View Full Version : Ride of the Red Dreamer - The Complete Archives

Geijon Khyree
06-06-2014, 05:03 PM
It is with excitement and much pleasure that I announce Ride of the Red Dreamer - The Complete Archives. This is a culmination of all of the recounts, summaries, word of mouth, and first hand accounts of the storyline run by GM-Auchand beginning towards the end of 2009 and finishing in the fall of 2012.

The complexity and storytelling of the quest is exceptional and the collected works are amazing. Without much further delay, please view it at your leisure on Krakiipedia under Ride of the Red Dreamer, which you may find here as well: http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Ride_of_the_Red_Dreamer

A great deal of newly, never before seen information and logs are included. My special thanks to all those who posted summaries, left comments, and told the story of this event. Those credits and thanks are also contained within the section.

Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did putting it together!

06-06-2014, 05:35 PM
This is awesome, thank you for doing this! I had so much fun with this storyline, its amazing to have it all compiled like this. It's been hard to remember all the ins and outs of what went down, aside from using the Wayback Machine to look at the old archive of the Order of the Azure Sun website with it's running timeline.

Awesome job!

-Mohrgan's player