View Full Version : Automating Lich with Chocolatey and Boxstarter

05-20-2014, 08:05 PM
I see so many people having trouble with installing lich, especially on windows 8.1, etc.

Would anyone be interested in me writing a full install package script for windows using Chocolatey and Boxstarter? If you don't know what that is you probably aren't a heavy windows coder like me.

https://chocolatey.org/: This is like apt-get for windows. Based off of nuget.

http://boxstarter.org/: This is a fully functional automation script packager.

How good are the two together?

You basically run one line of code to enable powershell scripting.
You copy and paste a line of install code into powershell.
The script (if built properly) fully automates the installation of Ruby, Lich, SGE, SF, etc.

How does this help?

Well, what if you want to use the latest version of ruby 2.0 but you don't know how to install and make it work.

The script could:

Install Ruby 2.0 (32-bit is more stable with gems for now)
Install Ruby 2.0 Dev Kit so you can automatically pre-compile gems
Install URU (to help manage multiple ruby packages - if you want to run multiple versions of ruby)
Install the latest GTK2 ruby gem.
Install Lich (latest version)
Install SGE (latest version)
Install Stormfront (latest version)
Update Environment Variables for all applications so they work together properly (without having to figure it all out)
Setup a shortcut to Lich

From start to finish, the user inputs two commands, waits a few min (watching the install progress) and then clicks on the Lich icon.


Want to uninstall it all?

From start to finish, the user runs one command.


I'd only be interesting in doing this if people felt it would "really" help them out. Time is important to me.