View Full Version : shield for sale, 8x harnessed

09-19-2004, 12:10 PM
Item: a scarab shaped shield, 8x harnessed

mb: 7m
bo: 10m

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a scarab-shaped tower shield studded with razor-sharp vaalin spikes. +40 Careful examination indicates the scarab-shaped shield has a base strength of 54 and a base durability of 195. You also determine the current integrity of the scarab-shaped shield to be at 100.0%.

Harness info: On the reverse of a scarab-shaped tower shield studded with razor-sharp vaalin spikes, a complex webbing of oiled leather straps and polished buckles forms an intricate arm harness. The straps are arranged in a pattern that appears able to secure a weapon within.

>put long in shield
>You unbuckle the oiled leather harness of your shield. Carefully, you slide your longsword into the webbing, and then cinch it tightly.

>turn shield
You glance at the longsword securely laced into the harness of your shield. Unsatisfied, you lay the a scarab-shaped tower shield studded with razor-sharp vaalin spikes on the ground and tug at the straps tightening it, then you reclaim the shield.

>lo shield
On the reverse of a scarab-shaped tower shield studded with razor-sharp vaalin spikes, a complex webbing of oiled leather straps and polished buckles forms an intricate arm harness. The straps are arranged in a pattern that appears able to secure a weapon within.
Stuck diagonally through the complex webbing is a ruby-hilted silvery rolaren longsword.

>rub shield
>You carefully work the straps holding your longsword in place free so you can remove it.

>take long
>You reach into the tangle of straps and buckles on your harness and pull out your silvery rolaren longsword.

[Edited on 9-19-2004 by Ganalon]

09-19-2004, 12:11 PM
Nice shield.

[Edited on 9-19-2004 by Psykos]

09-19-2004, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by Psykos
Nice shield.

[Edited on 9-19-2004 by Psykos]

You spell it wrong? :lol: