View Full Version : Post 50 Training

07-15-2014, 02:01 PM
My Smite cleric is about to hit 50 and I feel good about the base training. Is there anything more exciting to pursue with my TPs beyond filling out my lores? Lore-wise, full chrisms seem like a major investment for my hunting build. I could boost AS/MIU but I don't really find myself needing longer imbed lengths, one-handed scroll casting, or extra runestaff DS that badly.

At level 49:
Armor Use...................................| 40 8
Physical Fitness..........................| 150 50
Arcane Symbols.........................| 90 20
Magic Item Use..........................| 90 20
Harness Power...........................| 150 50
Spirit Mana Control.....................| 120 30
Spiritual Lore - Blessings.............| 50 10
Spiritual Lore - Religion...............| 140 40
Spiritual Lore - Summoning.........| 5 1
Survival.....................................| 5 1
Perception.................................| 150 50
Climbing....................................| 70 15
Swimming..................................| 50 10
First Aid.....................................| 99 23

Spell Lists
Major Spiritual.............................| 40 40

Spell Lists
Minor Spiritual..............................| 40 40

Spell Lists
Cleric...........................................| 70 70

07-16-2014, 12:09 PM
A bit curious why you stopped SMC at 30 ranks, its cheap and gives you some nice benefits at 1x.

I don't see a huge need for you to push for full chrisms either, a bit nice to be able to do them yourself but at your level that is a huge tp sink and I wouldn't do it. I'd aim to have it a lot closer to cap especially with so many people out there already able to make them.

If you use imbeds regularly at all I'd say to 1x MIU at least and I'd suggest closer to 30 ranks of AS(took me 27 ranks) just so that you can read any scroll aside from 1750.

07-16-2014, 04:05 PM
I stopped at 30 so I could focus on spells, but might as well get it back to 1x now. Thanks for the advice otherwise.