View Full Version : Ukiyo Stolen

09-20-2004, 11:44 AM
Just want to let everyone know that Ukiyo Umenzo, a middle trained wizard, was stolen from my friend's account.

Once, I saw Ukiyo enter the lands and thought my friend reactivated GS, but later found out that he did not. I informed my friend to reactivate his account to check it out, but that character was all of a sudden gone!

I would like to know if anything can be done to get the character back and see if it can be returned with stuff?

Also, how is this possible? How can someone just steal a character and transfer it to another account with no questions asked?


09-20-2004, 11:47 AM
I have yet to hear of one such story of stolen character where the thief did not at some point at least have access to the account. Was it the case here? If they had the password and access to the character pin I doubt the staff will do anything.

09-20-2004, 12:44 PM
For one to transfer a character off of an account one needs 2 things or the transfer will not occurr.

1. security question answer
2. account name

If your friend has supplied these two things to someone/anyone then they have made this possible.

It is possible to call SIMU and claim ownership of said account if the account name is known, and then get the security question reset by a customer service representative, but I think even more information is needed such as the account owner's name and personal info. Either way there will be a record of the transaction as well as a paper trail that will indicate where the character has gone.

Have your friend call SIMU and advise them that the character was acquired/removed from the original account without proper authorization/malicious intent and they will investigate and take the appropriate action.