View Full Version : Want cleaner air? Install a chain link fence!

09-29-2004, 01:46 PM
The head of our Safety and Environmental department stopped by just to chat for a little bit today. She told me that she was getting ready for a few audits regarding our air permits (which apparently aren't correct/up to date). We've hired a consulting firm to help us prepare. Their number one suggestion?

Put up a chain link fence around the entire property.

That's right, folks, save the air! Put up a chain link fence!

Apparently, if we don't have a fence, our emissions are judged based on the size of our plant. If we do have a fence, we get to count our entire property.

The biggest problem with this (besides the obvious) is that we currently lease the unused portion of our property to the city for $1 a year so that they can use it as a soccer field and playground. In order for the whole area to count, we have to fence the whole property, cutting off the access to said field.

Government at work :shrug:

Jorddyn, somewhere between amused and annoyed

09-29-2004, 02:43 PM
Ya, I hate how stupid gov't policy can be. I wish we had a smarter group of people in charge of this country.

my best story is this. In Indianapolis we have this trail called the Monon. It is an old railroad track that the city paved and blacktopped for people to run/bike/walk. For the first, oh, 5 years it was in existence the rule was that you could use it from dawn to dusk. After dusk and before dawn the police would patrol and ticket all those "criminals" that used the trail for afterdate or mind clearing walks. Of course the idea is that they would break up a drug deal, but that never happened.

Then this spring they decided to revoke that rule and allow people to use the trail at all times. So now the police never patrol the trail and don't protect those former tax-paying "criminals." That's some bullshit.

09-29-2004, 02:55 PM
hmm apparently good fences don't only create good neighbours but they improve air quality as well. Sounds like I can hear the creation of another Bush Environmental policy in the making.....

09-29-2004, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by Jorddyn
The biggest problem with this (besides the obvious) is that we currently lease the unused portion of our property to the city for $1 a year so that they can use it as a soccer field and playground. In order for the whole area to count, we have to fence the whole property, cutting off the access to said field.I'm confused. You can't have any gates in your fence?

09-29-2004, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm

Originally posted by Jorddyn
The biggest problem with this (besides the obvious) is that we currently lease the unused portion of our property to the city for $1 a year so that they can use it as a soccer field and playground. In order for the whole area to count, we have to fence the whole property, cutting off the access to said field.I'm confused. You can't have any gates in your fence?

Part of the reasoning behind the fence is restricted public access (they're not breathing the air on our property that way, I guess?). If we let people come and go from said area as they please, it is not a restricted area, and it does not count.

Perhaps I should have said "we have to fence the whole property, and cut off the access to said field."


09-29-2004, 03:24 PM
Ohhh I get it now. The government position doesn't make much sense, then.