View Full Version : Anniversary of the Beltway Sniper shootings

09-30-2004, 09:06 AM
I wasn't living here two years ago, but I hear that it was a very intense time. There's a couple of memorial services going on this weekend.

I remember watching national coverage of this from Minnesota, but I'm hard pressed to find anyone around here that will actually discuss the issue with me. I find myself wondering what it was like to have to deal with that, and what has changed since then.

Anyone planning on attending the memorial services?

09-30-2004, 09:15 AM
Has anyone heard Patrice's routine on the Beltway Sniper? It's great.

For so long, people were like, "This man, is a criminal mastermind. He is a genius. He's like Moriarty to escape the law this long."
Soon as they found out he was a black man, he was just downgraded to a "n*gger in a Buick".
We were kind of proud, though, y'see. I mean, a sniper...that's a white man's crime, you see? A guy comes up to you, points a gun at you, takes your money, your shoes, and your car, that's a black man. You hear the story on the news, and you're like "Please don't be a black man, please don't be a black man..." but then they show the guy on TV, and yup, it's just another black dude. You hear of a guy sniping people from long distances for no financial gain? That's crazy...that's a white man's crime. So when everyone found out it was a black man, we were all sorta proud, "See, we can do things as well as a white man!"

The comic was obviously black.

P.S. For all you who would cry "Insensitive bastard!" or other such things, lighten up. If you can't find humor in even the darkest situations, I don't envy you. Life is one big joke, if you ask me.

09-30-2004, 09:27 AM
Did they ever say why they did it? Or was it one of those 'I need attention' crimes?

I know one of them is being tried in Fairfax (where I live), but I never hear details about it, mostly because I avoid watching the news and don't often get a chance to read it.

09-30-2004, 09:33 AM
I won't be attending the services, but it was a pretty shitty time. I pass by the parking lot where the CIA/FBI agent was killed twice a day on my way to and from work. My brothers and sister don't live far from the gas station in Manassas.

I'm not one who's easily scared, but by the time there had been more then a few people killed (one of which was just riding his lawnmower in the front yard) - I was scared.

Luckily I didn't have my dog yet 2 years ago, but it got to the point where: I wouldn't mow my lawn, I would put the nossle in my gas tank and get back in my car and slouch down (just like 3/4 of the other people at the gas station), I wouldn't take any walks, I wouldn't sit outside when eating at a restraunt.

People in my office would call on every suspicious white van (which is what the police said we were looking for). And alot of work was not done because people were looking out the window at specific vehicles.

It basically sucked.

09-30-2004, 09:37 AM
I believe it was religious in nature, right?

That's all I can seem to remember. The guy was caribbean, or something (Rastafarian? I know that doesn't make sense considering the religion) because he used words like Jah for God, and "Word is Bond".


09-30-2004, 09:37 AM
Honestly, I was shocked and disgusted when their true identities came to light. Killing people for no reason. :wtf:
Have they been sentenced to death or life in prison?

09-30-2004, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by DarkelfVold
Honestly, I was shocked and disgusted when their true identities came to light. Killing people for no reason. :wtf:
Have they been sentenced to death or life in prison?

Muhammed (the step-dad) was sentanced to death and Malvo (the teen) recently plea bargained life without the poss. of parole instead of the death penalty in Virginia. He still faces murder charges in DC and MD, but neither of those states/districts have a death penalty for minors.


09-30-2004, 09:55 AM
There ought to be a death penalty for people like that... I can imagine what it must have been like around here, with people already as paranoid as they are. Well, maybe that's what made them paranoid...

09-30-2004, 11:04 AM
Absolutely, Beth. I, too, have thought how horrible it must have been to live in those parts while that horror was going on. What could possibly motivate anyone to murder people just because they could is totally beyond me. :(


09-30-2004, 02:21 PM
Come to find out, my company still contributes a good 250k a year to a fund helping support the families of those that were killed or injured by the snipers.

<3 working for a great company.

09-30-2004, 02:57 PM
W:OW Wezas...I think I would have been too scared to even leave the house.