View Full Version : Stupid people in my school.

09-02-2003, 06:47 PM
They annoy me. We wasted about 40 minutes in History, discussing whether dates and colors were subjective or objective.

09-02-2003, 06:50 PM
This is why I never finished high school.

I learned a lot more in an alternative school than I did in high school. Things I apply to real life, like balancing my checkbook, anger management, etc etc.

Stupid people bother me.

09-02-2003, 06:54 PM
Stupid people are who I deal with for 8 hours a day. ::whines::

09-02-2003, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
This is why I never finished high school.

I learned a lot more in an alternative school than I did in high school. Things I apply to real life, like balancing my checkbook, anger management, etc etc.

Stupid people bother me.
Glad that anger management worked out for you.:saint:

09-02-2003, 06:57 PM
I think the worst thing is that I'm not going to a public high school. You have to apply and audition for different things to get into mine. That means you're supposed to be smart...but there are still stupid people.

09-02-2003, 06:59 PM


just kidding. :-D

09-02-2003, 07:00 PM
I went to one of the best highschools in the country, in terms of education. We set and break the record regularly for national merit semifinalists, intel finalists and winners, and all that jazz (www.tjhsst.edu). I'd rather have gone to a public high school, now that I can look back and reflect.

But you know what? Some of the stupidest people I know I met there. And it was the most sheltered environment I've ever been in. It made most other high schools look like 90210, and it was sort of like Freaks and Geeks.

09-02-2003, 07:00 PM
That's why college is so much different. You actually LEARN something.....

09-02-2003, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Maimara


just kidding. :-D

Garr?...That you?

09-02-2003, 07:02 PM
The major difference between college and high school (as applicable to the 'enjoyment level') is that you don't HAVE to go to college. It's something you (generally) work for, and achieve at, under your own power, whereas high school you have to go through the motions and play the social game or risk having your life turned into Evil Dead I.

09-02-2003, 07:03 PM
No, I'm not Garr.

Yes, I do rant.

Yes, I have an anger problem.

No, I don't break shit, hurt people, kill myself. I rant on a message board.

09-02-2003, 07:07 PM
If I had tried half as hard in high school to do the things I was supposed to, instead of finding ways to get OUT of doing those things, I would have not had as much fun as I did have. And I still graduated with a 3.8.

Having said that, I'm much more proud of my 3.3 final GPA from college, because I actually worked hard for that.

High school is easy.

-K, rules were my enemy.

[Edited on 9-2-2003 by SpunGirl]

09-02-2003, 07:08 PM
Ahem. This discussion is about stupid people (in my school). Not you being Garr.

09-02-2003, 07:09 PM
I guess the problem is people are less worried about learning in your school than they are about being cool.

09-02-2003, 07:10 PM
There are stupid people in every school. Part of your learning experience is how to deal with said stupid people. If you can effectively deal with them, it makes your experience that much better.

Sean never learned to deal with stupid people, because he IS one of the stupid people.


09-02-2003, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Artha
Ahem. This discussion is about stupid people (in my school). Not you being Garr.

Yah, but we don't all know the stupid people in your school, so I made fun of Maimara instead.

To get back on topic, yes, people from your school are stupid.

09-02-2003, 07:14 PM
There are stupid people in every school. Part of your learning experience is how to deal with said stupid people. If you can effectively deal with them, it makes your experience that much better.

I make fun of them. Or ignore them. Usually, I just alternate between the two.

To get back on topic, yes, people from your school are stupid.

Yes they are.

09-02-2003, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
The major difference between college and high school (as applicable to the 'enjoyment level') is that you don't HAVE to go to college. It's something you (generally) work for, and achieve at, under your own power, whereas high school you have to go through the motions and play the social game or risk having your life turned into Evil Dead I.

Maybe that is why I don't understand most people.

I was homeschooled after 8th grade and never had to endure any of that.

Peer pressure never had a chance to mold me into someone society would accept and instead I grew more and more "unique" as time progressed. Now I'm just out there... staring at the moon and pondering the eternal question, "If life is merely perception and nothing more... then why do I have ketchup on my shirt? I ate alone and did not notice the spill. Who's perception put it there? Is my house haunted? Do ghosts have perception? Surely, this must be so. But if it is, what about inanimate objects? The Native Americans believed that all things had a spirit. What if my computer can see me? That would make it a pervert."

09-02-2003, 07:55 PM
Ya know Klaive.. I've read the rants and flames against you - and by you toward others..

And regardless of your behavior on the boards or in the game, I have concluded that you're exceptionally bright, and very clever.

I wanna quote that thing you said in my tagline:

"If life is merely perception and nothing more... then why do I have ketchup on my shirt?"

To the average Joe, it's just a very silly thing to say. But to a philosopher, it has some kind of inner deep significance that I hope to discover some day. It is -also- a very silly thing to say, but it's just one of those things that strike me as "woah" material, ya know?

09-03-2003, 01:39 AM
<<There are stupid people in every school. Part of your learning experience is how to deal with said stupid people. If you can effectively deal with them, it makes your experience that much better.>>

Ahem. Algebra. Idiots SWARM Algebra like fucking bees. The not-so-stupid clique routinely, and openly, made fun of the stupid kids. And they did it in class. I did it occasionally, when I had nothing else to do.