View Full Version : Some containers

07-30-2014, 01:11 PM
Looking for a light-weight backpack worn that has like 120+ capacity. Nothing incredibly expensive, but hopefully light like ~6lbs?

Also, I'd be interested in a light-weight belt-worn container that holds a large amount. Something in then 2-4lbs weight that holds maybe ~80lbs?

Not sure what that would run me...

Also, is it possible to make an old "illegal" greatcloak that is stuck open to be closed (maybe even lockable)? Is that a rogue guild ability, or do they just add locks to containers that can be closed normally.

07-30-2014, 01:31 PM
Assuming the base noun is on the approved-container list, it should work, though other factors may prevent it from working (scripts, etc). You can have a rogue check it out to be sure, but the actual alter shouldn't matter, as long as the base noun isn't something weird.