07-22-2014, 10:06 AM
Chalica recites:
"Good Evening everyone and welcome to the finals of the ninteenth annual Bardfest, presented by House Aspis!"
Chalica recites:
"Our first performer of the evening is Durakar al'Yari Faendryl, Demon Ward of the Palestran Guard and Performer Extraordinaire. Here tonight with something a bit new and different."
(Durakar walks toward the front of the stage waving out at the audience gathered. Behind him a pair of stage hands roll a vaguely pyramidal stone structure to the center of the stage before settling it in place.)
Durakar recites:
"Thank you all for coming out.
Tonight I shall not bore you with any words other than these.
Please enjoy what I am calling "The Rumblings Within"."
(Durakar carefully climbs to the top of the stone structure while the lights dim, leaving only a dull red glow illuminating him atop the makeshift mountain.)
Durakar kneels down.
(Durakar rocks from side to side on his perch. A sonorous drum beat echoes through the room in rhythm with his movements.)
(Durakar begins to slowly move his arms in graceful arcs as a low-hanging, hazy fog rolls out from underneath his feet, covering the mountain and stage within moments.)
Durakar stands up.
(Durakar stretches upwards to a cascading array of orange, yellow, and red lights that play across the curtain behind him.)
(Durakar lowers his arms, palms facing out, in a sweeping half circle to either side. Just as they reach his sides, both bend upward to his chest, hands curling into fists.)
(Durakar thrusts his clenched fists back down to his sides, stopping them just as the drums cease. The cascading lights behind him lower to cover the foggy stage in a roiling mixture of reds and oranges.)
(Durakar stands perfectly still with the fog swirling below him, small rocks jutting out here and there only to be covered up again a moment later.)
(Durakar flails about seemingly at random when the drum beat starts back, this time beating louder and faster than before.)
(Durakar spins around with his cloak billowing out, pushing the fog away from the peak.)
(Durakar bends over and clutches at a small rock jutting up as the structure he is standing on begins to shake.)
Durakar falls over.
(Durakar tumbles down the side of the mountain and into the fog below as the drums rumble on and the mountain continues to shake.)
Durakar stands up.
(Durakar slips gracefully through the fog and off stage, leaving the mountain tremoring to the intensity of the drums.)
(Durakar stumbles back on stage, gazing around in bewilderment first out among the audience and then over at the mountainous structure still rumbling. Suddenly the rumbling and the drums cease.)
(Durakar seems to glide across the stage swirling the mist around his legs as he moves cautiously closer to the mountain in the middle.)
(Durakar trips backward when the rumbling begins again, the drums beating a fast and steady rhythm. Scrabbling backwards toward the lip of the stage that has fog rolling off it, he stops just before falling off.)
(Durakar's face is full of fright as he looks back and down off the stage. Gulping once he and stands back up, turning to face the mountain.)
Durakar takes a deep breath.
(Durakar steps gingerly back towards the middle of the stage, peering around at both sides of the mountain before disappearing off behind it.)
(Durakar's footfalls are cut short as the drums start with renewed intensity. From the still mist covered mountain something moves under the fog, poking out a short way before pulling back into the mountain just as the rumbling dwindles away.)
(Durakar walks out from behind the structure on the opposite side he disappeared from, still looking it over with curiousity blanketing his face.)
(Durakar stretches a hand tentatively towards the misty mountain only to jerk it back as the rumbling begins and the drums build to a deafening thunder. Once again something moves beneath the fog, this time a hint of silver catches and reflects the red light before disappearing.)
(Durakar steps back and faces the mountain from the side of the stage, drawing in deep breathes. The heavy blasting beat of the drums coming in time with a flashing of red, yellow, and orange lights.)
Durakar takes a deep breath.
Durakar takes a deep breath.
(Durakar leans over blowing out all of the accumulated air in his lungs right as a blast of wind whips in from just behind him off stage, clearing the fog completely.)
(Durakar watches the trembling mountain as a metal object, resembling the Juggernaut of old, erupts from the top scattering a few pebbles down towards the stage. With a look of glee on his face Durakar leaps over to the mountain, landing spryly on the base.)
(Durakar climbs back to the top of the mountain and stands just behind the silvery miniature Juggernaut. The lights come back up with a bright white spotlight on him.)
Durakar takes a gallant bow, tipping his hat slightly, before sweeping it behind his back. After a moment's pause he rises and places his hat firmly on his head, adjusting it to fit.
Chalica recites:
"Our second performer of the evening is the bardess still looking for the answer to her question.. Jersea!"
(Jersea waits for the stagehands to dim some of the lights and set red papers in front of the others giving the stage an eery glow.)
Jersea softly begins, "Tyllan..."
Jersea softly says, "Skyreach..."
Jersea softly says, "Elstreth..."
Jersea softly says, "The Horned Cabal..."
Jersea asks, "Myth?"
Jersea asks, "Legend?"
Jersea observes, "Fact."
Jersea nods slowly.
Jersea smiles grimly.
Jersea queries, "How many of you here have taken up arms against a Lich?"
Jersea solemnly says, "I have."
Jersea recites simply:
"'Twas not so very far away
And not so long ago
When Voln's Champion came to say
That it was time to go."
Jersea shrugs.
Jersea recites somberly:
"Through a magic portal, leading
To mountains far away
Where paladins went missing
In a myster'ous way."
Jersea marches back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride.
Jersea recites wonderingly:
"Through the Gattrof Mountains, searching
For any sort of clue
All around the undead shrieking...
Portent of trouble, true?"
Jersea ponders.
Jersea taps a spiral-hafted vaalorn skull-crusher, which is in her right hand.
Jersea recites worriedly:
"For weeks we had been searching
And battling the hoard
Through the mountains lurching...
Nothing left unexplored."
Jersea wrings her hands.
Jersea recites patiently:
"The Magister, Remuliad
Searched until he found
A shrouded cleft and taints so bad
He sent the Champion 'round."
Jersea recites earnestly:
"A secret and a hidden cleft
Vis'ble cert times only
Teeming with fest'ring taints that left
Us wond'ring what we d see"
Jersea gasps.
Jersea recites hesitantly:
"We entered to an anteroom
A chamber, if you please.
The scent of decay filled the gloom
Leaving us ill at ease."
Jersea covers her nose tightly.
Jersea recites concernedly:
"A massive stone door dominates
The room, if I recall.
The scattered bones show grizzly fates.
Deep gauges score the wall."
Jersea gulps.
Jersea recites anxiously:
"The door was barricaded by
A massive granite slab
Sensing the final battle nigh,
We pushed and poked and jabbed"
Jersea leans forward.
Jersea recites worriedly:
"That slab. It guards the gates... to what?
What lay beyond that door?
Another room to clench the gut
Jersea gulps.
"What horror was in store..."
Jersea frets.
Jersea closes her eyes for a moment.
Jersea shudders.
Jersea recites hesitantly:
"An altar, with a snake statue...
That sight I can't speak of
And huge stone horns extending to
The shadows up above."
Jersea shakes her head no in a silent plea, cowering slightly.
Jersea moans.
Jersea recites sorrowfully:
"In this cave up in the mountains
The mystery is solved
Their blood filled the altar's fountains...
Those paladins so proud."
Jersea wrings her hands.
Jersea recites wearily:
"Human remains litter the floor
The stench of rot o'erwhelms
And... watching us across the gore
Of champ'ions of the realms..."
Jersea wobbles, looking a bit faint.
Jersea whimpers.
Jersea recites fearfully:
"It... might have been alive one time?
But... only trace remains
In tattered rags covered with grime
Which putrid flesh contains."
Jersea blinks in puzzlement.
Jersea recites delightedly:
"Mortals! Your trespass here will be
Your last act done alive!
Join e'erlasting service to me
And for my wishes strive."
Jersea twitches and cackles with glee as she glances around.
Jersea recites earnestly:
"The Lich cries out "You will serve me!
An army I will build
And have the world bent on its knee
My destiny... fulfilled!"
Jersea gasps a quick breath, obviously terrified!
Jersea recites defiantly:
"Your servants? No!" "We seek the Heart!"
"Surrender it at once!""
Jersea recites smugly:
""To do that now would not be smart...
You think I am a dunce?"
Jersea cackles!
Jersea recites quickly:
"A battle of wits then ensues
The Lich must toy with us.
"Answer the questions... or refuse...
It doesn t matter much."
Jersea grins evilly.
Jersea shrugs.
Jersea recites tersely:
"It taunts us with the history
Of the relic that we seek
Seeking the source of its myst'ry
So havock it can wreak."
Jersea snorts a derisive laugh, sneering in mockery.
Jersea recites seriously:
"Delighting in each wrong answer,
The serpent statue glows.
Each death a power enhancer
And so its potential grows."
Jersea gulps.
Jersea recites jubilantly:
"But the Magister was waiting
Until the time was right
Was watching... anticipating...
And with a cast so sleight..."
Jersea gazes with awe at her surroundings.
Jersea recites confidently:
"Called forth the energies of stone
With heat and cold combined
To merge the stone with Lich's bone
And leave it petrified."
Jersea gazes in amazement at her surroundings.
Jersea recites earnestly:
"Twisted... Distorted... Petrified...
Rage simmers in its eyes
Before this magic can subside,
"Destroy it now!" he cries."
Jersea bursts out in a resounding cheer!
Jersea recites proudly:
"Bashing and crashing. Shards of bone
Fly and dust fills the air.
To see the Lich be overthrown
That is our solemn prayer."
Jersea raises her vaalorn skull-crusher in triumph!
Jersea recites meditatively:
"For the future, let us record
That Lich's dust on the floor.
And a tiny gold and brass orb
Shines from amid the gore."
Jersea nods gravely.
Jersea recites thoughtfully:
"Could this be the Heart of Jaston?
This, the relic he sought?
This which power'd the life of lich bone?
Aye, yes... 'Tis as we thought."
Jersea looks lost in thought.
Jersea recites forcefully:
"A powerful relic was found...
There's one less Lich today...
Time to leave this mountainous ground
Is all I have to say!"
Jersea bursts out in a resounding cheer!
Jersea recites teasingly:
"What happened to the Heart you say?
Can I tell you in rhyme?
It's a mystery for another day...
For I am out of time"
Jersea winks.
Jersea curtsies.
Chalica recites:
"For our third performance of the evening, I present to you.. Meril!"
Meril waves.
Meril dusts off the pale mistwood harp in her hand.
Meril says, "Thank you each for coming, and for your forbearance at my taking your time. The song I bring to you today is 'A Hunt Through the Dark'."
(Meril closes her eyes for a moment in concentration, her hands resting on her harp. Then, with face tilted down, she starts to play. It is a brisk and lively melody, with a tinge of northern flavor.)
Meril sings:
"Through a snow-laden valley forgotten by time--
Through treacherous rockfalls and a long, breathless climb--
In a dim, twisting tunnel beneath miles of cold stone,
The light of two torch-fires flickered and shone."
Meril sings whiningly:
"'I thought it'd be closer,' young Arlan complained.
'A hunt through the darkness is not what I've trained.
If I'd only a quarry, a spear, and a bow--
Not this nearly blind journey so dreadfully slow.'"
Meril sings teasingly:
"A step in front, Rhia smiled and gave him a wink.
'A true hunter has to learn more than you think.
We were sent here, little sparrow, and don't you protest,
You were always so eager to prove yourself best--"
Meril sings teasingly:
"And if you hadn't named yourself, neither would I--
It's your fault we're both here, so at least you could try.
Now keep your ears sharpened where eyes have been blind,
And maybe you'll spy the old ruins we're to find.'"
(Meril adds a high tinkling to the melody, reminiscent of falling rain.)
Meril sings:
"She pressed on ahead with her torch held aloft,
Retracing the trail where the ground was yet soft.
These were not natural tunnels, that much she could see,
But no sign as to which folk the delvers might be."
Meril sings hesitantly:
"The floor grew more slippery, and somewhere nearby--
'Do you hear it too, sister? Like a river, but why
Would there be such a thing down in caverns this deep?
There are no streams outside and the slopes were so steep.'"
Meril sings quietly:
"'Like all flowing water, from fresh-melted snow--
But this runs through stone and pours out far below.
If people once lived here, that water they'd need,
So let's follow those sounds to wherever they lead.'"
(Meril gives a grand sweep of the harp-strings, merging the main chords with the persistent tinkling until background and foreground seem to interchange, the traveller's ballad subsumed under a spray of rain.)
Meril sings:
"The cavern they found was majestic in sight--
A black lake that shimmered with red mirrored light,
With falls roaring down from an underground stream
That poured through the mountain by chasm and seam."
Meril sings:
"And over the water, from cold iron made,
A long swinging bridge in the shadows there swayed--
The rivets were rusted, but the chains still held fast,
And step by step, carefully, they clambered past."
Meril sings happily:
"'I think these are tracks!' Arlan gasped, kneeling down.
'Do you see where the stone is a little off-brown?
Looks like mud from old footsteps, they lead farther in--
We're sure to see more signs of where they had been.'"
Meril sings hesitantly:
"'Lead on then,' said Rhia, for she saw the tracks too,
Though she paused just a moment--one thing rang untrue.
Might be she was wrong, but she shivered with doubt--
For the footsteps led inward, but not one led out."
(Meril lets the last note drift into a brief silence, looking up thoughtfully. Then she starts again, slower and quieter, punctuating each verse with a low thrum.)
Meril sings:
"They ventured yet deeper, the tracks as their guide,
And the air became musty, the tunnels less wide,
The torches burned dimmer, the shadows grew long,
Dancing wildly behind in an unruly throng."
Meril sings quietly:
"She peered forward, frowning, then dipped down her flame.
'It's nothing,' she told him, 'Keep doing the same--
I'm saving on torchlight, for sake of the air.
Just one is enough, I can see more than fair.'"
Meril sings earnestly:
"He nodded and led them, his eyes on the trail.
'I remember the elder once told us a tale,
How we fled underground in an age of great strife,
And found there a shelter and made a new life.'"
Meril sings amusedly:
"'Well, not to these caverns for certain,' she laughed.
'That bridge would have fallen had it been of their craft.
It is only a legend from centuries ago,
So temper your hopes, take it steady and slow.'"
Meril sings earnestly:
"'But I've looked at these tracks, and they're so like our own.
The stride is just right, the weight on the stone--
Whoever once delved this to make their abode,
It wasn't some Other that walked down this road.'"
Meril sings:
"She thought on that harder, but couldn't surmise
Any truth that explained what was before her eyes--
And as her mind raced to find reason in it all,
The path widened out to a small carven hall--"
(Meril lets the melody drift into the lower chords, playing it at a deliberate pace.)
Meril sings:
"There were pillars that rose to a ceiling of stone,
A seat that lay broken like a lord's fallen throne,
Clay vessels adorned with some forgotten art,
An archway that loomed a short distance apart--"
Meril sings happily:
"'We've found it,' breathed Arlan, and making his way
Around in a dream as a child might at play,
He held up his torch to each crack in the stone,
Inspecting the pieces as if he were alone."
Meril sings:
"But Rhia glanced 'round warily, sensing deceit.
The lay of the room was too perfect, too neat,
A scent in the air seemed to smell of distrust--
And if it was abandoned, then where was the dust?"
Meril sings sharply:
"'Come back here,' she called, but he didn't quite hear,
And briefly, she thought, a shape seemed to appear--
It was there for a flicker--on the arch as light fell--
Then the shadows there surged in a smothering swell."
(Meril stills her harp for the space of a single breath, then picks up the melody once more on the lowest strings, its notes echoing deep and hollow.)
Meril sings:
"The flame had blown out, the hall was pitch-black,
And dimly, half-deafened, she heard him call back--
A clanking of iron--a short, muffled sound--
A rustling, as someone were dragged on the ground--"
Meril sings:
"She found her own torch at last, breathed it to life,
Then held it before her, a hand on her knife.
But whatever it was, it had long since moved on--
And as much she cried out, she knew he was gone."
Meril sings tremblingly:
"'Little sparrow,' she whispered, 'as I still draw breath,
I shall seek you and save you, though it lead to my death.
May the Goddess succor me and guide me, I pray,
I'll not rest 'til I've found you, though hells bar the way.'"
(Meril pauses at the end of the prayer, waiting until the echoes have gone silent. And then, subtly, it is not the melody that starts again, but the tinkling of falling water--softly at first, then louder, fuller--until at last the ballad cuts back in at the crescendo.)
Meril sings:
"He awoke with a shiver in cold, biting rain,
Still feeling on his temple a dull, throbbing pain.
His hands had been shackled, his arms had been bound,
But he sat upright, straining, and looked all around--"
Meril sings:
"There were tents by the hundreds, and bright flaring lamps,
And figures that hurried between vast bustling camps--
And so many faces, all harried and dim,
Each one of them chained down and bound just like him."
Meril sings darkly:
"A haggard man watched him, and chuckled without mirth.
'You are welcome to our fire, for what it is worth.
But you'll soon meet our masters, so best guard your tongue--
They've an ear for defiance in servants so young.'"
Meril sings gravely:
"'Aye, that is the truth,' said a woman, more soft--
'I've seen it before here--and lately too oft--
From warriors who have been more foolish than brave.
Let them think you wish only the life of a slave.'"
Meril sings earnestly:
"'My sister will find me,' he hoped--no, he knew.
'I've only to wait 'til a message gets through--
If I could but tell her, then as the crow flies--'
He stopped short then, seeing the sad look in those eyes."
Meril sings wistfully:
"'For uncounted years we have lived 'neath their thumb--
Let go of that dream, boy, she never will come.
But serve them and learn all their ways, my sweet child.
In time, when they trust you--' and at that, she smiled."
(Meril brings the ballad to the forefront again, giving it one last lively rendition in refrain. Then, looking a bit apologetic, she claps her hands to her harp and stills the melody.)
Meril bows.
Chalica recites:
"I present to you Dendum of the Wendwillows!"
From behind some closed curtains, a voice asks, "Who knows of the stories told in wooded glade? Between kin and blood to make history in words, and guide the people? Who knows of the traditional songs of my people? Who can judge this?"
In a perfect imitation of Chalica, from behind Chalica, a voice says, "I know nothing of the gnomish kind."
In a perfect imitation of Fender, from behind Fender, Dendum's voice says, "I am just the keeper of the time."
In a perfect imitation of Rozy, from behind Rozy, a voice says, "Am s knows not a thing!"
In a perfect imitation of Richaard, from behind Richaard, a voice says, "I had a book on that that I forgot to bring ."
In a perfect imitation of Dreaer, from behind Dreaer, a voice says, ""This yellow shirt was an amazing find!"."
The voice of Dendum says, "Hrmph."
Dendum comes out of hiding.
Dendum announces, "Then before story even begins, we must shed on darkness the wisdom found in the light."
Dendum lights his blue tanik torch, causing the end to burst into a shower of flame.
Dendum informs, "We do not often pass down in books that which we preserve, such things last not long in Imaera's damp woods, instead we use the song and poem. We sing of the past, so that we can be better guided in the now."
Dendum informs, "This is one such story, but all such stories are connected you do not need to know that she who is in this story would have children who go on to join Angstholm in hidden islands, or that her ancestors walked with Zelia in ancient times. You just must know that while most of us hold Imaera on high her ways are harsh and some seek aid from friendly sources, our ancestors, the spirits of animals, the wind, or other Great Spirits for the Wendwillow it is often Zelia herself."
Dendum recites:
"So now spirits, take these who know more than they did
but less than they should
Back to the time Methrana stands on edge of woods.
Gorged by the tusk of the great Boar.
Great mountain before her."
(Dendum holds his torch above his head, flickering shadows surround him on the stage.)
Dendum removes a handful of greenish-grey powder from in his bear fur greatcloak.
Dendum flings a pinch of his greenish-grey powder into the air in a protective arc, allowing it to settle slowly earthward and provide a barrier to vengeful ghosts.
Dendum slowly empties his lungs.
Dendum recites:
"The deadly dense woods behind, rising trail in front
Methrana steps lightly, gorged deeply her strength seeping
Her eyes alight with inner flame, burning away pain
Dark day gives way to darker night, absent is the light.
Laboriously moving aching leg, she moves ahead slowly creeping.
One moon rises in the sky, a pale glow over the failed hunt."
Dendum put a pinch of greenish-grey powder in his bear fur greatcloak.
Dendum removes a branch of wood from in his bear fur greatcloak.
(Dendum holds a small branch between the flaming torch and the dark curtains behind him, instanly the shadows leap and twist in the background. Magnified the lines and curves of the branch become a twisting mass of shadowy forest foliage.)
Dendum recites:
"Turning back to dark woods Methrana does exclaim-
In this woods, I have met a worthy foe!
My arrows bit deep but bring not down the battered boar,
a true, terrifying forest walker, Tenacious, Trampling my bones.
Even now I grow numb, and the way back home is long.
Rest here longer, in dark night, this is not a welcome thought
Ahead towards our camp, not one more moment wasted, I go."
Dendum recites:
"She steps in a daze, one dragging foot after the other.
Crunching of leaves giving ground to grinding stone.
Breath silent in misty air, even in pain each step placed with care,
But rising Liabo's light, gives illumination to her plight.
Descending from above a pack of wolves! She is not alone!
In a fearful daze,, Methrana in shadows takes cover."
Dendum carefully places a branch of wood on the floor.
Dendum removes a wolf-shaped green sapphire from in his bear fur greatcloak.
Dendum smiles holding his wolf shaped gem just so, the green stone casting shifting shadows and catching the light. On the back curtain the image of a wolf appears, and moves, flickering torch light creating the illusion of multiple beast.
Dendum recites:
"Through gritted teeth Methrana does whisper to herself-
In better times, such a mighty pack would be hard contention,
slowed and rent, riven and withered, I am stopped in ascension.
Damnable dogs now descend upon the trail?
easy to hide, were it not for bloodied side
and the wolves nose is sharp .
time is up, they approach and my only friend is the dark.
hurry now, and quiet as well as quick."
Dendum recites:
"Firm is her resolve, as she inches towards snarling pack,
Know that keen is the wolves senses, a killer built well,
But Methrana does to shadows hold, each step well controlled
And sound around her was still, fear amplifying well honed skill.
Not glimpse did wolf see, or nose pick up on smell.
Lornon peeks around the clouds, just as the snarling is at her back"
Dendum recites:
"Exhaled breath disappears into the air as Methrana thinks aloud-
Another barrier crossed, on rough path to kith and kin,
not that I could expect to be so lucky as that again,
deadly wolves are gone, but such exertion does pain erase
Longingly I look forward to my Clans resting place.
in wooded ravine they wait
finding such will be welcome.... But wait what new thing is this,
ears, if not playing tricks, do hear a sound!"
Dendum makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Dendum gestures.
A strong breeze suddenly picks up and begins to blow around in different directions through the area!
Dendum recites:
"Descending darkness behind her, Rocky trail ahead
Hoary Haired enormity stretches, Head turned down path
Frost Colored fur shining, a sight that has hopes declining
Giving a glowering stare, it has to have seen her there
Rage fills the heart of Methrana then, she gazes back in wrath
She gives stone shaking shout, and her fear she does shed"
Dendum recites:
"The battle cry does echo from Methrana's lips-
Ancient Beast! Mountain Bain!
Call you fiend, call me Yeti's Bain!
Crowned rocks are where my kind do wait,
either step aside or strike me down...
Perhaps I am gored, tired, and scarred by rocky way
the thrice cursed yeti will not turn me around!"
Dendum recites:
"All pain does flee from her, she closes eyes and does ascend
Misty the wind begins to howl, Methrana charges head low
Her feet fly on firm foundation, anger giving way to resignation.
Unarmed rushing blindly without care, but mist parts
...and yeti is not there
She blinks bewildered, confused, there sits wooded ravine below
The mountain's woods well hiding a sleeping gathering, of kith and kin."
(Dendum brings his torch down low, the light now shining across his face, and casting one large shadow on the curtains behind him.)
Dendum recites:
"The wind blows through Methrana, she notices not its embrace
All moons shine in the clear heavens, Methrana leaves no shadow in the night
She feels not the path below, or wound given by deadly foe
Methrana is not surprised, at what appears before her eyes
Blessed boar, bathed by the descending light
Not fearful or frightening but standing with unearthly grace."
Dendum recites:
"A voice, familiar, a voice filled with promise-
Ahh, now we are ready at the end
so that we can be together, hunter and hunted again
closed was your path, but now it stands ready
eyes now open, come they wait we can begin
never did I doubt you could make this climb
Despairing not that you, the truth would find."
Dendum snuffs the blue tanik torch, placing it in the bear fur greatcloak.
Dendum makes a simple gesture, and the strong breeze stops as suddenly as it arrived.
Dendum announces, ""This is the end of the story of Methrana, and the life of Methrana. Though had you heard other songs in the great tales you would know already of her earlier deeds, and that the children of her children would spread like pollen in the wind, being found in many lands among the Wendwillows, the Felcour, and mysterious Angstholm."
Dendum states, ""Mystery and Mountains, on the mountain there is mystery....though perhaps untrained eyes do not easily see this thing. For the young think this is a simple tale of a gnome who, while bleeding, manages to sneak past a pack of wolves and who died fighting a yeti, the older and wiser realize this is more than that, and Aelotoi ears my find that Methrana's words do hint at this, for this is not a simple tale of one climb up a trail but the story of acceptance and finding Imaera's grace under Zelia's light. Not even the keen senses of a wolf can smell the spirit walking spirit paths."
Speaking to Chalica, Dendum informs, ""Perhaps the ears of Aelotoi will hear that Methrana knew the truth all along, her words do speak such"."
Dendum winks at Chalica.
Dendum informs, ""Who can know the truth of tales of the dead? It is said her kin did venture back down mountain path, recovering her famous bow, burning her body...and the body of the boar thay lay beside her pierced many times with sharp arrows."
Dendum gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...
Dendum gestures.
A sudden burst of bright light emanates from Dendum's hand!
(Dendum stands in the middle of the blinding light, he looks around and nods.)
Dendum says, ""Hrmph, this is what it is and now it has been spoken, may Great Spirits forgive all mistakes made in turning tale to common tounge, and may this light forever burn inside the listener."
Dendum bows.
Chalica recites:
"I am pleased to present Th'fashionably late Laelithonel of Icemule, admirer of Dreaer an'other beautiful things."
Laelithonel begins to twitch.
(Laelithonel places a trembling hand on the fluid-filled sphere at her side and sinks into a curtsy. She smiles out at the audience, her eyes drifting past them.)
Laelithonel recites:
"Ah shared some tales
From Icemule Trace.
Of shades an'death
An' ruins still in place."
Laelithonel recites:
"But th'silence of storms
Howls inside th'bones
Of stories an'memories
Of m'snowy white home."
Laelithonel recites:
"For as long as travelers
Brave th'mountains up high
There will be tales t'tell
As there are stars in th'sky."
Laelithonel recites:
"But this is m'story,
Wha'little ah know.
Of th'time before
Ah lived in th'snow."
Laelithonel recites:
"Asked where did ah live
Before ah came here.
Ah said Icemule was always
In m'heart close an'dear"
Laelithonel recites:
"But ah know tha's not true
'cause sometimes ah think
Tha' m'dreams mean somethin',
For of sulfur they stink."
Laelithonel recites dazedly:
"Ah remember th'dress
Tearin' in th'bramble.
Ah remember a voice,
Sayin' "Shush don' ramble!""
Laelithonel recites distantly:
"Ah remember th'pain
In th'back of m'head.
Ah remember 'em sayin'
She's better off dead."
Laelithonel recites:
"Th'song in th'clouds
Of th'explosions ah heard
It sang t'me sweet
An' soft an'slow..."
Laelithonel recites:
"Ah was carried out an'over
An'down th'mountains out east.
An' below sat a town
Where Halflin's did feast."
Laelithonel recites:
"But sometimes when it's dark ah remember th'eyes..."
(Laelithonel touches the fluid-filled sphere at her waist and gazes lovingly at the floating eyeball.)
Laelithonel recites silkily:
"Two, there were two.
Eyes come in twos.
Oh an' th'loveliest shade of blue."
Laelithonel sways back and forth.
Laelithonel recites:
"There was a boom, a ding, a crack an' a burst."
Laelithonel's whole body trembles with fear.
Laelithonel recites:
"It wasn' th'landslide, jus' m'head an' it hurt."
(Laelithonel gingerly touches the side of her head.)
Laelithonel closes her eyes for a moment.
Laelithonel recites:
"Th'smoke parted past
his face so serene.
He was still with me,
but wha' did he see?"
Laelithonel turns over her steel eyeball scoop.
Laelithonel licks a surgical steel eyeball scoop in her hand.
Laelithonel recites:
"Th'guild became family.
They raised me up kind.
They said ah don' remember,
Cause ahm bruised in th'mind."
Laelithonel frowns.
Laelithonel recites:
"Ah say ah had someone
Before ah came here,
They say hush don' ramble,
Shh, there be a dear."
Laelithonel recites:
"But when is dark in th'cold,
M'feet skip along
Th'pathway up th'mountain,
M'ears filled with song."
Laelithonel touches one finger to her lips.
Laelithonel recites:
"They don' tell me th'truth.
They don' want me t'know..."
Laelithonel recites:
"Not where ah came from,
Because Icemule is home."
Laelithonel recites:
"But jus' who ah was,
Before ah fell in th'snow."
Laelithonel sinks into a deep curtsy.
Laelithonel blushes a bright pink to the tips of her ears.
Chalica recites:
"And it is time for our final performer of the evening! Introducing a simple hunter who has lived in every town at one time or another. He's picked up a story or two in his travels, and he plans to share a good one with you tonight. Let's have a big welcome for Oriehn!"
(Oriehn takes a comfortable stance in the center of the stage, folding his hands in front of his body as he projects his voice.)
Oriehn greets, "Good evening everyone, and thanks for staying awake for the last performance of Bardfest!"
Oriehn announces, "I'm about to tell you all the tale of the Fellowship of the Circular Table with the Ale Stain that kind of looks like a Sexy Kobold."
Oriehn continues, "It's an energetic tale that started in this very town, a few blocks away from here on the barroom floor of Helga's Tavern."
Oriehn adds, "Keep in mind that this is just a story. Any similarities between the characters and real life adventurers could theoretically be coincidental."
Oriehn breathes very slowly and looks much calmer.
Oriehn recites cryptically:
"It started with a kiss.
A kiss that had the power of a fist.
Because as it turns out it was more of a punch than a kiss.
But sometimes the only way to express oneself is with violence.
Even if the emotion one is trying to convey is good will."
Oriehn removes a flagon of Dragonsdraught ale from in his elven leather jacket.
Oriehn raises his Dragonsdraught ale in a toast!
Oriehn recites casually:
"It was a friendly bar fight the likes of which Helga hadn't seen since at least last Restday.
The fight had started abruptly over a matter as trivial as whether the stew was simply inedible or actually poisonous.
It ended just as quickly when the Gnome bounced off of a bar table with a shrill, "Wheee!",
drawing the other combatants' attention to the treasure map."
Oriehn removes a blood-stained scroll from in his elven leather jacket.
(Oriehn holds his scroll out towards the audience, indicating different areas with the lip of his flagon as they are mentioned.)
Oriehn recites wonderingly:
"They stood around the unfurled scroll drinking in its intricate details
of a path through a Stronghold high on Mount Thanatoph that ended with a prominently gilded X.
The writing underneath of the X had been rendered indecipherable by a bad spill of dark, Blackdew grog,
but each adventurer filled in the mysterious blank with their own desires."
Oriehn put a blood-stained scroll in his elven leather jacket.
(Oriehn looks out towards the crowd with excitement flashing in his glacial blue eyes. His posture shifts slightly in height to emphasize the adventurer he's mimicking.)
Oriehn recites excitedly:
"Treasure!" hashed out the Human.
"It will be powerful magic!" disputed the Dark Elf.
"Eternal glory lies waiting!" grunted the Giantman.
"Smells like booze to me!" declaimed the Dwarf.
"It has to be tarts and cookies!" howled the Halfling.
"Is secret kittenses base!" giggled the Gnome gleefully."
Oriehn marches along, proudly displaying a flagon of Dragonsdraught ale!
Oriehn recites coolly:
"The Fellowship of the Circular Table with the Ale Stain that kind of looks like a Sexy Kobold formed immediately,
but began to dissolve right after their first fight at the base of the mountain.
They lost the Dark Elf there.
Not because of injury, but because he sobered up and realized that he hated everyone else in the group passionately.
Without uttering a word he turned around and left in search of his self-perceived equal.
He was never seen again."
(Oriehn waves an exaggerate farewell towards stage left before continuing his short march towards the front of the stage.)
Oriehn recites comically:
"Their next obstacle was a stone troll who demanded the troll toll if they wanted to use his shortcut of a hole.
The party lost two members then, because the "toll" was the Gnome whom the troll had fallen desperately in love with.
The Halfling left with them because the troll was a fan of Jeril,
and lured the Gnome back to his hut with the promise of a mountain of candy.
It wouldn't have been fair if the Gnome had those sweets all to herself."
Oriehn suddenly observes, "It's actually not even fair if they have all those sweets between the two of them, so how about I offer a taste to all of you who have stayed awake for my performance!"
(Oriehn flips his disk over, launching a miniature mountain of chocolates and caramels into the audience.)
Oriehn recites eagerly:
"After a harrowing ride down a tube they landed in the lap of the largest stone giant ever mentioned in written history.
(It helps that they're not mentioned often)
Once they had scrambled to their feet, the Giantman called out that this was where they part.
He reached deep into his kilt, pulling out a maul bigger than should have been possible.
(Due to its size and where it was sheathed)
The Giantman then howled in rage as he waddled forward furiously."
(Oriehn waddles around the stage, acting as if each step brings him a sharp, new pain.)
(Oriehn stops suddenly, lifting his nose high into the air as if following a distinct smell.)
Oriehn recites approvingly:
"The Dwarf was then halted by a smell that pulled the remaining two off of the path
just long enough for them to find a room full of gigantic, stone kegs labelled "Da Guud Stuf".
The gloriously bearded one patted the Human on the rear and claimed that his journey ended here.
The last glimpse the Human caught of him was his stout body scrambling over the stone lip of a keg
with a loud, refreshing "Splash!"
Oriehn renders a sharp salute with his Dragonsdraught ale.
Oriehn takes a drink from his Dragonsdraught ale.
Oriehn recites wonderingly:
"The human was a mere 30 paces from the X when she saw the treasure hoard.
It was enough silver to sustain the woman through five lifetimes.
(Or at least allow her to snatch one dress from Inurtia's coffee-stained clutches)
She would have stopped there if her curiosity to solve the mystery of the X wasn't so great.
Luckily for this story, it was, so she turned her back on the treasure and moved down the passageway."
Oriehn marches back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride.
(Oriehn stops his march suddenly in the center of the stage, then gazes around in wonder.)
Oriehn recites uneasily:
"The Human found herself standing in a dimly lit study.
The patterned walls were lined with books and the floor littered with cauldrons and potions.
What lay in the center of the room marked X was a cage full of mewing kittens.
As the kittens pushed against the cage walls and each other to greet her,
she noticed the "Kitten Recipes" book that was propped up against the locked gate."
Oriehn kneels down.
(Oriehn saunters towards the front of the stage on his knees, one of his fingers pressed innocently against his lips.)
Oriehn recites intimidatingly:
"Ams saids is secret kittenses base." lazily called out a voice from behind her.
The Human turned and found herself staring at the Gnome,
who was sucking a cherry lollipop as she crept - forward - menacingly.
It was then that the Human noticed that the map compass had been a red rose all along.
"Nows to keeps it secret!" giggled the Gnome as she rubbed her tiny hands together.
The kittens mewed sorrowfully."
Oriehn smiles sadly as he cradles his ale in his hands.
Oriehn stands up.
Oriehn recites cryptically:
"It ended with a kiss.
A kiss that had the power of an implosion.
Because as it turns out it was more of an implosion than a kiss.
But sometimes the only way to express oneself is with violence.
Especially if the emotion one is trying to convey is -
The End."
Oriehn raises his Dragonsdraught ale in a toast!
Chalica recites:
"With that, our final round performances have finished! Let's give our finalists one more big round of applause! Cheers to Durakar, Jersea, Meril, Dendum, Laelithonel, and Oriehn"
"Good Evening everyone and welcome to the finals of the ninteenth annual Bardfest, presented by House Aspis!"
Chalica recites:
"Our first performer of the evening is Durakar al'Yari Faendryl, Demon Ward of the Palestran Guard and Performer Extraordinaire. Here tonight with something a bit new and different."
(Durakar walks toward the front of the stage waving out at the audience gathered. Behind him a pair of stage hands roll a vaguely pyramidal stone structure to the center of the stage before settling it in place.)
Durakar recites:
"Thank you all for coming out.
Tonight I shall not bore you with any words other than these.
Please enjoy what I am calling "The Rumblings Within"."
(Durakar carefully climbs to the top of the stone structure while the lights dim, leaving only a dull red glow illuminating him atop the makeshift mountain.)
Durakar kneels down.
(Durakar rocks from side to side on his perch. A sonorous drum beat echoes through the room in rhythm with his movements.)
(Durakar begins to slowly move his arms in graceful arcs as a low-hanging, hazy fog rolls out from underneath his feet, covering the mountain and stage within moments.)
Durakar stands up.
(Durakar stretches upwards to a cascading array of orange, yellow, and red lights that play across the curtain behind him.)
(Durakar lowers his arms, palms facing out, in a sweeping half circle to either side. Just as they reach his sides, both bend upward to his chest, hands curling into fists.)
(Durakar thrusts his clenched fists back down to his sides, stopping them just as the drums cease. The cascading lights behind him lower to cover the foggy stage in a roiling mixture of reds and oranges.)
(Durakar stands perfectly still with the fog swirling below him, small rocks jutting out here and there only to be covered up again a moment later.)
(Durakar flails about seemingly at random when the drum beat starts back, this time beating louder and faster than before.)
(Durakar spins around with his cloak billowing out, pushing the fog away from the peak.)
(Durakar bends over and clutches at a small rock jutting up as the structure he is standing on begins to shake.)
Durakar falls over.
(Durakar tumbles down the side of the mountain and into the fog below as the drums rumble on and the mountain continues to shake.)
Durakar stands up.
(Durakar slips gracefully through the fog and off stage, leaving the mountain tremoring to the intensity of the drums.)
(Durakar stumbles back on stage, gazing around in bewilderment first out among the audience and then over at the mountainous structure still rumbling. Suddenly the rumbling and the drums cease.)
(Durakar seems to glide across the stage swirling the mist around his legs as he moves cautiously closer to the mountain in the middle.)
(Durakar trips backward when the rumbling begins again, the drums beating a fast and steady rhythm. Scrabbling backwards toward the lip of the stage that has fog rolling off it, he stops just before falling off.)
(Durakar's face is full of fright as he looks back and down off the stage. Gulping once he and stands back up, turning to face the mountain.)
Durakar takes a deep breath.
(Durakar steps gingerly back towards the middle of the stage, peering around at both sides of the mountain before disappearing off behind it.)
(Durakar's footfalls are cut short as the drums start with renewed intensity. From the still mist covered mountain something moves under the fog, poking out a short way before pulling back into the mountain just as the rumbling dwindles away.)
(Durakar walks out from behind the structure on the opposite side he disappeared from, still looking it over with curiousity blanketing his face.)
(Durakar stretches a hand tentatively towards the misty mountain only to jerk it back as the rumbling begins and the drums build to a deafening thunder. Once again something moves beneath the fog, this time a hint of silver catches and reflects the red light before disappearing.)
(Durakar steps back and faces the mountain from the side of the stage, drawing in deep breathes. The heavy blasting beat of the drums coming in time with a flashing of red, yellow, and orange lights.)
Durakar takes a deep breath.
Durakar takes a deep breath.
(Durakar leans over blowing out all of the accumulated air in his lungs right as a blast of wind whips in from just behind him off stage, clearing the fog completely.)
(Durakar watches the trembling mountain as a metal object, resembling the Juggernaut of old, erupts from the top scattering a few pebbles down towards the stage. With a look of glee on his face Durakar leaps over to the mountain, landing spryly on the base.)
(Durakar climbs back to the top of the mountain and stands just behind the silvery miniature Juggernaut. The lights come back up with a bright white spotlight on him.)
Durakar takes a gallant bow, tipping his hat slightly, before sweeping it behind his back. After a moment's pause he rises and places his hat firmly on his head, adjusting it to fit.
Chalica recites:
"Our second performer of the evening is the bardess still looking for the answer to her question.. Jersea!"
(Jersea waits for the stagehands to dim some of the lights and set red papers in front of the others giving the stage an eery glow.)
Jersea softly begins, "Tyllan..."
Jersea softly says, "Skyreach..."
Jersea softly says, "Elstreth..."
Jersea softly says, "The Horned Cabal..."
Jersea asks, "Myth?"
Jersea asks, "Legend?"
Jersea observes, "Fact."
Jersea nods slowly.
Jersea smiles grimly.
Jersea queries, "How many of you here have taken up arms against a Lich?"
Jersea solemnly says, "I have."
Jersea recites simply:
"'Twas not so very far away
And not so long ago
When Voln's Champion came to say
That it was time to go."
Jersea shrugs.
Jersea recites somberly:
"Through a magic portal, leading
To mountains far away
Where paladins went missing
In a myster'ous way."
Jersea marches back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride.
Jersea recites wonderingly:
"Through the Gattrof Mountains, searching
For any sort of clue
All around the undead shrieking...
Portent of trouble, true?"
Jersea ponders.
Jersea taps a spiral-hafted vaalorn skull-crusher, which is in her right hand.
Jersea recites worriedly:
"For weeks we had been searching
And battling the hoard
Through the mountains lurching...
Nothing left unexplored."
Jersea wrings her hands.
Jersea recites patiently:
"The Magister, Remuliad
Searched until he found
A shrouded cleft and taints so bad
He sent the Champion 'round."
Jersea recites earnestly:
"A secret and a hidden cleft
Vis'ble cert times only
Teeming with fest'ring taints that left
Us wond'ring what we d see"
Jersea gasps.
Jersea recites hesitantly:
"We entered to an anteroom
A chamber, if you please.
The scent of decay filled the gloom
Leaving us ill at ease."
Jersea covers her nose tightly.
Jersea recites concernedly:
"A massive stone door dominates
The room, if I recall.
The scattered bones show grizzly fates.
Deep gauges score the wall."
Jersea gulps.
Jersea recites anxiously:
"The door was barricaded by
A massive granite slab
Sensing the final battle nigh,
We pushed and poked and jabbed"
Jersea leans forward.
Jersea recites worriedly:
"That slab. It guards the gates... to what?
What lay beyond that door?
Another room to clench the gut
Jersea gulps.
"What horror was in store..."
Jersea frets.
Jersea closes her eyes for a moment.
Jersea shudders.
Jersea recites hesitantly:
"An altar, with a snake statue...
That sight I can't speak of
And huge stone horns extending to
The shadows up above."
Jersea shakes her head no in a silent plea, cowering slightly.
Jersea moans.
Jersea recites sorrowfully:
"In this cave up in the mountains
The mystery is solved
Their blood filled the altar's fountains...
Those paladins so proud."
Jersea wrings her hands.
Jersea recites wearily:
"Human remains litter the floor
The stench of rot o'erwhelms
And... watching us across the gore
Of champ'ions of the realms..."
Jersea wobbles, looking a bit faint.
Jersea whimpers.
Jersea recites fearfully:
"It... might have been alive one time?
But... only trace remains
In tattered rags covered with grime
Which putrid flesh contains."
Jersea blinks in puzzlement.
Jersea recites delightedly:
"Mortals! Your trespass here will be
Your last act done alive!
Join e'erlasting service to me
And for my wishes strive."
Jersea twitches and cackles with glee as she glances around.
Jersea recites earnestly:
"The Lich cries out "You will serve me!
An army I will build
And have the world bent on its knee
My destiny... fulfilled!"
Jersea gasps a quick breath, obviously terrified!
Jersea recites defiantly:
"Your servants? No!" "We seek the Heart!"
"Surrender it at once!""
Jersea recites smugly:
""To do that now would not be smart...
You think I am a dunce?"
Jersea cackles!
Jersea recites quickly:
"A battle of wits then ensues
The Lich must toy with us.
"Answer the questions... or refuse...
It doesn t matter much."
Jersea grins evilly.
Jersea shrugs.
Jersea recites tersely:
"It taunts us with the history
Of the relic that we seek
Seeking the source of its myst'ry
So havock it can wreak."
Jersea snorts a derisive laugh, sneering in mockery.
Jersea recites seriously:
"Delighting in each wrong answer,
The serpent statue glows.
Each death a power enhancer
And so its potential grows."
Jersea gulps.
Jersea recites jubilantly:
"But the Magister was waiting
Until the time was right
Was watching... anticipating...
And with a cast so sleight..."
Jersea gazes with awe at her surroundings.
Jersea recites confidently:
"Called forth the energies of stone
With heat and cold combined
To merge the stone with Lich's bone
And leave it petrified."
Jersea gazes in amazement at her surroundings.
Jersea recites earnestly:
"Twisted... Distorted... Petrified...
Rage simmers in its eyes
Before this magic can subside,
"Destroy it now!" he cries."
Jersea bursts out in a resounding cheer!
Jersea recites proudly:
"Bashing and crashing. Shards of bone
Fly and dust fills the air.
To see the Lich be overthrown
That is our solemn prayer."
Jersea raises her vaalorn skull-crusher in triumph!
Jersea recites meditatively:
"For the future, let us record
That Lich's dust on the floor.
And a tiny gold and brass orb
Shines from amid the gore."
Jersea nods gravely.
Jersea recites thoughtfully:
"Could this be the Heart of Jaston?
This, the relic he sought?
This which power'd the life of lich bone?
Aye, yes... 'Tis as we thought."
Jersea looks lost in thought.
Jersea recites forcefully:
"A powerful relic was found...
There's one less Lich today...
Time to leave this mountainous ground
Is all I have to say!"
Jersea bursts out in a resounding cheer!
Jersea recites teasingly:
"What happened to the Heart you say?
Can I tell you in rhyme?
It's a mystery for another day...
For I am out of time"
Jersea winks.
Jersea curtsies.
Chalica recites:
"For our third performance of the evening, I present to you.. Meril!"
Meril waves.
Meril dusts off the pale mistwood harp in her hand.
Meril says, "Thank you each for coming, and for your forbearance at my taking your time. The song I bring to you today is 'A Hunt Through the Dark'."
(Meril closes her eyes for a moment in concentration, her hands resting on her harp. Then, with face tilted down, she starts to play. It is a brisk and lively melody, with a tinge of northern flavor.)
Meril sings:
"Through a snow-laden valley forgotten by time--
Through treacherous rockfalls and a long, breathless climb--
In a dim, twisting tunnel beneath miles of cold stone,
The light of two torch-fires flickered and shone."
Meril sings whiningly:
"'I thought it'd be closer,' young Arlan complained.
'A hunt through the darkness is not what I've trained.
If I'd only a quarry, a spear, and a bow--
Not this nearly blind journey so dreadfully slow.'"
Meril sings teasingly:
"A step in front, Rhia smiled and gave him a wink.
'A true hunter has to learn more than you think.
We were sent here, little sparrow, and don't you protest,
You were always so eager to prove yourself best--"
Meril sings teasingly:
"And if you hadn't named yourself, neither would I--
It's your fault we're both here, so at least you could try.
Now keep your ears sharpened where eyes have been blind,
And maybe you'll spy the old ruins we're to find.'"
(Meril adds a high tinkling to the melody, reminiscent of falling rain.)
Meril sings:
"She pressed on ahead with her torch held aloft,
Retracing the trail where the ground was yet soft.
These were not natural tunnels, that much she could see,
But no sign as to which folk the delvers might be."
Meril sings hesitantly:
"The floor grew more slippery, and somewhere nearby--
'Do you hear it too, sister? Like a river, but why
Would there be such a thing down in caverns this deep?
There are no streams outside and the slopes were so steep.'"
Meril sings quietly:
"'Like all flowing water, from fresh-melted snow--
But this runs through stone and pours out far below.
If people once lived here, that water they'd need,
So let's follow those sounds to wherever they lead.'"
(Meril gives a grand sweep of the harp-strings, merging the main chords with the persistent tinkling until background and foreground seem to interchange, the traveller's ballad subsumed under a spray of rain.)
Meril sings:
"The cavern they found was majestic in sight--
A black lake that shimmered with red mirrored light,
With falls roaring down from an underground stream
That poured through the mountain by chasm and seam."
Meril sings:
"And over the water, from cold iron made,
A long swinging bridge in the shadows there swayed--
The rivets were rusted, but the chains still held fast,
And step by step, carefully, they clambered past."
Meril sings happily:
"'I think these are tracks!' Arlan gasped, kneeling down.
'Do you see where the stone is a little off-brown?
Looks like mud from old footsteps, they lead farther in--
We're sure to see more signs of where they had been.'"
Meril sings hesitantly:
"'Lead on then,' said Rhia, for she saw the tracks too,
Though she paused just a moment--one thing rang untrue.
Might be she was wrong, but she shivered with doubt--
For the footsteps led inward, but not one led out."
(Meril lets the last note drift into a brief silence, looking up thoughtfully. Then she starts again, slower and quieter, punctuating each verse with a low thrum.)
Meril sings:
"They ventured yet deeper, the tracks as their guide,
And the air became musty, the tunnels less wide,
The torches burned dimmer, the shadows grew long,
Dancing wildly behind in an unruly throng."
Meril sings quietly:
"She peered forward, frowning, then dipped down her flame.
'It's nothing,' she told him, 'Keep doing the same--
I'm saving on torchlight, for sake of the air.
Just one is enough, I can see more than fair.'"
Meril sings earnestly:
"He nodded and led them, his eyes on the trail.
'I remember the elder once told us a tale,
How we fled underground in an age of great strife,
And found there a shelter and made a new life.'"
Meril sings amusedly:
"'Well, not to these caverns for certain,' she laughed.
'That bridge would have fallen had it been of their craft.
It is only a legend from centuries ago,
So temper your hopes, take it steady and slow.'"
Meril sings earnestly:
"'But I've looked at these tracks, and they're so like our own.
The stride is just right, the weight on the stone--
Whoever once delved this to make their abode,
It wasn't some Other that walked down this road.'"
Meril sings:
"She thought on that harder, but couldn't surmise
Any truth that explained what was before her eyes--
And as her mind raced to find reason in it all,
The path widened out to a small carven hall--"
(Meril lets the melody drift into the lower chords, playing it at a deliberate pace.)
Meril sings:
"There were pillars that rose to a ceiling of stone,
A seat that lay broken like a lord's fallen throne,
Clay vessels adorned with some forgotten art,
An archway that loomed a short distance apart--"
Meril sings happily:
"'We've found it,' breathed Arlan, and making his way
Around in a dream as a child might at play,
He held up his torch to each crack in the stone,
Inspecting the pieces as if he were alone."
Meril sings:
"But Rhia glanced 'round warily, sensing deceit.
The lay of the room was too perfect, too neat,
A scent in the air seemed to smell of distrust--
And if it was abandoned, then where was the dust?"
Meril sings sharply:
"'Come back here,' she called, but he didn't quite hear,
And briefly, she thought, a shape seemed to appear--
It was there for a flicker--on the arch as light fell--
Then the shadows there surged in a smothering swell."
(Meril stills her harp for the space of a single breath, then picks up the melody once more on the lowest strings, its notes echoing deep and hollow.)
Meril sings:
"The flame had blown out, the hall was pitch-black,
And dimly, half-deafened, she heard him call back--
A clanking of iron--a short, muffled sound--
A rustling, as someone were dragged on the ground--"
Meril sings:
"She found her own torch at last, breathed it to life,
Then held it before her, a hand on her knife.
But whatever it was, it had long since moved on--
And as much she cried out, she knew he was gone."
Meril sings tremblingly:
"'Little sparrow,' she whispered, 'as I still draw breath,
I shall seek you and save you, though it lead to my death.
May the Goddess succor me and guide me, I pray,
I'll not rest 'til I've found you, though hells bar the way.'"
(Meril pauses at the end of the prayer, waiting until the echoes have gone silent. And then, subtly, it is not the melody that starts again, but the tinkling of falling water--softly at first, then louder, fuller--until at last the ballad cuts back in at the crescendo.)
Meril sings:
"He awoke with a shiver in cold, biting rain,
Still feeling on his temple a dull, throbbing pain.
His hands had been shackled, his arms had been bound,
But he sat upright, straining, and looked all around--"
Meril sings:
"There were tents by the hundreds, and bright flaring lamps,
And figures that hurried between vast bustling camps--
And so many faces, all harried and dim,
Each one of them chained down and bound just like him."
Meril sings darkly:
"A haggard man watched him, and chuckled without mirth.
'You are welcome to our fire, for what it is worth.
But you'll soon meet our masters, so best guard your tongue--
They've an ear for defiance in servants so young.'"
Meril sings gravely:
"'Aye, that is the truth,' said a woman, more soft--
'I've seen it before here--and lately too oft--
From warriors who have been more foolish than brave.
Let them think you wish only the life of a slave.'"
Meril sings earnestly:
"'My sister will find me,' he hoped--no, he knew.
'I've only to wait 'til a message gets through--
If I could but tell her, then as the crow flies--'
He stopped short then, seeing the sad look in those eyes."
Meril sings wistfully:
"'For uncounted years we have lived 'neath their thumb--
Let go of that dream, boy, she never will come.
But serve them and learn all their ways, my sweet child.
In time, when they trust you--' and at that, she smiled."
(Meril brings the ballad to the forefront again, giving it one last lively rendition in refrain. Then, looking a bit apologetic, she claps her hands to her harp and stills the melody.)
Meril bows.
Chalica recites:
"I present to you Dendum of the Wendwillows!"
From behind some closed curtains, a voice asks, "Who knows of the stories told in wooded glade? Between kin and blood to make history in words, and guide the people? Who knows of the traditional songs of my people? Who can judge this?"
In a perfect imitation of Chalica, from behind Chalica, a voice says, "I know nothing of the gnomish kind."
In a perfect imitation of Fender, from behind Fender, Dendum's voice says, "I am just the keeper of the time."
In a perfect imitation of Rozy, from behind Rozy, a voice says, "Am s knows not a thing!"
In a perfect imitation of Richaard, from behind Richaard, a voice says, "I had a book on that that I forgot to bring ."
In a perfect imitation of Dreaer, from behind Dreaer, a voice says, ""This yellow shirt was an amazing find!"."
The voice of Dendum says, "Hrmph."
Dendum comes out of hiding.
Dendum announces, "Then before story even begins, we must shed on darkness the wisdom found in the light."
Dendum lights his blue tanik torch, causing the end to burst into a shower of flame.
Dendum informs, "We do not often pass down in books that which we preserve, such things last not long in Imaera's damp woods, instead we use the song and poem. We sing of the past, so that we can be better guided in the now."
Dendum informs, "This is one such story, but all such stories are connected you do not need to know that she who is in this story would have children who go on to join Angstholm in hidden islands, or that her ancestors walked with Zelia in ancient times. You just must know that while most of us hold Imaera on high her ways are harsh and some seek aid from friendly sources, our ancestors, the spirits of animals, the wind, or other Great Spirits for the Wendwillow it is often Zelia herself."
Dendum recites:
"So now spirits, take these who know more than they did
but less than they should
Back to the time Methrana stands on edge of woods.
Gorged by the tusk of the great Boar.
Great mountain before her."
(Dendum holds his torch above his head, flickering shadows surround him on the stage.)
Dendum removes a handful of greenish-grey powder from in his bear fur greatcloak.
Dendum flings a pinch of his greenish-grey powder into the air in a protective arc, allowing it to settle slowly earthward and provide a barrier to vengeful ghosts.
Dendum slowly empties his lungs.
Dendum recites:
"The deadly dense woods behind, rising trail in front
Methrana steps lightly, gorged deeply her strength seeping
Her eyes alight with inner flame, burning away pain
Dark day gives way to darker night, absent is the light.
Laboriously moving aching leg, she moves ahead slowly creeping.
One moon rises in the sky, a pale glow over the failed hunt."
Dendum put a pinch of greenish-grey powder in his bear fur greatcloak.
Dendum removes a branch of wood from in his bear fur greatcloak.
(Dendum holds a small branch between the flaming torch and the dark curtains behind him, instanly the shadows leap and twist in the background. Magnified the lines and curves of the branch become a twisting mass of shadowy forest foliage.)
Dendum recites:
"Turning back to dark woods Methrana does exclaim-
In this woods, I have met a worthy foe!
My arrows bit deep but bring not down the battered boar,
a true, terrifying forest walker, Tenacious, Trampling my bones.
Even now I grow numb, and the way back home is long.
Rest here longer, in dark night, this is not a welcome thought
Ahead towards our camp, not one more moment wasted, I go."
Dendum recites:
"She steps in a daze, one dragging foot after the other.
Crunching of leaves giving ground to grinding stone.
Breath silent in misty air, even in pain each step placed with care,
But rising Liabo's light, gives illumination to her plight.
Descending from above a pack of wolves! She is not alone!
In a fearful daze,, Methrana in shadows takes cover."
Dendum carefully places a branch of wood on the floor.
Dendum removes a wolf-shaped green sapphire from in his bear fur greatcloak.
Dendum smiles holding his wolf shaped gem just so, the green stone casting shifting shadows and catching the light. On the back curtain the image of a wolf appears, and moves, flickering torch light creating the illusion of multiple beast.
Dendum recites:
"Through gritted teeth Methrana does whisper to herself-
In better times, such a mighty pack would be hard contention,
slowed and rent, riven and withered, I am stopped in ascension.
Damnable dogs now descend upon the trail?
easy to hide, were it not for bloodied side
and the wolves nose is sharp .
time is up, they approach and my only friend is the dark.
hurry now, and quiet as well as quick."
Dendum recites:
"Firm is her resolve, as she inches towards snarling pack,
Know that keen is the wolves senses, a killer built well,
But Methrana does to shadows hold, each step well controlled
And sound around her was still, fear amplifying well honed skill.
Not glimpse did wolf see, or nose pick up on smell.
Lornon peeks around the clouds, just as the snarling is at her back"
Dendum recites:
"Exhaled breath disappears into the air as Methrana thinks aloud-
Another barrier crossed, on rough path to kith and kin,
not that I could expect to be so lucky as that again,
deadly wolves are gone, but such exertion does pain erase
Longingly I look forward to my Clans resting place.
in wooded ravine they wait
finding such will be welcome.... But wait what new thing is this,
ears, if not playing tricks, do hear a sound!"
Dendum makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...
Dendum gestures.
A strong breeze suddenly picks up and begins to blow around in different directions through the area!
Dendum recites:
"Descending darkness behind her, Rocky trail ahead
Hoary Haired enormity stretches, Head turned down path
Frost Colored fur shining, a sight that has hopes declining
Giving a glowering stare, it has to have seen her there
Rage fills the heart of Methrana then, she gazes back in wrath
She gives stone shaking shout, and her fear she does shed"
Dendum recites:
"The battle cry does echo from Methrana's lips-
Ancient Beast! Mountain Bain!
Call you fiend, call me Yeti's Bain!
Crowned rocks are where my kind do wait,
either step aside or strike me down...
Perhaps I am gored, tired, and scarred by rocky way
the thrice cursed yeti will not turn me around!"
Dendum recites:
"All pain does flee from her, she closes eyes and does ascend
Misty the wind begins to howl, Methrana charges head low
Her feet fly on firm foundation, anger giving way to resignation.
Unarmed rushing blindly without care, but mist parts
...and yeti is not there
She blinks bewildered, confused, there sits wooded ravine below
The mountain's woods well hiding a sleeping gathering, of kith and kin."
(Dendum brings his torch down low, the light now shining across his face, and casting one large shadow on the curtains behind him.)
Dendum recites:
"The wind blows through Methrana, she notices not its embrace
All moons shine in the clear heavens, Methrana leaves no shadow in the night
She feels not the path below, or wound given by deadly foe
Methrana is not surprised, at what appears before her eyes
Blessed boar, bathed by the descending light
Not fearful or frightening but standing with unearthly grace."
Dendum recites:
"A voice, familiar, a voice filled with promise-
Ahh, now we are ready at the end
so that we can be together, hunter and hunted again
closed was your path, but now it stands ready
eyes now open, come they wait we can begin
never did I doubt you could make this climb
Despairing not that you, the truth would find."
Dendum snuffs the blue tanik torch, placing it in the bear fur greatcloak.
Dendum makes a simple gesture, and the strong breeze stops as suddenly as it arrived.
Dendum announces, ""This is the end of the story of Methrana, and the life of Methrana. Though had you heard other songs in the great tales you would know already of her earlier deeds, and that the children of her children would spread like pollen in the wind, being found in many lands among the Wendwillows, the Felcour, and mysterious Angstholm."
Dendum states, ""Mystery and Mountains, on the mountain there is mystery....though perhaps untrained eyes do not easily see this thing. For the young think this is a simple tale of a gnome who, while bleeding, manages to sneak past a pack of wolves and who died fighting a yeti, the older and wiser realize this is more than that, and Aelotoi ears my find that Methrana's words do hint at this, for this is not a simple tale of one climb up a trail but the story of acceptance and finding Imaera's grace under Zelia's light. Not even the keen senses of a wolf can smell the spirit walking spirit paths."
Speaking to Chalica, Dendum informs, ""Perhaps the ears of Aelotoi will hear that Methrana knew the truth all along, her words do speak such"."
Dendum winks at Chalica.
Dendum informs, ""Who can know the truth of tales of the dead? It is said her kin did venture back down mountain path, recovering her famous bow, burning her body...and the body of the boar thay lay beside her pierced many times with sharp arrows."
Dendum gestures while summoning the spirits of nature to his aid...
Dendum gestures.
A sudden burst of bright light emanates from Dendum's hand!
(Dendum stands in the middle of the blinding light, he looks around and nods.)
Dendum says, ""Hrmph, this is what it is and now it has been spoken, may Great Spirits forgive all mistakes made in turning tale to common tounge, and may this light forever burn inside the listener."
Dendum bows.
Chalica recites:
"I am pleased to present Th'fashionably late Laelithonel of Icemule, admirer of Dreaer an'other beautiful things."
Laelithonel begins to twitch.
(Laelithonel places a trembling hand on the fluid-filled sphere at her side and sinks into a curtsy. She smiles out at the audience, her eyes drifting past them.)
Laelithonel recites:
"Ah shared some tales
From Icemule Trace.
Of shades an'death
An' ruins still in place."
Laelithonel recites:
"But th'silence of storms
Howls inside th'bones
Of stories an'memories
Of m'snowy white home."
Laelithonel recites:
"For as long as travelers
Brave th'mountains up high
There will be tales t'tell
As there are stars in th'sky."
Laelithonel recites:
"But this is m'story,
Wha'little ah know.
Of th'time before
Ah lived in th'snow."
Laelithonel recites:
"Asked where did ah live
Before ah came here.
Ah said Icemule was always
In m'heart close an'dear"
Laelithonel recites:
"But ah know tha's not true
'cause sometimes ah think
Tha' m'dreams mean somethin',
For of sulfur they stink."
Laelithonel recites dazedly:
"Ah remember th'dress
Tearin' in th'bramble.
Ah remember a voice,
Sayin' "Shush don' ramble!""
Laelithonel recites distantly:
"Ah remember th'pain
In th'back of m'head.
Ah remember 'em sayin'
She's better off dead."
Laelithonel recites:
"Th'song in th'clouds
Of th'explosions ah heard
It sang t'me sweet
An' soft an'slow..."
Laelithonel recites:
"Ah was carried out an'over
An'down th'mountains out east.
An' below sat a town
Where Halflin's did feast."
Laelithonel recites:
"But sometimes when it's dark ah remember th'eyes..."
(Laelithonel touches the fluid-filled sphere at her waist and gazes lovingly at the floating eyeball.)
Laelithonel recites silkily:
"Two, there were two.
Eyes come in twos.
Oh an' th'loveliest shade of blue."
Laelithonel sways back and forth.
Laelithonel recites:
"There was a boom, a ding, a crack an' a burst."
Laelithonel's whole body trembles with fear.
Laelithonel recites:
"It wasn' th'landslide, jus' m'head an' it hurt."
(Laelithonel gingerly touches the side of her head.)
Laelithonel closes her eyes for a moment.
Laelithonel recites:
"Th'smoke parted past
his face so serene.
He was still with me,
but wha' did he see?"
Laelithonel turns over her steel eyeball scoop.
Laelithonel licks a surgical steel eyeball scoop in her hand.
Laelithonel recites:
"Th'guild became family.
They raised me up kind.
They said ah don' remember,
Cause ahm bruised in th'mind."
Laelithonel frowns.
Laelithonel recites:
"Ah say ah had someone
Before ah came here,
They say hush don' ramble,
Shh, there be a dear."
Laelithonel recites:
"But when is dark in th'cold,
M'feet skip along
Th'pathway up th'mountain,
M'ears filled with song."
Laelithonel touches one finger to her lips.
Laelithonel recites:
"They don' tell me th'truth.
They don' want me t'know..."
Laelithonel recites:
"Not where ah came from,
Because Icemule is home."
Laelithonel recites:
"But jus' who ah was,
Before ah fell in th'snow."
Laelithonel sinks into a deep curtsy.
Laelithonel blushes a bright pink to the tips of her ears.
Chalica recites:
"And it is time for our final performer of the evening! Introducing a simple hunter who has lived in every town at one time or another. He's picked up a story or two in his travels, and he plans to share a good one with you tonight. Let's have a big welcome for Oriehn!"
(Oriehn takes a comfortable stance in the center of the stage, folding his hands in front of his body as he projects his voice.)
Oriehn greets, "Good evening everyone, and thanks for staying awake for the last performance of Bardfest!"
Oriehn announces, "I'm about to tell you all the tale of the Fellowship of the Circular Table with the Ale Stain that kind of looks like a Sexy Kobold."
Oriehn continues, "It's an energetic tale that started in this very town, a few blocks away from here on the barroom floor of Helga's Tavern."
Oriehn adds, "Keep in mind that this is just a story. Any similarities between the characters and real life adventurers could theoretically be coincidental."
Oriehn breathes very slowly and looks much calmer.
Oriehn recites cryptically:
"It started with a kiss.
A kiss that had the power of a fist.
Because as it turns out it was more of a punch than a kiss.
But sometimes the only way to express oneself is with violence.
Even if the emotion one is trying to convey is good will."
Oriehn removes a flagon of Dragonsdraught ale from in his elven leather jacket.
Oriehn raises his Dragonsdraught ale in a toast!
Oriehn recites casually:
"It was a friendly bar fight the likes of which Helga hadn't seen since at least last Restday.
The fight had started abruptly over a matter as trivial as whether the stew was simply inedible or actually poisonous.
It ended just as quickly when the Gnome bounced off of a bar table with a shrill, "Wheee!",
drawing the other combatants' attention to the treasure map."
Oriehn removes a blood-stained scroll from in his elven leather jacket.
(Oriehn holds his scroll out towards the audience, indicating different areas with the lip of his flagon as they are mentioned.)
Oriehn recites wonderingly:
"They stood around the unfurled scroll drinking in its intricate details
of a path through a Stronghold high on Mount Thanatoph that ended with a prominently gilded X.
The writing underneath of the X had been rendered indecipherable by a bad spill of dark, Blackdew grog,
but each adventurer filled in the mysterious blank with their own desires."
Oriehn put a blood-stained scroll in his elven leather jacket.
(Oriehn looks out towards the crowd with excitement flashing in his glacial blue eyes. His posture shifts slightly in height to emphasize the adventurer he's mimicking.)
Oriehn recites excitedly:
"Treasure!" hashed out the Human.
"It will be powerful magic!" disputed the Dark Elf.
"Eternal glory lies waiting!" grunted the Giantman.
"Smells like booze to me!" declaimed the Dwarf.
"It has to be tarts and cookies!" howled the Halfling.
"Is secret kittenses base!" giggled the Gnome gleefully."
Oriehn marches along, proudly displaying a flagon of Dragonsdraught ale!
Oriehn recites coolly:
"The Fellowship of the Circular Table with the Ale Stain that kind of looks like a Sexy Kobold formed immediately,
but began to dissolve right after their first fight at the base of the mountain.
They lost the Dark Elf there.
Not because of injury, but because he sobered up and realized that he hated everyone else in the group passionately.
Without uttering a word he turned around and left in search of his self-perceived equal.
He was never seen again."
(Oriehn waves an exaggerate farewell towards stage left before continuing his short march towards the front of the stage.)
Oriehn recites comically:
"Their next obstacle was a stone troll who demanded the troll toll if they wanted to use his shortcut of a hole.
The party lost two members then, because the "toll" was the Gnome whom the troll had fallen desperately in love with.
The Halfling left with them because the troll was a fan of Jeril,
and lured the Gnome back to his hut with the promise of a mountain of candy.
It wouldn't have been fair if the Gnome had those sweets all to herself."
Oriehn suddenly observes, "It's actually not even fair if they have all those sweets between the two of them, so how about I offer a taste to all of you who have stayed awake for my performance!"
(Oriehn flips his disk over, launching a miniature mountain of chocolates and caramels into the audience.)
Oriehn recites eagerly:
"After a harrowing ride down a tube they landed in the lap of the largest stone giant ever mentioned in written history.
(It helps that they're not mentioned often)
Once they had scrambled to their feet, the Giantman called out that this was where they part.
He reached deep into his kilt, pulling out a maul bigger than should have been possible.
(Due to its size and where it was sheathed)
The Giantman then howled in rage as he waddled forward furiously."
(Oriehn waddles around the stage, acting as if each step brings him a sharp, new pain.)
(Oriehn stops suddenly, lifting his nose high into the air as if following a distinct smell.)
Oriehn recites approvingly:
"The Dwarf was then halted by a smell that pulled the remaining two off of the path
just long enough for them to find a room full of gigantic, stone kegs labelled "Da Guud Stuf".
The gloriously bearded one patted the Human on the rear and claimed that his journey ended here.
The last glimpse the Human caught of him was his stout body scrambling over the stone lip of a keg
with a loud, refreshing "Splash!"
Oriehn renders a sharp salute with his Dragonsdraught ale.
Oriehn takes a drink from his Dragonsdraught ale.
Oriehn recites wonderingly:
"The human was a mere 30 paces from the X when she saw the treasure hoard.
It was enough silver to sustain the woman through five lifetimes.
(Or at least allow her to snatch one dress from Inurtia's coffee-stained clutches)
She would have stopped there if her curiosity to solve the mystery of the X wasn't so great.
Luckily for this story, it was, so she turned her back on the treasure and moved down the passageway."
Oriehn marches back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride.
(Oriehn stops his march suddenly in the center of the stage, then gazes around in wonder.)
Oriehn recites uneasily:
"The Human found herself standing in a dimly lit study.
The patterned walls were lined with books and the floor littered with cauldrons and potions.
What lay in the center of the room marked X was a cage full of mewing kittens.
As the kittens pushed against the cage walls and each other to greet her,
she noticed the "Kitten Recipes" book that was propped up against the locked gate."
Oriehn kneels down.
(Oriehn saunters towards the front of the stage on his knees, one of his fingers pressed innocently against his lips.)
Oriehn recites intimidatingly:
"Ams saids is secret kittenses base." lazily called out a voice from behind her.
The Human turned and found herself staring at the Gnome,
who was sucking a cherry lollipop as she crept - forward - menacingly.
It was then that the Human noticed that the map compass had been a red rose all along.
"Nows to keeps it secret!" giggled the Gnome as she rubbed her tiny hands together.
The kittens mewed sorrowfully."
Oriehn smiles sadly as he cradles his ale in his hands.
Oriehn stands up.
Oriehn recites cryptically:
"It ended with a kiss.
A kiss that had the power of an implosion.
Because as it turns out it was more of an implosion than a kiss.
But sometimes the only way to express oneself is with violence.
Especially if the emotion one is trying to convey is -
The End."
Oriehn raises his Dragonsdraught ale in a toast!
Chalica recites:
"With that, our final round performances have finished! Let's give our finalists one more big round of applause! Cheers to Durakar, Jersea, Meril, Dendum, Laelithonel, and Oriehn"