View Full Version : Kenstrom's Landing Storyline Outlines

05-05-2014, 05:20 PM
I thought it might be helpful to have a single place, that isn't the horrible official forums, to read over Kenstrom's storyline outlines for the past few years. It's a great read for someone who's just coming back or looking for ways to get involved!

Beyond the Arkati

I began my "Beyond the Arkati", the summoner storyline for Wehnimer's Landing back in August 2010. It's been a long but very fun ride. I broke the sixteen month storyline into six chapters, each one taking place every quarter. I also began to post updates after each chapter, so folks could try to keep up to date, get involved or just reminisce. So below I will be listing the entire outline from beginning to end, August 2010 to January 2012. As before, my timeline only documents events that were more public in nature, things that could be common knowledge or rumors in the town. I pride myself on a lot of GM to Player interaction, which I feel I did a lot of during the storyline, but those more intimate and smaller moments are left to the players to enjoy or share, etc.

Again I just want to thank all of the players for your continued involvement, from the small group of people that started out to the nearly one hundred people present at the finale. I've enjoyed every month of it and I look forward to the next stories to unfold.

Phoenatos 5110 ( August 2010 )

* During Frontier Days, Mirayam appears in Wehnimer's Landing, alone and without memories beyond two years ago. She claimed to be from Ubl, in the small territory of Allace in the Turamzzyrian Empire, where she was discovered by an elderly couple who took her in.

* Local citizens hear a cry near Town Square Central and rush into a dark alley, where Mirayam has been beaten up by some thugs. Two rogues are killed, but one escapes with Mirayam's journal.

Imaerasta 5110 ( September 2010 )

* Thrayzar, an orc assassin shows up in Wehnimer's Landing. He is discovered on the streets, and is attacked by some local militia men, all of whom the orc kills.

* The orc Thrayzar later finds Mirayam's lost journal and uses it to negotiate a meeting with her. Some locals organize the meeting, the orc sniffs Mirayam, drops the journal, and then slips into the shadows.

* The interim mayor, the Chatelaine Chambeli announces that Lord Grishom Stone has purchased the old Cholgar's Bathhouse in an attempt to rebuild it and erase the dark taint that existed there before.

* Mirayam, after befriending many locals, is offered a job by Chambeli in the museum. A woman named Bridonna is also announced as the new curator of the museum.

* Albright, a red-robed summoner appears in town and begins making demands that Mirayam be handed over.

* The town council of Wehnimer's Landing votes, and by the majority's decision, they agree to hand over Mirayam. Unfortunately the girl Mirayam had gone missing.

* Believing the town to be deceiving him, Albright opens up dozens of red portals in town and around the environs, and armies of constructs and golems invade over the course of a week.

* Councilman Walkar Wellington defies the will of the council and fights with local heroes against Albright's minions. Finally with some more political backing, Walkar is able to convince a few council members to agree to revoke their original agreement on Mirayam's fate. The council then votes to challenge Albright and fight him, even though Mirayam is still missing.

Jastatos 5110 ( October 2010 )

* Councilman Walkar Wellington, along with the aid of local defenders, orchestrates the illusion of an exchange with Albright, with all intentions of staging an ambush. Albright, believing the city intended to hand over Mirayam, foolishly meets with them in the forest. Albright is killed by a defender and many of his seedy allies are dispatched as well.

* The red portals in the sky above Wehnimer's Landing do not go away, but instead begin to slowly expand. Mindless golems continue to drop from them into the streets.

* The seer Kailashandra appears in Wehnimer's Landing, tired and worse for wear. Some locals find her in a trance and when she awakes she tells them the vision she had, of a group of red-robed summoners called the Arcane Eyes, who performed a dark ritual to create a sentient urnon golem. The ritual involved the mass execution of dozens and dozens of women, whose spirits were imbued into the urnon. The urnon came to life and took the form of a featureless woman, killing two summoners before escaping into the night. The golem would later take on the form of Mirayam years later, and arrived in Wehnimer's Landing. The seer noted that in her vision, the main summoner's face was unclear, but she caught sight of his dark sea blue eyes before she was thrown from her trance.

* The orc Thrayzar meets with some local heroes and offers them Mirayam, who he said he had found and kept hidden because he feared what Albright would do to her. It was then learned that Thrayzar was originally hired by the summoners to hunt down Mirayam, but when he learned more of the summoner's evil nature, he abandoned them and sought to protect the girl. In exchange, the orc asked that the heroes plead with the local authorities to pardon him for his crimes in murdering local militia.

* Mirayam's body had become unstable, her eyes and flesh constantly reshaping as the chaotic nature of urnon began to return. The heroes told her of her past and creation, and of the threats still facing their town. Seeking to protect the people who so willingly took her in and fought to defend her, Mirayam sacrificed the remainder of her magical force to close the red portals above Wehnimer's Landing. The exertion robbed her of any last shred of stability, and she crumbled into pieces of urnon, many of which were retrieved by the heroes present.

Eoantos 5110 ( November 2010 )

* Bandits began to strike outside of Wehnimer's Landing, some making it inside the town.

* In response to the bandit activity, the town council increased the militia patrols.

* A memorial statue in Mirayam's likeness was erected in Town Square, Northwest. ( It has a loresong!)

* The Mayoral Elections were announced, with the candidates being the Chatelaine Chambeli Malatina, Tykel Rone, Lord Grishom Stone, Councilman Walkar Wellington and Councilman Barnom Slim.

* Plague begins to effect denizens of Wehnimer's Landing, the witch Raznel, another red-robed summoner, is thought to be the culprit.

* The bandits are discovered to have been hired by the summoners.

* The local merchant guild endorses Grishom Stone for Mayor.

* Bandits began to appear to be suffering from the plague, or even carrying it into town. Unrest forms among their ranks and some of them turn on their summoner employers. As the bandit threat begins to die down, the town council begins to hand out magical rods, imbued with Undisease, to help people fight the still spreading plague.

* Tykel Rone cites lack of funds and drops out of Mayoral race.

* Days later, Grishom Stone drops out of Mayoral race, giving vague reasoning for his actions. Some speculate blackmail.

* In a battle in the streets of Wehnimer's, Raznel summons hordes of undead, as local defenders fight on, pressing them back. Raznel is slain numerous times, but her body breaks into bugs and reforms again and again. Finally the heroes use the Undisease rods and wave them at Raznel, and she begins to fall apart and crumble into a pile of scorched bugs. The plague is instantly lifted.

* Mayoral Debates are held between Chambeli, Walkar and Barnom.

* The election results are announced and Walkar Wellington is elected the new Mayor of Wehnimer's Landing. He is sworn into office. Days later, he publicly hangs known allies of the summoners.

* Chambeli decides to travel after losing the election and sets sail for Brisker's Cove. A week later her ship is reported destroyed at sea and no survivors found.

Eorgaen 5110 ( December 2010 )

* Mayor Walkar pardoned the orc Thrayzar, and praised his efforts in helping the city after turning on the summoners. It was also rumored that the Mayor secretly hired the orc to hunt down known allies of the summoners.

* Acting on information given them, town officials inspect Chambeli's residence, finding where she had stashed away some red robes and blackened silver eye medallion matching ones the summoners had worn. With Chambeli lost at sea, officials could only speculate that she may have been involved with the summoners.

* Grishom Stone attended a ball in Wehnimer's Landing, with a woman named Odilia, supposedly a cartographer from Ta'Illistim.

* Days later, Odilia is found by some local heroes in the street and was suffering from a stomach wound and claiming Grishom Stone tried to kill her.

* Grishom Stone is arrested.

* Representatives from Ta'Illistim met with Mayor Walkar and the town council, addressing concerns about Odilia and Grishom Stone behind closed doors. There was no love lost between the two governments.

* In Ta'Illistim, local citizens found the body of a woman, who later is discovered to be the real Odilia. After days in jail, Grishom Stone is freed and the fake Odilia is captured and escorted by a convoy of the Sapphire Guard back to Ta'Illistim for trial.

* While en route to Ta'Illistim, the convoy is ambushed and destroyed by a fiery aerial assault. The soldiers are killed and Odilia is nowhere to be found.

Lormesta 5111 ( January 2011 )

* New renovations are announced for the Wehnimer's Landing Museum, funded primarily by Lord Grishom Stone.

* Some heroes traveled to River's Rest and struck a deal with a landlocked pirate named Thanden, who had found and enslaved Chambeli and intended to sell her. He had made some currently unknown demands, and the heroes temporarily returned to Wehnimer's Landing in an effort to accommodate them.

* Meanwhile, invasions of golems, gargoyles, constructs and even some demons began to hit both Wehnimer's Landing and River's Rest on and off for days.

* A goblin appeared in Wehnimer's Landing, with extraordinary mastery of the common tongue, asking many citizens for the whereabouts of the orc Thrayzar. Reportedly, the goblin was worried that something bad had happened as the orc had gone missing longer than usual.

* A troll scout was seen near Wehnimer's that same evening, but killed rather quickly.

* Some heroes traveled back to River's Rest, where invasions of constructs and golems picked up, as forces from both Wehnimer's and the Rest fought them off. Amidst the chaos it is said a few of the heroes met with the pirate captain Thanden, made their exchange, and set off back to Wehnimer's with a physically broken and mentally unstable Chambeli in tow.

* Spouting insane ramblings, Chambeli was escorted back to Wehnimer's Landing, where witnesses account that the orc Thrayzar appeared from out of nowhere, ran his sword through her gut, and then dragged her off into the shadows.

* Two days later, a nearby citizen alerted everyone to the corpse of Chambeli outside of Moot Hall. Shreds of clothing hung loosely to her broken body, and her head had been cut off and was missing. Local militia removed the body from the streets.

Fashanos 5111 ( February 2011 )

* Grishom Stone holds a public unveiling of the new bathhouse, the Stone Baths. At the end of the tour, he is murdered by a blind adventurer Vylina who claims to have attacked him out of insanity. A priest resurrects Grishom, and the adventurer is banished from town.

* Claiming to seek fairness, Grishom convinced the town council to revoke the adventurer's banishment, if the blind woman would be subjected to some initial observations by some hired clerics and healers, to ensure she was safe to be free. The deal was made, the banishment revoked, the observation complete and Vylina walking free.

* A red-robed summoner arrived to warn the Silver Gryphons that there is power Beyond the Arkati, and that they respect their order and give them the civility of a warning, to not stand in their way.

* Rumors circulate that the pirate Thanden, from River's Rest, arrived in Wehnimer's Landing looking to collect his reward for handing over Chambeli. The reward he was "promised" was a small fortune to retire, the Drake Vanguard's ship, and sanctuary within the town. He arranges an upcoming meeting with Mayor Walkar.

* Over the course of several months, many women had reported hearing a ghostly woman's voice, whispering to them at night and warning them of a deadly man and the siren's song. It was eventually discovered the spirit was named Madelyne Cross, and when some heroes tried to further communicate with her, she came forward and possessed the adventurer Riend, turning her eyes from violet to hunter green. It was later learned from Madelyne that her father is Elithain Cross, a man suspected to be involved with the summoners in some way, but is in hiding.

* Albert the Hearthstone Doorman, informed some of the heroes that the public believes Mayor Walkar to be sick, but that in truth he had the pirate Thanden captured and escorted him, along with some hired mercenaries, to Mestanir. The pirate was a wanted man in the Empire and Walkar had hoped to gain some favor in trying to learn some information about the leader of the summoners, whether it was a mysterious man named Elithain Cross who may be hiding in Mestanir, or to confirm his own suspicions of it being Grishom Stone.

* Grishom Stone gathered some local adventurers on the porch of Hearthstone and informs them that he originally lied to them when he said he did not know of Elithain Cross, and that he was a rival of his father's, ages ago, when they were among the noble court of Mestanir. He told the heroes that he believes Elithain was responsible for the death of his father, Sebasation Stone, and that he had never met Madelyne.

* Days later, rumors reached Wehnimer's Landing that there has been attacks in Mestanir, the invaders fitting the descriptions of the same constructs and golems that had previously attacked Wehnimer's and River's Rest.

* Within the week, red portals opened in Upper Trollfang and lead to Mestanir. Hordes of golems, constructs, gargoyles and demons poured out of them and wage battle against both Mestanir and Wehnimer's Landing.

* One night in Wehnimer's Landing, citizens reported of being attacked by ethereal women specters, all sobbing as they try to kill the living. They all eerily shouted and warned those looking on to "Kill Him, Kill Stone!" The specters are eventually dispatched, but meanwhile battle still rages around the portals from Trollfang to Mestanir.

* Hordes of golems and demons made their way to the gates of Wehnimer's Landing, and members of the Dreadnaught Alliance traveled from the east to help the defenders of the west. In an attempt to send their forces back home, golems and constructs attack Ta'Illistim, but the ploy failed.

Charlatos 5111 ( March 2011 )

* It is publically learned that Mayor Walkar is not sick, but is indeed missing after he traveled to Mestanir. Many tried to search him out while battling demons and golems in both lands.

* Lord Grishom Stone offered highly enchanted weapons to the Knights of Mestanir, to help them better fight the demons that appear.

* The battle within Mestanir raged on for weeks and many brave adventurers from all over Elanthia arrived to aid the Mestanir knights in their war. When many of the heroes died, a red-robed summoner arrived among the chaos, and was reported to have been dragging them to safety. Many heroes were confused, wondering if there was a turncoat among their enemies.

* The dwarven Marshal of Wehnimer's Landing, Khylon Oakspear, organized a group of heroes to push into Mestanir to fight back the demons and constructs, while trying to find Mayor Walkar. Their mission went on for a grueling hour or more before they finally discover the Mayor, who was forced into hiding in Mestanir as some of the creatures had been looking for him. Mayor Walkar was safely escorted back to Wehnimer's Landing, but the fighting still continued.

* Defenders reported seeing a black-haired woman appear from the shadows in Mestanir, blowing off the limbs of Mestanir knights and meteor swarming adventurers as they arrive to help. Eye witnesses claimed she looked exactly like the fake Odilia who showed up in Wehnimer's months ago, and went missing from the envoy back to Ta'Illistim.

* It was discovered by some heroes that Thrayzar, the orc, had been captured by the summoners and tortured, tormented, and then finally broken into submission. Such control was explained as to why Thrayzar had previously hunted down and killed Chambeli for the summoners, before she was able to reveal more information. In the end, the adventurer Greganth was able to arrange the release of Thrayzar, and the removal of his thrall.

* The orc Thrayzar, physically disfigured and mentally scarred, told the heroes he would return to his people to ensure them he was still alive, but he would eventually return. He spoke of a black-haired woman who tortured him and he recalled smelling ink on her fingers. He vowed to see the day of her demise.

* Days later, Hendorian and Vornavian troops arrived in Mestanir and with their added support, the demonic and golem hordes were able to be pushed back significantly. As such, the final waves moved out into Trollfang and marched on Wehnimer's Landing, having little where else to go.

* While the attacks in Mestanir lessened, defenders rallied to the aid of Wehnimer's Landing and fought to push back the demons, constructs and golems. Citizens claimed that the "fake" Odilia was then spotted within the walls, meteor swarming Town Square and killing many innocent people and healers and clerics. Shortly after, Thrayzar the orc was seen, seemingly tracking someone and so many heroes followed him.

* The orc finally tracked Odilia to the town barracks, where she was found blowing off the limbs of militiamen. The adventurer Soullslayur was able to kill Odilia, and everyone surrounded her corpse while her spirit shouted in protest. She begged to someone unseen to spare her lover for her failure. Deep shadows arrived along the ground and Odilia's body burst into flames, leaving behind her scorched red robes, her runestaff and some burnt parchment that had barely survived. The parchment were letters written from a man named Nysorm, to a woman named Arleasta, who was in fact the woman pretending to be Odilia. Nysorm's letters warned of Arleasta's further involvement with the nameless leader of the summoners, and that they had nowhere else to go now, and begged for her to leave with him. The letters also revealed it was Nysorm who was the red-robed summoner who had been dragging dead heroes to safety.

* After Arleasta/Odilia's death, the portals in Upper Trollfang closed and the straggling invaders left behind were finished off. Some Mestanir knights were also left behind, and shelter and food were provided for them by the Mayor until they returned to Mestanir a week later.

* The orc Thrayzar left to seek out his people and possibly arrange for them to move to a new location, as he fears his recent involvement may expose his hidden settlement to the summoners, or his old nemesis, the troll Drangell.

* With the conflict seemingly over, Baron Chydenar of Mestanir and Mayor Walkar of Wehnimer's Landing gave public statements, thanking each side in their efforts to work together to overcome their shared enemy, to honor those who fought and died, and to swear their commitment to seeing the summoners and their minions finally destroyed.

* In an attempt to help Riend be freed of her possession of the ghost Madelyne, Grishom Stone offered to contact some of his connections in a plan to create some kind of potion to expel the entity. Riend agreed to try, as many others' attempts have failed, and gave Grishom a vial of her blood. Later, citizens witnessed the spirit of Madelyne emerge in a fit of rage that the blood was given and was later calmed by those present.

* Mayor Walkar held an Honor Celebration in Wehnimer's, where he thanked many during the recent months of conflict and wanted to publically honor a few individuals who had been helping him since Mirayam first appeared the summer before. Greganth, Seomanthe, Fremie, Cyrroc, Karibeth, Soullslayur, Allanano, Svardin and Riend were named Defenders of Wehnimer's Landing. Sir Cryheart and Sir Tebon were presented with specially crafted signet rings and accepted roles as advisors to the Mayor. The Mayor went on to banish Demyse, Maetriks, Anru and Shalaora, for their roles in helping the summoners, labeling them Outlaws of Wehnimer's Landing. The Mayor thanked the groups of the Silver Gryphons, the Drake Vanguards, the Dreadnaught Alliance and the Order of the Azure Sun for their help in recent conflicts, and would be commissioning a plaque in their honor.

Olaesta 5111 ( April 2011 )

* One night, early in the month, an explosion was seen in the sky over East Ring Road. Heroes rushed across the bridge to find a warehouse on fire, with an elven corpse outside of it. The corpse's face is nearly melted off, with shards of glass stuck in his burnt hands. A planar shift rune book was found on the body, with various rune locations set around town or in other cities. The heroes soon discovered a horde of blood red globules that appeared and attacked them, quickly followed by two colossal blood golems. The golems and globules were eventually killed off and the elven body, later discovered to be Athseld, an apprentice alchemist, was carted off by town guards. The entire incident was written off by local officials as a failed magical experiment.

* A ceremony was announced in Mestanir, where Baron Chydenar praised citizens of Mestanir, thanked Mayor Walkar for his support and commended the heroics of the people of Wehnimer's Landing. The Baron also went on to honor Grishom Stone for his aid to the knights and labeled him the Hero of Mestanir.

Ivastaen 5111 ( May 2011 )

* A silver-eyed dark troll hunter was seen outside Wehnimer's Landing and was quickly dispatched. The creature left behind a stained bone ring and a crystallized orc heart talisman. (Both had loresongs revealing information about Drangell, and the summoners working with the trolls)

* The ghostly spirit of Madelyne, who is rumored to be Grishom Stone's first victim, appeared to heroes upon the steps of Hearthstone Manor. An ethereal fog arrived with the ghost and displayed the haunting scene of Madelyne and Grishom's romantic involvement and engagement and ultimately Madelyne's death. A second ethereal scene displayed Grishom Stone as seducing and killing women with black hair and green eyes, many times over. The ghostly images ended with Grishom shown in a red summoner's robes and creating the urnon golem Mirayam. When the heroes later confronted Grishom, he denied everything and claimed the ghost of Madelyne was using illusions to deceive everyone.

* The next day, Councilman Barnom Slim approached many heroes who had witnessed the ghostly interaction and warned them against speaking ill about Grishom Stone, who was viewed as the Hero of Mestanir. The councilman cautioned against purposely doing anything that might jeopardize the quick friendship growing between Mestanir and Wehnimer's Landing.

* Outlaws of Wehnimer's Landing, including the Ta'Mori and other dark allies, were reported to have been gathered by the summoners and transported to a scorched forest where a crumbling stone fortress awaited. Fighting through elven ghosts and walls of fire, the villains eventually reached a door covered in runes. Once the proper sequence was solved, the door was opened and Drangell, the unstoppable troll commander was set free.

* At the same time as Drangell was being freed, Thrayzar the orc gathered some heroes near Hearthstone and told them he had found a red portal outside of town that led to Drangell's prison and was worried people were trying to free him. The heroes arrived at the fortress and overcame the same obstacles, but had arrived too late. The rune prison was empty except for a piece of parchment, mocking the heroes' tardiness. The heroes barely escaped as the fortress collapsed around them.

* Worried a war with Commander Drangell was imminent, Mayor Walkar provided supplies and wooden foundations and the citizens of Wehnimer's spent countless hours cutting logs and building archery towers outside of town to help in the event of a troll invasion.

* A gnome merchant named Eeny arrived in town, claiming to sell magical trinkets that would help protect people from trolls. He even raffled off a trollbane khopesh. Two weeks later he would be exposed as a fraud when his trinkets did not work, but he managed to escape town with all of his profits shortly before his wagon was destroyed by angry citizens.

* With Mayor Walkar's approval, two orc encampments were setup near Voln where many orc women, children and some warriors were residing. The Mayor offered the town's protection to the orcs until Thrayzar could find a new location for his people and could safely move them. Many citizens openly questioned the Mayor and one commoner named Colson went so far as to accuse the Mayor of being insane.

* The orc demon hunter Omlor arrived in Wehnimer's Landing, greeting a few citizens and began his scouting routines, prepared to help in the event of demons.

* Days later, the goblin Stiletto, who is Thrayzar's right hand man, arrived in town and told a gathered crowd the true origin of Thrayzar and Drangell and that they were once a human and giantman respectively. He told the story of how they once worked as assassins for the Empire and on their fateful last mission were cursed by a witch upon her death and turned into an orc and troll. Thrayzar had used his curse to try to help civilize some monster races, while Drangell used his curse to try to spread destruction.

* Golems and constructs attacked the gates of Wehnimer's Landing while a wall of shadows appeared outside of Moot Hall and the Barracks. Witnesses later claimed that the Ta'Mori and other allies of the summoners were teleported inside of Moot Hall where they killed five council members, those who were most loyal to Mayor Walkar. The villains then magically appeared inside the barracks and began to slaughter militia men. The heroes stopped the invasion of golems and soon rushed to the barracks, where they eventually dispelled the wall of shadows, but not before dozens and dozens of soldiers had been murdered and the villains escaped.

* Griffins were spotted flying high above Wehnimer's Landing. The creatures eventually dropped backpacks full of orc, human, halfling and dwarven body parts.

* Days later, a dark storm arrived above Wehnimer's Landing and shadowy troll wraiths appeared inside the walls, snatching up children and disappearing into the darkness. Hours later, the bodies of children were impaled on wooden stakes outside of town and bodies of children were left in the streets. Heroes gathered and along with militia men began to remove the stakes and carry off the corpses. Before the night was over, more children corpses appeared inside of translucent red cocoons which magically floated high above the town. The eerie cries of ghostly children began to intermittently wail at all hours.

* The following day, some of the red cocoons burst open and winged blood red fiends came forth, attacking the town but eventually being killed themselves.

* Mitokh the Tehir hunter led some heroes to the Badlands where they discovered the remaining kidnapped children, who were still alive! The heroes fought off some shadow trolls and escaped back to town with the children. In response to the attacks, the house of White Haven offered sanctuary to the women and children of Wehnimer's Landing, and wagons of innocent citizens were escorted to the relative safety of Icemule Trace.

* Akhash the Tehir spiritcaller arrived in town after he was sent a message by some of the heroes to come quickly. Akhash investigated the cocoons and a few days later was able to magically dispel them before anymore fiends were hatched. The wailing cries of the ghostly children faded away.

* Catapults appeared along the old Mine Road and launched boulders and fiery globules into town, weakening the defenders before the first wave of trolls appeared and began their invasion of Wehnimer's Landing. Griffins began to drop boulders on townspeople from the sky, while shadow trolls appeared out of nowhere, clawing at people as they tried to fight or flee. Boulders from catapults continued to rain down on the town while griffins would snatch up women from the streets, carrying them off into the distance.

* Some of Thrayzar's clan, orc warriors and assassins joined the heroes of Wehnimer's Landing and help in fighting the pockets of trolls that appeared in the town's surrounding environs.

* Days later, more red cocoons were reported to have been found in the graveyard along the Coastal Cliffs. Meanwhile, a wave of siege engines was rolled up into Upper Trollfang and Lower Dragonsclaw outside of town. The heroes branched off into two groups, some fighting waves of trolls and destroying siege towers and catapults, while the other group going to the graveyard and breaking the cocoons while fighting off shadow golems and shadow troll wraiths. At the graveyard, once the cocoons were destroyed, a shadow troll general appeared but was eventually killed. After the general's defeat, shadow trolls were no longer spotted.

* An orc warrior was found in Upper Trollfang, stumbling about and dying from a vicious stomach wound. He offered up his trollbane maul to the heroes present and told them to keep the fight going. The orc then collapsed and died.

* The troll commander Drangell himself arrived with a wave of trolls outside of town. Drangell was easily killed but begin to rapidly heal and rise back to his feet. He left a swath of corpses before he was killed again and then dragged off by some troll warriors, presumably so he could heal and return.

* The Tehir tipped off the heroes about a griffin hatchery their scout had discovered down a narrow trail in Thanatoph. The heroes mounted a large assault and attacked the griffin hatchery, destroying dozens and dozens of egg nests and killing another one of Drangell's troll generals. As a result, the griffin attacks from the sky slowed and eventually disappeared altogether.

Lumnea 5111 ( June 2011 )

* Thrayzar returned and gathered many of the town's defenders and asked them to come with him to his outpost. He told them the trolls had discovered it and were now attacking and he sought help to finish escorting all of his people out safely. The heroes went to the outpost and fought off trolls and blood maggots while Stiletto helped some orc and goblin women and children escape through a tunnel below the base. Drangell's third troll general led the attack on the outpost and he dropped an orcbane weapon upon his death. Once all of the innocents were saved, the heroes fled the fortress and Stiletto ensured it was destroyed and it exploded in a fiery inferno which also killed off dozens of trolls.

* Large shimmering red portals appeared above Wehnimer's Landing and packs of horned blood red vathors dropped out of them, all of which moved about the streets leaving piles of corpses behind. The demons were eventually killed, but the portals remained open and demons continued to drop from them over the course of three days.

* Akhash the Tehir spiritcaller believed he could perform a ritual to use his warding magic to close the red portals and block the summoner's from opening more portals into town. In order to achieve his goal, Akhash must enhance his own power with a powerful nearby spirit. After much research and debate, Akhash informed the heroes that the spirit of Estrion, the lord of Darkstone Castle would have the best chance of communicating with. Mayor Walkar and Akhash met with many heroes present and discussed the details of the ritual and any possible negative outcome. Walkar approved of the ritual and Akhash went into Darkstone Castle where he later reported he created a pact with Estrion, who would help Akhash put wards around the town in exchange for Akhash's oath to kill Sheru. The dark pact between Estrion and Akhash was formed and after a successful ritual, the red portals in town were closed. The heroes, with Akhash's aid, also sealed up the catacombs to prevent trolls from coming up into the streets.

* Lord Grishom Stone announced the arrival of one of his supply ships, filled with logs, and all of the ballista towers in town were fully stocked with arrows to help in the defense of Wehnimer's Landing.

* Trolls continued to besiege the town daily, their armies forming along the Coastal Cliffs, the old Mine Road, Lower Dragonsclaw and Upper Trollfang. Drangell appeared again and left even more bodies behind and tried to provoke the defenders, welcoming their attacks. He is attacked and killed numerous times, but heals quickly and began to grow in both size and strength. Eventually the heroes surrounded him and would not attack him and began to try to talk to him, to warn him of the summoner's using him. Once Drangell stopped attacking and seemingly began to listen, a column of shadows appeared and engulfed him.

* A new wave of demons attacked the town and Omlor the orc demon hunter arrived and helped in the fight. After a horde of demons were killed, two vathors soared down from the sky and snatched up Omlor, disappearing with him into the darkness. The heroes formed a search party and not long after a red portal appeared near them and they were greeted by a shadowy voice who told them he was a rogue summoner. The heroes headed through the portal and found a dark, eerie clearing which led to a blood-soaked ritual site. Along the shadowy trail, the heroes found the mutilated body parts of Omlor, along with his demonbane scythe. After fighting through hordes of dark trolls, blood golems and demons, the heroes destroyed some magical stones jutting up from the ground which allowed them access to a dark altar, which the summoners had used to bring forth demons. The bodies of women were piled around the altar. Once the altar was destroyed, the spirits of ghostly women appeared and attacked, but were eventually released into peace.

* After the dark altar was destroyed, demons stopped attacking the town and cargo ships from Vornavis arrived with further aid and weapons. Knights and infantrymen from Mestanir arrived shortly after, helping to fight the trolls outside of town.

* A large number of siege engines appeared again in Upper Trollfang, accompanied by some kobold carpenters who seemed to have escaped from somewhere nearby. Heroes and defenders break into groups and scour the nearby area in search of Drangell's siege camp. After an hour of fighting trolls and searching, the heroes locate a hidden trail to the siege camp and began to destroy a vast amount of siege engines, while killing trolls and kobolds. The fighting escalates as troll soldiers and champions arrive to defend the camp, along with Drangell's last general. The general is finally killed and drops his prized orcbane weapon and the heroes set about destroying the entire camp, buildings and siege engines alike. Drangell is nowhere to be found.

* Akhash and the heroes theorized on ways to break Drangell's curse, since attacking him only made him stronger. Akhash revealed a possible way to break the curse, but he needed items tied to the curse itself and trolls. Thrayzar offered his longsword, which was used to kill the witch that created the curse. The heroes collected troll blood, hides and body parts. Akhash and Xanith forged a magical blade using all of the components that had been collected. The heroes also presented some crystallized flame shards from Drangell's original prison, which Akhash said they would use to help pin him temporarily to perform the ritual.

* The following evening Drangell led a massive wave of trolls and they broke through the gates and swarmed the streets. Defenders fought off the trolls while a large crowd of heroes surrounded Drangell outside the bathhouse. Drangell's waraxe was disarmed and people kept tackling him or pinning him down with insect swarms. The flame shards were stuck into his limbs and he thrashed about on the ground while Akhash, using the newly forged magical blade, began to cut the air around Drangell which slowly pulled back the curse. Drangell's body changed and shifted and he gradually reverted back to his giantman form. Mayor Walkar and Marshal Khylon, along with a number of dwarven sentinels were also present and arrested Drangell, dragging him off to be imprisoned and interrogated.

* With Drangell defeated and no more generals alive, the troll army began to break up and scatter. The defenders of Wehnimer's Landing and Knights of Mestanir continued their fight against the trolls who eventually retreated, dispersing in all directions and were no longer an organized threat. The town and people of Wehnimer's Landing celebrated their victory and thanked their allies far and wide.

* Drangell remained a captive in Wehnimer's Landing, being tucked away in a secret location within the prison. Mayor Walkar made an arrangement with Akhash the spiritcaller to place magical wards on Drangell's prison that would prevent the summoners from easily reaching him. Interrogations were expected to continue until Drangell offered up any important information regarding the summoners, often referred to as the Arcane Eyes.

Phoenatos 5111 ( August 2011 )

* Local citizens began to voice their anger and distrust of Mayor Walkar, citing many issues from his alliances with orcs and allowing them near town, or even his recent tactics of associating with the spirit of Estrion to help protect the town from the summoners. Some even questioned him because of his old ties to Jantalar and the reasoning behind the death of his father.

* Throughout many nights, flashes of white light appeared above Wehnimer's Landing and powerful granite golems fell from the clouds and into the streets. They killed a number of people and began handling their corpses, searching for something.

* Colson, an aging huntsman and citizen of Wehnimer's Landing, began to stir up anger among fellow townspeople over Mayor Walkar. Colson's son was once a member of the town militia who was murdered by the orc assassin named Thrayzar over a year ago. The orc had helped the town on many other occasions and even though Mayor Walkar pardoned the orc of his crimes, Colson blamed him even more for his son's tragic end. Colson, along with a number of other angry citizens, met with the town council to discuss a petition being formed to remove Mayor Walkar from office.

* At the docks in Wehnimer's, one of Grishom Stone's merchant ships was attacked by thieves, the ship destroyed and some crates stolen. Days later, the re-opening of the Landing Museum was delayed.

* A petition was formed and setup outside of Moot Hall where townspeople could sign their names if they wished to remove Mayor Walkar from power.

* A counter-petition was formed days later outside of Thrak's Inn where townspeople could sign their names in support of keeping Mayor Walkar in office.

* Urnon-eyed golems appeared in town, killing more people and searching their bodies for something.

* The petition to remove Mayor Walkar failed to gain the required amount of signatures and the town council removed it.

* Colson's anti-mayor movement shaped into a group of angry citizens calling themselves the Landing Liberators. They held a number of meetings in the basement of Tykel's Weapon Shop and handed out protest signs and bracers with their new group's insignia. In addition, a number of anti-mayor signs were put up around town in heavily populated areas.

* In response to the protests, Mayor Walkar and supporters handed out pro-mayor pins and put up some signs in support of him.

* A massive black storm arrived at Wehnimer's Landing, and tormented faces appeared within the dark clouds. The tortured faces began to cry drops of blood which landed in the town and soaked into the ground. Soon after blood red deathworms erupted from the ground, killing people all over town before being dispatched.

* A wagon is ambushed outside of town and many locals rushed to investigate. They found a broken coffer full of gems common in Ta'Illistim and a case filled with serpent-hilted daggers. Some bandits were still present and killed, many of them wearing golden pins that claimed they were supporters of Mayor Walkar. Another box was discovered near the wagon and it was empty except for a few pieces of broken glass and an oily substance staining an inside corner. The town marshal Khylon arrived with dwarven sentinels to take the coffers away to have the substance investigated.

* Days later, the Archmage Krylonna announces that the substance found in the ambushed wagon was the residue of the deadly poison Luukosian Deathwort and the majority of it had been stolen. Mayor Walkar tried to calm the town's population and assure them that everyone was safe and continued to drum up support for Frontier Days.

* Another massive storm arrived in Wehnimer's Landing and rained down fiery globules that formed into fire elementals when they landed. The flame creatures killed a number of citizens all the while destructive meteors showered the town. The storm eventually dispersed and the fire creatures were killed.

* Wehnimer's Landing Frontier Days kicked off with two weeks full of events hosted by local organizations and a number of services offered by merchants. During the two week celebration, groups of disgruntled citizens continued to voice their growing anger with Mayor Walkar, marching in the streets with their signs and recruiting new members to the Landing Liberators.

* Wehnimer's Landing Museum was re-opened and the new renovations were revealed!

Imaerasta 5111 ( September 2011 )

* On the final evening of Frontier Days, Lord Grishom Stone gathered a crowd along North Ring Road to select a number of townspeople for his merchant services. After an hour or so of working, an ex-militia member named Vaurus appeared within the crowd, activated a magical crimson glass orb and tossed it to the ground. Vaurus ran off before the orb exploded, killing over fifty people in the street.

* The uprising against Mayor Walkar escalated into violence and chaos as angry citizens took to the streets, attacking people and setting fire to buildings around town. Local officials made buckets of water available in the East Tower, Thrak's Inn and Moot Hall and many heroes rushed to help put out the fires.

* Mayor Walkar held a meeting with many heroes and defenders in his office. During the meeting, a red-robed summoner named Nysorm appeared. Nysorm once worked with Grishom, but recently broke all loyalty to him after his lover, Arleasta, the woman who had once posed as Odilia, was used and killed because of Grishom.

* During the meeting with Mayor Walkar and many heroes, Nysorm informed those present of the history of Grishom Stone and that his father was killed by a man named Elithain Cross, who was also a summoner. They both belonged to a group called the Arcane Eyes who secretly operated within the shadows of Mestanir. The Arcane Eyes worshipped Koar, but Grishom's father, Sabasation, believed that Arkati were nothing but over glorified servants. Such thought made Sabasation a heretic. Elithain could not safely and openly oppose Grishom's father and so he had his daughter Madelyne seduce Grishom. Months later, when Madelyne was accepted and Grishom fell in love with her, she ambushed Sabasation in a field of sirenflowers outside their home and killed him. Grishom witnessed the murder and rushed to confront Madelyne, wrestling the dagger from her grip before killing her with it. Nysorm went on to inform the heroes that the Arcane Eyes faced open war between factions supportive of Elithain Cross, and those now loyal to Grishom Stone because of the murder. Before any magical war could be waged, the armies of Jantalar invaded with their Mandis Crystals, sending the Arcane Eyes scattering all over Elanith. Nysorm explained that Elithain Cross was believed dead, but was in fact hiding from Grishom. Nysorm let Mayor Walkar and the heroes know that he would seek out Elithain to hopefully help them finally put an end to Grishom Stone.

* Mobs of angry citizens continued to attack people in town at night, lightning more buildings on fire and smearing blood on the statue of Mirayam in Town Square North West. A blood-stained rock was thrown through the window of Mayor Walkar's office and fire arrows were fired in, igniting the room on fire. Even the words "Die Walkar Die" were smeared in blood on the entrance of Moot Hall. Local heroes eventually put out the fires and helped dwarven sentinels push back the angry mobs.

* A group of dwarven sentinels descended upon Tykel's Weapon Shop and broke up a meeting of the Landing Liberators. Many heroes and defenders of the town joined the sentinels in arresting some of the protesters and killing some. Tykel threatened to close up his shop, but Councilman Juramis convinced him to keep it open.

* In response to the growing uprising against Mayor Walkar and their own dislike for him, the local merchants Dakris and Kilron closed up the Furrier and Pawnshop, citing they would not re-open until Walkar was out of office.

* Vaurus, the ex-militiaman and member of the Landing Liberators, continued to set off many crimson orbs in town, blowing up citizens in populated places like taverns, town square, outside the bank, etc. A few other angry townspeople mysteriously came across more crimson orbs and began setting them off as well.

* Mayor Walkar issued a bounty for the killing or capture of Vaurus.

* Within a few days after the bounty being announced, Vaurus was apprehended on the second floor of Moot Hall after trying to blow up the Mayor's office. He was webbed and stunned before someone finally shot an arrow into his head. As the gathered heroes tried to interrogate him, his body was consumed in flames.

* Lord Grishom Stone convinced Dakris to re-open the furrier, for the best interest of the people of Wehnimer's Landing.

* Colson met with people in the Mayor's Office and apologized for the violence going on. Colson explained that his son would never have wanted to see the uprising turn violent and that he was ashamed that the Landing Liberators split into separate groups of brutal thugs. After being convinced by some of the heroes, Colson took off his Landing Liberator bracer and tossed it to the floor. He promised he would try to work with people to stop the violence in the town.

* The violence only escalated as large groups of protesters flooded the streets, setting more buildings on fire as bandits attacked people outside of town. Mayor Walkar himself soon joined the heroes in the forest as they cut down bandits who were trying to set the archery towers on fire. Mayor Walkar then went into a berserker rage and ran into town, killing more bandits and even some of the citizen protesters who were trying to attack him and others. Some heroes begged for Walkar to stop attacking, while many others joined him to defend themselves and others. Walkar's rage subsided outside of Moot Hall and he was then told by others that Colson sought to speak with him about ending the violence. The mayor said he would find him and try to put a stop to it all. The mayor stormed off looking for Colson.

* Thirty minutes later, the fires in town had been put out and the mobs of angry citizens had been pushed back by heroes and militiamen. It was then that townspeople saw a body fly out of the mayor's window and landed in the street outside of Moot Hall. The corpse was that of Colson, who had a jagged axe wound in his chest and a series of black veins around the wound. Guards and heroes rushed into Moot Hall to find the mayor's office locked. The guards broke down the door to find Mayor Walkar passed out drunk on the floor, his axe lying next to him and covered in blood and an oily substance. Walkar woke up, tried to escape but was tackled by guards and his weapon confiscated. The heroes looked on in surprise as the mayor was dragged off to jail.

* The archmage Krylonna announced that the substance found on Walkar's axe was Luukosian Deathwort and that it having been used in killing Colson had prevented him from being ressurected.

* Two days after Walkar's imprisonment, a group of masked individuals broke into the town prison, incapacitated and killed some of the guards and freed the mayor. The town marshal, Khylon, was later arrested by the town council on suspect of organizing the prison break. Rumors suggested Walkar escaped into Upper Trollfang where allies helped him make it safely away from Wehnimer's Landing.

* In the absence of their elected mayor, who had now become a wanted criminal, the town council named Barnom Slim as Interim Mayor and promoted Lord Juramis to Head of the Town Council.

* The town riots died down and order had seemingly returned to the town. With Mayor Walkar gone, Kilron finally re-opened the pawnshop. As his first act of order as Interim Mayor, Barnom Slim officially declared Walkar, along with his orc ally Thrayzar, criminals of Wehnimer's Landing, wanted dead or alive. The town council went on to threaten that anyone caught associating with or aiding these criminals would be dealt with swiftly and without mercy.

Jastatos 5111 ( October 2011 )

* Huge chunks of rocks occasionally fell from the sky, landing throughout Lower Dragonsclaw and Upper Trollfang. Red veins seemed to be growing along the rocks surfaces. Once the town's defenders had located the rocks and battered them, they'd crumble apart releasing powerful constructs that eventually were killed.

* A large wall of bones was erected in the hills, blocking people from traveling to Ronan's Shrine, a place some believed safe from the scrying of the summoners. After hours of fighting creatures and battling the poisonous wall, the heroes were able to destroy it.

* A huge cloud appeared above Wehnimer's Landing and split into swarms of red-eyed black wasps that began draining spirit and blood from victims within the town. For over a week the wasp swarms continued until a huge writhing blood wasp nest was located on the Boulder near Dragonsclaw. The nest was eventually destroyed by local heroes and defenders, but then three blood demons erupted from its remains and slaughtered many before being defeated.

* Interim Mayor Barnon Slim made a public announcement reminding Wehnimer's Landing that their real enemy was a man known as Elithain Cross and that he was the true leader of the summoners, despite the many rumors surrounding Grishom Stone.

* Days later, Interim Mayor Slim gathered a crowd outside of Moot Hall and announced that the mercenaries hired by Walkar were fired along with any militia members loyal to the ex-mayor. The only guards that remained were ones who had sworn loyalty to Barnom Slim.

* Townspeople had gathered to watch as Barnom Slim confronted the Tehir Spiritcaller named Akhash in the street outside Moot Hall. Barnom demanded that Akhash remove his wards that were protecting the town, citing that the town council did not trust his magic and did not want to rely on it. Akhash and Raokh boldly denied Barnom's wishes and said the wards would remain to protect the townspeople and walked away. Barnom stormed into Moot Hall, uttering threats and insults.

Eoantos 5111 ( November 2011 )

* Red-eyed black bats began to show up in swarms and attack Wehnimer's Landing, draining blood from townspeople.

* A woman, named Elisyia went missing in town. Her father Drendan, a local blacksmith, joined a search party with some heroes to find her but they had no luck.

* Days later, two bone pillars appeared in the environs around Wehnimer's Landing. One was found in Upper Trollfang while another was spotted along the Coastal Cliffs. Heroes reported watching the bone pillars periodically shift, reaching to the sky like a giant skeletal finger. With prolonged exposure, the pillars had began to drain people's blood who were nearby.

* Interim Mayor Barnom Slim suddenly declared that urnon was illegal in Wehnimer's Landing and that even if someone was suspect of possessing it, they could be arrested and searched. Any collected urnon would then be safely stored by town officials until the threat of the summoners was over.

* Some local heroes gathered outside of Grishom's office in the Bathhouse and tried to break down the door, claiming to the authorities that he had urnon inside. Councilman Juramis arrived and broke up the crowd and told them he'd speak with Grishom and see about investigating his office.

* A day later Grishom Stone met with the spiritcaller Akhash and informed him that he was nearing completion of a possible way to free the ghost of Madelyne from Riend. Akhash offered his help in the process and was later warned by the heroes that he was being used, but assured them he would be careful. That same evening, the heroes demanded Grishom show them his office and when he did and they found no urnon, they accused him of moving it.

* Councilman Juramis and Interim Mayor Slim publically met with the Silver Gryphons outside Moot Hall along with other townspeople and local heroes. Slim accused the Knights of conspiring to kill them and found some letters in Sir Brinn's coat that indicated him and the Order were involved in an assassination plot. The Knights Cryheart and Brinn were then publically executed and an investigation was ordered into the Gryphon's land and membership.

* Some local heroes and defenders of the town held a funeral for justice, carrying an empty coffin around town and singing dirges of a time when Wehnimer's Landing was free of tyranny.

* Earl Jovery of Hendor released a stern warning to Wehnimer's Landing stating that he would send imperial forces to the town if rumors of the Knights being persecuted were true. He gave the interim mayor Slim fourteen days to respond or soldiers would be dispatched.

* Helga brought a bunch of citizens and heroes to the back alley behind her bar where she handed out anti-Slim and anti-Juramis signs for part of the new resistance group forming. Many of the resistance members also wore red neckerchiefs with the words, "Sons of Thrayzar" on them, using the name of the orc who helped Mirayam so long ago and was an now an enemy of the summoners.

* Larton, the local locksmith, met up with a crowd of angry townspeople outside of Moot Hall where he handed out piņatas that looked like Councilman Juramis. Later Barnom Slim showed up and warned the protestors that they had five minutes to leave or he'd arrest them. Guards showed up and began to arrest the citizens, throwing dozens of people in jail. Inside the jail cell, shadow golems and fire elementals appeared, killing people while they were locked up. Eventually Barnom went and unlocked the jail cell so the prisoners could be rescued and the golems dispatched. That same night the heroes created an effigy of Barnom Slim at the Bonfire on the Festival of Frost grounds and set it on fire before guards tore it down.

*Barnom Slim met with the Drakes Vanguard at their courtyard and demanded that their organization make a public oath to him and the town council, in light of the Gryphons being under investigation for conspiracy. The Drakes refused and Barnom warned them of their mistake before storming off.

* One of Helga's barmaids, Salaendra, went missing. Helga claimed to a group of heroes that she hadn't showed up in two days for work. The heroes fanned out and formed search parties but she was never recovered. Hours later a third bone pillar appeared on the Glatoph, presumably linked to the disappearance of another woman.

* Interim Mayor Slim and the corrupt militia arrived at the Gryphon's Holding and closed it down until their investigation could be finished. Slim made a bold statement, mocking the Earl of Hendor and told him that they would do all they deemed fit to protect the leaders of Wehnimer's Landing. Barnom Slim then went on to threaten other organizations, demanding similar oaths of loyalty as he had asked from the Drakes. The Black Wolves tried to negotiate with Barnom and help prevent too much disruption within the city.

* Nysorm, the rogue summoner, met with the local heroes and the Tehir Raokh and led them through a portal to the Dragonspine Mountains, to an area he believed Elithain Cross had been hiding. The heroes fought through the ruins of an old frozen library, battling ice creatures. They came across magical sigils in the wall, that once properly activated, led them beneath the library into a room full of obsidian scrying pools and the man they were looking for. Elithain greeted the heroes and told them he was not yet ready to confront Grishom and that he sought a powerful scepter that would grant him the ability to defeat him. Elithain vanished soon after allies of Grishom showed up in the library.

* The next day Elithain arrived on the Hearthstone steps and told the heroes about the true source of Grishom's power, that it came from a demonic island that kept him immortal. In order to defeat both Grishom and the island, Elithain needed the scepter he spoke of so that he could sever the dark link between both. Elithain told those gathered that he would continue his search for the item and that he would call upon them when he needed their help to retrieve it. Once Elithain's presence near town became known, demons and golems soon invaded and Elithain disappeared.

* While engaged in conversation about Grishom and Barnom with local citizens on the porch, Councilman Juramis is stalked and attacked before he eventually disappeared. Many believed the Councilman was gone for good.

* Grishom Stone and Bridonna, the museum's director were seen walking around town enjoying the snow-filled night.

* Dyhne, a prominent merchant is killed near Wehnimer's Landing after his wagon is burned and many of his rare metals stolen by bandits. The heroes blamed Grishom Stone, who then publically questioned Barnom Slim as interim mayor for allowing such crimes to occur.

* Tykel's niece, Kalie, is reported missing. Tykel shouts angrily on the amulet and calls heroes to him to help search for her. He instantly blames Grishom Stone. The heroes are slightly confused since all of the other missing women had black hair and green eyes, but Kalie had black hair and blue eyes. Some speculate that the abductor is getting desperate. Hours later, a fourth bone pillar appeared along the Mine Road.

Eorgaen 5111 ( December 2011 )

* Grishom Stone made a few appearances at the Silvergate and Gryphon's winter galas, dancing with a number of women and trying to charm them while ignoring glares from many in the crowd. That night Bridonna claimed to some party-goers that she believed Grishom was an innocent and wonderful man and that one day she'd get him to marry her.

* Kailashandra, the Seer, arrived in Wehnimer's Landing with her guardian Magala, who was later attacked and killed by an urnon-eyed golem. The golem returned for Kailashandra but the heroes came to her rescue, killing the creature and then listened to the seer's visions of Grishom, involving his past, the present and the future.

* The fifth and final bone pillar appeared in the Wooded Hills in Lower Dragonsclaw.

* An invasion of bats, golems and death maggots attacked the town. During part of the attack, the heroes spotted a burly man escaping from moot hall with a large sack. Later they found Barnom Slim trying to sneak into Moot Hall and confronted him, denounced him as their leader and said that even Grishom Stone was losing patience with him. Barnon seemed to get rather nervous then used a smoke sphere to disappear from the angry crowd.

*Nysorm appeared to the heroes at Hearthstone and provided the means for them to remotely spy on the ritual being performed by Grishom and Akhash to free Riend of being possessed by Madelyne. Councilman Juramis returned, much to everyone's surprise and told those gathered that he had went into hiding because he wanted to try to find out who was trying to kill him. The councilman was urged to watch the ritual. During the ritual, Grishom had Riend drink a potion he had concocted using her own blood. Once she fell unconscious, Akhash used his mastery of the spirits to magically begin to separate the ghost of Madelyne from Riend's body. Once the spirit was freed, it tried to attack Grishom but realized it was immobilized. Grishom revealed his true nature to everyone as he withdrew his rune-etched dagger and absorbed the spirit of Madelyne into it. While Akhash and Riend were still unconscious, Grishom moved over to sacrifice Riend but magical wards Akhash had placed around her prevented him from his attack. Grishom then disappeared just as the others woke up. Back at Hearthstone, Juramis deeply regretted ever trusting Grishom and apologized to the heroes and told them that he then knew the truth of Stone and would work against him.

* Reports came in that Barnom Slim fled Wehnimer's Landing and stole from the town's treasury. Rumors indicated that he escaped to River's Rest. The corrupt militia, who had been put in place by the evil interim mayor resigned, once they learned their funding was gone.

* Councilman Juramis gathered citizens and local heroes at the Temple Graveyard, where the bard Arpelli loresang to the tombstone of Colson, which revealed Grishom's role in his murder and the framing of Mayor Walkar. Juramis declared Grishom an outlaw of the town and publically encouraged Walkar to come out of hiding and return to his rightful elected position in Wehnimer's Landing.

* Waves of golems and demons attacked Wehnimer's Landing, flooding the forest and north gate. During the battle Walkar was seen among the fray, killing demons as he made his way back into town. After the invasion was stopped, Mayor Walkar unlocked his old office and got caught up from the heroes for awhile before turning in for the night. Walkar's attire was torn and weathered, except for a polished crimson breastplate he wore that would sometimes glow.

* Mayor Walkar and Akhash gathered the heroes at Hearthstone and then proceeded to the Stone Baths in town, where Akhash dispelled the magical wards keeping Grishom's office locked. Once inside, the heroes found that they could enter the shadows in the corner of the room and teleport to a dungeon beneath the bathhouse. In the dungeon was an obsidian scrying pool and a few other trinkets and books, among them a tome on the art of blood magic.

* A terrible storm moved over Wehnimer's Landing, bringing with it rain and red lightning. Golems appeared in Upper Trollfang as the defenders of the town rushed out to battle them. During the storm, beams of red light burst from the five bone pillars and shot up into the sky, disappearing into the storm clouds. In an ear-splitting sound, Akhash's wards that protected the town appeared in the air and suddenly shattered. Meanwhile, in town, women reported hearing voices and seeing the image of a handsome man calling for them to follow him. Many resisted the enchantment, but dozens and dozens of women became enthralled and shambled into the town's museum. Once the golems were killed outside of town, the local heroes rushed to the museum but were too late as Grishom Stone had opened up a portal inside and led nearly a hundred women through it, to his island where he would later sacrifice them.

* With Akhash's wards now broken by Grishom's magic, the spiritcaller was able to decipher the origin of the attack. With that information, he informed Elithain Cross of the location of the summoner's island. Using his power, Elithain opened a shimmering red portal along the Coastal Cliffs near town, a gateway that led to the shores of Glaoveln. From there the heroes were able to swim to Erythro island, the living, demonic island that was powering Grishom Stone. The island was full of monstrosities, all creations of the island and Grishom. For weeks the heroes led attacks against the minions of the summoner, weakening his numbers.

* Huge churning pools of blood appeared in the Lower Dragonsclaw and Upper Trollfang, one or two even showing up inside of Wehnimer's Landing. Defenders and citizens of the town inspected the pools to find fleshy forms struggling to rise out of them. Finally countless flesh golems began to rise out of the blood pools, each one resembling the build and face of Grishom Stone. After two nights of fighting Grishom doppelganger golems, demons and fire elementals, Elithain Cross was able to destroy the pools of blood and prevent their return.

Lormesta 5112 ( January 2012 )

* Nysorm gathered the heroes once more at Hearthstone, informing them that Elithain had finally located the scepter he needed to defeat Grishom. Joining with the heroes, Nysorm opened a portal to an area referred to as the Den of Ash, where they battled against fiery ogre, giants and elementals before finding an onyx-capped scepter within a pillar of flame. Using water magic to finally dispel the fire, the adventurer Ravashaak grabbed the scepter and the heroes returned to town. During their raid, many of the fire creatures escaped through the portal and attacked town but were finally defeated. When Nysorm asked for the scepter, Ravashaak demanded Elithain come for it himself. Elithain appeared and after much negotiation the scepter was handed over, as Elithain gave more details of the plans to stop Grishom. It was believed that Grishom would soon be trying to complete his ritual to create a sentient urnon golem and that they needed to wait until that moment in his time of weakness to strike.

* An onslaught of demons and a variety of golems invaded Wehnimer's Landing, flooding the forests and streets of the town as defenders and local heroes rose up to fight them. Shortly after the invasion began, Mayor Walkar and Councilman Juramis gathered a large group of heroes and led an attack on Erythro Island. Elithain Cross met them on the island and reported that the creatures on the island had begun dwindling, an indicating that its power was being consolidated for Grishom's ritual. Traveling to the stomach of the island within the blood caverns, Elithain produced a black orb that had been inscribed with sigils from the spiritcaller Akhash. The orb was designed to siphon spirit energy and channel it. Elithain explained that he would need to drain people's spirit to use the orb and that later he would need the heroes' help to weaken Grishom. Elithain then used the orb to reveal a shadowy portal that led into a hall of urnon, where the heroes destroyed four urnon golems that had luckily not yet been activated yet. Each golem dropped a shard of blood red urnon. The heroes then ambushed Grishom in his ritual chamber, catching him during a moment of weakness during his sacrament, in front of a block of urnon. Elithain's orb exploded into a sphere of white light, which the heroes then willed their energy to attack Grishom, weakening him and burning his flesh. Once fully weakened, Elithain magically stilled the room, silencing everyone as he moved into the summoning circle with Grishom. Activating his onyx scepter, Elithain magically turned Grishom into stone. Double crossing the heroes, Elithain then took Grishom's ritual dagger, which held the spirit of his daughter Madelyne Cross and hundreds of other women, and thrust it into the slab of urnon, completing Grishom's ritual for him. The urnon shifted and came to life, taking the form of Madelyne and bowing to her new master. Elithain gloated to the heroes before teleporting away, taking his new urnon golem with him. Left to fend for themselves, the heroes destroyed the statue of Grishom Stone, shattering it into chunks of rock and two crystallized blue eyeballs which they took. The adventurers then pressed on into the pit of the island, destroying four large arteries while they fought against blood golems. Finally having reached the island's heart, the heroes fought against demons, golems and maggots as they victoriously destroyed the life blood of the demonic land. Erythro Island began to decay and collapse around them as the heroes fled for their lives, swimming back to Glaoveln before escaping through the portal back to Wehnimer's Landing.

* The heroes escaped the red portal just in time as it exploded in a blast of light that lit up the night sky and sent quakes rippling across Wehnimer's Landing and its environs. Having finally defeated Grishom Stone and his demonic island, the heroes returned to town with Mayor Walkar and Councilman Juramis. Suddenly exhausted, Walkar collapsed outside of Moot Hall, his breastplate glowing with a red light. The mayor thanked the heroes for their endless efforts and help over the last two years and that Wehnimer's Landing had finally defeated their enemy once and for all, despite the cost of playing into the hands of another villain.


05-05-2014, 05:22 PM
The Star of Khar'ta

Howdy folks!

Little overdue, but below is the main timeline of events that happened during the Star of Khar'ta from May-July of this year. Huzzah!

May 2012:

• A speck of blue-green light appeared in the sky above Wehnimer's Landing, twinkling periodically throughout the night for over a week. Eventually, the light grew in size and fell from the sky, creating a giant crater along the Coastal Cliffs near town and sending quakes throughout the area. Local adventures rushed to the site of the crater, where they found a gnome crawling out of the broken earth, carrying a glowing green crystal orb. The gnome, a resident of Grawood farm named Murley, claimed to have seen the light fall from the sky and curiosity drove him into the crater. Soon, Mayor Walkar arrived along with some militia guards, who confiscated the orb from Murley, declaring it should be examined by the town's arch mage and museum curator.

• After much examination and research, the museum curator Glethad, and the arch mage Pherantyr, determined that the orb that fell from the sky was an ancient historical relic, that held many meanings to a handful of different cultures. The elves believed the item to be called the Eye of Ta'Ashrim, possessing the souls of fallen Ashrim who were entrapped during the final days of the war against the Faendryl. The humans of the coastal territories within the Turamzzyrian Empire called it the Gale Stone, believing its powers once destroyed the island of Kezmon. The krolvin called it the Star of Khar'ta, believing it was part of the essence of their sea god, and an omen for their conquests. The artifact was then put up on display in Wehnimer's museum, where a number of protective wards were established by the arch mage Pherantyr. Only the mage or the curator possessed the knowledge to deactivate the runes.

• Mayor Walkar informs the town that Murley, the gnome who originally discovered the artifact, was given compensation for his "donation" to the museum and was said to be returning to Grawood farm.

• The Argent Mirror of Ta'Illistim, hearing reports of the relic being discovered, dispatched an envoy of scholars and members of her Sapphire Guard, led by the Loremaster Caylio to Wehnimer's Landing to examine the artifact. She stated that if the relic was indeed discovered to be the Eye of Ta'Ashrim, that it should be handed over to the Elven Houses.

• A ship, the Dirty Knave, docks in Wehnimer's Landing, flying the banners of Seareach and Brisker's Cove. Its captain is Thanden, an ex-pirate who was once handed over to the Turamzzyrian Empire by Mayor Walkar for being an imperial fugitive. Somewhere along the way, Thanden claimed to have been reformed and now worked as a merchant out of Brisker's Cove, merely showing up for business. Not wishing to upset alliances within the Empire, Mayor Walkar allowed Thanden to remain in town, but warned him that no trouble would be tolerated.

• Loremaster Caylio and his Illistim scholar envoy arrived in Wehnimer's Landing and were set up with quarters by the town's officials. They were freely allowed to examine and study the artifact inside the museum, while both members of the Wehnimer's militia, and the Sapphire Guard provided security at all times.

• The merchant Juramis arrived in Wehnimer's Landing, offering aid to Mayor Walkar and the townspeople. He set about trying to gather information regarding Thanden and his mysterious benefactor, and how he came to going from a fugitive pirate to a merchant captain.

• Reports came in that krolvin warships were seen a few days away from Wehnimer's Landing.

• Murley, the gnome who discover the orb, was spotted in the Landing museum, his eyes glowing green and seemingly crazy, obsessed with the artifact and demanding it be returned to him. He was later seen abducted by a cloaked figure, and his body found hours later in the museum's basement, his hands cut off. Glethad, the museum curator, informed the adventurer's that whoever killed Murley believed that by cutting off his hands, it would sever the bond he had formed with the artifact.

• Some of Thanden's crew were spotted drinking heavily and being abrasive around town. When Thanden was confronted by local adventurers about the possibility of him wanting the orb, he said he'd never want such a powerful trinket, as it only welcomed trouble to follow.

• Row boats appear along the Black Sands near Wehnimer's Landing, as a number of krolvin scouts make their way to town, before being quickly defeated. Over the next week, war ships, carracks and galleons arrive on the beach as waves of krolvin invade the Black Sands and occasionally making their way to Wehnimer's. Each time the krolvin invasions are beaten back, and their ships along the beaches destroyed.

• The Illistim scholars conclude that the relic is indeed what they call the Eye of Ta'Ashrim and Loremaster Caylio prepares a report that is dispatched to the Argent Mirror, for further instruction. That same night, a new wave of war ships arrive on the beach and hordes of krolvin invade the town, fighting towards the direction of the museum. During the chaos, a few adventurers decided to stay with the green orb to protect it, but soon found themselves trapped upstairs by a wall of fire, unable to get help as cloaked figures appeared and killed them. Within the smoke from the fire, the cloaked figures returned with Glethad and forced him to de-activate the runes protecting the orb. Once he did, the mysterious figures stole the orb and kidnapped the curator.

• After the orb went missing, Mayor Walkar was unsure of who was responsible, between the krolvin, the ex-pirate, and the elves. The mayor ordered Caylio and the Illistim scholars and guards arrested until they can be interrogated regarding the theft. The mayor also learned a member of the Sapphire Guard had already left town, en route to Illistim with a message to the Mirror. Local heroes came to the mayor's aid and tracked down the soldier on the Glatoph, subduing him before the militia arrived to drag him back to town.

• The adventurer's sought out the docks for Thanden, but his ship had set sail right after the orb went missing. The town officials sent a few ships in pursuit, and warned their allies that he would be considered a fugitive and wanted for questioning.

• Days later, another wave of krolvin warships reached the Black Sands, and they concentrated their efforts along the beach and also within town, dividing the Landing's defenders. Eventually waves of krolvin made their way into town and stormed the city's prison, slaughtering the members of the Sapphire Guard that were being held, and captured the scholars, taking them back to their ships, presumably for questioning regarding the orb's whereabouts. Fortunately, Loremaster Caylio was held in a separate location from his envoy, and was unable to be located by the krolvin.

• The Argent Mirror of Ta'Illistim released a scathing declaration against Mayor Walkar, discussing her anger over the capture of her envoy, which led to some of them being killed or abducted by krolvin. She demanded Caylio's freedom and repair of their uneasy alliance.

• Caylio was released from imprisonment, and immediately set home for Ta'Illistim. The next day, the bodies of the elven scholars that the krolvin kidnapped washed up on shore near Wehnimer's Landing, no longer needed by their captors. That same day, Mayor Walkar sent an apology to the Argent Mirror, in hopes of maintaining their alliance, despite his mistakes.

June 2012:

• The arch mage Pherantyr created crystal obelisks along the Black Sands near Wehnimer's Landing, each imbued with magical energy that would help defend against the krolvin warships if they returned.

• Mayor Walkar announced that he believes Thanden may have headed for Teras, since the Empire's lore on the relic states it may be of dwarven origin. As such, the krolvin may also be chasing him.

• Juramis was able to gather some information about Thanden, that he had been pardoned and hired by a wealthy noble in Brisker's Cove to retrieve the artifact. His information came at a cost though, as someone did not appreciate his investigation and set fire to all of his warehouses, property, and many of his ships. Using his remaining ship, Juramis set off for Teras to warn the Isle that krolvin and Thanden may be coming.

• Days later, Thanden arrived on Teras, his ship pulling into the West Docks. He claimed to be on the island for business, and letting his men enjoy some of their great dwarven ales.

• While on Teras, a number of dwarven workers around town were abducted.

• Juramis was attacked on Teras by bandits, presumably hired by Thanden's benefactor who wished to silence him. Juramis also informed the heroes that it was rumored that Thanden was supposed to return to Brisker's Cove, but never did, in fact keeping the orb away from even his own master, hoping to somehow use it himself.

• Eventually the krolvin fleet arrived on Teras Isle, their war ships sailing up to the Greymist beach. For days, waves of krolvin swarmed the Greymist, and many times breached the town of Kharam-Dzu, searching for their artifact, the Star of Khar'ta.

• With the krolvin presence now on the island, Thanden's crew revealed their true intentions and the "captain's" pirates began raids on the town, abducting dwarven adventurers and trying to extract blood from them. While local heroes investigated Thanden's ship, they heard a loud thud from below the cargo hold, which was sealed off by a locked hatch. After days of suffering raids from the pirates, and their feras weapons, the heroes were able to break open the hatch, rescuing the Landing museum curator, Glethad. Thanden's ship, the Dirty Knave, had been set on fire by the heroes and its mysterious combustible supplies within the cargo bay caused the vessel to finally explode into a fiery inferno.

• It was then revealed that Thanden had been pardoned by a prominent figure in Seareach and hired to travel to Wehnimer's Landing to steal the green orb. After he had stolen it, the pirate did not return to the Empire, but instead decided to try to activate the orb's powers himself, using dwarven blood, and then take ownership of the item. Glethad, the curator, even said that dwarven blood would not likely activate the artifact, as it was some kind of sentient creation that thrived on chaos.

• The krolvin invasions began to grow in size on Teras, as wave after wave flooded the streets of Kharam-Dzu. With his crew dead and his ship destroyed, Thanden ran out of time, unable to properly gain control of the orb. He tried desperately to flee before the krolvin found him, but he was cornered in the center of town by the local heroes, who killed him, a ranger named Hoy dealing the final blow. Amidst the chaos, krolvin warriors snatched up Thanden's corpse and dragged it off.

• The heroes then proceeded to the Greymist beach, destroying more krolvin ships, but many of their vessels sailed away. A short time later, Thanden's corpse was found outside the gates of Kharam'Dzu, his body savagely mutilated, and his hands torn off. The krolvin fleet had left Teras Isle, their destination unknown.

• Days later, Glethad arrived in the center of Kharam-Dzu, having spent the last few days resting and healing. He thanked the local adventurers for their help in his rescue, and warned that due to the krolvin's belief about the Star of Khar'ta, that they would likely return to Wehnimer's Landing, seeing the town as an omen for their next great conquest. Glethad then set back for Wehnimer's Landing, to pass the same warning to the town's mayor.

July 2012:

• The heroes and defenders of Wehnimer's Landing prepare for the possibility of an attack from the krolvin, now in possession of the Star of Khar'ta.

• Snow begins to fall in Wehnimer's Landing and its surroundings, soon accompanied by arctic cold rains. It is believed the Star of Khar'ta is being used to weaken the town and create a more hospitable environment for the krolvins before they invaded. In addition, crops suffered in nearby farms, hindering the town's supplies while ships and merchants began to turn away from Wehnimer's, unable to safely brave the raging storm growing in Darkstone Bay.

• Pherantyr created a magical talisman that was handed out to many local townspeople and defenders, its powers being able to inform the wearer when the Star of Khar'ta was near. While it provided no additional defenses against the krolvin, just the forewarning of Krentuk's arrival was an added benefit.

• The white obelisks along the Black Sands, that Pherantyr had created to help defend against krolvin along the beach, were soon neutralized and encased in magical ice.

• Days later, icy fog rolled across the town from Darkstone Bay as the sky was darkened by storm clouds. The forms of krolvin galleons appeared from out of the mist, sailing up to the North Dock as well as the Black Sands outside of town. A part of Krentuk's armada had arrived, and the war had finally begun.

• Not being content to remain on the defense, many heroes and local defenders found themselves braving the icy temperate of Darkstone Bay by swimming up to the main krolvin ships, often boarding them to help fight against the krolvin. The four common ships boarded were Lalk Renqua (The Blue Skin), D'ton Criga (The Fester Thorn), Pritzkra Burzka (The Dark Corpse) and V'Koort Etka (The Sea Pig).

• The town began to see the effects of the arctic weather, as many buildings in town, including the Moot Hall and Bank, were nearly concealed in frost and ice. From time to time, chunks of bluish-green ice would fall from the storm clouds, shaping into elementals once they hit the ground and tore paths of devastation through the town. On a number of occasions, large walls of ice would form outside of prominent shops and even both town gates, making it more difficult to escape town as krolvin armies flooded the streets.

• For many days, local militiamen were found encased in ice all over town. It took the work of many town heroes and defenders to safely break them out.

• The war continued in the streets of Wehnimer's for many weeks, as new waves of krolvin warships would arrive at the docks, and the presence of the blue-skinned creatures constant in many pockets of the town. The very streets became dangerous, as war galleys fired flaming catapults into the town, or fired off ballista bolts. Even the weather had grown dangerous, many suffering from cold snaps, lightning bolts from above, even back-breaking wind.

• Heroes continued to form groups on a nightly basis to help defend the town, Mayor Walkar and Juramis sometimes among them. One evening, they encountered a powerful shaman who arrived on the North Docks and had summoned a giant arctic crab that proved quite difficult to kill, but in the end was defeated, along with the shaman. The war continued to rage on, with no end of krolvin ships in sight.

• Krentuk himself, the warlord of the krolvin and now dubbed the Czag'Herndrok, or starbringer, would often arrive in town, displaying the might of the Star of Khar'ta. He became almost impossible to hit, as the orb created a wall of air around him, that would deflect strikes back on his attackers. In addition, the orb was used to hurl people through the air, scattering them about, or unleashing a torrent of green elemental energy to blast his opponents.

• Many townspeople soon found themselves captives of the krolvin, as for many weeks the krolvin would track down people in town, throw nets over them and drag them off to the slave pens in one of their ships. Many heroes eventually escaped the depths of the ship prisons, but countless other townspeople were not so fortunate.

• New waves of krolvin began to arrive in town, many of them stronger and more powerful than those before. Stormcrows, bloodmasters, and slashers spread destruction throughout the city whenever they would arrive, often requiring many heroes to band together just to dispatch a few of them. Eventually the arrival of zealots and legionnaires, fiercely dedicated to Khar'ta arrived as well, many of their eyes even glowing green. It had become apparent that the orb had begun to transform both Krentuk and many of his followers, consuming them with blind zealotry.

• A cloaked, hunched over figure drew people's attention to the narrow alley be Tykel's weapon shop. When many heroes and defenders arrived, the figure revealed himself to be a half-krolvin named Falzcrow, whose father was the Bloodfist Kragnack, and just happened to be Krentuk's brother. Falzcrow informed the heroes that he wished to arrange a meeting between them and Kragnack, and that his father had wished to help them against Krentuk, but of course to his own gain. The heroes agreed to meet, and Kragnack met them in the stronghold of the Drakes Vanguard, where Falzcrow had to translate for his father. Kragnack explained that Krentuk's expansion was folly, and that not all the krolvin on Glaoveln blindly followed him and his orb, and that he would gladly attack Krentuk's stronghold on their home island, which would likely divert or even divide some of his forces. In exchange, Kragnack demanded weapons to help his attack, and also that the town's leaders safely escort his son away from the town, as he would be killed by Krentuk if he was discovered. Kragnack and Falzcrow left, giving the heroes a day to contact their leader and discuss any terms.

• The next day, the heroes explained the situation to Mayor Walkar, who agreed he would meet with Kragnack, but he would not be offering any weapons. But he would ensure protection for his son. With another translator present, the half-krolvin Gondain, the mayor and a number of heroes met with Kragnack and Falzcrow. The mayor explained that he would ensure Falzcrow's safety, but provide no weapons to Kragnack, and that anyone who did would be punished, despite many people present arguing that they'd offer up weapons to help. Soon after, town guards arrived and apprehended Falzcrow, roughly taking him away. The mayor then warned Kragnack that Falzcrow would remain in his protection to ensure the attack on Krentuk's stronghold happened, and that it was not some ploy to trick them. If the attack was successful, Falzcrow would be released back to his father. Many grew angry with Walkar, declaring Wehnimer's was not about taking hostages to get their way. The mayor said he had to do what needed to be done to ensure the town's protection and stormed off.

• One night, a small umber-shrouded ship was seen moving through Darkstone Bay, narrowly avoiding krolvin warships as it arrived near the shore outside of town. The ship was named The Fall of the West, captained by the halfling pirate Parlay, who was once a member of the Spitfire crew. Parlay claimed he had no choice but to stop nearby because of the storms, but he was more than happy to help where he could against the krolvin.

• The next night, Captain Parlay led a group of heroes back into Darkstone Bay where they were able to locate and board Krentuk's flagship, the Gzadmor gno Prozd (The Pain of Night.) There the heroes were met with a number of krolvin slashers, bloodmasters, stormcrows, and even some Khar'ta zealots. Krentuk himself appeared, using the Star of Khar'ta to kill nearly everyone on the ship. The heroes eventually returned to life, many rescuing each other as they all made their way safely back to town. Days later, Parlay's ship suffered some damage and had to return to the shore outside of town, but promised to help in the next battle.

• Reports came in that the Bloodfist Kragnack's attack against Krentuk's stronghold on Glaoveln was successful. The stronghold was left almost defenseless, so the assault was won over night. When word reached Krentuk's fleet, many of them set sail back for home, most of them claiming new allegiance to Kragnack and abandoning the war against Wehnimer's Landing. It was rumored that Kragnack was still equipped with weapons, despite the mayor's stern warning of treason. As a result of Kragnack dividing his brother's forces, Krentuk's presence began to weaken in the Landing.

• Slender, cloaked figures began appearing in town, moving among the shadows and sometimes seen killing some of the krolvin invaders. Onyx rose clasps were seen on their cloaks, indicating they were likely Nalfein. Days later, a Nalfein named Zyndur appeared in the center of town, seeking Mayor Walkar. The mayor and a number of local defenders met with the elf, who offered his people's help against their enemies, because they were all equipped with krolvinbane longswords. In exchange for helping the Landing, Zyndur asked that if Krentuk is killed, that the artifact be given over to him. Mayor Walkar conferred with the heroes present, who were mostly wary of any deal with Zyndur, but in the end Walkar agreed to hand the relic over to the Nalfein, in exchange for their help. But in addition, the mayor demanded some krolvinbane weapons for those present. Many accepted the black-bladed longswords, but some refused, wishing not to wield any kind of weapon forged using blood magic. Zyndur warned Walkar that he knew the nature of humans, and that if he intended to not carry through on his end of the bargain, there would be a price to pay.

• The archmage Pherantyr announced a break through with the talismans he had created. He was able to manipulate some of the Star of Khar'ta's energy in the area and infuse the items with a magical immunity. Those wearing the talismans were still vulnerable to the harsh weather, but no longer could Krentuk attack them with lightning or use the wind to hurl them about. Because of the recent development of the talisman's powers, and many people now equipped with krolvinbane weapons, Mayor Walkar announced his intentions to soon launch an assault on Krentuk's ship.

• A day later, Mayor Walkar summoned the town's defenders to his office, where he told them that he intended to lead them all into Darkstone Bay to destroy some of the krolvin's main ships. Over a year ago, Grishom Stone once provided crimson orbs to a disgruntled militiaman named Vaurus, who used them throughout town and caused them to explode, killing large crowds of people. After Grishom was killed, much of his property was confiscated, and due to someone's suggestion, Walkar went looking for any leftover crimson orbs. Having found some, Walkar had the archmage Pherantyr tweak them slightly to effect only the krolvin. So the mayor handed out an orb to every hero present and they made their way out into Darkstone Bay, soon boarding the Lalk Renqua. They battled a number of krolvin before using some of the spheres to destroy parts of the ship, setting it on fire. They escaped just in time as the Lalk Renqua erupted in flames, eventually sinking. Having some crimson orbs leftover, the heroes made their way to the V'koort Etka, where they fought more krolvin before finally burning and sinking the ship. The mayor informed those present that because of their victories, the pirate Parlay would now have an easier time sailing his ship to attack Krentuk, and that the final assault would happen the next night.

• The next evening, over one hundred adventurer's made their way to Parlay's ship, the Fall of the West, outside of town. Captain Parlay had them board the ship and he set sail into Darkstone Bay, avoiding krolvin ships and navigating through the raging storm to finally reach Krentuk's flagship, the Gzadmor gno Prozd. Parlay informed the heroes that once they boarded Krentuk's ship, he would have to turn his own ship around and return to town, as the storm was getting too bad for him to remain. The defenders bravely pressed on, boarding Krentuk's ship and fighting a number of krolvin that swarmed along the deck. All around the boat, the storm assaulted them, waves crashing about as the heroes locked in combat with the krolvin. A handful of Nalfein swordsmen also appeared on the ship, but most of them were killed by the krolvin. All during the fighting, they could see the glow of the Star of Khar'ta nearby and hear the mocking laughter and barking of Krentuk. Soon, the Czag'Herndrok himself was lured out onto the deck, where the heroes surrounded him and unleashed an onslaught of spells and other attacks. The krolvin warlord was killed a number of times, but each time the Star of Khar'ta's powers resurrected him. Finally, realizing their normal spells and weapons were useless, the heroes unsheathed their krolvinbane weapons and moved in, unaffected by the orb's powers. Vividarium struck the final blow, cutting down Krentuk with the black-bladed longsword. Krentuk's corpse twitched violently on the ground, his eyes growing cold and black as the green orb burned away his fingers and hands, rising up into the sky above the ship. The Star of Khar'ta expanded quickly in size, as the clouds above began to shrink inward towards it. The waves of Darkstone Bay grew in size and the entire sky turned into a wild tempest of ice, rain and wind. The heroes tried to escape the ship, but soon the wind rushed over them, pinning them helplessly to the upper deck. The green orb had grown massive in size, viewable from all areas in and around Wehnimer's Landing. Moments later, the orb exploded in a blast of brilliant light, tearing every krolvin ship in the bay, including the Gzadmor gno Prozd and dragging the heroes underwater. The defenders found themselves trapped in the murkiness of Darkstone Bay, struggling as the waters tossed them about. Minutes later, everyone found themselves pulled from the waters and washed up on shore in a variety of locations along the bay. Everyone bore witness to the stormy skies quickly subsiding as a torrent of green specks of light showered down from the sky like emerald rain, presumably the remains of the Star of Khar'ta.

• A few days later, Parlay's ship returned to Wehnimer's, arriving at the North Dock, looking battered and in desperate need of repair. Captain Parlay informed the heroes that his crew would be staying in town for a month, as they repair the ship and he lets his men rest and enjoy themselves. In addition, he intends to sell some wares and do some merchant work during the upcoming Frontier Days festival.

• Mayor Walkar met many heroes outside of Moot Hall, where he thanked them all for their tireless efforts in defending the town and its people. He expressed his appreciation for all of the blood and sweat spilled, and for every single spell and blade used to protect Wehnimer's Landing. It was said that Falzcrow, the half-krolvin son of Kragnack would be released and would likely be escorted to Icemule, where he desired to go. The mayor also informed everyone that the museum curator Glethad was also freed from his self-requested confinement, now that the Star of Khar'ta was gone and presumably its hold over him as well. The curator was said to be resting at the time and would likely have more to share on the artifact and his experience in the near future. The mayor then apologized to everyone for his questionable behavior lately, and that despite whether people always agreed with him, every action he took was in the town's best interest. He then explained briefly that in the battle against Grishom Stone, he almost died if not for the intervention of the villain Elithain Cross, who kept him alive with the magical crimson breastplate he now wears. Many asked Walkar if the armor would ever make it so he was not in control of his own actions, to which he politely sidestepped answering. It was then Zyndur, the Nalfein elf showed up and had a few curt remarks to make. While the relic had been destroyed, Zyndur reminded those present that it was his krolvinbane weapons that ensured their victory and in essence saved their town. He then told Mayor Walkar that he would call upon him someday for a favor, and if his demand was not met, then he would extract a price, a cost that the mayor had no desire to discuss openly. Zyndur then slipped back into the shadows. Mayor Walkar once more thanked everyone for their efforts and help and all rejoiced as much of the ice around town finally began to melt away

05-05-2014, 05:23 PM
All the Lich King's Men

In December, my latest storyline “All the Lich King’s Men” officially kicked off. It’s intended to end near the end of February, or as close as schedule and storyline permits. I hope you’ve all enjoyed the events that have transpired so far, and I’m definitely looking forward to the next two months. However, I know a lot of information can get lost in translation, and I’m always trying to help people be in the know, or new people get in the know. So below, you’ll find a timeline of the more major events, so everyone’s on the same page going forward.

Eorgaen, 5112 - (December, 2012)

* A fire was spotted near the docks in Wehnimer’s Landing, and the adventurers went to investigate, only to find that the fishing shop, Guttin’ Goods was engulfed in flames. The heroes were able to form a bucket brigade and put out the fires. Inside the shop, the half-krolvin owner Cutlass thanked the heroes for their help and was then questioned about who might have done this. Originally, in the panic of the fire, the shopkeeper had cursed about some birds, but when asked to clarify, he said he never mentioned any form of avian. He also suspected the fire was likely caused by some hooligans with anti-krolvin sentiments and then clammed up.

* That same night as the shop fire, strange ghostly white lights appeared in the night above Wehnimer’s Landing, eventually moving through the sky and descending on the Black Sands. An eerie voice echoed across the heavens, commanding the beasts of the bay to rise and be reborn. When the adventurers went to investigate, they found hordes of undead krolvin rising up out of Darkstone Bay and swarming the beach. After some initial fighting, a white fog rolled across the beach and the krolvin zombies disengaged the heroes and wandered into the mist, disappearing altogether.

* Adventurers heard commotion outside of Tykel’s Arms, and stormed inside. They found broken glass, and some bricks smeared with blood, in the image of a rook. Tykel was very angry and told the heroes present that a week or so ago, some cloaked thugs came into his shop and offered him a lucrative deal to help smuggle things through his shop’s tunnel access, but he had refused them. The broken glass and blood were clearly a warning. Tykel described his attackers as shadowy figures with deep hoods, and only a greyish-black beak showing beneath the cowl. He was not certain if they were monster or man. Then suddenly, a beaked figure appeared outside of Tykel’s window, and then darted off. The heroes chased after the figure, but lost him. In their search of the town and the catacombs, they discovered a new series of tunnels beneath the town, dubbed the Burrow Way. The new network of caverns was explored and determined to have access to many shops within the town, as well as a few exit locations outside of town.

* The adventurer Puptilian was lured into an alleyway by the Brotherhood of Rooks, where he was told to deliver a message to the town and its mayor. They claimed that the town was now theirs, and they would protect it, and not to try to stop them. Then, three shadowy figures with grey beaks stepped out of the darkness, pecked Puptilian with their beaks to death, then left him to be rescued and deliver his message. ( Puptilian’s Post - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3096 )

* Ghostly lights appeared in the night again, this time descending upon the graveyard near Lorminstra’s Temple in Wehnimer’s Landing. Once more, a dark voice called for the fallen to rise and meet him. Local adventurers went to the graveyard to find it swarming with undead ghouls, zombies, phantoms and more. The heroes fought hard, working tirelessly to release the undead, but were soon overwhelmed by the power of some of the spirits and many died, their bodies trapped within the graveyard and making any rescue attempts difficult. It was then Mayor Walkar showed up, his “magical” breastplate flashing with crimson light as he waded into the horde of undead, dispatching many of them before he dragged dozens of heroes to safety. At the end of the conflict, white fog appeared once more, swallowing up the remaining undead and then fading away.

* Plumes of smoke were seen in the Upper Trollfang and some adventurers went to discover a caravan of wagons had been set on fire, with only burnt husks, a few bodies, and one survivor remaining. All of the supplies were stolen and were believed to include wheat, metal and precious gems. Etched on the wheel of one of the burned wagons, was the tiny image of a red rook. The lone survivor, a tinker gnome named Jankus, was questioned by the heroes. He explained that they were traveling from Solhaven and were ambushed, his friends killed and their supplies taken. The gnome also had a number of gears and trinkets that had gone missing. The heroes offered to help Jankus get set up in town as he was looking to settle somewhere and begin merchanting. He later received accommodations from Mayor Walkar for his troubles, as the mayor wished to welcome new business and merchants to town.

* Ghostly lights appeared in the sky, this time descending upon the Wehntoph, where local heroes rushed to fight off hordes of undead pumas, trolls, ogres and minotaurs. The conflict raged on for a while, before white fog once more arrived and engulfed the undead, fading away along with them. ( Geijon’s Battle Report - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3089 )

* The adventurer Arpelli and many townspeople organized a ritual in the town graveyard to bless the ground and try to put back to rest some of the dead that had been awakened. The adventurer Godefroy, a priest of Koar, led the service as many gathered in the graveyard. After the ceremony, they proceeded to go to the fishing shop and Tykel’s arms, trying to bless the shops against whatever might also be behind the Brotherhood of Rooks. The Rooks did not take too kindly to their meddling in what they called their shops, so shadowy figures kidnapped Godefroy. The Rooks then informed Godefroy he was wasting his time blessing shops, that they were not connected to the undead menace, and that the Rooks had come to restore order, but to obtain true rule with fear first, then obedience. Godefroy was then pecked to death from the razor-sharp beaks of the shadowy figures and left to be discovered in the Burrow Way. (Arpelli’s Post - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3103 )AND
( Godefroy’s Post- http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3111 )

* Mayor Walkar held a town hall meeting in Moot Hall, where many citizens, adventurers and even local merchants were in attendance. Walkar tried to ensure the public that he was having the increase of criminal activity investigated and these thugs calling themselves the Brotherhood of Rooks will be brought to justice and cannot successful strong-arm the town into submission. A reward was announced to soon be offered for information regarding their leader. After fielding a number of questions from people in attendance, the doors were suddenly shut from the outside and the windows boarded up. From among the crowd, three shadowy figures with grey beaks sprung seemingly from out of nowhere and then escaped through a secret entrance into the catacombs. The heroes pursued, but were left to discover only a message written in blood. It was a warning, that the Rooks had all of the power, could have killed them all, but did not.

* Part of a new tunnel, still incomplete, was discovered in the Burrow Way, leading many to speculate that the Rooks intend to expand.

* Throughout the entire month, dark visions continued to torment people as they would see images of gnarled bodies hanging from withered trees, or corpses littered along streets, or even an undead king roaming in the darkness with a crown of bones.

* The town marshal Khylon mobilized some militia members and some local heroes and goes on a raid through the Burrow Way tunnels. They are encountered by a number of bandits and arrows from murder holes, but eventually discover a Rook’s Nest near the tunnel exit to Upper Trollfang. Inside they kill a number of recruits and other bandits and rogues before the hidden lair is finally cleared out. Inside of the hideout they find some maps of the layout of the town prison, moot hall, and a construction plan for expanding the current Burrow Way. There is also a manifest detailing some imports into town, originating from Brisker’s Cove in the County of Seareach. (Cryheart’s Report - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3116 )

* After the attack on the Rook’s Nest, a small child approached the adventurer Seomanthe at the Hearthstone Steps. The child asked her about the orphanage she was trying to make and wanted her to follow him. Once Seomanthe was at the Temple, away from onlookers, the child darted away. Just then, three Rooks ambushed her and dragged her into darkness, dumping her into a cell hidden somewhere. During the town hall meeting, Seomanthe and her husband Greganth had threatened to smoke out the Burrow Way. So the Rooks instead held her prisoner as they set fire to House Aspis, the home of her officership. Local heroes rushed to the aid of Aspis and put out the fires before much damage could be done. The Rooks warned Seomanthe and others not to come against them again, then pecked her to death and left her to be found in the underground tunnels. (Seomanthe’s Post – http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3117 )

* For the final time, more ghostly lights appeared above Wehnimer’s Landing, this time descending on the old Mine Road near the town. There, heroes battled undead thraks, goblins, miners, death worms and ghoulish spiders. As with all of the previous encounters with the undead, the white fog eventually arrived as the zombie creatures disappeared within it.

* The adventurer Meureii was kidnapped by some Rooks and subdued and left on an icy cliff on the Glatoph as a diversion. As local heroes rushed out to the Glacier, a ship exploded at the North Dock in town, sending a fiery ball of flames and smoke into the sky. When the heroes finally rushed to the docks they found the husk of a burnt ship, a scorched chest full of melted lockpicks, and a flame-seared body. Discovered on the chest was the small red etching of a rook. Larton, the town’s local locksmith showed up shortly after, claiming the ship had carried a lot of supplies for his shop. He explained how the Brotherhood of Rooks had tried to sell him monthly protection for his ship, and if their fee was not met, they would extract their revenge. Larton had refused twice, so his business suffered. He was almost ready to give in and pay the fee to the Rooks, but the adventurers present convinced him otherwise. (Cryheart’s Report - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3141 )

* Shadowy figures were seen moving through the streets of Wehnimer’s one night, so a number of militia soldiers and adventurers began to patrol. Within minutes, a wave of young bandits, seeming to be recruits in the Brotherhood of Rooks, began to attack townspeople. The attack was eventually beat back, but Kaedra discovers a bag on one of the dead bandits. In the bag is a parchment listing names of new recruits, none of them recognized by the public except Arpelli! The town marshal Khylon explained that he was sure she is being framed, but needed to take her away for questioning as part of his job. For her own protection and witness, Arpelli asks Sir Cryheart to go with her. Khylon took them both to the Council Chambers inside Moot Hall, where he began to question her about why the Rooks might be targeting her. Moments later, three cloaked figures leapt out of the shadows, subdued both Arpelli and Cryheart, then dragged Khylon off. As a parting gift, the shadowy figures surrounded Arpelli and Cryheart and pecked them to death with their razor-sharp beaks before disappearing. Both Arpelli and Cryheart were later recovered and healed by fellow adventurers.

* A message in blood was left on the wall of Moot Hall that reads, “We have your dwarf. The Rooks’ Ransom comes soon.”

* A series of massive quakes shook Wehnimer’s Landing and the surrounding area. Cracks formed along the cobblestone streets, which drove adventurers down into the Burrow Way to explore. There, they found a pile of rubble in the newly added tunnel had been cleared away, but at the expense of the blackened and scorched bodies of bandits scattered nearby. The tunnel was discovered to lead into pitch darkness, unable to be lit up by torch or magic. A number of adventurers pressed into the darkness, navigating through blindly before coming out into a massive cavern that led to some black iron gates. Beyond the gates they encountered a small city full of undead, from ghouls to spirits, to zombies and death knights. It was soon realized that the town was a dark macabre version of Wehnimer’s and the ruler was identified by the grotesque statue in the center of the undead city. The master of the recent undead menace proved to be Barnom Slim, who had now ascended into the form of a lich and dubbed himself a King. Barnom was once a councilman of Wehnimer’s, who allied himself with Grishom Stone, and later a Luukosian Cult in River’s Rest before vanishing. During the Lich King’s initial encounter with the heroes, only threats and insults were shared and Barnom later explained that one day they would all serve in his new kingdom and that many would do so by choice, and that becoming living dead was the only way to protect them from the shadows that were gathering at the edges of the world.

* During a second encounter with Barnom down in Lich’s Landing, many heroes came to talk to the self-proclaimed undead king. Barnom answered many questions about his plans, but refused to go into specifics on the shadowy threat he was offering to protect everyone from, but warned it would feed on flesh, blood and souls. After quite a bit of communication between the Lich King and adventurers present, Kerl tried to attack Barnom but was unsuccessful. The lich then encased Kerl in ice until he froze and died, then reanimated his corpse to kill dozens of other adventurers present. The onslaught continued until the few survivors escaped and the Lich King retired to his citadel.


Part Two: 1/2/2013 – 2/1/2013

* Three dwarven fingers were pinned to the door of Moot Hall, along with a message smeared in blood that read, “Drangell for your Dwarf.” Mayor Walkar then made an announcement claiming the town would not give in to the Brotherhood of Rooks’ demands. Furthermore, if Khylon the dwarf marshal was not returned, Walkar promised to hunt down every last member of the Rooks and their families and slaughter them. ( GM Kenstrom’s Post - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3249 )

* Barnom Slim held audience outside of his citadel in Lich’s Landing, where he informed many adventurers gathered that he intends to visit the Elven Nations soon, to extend his offer of salvation to the Elven Houses. At that time he also accepted his first follower, Cruxophim and carved a glowing red claw-shaped mark into his flesh as a badge of service. He, and all who came to willingly serve Barnom Slim later, acquired the label of Lichborn.

* A woman’s scream alerted the townspeople to a burly giantman’s corpse outside of Aznell’s Armory. The giant’s throat had been cut from ear to ear, and his entrails spilled out onto the ground. The merchant Aznell soon discovered the body as well and informed the adventurers that it was his apprentice Amos, who the Rooks had killed because Aznell refused to pay their protection fees. At the end of the night, Aznell announced he had lost faith in Mayor Walkar and would be giving into the Rooks’ demands.

* The same evening Aznell’s apprenticed was murdered, the adventurers went to tell Mayor Walkar what happened. In a rage, Walkar decided he would try to kill Drangell so the Rooks could never get him released. Walkar grabbed a crossbow, and those gathered had followed him down to Drangell’s cell, where the prisoner taunted the mayor into shooting three bolts at him. Drangell fell to the ground, supposedly dead, but then moments later his wounds healed up and he rose to his feet, leading evidence to the fact that his old curse of not being able to die hadn’t left him. Walkar then tossed his crossbow to the ground and stormed off, Drangell’s mocking laughter echoing as he left. ( LNN Post - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3249 )

* Adventurers continued to have dark visions, of a robed figure with a crown of bones, decaying knights with fiery eyes, militia men hanging from a gnarled black tree, etc.

* Additional guards, the few the town had to spare, were set up to protect a few local shops such as Tykel’s and Larton’s, who had refused to cooperate with the Rooks and feared further endangerment because of it.

* A small group of adventurers staged an ambush on a Rook, capturing him and interrogating him. After the Rook is killed, his possessions are acquired and it is learned the mysterious “birdmen” use magical masks to give them their appearance, and rely heavily on other items that allow them to summon darkness, go invisible, and move silently. ( Arpelli’s Post - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3333 )

* The Lich King, Barnom Slim and an envoy of undead knights and banshees and other minions visited the Elven Nations, making their first stop at Ta’Vaalor. They were greeted at the Amaranth Bridge and when Barnom made his offer of an alliance, he was flat out rejected by Qalinor, the Steward of Ta’Vaalor. The elves said they would never forget the undead wars. The Lich King did not take kindly to such rejection, and so commanded his subjects to attack the fortress city, before he was finally driven back and forced to retreat. ( GM Kenstrom’s Post - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3379 )

* During the conflict with the Lich King and Ta’Vaalor, two Legionnaires, Yinh and Yangh broke their vows and took an oath of loyalty to serve Barnom. They were branded with glowing claw-shaped marks on their flesh and expelled forever from the Legionnaires. ( GM Mazreth’s Post - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3402 )

* Meanwhile, back in the west, while Barnom was off visiting the elves, Mayor Walkar and the Grandmaster of the local Voln sect launched an attack on Lich’s Landing, with a small army of voln warriors taking to the dark city to begin an ongoing battle to release the undead within it. ( GM Kenstrom’s Post - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3354 )

*Vordilian, Champion of the Order of Voln, arrived in Wehnimer’s Landing to meet with fellow members of the Order. He denounced Barnom Slim and his followers and vowed to lead the fight against the abomination of Lich’s Landing. ( GM Marstreforn’s Post - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3418 ) and ( Clunk’s Log - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3419 )

* The Brotherhood of Rooks’ called Mayor Walkar’s bluff, and instead of releasing Khylon, they cut out one of his eyes and nailed it to the door of Moot Hall, along with a message that read, “Give us Drangell, or your dwarf dies next. Fight our existence, and our wings will darken your sky.”

* The Lich King was spotted standing outside of his citadel and using his powers to slain a number of Voln warriors trying to attack his city. Many gathered to converse with the lich, and two more stepped forward to join him. Semiera and Xoryl were given the lich’s mark and publically declared their loyalty to the lich king.

* In the Lower Dragonsclaw forest, trees began to sway and finally wither into black, gnarled shells. Parts of the forest died away, replaced by a bleak landscape filled with murky black pools that poisoned anyone who got too close. Undead roamed the forest for a bit, and while they were eventually defeated, parts of the forest remained in decay. ( GM Kenstrom’s Post - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3422 )

* In one of the many encounters with the Lich King and some adventurers, Barnom fought off a few attackers, and then proceeded to inform those gathered about his plans, the danger of the shadows, that their real enemy is Elithain Cross, and the salvation the Lich King is offering. ( Roelaren’s Log - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3433 )

* Barnom Slim led an invasion in the Lower Dragonsclaw, as more of the grasslands and forest decay. The Lich King said he would continue to attack until the Order of Voln ceases to invade his kingdom. At the end of the invasion, Bellaja swore an oath to the Lich King, receiving a claw-shaped mark.

* Councilman Stephos DeArchon, the representive of the local Merchant’s Guild, met with Mayor Walkar and some local adventurers to inform them that many of the town’s shopkeepers have lost hope in stopping the Rooks and have decided to pay for their protection contracts. ( Clunk’s Log - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3438 )

* Vordilian, the Champion of Voln, led another assault on Lich’s Landing and informed the adventurers present that they would need to try to locate the Lich King’s phylactery to destroy it, otherwise they could never defeat Barnom permanently. ( GM Marstreforn’s Post - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3453 )

* Jankus, the gnome tinkerer, was found quite flustered inside town. He informed the adventurers that while he was searching about Lich’s Landing for his stolen inventory ( that he had lost a month before ), he stumbled upon a black ora signet ring. As soon as he touched it, he experienced a vision that showed how Barnom Slim came to become a lich. ( Archales’ Post - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3454 ) and ( GM Kenstrom’s post - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3457 )

* During yet another encounter in Lich’s Landing with some adventurers, Barnom Slim recruited two others to his cause. Raincail and Dayko, in front of others, declared their fealty to the Lich King and received his mark.

* Dakris, the furrier was found outside of Moot Hall and informed the adventurers that while he was out trapping, he stumbled upon a secret hideout in a cave in Danjirland. After he had spotted a burly man with a crossbow inside, he hurried back to town. Dakris led the group to the cave, but then said he couldn’t follow, for fear of retribution or harm. The adventurers stormed the cave, found the hideout and battled with some bandits and birdmen of the Rooks. After a bloody conflict, a torture chamber was located and Khylon was discovered! The dwarf marshal was beaten, bloodied, missing fingers and an eye and quite shaken. He was returned to the safety of town where militia members helped escort him off for the night. ( Arpelli’s Post/Log - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3478 )

* Kastrel requested, and was granted, an interview with the Lich King. Barnom and Kastrel met outside of the citadel in Lich’s Landing, where others were allowed to also gather to hear and observe. Benches formed of bones and muscle, and tattered pillows were provided for those in attendance, for their sitting pleasures. ( Kastrel’s Interview - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3481 )

* Vordilian, the Champion of Voln, gathered many, many adventurers and led a massive attack on the Lich’s Citadel. Shortly after the offensive was launched, Barnom Slim appeared. The conflict found both heroes and villains facing off before the lich’s throne, and Barnom was killed a countless number of times, but kept resurrecting himself after each attempt. During the conflict, Barnom cursed Vordilian and dark tendrils eventually consumed the Champion, devouring his flesh and soul! Because of the repeated attacks, The Lich King had grown angry and then slaughtered many people present, and then led an invasion of crypt spiders, deathworms, etc. After a lot of deaths on both sides, the heroes finally pushed back the invasion and Barnom retreated once more. But before the Lich King fled, he issued a warning that he was now Wehnimer’s Landing greatest threat. ( Perivan’s Log - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3490 ) and ( GM Kenstrom’s post - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3517 )

* Some prison guards reported to town officials that Cruxophim, Barnom’s first follower, had spoken with Drangell down in his prison, but the conversation was not overheard. Mayor Walkar confronted Cruxophim in the streets, and a number of adventurers had gathered. Cruxophim was eventually convinced to reveal that the Lich King had offered an alliance to Drangell and his Brotherhood of Rooks, and that Drangell had accepted the offer. ( Cruxophim’s Log - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3543 )

* The town was alerted when the ground began to tremble, from all over town, to as far as Upper Trollfang. A number of townsfolk reported bandits and Rooks attacking people in the streets, and soon fires erupted outside of the bank. While a group of adventurers helped to fight off the bandits and put out the fires, another group raced off to Drangell’s prison, worried it might all be a diversion. Their instincts were correct, for they discovered a number of prison guards murdered and Drangell laughing inside his cell. But then the floor of shook, cracked and collapsed as the cell holding Drangell disappeared in a cloud of dust and smoke. A huge hole in the ground was all the remained. The adventurers leapt into the hole, finding themselves in a dark tunnel that directly led to the Lich’s Landing, where Barnom Slim later taunted them about having freed Drangell. ( Geijon’s Post - http://forums.play.net/forums/GemStone%20IV/Towns/Wehnimer's%20Landing/view/3545 )

* In the beginning, there had been speculation that the Lich King and his undead were somehow connected to the Brotherhood of Rooks. While an early association was revealed to be false, recent events have changed and Wehnimer’s Landing has found itself faced with two enemies, Barnom and Drangell, now joined together in their mutual hatred for the town.

05-05-2014, 05:25 PM
Cross Into Shadows

Cross into Shadows

Here is a recap of what has happened in the last five months involving the storyline, Cross into Shadows. I've also included some events happening in other towns, since there will be some tie-ins in various places, each essentially their own adventure, but connected in some ways. I will keep doing monthly updates as the chapters and overall story develop.

I've tried my best to track all of it, so if I've missed anything, please let me know as I want this report to be as accurate as possible for the future!

Eorgaen 5113 (December, 2013)

* For weeks, the heroes witnessed sporadic attacks on Arkati shrines in or around Wehnimer's Landing. At the beginning of Eorgaen, the sorcerer Nysorm showed up in town, claiming he had located an outpost housing some of these crazy anti-Arkati zealots and quickly needed help to strike at them. Nysorm was once a follower of Grishom Stone's, in the Arcane Eyes, before he eventually betrayed him because Grishom's actions led to the corruption and death of Nysorm's lover. The heroes followed Nysorm through a magical portal to attack a stone fortress among a thick woodland area. They were quickly met by orc, goblin, and kobold defenders, archers and warriors. The monsters were even more quickly slaughtered, as the heroes pushed into the fortress where they encountered more orcish defenders, before coming upon a kitchen cellar full of sobbing orc and goblin women and their whimpering children. Many soon realized the duplicity that had occurred, but it was too late. Others among the group did not hesitate and cut down the women and children. It was then that Stiletto, the goblin trader and rogue appeared. Everyone learned that the inhabitants of the fortress were not the zealots as they had been told, but were in fact members of Thrayzar's clan, who were allied with Wehnimer's Landing. Stiletto, wracked with agony, demanded the heroes leave and was left behind to bury a large majority of their tribe. During the conflict, Nysorm disappeared, many speculating he must be working for Elithain Cross.

* A large storm churns in the Darkstone Bay near the Coastal Cliffs of Wehnimer's Landing, and heroes go to investigate the activity. Ship debris, and waterlogged human corpses are found littering the Black Sands. Loresongs on the corpses reveal that they had been imperial seafarers who had been captured and enslaved by the krolvin, but then the krolvin ship they were on had been hit by the storm. Shortly after, a wave of krolvin scouts, pyromancers and slavers invaded the Black Sands before eventually be killed by the heroes. After the danger had passed, a lone surviving seafarer came out of hiding, wounded and malnourished. He informed the heroes that in recent months the krolvin had been increasing their attacks along the western seas, but apparently only targeting imperial vessels, while going out of their way to ignore others. Furthermore, the krolvin appeared to be far more organized and better equipped than history has shown. The wounded human was escorted to Wehnimer's Landing, fed and provided room and board until he could heal and return home to the Turamzzyrian Empire. On some of the krolvin scouts, maps of the Greymist Woods on Teras Isle are found.

* Earl Jovery, the Sentinel of the North, had been tasked months earlier to travel to Talador to oversee the transition of power from Jantalar back to Talador's own people. Earl Jovery then sought to right past sins and declared Talador's Merchant Council to become a Noble Council, granted with more lands, influence and the ability to appoint their trusted mercenaries and warriors into Knights. The Northern Sentinel and the new Noble Council worked together to select Lord Kuligar Gardane to become the new Baron of Talador, set to occur during a month long festival in Talador.

* More zealots, members of a cult worshipping Althedeus, make continued strikes at the Temple of Lorminstra in Wehnimer's Landing. Their attack is defeated, but some of the temple is left charred.

* Amid rumors of the krolvin fleets being supplied weapons and commands from a source within Wehnimer's Landing, the Earl of Estoria dispatches his second cousin, Lord Rinhale Hurrst, a highly reputable imperial inquisitor. Lord Rinhale's nickname is "The Bluecoat" among many locals in the Turamzzyrian Empire, and he has a known reputation for cruel treatment, torture, and even falsifying evidence to further progress his own success. Councilman Stephos and his wife Alendrial inform the heroes of Rinhale's coming arrival, and his checkered past, as they all hail from Idolone.

* Krolvin scouts and warriors invade the Greymist Beach on Teras Isle. They are pushed back, but have left behind a cage filled with building equipment.

* Lord Rinhale begins to question a number of citizens and visitors in town, most questions focusing on the town's current leadership of Mayor Walkar, and Councilman Deylan and Stephos, along with the Brotherhood of Rooks and dark magic being practiced in the town.

* Shimmering crimson portals appeared near Ta'Vaalor and Ta'Illistim, with droves of undead elves pouring out of them and attacking the two towns.

* Prince Voregrek of Kharam Dzu tells his citizens that he will take a trip to visit the mayor of Wehnimer's Landing so that they might discuss their shared krolvin enemy and what the two towns can do to help each other.

* More undead legions pour out of the crimson portals in the Elven Nations, simultaneously launching attacks on Ta'Vaalor and Ta'Illistim almost nightly. Tiope, the elven traitor who assassinated King Tyrnian Vaalor, is seen coming out of the portals and commanding the undead armies. Tiope demands the Elven Nations surrender, and that under her, the Elven Empire will be reborn. She mentions an attack on Ta'Ardenai by her forces.

* Mayor Nihala of Icemule Trace informs her citizens that Mayor Walkar of Wehnimer's Landing has agreed to send supplies and weapons to help in their conflict against the growing ice troll menace. She is unsure when exactly to expect it.

* Prince Voregrek of Kharam Dzu arrives in Wehnimer's Landing and meets with Mayor Walkar, and a room full of citizens in audience. The dwarven prince explains that not only have the krolvin been launching skirmishes on his island, but his own hired mercenaries have abandoned him, apparently hired away by someone with deeper pockets than his own. Mayor Walkar says he has no warriors to spare, but has an abundance of lumber earmarked for local construction that he is willing to send to Teras to help build archery towers along the Greymist Beach to defend against the krolvin. Prince Voregrek agrees and promises to aid Mayor Walkar when the day comes for a favor to be asked in return. The Prince returns to Teras.

* A caravan is ambushed from Wehnimer's Landing to Icemule Trace, never making it further than the Glatoph. When the heroes see the smoke in the distance they rush to investigate. The wagon's manifest reads grain, fruit and winter clothing, but crates and chests of fruit and grain are all that is left behind. A small red rook was found drawn in chalk on the charred wagon, indicating the Brotherhood of Rooks' involvement. Mayor Walkar surveyed the scene with the heroes and grew angry, finally explaining that there was no winter clothing, and that the wagon also carried a large cache of exploding fire orbs, once owned by Grishom Stone. Some of the orbs were being supplied to the defenders in Icemule Trace, while the other orbs were going to be secreted away from the prying eyes of Lord Rinhale the inquisitor.

* A herald from Talador visits Wehnimer's Landing, Solhaven, River's Rest and Kharam Dzu, inviting everyone to attend the Baronial Coronation Festival for the entire month of Fashanos in Talador. The messenger explains that when the festival begins, the Hall of Mages will provide a portal from Wehnimer's Landing to Talador, for all those wishing to celebrate.

* More anti-Arkati cultists and zealots, worshipping the Shadows/Althedeus, make a powerful attack against Imaera's Shrine near Wehnimer's Landing. The lake's waters, surrounding the island shrine, turn blood red. The heroes and defenders rally before the shrine and fight off the attackers, finally pushing them back and protecting the shrine from damage. The lake of blood remained.

* In the Elven Nations, the undead forces of Tiope focus their strikes on Ta'Vaalor, heavily assaulting the fortress city. Tiope offered the Vaalorians a chance to surrender and bow to her, but they refused. Tiope offered Kakoon of the Legionnaires a chance to join her ranks and lead her undead army. He refused.

* Zevaphim, a crazy priest is found outside of the Temple of Koar in Solhaven, spouting about how the Arkati are weak, have used the lesser races, and how true power lies beyond the so-called gods.

* During his weeks of initial investigations, Lord Rinhale questioned the following people: Avalera, Raincail, Maags, Glyhne, Seomanthe, Balantine, Sareyna, Rowmi, Reawing, Azimar, Cruxophim, Myharl, Bisco, Loralaii, Anru, Alasatia, Masrath, Kiske, Bellaja, Talman, Wariquan, Greganth, Raelee, Neathon, Ichiko, Greycrown, Shanng, Cryheart, Eleonore, Leozande, Giogionni, Rhayveign, Rtune, Chamorr, Savaard, Constal, Bekke, Wintersylph, Alesse, Nairdin, Kaedra, Guerand, Oritori, Bristenn, Roelaren, Riend, Gnazzy, Zeminar, Alafaya, Caence, Praytus, Malrocky, Kerl, Sovine, Puptilian, Xoryl, Mohrgan, Rozy, Geijon, Ewin, Evialla, and Jynai. He also questioned the merchant Edwina, and was refused by the merchant Tykel. A few townspeople refused to answer any of his questions, and they were Tykeara, Chamorr, Sarvia and Ravashaak.

* The body of a Wehnimer's town guard was found hanging from a tree in the Lower Dragonsclaw forest. Speculation swirled around his death.

* Reporting to have seen strange shadows following them, Seomanthe, Kiske, Maags and Cruxophim are assaulted by darkness, their bodies wracked with agony and then left disconnected from the mana essences around them. They are cursed by the Shadows and unable to use magic.

* Lord Rinhale announced he intends to begin questioning local shopkeepers in Wehnimer's Landing, while still continuing to question townspeople. He went on to stress that because of the alliance between the Turamzzyrian Empire and Wehnimer's Landing, he expects everyone to comply with his investigation.

Lormesta 5114 (January, 2014)

* Shadowy voidlings and imps attack Wehnimer’s Landing, engaging and distracting the defenders while the anti-Arkati cultists assaulted the Temple of Ivas in the Vipershroud. Parts of the temple were burned, and the statue of Ivas was defiled. When adventurers arrived and finally fought off the zealots, they found two delimbed Ivasian priestesses. One of the bodies became animated, eerily spoke to those gathered, before both corpses exploded into blood red globules, before finally be dispatched.

* It was announced that Lord Rinhale Hurrst was now conducting some audits of the local merchant’s guild in Wehnimer’s Landing, claiming some financial discrepancies were noted.

* Maags was abducted in Wehnimer’s Landing and taken to the brass tower near the east side of town. Adventurers searched all over for her, until finally discovering her in the tower, where she claimed to have been tortured and flayed by Rinhale and some of his Estorian knights.

* Upon receiving a letter from Sir Cryheart, the Northern Sentinel, Earl Jovery issues a response politely reminding Lord Rinhale to hurry along with his investigation in Wehnimer’s Landing, while also strongly encouraging the Landing’s local authorities to cooperate.

* Yellow-eyed zealots, presumably a cult following towards Althedeus, attacked the Luukos Shrine near the Coastal Cliffs by Wehnimer’s Landing. Many adventurers came to fight off the zealots and suffered heavy casualities. It was then a colossal soul golem arrived and crushed the remaining zealots, just as part of the underground area collapsed, the rubble blocking off Luukos’ shrine.

* Mayor Walkar declared that all of Rinhale’s questioning of townspeople must have town militia members in attendance, to ensure protection of the citizens. Days later, repairs to the Raging Thrak Inn are announced, and Rinhale’s room and his knights are relocated to Wayside Inn.

* In the Elven Nations, waves of undead continued to assault both Ta’Vaalor and Ta’Illistim. Tiope once again gave the Legionnaires a chance to join her cause, warning the Elven Houses would fall, and that Ta’Ardenai already had. Her offer was refused.

* Krolvin ships arrive on Teras, dropping off a wave of skilled warriors. Battle ensues on the isle, as Prince Voregrek joins his citizens in the conflict. After the krolvin are beat back, the dwarven Prince assess the new archery towers that had been setup along the beach, and informs those gathered that additional archers had been hired to help man the towers.

* Lord Rinhale engaged in a heated exchange on the steps of Hearthstone Porch in Wehnimer’s Landing. He received a number of open threats, and even volleyed with a few insults of his own. Many demanded he leave town, to which he informed them that the town leaders were delaying their meetings with him, therefor prolonging his investigation. Lord Rinhale retired for the evening, escorted away by Sir Cryheart, who he had asked to meet with in private.

* In Ta’Illistim, Tiope’s undead forces pushed into the city, surrounding the dais as forces clashed on the streets of the elven city.

* After a drill in Ta’Vaalor, the Legionnaires recruited all who would aid them and made a push to take back the Ravelin. They were met with a tremendous undead force and after a lot of bloodshed, turned back unsuccessful.

* Rumors began to circulate that Rinhale had gone missing, having never returned to his quarters after the confrontation with many adventurers on the Hearthstone Porch nights before. Mayor Walkar announced an investigation into his disappearance would be conducted.

* Invasions continued to hit Ta’Vaalor and Ta’Illistim, while siege engines were deployed by the undead and made both the Dais and King’s Court perilous places to be.

* Mayor Walkar announced the plan to build new mobile ballista towers for the defense of Wehnimer’s Landing, and will be giving the local Cooperative Houses of Elanthia a chance to donate funds to their creation.

* A successful counter strike was launched against the undead out of Ta’Vaalor, and the Ravelin was finally reclaimed.

* Khylon, the town marshal of Wehnimer’s Landing, began to question a few suspects in the disappearance of Rinhale Hurrst. His lists of suspects at the time were the following: Walkar, Deylan, Stephos, Drangell, Tykel, Sarvia, Ravashaak, Uskeye, Cruxophim, Greganth, Xoryl, Sareyna, Giogionni, Tykeara, Riend, Azimar, Zeminar, Kerl, Masrath, Hapenlok, Neovik, Psystahldar, Myharl, Ewin, Bekke, Cryheart and Maags.

* Illistim mages performed a spell outside of the crimson portals in the Elven Nations, in a hope to destroy them. Their magic had ill-desired effects, destroying all of them, and opening the portals to the other side. King Qalinor Vaalor and Lord Legionnaire Commander Jaranzair led the assault through the portals, discovering that the ancient ruins of ShadowGuard awaited them. A bloody conflict ensued.

* Khylon continued more questioning of suspects in Wehnimer’s Landing, then helped to organize a massive search party. Five groups were formed to cover the town and its environs, and they were led by Dakris the furrier, Puptilian, Vrairdrick, Uskeye and Cryheart. The areas they were assigned included the Burrow Way, Coastal Cliffs, Lowe Dragonsclaw, Upper Trollfang, Wehntoph, Spider Temple, and the Mine Road. Among the search party, was the unscrupulous assassin known as Vleg, who claimed he wish to aid in preventing the Turamzzyrian Empire from turning its sights on the Landing. Later into the night, Ondreian located a poor concealed pile of dirt and dozens of adventurers descended onto the location, digging away to find the corpse of Rinhale Hurrst. Loresinging by Ariandae and Archales revealed that Rinhale had a secret lover’s tryst with Lady Alendrial in the woods. The lore discovered that a shadowy figure had attacked Rinhale and killed him, leaving Alendrial behind as the sole witness to the murder. When the information was presented to town officials, Marshal Khylon arrested Alendrial, detaining her for protection, and questioning. Despite the discovery of the corpse, the magical black coral amulet Rinhale had was not found with the body.

* Councilman Stephos angrily told adventurers on the Hearthstone Porch that his wife Alendrial could rot in jail for her infidelity. A messenger then arrived and informed him that Mayor Walkar intended to free his wife from jail. The councilman stormed off.

* Mayor Walkar and a crowd of adventurers gathered at the North Docks in Wehnimer’s to watch the Estorian knights slowly move their way through town, carrying a crate with Rinhale’s body inside. The procession ended at the docks, where the knights placed Rinhale’s body and crate on a ship. The knights turned to face the gathered crowd, many reaching for their swords, and the threat of a bloody conflict drawing near. The heroes present withdrew their weapons and prepared, just as members of the Brotherhood of Rooks also appeared along warehouse rooftops, lending their bows for support. Outnumbered, the knights boarded their ship and sailed home to Idolone.

* After the presence of Estorian knights were out of Wehnimer’s Landing, Mayor Walkar released Lady Alendrial from jail and she was escorted home by local adventurers. Alendrial had explained that she was afraid to tell anyone of what happened, because she feared her husband Stephos’ wrath at finding out about the affair with Rinhale, one of his old enemies. A little later, Kilron came around and told the heroes that someone came in and sold a cracked black coral amulet to his pawnshop, apparently not knowing what it was. Kilron had the heroes help him find the museum curator Glethad, who agreed to research the amulet with the help of Magister Raelee and Aurla.

* That same night, after the research of the amulet had begun, Thrayzar the orc was spotted running along the rooftops of Wehnimer’s Landing. Guards were told not to attack, but soon Rooks appeared on the rooftops, hunting down the orc. Cries filled the streets as some guards ran into view, their faces melted with acid. Madelyne, the urnon golem was spotted slipping through the shadows of the town, killing guards as she passed. After attacking some of the adventurers, the golem escaped through a red portal near the town gates. Soon after, Thrayzar the orc reappeared and explained to those present that he had been hunting the golem, and tracked her here. He had very strong words for many present, in regards to the misguided slaughter of his clan. The orc did not linger, and left minutes later, to continue his hunt.

* Days later, Glethad, Raelee and Aurla gathered a large crowd inside of the Landing Museum to report on the information they gleaned from Rinhale’s amulet. They had learned the amulet was an ancient artifact from before the Wizardwaste was created, and that blood magic and demonic materials was required in its original creation, making it a curious item for an imperial inquisitor to be using. Glethad then activated the amulet, and all those present were able to hear a partial report of Rinhale’s skewed findings, which many feared were going to be reported back to someone of great importance in the Empire, or perhaps already had. At the end, the heroes are able to see through Rinhale’s eyes, and discover his murderer was actually Madelyne, the urnon golem. The amulet then crumbles into ash, taking any evidence with it.

* The adventurers learned of krolvin forces on the Coastal Cliffs and rushed in to fight them. Pushing back the krolvin, they heroes venture out into the waters of Darkstone Bay and board two krolvin ships. Large crates of weapons are found on board, along with maps of Teras and other cities along the coastline of the Turamzzyrian Empire. The first ship is set on fire. The second ship is not as easily destroyed, and exploration of it reveals a summoning chamber below deck, where the heroes encounter a massively powerful oculoth. Once the demon is killed, a rift instantly teleports the heroes into scattered locations in the wilds, and the ship is torn apart. A weapons crate, matching the ones found on the krolvin warships, is found tucked into the Burrow Way caverns near the Coastal Cliffs.

* Teuriz, the wandering Tehir shaman who had been in Wehnimer’s Landing for a few months, pushing around his cart, offered a possible means to cure the four adventurers who had been cursed and severed from their magic. Seomanthe and Cruxophim refuse to partake in a blood ritual, while Kiske and Maags agree, with the promise that no one protecting them gets hurt. The shaman performs his ritual, requiring many in the crowd for assistance, including Sarvia, Ravashaak, Sareyna, Avalera, Rozy, Giogonni, Kaldonis, Astru, Raincail and Cryheart. After a gruesome, challenging ritual, Kiske and Maags are cured of their affliction.

* Mayor Walkar announced that Grand Magister Pylasar of the Hall of Mages is set to appear soon in Wehnimer’s Landing, and will be responsible for opening and maintaining the portal to Talador so everyone may participate in the upcoming festivities and baronial coronation.

* The Estorian knights arrived back at Idolone with Rinhale’s body, and the Earl of Estoria announced a few days of mourning, before meeting with his advisors to weigh options for seeking justice against Wehnimer’s Landing, whom he considers personally responsible for Rinhale’s demise.

Fashanos 5114 (February, 2014)

* Grand Magister Pylasar, from the Hall of Mages in the Swale, arrived in Wehnimer’s Landing and opened up a portal to Talador. The portal would remain accessible the entire month, allowing adventurers to visit Talador during the Baronial Coronation Festival.

* In Talador, adventurers got to explore parts of the town, shop at a number of local and traveling merchants, and even brave the dangers of the haunted silver mines, ogre and orc infested woodlands, an old battlefield, and even the gnarled minions of a witch in a dark forest named the Murkwoods.

* Adventurers met many flavorful townspeople in Talador, including Glissando a wandering minstrel, Dowager Paiva a local healer, the chocolatier Tootzy, Jalup the owner of the Bitter Bite, Khazhim the ex-captain of the Taladorian Guard, Zaestreos a local drunk and shady individual, Achner the silversmith, Saesi a dwarven widow, Old Winniefred a retired lady of the night from the Honey Mine, Asvith a dwarven scout and member of the Sunfist, Madam Ardenale of the Honey Mine brothel, Brumahrn a local blacksmith, the spinster Mareika, the confectioner Darelle, wife to Burchard, a local baker, Middala, who had moved from Wehnimer’s Landing to Talador, the cartographer Debes, a swindler and speculator named Codsworth, the street waif Tzigen, and Lady Cosima the daughter of Lord Thermon, the leader of the Noble Council of Talador.

* During the time in Talador, Lordship Kuligar, who was selected to be become the new Baron, frequently visited adventurers in town, often stopping by the Bitter Bite tavern, despite such behavior typically unexpected from nobility.

* During the time in Talador, Lord Thermon was seen consistently trying to arrange the marriage of his daughter Lady Cosima, to Lordship Kuligar. After a while, it also became apparent that Sir Davard, the Captain of the Taladorian Guard, was madly in love with Cosima and resentment for Kuligar had grown.

* Meanwhile, in the Elven Nations, elven forces continued to push into the recently opened Shadowguard, going back and forth against the seemingly endless tide of undead.

* Rumors spread like wildfire in Talador, some suggesting an evil witch lived in a cabin nearby, some suggesting a vein of a new gem discovered named blood marble in the haunted mines, and even some talking of monster hordes growing in power in the DragonSpine mountains.

* Lordship Kuligar, with little fanfare, was escorted through the portal to Wehnimer’s Landing and met with Mayor Walkar, and Stephos, Jenkins and Khylon of the town council. They discussed plans to establish stronger trade and alliances between Talador and Wehnimer’s Landing.

* Lord Eldurn Winter from Brisker’s Cove spent some time in Talador, spending some time handling some merchant business. One night in the Bitter Bite, the traveling wine merchant Juramis confronted Lord Winter about the rumors of him seeking Juramis’ death. The matter was discussed openly among the two men, ending with Lord Winter dismissing such rumors and offering a chance for Juramis to return to Brisker’s Cove and come work with him.

* Huge black owls were seen one night, soaring down and snatching up children and eventually even Taladorian guards, lifting off and carrying them into the night. Adventurers tracked them down and discovered the entrance to the Murkwoods, where they eventually found the witch’s cabin and were confronted by Raznel, an old enemy presumably thought killed years ago in Wehnimer’s Landing.

* Days later, in another confrontation, adventures were able to storm Raznel’s cabin and discovered four ossuaries, two of them already destroyed. Upon inspecting, the remaining two ossuaries contained etchings of Seomanthe and Cruxophim, and the adventurers eventually destroyed the urns, causing pain to Seomanthe and Cruxophim, but eventually breaking the curse that had previously blocked their magic. The other two urns presumably belonged to Maags and Kiske, whose curses had been lifted by the Tehir shaman Teuriz weeks before. After the raid on the cabin, Raznel avoided future conflict and the path to her cabin had magically disappeared.

* During one of the battles with Raznel and her minions, the witch had mentioned for her attackers to ask Lordship Kuligar if Saralyn would be making it to the coronation. Later, when Lordship Kuligar was asked about Saralyn, he denied recognizing the name and dismissed the witch’s words. Days later, Lordship Kuligar announced his engagement to Lady Cosima.

* Using the name of Lord Ulest, Vleg had been spending time in Talador. After a few days, his identity was figured out and locals reported the sighting of the known assassin Vleg. Taladorian guards found the wanted criminal in the Bitter Bite tavern and apprehended him, planning to execute him publically after the coronation.

* For a few nights, the ghosts of dead Jantalarian soldiers invaded outside of Talador. Eventually adventurers discovered the spirits were tied to a candle an old widow was burning in her home in Talador. The candle was revealed to be made out of the melted skin of old Jantalarian soldiers, who had been killed by the woman’s sorcerer husband, after the soldiers tortured and killed their daughter. The candle was eventually destroyed, and the spirits released.

* During the time in Talador, Sir Davard led a few patrols, joined by some visiting adventurers, to hunt down and bring justice to the roaming bandits in the area. Many of the bandits were said to be ex-Jantalarian soldiers, who had found no home or purpose to return to after Jantalar’s failed conquests a decade before, so had been forced into a life of thievery.

* Meanwhile, on Teras Isle, a few more incursions happened with the krolvin along the beaches of the volcanic island.

* The Church of Koar announced it was sending high priest Chaston Griffin to become the new Prelate of Talador, to oversee the rebuilding and expansion of the Church of Koar in Talador. Days later, Prelate Chaston arrived to Talador, accompanied by a following of loyal priests and priestesses of Koar.

* Visitors in Talador reported seeing half-eaten aelotoi wings around town and in the wilds. After days of a few more sightings, heroes adventured out into the wilds and located a horde of monsters, led by a huge ogre that had been capturing and eating aelotoi. The adventures eventually dispatched the ogre and its minions.

* After finishing his business in Talador, Lord Winter returned through the portal to Wehnimer’s Landing, where his ship waited for him to carry him back to Brisker’s Cove.

* Over a hundred adventurers, and thousands of townspeople, gathered at Doggoroth Keep to witness the coronation ceremony of Baron Kuligar Gardane. Visiting nobility were slowly escorted up to a stone dais, including Baron Malwind, his daughter Lady Athalia, his guard captain Gurbah, Earl Jovery, Baroness Delphinuria and a grouping of Taladorian, Hendoran, Vornavian and Jantalarian knights. Among the knights in attendance on the dais, were Sir Cryheart, Sir Metadi, Sir Bristenn, Dame Yviara and Dame Deavon, who had escorted Baron Malwind and his daughter. Shortly after the visiting nobility took their places, the priests of Koar and Prelate Chaston joined the stage, followed by Lord Thermon and the future bride of the Baron, Lady Cosima. Jeers erupted in the crowd when Sir Davard escorted the criminal Vleg up to the dais, bound in chains, where it was expected he would be publically executed after the coronation for crimes in the Empire. Greeted by a thousand cheers and thundering applause, Lordship Kuligar took the stage and was anointed by chrism from Prelate Chaston, and then appointed and proclaimed Baron by Earl Jovery. Lord Thermon then announced the wedding date for Cosima and Kuligar to be on the 15th of Charlatos, and that everyone is invited to return to celebrate the event. Following that announcement, Glissando the minstrel performed a new song created specifically for the coronation. Baron Kuligar then gave a riveting speech about Talador’s bold and prosperous new future, which was cut short when a patch of shadows peeled off of Grhim’s back, who had been standing on the observation deck above. The shadow shifted to reveal the urnon golem Madelyne Cross, who leapt down onto the stone dais, rushed past Sir Davard who did not budge to stop her, and stabbed Baron Kuligar.

* Knights rushed in to aid Baron Kuligar and stop the golem, but Madelyne escaped in a flash of crimson light. The crowd half erupted into cries of shock, the other half silenced in awe. As Baron Kuligar’s body hit the ground, it transformed into the corpse of Deylan, the orange-eyed humanoid spy who worked for Mayor Walkar.

* Immediately following the chaos of the assassination and shapeshifter revelation, Earl Jovery sought to gain control of the situation and warned all visitors to return to where they came from, that the danger in Talador might still be on the loose. Sir Davard rushed Cosima off the stage to get her to safety, and Vleg was escorted back to his prison cell.

* Back in Wehnimer’s Landing, Mayor Walkar called on Grand Magister Pylasar to destroy the portal to Talador, after all of the visitors had returned. Mayor Walkar then revealed to the baffled and angry crowd that Kuligar had went to meet a secret lover, Saralyn, in the Talador forest months ago and had fallen off his horse, resulting in his death. Deylan had been tasked to spy on the Taladorian leadership, to learn who might be best to work with in brokering alliances and trade. Deylan had followed Kuligar to the secret meeting in the forest, and had seen him fall. It was then that Saralyn stepped out of the forest, and having seen Deylan, the shapechanging spy had no choice in his mind, but to silence her. Using Kuligar’s unfortunate death as an opportunity, Deylan took on Kuligar’s form and continued on with the plan for Kuligar to become Baron, who would then become the staunchest ally of Wehnimer’s Landing, with the ability to provide imperial soldiers and resources that Wehnimer’s lacked. Mayor Walkar promised that he did not instruct Deylan to do any of this, but once he was made aware, he allowed the deception to continue. Mayor Walkar promised to do what he could to ease the troubles with imperial allies he had created.

* On the heels of the Tragedy in Talador, Estoria announced it would sent an imperial fleet to launch an attack on Wehnimer’s Landing, joined by the declaration of Lord Thermon, who had also declared that Taladorian forces would march, embarking on a crusade for justice against Wehnimer’s Landing.

* The adventurers and townspeople of Wehnimer’s Landing are left divided, as some work to squelch imperial anger, and others prepare for war.

Charlatos 5114 (March, 2014)

* Lord Eldurn Winter sent a letter to Coucilman Stephos that he and many nobles in Brisker’s Cove continue to support Wehnimer’s Landing and hope and encourage trade agreements to remain in place.

* Grand Magister Pylasar left Wehnimer’s Landing to go back to Chastonia to try to secure some political allies for Mayor Walkar.

* Some adventurers around Wehnimer's Landing noticed strange sea blue motes of light floating around town. Over the course of the next few days, some adventurers notice sea blue specks forming in their pupils. Those effected are Galdreth, Stormyrain, Ayaki, Glyhne, Concise, Ohr, Mikeke, Dendum, Hapenlok, Geijon, Saveela, Palcron, Balantine, Rtune, Tknar, Imena, Ravashaak, Svantai, Sylverose, Sairai, Radeek, Bjarn, Ephya and Raelee.

* Ravashaack, effected by the blue specks in his eyes, had a vision where he overhears conversations of others effected by the blue specks, before his vision changed to thousands of krolvin ships amassing at the Shores of Glaoveln.

* Mayor Walkar announced that a logging camp had been built in the Lower Dragonsclaw forest and all are encouraged to help gather logs and prepare traps in the trees of the forest, to help defend against invasions.

* Adventurers began to patrol the rooftops of many buildings in Wehnimer's Landing, stocking up on arrows and bows in order to use the roofs as another measure of defense against enemies in their streets.

* News out of Talador announced the execution of Vleg, the assassin wanted for many crimes in the Turamzzyrian Empire.

* Reports of the northern provinces of the Turamzzyrian Empire revealed that great hordes of monsters were organizing and Mestanir saw increased attacks along their borders.

* Rumors reached Wehnimer's Landing that there was an increased level of demonic activity along the Demonwall and that recently the Order of the Golvern Star had suffered an alarming rate of causalities.

* Baron Malwind sent a letter requesting Mayor Walkar's presence at court in the Vornavis Keep to explain his role in the duplicity and tragedy at the baronial coronation in Talador.

* Meanwhile, in the Elven Nations, Tiope's undead minions continued to assault Ta'Vaalor and Ta'Illistim, carrying out some of the bloodiest conflicts since the portals to ShadowGuard had been opened.

* Mayor Walkar, along with dozens of adventurers, traveled to Solhaven where they were escorted to the Great Hall in Vornavis for an audience with Baron Malwind. Walkar and Malwind exchanged a few heated words and in the end Baron Malwind said he would do all he could to help the people of Wehnimer's Landing in diplomacy, but his hands were tied when it came to military aid or support. Walkar and the adventurers returned back to Wehnimer's Landing with no blood shed, despite the cloud of tension the entire night.

* Emperor Aurmont Anodheles of the Turamzzyrian Empire, Ruler of the Sun Throne, commanded Estoria to refocus their naval efforts on the growing krolvin threat in the western sea, but as a matter of appeasement approved of a small detachment of ships to remain on course for Wehnimer's Landing. In addition, the Sun Throne commanded Earl Jovery, the Northern Sentinel, to quickly take control of the troubling situations in the North.

* Alendrial DeArchon found a ledger her husband Stephos had, showing large orders for weapons placed by the merchant's guild to Tykel. Many encouraged her to turn it over to the authorities in case something didn't look right. Stephos claimed he was innocent of any conspiracy people were grasping at. In the end, Alendrial returned the tome to Stephos, who moved back into their home together and seemed to be trying to mend their relationship.

* Sir Toliman Taggart, a knight of the Order of the Golvern Star, arrived in Wehnimer's Landing via the Glaesen Star. The knight had briefly visited Kharam Dzu where he had traveled to lay his father to rest. Sir Toliman briefly spoke to those gathered in the town of the gathering darkness at the Demonwall then explained that he would be setting off to return to his post the following day.

* Grand Magister Pylasar returned to Wehnimer's Landing from his trip to Chastonia, having failed to receive any political support for Mayor Walkar. The archmage declared he would remain in Wehnimer's Landing to observe and study Mayor Walkar's cursed armor and the new magical affliction causing some people's eyes to gain blue specks. Many present explained that some of them felt the blue specks in the eyes were related to Grishom Stone, who was presumably dead, but perhaps something or someone was using their eyes as a means of divination. When Magister Raelee revealed to Grand Magister Pylasar that her eyes also had the blue specks, he advised her not to return to the Empire or the Hall of Mages until the mystery of the specks could be discovered, as she was likely compromised.

* Earl Jovery made a declaration strongly suggesting Talador turn away from their conflict against Wehnimer's Landing and to seek another approach for justice. The Earl went on to say he would not support Talador's actions, but would not act to stop them. He also commanded Vornavis to turn its focus to defenses against the krolvin threat and that resources from Hendor and Jantalar would be used in helping to aid Mestanir against the recent incursions from monsters. In addition, Earl Jovery commanded the knights in the Order of the Silver Gryphons to stand down from any conflict with Talador, claiming their involvement would just complicate matters.

* Mayor Walkar and Marshal Khylon hired more militia members in Wehnimer's Landing. Marshal Khylon called upon his old dwarven mercenary company and brought in some additional defenders for hire to help against any war with Talador.

* Glissando, the traveling minstrel showed up in Wehnimer's Landing, having left Talador a week before. He warned the adventurers that Talador would march to war soon and that Sir Davard leads them and the entire conflict has been anointed by Prelate Chaston Griffin, the high priest of Koar in Talador. Glissando then bid farewell and said his travels would take him south, far from the conflict in the north.

* One evening, krolvin war galleys attacked Wehnimer's Landing, Teras and River's Rest in an organized strike. Krolvin swarmed from their boats, racking up many causalities before the defenders of all three towns finally stopped them and destroyed their ships.

* Ta'Vaalor launched a counter attack, led by King Qalinor Falustro Vaalor, against Tiope's undead forces in ShadowGuard. During the battle, Tiope had a moment of lucidity and realized the damage she was causing and so impaled herself on her own sword, taking her life. Her body was consumed by shadows a demonic creature appeared, slaughtering many before it was finally dispatched. The portals to ShadowGuard then closed, the threat from Tiope having ended.

* Construction finished on new mobile siege towers outside of Wehnimer's Landing, each one funded by four organizations (Rone Academy, House of Paupers, House Sovyn and Silvergate Inn) of the Cooperative Houses of Elanthia. The towers were deployed into the Lower Dragonsclaw forest and were named Rone's Wrath, Paupers' Defense, Sovyn Safeguard and the Silvergate Shield.

* Word was sent to Baron Malwind requesting use of the refugee camps outside of Vornavis to be used as temporary shelter for citizens looking to flee Wehnimer's Landing before the coming war. Baron Malwind regretfully declined the request and instead tore down the old camps and repurposed the resources to help the Vornavis Navy as they prepared to defend against krolvin.

* With war almost certain, many shops closed up in town as some citizens decided to leave their business and seek safety in another town. The local shops that closed were the boutique, clothier, wine shop, candle wagon, candy shop, bakery, grocer and music shop.

* Organized by the Landing Defense Irregulars and undertaken by dozens and dozens of adventurers, a protected evacuation was successful in transporting almost two hundred citizens from Wehnimer's Landing to Icemule, in hopes of escaping the coming war. The escort was met with some dangers from ice trolls as it got closer to Icemule, but barely suffered any causalities. Early on in the escort, a Taladorian scout was seen near the Glatoph and was killed quickly.

* After celebrating a successful escort in Icemule, Stormyrain, who was effected by the blue specks in her eyes, had a vision in a tavern in Icemule. Her vision showed the march of Taladorian forces had already begun and she saw a dark cloth-covered wagon far behind their columns of soldiers. As the vision drew her closer to the wagon, she was wracked with pain and the vision ended abruptly.

* A damage Estorian ship arrived on the Black Sands near Wehnimer's Landing, the only survivors being three knights, two sailors and an archer. Local adventurers quickly arrived to meet them and were told that a massive fleet of krolvin wreaked havoc on their imperial fleet. The Estorians also explained that the krolvin were augmented by demons in the sky. Mayor Walkar then arrived with some of his town guards and many in the crowd cried out for him to show mercy and not kill the Estorians. Walkar asked if the Estorians had intended to show them any mercy, had their travel been successful, to which they replied no. Surprising many present, Walkar offered quarter to the Estorians and declared they would be healed and fed and then returned home to Estoria, via land.

* Ephya, effected by the blue specks in her eyes, had a vision of the detachment of the Estorian fleet on its way to Wehnimer's Landing, where it had then been almost completely destroyed by krolvin and demons, thus confirming the Estorian survivor's story. Her vision ended with a large krolvin standing on the deck of a massive ship, his onyx-hued eyes gleaming with anger and his arm wearing a red steel gauntlet that he raised high in triumph.

* House of the Rising Phoenix offered to open their building up to people in Wehnimer's Landing who did not wish to flee, but wanted additional protection and safety in numbers. Many townspeople answered the call, including many in Shanty Town, and took up temporary residence within the walls of House Phoenix.

* Geijon, effected by the blue specks in his eyes, had a vision of blood rain in the sky and a gnarled black tree growing in the Lower Dragonsclaw forest, a tree matching the same found in the orchard behind Moot Hall. Later, scouts confirmed that a black tree bearing blood apples had indeed appeared in the forest, the first known time one had been spotted outside of its original grove.

* Thrayzar returned to Wehnimer's Landing from his scouting mission. He informed the heroes that there was about a week left before the Taladorian army would arrive. Thrayzar was then asked to speak to the local kobolds about garnering their aid against the imperial army, who would likely be unkind to their race and forest.

* A krolvin ship was spotted near Solhaven and is destroyed by catapults, but not before it sends a wave of krolvin onto the Vornavis beach. Local heroes and adventurers kill off all of the krolvin in a bloody battle.

* A kobold warchief showed up on the steps of Hearthstone and offered an alliance to the people of Wehnimer's Landing. The agreement was that the kobolds would fight alongside them against Talador, but that the people of Wehnimer's needed to avoid the kobold village. The terms were agreed upon and an alliance was formed.

Olaesta 5114 (April, 2014)

* Rtune, effected by the blue specks in his eyes, had a vision of Lord Thermon Chisholm offering Sir Davard the hand of his daughter, Cosima, if he wins the war against Wehnimer's Landing.

* Estorian ships arrived on the beaches of River's Rest and instead of housing imperials, it was a bunch of krolvin that swarmed out and attacked before they were defeated and the ships destroyed.

* The Taladorian army launched a major offensive against Wehnimer's Landing, hurling boulders and arrow volleys into the town, slaughtering adventurers and townspeople alike. A few siege engines were located near Danjirland and destroyed by the defenders. The Taladorian war camp was discovered near the tree spirits in Upper Trollfang.

* The black trees behind Moot Hall started to gather all dead adventurers who died within the walls of Wehnimer's Landing, magically teleporting their bodies back to the orchard and creating a new, questionable spot for triage.

* After days of ongoing battles, Sir Davard and the remainder of his army arrived at the front lines and continued with almost daily and nighty attacks on Wehnimer's Landing. Davard was injured and killed a number of times, but was always dragged off by his soldiers and healed.

* Fyrentennimar, effected by the blue specks in his eyes, had a vision of Prelate Chaston of the Church of Koar in Talador giving Sir Davard a suit of magical adamantine full plate and a blessed golden sword, dubbed Koar's Fury and Might.

* As the Taladorian assault against Wehnimer's Landing raged on, on many occasions Sir Davard joined the fray, cutting down defenders before eventually being stopped each time, only to be pulled off the field and healed.

* The krolvin launched a major assault against the City of Freeport in the County of Torre. Citizens of River's Rest are warned to be on high alert as forces from the ongoing battle could spill over to their small island nearby.

* Sir Davard issued his demands for a surrender from Wehnimer's Landing, promising to end the war if they were met in full. The demands require that 1. Mayor Walkar and those who conspire with him will be taken into Taladorian custody. 2. Talador will officially occupy Wehnimer's Landing with Sir Davard in command and the barony's flag on their gates. 3. The demonic orchard behind Moot Hall would be destroyed. 4. Wehnimer's Landing would pay for the construction of a Temple of Koar and 5. All followers of Lornon in the town would be hunted down and put to the sword.

* Sir Norallen of Honneland, who had come to Wehnimer's Landing to seek out a legendary weapon in a quest to join the Order of the Golvern Star, brokered a meeting with some adventurers and Sir Davard to discuss his blade. Sir Davard lectured everyone on the power of Koar and the might of men over blades, and then his audience was allowed to leave without harm.

* One evening Taladorian forces rushed the gates with ballistae and rams, and Sir Davard set upon the orchard behind Moot Hall, where he cut down dozens of clerics and priests and the recently resurrected. He was eventually thwarted and injured by Rtune before he crawled away and escaped.

* Krolvin launched another attack on Solhaven Bay and swarmed the beaches before Vornavis defenses destroyed their ships. Many adventurers and defenders fought the krolvin on the beach and killed them all, keeping them from reaching the towns.

* Night after night, Taladorian forces continued to set up barricades in the environs around Wehnimer's Landing, cutting them off from other towns and establishing catapults behind the blockades. Night after night, the heroes continued to cut down the Taladorians and destroy their siege engines and barricades.

* During many of the Taladorian attacks, Mayor Walkar or Marshal Khylon fought alongside the adventurers. Each time Mayor Walkar battled amongst the adventurers, his armor would end up draining him by the end of the night, forcing him to rest or eat of the blood trees in the orchard.

* In a strategic counter attack, Thrayzar the orc led a group of adventurers to an area in the Red Forest where part of Davard's supply wagons were. The adventurers destroyed dozens of wagons, and killed a number of soldiers, warriors and even seamstresses, cooks and women from the Honey Mine in Talador. It was said that the Grand Magister Pylasar from the Hall of Mages broke his neutrality and aided the heroes in creating a portal to be able to access the Red Forest.

* In response against the supply wagon attack, Sir Davard launched a massive attack and set up barricades and siege engines at the Coastal Cliffs, Upper Trollfang and the Foothills. As defenders rushed to destroy the enemy at each blockade, Sir Davard led an invasion on the Gryphon Holding in Lyserian Hills and overtook it, capturing the fortress and imprisoning its servants inside. From the top of the structure, construction began on two catapults. In a glowing boost of his takeover, Sir Davard renamed the building Koar's Holding.

* Sir Davard sent a letter circulating among his army, and to the supporters back in Talador, detailing his war against Wehnimer's Landing in a good and righteous light and spreading propaganda against his enemy and its citizens, while trying to strengthen the will of the people of Talador.

* In Icemule, members of the Arcane Eyes who seek to summon Thaw, led an attack on the refugees of Wehnimer's Landing in the town, injuring some and capturing one as a potential sacrifice to their elemental.

* On Teras, the krolvin made further advances on the island and the construction on their slave camp finished. Local adventurers made ongoing missions into the camp to fight the krolvin, but their forces have not been able to be pushed back yet.

* Mayor Walkar joined in a battle with the defenders of Wehnimer's as Taladorian forces rolled siege towers into place, assaulting the walls and gates of the town. Mayor Walkar acted as a human shield, being riddled with arrows as he helped to lead the destruction of some of the towers in Upper Trollfang. He then used his waraxe to cut open Grhim's throat, calling upon the magic of his breastplate to channel the blood magic at two of the siege towers, instantly obliterating them. He was left weakened, and escorted back to town to rest.

* Krolvin launched another raid on Wehnimer's Landing, as dozens of ships arrived at the north and middle docks. Krolvin swarmed the town, bursting into buildings and capturing slaves to be boarded on their ships, and cutting down anyone who got in their way. Adventurers rushed in to defend and rescue, killing off many of the krolvin and destroying some ships. Sir Davard led an attack on Wehnimer's Landing, and while some of his knights stood by and did nothing as some innocent people were kidnapped by krolvin, Sir Davard ordered his men to attack the krolvin and even their catapults targeted some of the ships in Darkstone Bay. Only one krolvin ship escaped the conflict and was badly damaged and still on fire as it sailed off. When the dust settled, Sir Davard came in peace to the North Gate and returned dozens of Landing citizens who had been captured by the krolvin, but his Taladorian forces had rescued.

* After a long battle with Taladorian forces, many in Wehnimer's Landing were left dead in the black orchard and few clerics were available to aid the fallen. Mayor Walkar arrived at the orchard, dug his hands into the soil and rose, his eyes glowing as he pointed to one corpse after another, resurrecting all of the fallen adventurers and calling them to return to the fight. The powerful feat left Walkar fatigued and he retired for the evening.

* In spillover from the Battle at Fairport, krolvin began to show up regularly on the beaches of River's Rest, making the area outside of the town's drawbridge more dangerous than normal. A large krolvin ship remained docked near River's Rest, often engaging in battle with imperial ships that got too close, or adventurers who tried to climb aboard.

* A local schooner captain out of Wehnimer's Landing offered to take ten volunteer adventurers out to rescue some prisoners from krolvin slavers.

* In Icemule, members of the Arcane Eyes made a push to summon the great elemental Thaw and were confronted by a number of heroes in the underground ice caverns, their plans temporarily thwarted.

* Meanwhile, while many heroes fought to help Icemule, Sir Davard launched a massive attack on Wehnimer's Landing and setup a blockade on the Glatoph, preventing those in Icemule from easily returning to defend. Wehnimer's suffered great causalities and was on the brink of being overwhelmed, and Marshal Khylon and Mayor Walkar soon joined the fight as well. Walkar was surrounded by Taladorian forces and cut down, then magically teleported back to the black orchard. The trees healed his wounds and returned life to him, and he charged out into the forest and released a wave of crimson energy, burning up the Taladorian's bodies and leaving him weakened and nearly unconscious. Ondreian helped him back to the black orchard, where he walked into the grove of trees and disappeared. Minutes later, cold winds rushed across the entire town and the air grew chilled. The trees behind Moot Hall stretched and released dozens of tiny red spores that floated off over the Lower Dragonsclaw and Upper Trollfang and beyond. Wherever the spores landed, a new gnarled oily black tree arose.

* With the situation between Wehnimer's Landing and Talador quickly deteriorating, Baron Malwind sent his son, Salnim as an envoy to parlay with Sir Davard in an attempt to reason with the commander and focus the might of Talador on real enemies such as the krolvin on the seas and the monster hordes in the north.

* Factions within Wehnimer's Landing began to secretly plot to strike at Davard where it might hurt him the most.

05-05-2014, 05:26 PM

feel free to add to this page

05-05-2014, 05:30 PM
TL: DR!!

...kidding, this is bad-ass! Thanks for putting it together! :D

05-05-2014, 05:32 PM
As someone who came back relatively recently--this is brilliant. Thanks so much!

05-05-2014, 05:41 PM

feel free to add to this page

I can't upload to Krakii unfortunately, but anyone who can is more than welcome to. It'd be appreciated to keep everything in one place for ease of use.

05-05-2014, 05:43 PM
I can't upload to Krakii unfortunately, but anyone who can is more than welcome to. It'd be appreciated to keep everything in one place for ease of use.

I was planning on putting the pre-cross into shadows stuff eventually, but that's not a priority since I have zero interest in actually being a part of the storyline.

Tsk Tsk
05-05-2014, 07:09 PM
TL: DR!!

...kidding, this is bad-ass! Thanks for putting it together! :D

He's kidding but seriously...

05-05-2014, 07:35 PM
I'm just here for invasion pwnage and RPA goodness.

(Methais roleplays all over the place.)

05-06-2014, 12:01 AM
I'm just here for invasion pwnage and RPA goodness.

(Methais roleplays all over the place.)

I know this is a damn lie

05-06-2014, 06:43 PM
ha, they were all on krakiipedia, just not categorized or crosslinked. That has been fixed.


05-06-2014, 07:26 PM
Awesome, thank you.