View Full Version : ALTER VERB EXPANDED!

09-21-2004, 08:48 AM
To help you with the formatting and design of feature alterations, the player verb ALTER has been expanded to address the guidelines for the various fields and to aid you in understanding how each one works.

Type ALTER in the game for more information. This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas, and Events in Merchant Suggestions. To discuss the above follow this link (http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=9&topic=10&message =967) or direct your requests for clarification to the specific merchant you are working with.

09-21-2004, 09:43 AM
so someone type ALTER IG so i can see what it looks like since i'm at school and alls.

09-21-2004, 09:48 AM
Alterations - General
1) Where to Start
2) Show (seen only when you SHOW it to others)
3) Base Descriptions (the 15/15/15 rule)
4) Long Descriptions (seen when you tap it)
5) Additional Tips

Alterations - Guidelines
6) Scripted Items
7) Risque Clothing and Body Parts
8) Out of Genre
9) Adornments
10) Names and Lettering
11) Images
12) Magical Properties
13) Metals and Materials
14) Essence
15) Subjective Adjectives
16) Armor
17) Weapons
18) Books
19) Instruments
20) Pockets and Containers
21) Professions and Races
22) Official Titles, Ranks of Royalty, and Unofficial Deities

Feature Alterations - Guidelines
23) Hair Style
24) Hair Texture
25) Hair Color
26) Hair Quirks
27) Eye Characteristics
28) Eye Color
29) Complexion
30) Height
31) Body
32) Face
33) Nose
34) Distinguishing Marks
35) Other Unique Features

09-23-2004, 06:15 AM
On 09/23/2004 the features section was temporarily removed to adjust some topic fixes. It will be rereleased upon rereview.