View Full Version : Adyria/ Angeleyez/Wynterwolf...countless other bodies..anyone else have issues with this person ?
09-02-2003, 12:53 PM
Ok here i go .. I am so sick of this person whenever my character has any contact with any of these bodies . She starts a HUGE OOC mess about her so called RL " tragedies " or maybe i should say the newest lie she has made up to make one feel sorry for her . And when she isnt OOC she is bellyaching about her most recent IC relationship in a OOC way . Anyone else have any of these problems with her ?
09-02-2003, 01:12 PM
What are the "RL tragedies"? Betcha I know who this person is from em.
[Edited on 9-2-2003 by GemstoneFan]
09-02-2003, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by GemstoneFan
What are the "RL tragedies"? Betcha I know who this person is from em. This sounds like Gracy's MO.
It's not.
This person tells people she's in car accidents to get attention.
09-02-2003, 01:17 PM
Ok that's pretty sick.
09-02-2003, 01:20 PM
Hmmm where to start .. besides the car accident and the NEW char that WASNT her < sob > ? I can go on and on .. Or how about the latest , When i confronted her about using someone else's PIC..OOC to someone to rope them in as her " new" man IC ..But she would never do this..yeah right i saw the pic ..that wasnt her..
09-02-2003, 01:38 PM
Don't forget the constant suicide threats.
lol... She's completely fine and nice to me, and she's never told me any of this stuff.
Might be 'cause I don't really talk to her that much though.
09-02-2003, 02:08 PM
I don't talk to her anymore, either. But she still seems to have a lot to tattle on me for in real life. It seems she has a real problem seperating real life from the game.
She creates her own problems in the game with all her lies, and manipulations, then she runs to others in and out of the game for help.
I like Adyria. What did she do wrong?
09-02-2003, 03:24 PM
<I like Adyria. What did she do wrong? >
You like feet too.....
09-02-2003, 04:15 PM
Yeah I had a run-in with Adyria a while back. Eversince I've avoided the girl. She seems a bit.. well very strange to put it nicely. I even stopped hanging out at the cul-de-sac so I wouldn't have to listen to her constant whining about so and so. The girl is nuts. I am wondering if Adyria's other persona is Emislity. They act the same. They both cannot separate RL from GS and have some RL issues and like to openly talk about if we give a shit. Too many similarities between those two.
09-02-2003, 04:20 PM
She abuses tone, too...ALWAYS talks in a sad way.
It's irritating.
09-02-2003, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by GS4Gurl
Yeah I had a run-in with Adyria a while back. Eversince I've avoided the girl. She seems a bit.. well very strange to put it nicely. I even stopped hanging out at the cul-de-sac so I wouldn't have to listen to her constant whining about so and so. The girl is nuts. I am wondering if Adyria's other persona is Emislity. They act the same. They both cannot separate RL from GS and have some RL issues and like to openly talk about if we give a shit. Too many similarities between those two.
nope, adyria and her are two totally different people. ady's nice to me and i'm her friend, emislity is a slut (don't worry she told me herself she is so its not like i'm slandering her name if she has a problem i'll remove this) but emis told me those days are over... next i see her playing lanse who was grays best man at the wedding, she played him because the real lanse couldn't make it... i read the log, shes like, ohhh your going to be in handcuffs, what marriage is all about, you can't date anyone again, and bla bla bla, and, do you know the lovely bardess emislity? she's so beautiful, and that grays should be with her instead of atheana and all that crap, what a bitch
[Edited on 9-2-2003 by ElvenRangeress]
09-02-2003, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Notsosweet She starts a HUGE OOC mess about her so called RL " tragedies " or maybe i should say the newest lie she has made up to make one feel sorry for her .
This person has been behaving in this manner for quite awhile. The behavior is obviously not going to change, since it has not changed in years.
Probably the best course of action is to avoid the characters completely. If the OOC becomes bothersome, Report, then Assist. Nobody should have to listen to constant OOCness (is that a word?), and the only way to stop it is to Report/Assist until enough complaints are received for the GMs to do something about the offender.
09-02-2003, 04:37 PM
Angeleyez was nice enough to help me out with some hunting for COL once. She did, however, like to take about the mechanics alot.
"Darn redux." Etc.
I tend to not answer things like this then avoid future contact with the person.
09-02-2003, 04:53 PM
ok well i agree with the report/assist and maybe if she gets annoying enough i will have to resort to that , But I dont think that anyone shouldnt be able to hang out where they want , But i tend to not want to listen to her whining and tattling on everyone all the time either.. My lord enough is enough already . And as for her IC relationships i dont have that many fingers and toes to count how many guys shes gone through < makes me sick > also a word of advice watch out lady's she likes to spread rumors .. so she can have your guy !
09-02-2003, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
This person tells people she's in car accidents to get attention.
She mention any scooter accidents or amnesia? :roll:
09-02-2003, 05:05 PM
she tried to claim that she couldnt remember anything from the car accident..THAT she never had....i think she's just got all her screws loose
Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
nope, adyria and her are two totally different people. ady's nice to me and i'm her friend, emislity is a slut (don't worry she told me herself she is so its not like i'm slandering her name if she has a problem i'll remove this) but emis told me those days are over... next i see her playing lanse who was grays best man at the wedding, she played him because the real lanse couldn't make it... i read the log, shes like, ohhh your going to be in handcuffs, what marriage is all about, you can't date anyone again, and bla bla bla, and, do you know the lovely bardess emislity? she's so beautiful, and that grays should be with her instead of atheana and all that crap, what a bitch
[Edited on 9-2-2003 by ElvenRangeress]
Huh? Sorry, that all just ran together.
09-02-2003, 05:12 PM
hehehe yeah it was... just reread it over .... an ... over.... maybe you'll understand... i hope.. hehe
09-02-2003, 05:18 PM
You know i wonder how many of you that consider her your friend would feel if you knew how she talks about everyone behind their backs.. dont worry it will eventually come out in the wash and you will know that she is nothing more than a liar and a backstabber.
Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
hehehe yeah it was... just reread it over .... an ... over.... maybe you'll understand... i hope.. hehe
Nah. Once was enough for my eyes. Your post + the bouncing = me dizzy.
I just would like to say points are made clearer if the posts are organized somewhat. That is all.
Red Devil
09-02-2003, 06:04 PM
She said she tried to hang herself on a shower curtain rod, she's over 250 pounds, i find this simply hilarious.
09-02-2003, 06:06 PM
Emislity? Reformed?
The weather report in HELL says NO CHANCE OF SNOW THIS MILLENIA.
09-02-2003, 06:27 PM
well all i know is Adyria's soul says shes so sad .. shes going to go off her meds and then no one will be able to help her all she wants to do is die < sob > everyone hates her no one likes her.. Well seems to me BIIIIAATCHH that you brought that upon yourself. And well Emis is a little smaller i think ..Hmm last i heard Ady weighed in around 350 and was happy she weighed that much < gazes > I dont care how much you weigh , dont get me wrong.. but i do care when you are almost 40 and refuse to talk to anyone other than a child.. meaning she wont IC date you unless you are under 18 .. EWWWW Sicko !
09-02-2003, 06:36 PM
Okay, it sounds like you're making assumptions about this person.
And why does it matter how much she weighs?
09-02-2003, 06:36 PM
Well, from what I've heard and seen of her. She's just a troll of a woman who claims you (by you I mean me) are having an affair with someone else's wife. Which is just jealous cause some people have what's called FRIENDS
09-02-2003, 06:38 PM
now thats not true, ady will date anyone in game regardless of their age in real life.. that could be good or bad
09-02-2003, 06:38 PM
So, she's got mental problems. So, she's got a weight problem. So, she likes her men younger. If you don't like her, don't associate with her.
09-02-2003, 06:40 PM
i'm not insulting her, she's my friend ;o)
09-02-2003, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
So, she's got mental problems. So, she's got a weight problem. So, she likes her men younger. If you don't like her, don't associate with her.
If you can't see a 40 year old dating a 12 year old in the game as a bad thing..........
You also can't not associate yourself with her. She spreads rumors about people, so you have to go to her and say something. She's unavoidable.
09-02-2003, 06:43 PM
Sort of hard to NOT associate with her when you have people coming up to you telling you that (apparently) you're having an affair with Syberus' wife... which by the way really surprised me to hear I'd done it. And I DON'T talk to her, I haven't said a word to her directly for months and she STILL is bringing me into her own idiotic life.
09-02-2003, 06:43 PM
I have a problem with a 40 year old dating a 12 year old. But to that, I say this: Prove it.
As for not associating with her, I find it quite easy. There are lots of people that hate my guts in Gemstone, and not a few of them read these boards. Many of them create characters to harass me, or harass me through friends. So I just hunt and keep to myself. Makes Gemstone less fun, yes, but when my hobby becomes a stressor, then something has to be done.
09-02-2003, 06:44 PM
It doesnt matter how much she weighs i simply responded to what was written prior . And i have only seen her IC date young kids . I have been around ALONGGGGG time in many bodies , i have never seen her date anyone over 18 , Now if she chooses to do this .. ok who am i to judge in her words to me one she said ..She asked Simu if she could get into trouble and they told her no , that by signing up to be able to play they accept responsibilities < like an Adult > so basically she could take them to her house and cyber all she wants all she wanted to do was make sure she couldnt get introuble for it.. but then again with all the lies she is always telling.. i highly doubt she ever contacted Simu to ask them if it was ok that she cyber with a child < stares > Im telling you people if you ONLY knew what trash she says about all of you .. I highly doubt you would be so quick to defend her..
09-02-2003, 06:45 PM
People like her maybe just need a little compassion. Instead of saying YOU FAT FUCKING WHORE, KILL YOURSELF you could say, you know, I'm really sorry that you feel like you have to do this shit to make people like you. I bet you're not so bad underneath that wall of bullshit.
That'd probably get to her more than anything.
p.s., I know I don't always practice what I preach, but I'm in a mellow mood today.
09-02-2003, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by Notsosweet
It doesnt matter how much she weighs i simply responded to what was written prior . And i have only seen her IC date young kids . I have been around ALONGGGGG time in many bodies , i have never seen her date anyone over 18 , Now if she chooses to do this .. ok who am i to judge in her words to me one she said ..She asked Simu if she could get into trouble and they told her no , that by signing up to be able to play they accept responsibilities < like an Adult > so basically she could take them to her house and cyber all she wants all she wanted to do was make sure she couldnt get introuble for it.. but then again with all the lies she is always telling.. i highly doubt she ever contacted Simu to ask them if it was ok that she cyber with a child < stares > Im telling you people if you ONLY knew what trash she says about all of you .. I highly doubt you would be so quick to defend her..
To all of this, and all of your posts, I say: Prove it. You sound like you've got a personal problem with her, which is fine, but it's really shitty to make such serious accusations out of anger. I won't believe any of it unless it's proven. Not that any of this should matter, since I don't know the chick at all. But I've been in situations where people made shit up about me, and I felt really bad that no one spoke up and said How do you know this is true, etc.
I'm not defending her, I'm defending the point of view.
09-02-2003, 06:50 PM
She makes up MORE shit about everyone else than any of us ever could have imagined making up about her. She's full of shit, you'll never get past some wall, it makes up her entire personality.
09-02-2003, 06:50 PM
<now thats not true, ady will date anyone in game regardless of their age in real life.. that could be good or bad >
The age of her chosen mates in the game wouldn't matter, if all the OOC stuff didn't go on. It's like everyone she gets around somehow gets sucked into her unhappy real life.
<So, she's got mental problems. So, she's got a weight problem. So, she likes her men younger. If you don't like her, don't associate with her. >
That's easier said than done. I've been trying to stay away from her in game for a while now, and she doesn't come around me much (She heard that might not be too healthy for her) But she constantly drags me into her stuff through other people.
She can't seem to understand that I don't have to like her, and by choosing to stay away from her, I'm NOT being mean to her or harming her in anyway.
I know she is having a problem figuring this out, because she's still running around telling others how mean I'm being to her in the game, even though I haven't spoke to her or had contact with her in game for a long time.
And I heard you had to be 15 or under to date her.
09-02-2003, 06:52 PM
<<<I have a problem with a 40 year old dating a 12 year old. But to that, I say this: Prove it. >>>
She is 40, she admits it, she sends out her picture. Ericos is 15 now, was 12 when they first got together he admits it. Several people can verify this.
<<<As for not associating with her, I find it quite easy. There are lots of people that hate my guts in Gemstone, and not a few of them read these boards. Many of them create characters to harass me, or harass me through friends. So I just hunt and keep to myself. Makes Gemstone less fun, yes, but when my hobby becomes a stressor, then something has to be done.>>>
She doesn't bother me, she knows better. Last time she annoyed me, she called someone in real life and cried for hours about how I made her life hell. This was in reference to the other people she does this too IE telling other people that their "love" was having cybersex with another person.
<<<People like her maybe just need a little compassion. Instead of saying YOU FAT FUCKING WHORE, KILL YOURSELF you could say, you know, I'm really sorry that you feel like you have to do this shit to make people like you. I bet you're not so bad underneath that wall of bullshit. >>>>
I tried to be nice to her for awhile. This ended when she told everyone she was in a car accident and was sore and acheing constantly. Later I found out she was full of shit and actually made another character to get "adopted" into a family because they didn't want Adyria..... There is so much a person before they are unable to be helped, she's not anywhere near that...... she passed it when she was 12.
09-02-2003, 06:53 PM
Okay, people like that do suck (referring to Camri's post.)
People that do that kind of thing have problems IRL. They pay for an account just like you do, they have as much right to play GS as you do. If it's really that big of a problem, why don't you try the ever-hated warn interact verb. That way, when your friends come up to you with bullshit stories, you can say hey, I can't talk to/about this person, and if this person is talking about me, I have to report.
09-02-2003, 06:55 PM
How long has she been like this (in Gemstone?) Chances are, she hasn not been playing for very long. And eventually, she'll learn. Her interest will fizzle out, and she'll go on to play some furry sex MUD or something. I don't doubt she's majorly fucked up, but I still don't think it's very nice, no matter how fucked up someone is IRL or IG, to air their dirty laundry.
[Edited on 9-2-2003 by Maimara]
09-02-2003, 06:56 PM
Okay, people like that do suck (referring to Camri's post.)
People that do that kind of thing have problems IRL. They pay for an account just like you do, they have as much right to play GS as you do. If it's really that big of a problem, why don't you try the ever-hated warn interact verb. That way, when your friends come up to <you with bullshit stories, you can say hey, I can't talk to/about this person, and if this person is talking about me, I have to report. >
Like I just said... She doesn't come near me in game anymore. She just messes with me through other ways, using other people as her means. Phone calls, IM's, etc.
09-02-2003, 06:56 PM
<<If it's really that big of a problem, why don't you try the ever-hated warn interact verb.>>
I think you are missing the point. She doesn't go to YOU, she just says crap to everyone else. I'm sure Camri will tell you what I mean about taking things out of game (like calling on the phone crap), but it's not my buisness to tell anyone about Camri so I'll let her tell you.
If you warn interact her, it means shit. She speads things to other people, she doesn't talk to you, just about you.
09-02-2003, 06:57 PM
If your friends let themselves be used against you, and they don't realize the game she's playing, then... they aren't very good friends, are they?
09-02-2003, 06:58 PM
<I tried to be nice to her for awhile. This ended when she told everyone she was in a car accident and was sore and acheing constantly. Later I found out she was full of shit and actually made another character to get "adopted" into a family because they didn't want Adyria..... There is so much a person before they are unable to be helped, she's not anywhere near that...... she passed it when she was 12. >
Don't forget she accused you of hacking into her account or something and tried to report you, because you told her that other character was her.
09-02-2003, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
If your friends let themselves be used against you, and they don't realize the game she's playing, then... they aren't very good friends, are they?
Are you listening at all?
09-02-2003, 07:00 PM
Yeah, I'm listening, but what I'm -saying- is that if she's using your 'friends' against you, who the hell cares? If they're your friends, they won't believe her stupid ass, right?
09-02-2003, 07:04 PM
There's more to it than that, Maimara. She literally makes phone calls into my real life, to people who aren't in GS anymore, and tells them I'm being mean to her.
It matters because I don't feel that the psycho should be coming into my real life space at all with her unstable nonsense.
09-02-2003, 07:06 PM
ok proof .. well heres some of her lying...Wynterwolf tenderly says, "I'm not lying anymore." You softly ask, "so do you know who started the rumor about her cheating ?"
>lean wyn You lean on Wynterwolf, giving her a companionable grin. Wynterwolf nods You softly ask " who " Wynterwolf tenderly says " I told < took out name > that she was cheating , maybe i shouldn't have. I didn't think this would get out , I thought i could trust him not to say anything. You softly say, "ok i have one other question .. something that is really bothering me"
>Wynterwolf tenderly says, "shoot"
>whisper wyn rumor has it that you sent someone a pic and it wasnt your real pic is that trueYou quietly whisper to Wynterwolf, "rumor has it that you sent someone a pic and it wasnt your real pic is that true"
>Wynterwolf tenderly says, "oh brother."Wynterwolf tenderly says, "why would I send a pic of a fat chick Wynterwolf tenderly asks, "wouldn't I wanna send some sexy person? ... Hmm how's that seems to me i caought her in a few lies .. i can add more if need be. And yes maybe it is a little personal now. I dont like being lied to by someone who is suppost to be my " friend" And i think you would take it personal too if she brought all this mess into your RL .. i mean hell THIS IS A GAME.. im here to have fun and shes making me miserable , seems to me she's making others a little miserable too , as for leaving her alone.. easier said than done...She seeks us out to cause trouble.. I have tried telling her im sorry she feels bad.. what can i do to help her not feel this way..etc etc.. but now i just dont give a roltons ass anymore. She needs to get off this poor me pity party shes throwing herself..its old already
09-02-2003, 07:06 PM
Someone should buy her a hyperactive dog, it sounds like she needs the attention.
09-02-2003, 07:12 PM
OMG how did she even get you people's real phone number?!
09-02-2003, 07:14 PM
Heh, maybe this is one of those topics that should be taken into the chatroom.
09-02-2003, 07:14 PM
LOL .. Im not buying that psycho anything... she might claim it bit her and had rabies and then try to sue me < ACK !!! > no seriously im not trying to be a bitch here , im just curious if anyone else had problems with her like i do .. and obviusly they do Hrmmm .. as for how long she has been playing and will she get out of this .. HELL No shes been in the lands for around 5 yrs i believe and shes as psycho as ever if not worse , i think worse since she is now trying to call me a whore for stealing her man.. yeah ok WTFE .. he was her brother IC ..< someone slap her >
09-02-2003, 07:16 PM
CHATROOM !!! tell me when ill lead
09-02-2003, 07:16 PM
<OMG how did she even get you people's real phone number?!>
She doesn't have MINE. Thank God. But she seems to have everybody elses that I know in GS. I'm not sure how that came about.
I talk with a couple people from the game on the phone, but I'm careful about who it is. I would NEVER give my number to someone with those kinds of problems.
09-02-2003, 07:19 PM
Oh come on Camri wasnt it you that called me at 5 30 am noo it was your possessed cell phone !! haha the psycho doesnt have my phone number either or i would change it and go into the Witness protection program.. Run for the hills .. id become a hermit .. hell id do something to make her NOT be able to call me
09-02-2003, 07:19 PM
I agree with that one. I would never give my home phone number away to anyone in the game on principle, unless I knew them a very long time and had enough trust (or stupidity) built up to take the risk. That's one of the inate beauties of a cell phone. It is very very easy to track, trace and deal with harassment without ever having to yield a home address
09-02-2003, 07:19 PM
<CHATROOM !!! tell me when ill lead>
I can't do the chatroom right now, I have to go lay down, I'm a hazard, remember?
Originally posted by GS4Gurl
Yeah I had a run-in with Adyria a while back. Eversince I've avoided the girl. She seems a bit.. well very strange to put it nicely. I even stopped hanging out at the cul-de-sac so I wouldn't have to listen to her constant whining about so and so. The girl is nuts. I am wondering if Adyria's other persona is Emislity. They act the same. They both cannot separate RL from GS and have some RL issues and like to openly talk about if we give a shit. Too many similarities between those two.
No. Adyria likes me. Emislitty hates me. Emislitty doesn't really seperate her hatred from IC to OOC or vise versa. So Adyria can't be Emislitty.
09-02-2003, 07:23 PM
there are always cases of psychos here and there. Heck when I threatened to kill Dresdena/Andraiah/Lissane(sp?), she went around telling people, including the old wolf clan, which housed many of my friends, that I wanted to rape her so they'd come to her defense and kill me.
She went into hiding soon afterward, and then stopped using dresdena after her then fiancee in game became afraid of her obsession with him, and has since I assume lured many a hunkering fool into her little games of lies, constant cybering, and poorly made mind games that remind us all, that there do exist those people we all hear such horrible stories about.
09-02-2003, 07:24 PM
Adyria doesnt know what OOC and IC is .. she has the need to make OOC become IC .. and vice versa.. < flails> Adyria " likes " everyone male esp. if you are under 18 < cackle >
09-02-2003, 07:25 PM
I've read three pages of this and I still don't know who you all are talking about. I never meet any of the good crazy folks in the game :snap:
09-02-2003, 07:27 PM
come on by the cul sometime .. You'll see it .. its tone is always SAD.. oops it i mean her
Adyria is my friend. I don't know who else you are talking about but Adyria is kind and wonderful. Please stop attacking her.
Thank you.
09-02-2003, 07:41 PM
try reading what she has done to at least 4 people that have posted here and i wouldnt be so quick to call her a friend .. Trust that
I've had some interaction with her.
I used to talk to an individual who was friends with her in game. The friend's name started with a "B", but I can't remember the spelling. She decided to go visit Adyria/Angeleyez out of game, and somehow ended up losing a few hundred dollars in the deal She said she was a sad woman in her mid-30's who couldn't get laid.
I believe her.
[Edited on 9-2-2003 by peam]
09-02-2003, 07:54 PM
i've been friends with adyria for a long time now, not best friends, but friends. please don't think i'm insulting her because i wouldn't do that. but she does do somethings that are annoying to me... such as talking sadly about EVERYTHING...
Adyria sadly says, "i'm happy today."
thats an example... but she does bring alot of things into real life... it kinda scared me for the first time.. i knew her for about a day and at the end of the day she said i was so sweet to her, she gave me her phone number, and her picture. yes her REAL picture. she isn't perfect, not even close, but who is? she's very sensitive, and has had so much going on for her before, i feel bad for her. and she's not 40, she's 35, or around there, can't remember, but not 40... but she does date whoever she falls for, quilthaias for example was 15 in real life, and she wanted to be with him in game and in real life, and so they talked on the phone an all, but its not that bad if he wants to as well ... i mean its not like they are right next to eachother... regardless of how bad they wanted to be.. and he was pretty mature for his age as well.... i dono .. whatever... hehe
09-02-2003, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by peam
I've had some interaction with her.
I used to talk to an individual who was friends with her in game. The friend's name started with a "B", but I can't remember the spelling. She decided to go visit Adyria/Angeleyez out of game, and somehow ended up losing a few hundred dollars in the deal She said she was a sad woman in her mid-30's who couldn't get laid.
I believe her.
[Edited on 9-2-2003 by peam]
hehehe i remember that..
09-02-2003, 08:03 PM
Maybe it's just me, but if a 35+ woman is KNOWINGLY trying to have a RL -romantic- relationship with a 15 or younger boy, then there is just something wrong. See there are legal issues there for boys too aren't there? If some much older adult male was trying to get with a very young minor girl, people would be all over the adult male. Sorry but there is just something wrong if a grown woman is specifically targeting young boys.
09-02-2003, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by GS4Gurl
Maybe it's just me, but if a 35+ woman is KNOWINGLY trying to have a RL -romantic- relationship with a 15 or younger boy, then there is just something wrong. See there are legal issues there for boys too aren't there? If some much older adult male was trying to get with a very young minor girl, people would be all over the adult male. Sorry but there is just something wrong if a grown woman is specifically targeting young boys.
well it wasn't like they lived next door to one another.... :bouncy: i think it's gross no matter what and i told her that.. but hey if thats what floats her boat..
Weedmage Princess
09-02-2003, 08:20 PM
Not that I'm defending this Adyria chick (I don't know her) but Elven Rangeress, you claim you're her friend, then in the same breath you bash her here on these boards. (and you're trying to sugar coat it with saying "Please don't think I'm insulting her..but that's exactly what you're doing. A spade is a spade, dearie--never forget that.) That's pretty fucked up, and says loads about you as a person. I can understand and respect what you're saying, about her doing things that annoy you or you might not like...but don't you think it's pretty messed up to come airing the dirty laundry like that in a manner that's WAY LESS THAN PRIVATE OR RESTRICTED?
Again, I don't know this chick, from what is being said here it sounds like she has some issues...but if her friends here and IRL are anything like you...I'm pretty sure that's a major contributing factor.
09-02-2003, 08:30 PM
She's said things behind EVERYone's back, Weedmage. I doubt Atheana was excluded.
<<Not that I'm defending this Adyria chick (I don't know her)>>
You don't know her.
Keep focused here.
09-02-2003, 08:32 PM
She has no problem airing someone else's dirty laudry around here, about her so-called friends no less, but heaven forbid you say anything bad about her. :rolleyes:
That's twice now. Keep it up chickie, you're doing great.
Edit: I'm not defending anyone, and I'm sure this girl is no saint and is probably spreading lies all over the place.. in the game. She hasn't come here yet and done it but Atheana has, and that's my problem with her at the moment.
[Edited on 9/3/2003 by CrystalTears]
09-02-2003, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Not that I'm defending this Adyria chick (I don't know her) but Elven Rangeress, you claim you're her friend, then in the same breath you bash her here on these boards. (and you're trying to sugar coat it with saying "Please don't think I'm insulting her..but that's exactly what you're doing. A spade is a spade, dearie--never forget that.) That's pretty fucked up, and says loads about you as a person. I can understand and respect what you're saying, about her doing things that annoy you or you might not like...but don't you think it's pretty messed up to come airing the dirty laundry like that in a manner that's WAY LESS THAN PRIVATE OR RESTRICTED?
Again, I don't know this chick, from what is being said here it sounds like she has some issues...but if her friends here and IRL are anything like you...I'm pretty sure that's a major contributing factor.
i didn't say anything bad about her, the other stuff is what she told me and other people, its not like its some secret...
09-02-2003, 08:34 PM
No explaining.
Crystaltears has a vendetta.:no:
09-02-2003, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
She has no problem airing someone else's dirty laudry around here, about her so-called friends no less, but heaven forbid you say anything bad about her. :rolleyes:
That's twice now. Keep it up chickie, you're doing great.
i'm am so tired of your comments, don't you ever stop? what the hell did i say that was rude about her? why don't you scroll your *perfect* self up a little bit and take a look at what other people are saying, THATS where you can find the insults.
Weedmage Princess
09-02-2003, 08:36 PM
That's not the point I was trying to make, Halfsilver. The point I was trying to make is that Elven Rangeress is saying shit like "We've been friends for a long time" etc., then ripping her a new one. Not very friend-like...the terms "backstabbing" and "two-faced" come to mind. If you're going to do something like that, then you're not really a friend, are you? AGAIN, a spade is a spade. If this chick talked shit about Elven Rangeress behind her back, and she's found out about it...then she's also not her friend, and the opening statement in her post shouldn't have even been made. Cause she's not a friend.
09-02-2003, 08:36 PM
You bet I do. When someone comes here to get upset over what someone did to her and makes it a public problem she has no problem telling everyone the "truth" but when it comes back to her she's all of a sudden a saint. Sorry that doesn't fly with me.
09-02-2003, 08:40 PM
no matter what i do, or say, or whatever crystaltears.. your always going to have a comment. so i guess i'll ignore your posts from now on. ;o)
Weedmage Princess
09-02-2003, 08:40 PM
LOL Crystal Tears you have a "vendetta!!!"
09-02-2003, 08:42 PM
I bet she's going to say now that she was just kidding about what she said about her friend.
Yes ignore me! Please do!
09-02-2003, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
LOL Crystal Tears you have a "vendetta!!!"
Do you need a definition, Weedmage?
n : a feud in which members of the opposing parties murder each other [syn: blood feud]
that clear enough?
[Edited on 9-3-2003 by Halfsilver]
09-02-2003, 08:42 PM
funny you two stop to look at my post, why don't you look up a bit and view the other three pages of shit?
Weedmage Princess
09-02-2003, 08:43 PM
09-02-2003, 08:46 PM
Can you not comprehend it?
It's a literary tool....exaggeration! critical.
09-02-2003, 08:51 PM
Kind of like saying....
"Crystaltears has it out for Atheana, there is no explaining to her."
Would you like me to explain further?
09-02-2003, 08:54 PM
Time to get back on topic, enough of this crap.
We hate Adyria Why?
We don't hate Adyria why?
Adyria is nice. She gave me 4 million silvers, she baked me a pineapple upside-down cake, she hugged me when I was down, she sorted my crystal amulets, she gave me advice, she listened when I had something to say, she watches the Simpsons AND Seinfeld, she likes Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea just like me and Bob, she is pretty (I've seen her real picture), her issues are no worse than anyone elses and I proudly call her "friend". She will be at my GS Wedding also.
There. I said it. I'm done.
Weedmage Princess
09-02-2003, 09:03 PM
I know what vendetta means, Halfsilver. I was laughing because Crystal Tears brought up a valid point (and so did I, which you both skirted around), and all you did was whine "She has a vendetta against Elven Rangeress!" ...I just thought that was pretty funny. ;)
While it's all good and honorable that you want to stick up for her, Halfsilver...sometimes you just gotta accept the fact that the ship is sinking..and either jump or go down with it.
And Elven Rangeress, I read the other three pages. Your post was the only one in which you called yourself her friend and then bad-mouthed her..more than once, too. Hence my initial post.
09-02-2003, 09:08 PM
<<Adyria is nice. She gave me 4 million silvers, she baked me a pineapple upside-down cake, she hugged me when I was down, she sorted my crystal amulets, she gave me advice, she listened when I had something to say, she watches the Simpsons AND Seinfeld, she likes Arizona Raspberry Iced Tea just like me and Bob, she is pretty (I've seen her real picture), her issues are no worse than anyone elses and I proudly call her "friend". She will be at my GS Wedding also.
There. I said it. I'm done. >>
Pretty !!!??? well to each his own .. Let her be at your GSwedding no one is going to stop you .. though i mudt warn you people may not show up b/c of her.. Trust me im dealing with all that right now.. Half my guests wont come if she's there and i can TOTALLY see why.. ill be in the middle of the ceremony and then you will here Adyria sadly says " Oh did you know the Bride was screwing the best man a half an hour ago ? " LMAO watch folks something like that is going to happen
09-02-2003, 09:27 PM
I wouldn't have said anything, in fact hadn't said anything, until someone else noticed that she called this person a friend then badmouthed her in the same breath. Had she not mentioned that tidbit, this wouldn't have come up and Atheana would have been just another voice in the aggravated people with these characters.
09-02-2003, 09:27 PM
oh god angeleyez, heres the BIG one that i know of, when Draccor and Belenai were together, Belenai was living with draccor, angeleyez moved in with them, pretty much just showed up, and forced her way to stay pretty much, From what they both told me over the phone and over AIM, She a complete SLOB, EATS EVERYTHING IN THE HOUSE, Doesnt clean up shit, does nothing but sleep eat, and sit on the computer, has threatened to comit suicide if Belenai and draccor kicked her out, has told people shes been in many many car accidents, has broken up RL relationships, by showing up to peoples houses that play gemstone...DONT ASK HOW SHE FINDS OUT WERE THEY LIVE, I HAVE NO DAMN CLUE, its almost scary, actually it IS scary. Honestly, From what I hear, her RL social life in nothing, GS is life to her, she doesn't go out, except to work, since she gets no RL attention, she needs ALL of it in game, causes alot of drama with everything, if you meet her in game, and you do something she thinks is wrong, she'll blow up, start a conflict, then report you over and over again, saying your harassing her, and making sexual advances at her...thats should do it for now...
09-02-2003, 09:40 PM
Oh gawds i forgot about that ..LOL and OF course it wasnt her fault....They were so mean to her and blah blah .. i talked to Draccor too and he's very nice and i personally dont think he would lie about her. She admits going there to "visit" and i have NO CLUE how she knew where they lived either < shudder> if she shows up at my door im running for the Fuc*ing hills !!
09-02-2003, 09:50 PM
You should research the rights of personal property in such cases. As long as you don't do it with their back turned to you, you're well within your rights to do just about anything, depending on the state.
09-02-2003, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by Notsosweet
ok proof .. well heres some of her lying...Wynterwolf tenderly says, "I'm not lying anymore." You softly ask, "so do you know who started the rumor about her cheating ?"
>lean wyn You lean on Wynterwolf, giving her a companionable grin. Wynterwolf nods You softly ask " who " Wynterwolf tenderly says " I told < took out name > that she was cheating , maybe i shouldn't have. I didn't think this would get out , I thought i could trust him not to say anything. You softly say, "ok i have one other question .. something that is really bothering me"
>Wynterwolf tenderly says, "shoot"
>whisper wyn rumor has it that you sent someone a pic and it wasnt your real pic is that trueYou quietly whisper to Wynterwolf, "rumor has it that you sent someone a pic and it wasnt your real pic is that true"
>Wynterwolf tenderly says, "oh brother."Wynterwolf tenderly says, "why would I send a pic of a fat chick Wynterwolf tenderly asks, "wouldn't I wanna send some sexy person? ... Hmm how's that seems to me i caought her in a few lies .. i can add more if need be. And yes maybe it is a little personal now. I dont like being lied to by someone who is suppost to be my " friend" And i think you would take it personal too if she brought all this mess into your RL .. i mean hell THIS IS A GAME.. im here to have fun and shes making me miserable , seems to me she's making others a little miserable too , as for leaving her alone.. easier said than done...She seeks us out to cause trouble.. I have tried telling her im sorry she feels bad.. what can i do to help her not feel this way..etc etc.. but now i just dont give a roltons ass anymore. She needs to get off this poor me pity party shes throwing herself..its old already
You are both guilty. See the Tone thread.
09-02-2003, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
I've read three pages of this and I still don't know who you all are talking about. I never meet any of the good crazy folks in the game :snap:
You met me! LOL
09-02-2003, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
I've read three pages of this and I still don't know who you all are talking about. I never meet any of the good crazy folks in the game :snap:
You met me! LOL
He did say good crazy.:P
Yeah, Belenai was the person I was talking about earlier.
09-02-2003, 10:05 PM
I find myself wondering how many of you would say these things to this woman's RL face.
Peam probably would, but he doesn't seem to be talking shit. I doubt you would either, Atheana, and as for Graysalin, I think Athe can hold her own without you coming in here guns blazing in her defense.
I don't know this chick, all I know is that most of the things said about her seem awfully unbelievable. Maybe they don't happen, but the point being, none of you can PROVE or DISPROVE what this chick does or doesn't to someone (like me) that does NOT know her. Your own personal opinions aside, I don't think you should be talking 'shit' about her personal life. A personal life is just that: Personal. Whether it's based off of a fucking RPG or off of a bar down the street. It doesn't matter. Sure, maybe this chick shares some of her personal life with people she deems friends... but she must have really horrible taste in friends if her inner circle includes, or ever DID include, YOU (meaning those 'flaming' her on these boards).
09-02-2003, 10:07 PM
i always speak softly unless i need to change my tone .. It was she and I in a private room having a conversation . I didnt think it necessary at the time , seeing as we were alone . If im angry at someone i will change my tone .. all i was doing was throwing in some proof that was asked for . im normaly very soft spoken therefore i chose to keep my tone that way.. Sorry if i offended you by not correctly using tone
09-02-2003, 10:12 PM
You didn't offend me, I really don't care. I'm not even sure why I'm bothering to try and make whatever point I'm trying to make. I don't know this chick, I don't know you, and therefore I should not care.
But there's a little voice in the back of my mind rather hoping that when someone does this kind of crap to me, someone LIKE me will be here to stop the insanity.
09-02-2003, 10:19 PM
<I don't know this chick, all I know is that most of the things said about her seem awfully unbelievable. Maybe they don't happen, but the point being, none of you can PROVE or DISPROVE what this chick does or doesn't to someone (like me) that does NOT know her. Your own personal opinions aside, I don't think you should be talking 'shit' about her personal life. A personal life is just that: Personal. Whether it's based off of a fucking RPG or off of a bar down the street. It doesn't matter. Sure, maybe this chick shares some of her personal life with people she deems friends... but she must have really horrible taste in friends if her inner circle includes, or ever DID include, YOU (meaning those 'flaming' her on these boards). >
Those of us flaming her don't want to be her damn friends, we just want her to go away and leave us alone. No more problem starting between people. No more tattling. No more lying. No more injecting herself into our real lives. Just LEAVE US ALONE. But she can't seem to handle that one simple request.
You go hang out with her in the game for a couple weeks, Maimara. It'll be ok. We'll accept your apology for your ignorance when you get back.
09-02-2003, 10:21 PM
1. I don't hang out with people that can't roleplay.
2. It isn't my IGNORNACE I'm conveying here, I'm saying that ... nevermind. My breath is wasted.
I'm going to go find some new breath and come back.
Adyria calmly says, "hiya everyone"
She's not sad anymore!! :bouncy:
09-02-2003, 10:23 PM
well i highly doubt you are are a compulsive liar , or have a thing for little boys , And it's nice for you to stick up for people i do it too , UNTIL they do me wrong .. and that is what she has done .. time and time again and looking at the threads here its not just me that she has done wrong . i dont know you But i highly doubt that you have told countless people you have been in a car accident to gain pity . If someone where to bad mouth you then If i knew you and knew you didnt do it .. id stick up for you , BUT SHE ISNT INNOCENT .. therefore im not sticking up for her.. shes a liar plain and simple
09-02-2003, 10:25 PM
My point is, it does not matter if it's true or not.
Talking shit about someone's personal life is a steaming pile of freshly-made bullshit.
09-02-2003, 10:27 PM
<My point is, it does not matter if it's true or not.
Talking shit about someone's personal life is a steaming pile of freshly-made bullshit. >
How do you know it's shit? Can you prove it's shit? Or are you blindly defending something you know nothing about?
09-02-2003, 10:29 PM
Okay, let me say it real slow.
It. Does. Not. Matter. What. She. Does. In. Her. Personal. Life. If. You. Have. Something. To. Say. About. It. You. Should. Do. So. In. An. Appropriate. Venue. Rather. Than. Post. About. It. To. Make. Yourself. Feel. Better.
09-02-2003, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
Okay, let me say it real slow.
It. Does. Not. Matter. What. She. Does. In. Her. Personal. Life. If. You. Have. Something. To. Say. About. It. You. Should. Do. So. In. An. Appropriate. Venue. Rather. Than. Post. About. It. To. Make. Yourself. Feel. Better.
It does matter when she herself brings her and others personal lives into the game. When she brings your personal life into the game and out of the game she opens herself up to this. Perhaps you should read and here what she has done and stop posting a bunch of crap.
09-02-2003, 10:34 PM
Okay, let me say it real slow.
<It. Does. Not. Matter. What. She. Does. In. Her. Personal. Life. If. You. Have. Something. To. Say. About. It. You. Should. Do. So. In. An. Appropriate. Venue. Rather. Than. Post. About. It. To. Make. Yourself. Feel. Better. >
This is an appropriate venue, considering the original post was asking if anyone else had problems with this person. One of the problems is she keeps sharing her twisted up personal life. The things being mentioned are the things she has shared. Therefore, it's all appropriate.
Whether you believe it or not, everything posted here is true. These are things that have been happened, and stuff she has told people. There really are people this twisted up.
09-02-2003, 10:34 PM
I'm not posting a bunch of crap, I'm posting the voice of reason in a thread that started as a bitch-slap to someone who doesn't even post here, and has gone downhill since then.
09-02-2003, 10:35 PM
Her personal life ..LMAO shes the one that brings it IC..shes the one that calls US and then gets us yelled at in IM .. in person .. whatever , by her needless tattling and complusive lying . The steaming pile of fresh bullshit is HER .. end of story .. first it was about if i could prove she did any of this and then it was that my tone wasnt correct and now its that its about slamming her personal life .. i agree with Camri .. spend some time with her .. see how well you deal with her OOC and see if she shows up in your RL .. and then tell me that bashing into her personal life isnt the issue.. when all she has done is invade ours !! Im simply stating what she has done to me and me alone . I know her .. i deal with her.. i try not to but she can't seem to leave me alone .. take a hint here.. she has seen the post otherwise she wouldnt have changed her tone already.. but that wont stop her from tattling in fact i know its comming i can almost taste it now.. Hmm i stand behind everything ive said and will not take one word of it back , If she didnt want her RL brought into this then she shouldnt have brought RL .. IC.. thats the way i see it..
09-02-2003, 10:36 PM
You are only vulnerable to be preyed upon by the jackals of Gemstone... if you allow yourself to be.
Even if she doesn't post here, I know she's read this thread... so she could have responded if she wanted to.
09-02-2003, 10:37 PM
This thread couldn't be more true. This woman is not one you want to interact with much.
09-02-2003, 10:37 PM
She posts here.. in fact she had to request a new PW b/c she lost hers.. Im still on the subject of why i have issues with her..
09-02-2003, 10:38 PM
<I'm not posting a bunch of crap, I'm posting the voice of reason in a thread that started as a bitch-slap to someone who doesn't even post here, and has gone downhill since then. >
She's quite aware of this thread. If she wishes to deny or comment, it's obvious she knows how to type.
Threads get made about people who don't post here all the time. There is no rule that says you can only complain about someone that posts here.
The only downhill part of this thread so far, has been those people who keep commenting when they don't know what they're talking about.
09-02-2003, 10:38 PM
Someone show her how to script hunt! We'd never have to talk to her again!
09-02-2003, 10:41 PM
I must be the only person that thinks someone's personal life ought not be discussed unless they bring it up.
09-02-2003, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I must be the only person that thinks someone's personal life ought not be discussed unless they bring it up.
She brought it up. She also talks about others personal life. Why is talking about hers a problem?
09-02-2003, 10:43 PM
All she talks about is her personal life, moreso then her GS one..although I think they are one in the same in her mind.
Originally posted by Maimara
I must be the only person that thinks someone's personal life ought not be discussed unless they bring it up.
Nah, I'm in agreement with you on that. People's personal lives have nothing to do with GS3... though I suppose if they bring it up themselves then it's marginally better than if others do.
Many people have problems keeping the two 'realms' separate though... I'm not sure why.
09-02-2003, 10:51 PM
I will leave you to your flaming and mudslinging then.
09-02-2003, 11:00 PM
like i said meet her spend time with her then come offer up an opinion
09-02-2003, 11:01 PM
<I will leave you to your flaming and mudslinging then.>
Thank you.
09-02-2003, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I must be the only person that thinks someone's personal life ought not be discussed unless they bring it up.
No you're not the only one. I have issues with it myself, and I think I've made it quite clear as well since I too have been slammed for my opinion.
Yes she may be bringing in her personal life, but it seems to revolve around the game and the people she knows within it. Coming here to flame her in addition to exposing her entire life FOR HER is what I have a problem with.
Someone here loves throwing in my face that it's okay to say these things because it's the "truth", which I believe is such a crock that I won't even touch that with a 10 foot pole. Of course when you mention their truths, we're all being cruel and unfair. Turnaround is fair play.
Weedmage Princess
09-02-2003, 11:14 PM
And you have vendettas, Crystal Tears...don't forget the vendetta.
And you don't know what words mean.
09-02-2003, 11:16 PM
I can't say anything since I have nothing to say that would flame, hurt someone's feelings, or make them want to slit their wrists.
09-02-2003, 11:20 PM
oh hell you could tell her hello in the wrong tone and she will want to slit her wrists < gazes>
09-02-2003, 11:21 PM
You say hello in the wrong tone.
09-02-2003, 11:24 PM
<You say hello in the wrong tone. >
And you keep talking without saying anything topic related.
09-02-2003, 11:25 PM
Well, I thought this topic was asking if people have problems with her. I guess it's not, though. Apparently it's an "I hate this person and so I will talk as much shit as I possibly can about her" topic.
09-02-2003, 11:26 PM
How is pointing out someone elses tone answering the question in this post?
09-02-2003, 11:28 PM
Sometimes I really like Maimara. :D
09-02-2003, 11:29 PM
I have a great idea.. If you dont know her and dont have an issue with her like the orig. post asked.. DONT post here.. hows that ? i like it .. anyone want to second the motion ?
09-02-2003, 11:31 PM
Well, hey, it's on topic if it's about her.
09-02-2003, 11:31 PM
How about if you have an issue with someone and don't want any differing opinions, you keep those issues to yourself. Can I hear an amen?!
09-02-2003, 11:32 PM
I dunno there's always two sides to a story and I don't mind hearing about the people who do not have an issue with her.
Bah ok I admit Maimara just makes me laugh and I don't want her to quit posting.
09-02-2003, 11:34 PM
AMEN, sister. Preach to them heathens.
p.s. You are not the boss of me, and you're not my real mom. NYA NYA
09-02-2003, 11:35 PM
i dont want her to quit either.. but damn already.. She's not going to go slit her wrists.. its all about her getting attention.. which you cannot get if you are dead
09-02-2003, 11:36 PM
<How about if you have an issue with someone and don't want any differing opinions, you keep those issues to yourself. Can I hear an amen?!>
If someone has a differing opinion about 'her' I want to hear it.
But nitpicking somebody elses tone has nothing to do with the topic.
Especially since Maimara has already said several times that she doesn't know this person. If she doesn't know her, how can she offer a opinion from either side?
She's just talking to read her own posts.
09-02-2003, 11:36 PM
Who needs soap operas? Just head to Icemule. :D
09-02-2003, 11:38 PM
Okay, no, I was talking to make a point and voice my own opinion, and you told me to shut the fuck up.
09-02-2003, 11:38 PM
She's offering an outsider's opinion gathered from the information from the postings here. It's not hard to do with our very voiceful mob of readers. :D
09-02-2003, 11:40 PM
<She's offering an outsider's opinion gathered from the information from the postings here. It's not hard to do with our very voiceful mob of readers. > She was nitpicking somebody elses tone.
09-02-2003, 11:42 PM
That was a joke, and a reference to another post.
We need a tone verb here, apparently.
You sarcastically say, "WTMF?!?!"
09-02-2003, 11:43 PM
<Okay, no, I was talking to make a point and voice my own opinion, and you told me to shut the fuck up.
?!?! >
I did not tell you to shut the fuck up. I pointed out that you were not talking about something topic related.
09-02-2003, 11:44 PM
The difference between the pot and the kettle is nil. They're both black.
You're the pot, I'm the kettle, and we're both way off topic, and have been since I gave up trying to get my point across and make intelligent conversation and started acting like a jackass to lighten up the mood.
09-02-2003, 11:45 PM
Ok, then lets get back on topic. Next poster....
09-02-2003, 11:51 PM
Hmm thought i would add this .. Adyria calls Odessya who happened to be her mom in the lands and tattles to Odessya about Camri .. trying to get Camri in trouble.. now funny thing is that this works for a few reasons the first being Camri usto live in Odessya's house and they are still friends IRL . Second SHe chick is psycho and no one wants to listen to her so they do what they can to shut her up.. and third.. the psycho thinks that by telling on Camri for something she admitted Camri never did in the first place , will make her look better its all for the attention she seeks, and i think that it is WAY wrong to call someone up and try to get someone introuble for something that was a lie to begin with ..
09-02-2003, 11:52 PM
You do realize, you -are- giving her the attention she seeks.
09-02-2003, 11:54 PM
I think the problem started when people starting to live with other Gemstone players. Bad joojoo! Bad!
09-02-2003, 11:55 PM
I don't think anyone cares anymore. Not giving her attention didn't make her go away either.
09-02-2003, 11:55 PM
My roommate plays Gemstone. I met her through Gemstone. She rocks. I don't see much of a problem with living with someone, unless you're living with them out of the blue. My roommate and I got this apartment together with much planning, because of many reasons. But if you live with ANYONE out of desperation/need, it can lead to problems. I'm not entirely sure it's a GS related issue.
09-02-2003, 11:56 PM
we tried to ignore her .. it wont stop someone make it stop !!! yeesh she is bad im telling you people.. those of you that know her.. STAY away far far away .. those of you that dont .. be thankful
09-02-2003, 11:59 PM
It was a joke, girlie.
Sweet girl but about as sharp as a sack of wet mice.
P.S. Living with ANYONE that you don't know really well or at least screened before allowing to enter is bad joojoo.
09-03-2003, 12:02 AM
I guess if this chick had messed with me, and I was upset, I might agree. But I have a tendency to get very angry for a short while, and then chill out. It's one of my downfalls. I would -like- to think that I would feel some amount of sympathy for this woman, as it seems like she's in a very hard place, and has many problems.
I guess I"m thankful I don't know her, but then again, what this chick might need more than anything is a good friend instead of people that turn around and talk.
09-03-2003, 12:03 AM
I've tried time and time again to be her friend, and be there for her when she's being made fun of..but she always takes it too far..trying to get too personal out of game..I'm sorry, its just creepy
09-03-2003, 12:07 AM
<My roommate plays Gemstone. I met her through Gemstone. She rocks. I don't see much of a problem with living with someone, unless you're living with them out of the blue. My roommate and I got this apartment together with much planning, because of many reasons. But if you live with ANYONE out of desperation/need, it can lead to problems. I'm not entirely sure it's a GS related issue. >
I don't think she explained this situation so you can understand it. Let me see if I can clarify.
I've known Odessya in RL since I was a little girl. Her RL daughter was my best friend when we were growing up.
I found myself in a position where I needed someplace to stay for a while, and I stayed at Odessya's. That was where I was introduced to GS.
While I was still living there, Adyria started calling Odessya and telling her I was doing stuff to her in the game that I wasn't doing. Actually, at that time I hadn't done ANYTHInG to her at all, because I was trying to stay neutral about my feelings for her out of respect for Odessya.
This weirdness continued while I lived there, and still continues even though I moved out a while back.
Odessya doesn't say much about it anymore. She just tells me I should try to be nice and not upset Adyria. But it's the principal of the matter. She doesn't have any right to be calling anyone in my RL and tattling on me about game issues. Especially since I haven't really done anything to her in game anyway. I have plenty of witnesses that can testify to that.
So the roommate thing isn't really relevant. It just goes back to the Adyria thing again.
09-03-2003, 12:08 AM
Whoops, sorry. I thought that's where you guys were. My bad. :(
09-03-2003, 12:09 AM
Nope, Adyria won't leave the Landing. We keep hoping...
09-03-2003, 12:11 AM
Yeah, she should move to Icemule, thats where the drama is! People will give her attention like Garr gets there.
How about Garr ditches Echinacea for Adyria? ;)
09-03-2003, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by GS3 Michiko
How about Garr ditches Echinacea for Adyria? ;)
Garr doesn't deserve the punishment.
09-03-2003, 12:14 AM
I always thought Icemule was boring. But I wouldn't even wish Adyria on that place.
09-03-2003, 12:14 AM
Match made in heaven, Garr is under 17 right?
09-03-2003, 12:15 AM
HAHA she'll eat him
09-03-2003, 12:16 AM
<Match made in heaven, Garr is under 17 right?>
I htought they had to be under 15?
09-03-2003, 12:18 AM
ill be nice and set them up ! < snicker > but yeah maybe he isnt young enough
09-03-2003, 12:18 AM
It won't matter. The rest of their kind are already in the Landing anyway. We probably won't even notice unless he starts calling our houses or something.
09-03-2003, 12:19 AM
Then we will all have to MOVE !
09-03-2003, 12:20 AM
We haven't moved because of Adyria, why would we move because of him?
09-03-2003, 12:21 AM
well she is getting closer.. MUAHAHAHA
Weedmage Princess
09-03-2003, 12:26 AM
Hmm is this going to be another one of those mad long topics with like 20 some odd pages?
09-03-2003, 12:28 AM
well that will be cool if we can somehow manage to stay on the topic of the freaky person who i started this Post about
09-03-2003, 12:28 AM
<Hmm is this going to be another one of those mad long topics with like 20 some odd pages? >
I don't think Adyria could ever draw as much attention as Lisu did.
09-03-2003, 01:27 AM
well one doesnt know .. she could if enough people that have a problem with her .. post here
smarty pants
09-03-2003, 03:18 AM
she's a crackhead copy cat. jimma... bah.
09-03-2003, 04:31 AM
We dont need no more stinkin crazies in the Landing either. Its full of them and after much struggle we finally got rid of Haashek. We almost got rid of Wardumbasshm one time but it keeps coming back for more. Anyways yeah let send her to Mule. :lol:
09-03-2003, 04:32 AM
OH yeah and we finally got rid of that koboldcrazed wannabe Paddie too. Our mission isn't nearly finished!!!
09-03-2003, 11:09 AM
Wrong thread!!! See what the hell this has done to me.
Damn you all!
[Edited on 9-3-2003 by Tsa`ah]
09-03-2003, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Sometimes I really like Maimara. :D
Yep, she's my favorite nut job. I do mean that with all due affection. :P
09-03-2003, 11:50 AM
Hmm .. well i think she is pretty funny too .. even if she is giving me a hard time for my opinion .. but you want a nut job ??? Meet Adyria that will scare ya half to death . careful though she might call you
09-03-2003, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by Notsosweet
Hmm .. well i think she is pretty funny too .. even if she is giving me a hard time for my opinion .. but you want a nut job ??? Meet Adyria that will scare ya half to death . careful though she might call you
My only response to this can be found here.
09-03-2003, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Originally posted by Notsosweet
Hmm .. well i think she is pretty funny too .. even if she is giving me a hard time for my opinion .. but you want a nut job ??? Meet Adyria that will scare ya half to death . careful though she might call you
My only response to this can be found here. .. well this is what i have to say back to you in your own words Please don't bleed the threads, this one has some intelligence to it and I can't afford to lose any more IQ points. If this keeps up, I'm going to have to change my name to Sean.
Then i think you should stop bleeding them thank you very much:saint::thumbsup:
[Edited on 9-3-2003 by Notsosweet]
09-03-2003, 02:43 PM
LOok i've READ THIS WHOLE DAMN THREAD I've been there since angeleyez FIRST started playing, I've delt with ALL her shit, I know all the shit she does, I know that shes a bitch cause she has no social life, I know she makes drama to start shit, pretty much every post in this thread is true or close enough to be truth, I feel sorry for her, Its wrong, but i do, People treat her like shit in RL, she has no friends, she has nothing but what she has in gs, and i feel sorry for that, I do think that if things do go bad for her in GS, she will probally kill herself, and I feel for her, She fucked up alot of lives ALOT of lives, and she needs to learn to handle herself ALOT better, shes a pathological liar, a compulsive one and she doesnt see it that way, she'll say, do whatever she can to get attention, if you show the remote intrest in actually liking her, she WILL show up at your house, and fuck your life up, sorry i'm done speaking about her
09-03-2003, 02:46 PM
Sintikl has also been there from the start, hes know all about it also
Originally posted by Solkern
LOok i've READ THIS WHOLE DAMN THREAD I've been there since angeleyez FIRST started playing, I've delt with ALL her shit, I know all the shit she does, I know that shes a bitch cause she has no social life, I know she makes drama to start shit, pretty much every post in this thread is true or close enough to be truth, I feel sorry for her, Its wrong, but i do, People treat her like shit in RL, she has no friends, she has nothing but what she has in gs, and i feel sorry for that, I do think that if things do go bad for her in GS, she will probally kill herself, and I feel for her, She fucked up alot of lives ALOT of lives, and she needs to learn to handle herself ALOT better, shes a pathological liar, a compulsive one and she doesnt see it that way, she'll say, do whatever she can to get attention, if you show the remote intrest in actually liking her, she WILL show up at your house, and fuck your life up, sorry i'm done speaking about her
::gives Solkern a cookie::
09-03-2003, 03:04 PM
Give him some warm milk too so that he can calm down a bit. :D
At this point I think you guys should really write feedback and report her (if you haven't already done so) because at this point if all that is true she's being a serious disruption to the rest of the players, I would wager to say even being PvP.
09-03-2003, 03:10 PM
<<<<At this point I think you guys should really write feedback and report her (if you haven't already done so) because at this point if all that is true she's being a serious disruption to the rest of the players, I would wager to say even being PvP.>>>
That's the thing. She doesn't do it in game. She does it out of game. So reporting her doesn't do much.
09-03-2003, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Solkern
LOok i've READ THIS WHOLE DAMN THREAD I've been there since angeleyez FIRST started playing, I've delt with ALL her shit, I know all the shit she does, I know that shes a bitch cause she has no social life, I know she makes drama to start shit, pretty much every post in this thread is true or close enough to be truth, I feel sorry for her, Its wrong, but i do, People treat her like shit in RL, she has no friends, she has nothing but what she has in gs, and i feel sorry for that, I do think that if things do go bad for her in GS, she will probally kill herself, and I feel for her, She fucked up alot of lives ALOT of lives, and she needs to learn to handle herself ALOT better, shes a pathological liar, a compulsive one and she doesnt see it that way, she'll say, do whatever she can to get attention, if you show the remote intrest in actually liking her, she WILL show up at your house, and fuck your life up, sorry i'm done speaking about her
She wont kill herself thats her game plan to be Attention seeking so everyone will feel sorry for her and frankly its a load of shit. She has read these posts and is most likely trying to come up with something else to say < sob > feel sorry for me !! well i refuse to play her stupid games anymore and if she would JUST leave us all alone then nothing more will matter ,, But no !! the emails continue as does the tattling ! i have one thing to say to her .. Please respond.. BRING IT BITCH
09-03-2003, 03:25 PM
<She wont kill herself thats her game plan to be Attention seeking so everyone will feel sorry for her and frankly its a load of shit. She has read these posts and is most likely trying to come up with something else to say < sob > feel sorry for me !! well i refuse to play her stupid games anymore and if she would JUST leave us all alone then nothing more will matter ,, But no !! the emails continue as does the tattling ! i have one thing to say to her .. Please respond.. BRING IT BITCH>
Nope, nope..... I know what her next move is. She already made it.
I'm on the phone with Odessya right now, getting my ass chewed because Adyria sent her the address to this thread.
And I'm sure it was accompanied with some kind of sob story.
Geez, gimme a break.
09-03-2003, 03:44 PM
[iNope, nope..... I know what her next move is. She already made it.
I'm on the phone with Odessya right now, getting my ass chewed because Adyria sent her the address to this thread.
And I'm sure it was accompanied with some kind of sob story.
Geez, gimme a break.
Of course she did ! we all knew it would happen it wasnt right for you to get yelled at but then again.. Who else could she cry to .. ? Gimme a break Shes such a loser.. Shes the asshole , Got a problem with whats been said her hon.. well then post.. im tellin you Bring it on ! stop having others fight your battles
09-03-2003, 03:51 PM
I think the lot of you need to grow up a bit. I have had run in's with Adyria myself. I have pretty much kept them blatantly to myself. Like the rest of you should.
You complain about her running to others, to complain about someone did to her. Aren't you doing the exact same thing? Except this time, you are telling strangers.
As for the age factor in GS, is it really any of your business? I don't think so.
As for the lies she's told, you act like you are all so innocent, that you have never lied. If you tell me otherwise that's bullshit. Everyone has lied in their lifetime.
And if you think about it, friends are supposed to tell each other things. Ya ever think that maybe, she was telling you all her personal stuff, cause she thought you were her friend and trusted you, and now you freely express it on these message boards.
I swear you people have no lives, to spend night and day on here complaining about someone. Why don't you go hunt, or do something in real life, for that matter.
You call her a liar, Well, I call you a bunch of backstabbers. Fake friends.
True friends don't leave people behind cause of their faults, no matter how bad they are.
Guess you people don't know anything about true friendship then.
"To have a friend, is to be a friend"
She probably lied to you, because she felt that she couldn't trust you to begin with.
I'll find out when I talk to her tonight.
09-03-2003, 03:55 PM
Revengeissweet is HER. It's her email address!
09-03-2003, 03:55 PM
Please remember to not post your real email under your account if you want to pretend to be someone else. You are Adyria.... another lie down, how many more to go?
09-03-2003, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by Revengeissweet
I think the lot of you need to grow up a bit. I have had run in's with Adyria myself. I have pretty much kept them blatantly to myself. Like the rest of you should.
You complain about her running to others, to complain about someone did to her. Aren't you doing the exact same thing? Except this time, you are telling strangers.
As for the age factor in GS, is it really any of your business? I don't think so.
As for the lies she's told, you act like you are all so innocent, that you have never lied. If you tell me otherwise that's bullshit. Everyone has lied in their lifetime.
And if you think about it, friends are supposed to tell each other things. Ya ever think that maybe, she was telling you all her personal stuff, cause she thought you were her friend and trusted you, and now you freely express it on these message boards.
I swear you people have no lives, to spend night and day on here complaining about someone. Why don't you go hunt, or do something in real life, for that matter.
You call her a liar, Well, I call you a bunch of backstabbers. Fake friends.
True friends don't leave people behind cause of their faults, no matter how bad they are.
Guess you people don't know anything about true friendship then.
"To have a friend, is to be a friend"
She probably lied to you, because she felt that she couldn't trust you to begin with.
I'll find out when I talk to her tonight.
You are so stupid .. You posted your email address .. get a better name you freak.. you took that straight from someone's IM .. and you had a run in with her BECAUSE ITS YOU !!! didnt trust us .. hmm im sure certain people will Love to hear that imm make sure i run to him the second he gets her like you will be doing
09-03-2003, 04:05 PM
Jesus fucking christ, you people made this topic and then egged her on to post, and now that she did alls you want to do is flame on her some more?
I have no nice words right now. Maybe she lied about who she is but for Christ's sake you got what you wanted.
Are you going to dance on this chicks grave or something?!
09-03-2003, 04:06 PM
too funny.
Just leave her alone please? Let her say what she's going to say. She's walking into a lion's den in the first place, at least hear her out before you attack her.
09-03-2003, 04:08 PM
Shes trying to say it isnt her.. if she wants to defend herself then let her.. but come on.. she doesnt need to LIE more ..
Originally posted by Notsosweet
Shes trying to say it isnt her.. if she wants to defend herself then let her.. but come on.. she doesnt need to LIE more ..
It's out. We know it's her. She knows we know. Now please, don't attack her? Let's just speak calmly and be civil, okay?
09-03-2003, 04:11 PM
Can we please graduate high school and stop acting like little cliquish girls?
Btw, I agree with Klaive, for once.
09-03-2003, 04:12 PM
fine let her speak id like to see what she has to say about being a liar
09-03-2003, 04:14 PM
Everyone lies at some point...
09-03-2003, 04:15 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
Jesus fucking christ, you people made this topic and then egged her on to post, and now that she did alls you want to do is flame on her some more?
I have no nice words right now. Maybe she lied about who she is but for Christ's sake you got what you wanted.
Are you going to dance on this chicks grave or something?!
The thing is, she LYING AGAIN. She claims it's not her, and she's coming up with some bull shit. Why not come her, tell everyone who you are instead of lying, and then make a post instead of claiming you are someone else. I hate liars. I'd rather deal with a hundred idiots like Bob then liars.
09-03-2003, 04:15 PM
not compulsivly about all that she has.. I'd like to see what she has to say about all of it thats all
09-03-2003, 04:17 PM
So what if it's me, what business is it of yours? You see you people try and make it your business as to who's who, or what's what, I could care less really.
I don't care what you think about me.
I Really really don't. ok? You think I care that you are dissing me all through the posts. Fuck that, who gives a shit.
It just shows you have nothing better to do with your lives.
I may have lied about alot of things, and I may tell people my problems.. nah, not gonna go there.
<snickers to herself>
09-03-2003, 04:18 PM
Edited... because I just lost any respect or compassion I may have had for this chicky-poo.
You do realize that when you RP in Gemstone, you aren't really expected to RP your REAL LIFE out... just the lives of your character(s).
[Edited on 9-3-2003 by Maimara]
09-03-2003, 04:18 PM
You obviously care if you called someone on the phone to complain about this thread and get someone else in trouble.
Edit- My mistake, emailed someone, you didn't call this time apperently.
[Edited on 9-3-2003 by Gemstone101]
09-03-2003, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
Not everyone can confront their demons incarnate head-on. But I see what you mean now.
Pretty goddamn lame, posting like you're your own friend. But now that it's out, Player of Adyria/Angeleyez/Winterwolf, why don't you come back? The mean folk will be here, but there's people with reason, too. Not everyone that posts here knows you, and not everyone that posts here hates you.
I don't expect everyone to hate her. Hell I still don't hate Garr after the posts. I tend to wait until I meet them 1 on 1 before I go making certain calls. You'll see if she keeps posting why everyone hates her.
09-03-2003, 04:22 PM
You care a lot more than you are letting on .. If you didnt care you wouldnt link this to someone WHO isnt in the lands AT all .. just to get someone in trouble again.. get over it .. at least you are attempting to deal with it by posting here now
09-03-2003, 04:27 PM
Well, I see Sintik hasn't changed much, Cocky as ever. He'll never change. I thought maybe the college man grew up a little bit, guess I was wrong.
I always thought Camri was the most level headed of the bunch, guess I was wrong there too.
As far as Notsosweet is, I have no freakin clue who you are so why don't you shut your fat Trap.
09-03-2003, 04:30 PM
Once again you are unable to compare real life to Gemstone. SINTIK is cocky, but guess what, SINTIK IS A GEMSTONE CHARACTER. I'm just direct and point things out. Number 2, you are what, 15 years older then me? Don't talk about growing up. I'm not the one that cries to people on the phone when something goes bad in a TEXT RPG. I am immature for 28 (in 15 days), but I'm still a hell of a lot more grown up then you that's for damn sure.
09-03-2003, 04:31 PM
OMG so many drama queens, so little time! :D
09-03-2003, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by Revengeissweet
Well, I see Sintik hasn't changed much, Cocky as ever. He'll never change. I thought maybe the college man grew up a little bit, guess I was wrong.
I always thought Camri was the most level headed of the bunch, guess I was wrong there too.
As far as Notsosweet is, I have no freakin clue who you are so why don't you shut your fat Trap.
Oh you know who i am .. I dont want you near me or my wedding remember..LOL and who else would be complaing that you run to someone about them....dont play innocent :?:
09-03-2003, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
OMG so many drama queens, so little time! :D
and 1 too many opionated wenches! :lol:
09-03-2003, 04:33 PM
Yes, but can't your character act a bit more mature, then the jackass he is. Maybe in real life Sintik's soul is not so bad, but these are posts, and you sign Sintik, is there a problem between IC, and OOC there?
09-03-2003, 04:34 PM
Now there's two too many.
If I had a car to crash right now, I'd crash it and give you all something new to talk about.
09-03-2003, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
OMG so many drama queens, so little time! :D
::HarmNone lifts a glass to CrystalTears and leeeeans back.::
09-03-2003, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
Originally posted by CrystalTears
OMG so many drama queens, so little time! :D
and 1 too many opionated wenches! :lol:
i want to be a wench now instead of a fat trap lady !! < whines >
09-03-2003, 04:37 PM
Everyone complains that I don't know the difference between real life and in game, it's funny how these people post under their characters, names.
and when you refer to them as such, you are the one who can't tell the difference.
09-03-2003, 04:40 PM
Not one of you here is innocent.
If this chick is harassing you, it's because you were stupid enough to give her your IM/phone number/address/social security number or WTFever she's using to harass you.
Stop acting like you're innocent. You're not.
09-03-2003, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Revengeissweet
Yes, but can't your character act a bit more mature, then the jackass he is. Maybe in real life Sintik's soul is not so bad, but these are posts, and you sign Sintik, is there a problem between IC, and OOC there?
That is how Sintik is played. If I played him any different it wouldn't be as fun. Sintik is cocky, mean, rude, and loves to cause trouble.
My posts are signed Sintik just so people know who I am in Gemstone, it's nothing more then that. Most people who I talk to in IM's don't call me Sintik, they call me my real name, and if they don't, I yell at them. Outside of Gemstone, I'm not Sintik, I really hope you can understand that.
09-03-2003, 04:40 PM
I'm not taking sides or anything, but everyone posts under their character names so people know who is saying what.
09-03-2003, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Revengeissweet
I may have lied about alot of things, and I may tell people my problems.. nah, not gonna go there.
<snickers to herself>
Perhaps this is where you should go, whether here or privately. If you admit that you lie a great deal, and lay your problems on others as though they were responsible for solving them, you create a great deal of your own heartache.
What is done is done. Arguing about it here will not change the outcome. But, you can change tomorrow by doing something about yourself today.
HarmNone tries
09-03-2003, 04:41 PM
I think this is like initiation for PC.
First, someone informs you IG or through IMs that people are talking about you or someone you're friends/enemies with.
Here is where it gets fun:
If you are being talked about, you...
1. Create an account with an obscure name
2. Defend yourself under a different name
3. Someone calls you out on it, you lie
4. Someone proves it, you confess, and continue defending yourself.
5. 12+ Pages of threads result
6. The thread is closes when one of the mods has had enough.
7. You continue to post on PC and everyone forgets what happend.
Or, if you came here to add on to what someone said about someone else:
You post your story of that person, then come back for the next few days to continue that discussion, then eventually come back 5+ times a day because you're addicted to ranting, flaming, etc. now that you have an outlet.
/end gibberish.
09-03-2003, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
I'm not taking sides or anything, but everyone posts under their character names so people know who is saying what.
Hmm for those of you that care i also dont care to be called by my Char name in IM or on the Phone etc... and i only post with Kniquww so people know who i am in the lands.. :lol:
09-03-2003, 04:44 PM
Doesn't sound like gibberish to me, Drew. Sounds like TRUTH. DING DING DING.
09-03-2003, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Notsosweet
Hmm for those of you that care i also dont care to be called by my Char name in IM or on the Phone etc... and i only post with Kniquww so people know who i am in the lands.. :lol:
you mean kniquee or something?
09-03-2003, 04:48 PM
I can understand the difference, between Sintik and Sintik's soul. They are exactly the same from what I can see.
I helped a certain someone out when she desparately needed it too. I wasn't really gonna ask her to pay me back, awhile ago when she told she would, I had asked for gift of play, but from the way you are acting. Send it to a charity, I don't want it.
09-03-2003, 04:48 PM
Awww i think we might have scared her away now :( .. sorry that the truth hurts you so much Hmm what should i call you Revengeissweet/Adyria/Angeleyez/Wynterwolf
if you feel the need to sit here and make up for your lies by producing more .. go ahead nothing will suprise me now
09-03-2003, 04:49 PM
Gift of adventure.
Gift of play sounds like you're trying to get some ass.
09-03-2003, 04:50 PM
09-03-2003, 04:51 PM
Just answer one question Adyria. Why is it that you always feel a need to try to cause me problems in real life?
You started that before I EVER did anything to you, and you know it. You based your tattling then simply on the company I was keeping. You had a fight with Sintik, and tattled on me.
You've been doing it every since. Is there a specific reason that you target me like that, or am I just the easiest to get to?
Weedmage Princess
09-03-2003, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
..........I am immature for 28 (in 15 days), but I'm still a hell of a lot more grown up then you that's for damn sure.
Sintik, you're older than me??? :o
09-03-2003, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
Gift of adventure.
Gift of play sounds like you're trying to get some ass.
LMAO .. thats so funny ! She'll get her GOA .. and she can stir up more shit..
09-03-2003, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess
Originally posted by Gemstone101
..........I am immature for 28 (in 15 days), but I'm still a hell of a lot more grown up then you that's for damn sure.
Sintik, you're older than me??? :o
Yeah who would have guessed I was 28? :lol: I'm lucky if people guess 21.
09-03-2003, 04:55 PM
Actually, I'd have guessed you for older than 21, Sintik. You seem to keep a maturity about you during arguements that people my age can't.
09-03-2003, 04:57 PM
I don't know why I targeted you, I don't know the truth to that one, I just did. I shouldn't have. Can't apologize, cause "Sorries" don't cut it like someone once told me. I would like to apologize if it would help, for that one. but I doubt it will. The only thing I can do is promise not to do it again. And watch and see that it doesn't. I know you won't believe me, the only way you can see that, is by time. You'll know the truth when you see for yourself, that it not happening again.
Weedmage Princess
09-03-2003, 05:02 PM
Here's my Q:
If this person is such a liar,psycho, etc. WHY oh WHY oh WHY WHY WHY!!! do you talk to her instead of block her in IMs, change your phone number, so on and so forth? It seems like everyone and their momma knows this chick is cuckoo for cocoa puffs, hell she came here and admitted it (**see "I lie a lot", etc) no one's going to take her seriously...unless they don't know her. And I'm sure once they've been around her long enough, they'll figure out what she's all about. It's not hard to get rid of people if you REALLY want to. There's a whole bunch of you who hate her apparently, otracising her and keeping her away shouldn't be that big of a deal.
09-03-2003, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Revengeissweet
I don't know why I targeted you, I don't know the truth to that one, I just did. I shouldn't have. Can't apologize, cause "Sorries" don't cut it like someone once told me. I would like to apologize if it would help, for that one. but I doubt it will. The only thing I can do is promise not to do it again. And watch and see that it doesn't. I know you won't believe me, the only way you can see that, is by time. You'll know the truth when you see for yourself, that it not happening again.
LIAR ! you have promised the same thing 3 times now not only to me and to her but to two other people that has not posted here so i WILL not use hisand her names but all of us who know you know who i am talking about . AND i think you might be in the middle of something woth one of them right now calling you out because you are a liar and you lied about this very thing...WHY you contact other people to have Camri get IRL trouble ... thats bullshit you are acting like a child GROW UP ! You are almost 40 my 3 yr old son doesnt lie as much as you do ..Pathetic
09-03-2003, 05:04 PM
I think we should give this chick an award, this is far more entertaining than bitching about GS4. :)
Let's talk about plums.
They sure are good!
Weedmage Princess
09-03-2003, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Revengeissweet
I don't know why I targeted you, I don't know the truth to that one, I just did. I shouldn't have. Can't apologize, cause "Sorries" don't cut it like someone once told me. I would like to apologize if it would help, for that one. but I doubt it will. The only thing I can do is promise not to do it again. And watch and see that it doesn't. I know you won't believe me, the only way you can see that, is by time. You'll know the truth when you see for yourself, that it not happening again.
Whoa, you are a wack job, huh?
09-03-2003, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I think we should give this chick an award, this is far more entertaining than bitching about GS4. :)
LOL who gets the award the liar ? or the people who are angry at her ?
09-03-2003, 05:06 PM
<<<If this person is such a liar,psycho, etc. WHY oh WHY oh WHY WHY WHY!!! do you talk to her instead of block her in IMs, change your phone number, so on and so forth?>>>
She doesn't go directly too you. She goes behind your back. Camri as she said in a previous post lived with someone who USED to play Gemstone. She was sort of like a parent to Camri. Anyways, when other people get Adyria mad, she calls Odessya and gets her to yell at Camri for her. Adyria doesn't talk directly to anyone.... Camri can't get Odessya to change her phone number.
By the way, before anyone says anything, don't say "Well Camri shouldn't talk to Odessya." It's not that simple, but it's not my buisness to say anything about that.....
09-03-2003, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
By the way, before anyone says anything, don't say "Well Camri shouldn't talk to Odessya." It's not that simple, but it's not my buisness to say anything about that.....
Sounds like Camri needs to tell Odessya that Camri does not wish to discuss Angeleyez, and Odessya needs to tell Angeleyez Odessya does not wish to discuss Camri. No need to stop talking to anyone. Just be selective with what you talk about. You have that right.
09-03-2003, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Originally posted by Gemstone101
By the way, before anyone says anything, don't say "Well Camri shouldn't talk to Odessya." It's not that simple, but it's not my buisness to say anything about that.....
camri has tried that numerous times i feel bad for camri having this in her RL so damn bad.. i wish i could help her and a lot of people that " matter " to the Psycho tell her not to contact Odessya .. she hears them but she doesnt listen
Sounds like Camri needs to tell Odessya that Camri does not wish to discuss Angeleyez, and Odessya needs to tell Angeleyez Odessya does not wish to discuss Camri. No need to stop talking to anyone. Just be selective with what you talk about. You have that right.
09-03-2003, 05:15 PM
I really would love to tell Kniquee what I think of her, But I'll refrain from doing so.
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