View Full Version : New playershops data collection script

07-16-2014, 04:07 AM
Citizendata was giving me some errors, and I was getting annoyed having to fix my settings after each run, so I opened up the script to fix it and accidentally rewrote the whole thing. It's on the repository now named update-playershops.

The major differences are:

The script works for both Prime and Platinum, and doesn't require any other files, so it replaces four files on the repository.

It keeps thoughts from showing up in the data, so you don't have to kill lnet or take off your amulet.

It keeps logons, logoffs, disconnects, and deaths from show up in the data, so those settings don't have to be turned off.

It may change ShowSpellName and AnnounceTPs settings, and if it does, it changes them back when it's done.

It pauses other running scripts when it starts instead of killing them, and unpauses them when it's done.

It saves the results of reading, inspecting, and examining items, and reuses them the next run if nothing else has changed, which cuts the run time roughtly in half.

It can do a partial update by only collecting data from the 5 (or fewer) shops in your current room by doing ";update-playershops here". If you use this option, it will only upload to shops.lichproject.org because, as I understand it, uploading to virilneus.com would delete every shop in the town that isn't in the update.

I probably should have tested the script more before releasing it. The log file (lich\logs\update-playershops.log) may show things that need improved, such as timeouts or wasted game actions.

07-24-2014, 12:17 PM
if I MA, and run this simultaneously in two different towns, will bad things happen?

07-24-2014, 12:18 PM

07-24-2014, 12:19 PM
well, great. Here goes nothin'!