View Full Version : Solmarar talks about COL, gets seriously pwnt.

09-16-2004, 07:05 PM
Round 1, he's gonna get it again, and I'll post it here. This log is unedited, so its HUGE.

Hashum raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Hashum gestures at you.
Hashum suddenly looks very drained.

You feel a sudden jolt of nothing short of the raw power of divine intervention. For some reason, you cannot bring yourself to move quite yet, but feel relieved nonetheless.
You feel the touch of the hand leave your soul.
Solmarar asks, "Anyone here know if the council can be joined in this town?"
Goldenranger stands up.
Evarin makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Evarin gestures.
His body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura.
Goldenranger waves an oaken wand at you.
You feel less drained.
You feel fully energetic again.
Goldenranger waves an oaken wand at you.
You are no longer stunned.
Geremiah asks, "What council?"
Goldenranger waves an oaken wand at Hashum.
Yundah raises an eyebrow in Solmarar's direction.
Geremiah shrugs.
Evarin warily asks, "Of which council do you speak?"
Goldenranger waves an oaken wand at Hashum.
The glazed look leaves Hashum.
Solmarar says, "The one of light."
Goldenranger lets out a cheer!
Goldenranger sits down.
Hashum says, "Thanks gold."
Evarin clenches his jaw.
>report Someone dark assassin Solmarar. Solmarar asks, "Anyone here know if the council can be joined in this town?"
REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. You may type ONDUTY to see which staff members are currently on duty. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

Yundah asks, "There is such a thing?"
>>chat Solmarar asks, "Anyone here know if the council can be joined in this town?"
Yundah peers quizzically at Solmarar.
Please rephrase that command.
Geremiah blinks.
Evarin harshly says, "I know of no such organization."
>chat Solmarar asks, "Anyone here know if the council can be joined in this town?"
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Geremiah shakes his head.
You recover enough strength to move again.
A smoke tiger twitches her whiskers.
Solmarar suddenly appears to be very nervous.
Geremiah says, "In all my years, never heard of it."
>chat report Someone dark assassin Solmarar. Solmarar asks, "Anyone here know if the council can be joined in this town?"
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Goldenranger agrees with Geremiah.
Solmarar says, "Dear lord... you people know its real just you wish to keep it a secret because you fear of the dark assassin."
Goldenranger grins at Yundah.
[River's Rest, Town Commons]
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree. Birdsong fills the air and intermingles with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way. A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn. You also see a smoke tiger and a large wooden barrel.
Also here: Hashum, Geremiah who is lying down, Evarin who is kneeling, Yundah who is sitting, Solmarar who is kneeling, Savageheart who is sitting, Lord Goldenranger who is sitting, Ravier who is lying down
Obvious paths: none
Solmarar says, "Give me a break."
You feel less drained.
Geremiah raises an eyebrow in Solmarar's direction.
>chat Solmarar says, "Dear lord... you people know its real just you wish to keep it a secret because you fear of the dark assassin."
You focus on transmitting your thought.
A faint silvery glow fades from around Goldenranger.
Geremiah says, "Tell me more."
Geremiah sits up.
>chat Dumbass
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Geremiah nods to Solmarar.
Evarin darkly says, "I would mind your tongue, fool, should you wish to keep it."
Solmarar rolls his eyes.
Hashum asks, "Solmarar, what are you talking about?"
Hashum peers quizzically at Solmarar.
Geremiah says, "I'm curious."
>chat He's maroon too
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Evarin drops an iron-bound tanik chest.
Evarin drops a simple maoral chest.
Hashum works his fingers under his white crystal crown and scratches his head.
Evarin slings a golvern embossed kite shield off from over his shoulder.
Evarin stands up.
>chat Which means he did something that makes me not raise him or pick something for him
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Solmarar looks considerably shaken.
Solmarar says, "If i was afraid of losing my toung i wouldnt have said anything."
>chat Did something ooc*
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Solmarar nods to Evarin.
>chat RR
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Geremiah nods to Solmarar.
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Dhuul.
Dhuul shrieks!
You sense the link to Hashum's soul slip peacefully away.
You feel less drained.
Geremiah asks, "So, what is this organization?"
Geremiah nods to Solmarar.
Evarin angrily says, "You will lose much more, I assure you, if you do not quickly come to your senses."
Geremiah asks, "What do they do?"
Geremiah cocks his head at Solmarar.
>chat I dunno
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Solmarar says, "We sorcerer's only fear one thing.. that is our nightmares."
Solmarar says, "And Ive lost my life many times."
Solmarar says, "My soul belongs to Luukos."
Speaking angrily in Guildspeak, Evarin exclaims something you don't understand.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Geremiah.
Solmarar appears startled.
Dhuul rubs a long high-collared serpent skin cloak stitched with a dark Luukos symbol.
Hashum shakes his head.
Speaking to Evarin, Geremiah says, "Don't distract him."
Hashum mutters kids.
Solmarar laughs!
>chat As I said. He's highlighted maroon. Which means I won't help him because he did something ooc, and it wasn't a one-time thing
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Hashum peers quizzically at Solmarar.
Hashum sits down.
Speaking to Solmarar, Geremiah asks, "What is this group you speak of?"
Geremiah cocks his head at Solmarar.
>chat He's gonna get DA'd
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Solmarar says, "Well looks like the assassin is here for me."
Dhuul says, "Solmarar...do you like snakes."
Evarin glances at Geremiah.
>chat Solmarar appears startled.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Goldenranger says, "All they stories."
Goldenranger waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.
Solmarar says, "Geremiah... save ya life."
Dhuul pokes Solmarar in the ribs.
Solmarar says, "Dont speak more of it."
Evarin angrily asks, "Assassin?"
Geremiah blinks.
Dhuul shows Solmarar his bronze medallion.
Solmarar says, "I have honor in my deaths."
Geremiah asks, "I should fear them? Who are they?"
Solmarar says, "As all my death's honor my Lord."
Geremiah stands up.
Yundah says, "I see no assassin."
Goldenranger yawns.
Yundah shrugs.
Hashum says, "Solmarar I suggest you shut up I am tied of lissening to you."
Evarin angrily says, "Doubtful. If you would realize there is no such conspiracy, you will be quite fine I assure you."
Evarin angrily says, "Doubtful. If you would realize there is no such conspiracy, you will be quite fine I assure you."

[Log file auto-opened successfully.]

Solmarar appears startled.
Geremiah asks, "What are you talking about?"
Geremiah flails his arms about.
Yundah says, "I think you've become teched in the head."
Yundah nods to Solmarar.
The misty halo fades from Goldenranger.
Solmarar says, "No other sees the assassin other then the one that speaks of them."
>chat [Log file auto-opened successfully.]
You focus on transmitting your thought.
You feel less drained.
Dhuul raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Geremiah searches around for a moment.
Dhuul gestures at a long high-collared serpent skin cloak stitched with a dark Luukos symbol.

A roiling storm cloud appears above you!

Dhuul opens his mouth to scream, but no sound comes out. The unleashed magical forces in the area coalesce around him!

An incredibly powerful force suddenly rips through Dhuul's body, causing it to explode into tiny pieces!

The light blue glow leaves Dhuul.
The very powerful look leaves Dhuul.
The white light leaves Dhuul.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Dhuul.
The deep blue glow leaves Dhuul.
The misty halo fades from Dhuul.
Evarin kneels down.
>chat This ones going on PC
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Hashum says, "Oh no."
Yundah says, "Oh oh."
Goldenranger gasps.
Hashum raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
The ghostly voice of Dhuul says, "It hurts."
Hashum gestures at Dhuul.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Dhuul, then fades into the body.
Geremiah blinks.
Yundah nods to Hashum.
Solmarar yawns.
The ghostly voice of Dhuul says, "Ah, thanks."
Geremiah says, "Oh, my ..."
>chat Dhuul just communed to Luukos and got his ass beat
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Hashum says, "Sure it's what I do."
Goldenranger says, "My goodness."
You stand back up.
[River's Rest, Town Commons]
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree. Birdsong fills the air and intermingles with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way. A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn. You also see a simple maoral chest, an iron-bound tanik chest, a smoke tiger and a large wooden barrel.
Also here: the body of Dhuul who is lying down, Hashum who is sitting, Geremiah, Evarin who is kneeling, Yundah who is sitting, Solmarar who is kneeling, Savageheart who is sitting, Lord Goldenranger who is sitting, Ravier who is lying down
Obvious paths: none
Solmarar says, "Dhuul."
>[ hash Thank for bring life
Speaking in broken common to Hashum, you say, "Thank for bring life."
The ghostly voice of Dhuul says, "I'll get that snake next time."
Hashum says, "Ouch I don't think I can tend all that."
The bright luminescence fades from around Geremiah.
Solmarar says, "Why.."
Speaking in Guildspeak, Yundah says something you don't understand.
Hashum grins at you.
Solmarar appears startled.
>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
Hashum nods to Yundah.
Geremiah makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Geremiah gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Geremiah.
Goldenranger moves to a kneeling position.
The ghostly voice of Dhuul exclaims, "I just might need a healer!"
Hashum begins to do his best to mend Dhuul's wounded leg.
Yundah asks, "What's the matter, Solmarar? You seem jumpy?"
Hashum begins to do his best to mend Dhuul's wounded leg.
Goldenranger nods to Dhuul.
You feel less drained.
Hashum begins to do his best to mend Dhuul's wounded arm.
Geremiah asks, "What on Elanthia ... ?"
The ghostly voice of Dhuul says, "No, please don't raise me like this Hashum."
Goldenranger glances at a weathered wooden bench.
Hashum snickers.
A trio of hooded dark men wander in. One clips Solamarar with his mace, and he falls to the ground, stunned. Quickly, they tie his hands to the willow tree and his feet to a nearby team of horses. One slaps the rump of the horses and they lunge forward, tearing him in half. His entrails flop to the ground and the men wander off, chuckling.
Hashum says, "Okay."

* Solmarar drops dead at your feet!

The bright luminescence fades from around Solmarar.
The air calms down around Solmarar.
The powerful look leaves Solmarar.
The light blue glow leaves Solmarar.
The deep blue glow leaves Solmarar.
A shadow seems to detach itself from Solmarar's body, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Solmarar.
The silvery luminescence fades from around Solmarar.
Solmarar returns to normal color.

09-16-2004, 07:09 PM
yeah, when did they put in the built-in failure to Commune

09-16-2004, 07:10 PM
:clap: I've had the assassin come after me once for speaking of COL at a table. It doesn't normally happen like that so some GM was heeding your plea lol THAT WAS GREAT! :up:

09-16-2004, 07:14 PM
Geremiah blinks.
Goldenranger nods to Evarin.
Solmarar appears startled.
Geremiah says, "Oh, my ..."
Hashum raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Hashum gestures at Solmarar.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Solmarar, then fades into the body.
>chat And he's gonna get his ass beat again.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Yundah says, "I think... that Solmarar has felt someone's wrath."
Geremiah blinks.
Hashum says, "Well I wanted him to shut up."
Hashum shrugs.
Geremiah asks, "Which way did they run? Did anyone see?"
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Cute."
Yundah nods to Hashum.
Geremiah removes a platinum-shod orase runestaff from in his leather sheath.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "So very cute."
Geremiah waves a platinum-shod orase runestaff around.
Evarin says, "Nonsense. The local thugs simply saw he was touched and decided him an easy mark."
You feel less drained.
A smoke tiger emits a surprisingly deep growl!
Geremiah furrows his brow.
Goldenranger says, "Did nae get a glance at 'em, 't 'appens."
>nod evar
You nod to Evarin.
Yundah nods to Hashum.
Goldenranger shrugs.
Goldenranger leans against a weathered wooden bench.
Geremiah sighs.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "If the Poobah wishes I will distroy him on even grounds."
The silvery luminescence fades from around Savageheart.
Solmarar appears startled.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar exclaims, "I do not fear his worthless hide!"
Geremiah glances at Solmarar.
The bright luminescence fades from around Savageheart.
Geremiah asks, "The whatzat?"
Yundah says, "Solmarar, I think you're gonna get dead a lot tonight."
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "My deaths only praise my lord."
Evarin glances at Solmarar.
You do not feel drained anymore.
Speaking to Solmarar, Goldenranger says, "Pooo baaa? Ye mean a rolton? Dey do that."
Speaking to Solmarar, Evarin says, "Perhaps that blow to your head has somehow scrambled your capacity for rational thought."
Yundah nods to Hashum.
Goldenranger squints at Solmarar.
Solmarar appears startled.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "NO Poohbah is the leader of the Council that I speak of."
Yundah rolls her eyes.
Evarin gnashes his teeth in frustration!
For a brief moment, Dhuul's corpse seems to shudder.

Dhuul's body decays into compost.

Yundah asks, "Pooh bear?"
Goldenranger shrugs.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Ya thats what many call him."
Yundah asks, "Who is this Pooh Bear?"
Goldenranger removes a blueberry muffin from in his mammoth fur longcoat.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "He resides in Solhaven."
Goldenranger feeds a smoke tiger a bite of his blueberry muffin.
Arastil snorts at Solmarar.
Goldenranger affectionately scratches the tiger's neck.
Arastil clearly asks, "That guy?"
Hashum appears less confident.
Arastil clearly says, "I wanna put an arrow in his eye some time."
Solmarar appears startled.
The brilliant aura fades away from Hashum.
Goldenranger feeds a smoke tiger a bite of his blueberry muffin.
Arastil begins chuckling at Solmarar!
Evarin says, "This foolish creature must have obviously ate a bad batch of tarts."
Yundah winks at Hashum.
A smoke tiger's tail darts back and forth sharply as she purrs.
Arastil clearly says, "Looks like yer gonna get assassinated again."
Goldenranger nods to Evarin.
Arastil nods to Solmarar.
Goldenranger affectionately scratches the tiger's neck.
>chat I'll post a log on PC when he gets it again
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Goldenranger beams!
Hashum says, "Whisper yun er didn't see what killed him, so he was killed by col for even talking about it."
Hashum says, "Er um, sorry."
Speaking to a smoke tiger, Goldenranger exclaims, "Ye like this muffin I can tell!"
Hashum whistles tunelessly to himself.
Arastil nods to Hashum.
Yundah nods to Hashum.
Arastil affectionately scratches the tiger's neck.
Geremiah begins chuckling at Hashum!
The ghostly voice of Solmarar exclaims, "Grand Poohbah! You dare send pittifull assassins to me! I will distroy you one on one... but no! You are too weak to fight me in person as you know my lord Luukos will smite you! YOU WORM!"
Arastil smirks at Solmarar.
Arastil appears less confident.
Yundah says, "I don't know if we should raise him. He'll be killed again before we're unbound."
Geremiah removes some ephlox moss from on a weathered wooden bench.
Solmarar appears startled.
Arastil clearly asks, "Luukos?"
Goldenranger says, "Now we know who needs to enter the asylum on Teras."
Evarin lets out a scream of rage.
Arastil waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.
Yundah nods to Goldenranger.
Geremiah says, "The poor fellow seems to have lost his mind."
Arastil clearly says, "He'll only be killed when he's alone."
Arastil nods to Yundah.
Goldenranger feeds a smoke tiger a bite of his blueberry muffin.
Geremiah nods to Goldenranger.
Arastil clearly says, "Here in the commons he won't be."
Arastil clearly says, "More than likely."
Savageheart softly says, "Really? he just was."
The powerful look leaves Goldenranger.
Savageheart chuckles.
Arastil clearly asks, "Oh?"
Arastil clearly asks, "They change their tactics?"
Speaking to Savageheart, Goldenranger says, "Just passing thugs."
Yundah seems slightly different.
Goldenranger feeds a smoke tiger the last of his blueberry muffin.
>www pc
Starting: forum.gsplayers.com

Geremiah takes a bite of his ephlox moss.
Geremiah's right arm looks better.
Savageheart softly says, "I mearly make the point he was killed."
Savageheart winks at Goldenranger.
Lacheis leans back.
The opalescent aura fades from around Hashum.
Solmarar appears startled.
Arastil clearly says, "Hmm...good to know.."
Speaking harshly to Solmarar, Evarin says, "You earn yourself more than death this night, fool. Your Arkati should pass your loyalties to his enemies, as obviously you have the intelligence of a Hill Troll."
Arastil clearly asks, "By who?"
Savageheart shrugs.
Savageheart softly says, "They wore hoods, its so hard to tell these things."
Lord Pavender just wandered down a dusty path.
Yundah nods to Hashum.
Geremiah put a platinum-shod orase runestaff in his leather sheath.
Arastil chuckles.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "You are a worthless being! You think killing me will stop me from speading the word of your return! I was there when you were found in Landing! I watched and laughed as your bathhouse hideout was distroyed! I will again have a possy go to your new hideout and distroy it! ."
Arastil raises an eyebrow in Evarin's direction.
Geremiah says, "I couldn't even see which way they went."
Geremiah nods to Arastil.
The sun gently sinks below the horizon, leaving a quickly darkening crimson sky.
A smoke tiger twitches her whiskers.
Arastil clearly says, "Wow, lively crowd tonight eh."
Goldenranger nods to Lacheis in greeting.
Hashum nods to Lacheis in greeting.
Pavender's jaw drops.
Evarin nods to Lacheis in greeting.
Speaking clearly to Solmarar, Arastil says, "Except you..."
Arastil pokes Solmarar to see if he will move.
Yundah beams happily at Lacheis!
Evarin blinks.
Dhuul just wandered down a dusty path.
Yundah bows to Lacheis.
Solmarar appears startled.
Dhuul pokes Solmarar to see if he will move.
Dhuul says, "He has been silenced."
The ghostly voice of Solmarar exclaims, "You will suffer for every death that is passed appon me!"
Lacheis says, "Solmarar."
Arastil leans against a graceful willow tree.
Lacheis says, "I am here to remove your tongue."
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Pavender.
Geremiah begins chuckling at Arastil!
Pavender glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Try me."
Lacheis says, "And your life."
Geremiah just wandered down a dusty path.
Arastil blinks at Lacheis.
Dhuul begins chuckling at Lacheis!
Dhuul exclaims, "Don't threaten!"
You feel at full magical power again.
Lord Pavender just wandered down a dusty path.
Dhuul pokes Lacheis in the ribs.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "And your life will be worse."
Dhuul pokes Lacheis in the ribs.
Evarin says, "The latter has done once before."
The dim aura fades from around Arastil.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Your death will come faster."
Yundah nods to Hashum.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Then any other."
Evarin says, "The former should prove quite useful, however."
Goldenranger sits up.
Lacheis says, "Truly."
Evarin glances at Solmarar.
Arastil clearly says, "Eh? why'd ya wanna do that? he already has goons after him."
Lacheis chuckles.
Goldenranger scoots over to a smoke tiger.
Arastil nods to Lacheis.
Dhuul pushes on Lacheis without much success.
Dhuul sighs.
>chat http://forum.gsplayers.com/viewthread.php?tid=9549&page=1#pid240077
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Lacheis gives Dhuul a harsh shove!
Dhuul falls down!
Lacheis growls, "Get out of my way!"
Solmarar appears startled.
Dhuul stands up.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "As your life will be sacrificed for all to see."
Dhuul says, "Eh."
Goldenranger blinks.
Dhuul chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Dhuul exclaims, "Bow down to me!"
Dhuul gestures at Lacheis.
CS: +243 - TD: +296 + CvA: +19 + d100: +79 - -5 == +50
Warded off!
Dhuul shrieks!
Dhuul just wandered down a dusty path.
Lacheis scowls.
Goldenranger shakes his head.
Arastil clearly asks, "Oooh, you're one of the goons huh?"
The ghostly voice of Solmarar exclaims, "I will have your hideout shown!"
Goldenranger mumbles something that you don't quite catch.
Arastil clearly says, "I get it now..."
Solmarar appears startled.
Goldenranger sits down.
Drakaz just wandered down a riverstone walkway.
Speaking clearly to Lacheis, Arastil asks, "Why ya wann kill him anyway? is he really worth it?"
Hashum gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Lacheis says, "So, you want to try me, fool."
Hashum gestures at Solmarar.
The glazed look leaves Solmarar.
Solmarar exclaims, "You will take me nowere!"
Solmarar stands up.
Lacheis hauls off and slaps Solmarar up'side the head!
You frown.
Solmarar glares.
Arastil is no longer moving so silently.
Evarin traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Evarin gestures at Solmarar.
CS: +203 - TD: +58 + CvA: +14 + d100: +69 - +20 == +208
Warding failed!
His eyes flash with a searing jolt of light!
He is badly stunned!
>'What happening?
Drakaz put a gold-capped orase runestaff in his runestaff harness.
Speaking in broken common, you ask, "What happening?"
[River's Rest, Town Commons]
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree. Chirping crickets fill the air and mingle with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way. A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn. You also see a simple maoral chest, an iron-bound tanik chest, a smoke tiger and a large wooden barrel.
Also here: Drakaz, Lacheis, Arastil, Hashum, Evarin who is kneeling, Yundah who is sitting, a stunned Solmarar, Savageheart who is sitting, Lord Goldenranger who is sitting, Ravier who is lying down
Obvious paths: none
You frown.
Solmarar gives Lacheis a friendly slap on the back.
>flutter nervous
Your wings flutter with a slight trembling in them.
Arastil clearly says, "Maybe if you let him spout of a while people will think him crazy and just ignore him."
Evarin quietly says, "There is no running for you, fool."
Solmarar gives Lacheis a friendly slap on the back.
A white glow rushes away from Yundah.
Solmarar gives Lacheis a playful little punch to the shoulder.
Hashum glares at Lacheis.
Solmarar says, "I will distroy you."
Solmarar just kissed the symbol!
Lacheis says, "As a quick demonstraion."

A smoke tiger stares hungrily at Ravier!

Solmarar softly kisses his Luukos symbol, murmuring to himself.
Arastil clearly says, "Eww."
Lacheis nimbly flips a silvery dagger at Solmarar!
... 20 points of damage!
Nailed in lower back!
He is stunned!
The dagger shimmers and disappears!
Arastil looks at Solmarar and gags.
Goldenranger closes his eyes and makes a quick, subtle gesture.
>chat Yup. GM
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Arastil blinks at Lacheis.
Solmarar appears startled.
Evarin grins at Solmarar.
[River's Rest, Town Commons]
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree. Chirping crickets fill the air and mingle with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way. A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn. You also see a simple maoral chest, an iron-bound tanik chest, a smoke tiger and a large wooden barrel.
Also here: Drakaz, Lacheis, Arastil, Hashum, Evarin who is kneeling, Yundah who is sitting, Solmarar, Savageheart who is sitting, Lord Goldenranger who is sitting, Ravier who is lying down
Obvious paths: none
Lacheis says, "If you do not think I can end your existance."
Solmarar says, "You are pittiful Lacheis! You attack me in fear ."
You blink.
You frown.
Arastil clearly asks, "Can't ya kill him like a normal person would? without the fancy stuffs?"
Lacheis says, "You are truly wrong."
Hashum chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Hashum gestures at Lacheis.
A sickly, violet haze encompasses Lacheis.
CS: +144 - TD: +296 + CvA: +19 + d100: +32 - -5 == -96
Warded off!
You put a dark-etched silver vultite falchion in your black leather thigh-sheath.
>wear shield
You sling a blackened vultite kite shield over your shoulder.
Hashum snaps his fingers.
You're not in any condition to be hiding!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Solmarar exclaims, "Yes it is true!"
Lacheis nimbly flips a silvery dagger at Hashum!
... 25 points of damage!
Damaging strike to chest, several ribs shattered!
He is stunned!
The dagger shimmers and disappears!
>flutter scared
You flutter your wings, trying to hide behind them.
Yundah exclaims, "Eep!"
Arastil clearly says, "Guess not."
Speaking to you, Goldenranger says, "Best to leave or get out of the way."
Arastil looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
>get stem
You remove some aloeas stem from on a weathered wooden bench.
>eat my stem
You take a bite of your aloeas stem.

The bandages on your head come loose and you begin to bleed again.

Your head feels better.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
You only have one bite left.
>[ golden Need healer!
Speaking in broken common to Goldenranger, you exclaim, "Need healer!"
>eat my stem
Lord Pavender just wandered down a dusty path.
You take a bite of your aloeas stem.
YUCK! That stuff tastes horrible!
That tingles, but your head injuries are too minor for this herb.
That was the last of it.
Speaking quietly to Hashum, Evarin says, "Do not interfear with what you do not understand."
Solmarar says, "You can kill me a million times and not stop my quest."
>eat eph moss
You manage to take a bite of some ephlox moss, which is on a weathered wooden bench.

The bandages on your left arm come loose and you begin to bleed again.

Your left arm feels better.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
You have about 18 bites left.
Lacheis loudly chants, "Burzash collo huine!"

As he claps his hands together, a brilliant flash emanates from him!

Your mind explodes in brilliant greens and purples! You realize your eyes are open but you cannot see!
Solmarar appears startled.
[River's Rest, Town Commons]
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree. Chirping crickets fill the air and mingle with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way. A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn. You also see the Pavender disk, a simple maoral chest, an iron-bound tanik chest, a smoke tiger and a large wooden barrel.
Also here: a stunned Lord Pavender, a stunned Drakaz, Lacheis, a stunned Arastil, a stunned Hashum, a stunned Evarin who is kneeling, a stunned Yundah who is sitting, a stunned Solmarar, a stunned Savageheart who is sitting, a stunned Lord Goldenranger who is sitting, a stunned Ravier who is lying down
Obvious paths: none
Lacheis asks, "Do you really think you can beat me?"
Solmarar is able to move again.
The cloudiness in your vision fades as your vision returns.
>chat He just stunned Commons
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Arastil clearly says, "Doing that only proves my point.."
Hashum utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
[River's Rest, Town Commons]
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree. Chirping crickets fill the air and mingle with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way. A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn. You also see the Pavender disk, a simple maoral chest, an iron-bound tanik chest, a smoke tiger and a large wooden barrel.
Also here: Lord Pavender, Drakaz, Lacheis, Arastil, Hashum, Evarin who is kneeling, Yundah who is sitting, Solmarar, Savageheart who is sitting, Lord Goldenranger who is sitting, Ravier who is lying down
Obvious paths: none
Arastil nods to Lacheis.
Hashum gestures at Lacheis.
Hashum hurls a roaring ball of fire at Lacheis!
Lacheis evades the bolt!
Goldenranger glances at Hashum.
You feel the mind of Ardwen touch yours, calling the memory of your location as you last saw it. You offer no resistance.

Hashum utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
Hashum gestures at Lacheis.
Hashum hurls a roaring ball of fire at Lacheis!
Lacheis evades the bolt!
Evarin traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase...
Hashum utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
Hashum gestures at Lacheis.
Hashum hurls a roaring ball of fire at Lacheis!
AS: +177 vs DS: +318 with AvD: +59 + d100 roll: +78 = -4
A clean miss.
Evarin gestures at Hashum.
Hashum becomes solid again.
The elemental aura around Hashum wavers.
Lacheis nimbly flips a silvery dagger at Hashum!
... 30 points of damage!
Deft strike to the back cracks vertebrae!
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
The dagger shimmers and disappears!
>get rose pot
Lacheis nimbly flips a silvery dagger at Hashum!
... 20 points of damage!
Strike pierces forearm!
The dagger shimmers and disappears!
You remove a rose-marrow potion from on a weathered wooden bench.
Evarin traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase...
Solmarar says, "I have 3 others waiting to expose you should I die more then once."
Evarin gestures at Hashum.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Hashum.
>drink my pot
You take a drink from your rose-marrow potion.
Your head feels better.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You only have one quaff left.
Evarin traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase...
Evarin gestures at Hashum.
Hashum returns to normal color.
Evarin traces a simple rune while intoning a short, mystical phrase...
Evarin gestures at Hashum.
A bolt of energy leaps from Hashum to the ground.
Arastil glances at Lacheis and yawns.
Evarin traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
>put pot on bench
The hazy film fades from Hashum.
You put a rose-marrow potion on a weathered wooden bench.

Evarin gestures at a royal blue hat.
Nothing happens.
>eat ambro leaf
You manage to take a bite of some ambrominas leaf, which is on a weathered wooden bench.
YUCK! That stuff tastes horrible!
Your left arm feels better.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You have about 3 bites left.
Evarin traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Evarin gestures at Hashum.
CS: +203 - TD: +116 + CvA: +12 + d100: +93 - -5 == +197
Warding failed!
His eyes flash with a searing jolt of light!
He is badly stunned!
Solmarar exclaims, "Your clan will not stop me!"
>cower lach
You cower away from Lacheis.
Evarin traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Arastil clearly says, "Can't even swing a weapon properly."
Evarin gestures at Hashum.
CS: +203 - TD: +216 + CvA: +12 + d100: +72 - -5 == +76
Warded off!
Arastil shakes his head.
>eat ambro leaf
Evarin traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
You manage to take a bite of some ambrominas leaf, which is on a weathered wooden bench.
Your right leg feels better.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You have about 2 bites left.
Evarin gestures at Hashum.
CS: +203 - TD: +116 + CvA: +12 + d100: +96 - -5 == +200
Warding failed!
A ragged wound rips open Hashum's jugular, which begins spurting blood.
Evarin says, "Now stop, fool."
Solmarar appears startled.
>eat fruit
You manage to take a bite of a yabathilium fruit, which is on a weathered wooden bench.
You feel quite a bit better.
That was the last of it.
Goldenranger begins to twitch.
Evarin chants in an arcane language which causes his skin to turn shadowy for a brief moment.
Hashum stands up.
>eat fruit
You manage to take a bite of some calamia fruit, which is on a weathered wooden bench.
YUCK! That stuff tastes horrible!
Your left arm feels better.
Roundtime: 25 sec.
That was the last of it.
Goldenranger rummages through a golden imflass scroll tube and removes an obscure scroll from in it.
Lacheis says, "Solmarar, you will regret this night for the remainder of your life."
>flutter scared
...wait 11 seconds.
Goldenranger put an oaken wand in his spidersilk gem pouch.
You frown.
Lacheis says, "No matter how short that is."
Arastil clearly says, "You two are terribly entertaining."
Pavender is no longer protected by the shimmering field of energy.
>flutter scared
Solmarar says, "Remember this."
Lacheis loudly chants, "Burzash dolen minn ia!

With a deft wave of his hand, Lacheis vanishes into a bright flash and a cloud of dingy grey smoke!
You flutter your wings, trying to hide behind them.

A smoke tiger stares hungrily at Hashum!

[River's Rest, Town Commons]
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree. Chirping crickets fill the air and mingle with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way. A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn. You also see the Pavender disk, a simple maoral chest, an iron-bound tanik chest, a smoke tiger and a large wooden barrel.
Also here: Lord Pavender, Drakaz, Arastil, Hashum, Evarin who is kneeling, Yundah who is sitting, Solmarar, Savageheart who is sitting, Lord Goldenranger who is sitting, Ravier who is lying down
Obvious paths: none
Pavender clearly asks, "Who da ell was thats?"
Arastil chuckles.
Evarin shakes his head.
Solmarar says, "Others you do not know of."
>get bros pot
Get what?
Hashum exclaims, "You robbed me of my powers now you will pay!"
You have 1062 coins with you.
Solmarar exclaims, "They will have your hide!"
Evarin gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Solmarar appears startled.
Evarin gestures.
A dense fog gathers around Evarin, but soon fills the area.
Pavender makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Pavender gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Pavender.
Evarin makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Evarin gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Evarin.
Arastil clearly says, "They talk about weak and can't even swing a proper weapon."
Pavender makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Pavender gestures.
A bright luminescence surrounds Pavender.
Evarin makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Evarin gestures.
A bright luminescence surrounds Evarin.
Arastil scoffs.
Pavender makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Pavender gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Pavender.
Evarin makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Evarin gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Evarin.
Solmarar removes some pothinir grass from on a weathered wooden bench.
Evarin begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as he utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...
Evarin gestures.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass Evarin, swiftly sinking into his skin.
Pavender recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Pavender gestures.
Pavender bristles with energy.
Solmarar takes a bite of his pothinir grass.
Solmarar's back looks better.
Pavender clearly says, "Nyun care to splain all the grab ass'n? I no like walking into getting stunned."
Drakaz asks, "Open smith?"
Hashum snaps his fingers.
Evarin says, "He carved their flesh into ribbons."
Evarin makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Evarin gestures.
Evarin stands taller, as if bolstered with a sense of confidence.
Pavender grunts and sneers at the same time in obvious distaste!
Pavender recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Pavender gestures.
Pavender looks considerably more imposing.

* Hashum drops dead at your feet!

Evarin glances at Arastil.
Pavender becomes solid again.
Arastil clearly says, "Bet he couldn't even do it."
Evarin grins at Hashum.
Pavender recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Pavender gestures.
Pavender appears somehow changed.
Goldenranger shakes his head at Hashum and clucks his tongue.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Solmarar removes some pothinir grass from on a weathered wooden bench.
Pavender recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Pavender gestures.
Pavender is surrounded by a shimmering field of energy.
Solmarar takes a bite of his pothinir grass.
Yundah raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Dhuul.
Yundah gestures at Hashum.
Yundah concentrates for a moment then sighs weakly.
Pavender recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Pavender gestures.
Glowing specks of dark brown energy begin to spin around Pavender.
Dhuul raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Dhuul gestures at Hashum.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Hashum, then fades into the body.
Drakaz asks, "Open smith?"
Dhuul removes some wolifrew lichen from in his serpent skin cloak
Pavender traces a series of glowing runes while chanting an arcane phrase...
Pavender gestures.
A luminescent aura begins to swirl around Pavender.
Dhuul takes a bite of his wolifrew lichen.
Dhuul's twitching subsides.
Solmarar grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.

09-16-2004, 07:15 PM
If some nice Mod can Edit those logs and replace my posts with a cleaner version it'd be nice.

Damn I wish I'd been playing Alahnna and not Lieya. She was assassinated by the DA once and has been on an IC quest to find out who the hell they are for so long...

09-16-2004, 07:28 PM
You can edit your own posts, Alahnna, using the Edit function. Having a mod edit your posts isn't a good idea. We can't be sure what you want left in and what you want removed. That has to be your decision. ;)


09-16-2004, 07:43 PM
Even more stuff. Round 3. He didn't die this time.

Dhuul says, "Fogger."
Dhuul nods to Evarin.
>chat Dhuul, post those logs, blast it!
You focus on transmitting your thought.
The voice of Arastil clearly says, "Good job Dhuul."
Dhuul bows.
Evarin says, "Perhaps he mistook you for an errant, cowardly shadow."
Dhuul chuckles.
Yundah says, "Shakrean is about. Perhaps he will come heal."
Dhuul says, "After I couldn't defeat him magically, I turned to my secondary skills."
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Lacheis is still here."
Dhuul waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.
The ghostly voice of Hashum says, "I didn't care about sol I just wanted the head of that dammed assisgin."
Dhuul says, "He is nothing to worry about."
>'Who Lacheis?
Speaking in broken common, you ask, "Who Lacheis?"
The spirit of Hashum mutters, complaining bitterly about his state of affairs.
>'Why kill?!
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "He lurks in the shadows."
Speaking in broken common, you exclaim, "Why kill?!"
>'What happen?
Speaking in broken common, you ask, "What happen?"
[River's Rest, Town Commons]
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree. Chirping crickets fill the air and mingle with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way. A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn. You also see a simple maoral chest, an iron-bound tanik chest, a smoke tiger and a large wooden barrel.
Also here: the body of Solmarar who is lying down, Dhuul, Lord Maleficius, the body of Hashum who is lying down, Evarin who is kneeling, Yundah who is sitting, Savageheart who is sitting, Ravier who is lying down
Obvious paths: none
You frown.
>put pot on bench
You put a brostheras potion on a weathered wooden bench.

>eat root
You manage to take a bite of some haphip root, which is on a weathered wooden bench.
YUCK! That stuff tastes horrible!
Your head feels better.
Roundtime: 15 sec.
You have about 17 bites left.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "I can only explain while dead."
>turn solm
...wait 7 seconds.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Because each word summons them more."
Solmarar appears startled.
Evarin glances at Solmarar.
>turn solm
You turn to face Solmarar.
>flutter nervo
Your wings flutter with a slight trembling in them.
Drakaz just wandered down a dusty path.
Evarin asks, "Then perhaps stop speaking?"
The dim aura fades from around Yundah.
>eat acan leaf
You manage to take a bite of some acantha leaf, which is on a weathered wooden bench.
YUCK! That stuff tastes horrible!
You feel a little better.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You have about 29 bites left.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar exclaims, "Never!"
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "I am on a mission."
Lord Pavender just wandered down a dusty path.
>eat acan leaf
Yundah appears less confident.
You manage to take a bite of some acantha leaf, which is on a weathered wooden bench.
You feel a little better.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You have about 28 bites left.
Evarin stands up.
The brilliant aura fades away from Yundah.
Lord Pavender just wandered down a dusty path.
>eat acan leaf
You manage to take a bite of some acantha leaf, which is on a weathered wooden bench.
You feel a little better.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You have about 27 bites left.
>eat acan leaf
...wait 1 seconds.
Dhuul asks, "Can someone tend Hashum's neck, chest, arm and back?"
Evarin just wandered down a dusty path.
>eat acan leaf
You manage to take a bite of some acantha leaf, which is on a weathered wooden bench.
You feel a little better.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You have about 26 bites left.
Dhuul whistles tunelessly to himself.
>eat acan leaf
You manage to take a bite of some acantha leaf, which is on a weathered wooden bench.
You feel a little better.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You have about 25 bites left.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "I have been given this mission by my lord as this council has stolen more lives then he wishes to accept."
Yundah says, "I have tried. I can not."
Yundah shakes her head.
The ghostly voice of Hashum says, "Bah my only mission now is to see evarin dead."
Drakaz sits down.
Drakaz rests his hands on his knees and breathes deep to relax.
Dhuul says, "I'll get some herbs."
Solmarar appears startled.
>[ solm What council?
Speaking in broken common to Solmarar, you ask, "What council?"
Dhuul says, "Can raise ya with a bit of blood."
>scratch my head
You scratch your head.
Savageheart softly says, "Hmm I'm bleeding."
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Council of Light."
Dhuul just wandered down a dusty path, dragging Solmarar with him.
>go path
[River's Rest, Commons Circle]
Here, the dusty roadway splits and continues to the northeast and northwest. The rush of River Road traffic to the south is faint in the air and the pace of life seems slower and calmer to the north. Between the roads, a dusty pathway fades into a broad expanse of green lawn. You also see a scratched iron chest with a plain iron box on it and a moldy lemon cupcake.
Also here: the body of Solmarar who is lying down, Dhuul
Obvious paths: northeast, south, northwest
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Erm."
Dhuul just wandered down a dusty pathway, dragging Solmarar with him.
>go path
[River's Rest, Town Commons]
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree. Chirping crickets fill the air and mingle with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way. A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn. You also see a simple maoral chest, an iron-bound tanik chest, a smoke tiger and a large wooden barrel.
Also here: the body of Solmarar who is lying down, Dhuul, Drakaz who is sitting, Lord Maleficius, the body of Hashum who is lying down, Yundah who is sitting, Savageheart who is sitting, Ravier who is lying down
Obvious paths: none
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You attempt to blend with the surroundings and feel confident that no one has noticed your doing so.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Group close."
>stalk solm
Dhuul says, "Woops."
I don't think that Solmarar will be going anywhere on his own anytime soon.
Dhuul just wandered down a dusty path.
You do not believe anyone noticed you slip out of hiding.
>[ solm What council light?
Speaking in broken common to Solmarar, you ask, "What council light?"
Yundah removes some ephlox moss from on a weathered wooden bench.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "They are a secret group hiddin attempting to steal souls."
Yundah offers Savageheart some ephlox moss.
You frown.
Savageheart accepts Yundah's ephlox moss.
Savageheart manages to take a bite of some basal moss, which is on a weathered wooden bench.
Savageheart makes a horrible face!
Lady Kalanira just wandered down a dusty path.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "They must be distroyed yet again."
Savageheart offers Yundah some ephlox moss.
Arastil comes out of hiding.
Arastil gives Kalanira a friendly hug.
>[ solm Soul steal? Luukos?
Speaking in broken common to Solmarar, you ask, "Soul steal? Luukos?"
Yundah accepts Savageheart's ephlox moss.
Kalanira exclaims, "Hello everyone!"
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "As they were distroyed once befor in landing."
Kalanira gives Arastil a friendly hug.
Arastil clearly exclaims, "Hi!"
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "NO."
Yundah put some ephlox moss on a weathered wooden bench.
Solmarar appears startled.
>whisper solm Destroyed
You quietly whisper to Solmarar, "Destroyed."
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Worse then Luukos."
Kalanira hugs Yundah.
Yundah beams happily at Kalanira!
Yundah gives Kalanira a friendly hug.
Kalanira asks, "How is everyone?"
>frown solm
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Luukos wishes to have them killed."
You frown at Solmarar.
A smoke tiger's tail darts back and forth sharply as she purrs.
>flutter nerv
Your wings flutter with a slight trembling in them.
The ghostly voice of Hashum says, "Dead."
Arastil clearly says, "No complaints."
Yundah asks, "Could you heal these corpses so Dhuull and I can raise them?"
Kalanira beams happily at Arastil!
Yundah smiles at Kalanira.
Evarin just wandered down a dusty path.
>[ solm Luukos want all kill
Speaking in broken common to Solmarar, you say, "Luukos want all kill."
Evarin picks up a simple maoral chest.
Evarin put a simple maoral chest in the Evarin disk.
Kalanira ponders.
Evarin picks up an iron-bound tanik chest.
>[ solm What worse?
Speaking in broken common to Solmarar, you ask, "What worse?"
Evarin put an iron-bound tanik chest in his leather cloak.
Kalanira sits down.
Evarin slings a golvern embossed kite shield off from over his shoulder.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "'No he only wishes eturnal Undeath."
Kalanira says, "I suppose I can if they wish my healing."
Arastil shakes his head at Solmarar and clucks his tongue.
Dhuul just wandered down a dusty path.
Dhuul raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
The ghostly voice of Hashum says, "I don't care."
Solmarar appears startled.
Dhuul raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Dhuul gestures at Hashum.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Dhuul encompassing Hashum's corpse.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Were all are death but able to do more then any that are alive."
s that are running now with the message to solhaven to the officials."
Speaking to Solmarar, Evarin says, "Do you believe your master wants you to be murdered repeatedly in front of others? How foolish you appear in the name of your Patron."
Drakaz makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Drakaz gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Drakaz.
Dhuul seems less resolute.
Dhuul says, "He's hurt."
Drakaz makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Drakaz gestures.
A bright luminescence surrounds Drakaz.
Arastil clearly says, "Now Phoen, I'm sure he'd be up for a good old council stompin."
Solmarar appears startled.
Kalanira meditates over Hashum.
Kalanira takes Hashum's back damage.
Drakaz makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Drakaz gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Drakaz.
Kalanira meditates over Hashum.
Kalanira takes Hashum's neck damage.
Dhuul says, "One moment."
Kalanira meditates over Hashum.
Kalanira takes Hashum's left arm damage.
Dhuul stares off into space.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Death only honors my lord."
Kalanira meditates over Hashum.
Kalanira takes Hashum's chest damage.
Dhuul nods.
Dhuul says, "Okay."
Dhuul raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Kalanira meditates over Hashum.
Kalanira takes some of Hashum's blood loss.
Dhuul gestures at Hashum.
Dhuul suddenly looks very drained.

A bolt of soft white light streaks down from the sky bathing Hashum in it.
A brilliant glow forms around Hashum, lingers for a moment, and finally fades. Hashum awakens looking somewhat confused and seriously drained.
Hashum seems slightly different.
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira concentrates.
Kalanira looks a little better.
Evarin gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Evarin gestures.
A light blue glow surrounds Evarin.
Yundah beams happily at Savageheart!
>[ solm I not understand
Speaking in broken common to Solmarar, you say, "I not understand."
Yundah gives Savageheart a lingering kiss.
Evarin gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Evarin gestures.
The air thickens and begins to swirl around Evarin.
Drakaz begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as he utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...
Kalanira asks, "Did I miss all the fun again?"
Drakaz gestures.
A shadowy patch of ether rises up through the ground to encompass Drakaz, swiftly sinking into his skin.
Kalanira folds her arms over her chest.
>[ solm How council worse Luukos?
Speaking in broken common to Solmarar, you ask, "How council worse Luukos?"
Evarin gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Evarin gestures.
There is a dim flash around Evarin.
Evarin's body seems to glow with an internal strength.
Arastil nods to Kalanira.
Arastil clearly says, "You did."
Drakaz chants in an arcane language which causes his skin to turn shadowy for a brief moment.
Evarin gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Evarin gestures.
There is a dim flash around Evarin.
Evarin's veins stand out briefly.
Kalanira wails!
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira concentrates.
Kalanira looks a little better.
>[ solm What Solhaven for?
Speaking in broken common to Solmarar, you ask, "What Solhaven for?"
Evarin gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Evarin gestures.
A deep blue glow surrounds Evarin.
Kalanira exclaims, "I always miss the fun!"
Savageheart gives Yundah a lingering kiss.
Kalanira meditates over Hashum.
Kalanira takes all of Hashum's blood loss.
Yundah gives Savageheart a lingering kiss.
Hashum stands up.
Davanshire just wandered down a dusty path.
Yundah gazes fondly at Savageheart.
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira concentrates.
Kalanira looks a little better.
Dhuul just opened a plainly wrapped package.
Davanshire begins to meticulously examine a scratched maoral strongbox.
[River's Rest, Town Commons]
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree. Chirping crickets fill the air and mingle with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way. A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn. You also see the Evarin disk, a smoke tiger and a large wooden barrel.
Also here: Davanshire, Dhuul, Evarin, Lady Kalanira who is sitting, the body of Solmarar who is lying down, Drakaz who is sitting, Lord Maleficius, Arastil, Hashum, Yundah who is sitting, Savageheart who is sitting, Ravier who is lying down
Obvious paths: none
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Solhaven is the location of there hideout."
Hashum just wandered down a dusty path, dragging Solmarar with him.
Arastil rubs Kalanira gently.
Hashum just wandered down a dusty path, dragging Solmarar with him.
Dhuul chuckles.
Speaking to Solmarar, Kalanira asks, "You want healing?"
Hashum just wandered down a dusty path.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Yes please."
>frown solm
Kalanira ponders.
You frown at Solmarar.
Dhuul put a black naginata in his serpent skin cloak.
>[ solm Why desroy?
Speaking in broken common to Solmarar, you ask, "Why desroy?"
Speaking to Kalanira, Maleficius says, "I blame the rum dear, some of the rougher element getting overexited."
Kalanira asks, "What is it you speak of?"
Dhuul removes some aloeas stem from on a weathered wooden bench.
Speaking quietly to you, Evarin says, "He is seeking to confuse you. I would suggest turning a deaf ear to his nonsense."
>[ solm Not bad Luukos.
Speaking in broken common to Solmarar, you say, "Not bad Luukos."
>chat Yes
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Having found a trap on the strongbox, Davanshire begins to attempt to disarm it...
Davanshire investigates something just inside the lock mechanism for a moment, then confidently pokes around in it. You hear a metallic "sproing!" from within the maoral strongbox, followed by what appears to be the sound of breaking glass.
>chat I'm gonna post it
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Arastil begins chuckling at Evarin!
>chat Right now I'm RPing it
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Dhuul says, "Grab "my stem" "my gras" "my leaf" "my moss"."
Arastil clearly asks, "You'd like that huh?"
Dhuul says, "Oops."
Dhuul just wandered down a dusty path.
Arastil looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
Davanshire removes a silk-wrapped veniom lockpick from in his silk trousers.
Davanshire deftly twirls a silk-wrapped veniom lockpick between two fingers.
Davanshire gives his veniom lockpick a sharp twist, attempting to straighten it slightly, before settling into the difficult task of picking the lock on a scratched maoral strongbox...
You hear a snap and then Davanshire mumbles some unprintables.
>turn evar
You turn to face Evarin.
Davanshire grumbles.
>[ evar I confuse.
Speaking in broken common to Evarin, you say, "I confuse."
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira's neck looks better.
>[ evar Why he talk?
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "They only send suffering and torment to all that join this group promising fauls powers that will only take there souls and steal there spirit."
Speaking in broken common to Evarin, you ask, "Why he talk?"
Solmarar appears startled.
Speaking quietly to you, Evarin says, "The servants of Luukos know lies and mistruths."
Davanshire just wandered down a dusty path.
>nod evar
You nod to Evarin.
>[ evar You speak true.
Speaking in broken common to Evarin, you say, "You speak true."
Yundah nods to Kalanira.
>find lach

There are no adventurers questing that match the names specified.

The usage for this command is: find {player1} {player2} ... {player9} and will provide a list of those players present you wish to find provided they are questing.
Arastil clearly says, "I almost joined yer council, but then they said I'd find my destiny at their hideout. truth is, I make my own destiny not them."
Speaking to Evarin, Maleficius asks, "In the same way a banker knows coins, old chap?"
Evarin nods to you.
Kalanira says, "I am sorry, you will have to find another healer."
Evarin smiles at you.
Arastil nods to Evarin.
>chat Lacheis isn't in game.
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira's chest looks better.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Luukos is a Lord that does not offer fauls powers. He offers only what he grants."
Evarin glances at Arastil.
Davanshire just wandered down a dusty path.
Davanshire deftly twirls a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick between two fingers.
Davanshire gives his white vaalin lockpick a sharp twist, attempting to straighten it slightly, before settling into the difficult task of picking the lock on a scratched maoral strongbox...
Then...CLICK! It opens!
Evarin darkly says, "I know nothing of any councils."
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira's left arm looks better.
Arastil clearly says, "Oh, of course not."
Arastil appears to be trying hard not to grin.
>[ evar You smart.
Speaking in broken common to Evarin, you say, "You smart."
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "I do need healing please when one can."
Solmarar appears startled.
>[ evar But he lie, why he die?
Speaking in broken common to Evarin, you ask, "But he lie, why he die?"
>peer evar
You peer quizzically at Evarin.
Davanshire just wandered down a dusty path.
Hashum just wandered down a riverstone walkway.
Dhuul just wandered down a dusty path.
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Arastil clearly says, "How could I forget you people's ignorace clause."
Dhuul yawns.
Kalanira's back looks better.
Hashum just wandered down a riverstone walkway.
Arastil waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Lieya."
Speaking darkly to you, Evarin says, "Some people cannot stand liars. One such person happened by."
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira's back looks better.
Dhuul says, "I think I might try communing again."
>[ evar Many people. They pull in half. Have horses
Speaking in broken common to Evarin, you say, "Many people. They pull in half. Have horses."
Dhuul glances at a long high-collared serpent skin cloak stitched with a dark Luukos symbol.
Kalanira gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Kalanira gestures into the air.
Kalanira momentarily gets a faroff look in her eyes, and then returns to normal.
Arastil grins at Dhuul.
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira's neck looks better.
Speaking to you, Evarin says, "Never spread such falsehoods as this fool that lies broken before you, and you need never worry about such men."
>flutter confuse
FLUTTER [target]
FLUTTER [style]
FLUTTER [style] [target]


You can also substute EYELASHES as a style to get the non-Aelotoi messaging.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Evarin is protecting the secret as her soul is probley tainted by this council as well."
Hashum just wandered down a dusty path.
Hashum clambers up the graceful willow tree.
Solmarar appears startled.
Hashum just arrived.
Hashum just wandered down a dusty path.
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira's chest looks better.
Evarin peers quizzically at Solmarar.
>[ evar If false why he kill? I no understand.
Speaking in broken common to Evarin, you say, "If false why he kill? I no understand."
You flutter your wings creating a gentle breeze about yourself.
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira's left arm looks better.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "They do not wish to let anyone know it is true."
>l evar
You see Evarin.
He appears to be a Dhe'nar Dark Elf.
He appears to be very young and average height. He has brooding pale grey eyes and black skin. He has long, flowing silver hair worn in a single braid. He has an upturned nose and a pointed chin.
He has minor cuts and bruises on his chest.
He has old battle scars on his right arm, old battle scars on his left leg, old battle scars on his left hand, developed slurred speech, and a scar across his face.
He is holding a golvern embossed kite shield in his left hand.
He is wearing a rugged leather cloak, a coin-fastened tan suede gem pouch, a pair of narrow leather shoes, a gruesome squirrel skull fetish, a shadowglass ring, some simple tan full leather, some soft dark leather trousers, a darkened Dhe'nari headband, an onyx-bound bloodjewel amulet, a ruby amulet, and some slate grey hide gloves.
Arastil nods to Solmarar.
[River's Rest, Town Commons]
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree. Chirping crickets fill the air and mingle with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way. A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn. You also see the Evarin disk and a large wooden barrel.
Also here: Dhuul, the body of Solmarar who is lying down, Evarin, Lady Kalanira who is sitting, Drakaz who is sitting, Lord Maleficius, Arastil, Yundah who is sitting, Savageheart who is sitting, Ravier who is lying down
Obvious paths: none
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "See."
Arastil clearly says, "Duh! then they'd be shut down."
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Even more to think about Lieya."
Evarin says, "The only truth the is evident this night is your idiocy."
Arastil clearly asks, "Can't have that now can they?"
Davanshire just wandered down a dusty path.
>frown evar
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "If I lie... why am i being killed."
You frown at Evarin.
Davanshire put a Galena repair ticket in his black silk gem pouch.
Davanshire just closed an elegant black silk gem pouch.
Arastil agrees with Solmarar.
Davanshire removes an iron-bound modwir trunk from in his elven longcoat.
Davanshire begins to meticulously examine an iron-bound modwir trunk.
>[ evar He make truth. Why he kill if he not true?
Speaking in broken common to Evarin, you ask, "He make truth. Why he kill if he not true?"
Arastil clearly says, "Someone doesn't want their precious secret getting out."
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "That shows you that what I speak of is true."
Maleficius chuckles.
Solmarar appears startled.
Speaking to you, Evarin says, "Lies are evil."
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira's back looks better.
Davanshire removes a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick from in his silk trousers.
Davanshire deftly twirls a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick between two fingers.
Davanshire gives his white vaalin lockpick a sharp twist, attempting to straighten it slightly, before settling into the difficult task of picking the lock on an iron-bound modwir trunk...
Then...CLICK! It opens!
A large, dark splotch erupts from the lock mechanism and engulfs Davanshire who subsequently vanishes! A stiff wind rips past you and into the gulf which collapses on itself, leaving no sign it ever existed...

Arastil begins chuckling at Evarin!
The powerful look leaves Yundah.
Dhuul gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Dhuul gestures into the air.
Dhuul gets a frustrated look on his face.
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira's back looks better.
Arastil clearly says, "How true."
A faint, ghostly hiss emanates from the corpse of Solmarar.
Arastil nods to Evarin.
Dhuul says, "Davanshire just got rifted."
>[ aras If not want secret why kill here? Not smart kill public.
Speaking in broken common to Arastil, you say, "If not want secret why kill here? Not smart kill public."
Dhuul chuckles.
Savageheart grins at Yundah.
Speaking to you, Evarin says, "This liar intends to spread his lies and make people believe that there is some evil force in the lands."
Maleficius says, "I rather think the odd gambling debt, or somebodies mistress ticked by this young rogue, might better explain it."
Savageheart gives Yundah a lingering kiss on the lips.
>[ aras bring thought
Speaking in broken common to Arastil, you say, "Bring thought."
Maleficius says, "Sadly the truth of a matter is oft prosaic."
Yundah gazes fondly at Savageheart.
Yundah gives Savageheart a lingering kiss.
Savageheart stands up.
Maleficius says, "Although it was rather."
>[ evar There evil force in land
Speaking clearly to you, Arastil says, "No one said they were smart."
Speaking in broken common to Evarin, you say, "There evil force in land."
>[ aras Lornon.
(Maleficius wrinkles his nose)
Speaking in broken common to Arastil, you say, "Lornon."
The ghostly voice of Solmarar exclaims, "There is!"
Savageheart clambers up the graceful willow tree.
Maleficius says, "Messier than your average backally knifing."
>[ evar Lornon
Speaking in broken common to Evarin, you say, "Lornon."
>point lor
What were you referring to?
The ghostly voice of Solmarar exclaims, "Council of Light is true!"
>l lornon
Evarin agrees with you.
You gaze up into the heavens scanning for the moon Lornon...
Lornon just crests over the eastern horizon as a full perfect circle. Dark streaks slowly undulate across its surface, resembling tendrils of mist writhing rhythmically within the roiling core of an ever-shifting miasma.
Solmarar appears startled.
Evarin says, "And he worships one of them."
Evarin points at Solmarar.
Arastil chuckles.
>nod evar
You nod to Evarin.
Kalanira stands up.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Wrong."
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira's left arm looks better.
Evarin asks, "How can you trust a word this fool says?"
>[ evar He spread lie. Maybe lie not good so Luukos kill?
Speaking in broken common to Evarin, you ask, "He spread lie. Maybe lie not good so Luukos kill?"
Evarin glances at Kalanira.
Arastil clearly asks, "I tire of this, wanna go get an ale?"
Arastil cocks his head at Kalanira.
Evarin asks, "Do you trust that one?"
Evarin points at Kalanira.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Luukos would not send an assassin to kill me."
Kalanira blinks at Evarin.
Evarin peers quizzically at you.
Kalanira asks, "Why are you pointing at me?"
Solmarar appears startled.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "He would kill me himself."
Davanshire just wandered down a dusty path.
Davanshire slings an ash composite bow over his shoulder.
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira's left leg looks better.
Dhuul just left.
Davanshire removes an engraved fel trunk from in his elven longcoat.
Davanshire begins to meticulously examine an engraved fel trunk.
Evarin says, "If you do not believe me, ask one you know would not lie to you, such as Kalanira."
Speaking clearly to Kalanira, Arastil exclaims, "I think he likes you!"
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "This council is weak and hides in the shadows."
Evarin nods to you.
Davanshire put an engraved fel trunk in his elven longcoat.
Davanshire removes a scratched maoral chest from in his elven longcoat.
Davanshire begins to meticulously examine a scratched maoral chest.
Kalanira asks, "Ask me what?"
Kalanira giggles.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "They only use assassins to kill people like me that wish for there end."
Davanshire just closed an elegant black silk gem pouch.

A raggedly-dressed lass lopes by, slowing only long enough to whisper "The smuggler's cutter 'Live Bait' just pulled up under the drawbridge!".
Evarin agrees with Yundah.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "If lord voln hurd of this... He would smite them once again."
Davanshire removes a battered iron chest from in his elven longcoat.
Davanshire begins to meticulously examine a battered iron chest.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "As he has done befor."
Evarin laughs at Solmarar!
Speaking clearly to Yundah, Arastil says, "If ya live here, your slightly insane..."
Evarin asks, "Where was lord Voln when you were decimated?"
Arastil winks at Yundah.
>[ yund But he die
Speaking in broken common to Yundah, you say, "But he die."
Davanshire removes a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick from in his silk trousers.
Davanshire deftly twirls a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick between two fingers.
Davanshire gives his white vaalin lockpick a sharp twist, attempting to straighten it slightly, before settling into the difficult task of picking the lock on a battered iron chest...
Then...CLICK! It opens!
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira's neck looks better.
Davanshire deftly twirls a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick between two fingers.
Davanshire put a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick in his silk trousers.
Dienjiini just arrived.
>[ yund If only yell about not true why he die?
Arastil clearly asks, "Decimated?"
Speaking in broken common to Yundah, you ask, "If only yell about not true why he die?"
Solmarar appears startled.
Davanshire just opened a battered iron chest.
Arastil works his fingers under his woolen cap and scratches his head.
Davanshire gathers the remaining coins from inside his iron chest.
Davanshire removes a yellow sapphire from in his iron chest.
Dienjiini blinks.
Davanshire just opened an elegant black silk gem pouch.
Davanshire put a yellow sapphire in his black silk gem pouch.
Davanshire just closed an elegant black silk gem pouch.
Davanshire removes a golden wand from in his iron chest.
Davanshire just opened an elegant black silk gem pouch.
Davanshire put a golden wand in his black silk gem pouch.
Davanshire just closed an elegant black silk gem pouch.
Evarin says, "That is what I said."
Evarin glances at Arastil.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Leiya I do not lie."
Evarin sneers at Solmarar.
>cover sol
Davanshire removes an engraved fel trunk from in his elven longcoat.
You kick some dirt on the dead body of Solmarar.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "They lie to you trying to hide the secret of there council."
Having found a trap on the trunk, Davanshire begins to attempt to disarm it...
Arastil clearly says, "I don't worship Voln, only follow his quest to be rid of undead."
Davanshire put an engraved fel trunk in his elven longcoat.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Evarin is one of them."
Davanshire removes a badly damaged mithril strongbox from in his climbing pack.
Speaking to Solmarar, Kalanira says, "You do babble."
Speaking to you, Yundah says, "Aye. I think that Luukos and his minions are tired of him making them look bad."
Davanshire begins to meticulously examine a badly damaged mithril strongbox.
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira's chest looks better.
Dienjiini whispers, "Can you open spectral warrior boxes?"
Arastil clearly says, "And where he was I really care not."
>nod yund
You nod to Yundah.
>nod dien
You nod to Dienjiini.
>whisper dien Most, not all
Dienjiini offers you a dented steel coffer. Type ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
You quietly whisper to Dienjiini, "Most, not all."
You accept Dienjiini's offer and are now holding a dented steel coffer.
>disarm my coff
You carefully begin to examine a dented steel coffer for traps...

You discover no traps.
Roundtime: 18 sec.
Davanshire removes a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick from in his silk trousers.
Solmarar appears startled.
Davanshire deftly twirls a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick between two fingers.
Davanshire gives his white vaalin lockpick a sharp twist, attempting to straighten it slightly, before settling into the difficult task of picking the lock on a badly damaged mithril strongbox...
Then...CLICK! It opens!
Speaking to you, Evarin asks, "Who would you trust? Some corpse speaking of evil and secrets, or those that stand before you now?"
Davanshire deftly twirls a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick between two fingers.
Davanshire put a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick in his silk trousers.
Dhuul just arrived.
Davanshire just opened a badly damaged mithril strongbox.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Yundah... this is not true."
>[ evar I trust me
Speaking in broken common to Evarin, you say, "I trust me."
Davanshire gathers the remaining coins from inside his mithril strongbox.
Dienjiini removes an acid-pitted silver box from in her clasped silk cloak.
Davanshire removes an empress's crown shell from in his mithril strongbox.
>[ evar I see he die
Davanshire just opened an elegant black silk gem pouch.
Speaking in broken common to Evarin, you say, "I see he die."
Davanshire put an empress's crown shell in his black silk gem pouch.
Davanshire removes a silver wand from in his mithril strongbox.
Davanshire put a silver wand in his black silk gem pouch.
Davanshire just closed an elegant black silk gem pouch.
Arastil nods to you.
>[ evar Everyone say different thing
Speaking in broken common to Evarin, you say, "Everyone say different thing."
Kalanira smiles at you.
>lp white
Speaking to you, Evarin asks, "And you know that Luukos is evil, right?"
You remove a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick from in your onyx lockpick case.
Davanshire removes a sturdy steel box from in his climbing pack.
Davanshire begins to meticulously examine a sturdy steel box.
>pick coff
With a quick flick of the wrist, you spin your white vaalin lockpick around in your palm, stopping it as the tip enters a dented steel coffer...
You make an adequate attempt (d100=53).
You are not able to pick the lock, and learn little about it.
Roundtime: 20 sec.
>shake head
...wait 17 seconds.
You frown.
Having found a trap on the box, Davanshire begins to attempt to disarm it...

Taking a small lump of putty from his locksmith's toolkit, Davanshire presses it into the lock casing of a sturdy steel box.
Speaking to you, Evarin says, "And that he serves him. He is his puppet."
Evarin nods to you.
Kalanira says, "That is a good idea. Trust yourself and your heart."
Arastil agrees with Kalanira.
>give davan
You offer your steel coffer to Davanshire, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Speaking to Evarin, Yundah says, "She is yet learning of our Akarti and their ways."
>[ davan I not try
Speaking in broken common to Davanshire, you say, "I not try."
You put a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick in your onyx lockpick case.
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira's back looks better.
>[ davan I sorry
Speaking in broken common to Davanshire, you say, "I sorry."
Solmarar appears startled.
Arastil yawns.
Davanshire removes a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick from in his silk trousers.
Davanshire deftly twirls a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick between two fingers.
Davanshire gives his white vaalin lockpick a sharp twist, attempting to straighten it slightly, before settling into the difficult task of picking the lock on a sturdy steel box...
Then...CLICK! It opens!
You blink.
Davanshire deftly twirls a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick between two fingers.
Davanshire put a pearl-handled white vaalin lockpick in his silk trousers.
Davanshire just opened a sturdy steel box.
Arastil twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.
Davanshire gathers the remaining coins from inside his steel box.
You cough.
USAGE: STOP {Spell ID#} Specify spell by number
STOP {Mnemonic} Specify spell by mnemonic
STOP SINGING Stops all current songs
STOP PLAYING Stops playing instrument
STOP PLAYING {style} Stops playing instrument using style
STOP SNEAKING Stop sneaking around.
STOP WATCHING Stop watching a player.
STOP LIST Provides a list of activities
you can currently STOP doing.
Davanshire removes a blue sapphire from in his steel box.
Davanshire just opened an elegant black silk gem pouch.
Offer cancelled.
Davanshire put a blue sapphire in his black silk gem pouch.
>give dien
A faint, ghostly hiss emanates from the corpse of Solmarar.
Davanshire removes an uncut diamond from in his steel box.
You offer your steel coffer to Dienjiini, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Davanshire put an uncut diamond in his black silk gem pouch.
Davanshire just closed an elegant black silk gem pouch.
>[ dien I not try. I sorry
Speaking in broken common to Dienjiini, you say, "I not try. I sorry."
Dienjiini has accepted your offer and is now holding a dented steel coffer.
Drakaz stands up.
Dienjiini offers you an acid-pitted silver box. Type ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira's back looks better.
Offer declined.
Drakaz just wandered down a dusty path.
>point dav
>Dienjiini nods.
You point at Davanshire.
[River's Rest, Town Commons]
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree. Chirping crickets fill the air and mingle with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way. A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn. You also see the Evarin disk and a large wooden barrel.
Also here: Dhuul, Dienjiini who is sitting, Davanshire, the body of Solmarar who is lying down, Evarin, Lady Kalanira, Arastil, Yundah who is sitting, Ravier who is lying down
Obvious paths: none
Dienjiini put a dented steel coffer in her clasped silk cloak.
Davanshire whispers, "No worries blue wings, I know I can be distracting at times."
Evarin glances at Solmarar.
Davanshire winks at you.
Dienjiini says, "It's okay."
>l davan
You see Davanshire Swifthand'.
He appears to be a Half-Elf.
He appears to be very young. He has blue-grey eyes and tanned skin. He has short, light brown hair. He has slightly pointed ears.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a sturdy steel box in his right hand.
He is wearing some elven tracking boots, some burgundy silk trousers, an elegant black silk gem pouch, a tooled leather belt quiver, a finely woven braided belt, some black imflass-studded leather, an engraved brass bracer, a tailored elven longcoat, a small traveller's satchel, an ash composite bow, a black silk climbing pack, a silver-bound white crystal pendant, and a wide brimmed blue cavalier hat.
Dienjiini nods to you.
Davanshire chuckles.
Solmarar appears startled.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Keep glancing... as your lies to the youngone will not fool her."
>whisper davan blah, davanshire, dienjiini, they borth start with D
You quietly whisper to Davanshire, "Blah, davanshire, dienjiini, they borth start with D."
>flutter davan
You flutter your wings at Davanshire.
Speaking to Solmarar, Evarin says, "Perhaps you have learned your lesson this evening. Perhaps you will learn it tomorrow, or the next day. ."
Yundah says, "Is difficult to explain what is happened to one so new to our cultures. Just be assured that what happened was necessary."
Davanshire's jaw drops.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "She is smarter then you think."
Davanshire just wandered down a dusty path.
Yundah smiles at you.
>ponder yunda
You ponder the meaning of Yundah's existence.
Dhuul removes some pothinir grass from in his serpent skin cloak.
Dhuul drops some pothinir grass.
>[ yundah I know Arkati
Speaking in broken common to Yundah, you say, "I know Arkati."
Speaking to Solmarar, Evarin says, "Than I have nothing to fear."
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>[ yundah Friend teach
Kalanira's chest looks better.
Speaking in broken common to Yundah, you say, "Friend teach."
Speaking to Solmarar, Evarin says, "Anyone can see right through you."
>[ yundah I not speak good
Speaking in broken common to Yundah, you say, "I not speak good."
Bumples just wandered down a dusty path.
Dhuul removes some ephlox moss from in his serpent skin cloak.
>[ yundah I learn well.
Speaking in broken common to Yundah, you say, "I learn well."
Dhuul drops some ephlox moss.
Kalanira exclaims, "Bumples!"
You fold your arms over your chest.
Dhuul raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
[River's Rest, Town Commons]
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree. Chirping crickets fill the air and mingle with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way. A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn. You also see some ephlox moss, the Bumples disk, some pothinir grass, the Evarin disk and a large wooden barrel.
Also here: Bumples, Dhuul, Dienjiini who is sitting, the body of Solmarar who is lying down, Evarin, Lady Kalanira, Arastil, Yundah who is sitting, Ravier who is lying down
Obvious paths: none
Dhuul gestures at Solmarar.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Dhuul encompassing Solmarar's corpse.
Bumples smiles at Kalanira.
Dienjiini struggles to stand, but fails.
>[ yundah This not work of god.
Bumples says, "Hewwos sweeties."
Dienjiini stands up.
Arastil clearly says, "Hmm..."
Speaking in broken common to Yundah, you say, "This not work of god."
Solmarar appears startled.
Dienjiini just wandered down a dusty path.
Kalanira pulls Bumples closer to herself.
>[ yundah Messy
Speaking in broken common to Yundah, you say, "Messy."
Bumples sits down near Kalanira.
Solmarar seems slightly different. The stench of decay is growing more pervasive.
Arastil clearly says, "I wonder if the boat is still here..."
Bumples clasps Kalanira's hand tenderly.
>[ yundah Why men kill?
Speaking in broken common to Yundah, you ask, "Why men kill?"
Dienjiini just wandered down a dusty path.
Kalanira sits down near Bumples.
Yundah raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Bumples hugs Kalanira, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Kalanira hugs Bumples, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Arastil clearly says, "I need to get my next step..."
Speaking to Solmarar, Evarin says, "Yes, rejoin the living one more. See if your master protects you."
Yundah gestures at Solmarar.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Solmarar, then fades into the body.
Kalanira exclaims, "Hello!"
Evarin sneers at Solmarar.
Bumples gives Kalanira a lingering kiss on the lips.
Bumples giggles at Kalanira!
Dhuul says, "Someone unstun Solmarar once he is raised."
Arastil clearly says, "I'll be back in a day or so."
Dhuul raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Arastil waves.
Dhuul gestures at Solmarar.
Dhuul suddenly looks very drained.

A bolt of soft white light streaks down from the sky bathing Solmarar in it.
A brilliant glow forms around Solmarar, lingers for a moment, and finally fades. Solmarar awakens looking somewhat confused and seriously drained.
Solmarar seems slightly different.
Dhuul just left.
Kalanira asks, "Unstun who?"
Bumples gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Bumples gestures at Solmarar.
The glazed look leaves Solmarar.
Solmarar manages to take a bite of some ephlox moss, which is on the ground.
Solmarar's left leg looks better.
Kalanira pokes Bumples in the ribs.
Solmarar manages to take a bite of some pothinir grass, which is on the ground.
Solmarar's back looks better.
Bumples breaks out in a silly grin.
Evarin just wandered down a dusty path.
Bumples hugs Kalanira, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
A faint silvery glow fades from around Dienjiini.
Solmarar appears startled.
Speaking to you, Yundah says, "Just know that in some cases, if you speak of things that others have told you not to speak, than you might end up dead."
Solmarar manages to take a bite of some pothinir grass, which is on the ground.
Solmarar's back looks better.
Dienjiini just closed a butterfly clasped silk cloak.
Yundah shrugs.
Kalanira giggles.
Dienjiini just closed a butterfly clasped silk satchel.
Bumples laughs!
Solmarar takes a bite of his pothinir grass.
Dienjiini searches around for a moment.
Kalanira murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Kalanira's right eye looks better.
Solmarar says, "What do i eat for nerves and my neck."
Solmarar sits up.
Solmarar says, "My lord will not save me for death."
Yundah says, "Stem for the neck."
Solmarar says, "Death is what I seek."

09-16-2004, 07:44 PM
Oh, I know I can hun. I'm just too lazy to edit the log. I just meant for some nice Mod to clean up the log for me. :)

Originally posted by HarmNone
You can edit your own posts, Alahnna, using the Edit function. Having a mod edit your posts isn't a good idea. We can't be sure what you want left in and what you want removed. That has to be your decision. ;)


09-16-2004, 07:49 PM
Heh. Okay. Don't think I'll be doin' that this day. :rofl:

HarmNone, also lazy

09-16-2004, 08:08 PM
This isn't my folder but if it was I know I wouldn't be editing it down. A.) I don't know what you want cleaned up and what you don't and B.) I doubt I'd stay awake long enough to read it all. Kudos to anyone who actually reads those walls of text.

09-16-2004, 09:44 PM
Excellent usage of drawing and quartering a la willow tree bwahahaha.

09-16-2004, 10:49 PM
did enjoy the drawing and quartering...was missing the yell of FREEEEEDOM!!!! though

09-16-2004, 11:06 PM

Here is my edit of the log (From the SR and Official Boards). I am a master log cleaner. Lieya was great, BTW, Alahnna.

This is a highly cleaned log of events that took place today while in the Commons. The interaction carried on for a good deal past this log. However, I believed this to be the most interesting part of the evening.

Special thanks go out to GM Khaladon, both for his timely handling of the situation and for his portrayal of Lacheis, A NPC character I have met before and love. Also, I have nominated Yundah and Lieya for Golden Kobolds for their involement in this afternoon's events. Though Leiya's part in this matter did not show on this log, she roleplayed excellently throughout the event.

I would also like to thank Geremiah, Hashum, Savageheart, Solmarar (Once he got into it), Arastil, Lieya, and many others for helping this event along.


>Solmarar asks, "Anyone here know if the council can be joined in this town?"

>Geremiah asks, "What council?"

>Yundah raises an eyebrow in Solmarar's direction.

>Geremiah shrugs.

You warily ask, "Of which council do you speak?"

>Solmarar says, "The one of light."

You clench your jaw.

>Yundah asks, "There is such a thing?"
>Yundah peers quizzically at Solmarar.

>Geremiah blinks.

You harshly say, "I know of no such organization."

>Geremiah shakes his head.

>Solmarar suddenly appears to be very nervous.

>Geremiah says, "In all my years, never heard of it."

>Goldenranger agrees with Geremiah.

>Yundah signals, "Where's the danged Dark Assassins when you need 'em?"

>Hashum rubs his right cheek with his left thumb. He is a fellow member of the Council of Light.

report Solmarar should be watched, he is speaking aloud of the council.REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

>Solmarar says, "Dear lord... you people know its real just you wish to keep it a secret because you fear of the dark assassin."

>Goldenranger grins at Yundah.

>Solmarar says, "Give me a break."

>Hashum signals, "::snicker::"

>report Solmarar says, "Dear lord... you people know its real just you wish to keep it a secret because you fear of the dark assassin."REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

>Geremiah raises an eyebrow in Solmarar's direction

SEND[Khaladon] gimme a moment...

>Geremiah says, "Tell me more."
>Geremiah sits up.
>Geremiah nods to Solmarar.

You darkly say, "I would mind your tongue, fool, should you wish to keep it."

>Solmarar rolls his eyes.

>Hashum asks, "Solmarar, what are you talking about?"
>Hashum peers quizzically at Solmarar.

>Geremiah says, "I'm curious."

Hashum works his fingers under his white crystal crown and scratches his head.

>Solmarar looks considerably shaken.

>Solmarar says, "If i was afraid of losing my toung i wouldnt have said anything."
>Solmarar nods to you.

>Geremiah nods to Solmarar.

>Geremiah asks, "So, what is this organization?"
>Geremiah nods to Solmarar.

You angrily say, "You will lose much more, I assure you, if you do not quickly come to your senses."

>Dhuul scratches his left shoulder with his right pinky. He is a fellow member of the Council of Light.

>Geremiah asks, "What do they do?"
>Geremiah cocks his head at Solmarar.

>Solmarar says, "We sorcerer's only fear one thing.. that is our nightmares."

>Solmarar says, "And Ive lost my life many times."
>Solmarar says, "My soul belongs to Luukos."

Speaking angrily in Guildspeak, you exclaim, "I am QUITE aware of what can scare a Sorcerer!"

>Solmarar appears startled.

>Dhuul rubs a long high-collared serpent skin cloak stitched with a dark Luukos symbol.

>Hashum shakes his head.

>Speaking to you, Geremiah says, "Don't distract him."

>Hashum mutters kids.

>Solmarar laughs!

>Hashum peers quizzically at Solmarar.
>Hashum sits down.

>Speaking to Solmarar, Geremiah asks, "What is this group you speak of?"

>Geremiah cocks his head at Solmarar.
>Solmarar says, "Well looks like the assassin is here for me."

>Dhuul says, "Solmarar...do you like snakes."

You glance at Geremiah.

>Goldenranger says, "All they stories."
>Goldenranger waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.

>Solmarar says, "Geremiah... save ya life."

>Dhuul pokes Solmarar in the ribs.

>Solmarar says, "Dont speak more of it."

You angrily ask, "Assassin?"

>Geremiah blinks.

>Dhuul shows Solmarar his bronze medallion.

>Solmarar says, "I have honor in my deaths."

>Geremiah asks, "I should fear them? Who are they?"

>Solmarar says, "As all my death's honor my Lord."

>Geremiah stands up.

>Yundah says, "I see no assassin."

>Goldenranger yawns.

>Yundah shrugs.

Hashum says, "Solmarar I suggest you shut up I am tied of lissening to you."

You angrily say, "Doubtful. If you would realize there is no such conspiracy, you will be quite fine I assure you."

>Solmarar appears startled.

>Geremiah asks, "What are you talking about?"
>Geremiah flails his arms about.

>Yundah says, "I think you've become teched in the head."
>Yundah nods to Solmarar.

>Solmarar says, "No other sees the assassin other then the one that speaks of them."

>Dhuul raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...

>Dhuul gestures at a long high-collared serpent skin cloak stitched with a dark Luukos symbol.

A roiling storm cloud appears above you!

Dhuul opens his mouth to scream, but no sound comes out. The unleashed magical forces in the area coalesce around him!

An incredibly powerful force suddenly rips through Dhuul's body, causing it to explode into tiny pieces!

* Dhuul was just obliterated!

>Hashum says, "Oh no."
>Yundah says, "Oh oh."

>Goldenranger gasps.

>The ghostly voice of Dhuul says, "It hurts."

>Hashum gestures at Dhuul.

A luminescent web briefly forms around Dhuul, then fades into the body.

>Geremiah blinks.

>Yundah nods to Hashum.

>Solmarar yawns.

>The ghostly voice of Dhuul says, "Ah, thanks."

>Geremiah says, "Oh, my ..."
Hashum says, "Sure it's what I do."
Goldenranger says, "My goodness."

>Solmarar says, "Dhuul."

>Speaking in broken common to Hashum, Lieya says, "Thank for bring life."

>The ghostly voice of Dhuul says, "I'll get that snake next time."

>Hashum says, "Ouch I don't think I can tend all that."

>Solmarar says, "Why.."
>Solmarar appears startled.

>Yundah asks, "What's the matter, Solmarar? You seem jumpy?"

>A trio of hooded dark men wander in. One clips Solamarar with his mace, and he falls to the ground, stunned. Quickly, they tie his hands to the willow tree and his feet to a nearby team of horses. One slaps the rump of the horses and they lunge forward, tearing him in half. His entrails flop to the ground and the men wander off, chuckling.
* Solmarar drops dead at your feet!

> * Solmarar just bit the dust!

You sigh.

You say, "These things do happen."

>Yundah signals, "That'll teach the pup!"

You say, "It is a rough neighborhood."
You shrug.

>Geremiah blinks.

>Goldenranger nods to you.

>Solmarar appears startled.

>Geremiah says, "Oh, my ..."

>Yundah says, "I think... that Solmarar has felt someone's wrath."

>report Well done, sir.REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone IV staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

>Hashum says, "Well I wanted him to shut up."
>Hashum shrugs.

>Geremiah asks, "Which way did they run? Did anyone see?"

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Cute."

>Yundah nods to Hashum.

SEND[Khaladon] hehe

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "So very cute."

>You say, "Nonsense. The local thugs simply saw he was touched and decided him an easy mark."

>Geremiah furrows his brow.

>Goldenranger says, "Did nae get a glance at 'em, 't 'appens."

>Lieya nods to you.

>Goldenranger shrugs.
>Goldenranger leans against a weathered wooden bench.

>Geremiah sighs.
The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "If the Poobah wishes I will distroy him on even grounds."

>Solmarar appears startled.

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar exclaims, "I do not fear his worthless hide!"

>Geremiah glances at Solmarar.

>Savageheart signals, "the first rule of the council is... wait no... nevermind."

>Geremiah asks, "The whatzat?"

>Yundah says, "Solmarar, I think you're gonna get dead a lot tonight."

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "My deaths only praise my lord."

>You glance at Solmarar.

>Speaking to Solmarar, Goldenranger says, "Pooo baaa? Ye mean a rolton? Dey do that."

Speaking to Solmarar, you say, "Perhaps that blow to your head has somehow scrambled your capacity for rational thought."

>Goldenranger squints at Solmarar.

>Solmarar appears startled.

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "NO Poohbah is the leader of the Council that I speak of."

>Yundah rolls her eyes.

signal Such is the fate of all who betray their oath.

>Yundah asks, "Pooh bear?"

>Goldenranger signals, "aye"

>Hashum points to his left shoulder with his left forefinger. He is a fellow member of the Council of Light.

>Goldenranger shrugs.

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Ya thats what many call him."

>Yundah asks, "Who is this Pooh Bear?"

You see Solmarar the Cabalist.
He appears to be a Halfling.
He appears to have one foot in the grave and taller than average. He has twitching black eyes and tanned skin. He has a shaven head of titian hair with a black streak running through it. He has a broad face and a flaring nose.
He appears to be DEAD!
He has snapped bones and serious bleeding from the neck.
He is wearing a bronze-hued satin robe stained heavily with blood, a crystal amulet, a plain pink tourmaline clasp, a fine blue tourmaline buckle, a bronze-traced emerald serpent symbol, a green Luukos symbol, a bronze Luukos symbol, a beaded purple leather pouch, a Luukos crested imflass shield, a black opal bracelet, a chiseled fire opal earring, a silver targe-shaped kilt-pin, a moss agate inset silver headband, some torn snake skin gloves, a snake-etched imflass pin, some steel-toed knee-high black boots, some dark leather pants, an engraved fire opal clasp, a gold ring, an auburn backpack, a snake-etched silver alloy necklace, some ragged sea green full leathers, and a dark green satin ribbon.
>The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "He resides in Solhaven."

>Arastil snorts at Solmarar.

>Arastil clearly asks, "That guy?"

>Arastil clearly says, "I wanna put an arrow in his eye some time."

>Solmarar appears startled.

>Yundah signals, "Twit won't learn to seal his mouth!"

>Arastil begins chuckling at Solmarar!

You say, "This foolish creature must have obviously ate a bad batch of tarts."

>Arastil clearly says, "Looks like yer gonna get assassinated again."

>Goldenranger nods to you.

Arastil nods to Solmarar.

>Hashum says, "Whisper yun er didn't see what killed him, so he was killed by col for even talking about it."
>Hashum says, "Er um, sorry."
>Hashum whistles tunelessly to himself.

>Arastil nods to Hashum.
>Yundah nods to Hashum.

>Geremiah begins chuckling at Hashum!

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar exclaims, "Grand Poohbah! You dare send pittifull assassins to me! I will distroy you one on one... but no! You are too weak to fight me in person as you know my lord Luukos will smite you! YOU WORM!"

report It is getting quite bad in here. Perhaps kill us all?

The ghostly voice of Solmarar exclaims, "Grand Poohbah! You dare send pittifull assassins to me! I will distroy you one on one... but no! You are too weak to fight me in person as you know my lord Luukos will smite you! YOU WORM!"

>Arastil smirks at Solmarar.

>Yundah says, "I don't know if we should raise him. He'll be killed again before we're unbound."

>Solmarar appears startled.

>Arastil clearly asks, "Luukos?"

Goldenranger says, "Now we know who needs to enter the asylum on Teras."

>Arastil waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.

>Yundah nods to Goldenranger.

>Geremiah says, "The poor fellow seems to have lost his mind."

>Arastil clearly says, "He'll only be killed when he's alone."
>Arastil nods to Yundah.

>Geremiah nods to Goldenranger.

>Arastil clearly says, "Here in the commons he won't be."
>Arastil clearly says, "More than likely."

>Savageheart softly says, "Really? he just was."
>Savageheart chuckles.

>Arastil clearly asks, "Oh?"
>Arastil clearly asks, "They change their tactics?"

>Speaking to Savageheart, Goldenranger says, "Just passing thugs."

>Savageheart softly says, "I mearly make the point he was killed."
>Savageheart winks at Goldenranger.

>Lacheis leans back.

>Solmarar appears startled.

>Arastil clearly says, "Hmm...good to know.."

Speaking harshly to Solmarar, you say, "You earn yourself more than death this night, fool. Your Arkati should pass your loyalties to his enemies, as obviously you have the intelligence of a Hill Troll."

>Arastil clearly asks, "By who?"

>Lacheis signals, "Fools."

>Savageheart shrugs.

>Lacheis signals, "Good evening."

>Savageheart softly says, "They wore hoods, its so hard to tell these things."

>Arastil chuckles.

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "You are a worthless being! You think killing me will stop me from speading the word of your return! I was there when you were found in Landing! I watched and laughed as your bathhouse hideout was distroyed! I will again have a possy go to your new hideout and distroy it! ."

>Yundah signals, "Evening."

signal It most certainly is not.

Lacheis acknowledged your signal.

>Arastil raises an eyebrow in your direction.

>Lacheis signals, "My name is Lacheis."

>Geremiah says, "I couldn't even see which way they went."
>Geremiah nods to Arastil.

>The sun gently sinks below the horizon, leaving a quickly darkening crimson sky.

You see Lacheis Taurvon.
He appears to be a Dark Elf.
He appears to be very young. He has hazel eyes and black skin. He has very long, black hair.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a well-balanced steel sabre in his right hand.
He is wearing an iron-bound hide shield, an unlaced pleated black silk shirt, a jeweled sabre sheath, some black linen trousers, a wide-brimmed black felt hat, a rugged leather harness, and a dark grey travelling cloak.

>Arastil clearly says, "Wow, lively crowd tonight eh."

>Goldenranger nods to Lacheis in greeting.

>Hashum nods to Lacheis in greeting.

>You nod to Lacheis in greeting.

>Lacheis signals, "I am the Grand Assassin of the Council."

You blink.

>Speaking clearly to Solmarar, Arastil says, "Except you..."

>Goldenranger signals, "I be Goldenranger"

>Yundah signals, "We have one that is defying the rules and speaking of things he shouldn't."

>Arastil pokes Solmarar to see if he will move.

>Yundah beams happily at Lacheis!

signal Silence this fool immediately!

Lacheis acknowledged your signal.

>Yundah bows to Lacheis.

signal Has has said far too much.

Lacheis acknowledged your signal.

>Solmarar appears startled.

>Dhuul pokes Solmarar to see if he will move.
>Dhuul says, "He has been silenced."

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar exclaims, "You will suffer for every death that is passed appon me!"

>Lacheis says, "Solmarar."

>Arastil leans against a graceful willow tree.

>Lacheis says, "I am here to remove your tongue."

>Geremiah begins chuckling at Arastil!

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Try me."

>Lacheis says, "And your life."

>Arastil blinks at Lacheis.

>Dhuul begins chuckling at Lacheis!

>Dhuul exclaims, "Don't threaten!"

>Dhuul pokes Lacheis in the ribs.

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "And your life will be worse."

>Dhuul pokes Lacheis in the ribs.

You say, "The latter has been done once before."

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Your death will come faster."

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Then any other."

You say, "The former should prove quite useful, however."

>Goldenranger sits up.

>Lacheis says, "Truly."

You glance at Solmarar.

>Arastil clearly says, "Eh? why'd ya wanna do that? he already has goons after him."

>Lacheis chuckles.

>Arastil nods to Lacheis.

>Dhuul pushes on Lacheis without much success.
>Dhuul sighs.

>Lacheis gives Dhuul a harsh shove!
Dhuul falls down!
Lacheis growls, "Get out of my way!"

>Solmarar appears startled.

>Dhuul stands up.

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "As your life will be sacrificed for all to see."

>Dhuul says, "Eh."

>Goldenranger blinks.

>Dhuul chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
>Dhuul exclaims, "Bow down to me!"
>Dhuul gestures at Lacheis.
CS: +243 - TD: +296 + CvA: +19 + d100: +79 - -5 == +50
Warded off!

>Dhuul shrieks!
>Dhuul just wandered down a dusty path.

>Lacheis scowls.

>Goldenranger shakes his head.

>Arastil clearly asks, "Oooh, you're one of the goons huh?"

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar exclaims, "I will have your hideout shown!"

>Goldenranger mumbles something that you don't quite catch.

>Lacheis signals, "Fools, truly."

>Arastil clearly says, "I get it now..."

>Hashum says, "I hate assisgns they has no honor."

>Yundah signals, "All need castration of the tongue!"

signal It would be best for the lot of these fools to be purged from Elanthia.

Lacheis acknowledged your signal.

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "Nope."

>Lacheis says, "Make this garbage heap alive so I can end his existance."

>Solmarar appears startled.

>Yundah nods to Lacheis.

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar says, "They are only worms hiding in shadows for the Council of Light."

>Hashum looks over at Lacheis and shakes his head.

>You glance at Yundah.

>Yundah says, "As you command."
>Yundah raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...

>Hashum exclaims, "I won't do it!"

>Yundah gestures at Solmarar.
Nothing happens.

>The ghostly voice of Solmarar exclaims, "In which only steal souls!"

>Yundah raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
>Yundah gestures at Solmarar.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Yundah encompassing Solmarar's corpse.

>Hashum traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
>Hashum gestures at Yundah.
CS: +148 - TD: +152 + CvA: +2 + d100: +39 - -5 == +42
Warded off!

>Hashum snaps his fingers.

You gesture at Yundah.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Yundah.

You gesture at Yundah.
A bright luminescence surrounds Yundah.

You gesture at Yundah.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Yundah.

>Yundah says, "Just please, do not kill him until he is unbound."

>Lacheis leans back.

>Yundah raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
>Yundah gestures at Solmarar.
>Yundah suddenly looks very drained.

A bolt of soft white light streaks down from the sky bathing Solmarar in it.
A brilliant glow forms around Solmarar, lingers for a moment, and finally fades. Solmarar awakens looking somewhat confused and seriously drained.
Solmarar seems slightly different.

>Lacheis says, "I make no promises."

>Hashum stands up.

>Goldenranger stands up.

>Goldenranger waves an oaken wand at Yundah.

The glazed look leaves Yundah.

>Solmarar appears startled.

>Goldenranger sits down.

Speaking clearly to Lacheis, Arastil asks, "Why ya wann kill him anyway? is he really worth it?"

>Lacheis says, "So, you want to try me, fool."

>Hashum gestures at Solmarar.

The glazed look leaves Solmarar.

>Solmarar exclaims, "You will take me nowere!"
>Solmarar stands up.

>Lacheis hauls off and slaps Solmarar up'side the head!

>Lieya frowns.

>Solmarar glares.

You gesture at Solmarar.
CS: +203 - TD: +58 + CvA: +14 + d100: +69 - +20 == +208
Warding failed!
His eyes flash with a searing jolt of light!
He is badly stunned!

You quietly say, "There is no running for you, fool."

>Speaking in broken common, Lieya asks, "What happening?"
>Lieya frowns.

>Solmarar gives Lacheis a friendly slap on the back.

>Lieya's wings flutter, trembling slightly.

>Arastil clearly says, "Maybe if you let him spout of a while people will think him crazy and just ignore him."

>Solmarar gives Lacheis a friendly slap on the back.

>Solmarar gives Lacheis a playful little punch to the shoulder.

>Hashum glares at Lacheis.

>Yundah signals, "He violates the purity of the Order!"

>Solmarar says, "I will distroy you."
>Solmarar just kissed the symbol!

>Lacheis says, "As a quick demonstraion."

>Solmarar softly kisses his Luukos symbol, murmuring to himself.

>Arastil clearly says, "Eww."

>Lacheis nimbly flips a silvery dagger at Solmarar!
... 20 points of damage!
Nailed in lower back!
He is stunned!
The dagger shimmers and disappears!

>Arastil looks at Solmarar and gags.

>Goldenranger closes his eyes and makes a quick, subtle gesture.

>Arastil blinks at Lacheis.
>Solmarar appears startled.

You grin at Solmarar.

>Lacheis says, "If you do not think I can end your existance."

>Solmarar says, "You are pittiful Lacheis! You attack me in fear ."

>Lieya blinks.
>Lieya frowns.

>Arastil clearly asks, "Can't ya kill him like a normal person would? without the fancy stuffs?"

>Lacheis says, "You are truly wrong."

>Hashum chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
>Hashum gestures at Lacheis.

A sickly, violet haze encompasses Lacheis.
CS: +144 - TD: +296 + CvA: +19 + d100: +32 - -5 == -96
Warded off!

>Hashum snaps his fingers.
>Solmarar exclaims, "Yes it is true!"

>Lacheis nimbly flips a silvery dagger at Hashum!
... 25 points of damage!
Damaging strike to chest, several ribs shattered!
He is stunned!
The dagger shimmers and disappears!

>Lieya attempts to hide her head behind her fluttering wings.

>Yundah exclaims, "Eep!"

>Arastil clearly says, "Guess not."

>Speaking to Lieya, Goldenranger says, "Best to leave or get out of the way."

>Arastil looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

>Yundah signals, "Not good."

>Lacheis signals, "Rather pathetic."

Speaking quietly to Hashum, you say, "Do not interfear with what you do not understand."

>Solmarar says, "You can kill me a million times and not stop my quest."

>Lacheis loudly chants, "Burzash collo huine!"

As he claps his hands together, a brilliant flash emanates from him!

Your mind explodes in brilliant greens and purples! You realize your eyes are open but you cannot see!

>Solmarar appears startled.

[River's Rest, Town Commons]
Fresh green grass, green as the greenest emerald, is soft underfoot and a pleasing foreground for a weathered wooden bench resting in the shade of a graceful willow tree. Chirping crickets fill the air and mingle with the voices of folk who stroll through the commons, and on occasion stop to exchange a tale or two with friends they meet along their way. A dusty path to the south and a riverstone walkway to the north are joined by a tall evergreen hedge which borders the edges of the lawn. You also see the Pavender disk, a simple maoral chest, an iron-bound tanik chest, a smoke tiger and a large wooden barrel.
Also here: a stunned Lord Pavender, a stunned Drakaz, Lacheis, a stunned Arastil, a stunned Lieya, a stunned Hashum, a stunned Yundah who is sitting, a stunned Solmarar, a stunned Savageheart who is sitting, a stunned Lord Goldenranger who is sitting, a stunned Ravier who is lying down
Obvious paths: none

>Lacheis asks, "Do you really think you can beat me?"

>Solmarar is able to move again.

>The cloudiness in your vision fades as your vision returns.

>Arastil clearly says, "Doing that only proves my point.."

>Hashum utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...

>Arastil nods to Lacheis.
>Hashum gestures at Lacheis.

Hashum hurls a roaring ball of fire at Lacheis!
Lacheis evades the bolt!

>Goldenranger glances at Hashum.

>Hashum utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...

>Hashum gestures at Lacheis.
Hashum hurls a roaring ball of fire at Lacheis!
Lacheis evades the bolt!

>Hashum utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
>Hashum gestures at Lacheis.
Hashum hurls a roaring ball of fire at Lacheis!
AS: +177 vs DS: +318 with AvD: +59 + d100 roll: +78 = -4
A clean miss.

>You gesture at Hashum.
Hashum becomes solid again.
The elemental aura around Hashum wavers.

>Lacheis nimbly flips a silvery dagger at Hashum!
... 30 points of damage!
Deft strike to the back cracks vertebrae!
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
The dagger shimmers and disappears!

Lacheis nimbly flips a silvery dagger at Hashum!
... 20 points of damage!
Strike pierces forearm!
The dagger shimmers and disappears!

>Solmarar says, "I have 3 others waiting to expose you should I die more then once."

>You gesture at Hashum.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Hashum.

>You gesture at Hashum.
Hashum returns to normal color.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

>You gesture at Hashum.
A bolt of energy leaps from Hashum to the ground.

>Arastil glances at Lacheis and yawns.

You gesture at Hashum.
CS: +203 - TD: +116 + CvA: +12 + d100: +93 - -5 == +197
Warding failed!
His eyes flash with a searing jolt of light!
He is badly stunned!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

>Solmarar exclaims, "Your clan will not stop me!"

>Lieya cowers away from Lacheis!

>Yundah signals, "Hashum! Stop!"

>Arastil clearly says, "Can't even swing a weapon properly."

You gesture at Hashum.
CS: +203 - TD: +216 + CvA: +12 + d100: +72 - -5 == +76
Warded off!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

>Arastil shakes his head.

>You gesture at Hashum.
CS: +203 - TD: +116 + CvA: +12 + d100: +96 - -5 == +200
Warding failed!
A ragged wound rips open Hashum's jugular, which begins spurting blood.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You say, "Now stop, fool."

>Solmarar appears startled.

>Goldenranger signals, "Aye Hashum! Ye must remember the order!"

>Hashum whispers, "Leave me alone this is fun."

>Solmarar whispers, "Enough drama... hehe."

>Hashum stands up.

>Lacheis says, "Solmarar, you will regret this night for the remainder of your life."

You quietly whisper to Hashum, "OOC Play it out. I wont stun."

>Lieya frowns.

>Lacheis says, "No matter how short that is."

>Arastil clearly says, "You two are terribly entertaining."

>Solmarar says, "Remember this."

>Lacheis loudly chants, "Burzash dolen minn ia!

>With a deft wave of his hand, Lacheis vanishes into a bright flash and a cloud of dingy grey smoke!

>Lieya attempts to hide her head behind her fluttering wings.

>Pavender clearly asks, "Who da ell was thats?"

>Arastil chuckles.

You shake your head.

>Solmarar says, "Others you do not know of."

>Hashum exclaims, "You robbed me of my powers now you will pay!"

>Solmarar exclaims, "They will have your hide!"

Solmarar appears startled.

>You gesture.
A dense fog gathers around you, but soon fills the area.

PsiNet will now begin to spell you up.

>Arastil clearly says, "They talk about weak and can't even swing a proper weapon."
>Arastil scoffs.

>Yundah signals, "Watch your step now. I still feel his presence."

>Pavender clearly says, "Nyun care to splain all the grab ass'n? I no like walking into getting stunned."

>Hashum snaps his fingers.

You say, "He carved their flesh into ribbons."

* Hashum drops dead at your feet!

> * Hashum just bit the dust!

You glance at Arastil.

Arastil clearly says, "Bet he couldn't even do it."

>You grin at Hashum.

>Pavender recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...

>Goldenranger shakes his head at Hashum and clucks his tongue.

>The ghost of Hashum whispers, "Thanks you kill me."

>Dhuul raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
>Dhuul gestures at Hashum.
A luminescent web briefly forms around Hashum, then fades into the body.

>Solmarar grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.

>Goldenranger signals, "Ye knew better, tis a sad day when an assassin must come out"

You monotonously say, "Such is the fate of those who do not know their place in life."

> * Solmarar just bit the dust!

You grin.

>Pavender signals, "who da ell is lacheiswhatsits."

>Dhuul says, "Aah."

>Arastil starts chuckling at you!

>Yundah signals, "T'was the Dark Asssissin. He was punishing Solmarar for speaking what is not supposed to be spoken."

>Pavender nods to Yundah.

>Dhuul signals, "don't fear, I shall destroy the fiend Lacheis"

>Lieya whispers, "OOC: Pulled into a lounge?"

>The ghostly voice of Hashum exclaims, "And I tried to kill her and evarin killed me!"

>Yundah signals, "Unfortunately, Hashum defied him."

signal Blessed are the gifts of the Council. Those who betray their oath shall suffer fates far worse than death.

Hashum acknowledged your signal.
Yundah acknowledged your signal.

>Pavender holds his sides and lets out a rumbling belly laugh.

>Arastil clearly says, "We all know our place, it's when someone tries to force what they think our place is on us that there's conflict."

You say, "The fool was touched, Hashum."
You say, "In my culture, we euthanize the insane."

You shrug.

>Arastil clearly says, "Ones place is defined by himself, not other.s."

You say, "As you just plainly saw."
You say, "Solmarar as learned his place this evening."

>Drakaz asks, "Any locksmiths or all assasins here?"

>The ghostly voice of Hashum exclaims, "Evarin you are going to pay for this i swear!"

You glance at Hashum.

>Arastil snorts.

You softly say, "I may."

>Arastil yawns.

With a sudden flash of insight, you realize you now understand more of what you have experienced.....

You close your eyes for a moment.

You smile quietly to yourself.

signal The Council has repaid my services in full. Know that, and be ever ready to protect what we have earned.

Maleficius acknowledged your signal.
Hashum acknowledged your signal.
Yundah acknowledged your signal.

>Maleficius signals, "I beg your pardon old boy?"

signal As I said, my deeds on the council's behalf do not go unnoticed.

Maleficius acknowledged your signal.
Hashum acknowledged your signal.
Yundah acknowledged your signal.
Savageheart acknowledged your signal.
Goldenranger acknowledged your signal.
Ravier acknowledged your signal.

>Dhuul just wandered down a dusty path, dragging Solmarar with him.
>Dhuul says, "Here we are."
>Dhuul flexes his muscles, doing his best to look strong and powerful.

You hear someone tongue-clucking nearby.

>Solmarar appears startled.

signal Just as the words of the Council's enemies bring quick vengence upon them, so are the actions of the faithful rewarded.

Dhuul acknowledged your signal.
Maleficius acknowledged your signal.
Hashum acknowledged your signal.
Yundah acknowledged your signal.
Savageheart acknowledged your signal.
Ravier acknowledged your signal.

09-16-2004, 11:09 PM
Morals of the Story?

1. Report if someone starts talking about the Council aloud. The GMs DO CARE.

2. Hashum annoys me. I will most likely be randomly murdered for taking him out, but it was well worth it.

3. GM Khaladon kicks ass.

4. Blessed are the gifts of the Council. Mind your oath or die.

5. I cannot count.

[Edited on 9-17-2004 by Fallen]

09-16-2004, 11:12 PM
I bow before your log-cleaning prowess.

And Hashum is an idiot. He was chasing after Alahnna for awhile until one day she got sick of it and killed him until he got it through him that she wasn't interested.

[Edited for Hashum part]

[Edited on 9-17-2004 by AlahnnaDenale]

09-17-2004, 08:43 AM
I guess Alahnna's logs, in part, proves me wrong on my whole PSInet OOC chat function. I have no idea how you can roleplay, and make idle OOC chat during such an event, but you pulled it off well.

I guess I should not let my extreme dislike for that function of Psinet blind me to the fact that many good roleplayers use it.

[Edited on 9-17-2004 by Fallen]

09-17-2004, 05:03 PM
I have no idea how you can roleplay, and make idle OOC chat during such an event, but you pulled it off well.

Some people don't have one track minds.

09-17-2004, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
I guess Alahnna's logs, in part, proves me wrong on my whole PSInet OOC chat function. I have no idea how you can roleplay, and make idle OOC chat during such an event, but you pulled it off well.

I guess I should not let my extreme dislike for that function of Psinet blind me to the fact that many good roleplayers use it.

[Edited on 9-17-2004 by Fallen]

If thats all it took to change your mind, your argument against it was crap

09-17-2004, 05:26 PM
WTF? You both can kiss my ass.

09-17-2004, 05:31 PM
I haven't even called you stupid yet.

09-17-2004, 05:34 PM
You guys were made for each other. Go pester someone else, I am done feeding you two Trolls.

[Edited on 9-17-2004 by Fallen]

09-17-2004, 06:03 PM

09-17-2004, 06:33 PM
I don't understand why anyone would report someone for mentioning COL out loud. I have seen the wrath of Pooh Bear first hand when someone mentioned his name INSIDE the headquarters and without it being reported. I think it's the equivalent of a child running up to the teacher to tell them that so and so said fuck just to see that person get in trouble. Lame.

09-17-2004, 06:41 PM
I don't understand why anyone would report someone for mentioning COL out loud. I have seen the wrath of Pooh Bear first hand when someone mentioned his name INSIDE the headquarters and without it being reported. I think it's the equivalent of a child running up to the teacher to tell them that so and so said fuck just to see that person get in trouble. Lame. >>

If they had an IC method of alerting the assassin to someone breaking the secrecy of the Council, I would use it. However, in game policy is such that the Council of Light is to be kept a secrety. Those who are members of the Council must at all times stay true to the oath and protect the secrecy of the order.

If the GM's ever said, "Stop reporting about this", I would.

09-17-2004, 06:42 PM
I have seen the wrath of Pooh Bear first hand when someone mentioned his name INSIDE the headquarters and without it being reported.

That would have been the key part of Kymberlyn's post

09-17-2004, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque

I have seen the wrath of Pooh Bear first hand when someone mentioned his name INSIDE the headquarters and without it being reported.

That would have been the key part of Kymberlyn's post

Exactly. Thanks for actually READING my post Nieninque :rolleyes:

09-17-2004, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
If they had an IC method of alerting the assassin to someone breaking the secrecy of the Council, I would use it. However, in game policy is such that the Council of Light is to be kept a secrety. Those who are members of the Council must at all times stay true to the oath and protect the secrecy of the order.

If the GM's ever said, "Stop reporting about this", I would.

Why do you even need an IC way to report it? If you truly want to protect the secrecy of the order then RP it out and kill the guy yourself instead of being a tattletell and having someone else do it for you.

Also, you could protect the secrecy by just not answering the guy at all or maintaining the "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about" stance. If the person inquiring pushes things enough, the assassins with do their job without you reporting it to the GMs.

09-17-2004, 07:35 PM
That is one route of roleplay, I chose another.

09-17-2004, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
That is one route of roleplay, I chose another.


Since when is reporting someone roleplay??

09-17-2004, 07:43 PM
I'm kinda with Fallen on this one. Khaladon obviously enjoyed the interaction and since GM's don't witness everything in game (which we all know) polite reporting like that gives them a chance to bring an NPC in for good RP fun. I don't see what the big deal is.

Overall I think it looked like a lot of fun. And I learned a bit more about COL ;)

09-17-2004, 08:20 PM
Since when is reporting someone roleplay?? >>

Did I not roleplay that event? Was I not, along with most others in the event, given RPA's? Are you defending this guy because you don't like it when people blow the horn on people violating policy?

The situation was roleplayed. Khaladon went so far as to encourage the behavior by sending down Lacheis. I do not see what you are bitching about. It was a great time. I am sure all that were involved, to include Solmarar, would agree.

[Edited on 9-18-2004 by Fallen]

09-17-2004, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
Did I not roleplay that event? Was I not, along with most others in the event, given RPA's? Are you defending this guy because you don't like it when people blow the horn on people violating policy?

The situation was roleplayed. Khaladon went so far as to encourage the behavior by sending down Lacheis. I do not see what you are bitching about. It was a great time. I am sure all that were involved, to include Solmarar, would agree.

[Edited on 9-18-2004 by Fallen]

I'm not really bitching per se...I'm not defending the guy either. He talked about COL and he should be assassinated. As I've said before, I've seen it happen, first hand, to people that are close to my characters without having to report it to the GM's.

That it is a "violation of policy" remains to be seen. At best, it's a violation of COL standards and any interaction because of it should be handled in an IC manner. I do not believe reporting is one of them.

My initial reaction was because both you and AlahnnaDenale IMMEDIATELY reported the guy before roleplaying it out and seeing if the assassins would do their job first. Seeing it reported in both of your logs made me think of tattletells running to the teacher because someone said a dirty word.

Originally posted by Fallen
That is one route of roleplay, I chose another.

I did not say that you didn't roleplay the remainder of the situation well. What I asked was this:

Originally posted by Kymberlyn
Since when is reporting someone roleplay??

A question you have yet to answer.

09-17-2004, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Caiylania
I'm kinda with Fallen on this one. Khaladon obviously enjoyed the interaction and since GM's don't witness everything in game (which we all know) polite reporting like that gives them a chance to bring an NPC in for good RP fun. I don't see what the big deal is.

Overall I think it looked like a lot of fun. And I learned a bit more about COL ;)

I understand your point Caiy, my initial reaction was because both Fallen and AlahnnaDenale were so quick to report.

09-17-2004, 10:13 PM
---- The ghostly voice of Solmarar exclaims, "Grand Poohbah! You dare send pittifull assassins to me! I will distroy you one on one... but no! You are too weak to fight me in person as you know my lord Luukos will smite you! YOU WORM!"

<stares and twitches>


09-17-2004, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by KymberlynX

Originally posted by Caiylania
I'm kinda with Fallen on this one. Khaladon obviously enjoyed the interaction and since GM's don't witness everything in game (which we all know) polite reporting like that gives them a chance to bring an NPC in for good RP fun. I don't see what the big deal is.

Overall I think it looked like a lot of fun. And I learned a bit more about COL ;)

I understand your point Caiy, my initial reaction was because both Fallen and AlahnnaDenale were so quick to report.

I read it more as "get the assasin out for fun" than "whine this guys blabbing col whine"

Which would have been lame. If that was the case I'd agree with you ;)

09-17-2004, 11:08 PM
Originally posted by Kymberlyn
Since when is reporting someone roleplay??

A question you have yet to answer. >>

As was said, it was neither Alahnna's intention or mine to get this guy into serious trouble. I am quite sure both of us knew that reporting this person for his behavior would simply ensure that the safeguards that protect the secrecy of the council would be triggered.

Neither her nor I wish to have this guy banned from the game, we only wished to make absolutely sure he would get what was coming to him.

09-17-2004, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by Fallen
Neither her nor I wish to have this guy banned from the game,

I do I do! :smilegrin:

09-18-2004, 10:04 AM
Two Points

>chat As I said. He's highlighted maroon. Which means I won't help him because he did something ooc, and it wasn't a one-time thing

Um, Aren't you being OOC? And I can't believe you go around highlighting names of people who one time do something OOC and ignore them -- Lame? Yea. (Read the topic you put for this thread, thanks).

Second - Fallen, thanks for the edit, and I agree with your PSInet comments. Snowdrop relies on it apparently because she cannot roleplay well, and thus resorts to using it for her gaming "fun". I've heard from many of people that she constantly badgers people then slanders them here and on the PSInet. She's got hers a few times however, from many people. And she also loves to abuse OOC mechanics abuse by handing people coins and then spike thorning them, thats not OOC though. ;)



09-18-2004, 10:10 AM

I would not touch the above statement with a ten foot poll. Such things have already been discussed.

09-18-2004, 10:31 AM
If you truly want to protect the secrecy of the order then RP it out and kill the guy yourself instead of being a tattletell and having someone else do it for you.

I've thought about this. However, I doubt GMs would see someone mentioning COL as consent to CvC.

09-18-2004, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by Psykos

Second - Fallen, thanks for the edit, and I agree with your PSInet comments. Snowdrop relies on it apparently because she cannot roleplay well, and thus resorts to using it for her gaming "fun". I've heard from many of people that she constantly badgers people then slanders them here and on the PSInet. She's got hers a few times however, from many people. And she also loves to abuse OOC mechanics abuse by handing people coins and then spike thorning them, thats not OOC though. ;)

The turd returns. Welcome back Phaykos.
I was going to reply to this drivel you posted, but why bother?
You wouldnt know facts if they jumped up and bit you on the arse.

09-18-2004, 10:44 AM
>chat As I said. He's highlighted maroon. Which means I won't help him because he did something ooc, and it wasn't a one-time thing

Um, Aren't you being OOC? And I can't believe you go around highlighting names of people who one time do something OOC and ignore them

09-18-2004, 01:21 PM
I understand your point Caiy, my initial reaction was because both Fallen and AlahnnaDenale were so quick to report.

By technicality, the Council suppossedly has eyes and ears EVERYWHERE. Unfortunately, due to a little limit in game mechanics, this is mechanically impossible. So in order for this caveat to work, REPORTing lets the GMs (and IC, the Council) know that someone is breaking their oath.

Really, its an OOC way of being IC.

Did anyone follow that?

09-18-2004, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by AlahnnaDenale

I understand your point Caiy, my initial reaction was because both Fallen and AlahnnaDenale were so quick to report.

By technicality, the Council suppossedly has eyes and ears EVERYWHERE. Unfortunately, due to a little limit in game mechanics, this is mechanically impossible.

Of course it's possible.
If I tell someone to fuck off in game, I will get a bazillion sends from GM's to watch my mouth.
They can use the same mechanics to highlight Council of Light, COL or any other combination.

09-18-2004, 02:20 PM
And just like you have people saying things like SH!T and U MOTHER FVCK3R! there are always ways around these mechanics.

Reporting if you see someone as blatent as Solmarar is the right thing to do. Saying stupid stuff like "Huh? Council of light, what's that?" doesn't help the situation.

Report and watch the fireworks. I do. You should too. :)


09-18-2004, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

You should sell the bumper sticker!

09-18-2004, 06:27 PM
What does it mean?

09-18-2004, 06:35 PM
I assume it means What Would Falgrin Do. Might be wrong though.

09-18-2004, 11:13 PM
If I tell someone to fuck off in game, I will get a bazillion sends from GM's to watch my mouth.

If you say F YOU CKER it problably wouldn't, though.

09-19-2004, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Artha

If you truly want to protect the secrecy of the order then RP it out and kill the guy yourself instead of being a tattletell and having someone else do it for you.

I've thought about this. However, I doubt GMs would see someone mentioning COL as consent to CvC.

But it's a reason to report? Puhlease....:rolleyes:

From what I was told the other day, before the assassins were automatically triggered when one said COL, Council of Light, Pooh Bah and other such COL related things. Now they are not.

Perhaps they should implement a new sign into the Council to alert the assassins...

"Sign of Tattletelling"

...or some shit like that. :lol:

I still think using report is lame.

09-19-2004, 02:59 PM
<<I still think using report is lame. >>

.. You are stupid.

09-19-2004, 03:13 PM
From what I was told the other day, before the assassins were automatically triggered when one said COL, Council of Light, Pooh Bah and other such COL related things. Now they are not.

They send an announcement to GMs, much like the words fuck, shit, pwned, whatever. However, it's possible to get around the system, and that is when reports should be used.

09-19-2004, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
.. You are stupid.

If having an opinion about something makes people stupid then I'd say you're correct but then that would make you stupid too. :P

09-19-2004, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by Artha

From what I was told the other day, before the assassins were automatically triggered when one said COL, Council of Light, Pooh Bah and other such COL related things. Now they are not.

They send an announcement to GMs, much like the words fuck, shit, pwned, whatever. However, it's possible to get around the system, and that is when reports should be used.

My wizard gets around being punished by calling him Pooh Bear. :lol:

09-19-2004, 03:24 PM
... OOC in more ways than one. You're the glowing beacon of RP, aren't you?

09-19-2004, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
... OOC in more ways than one. You're the glowing beacon of RP, aren't you?

Hardly :rolleyes:

Naomi Chan
12-19-2004, 12:31 AM
Haaaa. Khaladon just became my favorite GM. Well no wait, he already was. :lol: