View Full Version : Invasion Helpful Hints

04-10-2014, 01:14 AM
I tend to miss a lot of invasions because of timing issues on when I play the most. I've always wondered how some people are able to be so productive in rooms with large parties and enemy swarms. I would typically just fire my bow and hit a default target. During last nights invasion I found myself out of arrows so I would spikethorn critters and just hope what I am aiming for isn't already dead or not there at all.

Can anyone give some tips on your experience in such situations and solutions to help alleviate the problem? I've believe that some are running scripts to help them, but I'm not sure how to apply a script for this situation

04-10-2014, 01:24 AM
A lot of people are using mass spells or mstriking. It's an easy button mash that gets leaned on a lot in very large groups in an effort to get some hits in on as many critters as possible. My suggestion is that groups over 14 start to just get to be difficult, so just try to stick to groups that are a little bit smaller.

04-10-2014, 07:40 AM
Find a smaller group or find a tower to defend. It's not as exciting but you don't get that migraine inducing screen scroll and you might hit something. I'm a big fan of smaller groups patrolling rather than one big super group. In this invasion there are so many areas to help. There are numerous towers all over. Gates and out in the field. There are groups that will stay only in town to defend the gates when they are breached. There are those out scouting for catapults and siege engines. Pick a spot you think you feel like you can help the most and send out a thought or just ask a passing group. I had a character sit in TSC just unstunning people as they were brought back. Every little bit helps

04-10-2014, 09:12 AM
As a ranger you have a ton of useful magics for invasions.

610/620 tangle weed

615 call swarm

Using 117 on others to make sure the hardest are taken down quickly.

Using 106 fog since invasion monsters typically hit harder and but are easier to hit.
mass calm is an amazing spell in this type of situation and keeps more people alive in your group

All help the group survive.

For invasions/group hunting you can also adjust the amount of information coming in with the Set command, turning off others, etc helps with screen scroll, can also turn off room descriptions since, you typically know where you are. Can play around with it and find your comfort level.