View Full Version : Song of Power time limit

06-19-2014, 02:12 AM
What is a good time to cut the Song of Power off? Then you can sing it once again as soon as you have stopped singing it without any negative effects?


06-19-2014, 09:29 AM
Kill it moments before your renew. Then once your songs have renewed (and song of mana has dropped) restart it.

Song-manager is a very useful script for managing bard songs, thanks go out to Tgo1 for it.

06-19-2014, 01:10 PM
Definitely use a script to manage Song of Power.

I always thought it would have been a better implementation if the character could balance the risk vs. reward of Song of Power such that keeping it running would continually increase the benefits each cycle but the chance for badness to happen would go up as well. Also, instead of exploding an entire room of players, it would only affect you and definitely no more "crossing the beams, total protonic reversal" issues when two or more bards were singing Song of Power in the same room.

06-19-2014, 02:20 PM
I always liked the chances of mass murder.

06-19-2014, 03:38 PM
I'm all for genocide in the park, so long as it doesn't get you straight up banned from a city, or at least that's how I remember the Justice verb working?

06-19-2014, 05:04 PM
I'm all for genocide in the park, so long as it doesn't get you straight up banned from a city, or at least that's how I remember the Justice verb working?

I believe it was based on a record of incidences. I've meteor swarmed in town before, killed about 5 or 6, got no banishment.

06-19-2014, 06:22 PM
I was almost convinced the mass murder thing was apocryphal, never having witnessed an explosion or hurting anyone other than fairly minor damage to myself... Until I blew a Drakes hunting group halfway to hell a few weeks ago. :sorry: Er, oops... At least we were outside town...

I so rarely have mana trouble that I never use this song anyway, and only sing it when out hunting with pures. Think I'll use Tgo's script in the future though...

06-19-2014, 11:03 PM
Also definitely highlight the "struggles to contain the flows of mana" line in the deadliest color you have available. Sometimes I'll logout with the song active and while they fixed the bug after numerous years where you blew up immediately upon login..still quite easy to not realize it is active in town as you're getting situated for the day.

06-20-2014, 12:46 AM
..still quite easy to not realize it is active in town as you're getting situated for the day.

Been there done that. Good laugh factor when you kill a few people though.

06-20-2014, 01:33 AM
I use the song, every hunt.

Highlighting the critical lines is a must. I do it without scripts. I've blown up myself much more often than a group. Rarely do I die from it, but at the same time it probably kills me more often than hunting does.

The scripting idea is probably wise, but I prefer to maintain personal control over some things and this is one of them.

The biggest danger is running into a caster that uses 418 or another bard with powersong running. Even more when you hunt in groups, as I do, such as the Drakes. Always ask if anyone else is singing it or warn other casters NOT to use 418 if you plan to sing it.