View Full Version : Two of same script running

07-28-2014, 07:08 PM
Any idea what would cause the same script to be running twice? It just started yesterday but I noticed that I'll have two of the same script running, one with a capital letter in it though. Shortly afterward two of a different script will be running too, both with all lower case letters.

I have scripts that stop and start one another so I'm guessing it has something to do with that but I always make sure to only start up a script if it's not already running and even if I didn't it usually just says "That script is already running" and doesn't do anything so I'm not sure how two of the same script is running.

Any ideas?

07-29-2014, 10:08 AM
I think I figured out what the problem was. Apparently one script was starting a different script with a capital letter (Helper) while a different script was calling the same script but with no capital letters (helper). But I've been running this script for months now without ever seeing duplicates of the script running and it just started yesterday and only on one character.

Ah well. Pretty sure it's fixed now.