View Full Version : New warrior!

04-02-2014, 05:40 PM
Hi everyone! I'm a new player who recently rolled up a TWC/Edged warrior. I'm still on my 30 and would appreciate some pointers on my build. Here's the numbers so far:

Name: Katao Race: Dark Elf Profession: Warrior (shown as: Fighter)
Gender: Female Age: 212 Expr: 115883 Level: 10
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 90 (20) ... 90 (20)
Constitution (CON): 83 (11) ... 83 (11)
Dexterity (DEX): 90 (30) ... 90 (30)
Agility (AGI): 90 (25) ... 90 (25)
Discipline (DIS): 73 (1) ... 73 (1)
Aura (AUR): 72 (21) ... 72 (21)
Logic (LOG): 66 (8) ... 66 (8)
Intuition (INT): 55 (7) ... 55 (7)
Wisdom (WIS): 53 (6) ... 53 (6)
Influence (INF): 30 (-15) ... 30 (-15)
Mana: 6 Silver: 0

Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 96 22
Armor Use..........................| 96 22
Combat Maneuvers...................| 96 22
Edged Weapons......................| 96 22
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 25 5
Physical Fitness...................| 114 28
Dodging............................| 96 22
Perception.........................| 54 11
Climbing...........................| 54 11
Swimming...........................| 54 11

I've planned through level 50 but hell I only sort of know what I'm doing. The plan looks like this:

Armor: 2x til MBP
Edged: 2x forever
CM: 2x forever
MoC: every other level, forever
Dodge: 2x forever
Climb & Swim: 1x til 30 ranks
Perc: 1x forever
AS/MIU/Harness: will begin alternating after climb/swim (level 30)

Currently in Voln and wearing double leather with vultite handaxes. I can hunt at level without much trouble but burn through my PTPs like whoa (consistently trading in MTPs), so yeah kinda wondering if that is a bad thing. I also don't know a damn thing about enhancives and what I should be keeping an eye out for.

Thanks in advance for any help! This forum has been a terrific resource and I look forward to seeing you all in-game.

04-02-2014, 05:41 PM
You are only going to MBP? Why?

04-02-2014, 05:49 PM
No first aid training? How you gonna skin things?

04-02-2014, 05:52 PM
have you considered real estate?

04-02-2014, 06:01 PM
Someone told me to stop at MBP. :( Is that dumb? Keep going?

Re: first aid, I've been trying to work it into my plan but don't seem to have enough TPs to pick it up more than every once in a while. Is it worth it to do that?

srsly i am retarded save me

04-02-2014, 06:04 PM
Yes. As a warrior, you want full plate.

04-02-2014, 06:05 PM
Warriors you want to keep training armor use forever. Apart from that they are pretty hard to mess up, just don't try to pick up spells and read up on the guild and redux.

04-02-2014, 06:31 PM
Is there a reason to train in harness power as a non-casting Voln warrior?

04-02-2014, 07:30 PM
spell burst?

04-02-2014, 07:52 PM
I'd love for there to be no reason for harness and will drop it if it's unnecessary.

Without harness I can fit in FA every other level with no issues. At cap we'd look like this:



Better? Or finish my real estate certification?

04-02-2014, 10:05 PM
I'd say just 2x PF, use those points towards pushing MoC up to 1x, then first aid/survival if you really want to skin. I also suggest stopping armor at 140/150 ranks, 150 if you want 5 ranks armor support or 140 if you choose a different armor specialization. You also want to shoot for 50/50 climb/swim at the very least. I capped with 50 climb and 70 swim, climbing was for the rift and swim for Nelemar. While I am a huge fan of dodge, I only had 152 ranks of it when I capped so that I could fit in 1x trading/survival/first aid along with the rest of my basics, I also had 42 MIU and 27 AS for spell burst. While not TWC I was trained THW/brawl, which carries a similar cost, 15/6 to 12/9. Depending on how many spells you like to wear you may want to shoot for more MIU/AS with my skills at cap I could wear 101, 103, 107, 202, 401, 406, 414, 503, 509, and 601. At lower levels you'd want more skills just to be able to wear those because of the way the formula works.

As far as stats go, I highly suggest you plan for cap. The difference they make with your TD and exp absorption huge, and I'd tank INT over INF because I love warcries.

04-02-2014, 10:17 PM
I just capped a dark elf warrior TWC/Blunt about 100k experience ago.

Auvreaian (at level 100), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 300 200
Armor Use..........................| 240 140
Combat Maneuvers...................| 300 200
Blunt Weapons......................| 300 200
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 180 80
Physical Fitness...................| 400 300
Dodging............................| 300 200
Arcane Symbols.....................| 141 41
Magic Item Use.....................| 155 55
Harness Power......................| 140 40
Spirit Mana Control................| 82 18
Survival...........................| 10 2
Perception.........................| 200 100
Climbing...........................| 120 30
Swimming...........................| 143 43

Level 0 Stats for Auvreaian, Dark Elf Warrior

Strength (STR): 85
Constitution (CON): 80
Dexterity (DEX): 85
Agility (AGI): 85
Discipline (DIS): 70
Aura (AUR): 70
Logic (LOG): 65
Intuition (INT): 50
Wisdom (WIS): 50
Influence (INF): 20

Expr: 7675282 Level: 100
Normal (Bonus) ... Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR): 100 (25) ... 100 (25)
Constitution (CON): 100 (20) ... 100 (20)
Dexterity (DEX): 100 (35) ... 100 (35)
Agility (AGI): 100 (30) ... 100 (30)
Discipline (DIS): 95 (12) ... 95 (12)
Aura (AUR): 91 (30) ... 91 (30)
Logic (LOG): 80 (15) ... 80 (15)
Intuition (INT): 86 (23) ... 86 (23)
Wisdom (WIS): 78 (19) ... 78 (19)
Influence (INF): 73 (6) ... 73 (6)

I used extra MTP's to mana battery for an Empath and for magical skills. In OTF he wears 430, 1720, 414, 406, 606, and 1605. He's pretty boss.

Auvreaian, your Combat Maneuver training is as follows:

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Mighty Blow mblow 1
Sunder Shield sunder 4
Specialization I wspec1 3
Weapon Bonding bonding 5
Combat Mobility mobility 1
Combat Toughness toughness 3
Surge of Strength surge 4
Parry Mastery pmastery 3
Cunning Defense cdefense 5
Spell Parry sparry 3
Griffin's Voice griffin 3

Available Combat Maneuver Training Points: 7

04-03-2014, 02:04 AM
Great tips guys, thanks a ton. I think I'll try dropping my PF to 2.5x and carry Armor through 150 and see how that goes. I haven't had the chance to play with warcries yet so I'll leave my stats where they are (they're almost identical to Stunseed's, which is reassuring) and fixskill later if it looks like INT needs help.

At what MoC rank is it safe to switch to a smaller/faster weapon?

04-03-2014, 02:44 AM
At what MoC rank is it safe to switch to a smaller/faster weapon?

The heavier weapons are nearly always going to work better then the smaller/faster ones. I've got a low level twc/brawling warrior that uses fist-scythes and I've used one on Jeril from time to time for amusement. I haven't played the low level guy in forever but he kills things well enough although I haven't hunted anything in heavy armor yet either. Against light armor anything works but for things in heavy armor I'd guess you'd see decent results at 55 ranks(focused triple strike, so six strikes with twc). Jeril can flay bandits well enough with a single fist-scythe and a quad strike but it doesn't quite do the job, amusingly enough I've been able to crit kill them sometimes. I imagine someone who is bonded and wspecced to their weapons would have an easier time of it, not to mention someone with more then 2 ranks of hamstring.

04-03-2014, 03:07 AM
Contrary to previous poster, do not plant stats for cap. Place them for something more around level 30-40, as most of your stat growth happens by then. If you do ever approach cap, you will easily be able to afford a fix stat, whether you purchase it with silvers, U.S. dollars, or BPs.

04-03-2014, 03:26 AM
It just seems silly to me to waste the resources to buy a fixstat when you don't have to, it is about 170$ from the coinstore, usually sold by players for around 160$ worth of silvers, or 1mil bps which one could sell themselves. And all just to make the first 40-50 levels a breeze when they already tend to be easy enough as it is. Not to mention that unless you use a fixstat you are hurting yourself in the later levels. Even just playing on your gift and earning 30k exp(which is more on the low end) one would be 37 almost 38 by the end of a year. You'll also noticed I mentioned exp absorption, at least place your logic for growth. I placed my stats poorly for growth and the difference was quite noticeable, in the time it took me to hit 85 I'd have capped with better stat placement.

04-03-2014, 03:33 AM
Jeril knows of what he speaks.

04-03-2014, 07:28 AM
< fixskill later if it looks like INT needs help. >

Honestly, that is my ONE regret was tanking INF. Warcries now with Griffin's Voice is extremely nice to have, and mastering warcries with a negative INF modifier made life suck so much balls. I used 250k BPs for throat balms so I could master, and in the end had some very nice INF items loaned to me that I in turn got to other warriors in Plat. In fact I'm going to likely fixstat at some point to help even out my attributes, and warcries I feel can be quite beneficial even as a younger warrior. A fully effective bellow + feint can lead up to 28 seconds of roundtime for what, 6 stamina? Enough for anyone in the attrition game of THW or TWC to finish a critter.

04-03-2014, 07:23 PM
Aw man you guys are rad. Ok I went ahead and made a few changes, starting with beefing up INF and tanking INT. At cap:


04-03-2014, 08:52 PM
To be honest, I never set out with a training plan. The persona made goals for me based on what occurred in the world of Arr-Pee. Once I acquired the troll heart in Platinum, I knew then that the character had been given a huge gift and that its effects would be visable, which is when I went from 2x to 3x PF. To support that argument, stamina as a darkie is exceptionally difficult to keep and special attacks ( mstrikes in cool down ) make the imagery I want real. I imagine him absolutely wrecking things and the skills allow that to occur.

04-03-2014, 09:54 PM
I tend to recommend 2xing as many things as possible and placing stats for fun. Then again, I also tend to recommend enjoying the journey as capped play is the soul killer.

04-03-2014, 10:01 PM
Jeril was my first character and I didn't have any training plan for him either. I even started out edged/twc then added brawling when joining voln(around 16), later on I dropped the twc/edged for THW to free up tps(at 50 when they nerfed surge). I forget when I added skinning skills sometime between 40-50, maybe earlier. I've always had trading with the exception of the brief period where I tried a blunt/shield/spell build, 3x shield with 406/107. Always been 1x in MoC or close to, sometimes I'd bump it up a bit more to get to a threshold quicker. I had 140 ranks of armor for fullplate around 63 then when they released the armor skills I immediately grabbed 10 more ranks for 5 ranks of armor support, I had meant to try out reinforcement but that just never happened. As I neared cap I was working on getting ranged up to 2x but they changed the rift, escort tasks, and added in bandit tasks so I dropped the ranged training in favor of dodge(I was around 92 at the time and only 1x in dodge). Since then Jeril's training has been fairly static and I've only added to it as I've gained exp.

04-03-2014, 10:03 PM
Then again, I also tend to recommend enjoying the journey as capped play is the soul killer.

Maybe for you, there are a great many of us who still enjoy the game at cap. Being able to add a lot more then just the basics to ones skills is rather nice.

04-04-2014, 07:10 PM
I pretty much just want to get to a respectable level ASAP so I can participate in invasions and other fun stuff. So far I haven't had much trouble staying saturated or hunting and seem to average a couple of levels a week. I'm using bigshot with a custom hunting script, sexual-favors, and sbounty, and my biggest trouble is finding blesses on a regular basis - my Voln bless isn't strong enough for vultite yet. If I'm spelled to the gills I can overhunt a bit and I feel like a tiny god.

This thread's been a tremendous help so thanks a bunch.

04-04-2014, 10:10 PM
The easiest way to plow through levels is just do what you are doing, bounties, bounties, bounties. I remember when I was mastering voln I'd get six weapons blessed at a time and still need them blessed again within a day or two.

04-05-2014, 01:36 PM
my warrior is low level so i dont have advice with that, but I would try to get Log to 100 at least by the time you cap. it directly effects how fast you earn experience. Also if you look into getting enhansives get log ones. It will speed up your leveling more than other skills.

04-05-2014, 03:17 PM
Maybe for you, there are a great many of us who still enjoy the game at cap. Being able to add a lot more then just the basics to ones skills is rather nice.

A lot of people leave long before they get there and they leave because they've gimped themselves too heavily.

04-05-2014, 03:23 PM
What does a fixstats cost now? For the value it's pretty cheap. I could see fixstating 2 or 3 times during a characters run up to cap. I'm an on-again, off-again player so I may never cap a character. If I do though, it will probably be my ranger, and it will take (just counting months when I had an active account) up to 36 months. That makes the fixstat costs pretty manageable especially since I was running two premium accounts.

04-05-2014, 06:00 PM
The truth is, if you want to get to a high level fast you should (as Jeril said) do bounties and nothing else, and spend your first 10m (or whatever it takes) on a +40 LOG enhancive set. In addition, you can choose a race with a logic bonus. Humans and dwarves make outstanding warriors, and both have a +5 logic bonus. A human or dwarf with 100 LOG and +40 LOG enhancives versus a Giantman with, let's say 90 LOG, absorbs experience roughly 20% faster with a full head. This is a rough estimate and depends on a lot of factors like how much xp is in one's head, etc, but in this example the Human/dwarf with enhancives is absorbing 6 more xp per pulse than the Giantman. As a dark elf, you'd be at 5 more with this setup.

Some have noted that you should enjoy the journey, and I agree with them. But if you get that logic set up and running and don't spend your bounty points on anything but recharging these enhancives, it's not something you have to think about very much.

Furthermore, I will add, if you dislike wearing lots of ugly enhancive fluff like I do, you can work on a fusion set. Just buy two fusion daggers (or whatever) and work on getting a stat and bonus orb for each one, totalling to +40 to statistic. You then write a quick script to bust them out/put them away when you're resting. Given that most of your absorbing happens while resting if you're doing tons of bounties, this approach gives you probably 80% or more of the benefit you'd get from *always* having those enhancives on.

Hope this helps, and enjoy your warrior. Great profession at this point, with lots and lots of mechanical and conceptual possibilities. RP a palestra!!!

Lady Sylvan
04-06-2014, 05:42 AM
I think you have a solid warrior plan. Going two blades.. like a dervish is bada$$. Im just a boring Morningstar/shield user.

Lady Nairena
Mage of Ta'Vaalor
Member of the Eahnor Assembly

04-06-2014, 01:03 PM
A lot of people leave long before they get there and they leave because they've gimped themselves too heavily.

For what it's worth, I don't feel gimped at all. I've pretty much only died when overhunting.

RP a palestra!!!

I do :)

I think you have a solid warrior plan. Going two blades.. like a dervish is bada$$.

Thanks! That's sort of the imagery I was going for.

04-07-2014, 12:49 AM

I'm a level out from joining the guild. Krakii says something about warcries being more stressful the later you learn them? Does that mean I should take a few levels and blitz through those?

04-07-2014, 01:07 AM

I'm a level out from joining the guild. Krakii says something about warcries being more stressful the later you learn them? Does that mean I should take a few levels and blitz through those?

That sounds completely wrong to me. I would wait to do warcries until your stats are a little improved. It's probably best to start with tricks or berserk.

Also, with more CM under your belt you could train in Griffin's Keen or whatever it's called. This would help immensely, along with a few influences enhancives.

04-07-2014, 01:57 AM
Griffin's voice, and it is great to have. I started warcries a bit early on but didn't master them until after tackle, disarm, and tricks, I was in my 60s by then. Unless you hunt warcamps or want to use berserk for hunting you may find it more worth while to just grab 20-30 ranks of it to break stuns then work on mastering tricks, disarm, and tackle if you don't have another knockdown method.

Lady Sylvan
04-09-2014, 09:32 PM
Well Warriors,

My 30 days are up tomorrow and I decided to remain a ohe/shield warrior. I haven't spent any shield training points and only spent 1 or 2 combat maneuver points for surge of strength.(rank 1). Also, im only level 13 so I wont be ready for the Warrior for a few weeks.

1. What combat maneuver skills should I get first?

2 What shield skills are key to success as an edged weapon,/shield user?

Lady Nairena
Mage of Ta'Vaalor
Proud Member of the Eahnor Assembly

04-10-2014, 02:05 AM
I like 3 ranks of wspec for bonding then work towards max bonding. Other maneuvers I'd suggest would be mobility, cdef, toughness, and focus. For shield maneuvers, I'd say shield focus, shield bash or charge, and prop up. I like shield bash but others prefer charge, get 3 ranks of each and play around with them a bit, see which you like more then drop the one you don't like for prop up. After that, trample and trample mastery then see which other defensive shield maneuvers would be useful.

04-10-2014, 02:20 AM
I'm a big fan of trample, but I'm not sure it's that useful without trample mastery. So when you get to the point where you can afford mastery, I would move into trample. Focus to start for sure though.

04-10-2014, 04:25 AM
Also, im only level 13 so I wont be ready for the Warrior for a few weeks.

We're about the same level, so if you need a bounty buddy or whatever just let me know. I'm Katao IG.

Lady Sylvan
04-10-2014, 01:34 PM
Vhanya is currently living in Vaalor. I am probably going to move her to Icemule after she masters CoL.

Lady Nairena
Mage of Ta'Vaalor
Proud Member of the Eahnor Assembly

04-12-2014, 07:13 PM
Any guild rep scripts besides autowar and swar? Autowar would be perfect if it didn't inexplicably and randomly break for apparently no reason mid-combat. Swar is apparently too dumb to determine when I've completed a task.

ps I'm starting with 25 ranks of berserk then moving on to tricks

(edit: I guess this post came across as tactless to someone! Sorry about that! I'll just take a crack at fixing autowar myself.)

04-12-2014, 11:25 PM
I'd say tricks are the easiest, and provide the most immediate benefit. As long as you're smart in where you hunt, damage isn't going to matter to you and berserk is a stun-breaker as a defense. Feint is by far one of the most powerful tools you have in your arsenal to begin. To augment that, the first 10 ranks of berserk should be non-critter tasks which you can do when the guildwall is reached in tricks.

04-13-2014, 12:18 AM
I'd say tricks are the easiest, and provide the most immediate benefit. As long as you're smart in where you hunt, damage isn't going to matter to you and berserk is a stun-breaker as a defense. Feint is by far one of the most powerful tools you have in your arsenal to begin. To augment that, the first 10 ranks of berserk should be non-critter tasks which you can do when the guildwall is reached in tricks.

I dont know if it changes by level, but you can get critter tasks right out the gate for berserk. I have it at rank 2 and I got critter reps several times.

Lady Sylvan
04-15-2014, 02:12 PM
I was just about to make a post concerning Warrior Guild skills. I read up on the skills and think I will get tricks and war cries to max first. Then berserk, tackle and disarm.

Any advice or input?

Lady Nairena
Mage of Ta'Vaalor
Member of the Eahnor Assembly

04-15-2014, 05:31 PM
I would make berserk a priority over warcries unless you have a strong desire or RP to use them. The stun/bind/web/fear etc breaking properties of berserk are very useful.

04-15-2014, 06:59 PM
She said to max(master) first, you don't need to master berserk to make it useful as a status breaker, it is quite reliable with about 30 ranks.

04-20-2014, 08:54 PM
Hello Katao. You met Dushdo a few days ago and we were pretty effective together. When are you around, and when can we try doing some bounties together?

04-21-2014, 11:25 PM
Hello Katao. You met Dushdo a few days ago and we were pretty effective together. When are you around, and when can we try doing some bounties together?

I'm usually around at least a couple nights a week. Easiest to find me around TSC/porch steps/lnet. Feel free to bug me anytime! :)

On topic: 30 is up today and I'm 10k out from level 18, Voln rank 20. Stats/skills/cmans:

Strength (STR): 92 (21) ... 116 (33)
Constitution (CON): 85 (12) ... 85 (12)
Dexterity (DEX): 92 (31) ... 92 (31)
Agility (AGL): 92 (26) ... 92 (26)
Discipline (DIS): 75 (2) ... 75 (2)
Aura (AUR): 74 (22) ... 74 (22)
Logic (LOG): 67 (8) ... 67 (8)
Intuition (INT): 37 (-1) ... 37 (-1)
Wisdom (WIS): 55 (7) ... 55 (7)
Influence (INF): 58 (-1) ... 58 (-1)

Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Two Weapon Combat..................| 132 36
Armor Use..........................| 132 36
Combat Maneuvers...................| 132 36
Edged Weapons......................| 132 36
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 45 9
Physical Fitness...................| 145 45
Dodging............................| 132 36
Perception.........................| 82 18
Climbing...........................| 82 18
Swimming...........................| 82 18
First Aid..........................| 45 9
(Use SKILLS BASE to display unmodified ranks and goals)

Skill name Mnemonic Ranks
Combat Focus focus 1
Combat Mobility mobility 1
Combat Toughness toughness 1
Surge of Strength surge 3
Cunning Defense cdefense 3

Thanks for your help, thread!