View Full Version : Searchable list of scripts in the lich repo

07-13-2014, 06:14 AM
I got tired of searching through scripts in repogui or copy/pasting the output of repo list to try to find scripts that were useful so I made a small app that scrapes the repo list and turns it into a webpage. It's desperately needing some CSS to make it easy on the eyes but it's functional and searchable so I thought I'd share it.


I'll probably add in the upload date, some CSS, and sorting at some point but for now it does what I want. I'd also like to add the ability to add tags to scripts. Only 42 out of ~980 scripts in the repo have tags in the headers so this might be a useful feature.

And yes, this is all cached locally so it doesn't spam the repo server. The list is updated once a day. If you have any suggestions let me know.

07-30-2014, 08:50 AM
You work is much appreciated.

I'm not sure how difficult it would be, but I'd suggest a system for user tags. Perhaps a rating system. I don't know anything about making website, but it be nice to crowdsource additional information on the scripts.