to lose track of all of the gemstone events that are going on. And who wants to be bothered with pulling up the Simutronics calendar, when you need to authenticate to your account, get into their forums, and then get into the calendar, or the link will randomly stop working! Seems like a royal pain in the ass to me.
So, we're going to be going over how to get the Simutronics Calendar automatically replicated onto your cell phone. It's surprisingly easy!
Known Shortcomings of this Guide:
If you have an oldschool flip phone, that is not a smart phone. I will not be able to assist you in getting the calendar on your phone... or any calendar for that matter.
This guide is only going to support iPhones, Android, and Windows Phones. I know that there's a new Amazon phone coming out, but nobody really knows what's up with that right now (Unless you're reading this in like, 5 years from now).
Requirement 1: You must have a Google account.
Google probably already has a rather large file about you. From your website preferences, shopping preferences, youtube video preferences and history, and they probably are watching you every time you navigate to a pr0n site. Chances are, you already have a google account, but if you don't, this process will sadly require one.
Requirement 2: Add the Simutronics Calendar to your personal Google calender.
Log into your Google account
Without explicitly logging out, head over to the Simutronics calendar (http://forums.play.net/calendar?game=gemstone)
In the bottom right corner of the calendar, there's a + Google Calendar button. Click that.
This'll allow you the options to add the Simutronics calendars as overlays onto your current calendar (in different colors)... Prompts should auto-pop up to add them to your personal calendars.
From here, things will fork out a little bit, as we talk about device specific stuffs.
iPhone / Android:
If you don't already have your Google account set up on your iphone, navigate into your device's settings to add the account
Iphone: Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account > Google.
Android1: Settings > Add Accounts
Android2: Settings > Accounts & Sync > Add Account
Enter your Google account password. If you have two factor authentication set up (which I recommend), you'll need to generate an application-specific password... However, if you were actually able to properly set up two-factor authentication, you can figure out that part on your own.
If the calendar didn't properly generate on your phone after doing that, on your computer, navigate over to https://www.google.com/calendar/syncselect This will allow you to select which calendars are being synced down to your iDevice.
Windows Phone:
Similarly to above, add the Google account to your synced accounts under Settings > E-mail + Accounts > Add an account
Enter your Google account info. Two factor as above if necessary
The calendar will only pull the default calendar. Navigate your phone to http://m.google.com/sync/settings This will prompt a list of devices attached to your Google account, and you can manage the calendars that are pushed that way.
Windows 8 / Outlook:
Less good... but you can export the Google calendars, and import them into outlook
Of course, this is a point-in-time pull...
Navigate to your Google calendar and go into Settings
Go to the calendars tab up top.
From here, under your personal calendars, there's an import/export option hyperlink. This will create a zip file
Head to the calendar app/outlook/whatnot, and use the import function there.
I'm sure everyone here was aware that it would be a possibility to get everything synced up... but it just requires a tiny bit of work... For everything except Win8/outlook, it'll be a one-time, 5 minute investment, and it should help remind you to attend those premium raffles, special events, scheduled invasions, and all other types of stuff.