View Full Version : Ta'Vaalor Army

03-09-2014, 09:12 PM
Pretty sure I'm ineligible as a Slyvan, but does the Vaalor army still do it's things? Dying to try to get involved in some RP and remember a little while back that this was a great place to try to get involved with some RP. If there might be some way to get involved or if anyone has any information let me know!

Would be willing for fletch faewood arrows (master fletched very shortly) for RP purposes for members of the guard.

03-09-2014, 09:35 PM
The Crimson Legion is still active and unfortunately, yes, you are ineligible as a Sylvan to join, however there are still other avenues of RP available to you. You can still aid in defense and the legionnaires would appreciate any and all assistance. I'm not around as much as I used to be because I'm trying to get my degree while working full time, however I'll be around more and more weekend evenings if you want to seek out Nihrvanah. I'm not sure what Kakoon's schedule is looking like, but if you can catch him IG, great. We look forward to playing with you. :D

03-09-2014, 10:41 PM
Perfect sounds great! My time is sporadic too, given having a young one and a job too but I know who to look for =) Thanks!

Lady Sylvan
03-10-2014, 08:21 PM
I will be retuning east after my long stay in The Landing and Icemule. I look forward to inhaling the clean elven air and feeling the land of my people under my boots.

Lady Nairena
Mage of Ta'Vaalor
Member of the Eahnor Assembly