View Full Version : Roar into Bardfest ... and Auction of a 7x perfect handaxe! (7/11 8pm)

06-29-2014, 02:25 AM
Bardfest is almost here! While you're getting putting the finishing touches on your masterpiece, why not take an evening off for a little 30 Minute Thespian fun on July 11th at 8pm? We'll provide a prop (yours to keep!), a theme, and a key-word.. You provide the entertainment! You'll have 30 minutes to flex your creative muscles and come up with a 5-minute piece of performance art to share with those gathered.

Then! After the performances conclude, stay for an auction of a gorgeous mithril handaxe, perfectly forged by our own Aspis sib Rischaan, and enchanted in our workshop a full seven times! Proceeds from this auction will help House Aspis present this, the 19th Annual Bardfest celebration!

~ 19th Annual House of the Argent Aspis Bardfest ~
~ Grand Prize - 10 million silver ~
~ 7/16 - 7/18, Finals 7/21/14 ~
~ Bardfest is not limited to bards! Come share your art! ~
~ Register Here: http://goo.gl/YQypaX ~

07-08-2014, 06:34 PM
Reminder bump, this is Friday!

07-10-2014, 09:33 PM
This event and auction will take place in game tomorrow night! The handaxe is perfectly forged and enchanted to 7x, and it has a very unique appearance that you don't want to miss out on!

8pm EST tomorrow, be there!