View Full Version : Calcio Fiorentino - (Italian rugby + bare knuckle fighting)

07-30-2014, 03:11 PM
"Too small to be a real war and too cruel to be a game" - Henry III of France

Rules -
The modern version of calcio allows tactics such as head-butting, punching, elbowing, and choking but sucker punches and kicks to the head are banned. It is also prohibited from more than one player to attack an opponent. Any violation leads to being thrown out of the game.

Matches last 50 minutes and are played on a field covered in sand, twice as long as it is wide. A white line divides the field into two identical squares, and a goal net runs the width of each end. Each team has 27 players with no substitutions. The teams are made up of four Datori indietro (goalkeepers), 3 Datori innanzi (fullbacks), 5 Sconciatori (halfbacks), 15 Innanzi o Corridori (forwards). The Captain and Standard Bearer's tent sits at the center of the goal net. They do not actively participate in the game, but can organize their teams and sometimes act as referees, mainly to calm down their players or to stop fights.
The Referee and his six linesmen referee the match, in collaboration with the Judge Commissioner, who remains off the field. Above everyone else, is the Master of the Field. He makes sure the games runs smoothly, stepping into the field only to maintain discipline and reestablish order in case of a fight on the field.
The game starts when the Pallaio throws the ball towards the center line, followed by a small cannon firing; the shot announces the beginning of the contest.
From this moment on, the players try by any means necessary to get the ball into the opponents' goal also called caccia. The teams change sides with every caccia scored. It's important to shoot with precision, because every time a player misses the opposing team is awarded with half a caccia. The game ends after 50 minutes and the team which scored the most cacce wins.
The prize is also interesting, because along with the Palio, the winning team receives a Chianina Cow.

Saw a match yesterday and it's pretty crazy. A couple guys get taken away on stretchers.. a few more get knocked cold. Production kinda sucks and they cut away from the action too often, but it's worth a watch.


07-30-2014, 07:24 PM
Somebody else browses on chive

07-30-2014, 07:29 PM
Somebody else browses on chive


I was banned from Calcio Fiorentino. I was too violent, too hardcore.