View Full Version : Item Liquidation

09-30-2004, 08:50 PM
Just a cross post from my auction on the official boards:

Auction Rules & Regs:

a. Send bids/questions to my email at blzdogg@care2.com.
b. Please include your GS4 name & an AIM name if you have one, so I can properly attribute the bid.
c. I'll update at least once every 24 hrs, the bid sequence going *ONCE*-*TWICE*-*SOLD*.
d. Flat priced items can be delivered upon bid receipt.
e. Feel free to make a buyout offer on any item.
f. I will contact you once the item is sold, and will deliver to the landing/solhaven area or frostacres. We can make arrangements for other locales.


2. an archaic black summoning cloak

The cloak, crafted from finely woven spidersilk, is dyed a deep black. The dark color disguises various scorch marks and burns on the cloak. Although obviously old and well used, the seams of the cloak hold tightly, with no signs of weakening. Numerous pockets among the generous folds of the cloak provide space for spellcasting implements.

weighs 2 lbs, holds 100 (vla), closable, 1.5m min

3. a reinforced emerald silk rucksack

The rucksack, although obviously worn from overuse, appears to be enduring the test of time. The silk has a slightly rougher texture than ordinary silk, but is no less inviting to the touch. A steel clasp secures the pack's contents within.

weighs 8 lbs, holds vla, backworn, 250k min

4. an elegant tooled leather baldric

Weapon displaying sheath, weighs 4, shoulder worn, 400k min

5. a weathered blue-black longcoat edged with intertwined tendrils of veniom

weighs 5, cloakworn, holds a large amount, 400k min

6. a black tabard embroidered with a silver W in a ruby circle

weighs less than 2 lbs, pinworn, no pockets, 250k min

7. an old treasure pouch

The pouch is made of cloth and is dyed a deep green. Though being very old, the interior of the pouch is in excellent condition, and designed to store many fragile belongings. A large eonake rune is stitched on the outside of the pouch, and the opening is trimmed with small bits of mithril, invar and white ora.

Weighs 2, holds 50 (large), beltworn, 300k min

8. salt-stained leather plunder bag (2 available)

weighs 3, holds 50 (large), beltworn, 175k flat

9. Sold

10. an elven militia harness (2 available), 250k each

weighs 3, holds a polearm or runestaff, backworn, and shows the item sticking out of it:

>put halberd in my harn
You slip the butt end of your halberd into the attached sock and wheel and strap the haft to the harness using a curious assortment of straps and buckles. The remainder protrudes overhead.

You are wearing an elven miltia harness with a halberd poking overhead with the butt dragging behind attached to a leather sock and wheel.

Odds & Ends

1. an eye-painted agate rock

Bands of pale blue, light brown, and greyish cream cover the surface of the rock, interrupted only by the painted eyes. There are over thirty eyes painted on the fist-sized stone, all made with great attention to detail. None of the eyes touch each other or share a position such that they pair with each other, and no two painted irises are precisely the same color.

Boxfound, tons of charges of Presence, never used, weighs less than 2, 200k min

2. some glittering emerald hairjewels

These hair jewels are cut from a myriad of tiny brilliant emeralds and are fashioned in the shape of newly bloomed wildflowers. Placed in an ornate hand-made silver wire setting, these jewels tame unruly wisps of hair fashionably and elegantly.

Pinworn, weighs less than 2, 150k min

3. a circular green abalone medallion

A delicate silver chain suspends the medallion, which is created from a thin frame of glistening silver and a piece of iridescent green abalone. The abalone has been carved into the shape of a cresting wave, and lines of silver suggest other wavecrests surrounding it.

Neckworn, weighs less than 2, abilities unknown, 150k min

[Edited on 10-8-2004 by BLZrizz]

10-01-2004, 01:28 PM
Auction Rules & Regs:

a. Send bids/questions to blzdogg@care2.com.
b. Please include your GS4 name & an AIM name if you have one, so I can properly attribute the bid.
c. I'll update at least once every 24 hrs, the bid sequence going ONCE-TWICE-SOLD.
d. Flat priced items can be delivered upon bid receipt.
e. Feel free to make a buyout offer on any item.
f. I will contact you once the item is sold, and will deliver to the landing/solhaven area or frostacres. We can make arrangements for other locales.

2. an archaic black summoning cloak

The cloak, crafted from finely woven spidersilk, is dyed a deep black. The dark color disguises various scorch marks and burns on the cloak. Although obviously old and well used, the seams of the cloak hold tightly, with no signs of weakening. Numerous pockets among the generous folds of the cloak provide space for spellcasting implements.

weighs 2 lbs, holds 100 (vla), closable, 1.2m min

3. a reinforced emerald silk rucksack

The rucksack, although obviously worn from overuse, appears to be enduring the test of time. The silk has a slightly rougher texture than ordinary silk, but is no less inviting to the touch. A steel clasp secures the pack's contents within.

weighs 8 lbs, holds vla, backworn, 200k flat

4. an elegant tooled leather baldric

Weapon displaying sheath, weighs 4, shoulder worn, 350k flat

5. a weathered blue-black longcoat edged with intertwined tendrils of veniom

weighs 5, cloakworn, holds a large amount, 350k flat

6. a black tabard embroidered with a silver W in a ruby circle

weighs less than 2 lbs, pinworn, no pockets, 200k flat

7. an old treasure pouch

The pouch is made of cloth and is dyed a deep green. Though being very old, the interior of the pouch is in excellent condition, and designed to store many fragile belongings. A large eonake rune is stitched on the outside of the pouch, and the opening is trimmed with small bits of mithril, invar and white ora.

Weighs 2, holds 50 (large), beltworn, 250k min

8. salt-stained leather plunder bag (2 available)

weighs 3, holds 50 (large), beltworn, 150k flat

9. Sold

10. an elven militia harness (1 remaining), 250k flat

weighs 3, holds a polearm or runestaff, backworn, and shows the item sticking out of it:

>put halberd in my harn
You slip the butt end of your halberd into the attached sock and wheel and strap the haft to the harness using a curious assortment of straps and buckles. The remainder protrudes overhead.

You are wearing an elven miltia harness with a halberd poking overhead with the butt dragging behind attached to a leather sock and wheel.

Odds & Ends

1. an eye-painted agate rock

Bands of pale blue, light brown, and greyish cream cover the surface of the rock, interrupted only by the painted eyes. There are over thirty eyes painted on the fist-sized stone, all made with great attention to detail. None of the eyes touch each other or share a position such that they pair with each other, and no two painted irises are precisely the same color.

Boxfound, tons of charges of Presence, never used, weighs less than 2, 175k min

2. some glittering emerald hairjewels

These hair jewels are cut from a myriad of tiny brilliant emeralds and are fashioned in the shape of newly bloomed wildflowers. Placed in an ornate hand-made silver wire setting, these jewels tame unruly wisps of hair fashionably and elegantly.

Pinworn, weighs less than 2, 150k to Kateerina ONCE

3. a circular green abalone medallion

A delicate silver chain suspends the medallion, which is created from a thin frame of glistening silver and a piece of iridescent green abalone. The abalone has been carved into the shape of a cresting wave, and lines of silver suggest other wavecrests surrounding it.

Neckworn, weighs less than 2, abilities unknown, 125k min

[Edited on 10-1-2004 by BLZrizz]

[Edited on 10-8-2004 by BLZrizz]

10-02-2004, 01:12 PM
Auction Rules & Regs:

a. Send bids/questions to blzdogg@care2.com.
b. Please include your GS4 name & an AIM name if you have one, so I can properly attribute the bid.
c. I'll update at least once every 24 hrs, the bid sequence going ONCE-TWICE-SOLD.
d. Flat priced items can be delivered upon bid receipt.
e. Feel free to make a buyout offer on any item.
f. I will contact you once the item is sold, and will deliver to the landing/solhaven area or frostacres. We can make arrangements for other locales.

2. an archaic black summoning cloak

The cloak, crafted from finely woven spidersilk, is dyed a deep black. The dark color disguises various scorch marks and burns on the cloak. Although obviously old and well used, the seams of the cloak hold tightly, with no signs of weakening. Numerous pockets among the generous folds of the cloak provide space for spellcasting implements.

weighs 2 lbs, holds 100 (vla), closable, 1.2m min

3. a reinforced emerald silk rucksack

The rucksack, although obviously worn from overuse, appears to be enduring the test of time. The silk has a slightly rougher texture than ordinary silk, but is no less inviting to the touch. A steel clasp secures the pack's contents within.

weighs 8 lbs, holds vla, backworn, 200k flat

4. an elegant tooled leather baldric

Weapon displaying sheath, weighs 4, shoulder worn, 350k flat

5. sold

6. a black tabard embroidered with a silver W in a ruby circle

weighs less than 2 lbs, pinworn, no pockets, 200k flat

7. an old treasure pouch

The pouch is made of cloth and is dyed a deep green. Though being very old, the interior of the pouch is in excellent condition, and designed to store many fragile belongings. A large eonake rune is stitched on the outside of the pouch, and the opening is trimmed with small bits of mithril, invar and white ora.

Weighs 2, holds 50 (large), beltworn, 250k min

8. sold

9. sold

10. sold

Odds & Ends

1. an eye-painted agate rock

Bands of pale blue, light brown, and greyish cream cover the surface of the rock, interrupted only by the painted eyes. There are over thirty eyes painted on the fist-sized stone, all made with great attention to detail. None of the eyes touch each other or share a position such that they pair with each other, and no two painted irises are precisely the same color.

Boxfound, tons of charges of Presence, never used, weighs less than 2, 175k min

2. some glittering emerald hairjewels

These hair jewels are cut from a myriad of tiny brilliant emeralds and are fashioned in the shape of newly bloomed wildflowers. Placed in an ornate hand-made silver wire setting, these jewels tame unruly wisps of hair fashionably and elegantly.

Pinworn, weighs less than 2, 150k to Kateerina TWICE

3. a circular green abalone medallion

A delicate silver chain suspends the medallion, which is created from a thin frame of glistening silver and a piece of iridescent green abalone. The abalone has been carved into the shape of a cresting wave, and lines of silver suggest other wavecrests surrounding it.

Neckworn, weighs less than 2, abilities unknown, 125k min

[Edited on 10-8-2004 by BLZrizz]

10-03-2004, 01:25 PM
Can't you buy those harnesses at frost acres for 25k a pop? Which reminds me TAYVIN pay me back a-hole!!

10-03-2004, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
Can't you buy those harnesses at frost acres for 25k a pop? Which reminds me TAYVIN pay me back a-hole!!

I looked everywhere and couldnt find one there.

10-05-2004, 05:49 PM
Auction Rules & Regs:

a. Send bids/questions to blzdogg@care2.com.
b. Please include your GS4 name & an AIM name if you have one, so I can properly attribute the bid.
c. I'll update at least once every 24 hrs, the bid sequence going ONCE-TWICE-SOLD.
d. Flat priced items can be delivered upon bid receipt.
e. Feel free to make a buyout offer on any item.
f. I will contact you once the item is sold, and will deliver to the landing/solhaven area or frostacres. We can make arrangements for other locales.

2. an archaic black summoning cloak

The cloak, crafted from finely woven spidersilk, is dyed a deep black. The dark color disguises various scorch marks and burns on the cloak. Although obviously old and well used, the seams of the cloak hold tightly, with no signs of weakening. Numerous pockets among the generous folds of the cloak provide space for spellcasting implements.

weighs 2 lbs, holds 100 (vla), closable, 1m min

3. a reinforced emerald silk rucksack

The rucksack, although obviously worn from overuse, appears to be enduring the test of time. The silk has a slightly rougher texture than ordinary silk, but is no less inviting to the touch. A steel clasp secures the pack's contents within.

weighs 8 lbs, holds vla, backworn, 200k flat

4. an elegant tooled leather baldric

Weapon displaying sheath, weighs 4, shoulder worn, 350k flat

5. sold

6. a black tabard embroidered with a silver W in a ruby circle

weighs less than 2 lbs, pinworn, no pockets, 200k flat

7. an old treasure pouch

The pouch is made of cloth and is dyed a deep green. Though being very old, the interior of the pouch is in excellent condition, and designed to store many fragile belongings. A large eonake rune is stitched on the outside of the pouch, and the opening is trimmed with small bits of mithril, invar and white ora.

Weighs 2, holds 50 (large), beltworn, 250k to Maclysis ONCE

[Edited on 10-8-2004 by BLZrizz]