View Full Version : new job

09-26-2004, 08:23 PM
So I will most likely be starting this cush government job in the next couple of months after my background check is done. In the meantime they want me to bone up on a few things and I thought this would be a good place to find out how. First they want me to get MS A+ certification. Should I buy a book for this or should I take a class? They also want me to learn to use Novell 5.X. They will be switching to 6.5 soon, but they want me to learn 5.x first. Is there a specific text anyone recommends for this? Any help would be appriciated.

Killer Kitten
09-26-2004, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by Keller
So I will most likely be starting this cush government job in the next couple of months after my background check is done. In the meantime they want me to bone up on a few things and I thought this would be a good place to find out how. First they want me to get MS A+ certification. Should I buy a book for this or should I take a class? They also want me to learn to use Novell 5.X. They will be switching to 6.5 soon, but they want me to learn 5.x first. Is there a specific text anyone recommends for this? Any help would be appriciated.

I'm not any kind of expert at computer based jobs, but generally when an employer requires certification that implies that you actually obtain some kind of certificate.
Usually that entails attending a class and passing an exam. I know on my job I have to be CPR certified, so every couple of years I spend an afternoon of paralyzing boredom sucking face with a rubber dummy. Then I have to demonstrate CPR and pass a short written test.
Don't know if computer certification involves leaping through similar hoops, rubber dummy excluded.


09-26-2004, 08:47 PM
lol ... I did the whole CPR thing too. :-) I was just wondering if anyone had recommendations on the class I should take or a certain organization that puts them on. I went on MS webpage, but that wasn't very helpful.

09-26-2004, 09:35 PM
Ask whoever your supervisor will be.

Chances are they'll pay for it.

mcse.com will give a basic overview of a bunch of certifications that are available.

09-26-2004, 11:03 PM
MS doesn't do A+, COMPTIA is the governing body of the A+. It's a two part test; core hardware, and core OS. Any idiots guide to A+ is good. The test is starting to incorporate some newer stuff but it's still based on old shit like win95 and Tandy 1000 era hardware.

09-23-2022, 02:45 AM
One of my biggest fans dug this up in search of a post they had not given negative reputation yet.

I did not, in fact, take this job.

I do hope whomever is so desperate to own me that they have gone back to 2004 in search of posts to rep gets a life. Seriously. Seek help.

09-23-2022, 10:06 AM
One of my biggest fans dug this up in search of a post they had not given negative reputation yet.

I did not, in fact, take this job.

I do hope whomever is so desperate to own me that they have gone back to 2004 in search of posts to rep gets a life. Seriously. Seek help.

It's pretty easy to find out who, even without that browser extension that I'm pretty sure doesn't work anymore.

Rep is serious business.

09-23-2022, 05:30 PM
One of my biggest fans dug this up in search of a post they had not given negative reputation yet.

I did not, in fact, take this job.

I do hope whomever is so desperate to own me that they have gone back to 2004 in search of posts to rep gets a life. Seriously. Seek help.

Oh he knows who gave him that rep... he's just hoping that people will forget how he stalked my underage daughter for 10 years on social media.

That pedo needs to get on the registration list.

09-23-2022, 08:52 PM
It's pretty easy to find out who, even without that browser extension that I'm pretty sure doesn't work anymore.

Rep is serious business.

nah. I don’t know and would prefer not to know. The same person has been giving me the same rep every 7 days for years. It’s really sociopathic.

09-23-2022, 09:22 PM
nah. I don’t know and would prefer not to know. The same person has been giving me the same rep every 7 days for years. It’s really sociopathic.

You would have to be Seran level retarded not to know, pedo.

You're not quite that dumb.. you are just a far bigger scumbag.

Get registered, pedo.

Culem Winston
10-13-2022, 05:09 PM
One of my biggest fans dug this up in search of a post they had not given negative reputation yet.

I did not, in fact, take this job.

I do hope whomever is so desperate to own me that they have gone back to 2004 in search of posts to rep gets a life. Seriously. Seek help. Today we are usuing the soft from Voiso (https://voiso.com/cloud-ivr) so those issues are impossible today with new technologies.

Haters gonna hate. Nothing new.

10-13-2022, 05:42 PM
Haters gonna hate. Nothing new.

He stalks underaged daughters of other posters though.