View Full Version : Kenstromé, Talador, Inavsions, Levels

04-07-2014, 03:08 PM
Has anyone broken down the spread out Taladorians into level range yet? I know the claid swinging ones are post cap...looking from something closer to 50 or 60.

04-07-2014, 03:17 PM
From the officials, under the Landing topic:

The Taladorian army has officially arrived in force. So even when there are not manual invasions going on, you will find a way to fight back, no matter your level. In areas near Wehnimer's Landing, I have set up 8 zones. I'm leaving it up to the players to communicate and learn which ones are which, and which ones they can handle. The lowest level is 5.


Here are my observations, anyone fill in/comment/correct? Here is the list of the eight zones in ascending order of difficulty (I think):

Lower Dragonsclaw: Incanters (wizard) and Armigers (warrior?). These seem to be the lowest. DS ~ 30-60
Mine Road: Infantryman (warrior). DS ~ 170
Coastal Cliffs: Arcanists (sorcerer). DS ~ 200
East Trollfang (Hill troll area): Spiritmasters (cleric?) Archers. DS ~ 200-300
Black Sands: Pathfinders (ranger). DS ~ 250-350 (but can cast WOF)
Trollfang (Danjirland): Purifiers (cleric): Just below cap, DS ~ 400, TD ~ 380
Melgorehn's Valley: Legionnaires (warrior): Cap, AS ~ 445 DS ~ 337 TD ~ 400 These wear full plate and have jeddart-axes
West Trollfang (Forest Troll area): Warmages, Knights, Crossbowman--Post cap. Knights have claids. Mages cast weapon fire. These are mostly off the "main trail" but do wander onto it, so be careful when running through Trollfang.

Knights are also immune to crits, so they take quite a beating. But, if you can disarm them, they are not so bad.

I haven't seen anything try a maneuver yet.

04-07-2014, 06:49 PM
Opening spell for the warmages is generally Elemental Disjunction (530), which can be a headache.

My current tactic is to keep dispelling their prepared spell until they run out of mana (about 5 times!), or if I can get enough breathing room to hit them with a dual disspell (hooray for 417 scrolls), use that to stun them. Once I get two spells knocked off of them, they're not that hard to kill.

Of course, group hunting them makes more sense.

04-07-2014, 06:51 PM
Wonder if that camp will be used as a temp hunting ground, this method of putting them in existing areas is kind of cool.

04-07-2014, 08:51 PM
The current gms have been good about these temp hunting grounds, knowing that we desperately need more high level hunting. It's definitely been a nice change of pace.

04-07-2014, 09:17 PM
The townspeople inside House Phoenix are a pretty cool addition.

04-08-2014, 11:51 AM
These events are going LATE into the night.
Friday I think I logged out at 130 central and they were still fighting
last night (monday) I think I left around 1245.

04-08-2014, 01:09 PM
These events are going LATE into the night.
Friday I think I logged out at 130 central and they were still fighting
last night (monday) I think I left around 1245.

No kidding. I had to log out at 11 pm central time last night, and they had just breached the gate.

04-08-2014, 09:59 PM
These events are going LATE into the night.
Friday I think I logged out at 130 central and they were still fighting
last night (monday) I think I left around 1245.

No kidding. I had to log out at 11 pm central time last night, and they had just breached the gate.

Yeah, Kenstrom is in the Pacific time zone. Makes for some rough mornings for the East Coasters!

04-09-2014, 05:09 PM
So what is this?

You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a sharp gornar tanto at a Taladorian crusher!
AS: +522 vs DS: +249 with AvD: +9 + d100 roll: +47 = +329
... and hit for 83 points of damage!
Quick, powerful slash!
The Taladorian crusher's chest is ripped open!
The Taladorian crusher rolls over and dies.
A Taladorian crusher loses the flickering energy surrounding it.
The wavering glow around a Taladorian crusher fades away.
a Taladorian crusher seems less resolute.
The very powerful look leaves a Taladorian crusher.
The white light leaves a Taladorian crusher.
A Taladorian crusher appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around its form.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a Taladorian crusher.
The dim celadon wisps about a Taladorian crusher's hands flare up once more and fade completely away.
You feel the unnatural surge of necrotic power wane away.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
A lesser orc tramps east.
Dozens of tiny spirits appear, circling around you and striking at you with bolts of violet plasma.
CS: +297 - TD: +247 + CvA: +12 + d100: +45 == +107
Warding failed!
... 21 points of damage!
The spirits continue to assault you!
... 5 points of damage!
Pinpoint strike sears your chest.

That stuff at the end happens seconds after it's dead. What is it or what's it akin to?

04-09-2014, 05:24 PM
Some paladin spell... retribution i think?

Kind of like cloak of shadows for paladins.

04-09-2014, 05:43 PM
1613 Divine Vengeance
Duration: 1200 seconds +60 seconds for every Paladin spell rank known; refreshable

Type: Special

With Divine Vengeance, the paladin petitions his patron for protection in order to prepare for an unfortunate event. If the paladin is defeated, the patron may choose to exact vengeance upon the paladin's killer (man or beast). This retribution can be very devastating, even fatal; making it known that no one upsets a Power with impunity.

Shortly after the paladin's death, his patron will strike. The paladin's corpse need not be present for the vengeance to take place. However, there is no guarantee that the paladin's patron is not busy with other matters, thus exacting no vengeance, but this is uncommon.

The spell duration will expire with the paladin's death. There are no lore effects for this spell.

04-09-2014, 06:25 PM
Grimswarm paladins have that spell as well, almost killed me a few times by knocking me out of hiding in rt

04-12-2014, 12:46 PM
Also in East Trollfang (hill troll area): Mages. CS ~269 so I guess around level 50ish?

04-26-2014, 01:17 PM
The retribution spell won't go off if you loot them fast enough, I think.

Casters FTW? Hehehe.

05-31-2022, 10:48 PM
From the officials, under the Landing topic:

The Taladorian army has officially arrived in force. So even when there are not manual invasions going on, you will find a way to fight back, no matter your level. In areas near Wehnimer's Landing, I have set up 8 zones. I'm leaving it up to the players to communicate and learn which ones are which, and which ones they can handle. The lowest level is 5.


Here are my observations, anyone fill in/comment/correct? Here is the list of the eight zones in ascending order of difficulty (I think):

Lower Dragonsclaw: Incanters (wizard) and Armigers (warrior?). These seem to be the lowest. DS ~ 30-60
Mine Road: Infantryman (warrior). DS ~ 170
Coastal Cliffs: Arcanists (sorcerer). DS ~ 200
East Trollfang (Hill troll area): Spiritmasters (cleric?) Archers. DS ~ 200-300
Black Sands: Pathfinders (ranger). DS ~ 250-350 (but can cast WOF)
Trollfang (Danjirland): Purifiers (cleric): Just below cap, DS ~ 400, TD ~ 380
Melgorehn's Valley: Legionnaires (warrior): Cap, AS ~ 445 DS ~ 337 TD ~ 400 These wear full plate and have jeddart-axes
West Trollfang (Forest Troll area): Warmages, Knights, Crossbowman--Post cap. Knights have claids. Mages cast weapon fire. These are mostly off the "main trail" but do wander onto it, so be careful when running through Trollfang.

Knights are also immune to crits, so they take quite a beating. But, if you can disarm them, they are not so bad.

I haven't seen anything try a maneuver yet.

Anyone else feel like we're overdue for some type of town takeover to shake things up a bit? Maybe someone can let slip to Kenstrom we think he's slacking, and maybe he'll unlock the gates of hell for a bit.